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Transcript of AL Certificate Level 1THIS$IS$AN$INVESTMENT$THAT$COUNTS!...

WHO  SHOULD  ATTEND?TeachersTrainersEducatorsFacilitatorsL&D  PractitionersTraining  ManagersHR  PractitionersTeam  Leaders  Training  CoordinatorsEvent  CoordinatorsCoachesLecturersLearning  ConsultantsL&D  Designers

2012 06-08 APR (PART 1) 13-15 APR (PART 2) 15-17 JUNE (PART 3) 22-24 JUNE (PART 4)


Venue: Istana Hotel, Kuala LumpurTime: 9am - 6pm daily

Training Director: TZEYASMINMobile: 019 271 3292


ACCELERATED  LEARNING  IS......  a  proven  teaching  methodology  that

• Draws  from  interdisciplinary  research  to  help  you  design  your  learning  programs  to  opLmize  the  posiLve  impact  in  the  lives  of  your  learners

• Facilitates  deep  learning.  Learners  develop  their  ability  to  synthesize  knowledge,  apply  it  to  their  lives  and  create  new  and  beQer  ways  of  thinking  and  acLng.

• Supports  the  development  of  a  "growth  mindset".  ParLcipants  become  lifelong  learners  and  look  for  ways  to  conLnue  to  grow  and  develop.

• Provides  a  roadmap  to  guide  you  in  designing  and  facilitaLng  in  ways  that  tap  potenLal  and  help  learners  move  beyond  limiLng  beliefs.

• Makes  learning  programs  more  effec$ve  (you  get  beQer  results)  and  more  efficient  (you  are  able  to  get  those  results  quickly  and  easily).





Learning  Beyond  Limits

THIS  IS  AN  INVESTMENT  THAT  COUNTS!As  a  result  of  the  cerLficaLon,  you  will  be  able  to:

•   Design  learning  programs  that  get  results  quickly  and  easily.  •   Build  greater  competency  in  any  area  of  learning  and  support  the  conLnuous  growth  and  

development  of  those  who  aQend  your  programs.•   Design  programs  that  are  fun  and  meaningful.•   Engage  all  learners  and  build  their  capacity  to  learn.•   Demonstrate  on-­‐the-­‐job  results    -­‐  You  equip  learners  with  what  they  need  to  succeed  in  

school,  at  work  and  in  life  in  general.•   Energize  your  work  as  a  facilitator  -­‐  Tap  into  your  own  potenLal  and  become  the  teacher/

facilitator  you  want  to  be!    

Accelerated  Learning  has  been  shown  to  speed  up  the  learning  process  and  increase  comprehension,  retenLon  and  criLcal  thinking  skills.  Teachers  who  use  Accelerated  Learning  methods  report  higher  test  scores  and  grades,  enhanced  intrinsic  moLvaLon  and  improved  self-­‐concept  and  greater  class  parLcipaLon.

CorporaLons  are  applying  Accelerated  Learning  because  it  reduces  the  Lme  away  from  work  needed  to  achieve  the  desired  results.  AL  also  supports  conLnuous  learning  on  the  job  and  makes  learning  applicable  and  relevant  to  the  needs  of  the  organizaLon.  

InternaLonal  Development  organizaLons  use  Accelerated  Learning  because  it  helps  people  with  liQle  or  no  formal  educaLon  to  develop  the  skills  they  need  to  create  a  life  for  themselves  free  of  poverty.  AL  supports  profound  change  in  peoples'  abiliLes  and  their  belief  in  what  is  possible  and  obtainable.  Because  the  method  focuses  on  helping  learners  move  beyond  limiLng  beliefs,  tap  into  potenLal  and  enables  them  to  learn  easily  and  quickly,  it  is  an  ideal  methodology  to  improve  peoples'  ability  to  create  the  life  they  want  for  themselves.


“I  was  amazed  how  much  the  class  enjoyed  the  advanced  Air  Traffic  Control  lessons  I  taught  using  Accelerated  Learning  a?er  Delphin’s  AL  cer$fica$on  program.  The  students  were  able  to  absorb  complex  terminologies  within  a  few  hours  instead  of  the  few  weeks  needed  with  normal  teaching.  AL  made  a  very  dry  topic  really  easy  to  learn.”    -­‐  

Gary  Ho  –  Lecturer,  Temasek  Polytechnic  (Singapore)

“Gail  inspired  our  faculty  to  reach  beyond  their  current  teaching  prac$ce.  She  planted  a  seed  that  will  change  this  university's  culture  of  teaching  and  learning  prac$ces.”  

Bea  Griffith-­‐Cooper,  MEd,  InstrucFonal  Designer,  Faculty  Center  for  Teaching  and  Learning,  Ferris  State  University  (USA)

"Shell's  learning  consultants  from  around  the  world  benefited  from  the  sessions  with  Gail.  Her  broad  based  exper$se  in  corporate  learning  coupled  with  her  knowledge  of  AL  theory  and  techniques  resulted  in  all  of  us  having  a  bePer  understanding  of  the  importance  of  quality  design  and  facilita$on.”  -­‐

 Bonnie  Roelofs  (Shell)


WORKSHOP  CONTENTWhat  facilitates  deep  learning:  a  look  at  current  understanding  of  how  we  learn,  what  limits  us  and  what  facilitates  a  process  of  deep  learning  as  opposed  to  the  surface  learning  of  rote  memorizaLon.

Accelerated  Learning  -­‐  What?  Why?  How?:  an  overview  of  the  Accelerated  Learning  model  and  its  underlying  principles.

The  Pillars  of  Accelerated  Learning  -­‐  an  overview  of  the  foundaLonal  pillars  that  support  the  success  of  learning  and  the  learner  in  AL

Working  with  Belief  Systems:  Recognize  both  limiLng  and  enabling  beliefs,  design  acLviLes  that  help  learners  move  beyond  limits  in  their  thinking  and  tap  into  their  potenLal.  Work  with  language  in  ways  that  help  you  use  language  intenLonally  to  empower,  open  up,  focus  aQenLon  on  possibiliLes,  and  create  opportuniLes  to  grow  and  develop.  

The  Learning  Environment:  Create  a  learning  environment  in  which  learners  feel  safe.  Design  the  environment  in  support  of  the  type  of  learning  and  acLviLes  that  will  facilitate  learning.  Create  opportuniLes  for  interacLon  with  the  environment,  the  content,  other  learners  and  the  facilitator.

Music  and  Learning:  Learn  how  to  choose  and  use  music  to  support  both  learning  and  the  opLmal  energy  for  what  is  happening.

ReflecFve  PracFce:  Use  reflecLon  in  a  variety  of  ways  to  deepen  learning,  surface  thinking,  create  new  possibiliLes,  and  help  learners  tap  into  their  inner  wisdom.

The  Arts  and  Learning:  Learn  how  to  use  the  Arts  to  support  learning.  Write  and  tell  powerful  learning  stories;  help  learners  surface  and  write  their  own  personal  stories  in  support  of  their  personal  development;  use  movement  to  help  learners  "embody"  the  learning;  integrate  role-­‐play,  drama  and  theater  acLviLes  into  your  learning  programs;  learn  how  to  use  drawing,  collages,  and  "living"  art  in  support  of  learning.

Guided  Imagery,  VisualizaFon,  and  Centering  AcFviFes:  Use  various  meditaLve  tools  to  deepen  learning,  tap  into  inner  knowing,  build  confidence,  and  make  the  content  come  alive.

The  Accelerated  Learning  Cycle  (Learner  PreparaLon  Phase,  ConnecLon  Phase,  Discovery  Phase,  AcLvaLon  Phases,  IntegraLon  Phase):  Learn  how  to  use  the  cycle  to  design  learning  programs  with  impact.  Master  each  phase  of  the  cycle  and  explore  the  diverse  acLviLes  and  approaches  that  will  support  learners  in  their  journey.

Impact  by  Design:  Learn  how  to  design  your  learning  programs  for  opLmal  impact.  Develop  powerful  quesLons  to  surface  thinking,  experience,  aspiraLons,  strengths  and  personal  goals  in  the  needs  assessment  phase.  Determine  the  key  outcomes  and  learner/organizaLonal  benefits,  and  choose  the  best  design  to  achieve  impact,  not  only  in  the  learning  program,  but  back  at  work,  in  school,  or  in  learners'  lives  in  general.

The  Inner  Teacher:  Work  on  becoming  the  teacher/facilitator  you  want  to  be.  Develop  your  own  potenLal  and  become  more  and  more  aware  of  your  own  aspiraLons,  potenLal  and  rid  yourself  of  any  remaining  limiLng  beliefs  you  have  that  are  geeng  in  the  way.

Capstone  Project:  Design  your  own  Accelerated  Learning  program,  anything  from  1  hour  to  several  days.  Receive  coaching  and  guidance  along  the  way  and  present  it  to  the  group  for  further  feedback  and  support.  Leave  with  a  design  that  will  have  impact,  one  you  can  use  in  your  work!

Gail  Heidenhain  has  been  developing  people  worldwide  in  Accelerated  Learning  since  1985.  She  has  trained  and  cerLfied  more  than  4000  people  from  corporaLons,  schools,  universiLes,  and  non-­‐profit/government  organizaLons.  In  her  work,  she  draws  from  a  wealth  of  pracLcal  experience  in  applying  Accelerated  Learning  in  diverse  organizaLons  and  for  a  variety  of  content  areas.  

As  a  consultant  and  program  designer,  she  has  worked  to  support  them  in  designing  learning  programs  that  get  sustainable  results  in  the  most  effecLve  and  efficient  way  possible.  TechnoServe,  an  internaLonal  development  organizaLon,    is  designing  various  programs  to  help  farmers  and  small  business  owners  in  Africa  and  South  America  build  their  capacity  to  create  a  beQer  life  for  themselves.  Keys  to  Financial  Literacy,  Farming  as  a  Business,  EffecLve  Farmer  Business  Groups,  EffecLve  ConsulLng  Techniques  for  TechnoServe's  Business  Advisors,  and  Youth  Entrepreneurship  for  rural  youth  in  East  Africa  are  some  of  the  programs  that  Gail  has  designed,  partnering  with  their  internal  capacity  builder.  

Gail's  work  over  the  years  in  public  educaLon  has  supported  faculty  at  colleges,  universiLes  and  in  schools  in  designing  curriculum  and  lesson  plans  that  build  the  capacity  to  learn,  develop  criLcal  and  creaLve  thinking  and  support  deep  learning.  CorporaLons  have  sought  Gail  out  to  support  them  in  determining  the  needs  of  their  organizaLon  through  her  unique  "discovery  process",  in  engaging  the  workforce  for  the  organizaLonal  changes  needed,  and  in  working  with  their  internal  design  teams  to  create  learning  programs  that  apply  an  integrated  Accelerated  Learning  approach  -­‐  bringing  the  reality  of  work  into  the  classroom,  learning  back  to  work,  while  focusing  on  "what  really  maQers"  to  the  learners  and  the  organizaLon.

Gail  has  worked  in  Africa  (Nigeria,  Tanzania,  Ghana,  and  Kenya),  the  Americas  (Canada,  Mexico,  Venezuela,  and  the  USA),  Asia  (Brunei,  Malaysia  and  Singapore),  Europe  (Austria,  Germany,  Italy,  the  Netherlands,  Sweden,  Switzerland,  and  the  United  Kingdom),  and  in  the  Middle  East  (Bahrain,  United  Arab  Emirates,  and  Qatar).  

In  addiLon  to  her  training  of  other  trainers,  her  consulLng  pracLce  and  her  instrucLonal  design,  Gail  facilitates  a  wide  range  of  programs  she  developed  using  Accelerated  Learning  as  a  guiding  principle.  Her  main  areas  of  facilitaLon  are  Leadership  Development,  Personal  Leadership  and  Mastery,  Intercultural  EffecLveness,  Coaching,  and  ProducLve  CommunicaLon.  In  addiLon,  Gail  facilitates  large  group  intervenLons  using  a  combinaLon  of  Accelerated  Learning,  AppreciaLve  Inquiry,  and  the  Dialogue  Process.

Gail  was  president  of  the  German  organizaLon  for  Accelerated  Learning  (DGSL)  for  many  years,  was  on  the  commiQee  that  developed  their  highly  successful  three  level  cerLficaLon  process.  She  was  also  president  of  the  internaLonal  Accelerated  Learning  organizaLon,  (IAL)  InternaLonal  Alliance  for  Learning,  and  is  currently  the  Director  of  their  CerLficaLon  CommiQee.  She  has  served  on  the  boards  of  NASAGA  (the  North  American  SimulaLon  and  Gaming  AssociaLon),  the  English  Accelerated  Learning  organizaLon  (SEAL),  the  OrganizaLonal  Change  Alliance  (USA),  and  the  conference  commiQee  of  ASTD,  the  American  Society  of  Training  and  Development.


Name of Organization:Name of Organization: Name of Authorized Signatory:

Address:Address: Designation:Address:Address:


Tel: Fax: Contact No. :

Signature:Participant NamesParticipant Names


Participant Name:Participant Name:





Company Stamp:

e-mail: Contact No. :

Company Stamp:

Participant Name:Participant Name:

Company Stamp:


Terms and Conditions:• If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra charges.• A full refund, minus a 10% administration charge will be made for cancellation received in writing 14 working days prior to the training.• A complete set of course documentation and a 50% refund will be provided for cancellation received in writing 7 working days prior to the training.• For cancellation received less than 7 working days or on the day of the training, NO REFUND shall be provided. The paid registration can only be credited for the same workshop on a future date.• neOOne Associates Sdn Bhd reserves the right to cancel or alter the content and timing of the workshop or the identity of the speakers for reasons beyond its control.

e-mail: Contact No. :

Terms and Conditions:• If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra charges.• A full refund, minus a 10% administration charge will be made for cancellation received in writing 14 working days prior to the training.• A complete set of course documentation and a 50% refund will be provided for cancellation received in writing 7 working days prior to the training.• For cancellation received less than 7 working days or on the day of the training, NO REFUND shall be provided. The paid registration can only be credited for the same workshop on a future date.• neOOne Associates Sdn Bhd reserves the right to cancel or alter the content and timing of the workshop or the identity of the speakers for reasons beyond its control.

Participant Name:Participant Name:

Terms and Conditions:• If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra charges.• A full refund, minus a 10% administration charge will be made for cancellation received in writing 14 working days prior to the training.• A complete set of course documentation and a 50% refund will be provided for cancellation received in writing 7 working days prior to the training.• For cancellation received less than 7 working days or on the day of the training, NO REFUND shall be provided. The paid registration can only be credited for the same workshop on a future date.• neOOne Associates Sdn Bhd reserves the right to cancel or alter the content and timing of the workshop or the identity of the speakers for reasons beyond its control.


Terms and Conditions:• If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra charges.• A full refund, minus a 10% administration charge will be made for cancellation received in writing 14 working days prior to the training.• A complete set of course documentation and a 50% refund will be provided for cancellation received in writing 7 working days prior to the training.• For cancellation received less than 7 working days or on the day of the training, NO REFUND shall be provided. The paid registration can only be credited for the same workshop on a future date.• neOOne Associates Sdn Bhd reserves the right to cancel or alter the content and timing of the workshop or the identity of the speakers for reasons beyond its control.

e-mail: Contact No. :

Terms and Conditions:• If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra charges.• A full refund, minus a 10% administration charge will be made for cancellation received in writing 14 working days prior to the training.• A complete set of course documentation and a 50% refund will be provided for cancellation received in writing 7 working days prior to the training.• For cancellation received less than 7 working days or on the day of the training, NO REFUND shall be provided. The paid registration can only be credited for the same workshop on a future date.• neOOne Associates Sdn Bhd reserves the right to cancel or alter the content and timing of the workshop or the identity of the speakers for reasons beyond its control.

Terms and Conditions:• If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra charges.• A full refund, minus a 10% administration charge will be made for cancellation received in writing 14 working days prior to the training.• A complete set of course documentation and a 50% refund will be provided for cancellation received in writing 7 working days prior to the training.• For cancellation received less than 7 working days or on the day of the training, NO REFUND shall be provided. The paid registration can only be credited for the same workshop on a future date.• neOOne Associates Sdn Bhd reserves the right to cancel or alter the content and timing of the workshop or the identity of the speakers for reasons beyond its control.

Name to Invoice:Name to Invoice:

Terms and Conditions:• If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra charges.• A full refund, minus a 10% administration charge will be made for cancellation received in writing 14 working days prior to the training.• A complete set of course documentation and a 50% refund will be provided for cancellation received in writing 7 working days prior to the training.• For cancellation received less than 7 working days or on the day of the training, NO REFUND shall be provided. The paid registration can only be credited for the same workshop on a future date.• neOOne Associates Sdn Bhd reserves the right to cancel or alter the content and timing of the workshop or the identity of the speakers for reasons beyond its control.


Terms and Conditions:• If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate is always welcome at no extra charges.• A full refund, minus a 10% administration charge will be made for cancellation received in writing 14 working days prior to the training.• A complete set of course documentation and a 50% refund will be provided for cancellation received in writing 7 working days prior to the training.• For cancellation received less than 7 working days or on the day of the training, NO REFUND shall be provided. The paid registration can only be credited for the same workshop on a future date.• neOOne Associates Sdn Bhd reserves the right to cancel or alter the content and timing of the workshop or the identity of the speakers for reasons beyond its control.


e-mail: Contact No. : Method of payment:• Payable by cheque to NEOONE ASSOCIATES SDN BHD• Payable by bank transfer to MAYBANK 5142 7125 9942• The SWIFT code for our bank is MBBEMYKL

Reminder:•Please send us your bank transfer slip via e-mail: or fax to +603 7731 7134 for our record•Payment must be received before the event date in order to guarantee your place

Method of payment:• Payable by cheque to NEOONE ASSOCIATES SDN BHD• Payable by bank transfer to MAYBANK 5142 7125 9942• The SWIFT code for our bank is MBBEMYKL

Reminder:•Please send us your bank transfer slip via e-mail: or fax to +603 7731 7134 for our record•Payment must be received before the event date in order to guarantee your place

Office use:Office use:

Method of payment:• Payable by cheque to NEOONE ASSOCIATES SDN BHD• Payable by bank transfer to MAYBANK 5142 7125 9942• The SWIFT code for our bank is MBBEMYKL

Reminder:•Please send us your bank transfer slip via e-mail: or fax to +603 7731 7134 for our record•Payment must be received before the event date in order to guarantee your place

Office use:Office use:

Method of payment:• Payable by cheque to NEOONE ASSOCIATES SDN BHD• Payable by bank transfer to MAYBANK 5142 7125 9942• The SWIFT code for our bank is MBBEMYKL

Reminder:•Please send us your bank transfer slip via e-mail: or fax to +603 7731 7134 for our record•Payment must be received before the event date in order to guarantee your place

Office use:Office use:

Method of payment:• Payable by cheque to NEOONE ASSOCIATES SDN BHD• Payable by bank transfer to MAYBANK 5142 7125 9942• The SWIFT code for our bank is MBBEMYKL

Reminder:•Please send us your bank transfer slip via e-mail: or fax to +603 7731 7134 for our record•Payment must be received before the event date in order to guarantee your place

Office use:Office use:

Method of payment:• Payable by cheque to NEOONE ASSOCIATES SDN BHD• Payable by bank transfer to MAYBANK 5142 7125 9942• The SWIFT code for our bank is MBBEMYKL

Reminder:•Please send us your bank transfer slip via e-mail: or fax to +603 7731 7134 for our record•Payment must be received before the event date in order to guarantee your place

e-mail: tel/fax: 03 7731 7134


AL CERTIFICATION06-08, 13-15 Apr & 15-17, 22-24 June

23 Floor, Istana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur

Training Fee - RM17,500 per pax (HRDF Claimable)Early Bird - RM16,500 per pax (Before 24th February 2012)Group Fee - RM15,500 per pax (Minimum 3 pax in a group)