Post on 15-Oct-2020

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AJMAL NATIONAL TALENT SEARCH (ANTS) EXAMINATION - 2014Conducted by : AJMAL FOUNDATION, A Registered Public Charitable Trust

Hojai, Nagaon (Assam)

Class / æ`ÒSÝ f VANTSE/ V / 8000

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATE1. Write your CENTRE CODE AND ROLL NO. legibly in the OMR ANSWER SHEET ATTACHED. Do not write your name any

where in the ANSWER SHEET.2. Questions are of multiple-choice type carrying one mark each and all questions are compulsory.3. Candidates are required to mark the correct choice by shading the circle completely with blue or black

ball point pen. (Pencil is not allowed). For example, if the correct answer to question no 1. Is 'B' then themarking should be:

4. Only one circle, i.e. the correct one should be shaded and not more than one.5. A candidate having completed his/her OMR ANSWER SHEET must hand it over, even if blank, to the invigila-

tor before leaving the Examination Hall.6. An examinee must not bring any loose paper, book, etc. except the ADMIT CARD to the Examination Hall. Any examinee found

in possession of even loose papers will be EXPELLED.7. No extra sheet will be provided for making notes or calculations. CANDIDATES MAY USE THE INNER COVER PAGES OF

THIS BOOKLET FOR THIS PURPOSE.8. An examinee must not talk to, disturb or seek help from a fellow examinee during the examination.9. Any mechanical or digital calculating device (calculator etc.) shall not be used by the examinee during the examination.10. Mobile Phones shall not be used by candidates inside the examination Hall.11. No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall during the first hour of the examination.12. Contravention of any of the instruction mentioned above shall render a candidate liable for disciplinary action as per rule.

Y»ÝlùçUÝÛ» [ýçã[ý ×XãVÛ`ç¾_Ý1* Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ̂ QöOwø» YyTö åTöCgã_çEõ» æ$Jô³RôOç» Eõ'Qö, å»ç_ X=‘ö» Y×»•õç»êEõ ×_×F[ý* Eõ'ãTöç ×XL» Xç] ×X×_×F[ý*2* YÒ̀ Âa]Éc÷ 1 X=‘ö» ×[ý×`rô [ý§ ×[ýEõ” [ýç$Jô×X Yˆù×Tö»* aEõã_ç YÒ̀ » QöOwø» Eõ»ç [ýçWýîTöç]É_Eõ*3* Y»ÝlùçUÞãÌ̂ CY»» $K÷×[ý» £ˆù =wø»Tö åVFÇC¾ç Wý»ãS XÝ_ç [ýç Eõ'_ç [ý_ åYX» ac÷çÌ̂ Tö [ýÊwøäOôç YÉ» Eõ×»[ý _ç×G[ý* åEõçãXç

Wý»S» EõçPö åYׇû_ [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*4* ]'[ýç+_ åZõçX [ýç åEõçãXç Wý»S» +ã_Eõ®Ïô×XEõ aç-aLñÇ×_ Y»Ýlùç GÊc÷Tö %ç×X[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*5* Y»Ýlùç c÷_Tö "AQö×]$RôO EõçQïö'» [ýç×c÷ã» YÒçUÝÛãÌ̂ åEõçãXç Wý»S» EõçGL, ×EõTöçY %ç×V %ç×X[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý* %ç×Xã_ Y»Ýlùç

GÊc÷» Y»ç [ý×c÷›õç» Eõ»ç c÷'[ý*6* ×c÷$Jôç[ý [ýç æ$RôOçEõç %ç×V ×_×F[ýê_ %×Tö×»Nþ EõçGL ×VÌ̂ ç Xc÷'[ý* Ac÷O [ýc÷ÝFX» å[ý$RÇôOYçTö» ×\öTö»» YÊœöç [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý Yç×»[ý*7* Y»Ýlùç $Jô×_ UEõç a]Ì^Tö Eõçã»ç _GTö EõUç-[ýTö»ç Yç×Tö [ýç ac÷-Y»ÝlùçUÝÛ» Y»ç ac÷çÌ^ ×[ý$Jôç×» EõçãEõç ×[ý»Nþ Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*8* Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ̂ åEõ_EÇõã_$RôO» %ç×V åEõçãXç Wý»S» ^ç×Ü—öEõ agLÇ×_ [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×»[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*9* Y»Ýlùç GÊc÷» ×\öTö»Tö Y»ÝlùçUÝÛãÌ̂ ]'[ýçc÷O_ åZõçX [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ»ç ×XãbWý*10* Y»Ýlùç %ç»Þö åc÷ç¾ç» YÒU] H³RôOç å`b åXçãc÷ç¾çê_ åEõçãXç Y»ÝlùçUÝÛ [ýç×c÷»ê_ C_ç[ý åXç¾ç×»[ý*11* QöOYã»çNþ ×XãVÛ̀ ç¾_Ý» ×^ãEõçãXç A$RôOç %]çXî Eõ×»ã_ ×XÌ̂ ]]ãTö %XÇ̀ çaX]É_Eõ [ýî¾Øšöç å_ç¾ç c÷'[ý*

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Time : 2 Hours / a]Ì̂ f 2 H³Oôç Full Marks / ]ÇPö X¶‘ö» / å]ç»Oô X¶‘öÌ[ý f (25+25+25+25)=100

1. The Duleep Trophy is associated with ............V_ÝY ®Ïô×Zõ ................... åF_» _GTö L×QÍöTö* / V_ÝY ®Ïô×Zõ .................... åF_ç»Ì[ý açãU L×QÍöTö*(A) Football (B) Cricket (C) Badminton (D) Hockey

ZÇõOô[ý_ ×yÔãEõOô [ýîçQö×]³OôX c÷×Eõ

2. Prince Khurram was popularly known as :^Ǿ»çL FÇ»ïç] ................. Xçã]ã» LXçLçTö* / Ì[ýçLYÇy FÇÌ[ýïç] ................... Xçã] LX×YÒÌ̂ *(A) Humayun (B) Akbar (C) Jahangir (D) Shah Jahan

§]çÌ̂ ÇX %çEõ[ý» / %çEõ[ýÌ[ý Lçc÷ç†Ý» / Lçc÷ç†ÝÌ[ý $Jôçc÷ Lçc÷çX / `çc÷Lçc÷çX

3. The Mississippi river lies entirely in :-×]×$Jô×$K÷×Y XVÝFX .................... » ]çãLã» é[ý éGä$K÷* / ×]×a×a×Y XVÝ YÒ[ýç×c÷Tö c÷Ì̂ ..................... AÌ[ý ]Wýî ×VãÌ̂ *(A) Canada (B) The US (C) Brazil (D) Peru

EõçXçQÍöç / EõçXçQöç %çã]×»Eõç / %çã]×Ì[ýEõç [ýÐç×L_ åY»Ó / åYÌ[ýÓ

4. The chemical element recognized by the symbol 'C' is -'C' ×$Jôc÷Ô+ [ýÇãLç¾ç »çaçÌ̂ ×XEõ å]ì_äOôç éc÷ä$K÷ ...................... / Ì[ýçaçÌ̂ ×XEõ =YçVçX ................. 'C' ×»Jôc÷Ô ¥çÌ[ýç [ýÇMõçÌ̂ *(A) Chlorine (B) Calcium (C) Carbon (D) Chromium

zõ×»S / æzõç×Ì[ýS åEõ_×$K÷Ì^ç] / åEõ_×aÌ̂ ç] Eõç[ýïX yÔ×]Ì^ç]

5. The snake that builds a nest for laying eggs :-åEõçX×[ýWý açãY EõSÝY»ç» [ýçã[ý [ýgçc÷ açãL ? / å^ açY ×Qö] YçQÍöçÌ[ý LXî ×XãLÌ[ý [ýçaç [ýçXçÌ̂ *(A) Python (B) Rattle snake (C) King Cobra (D) Anaconda

%LG» / Yç+UX å»Oô_ açY / åÌ[ýOô_Ë åØoöEõ »çLãZõOôÝ / ×Eõe åEõç[ýÐç %çXçEõ‰øç

6. In the human body .............. contains the nephrons that filters the water content of blood every 45 minutes.]çX¾ãVc÷Tö UEõç .................... Tö åXZÐõX UçãEõ ×^ãÌ̂ YÒ×Tö 45 ×]×XOôTö åTöLTö UEõç YçXÝ×F×XEõ Y׻؃öç¾S Eõã»*]çX[ýãVãc÷Ì[ý ............... %eãG åXZÐõX UçãEõ ^ç YÒ×Tö 45 ×]×XäOô Ì[ýãNþÌ[ý L_ÝÌ̂ %e`ãEõ Y×Ì[ý`Òç[ýS EõãÌ[ý*(A) Liver (B) Kidney (C) Heart (D) Stomach

^EÊõTö [ýÊhõ c÷ÖV×Y‰ø YçEõØšö_Ý

7. Pointing out to a lady, Rajen said, "She is the daughter of the woman who is the mother of the husband of mymother". How is the lady related to Rajen ?»çãLãX ALXÝ ]×c÷_çEõ åVFǾç+ Eõã_, ""A+LXÝ åa+ ]×c÷_çLXÝ» LÝãÌ̂ Eõ ×^LXÝ å]ç» ]ç» Ø‘öç]Ý» ]ç''* ]×c÷_çLXÝ »çãLX» ×Eõ c÷Ì̂ ?AEõLX ]×c÷_çãEõ åV×FãÌ̂ Ì[ýçLX [ýã_, ""=×X åa+ ]×c÷_çÌ[ý EõXîç ×^×X %ç]çÌ[ý ]çãÌ̂ Ì[ý Ø‘öç]ÝÌ[ý ]ç''-- ]×c÷_ç×Oô Ì[ýçLãXÌ[ý ×Eõ c÷Ì̂ ?(A) Grand daughter (B) Daughter (C) Sister (D) Aunt

Xç×TöXÝ / åYìyÝ LÝãÌ̂ Eõ / EõXîç \öXÝ / å[ýçX åYc÷Ý / ×YaÝ

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- 2 -

8. Find the missing number :YÒ̀ Âã[ýçWýEõ ×$Jôc÷Ô» Pöç+Tö a×PöEõ =wø»äOôç [ý§C¾ç* / YÒ̀ Âã[ýçWýEõ ×»Jôäc÷ÔÌ[ý ØšöçãX a×PöEõ =wøÌ[ý [ýaçC f-

(A) 25 (B) 37 (C) 41 (D) 47

9. Arijit Singh, the singer of 'Tum Hi Ho' from 'Ashiqi-2', hails originally from the state of :"%ç×`EõÝ -- 2' » "TÇö] ×c÷ åc÷ç' GÝTöäOôç åGç¾ç %×»×LTö ×ae ]É_Tö \öç»Tö» ................... »çLî» [ýç×a³Vç*"%ç×`EõÝ - 2' »K÷×[ýãTö "TÇö] ×c÷ åc÷ç' GçX×Oô GçCÌ̂ ç ×`”Ý %×Ì[ý×LTö ×ae ]É_Töf \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý .................. Ì[ýçãLîÌ[ý [ýç×a³Vç*(A) Punjab (B) West Bengal (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Maharashtra

Yçtç[ý Y׸Jô][ý† =wø» YÒãV` / =wø Ì[ý YÒãV` ]c÷ç»çrÑô / ]c÷çÌ[ýçrÑô

10. The book 'Train to Pakistan' is authored by :"æ®Ïô+X OÇô Yç×EõØ™öçX' ×EõTöçY FX» ×_FEõ ........................ / "æ®Ïô+X OÇô Yç×EõØ™öçX' AÌ[ý å_FEõ ....................(A) N. C. Choudhury (B) Chetan Bhagat (C) Amitabh Ghosh (D) Khushwant Singh

XÝ»V ×$Jô æ$JôìWýÇ»Ý æ$JôTöX \öGTö %×]Töç\ö åHçb FÇ̀ ¾Ü™ö ×aeXÝÌ[ýV ×a æ»JôìWýÇÌ[ýÝ æ»JôTöX \öGTö %×]Töç\ö åHçb FÇ̀ [ýÜ™ö ×ae

11. ........... first addressed Mahatma Gandhi as 'Father of the Nation' :åYçX YÒU][ýç»» [ýçã[ý ]c÷ç±Áç GçµùÝEõ Lç×Tö» ×YTöç [ýÇ×_ a㶑öçVX Eõ»ç [ýî×NþLX éc÷ä$K÷ ............................................ YÒUã] ]c÷ç±Áç GçµùÝãEõ "Lç×TöÌ[ý ×YTöç' ×c÷açã[ý a㶑öçWýX EõãÌ[ýX*(A) Subash Ch. Bose (B) Rabindranath Tagore (C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (D) Jawaharlal Nehru

aÇ\öçb $Jô³VÐ å[ýça »[ýݳVÐXçU PöçEÇõ» [ýç_ G†çWý» ×Tö_Eõ L¾çc÷»_ç_ åXc÷»ÓaÇ\öçb $Jô³VÐ å[ýça Ì[ý[ýݳVÐXçU PöçEÇõÌ[ý [ýç_ G†çWýÌ[ý ×Tö_Eõ Lc÷CÌ[ý_ç_ åXc÷Ì[ýÓ

12. The 'Loktak Lake' is in the state of : / _EËõOôEõ âÑ÷VäOôç ................... Tö %¾×ØšöTö* / "å_çEõTöçEõ âÑ÷V' \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý ................... Ì[ýçãLî %[ý×ØšöTö*(A) Jammu and Kashmir (B) Himachal Pradesh

L¶ö‚Ç %ç»Ó Eõç`½Ý» / L¶ö‚Ç C Eõç`½ÝÌ[ý ×c÷]ç$Jô_ YÒãV`(C) Arunachal Pradesh (D) Manipur

%»ÓSç$Jô_ YÒãV` / %Ì[ýÓSç»Jô_ YÒãV` ]×SYÇ» / ]×XYÇÌ[ý

13. CNG stands for : / CNG » a¶YÉSï »ÖY c÷'_ f / CNG AÌ[ý a¶YÉSï Ì[ýÖY c÷_ f(A) Converted Natural Gas (B) Conduced Natural Gas(C) Conducted Natural Gas (D) Compressed Natural Gas

14. Which of these neighbouring countries of India is the smallest in terms of area ?\öç»Tö» åEõçXFX YÒ×Töã[ý`Ý »çrÑô %çÌ̂ TöX» ålùyTö %çOôç+TöêEõ a»Ó ? / \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý åEõçX YÒ×Töã[ý`Ý Ì[ýçrÑô %çÌ̂ TöãXÌ[ý ×\ö×wøãTö a[ý»Jôç+ãTö æ»K÷çOô ?(A) Myanmar (B) Bhutan (C) Nepal (D) Sri Lanka

]îçX]ç» / ]çÌ̂ çX]çÌ[ý \ÉöOôçX åXYç_ Ò̀Ý_eEõç

15. Valmiki composed the Ramayana on the banks of the ...........[ýç_½Ý×EõãÌ̂ .................. XVÝ» Yç»Tö »ç]çÌ̂ S »$JôXç Eõ×»×$K÷_* / [ýç_½Ý×Eõ ................... XVÝÌ[ý TöÝãÌ[ý Ì[ýç]çÌ̂ X Ì[ý»JôXç EõãÌ[ýX*(A) Sarayu (B) Ganga (C) Tamsa (D) Alakananda

a»^Ç / aÌ[ý^É G†ç Tö]$Jôç / Tö]aç %_EõçX³Vç

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- 3 -

16. Which of these personalities has won both a Nobel prize and an Oscar ?Tö_» åEõçXLX [ýî×NþãÌ̂ Xã[ý_ YÇ»•õç» %ç»Ó %•õç» - A+ VÇãÌ̂ ç×[ýWý [ýgOôç» ×[ýãLTöç ?XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX [ýî×Nþ±¼ö-ãXçã[ý_ YÇÌ[ý•õçÌ[ý C %•õçÌ[ý --- A+ VÇ×OôÌ[ý+ ×[ýãLTöç ?(A) Pearl S. Buck (B) Ernest Hemingway (C) G. B. Shaw (D) T.S. Eliot

Yç_ï A$Jô [ýçEõ/Yç_ï Aa [ýçEõ %çãXïrô åc÷×]eã¾/%çãXïrô åc÷×]eCãÌ^ ×L ×[ý `Ÿ ×Oô A$Jô +×_Ì̂ Oô

17. The planet that has the strongest magnetic force :%çOôç+TöêEõ å[ý×$K÷ $JÇô¶‘öEõ `×Nþ UEõç GÐc÷äOôç éc÷ä$K÷ ............................. / å^ GÐãc÷Ì[ý »JÇô¶‘öEõWý]Þ `×Nþ a[ý»Jôç+ãTö å[ý`Ý f(A) Jupiter (B) Mars (C) Neptune (D) Saturn

[ýÊc÷&×Tö ]†_ åXY$JÇôX ×̀X

18. If you have the GPS service enabled on your phone, which of these would you be able to do ?å]ç[ýç+_Tö GPS åa¾ç» aÇ×[ýWýç Uç×Eõã_ Tö_» åEõçXäOôç Eõç] Eõ×»[ý Yç×» ?^×V åTöç]çÌ[ý å]ç[ýç+_ åZõçãX GPS åa[ýçÌ[ý aÇ×[ýWýç %çä»K÷ Töã[ý TÇö×] XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX EõçL×Oô EõÌ[ýãTö YçÌ[ýã[ý ?(A) Listen to songs (B) Enable chatting (C) Navigate (D) Watch TV

GçX £Xç EõUç-[ýTö»ç YTöç »çØ™öç ×[ý$Jôç×» =×_Ì̂ ç[ý Yç×» ×Oô ×\ö $Jôç[ý Yç×»GçX å`çXç %ç_çY EõÌ[ýç Ì[ýçØ™öç FÇãL YçCÌ̂ ç ×Oô ×\ö åVFç

19. ISRO launched its Mars Orbiter Mission or Mangalayan in Nov, 2013 from :+$K÷»+ 2013 $JôX» Xã\ö¶‘ö» ]çc÷Tö ]†_ %×\ö^çXTö YäPöç¾ç "]†_çÌ̂ X' ̂ çX .................. » Y»ç =dålùYX Eõã»*+aãÌ[ýç 2013 aãXÌ[ý Xã\ö¶‘öÌ[ý ]çãa ]†_ %×\ö^çãX YçPöçãXç "]†_çÌ̂ X' =dålùYX EõãÌ[ý ..................... åUãEõ*(A) Thumba (B) Sri Harikota (C) Balasore (D) Chandipur

UǶ‘öç `ÒÝc÷×»ãEõçOôç / ̀ ÒÝc÷×Ì[ýãEõçOôç [ýç_çä$Jôç» / [ýç_çãaçÌ[ý $Jôç׳VYÇ» / »Jôç׳VYÇÌ[ý

20. Bees and mosquitoes create a loud buzzing noise by :ã]ì]ç×F %ç»Ó ]ç×FãÌ̂ .......... » ¥ç»ç YÒ$Jô‰ø \ÇöX\ÇöX ̀ Œ» aÊ×rô Eõã»* / å]ì]ç×»K÷ C ]`ç ............. AÌ[ý LXî YÒ»Jô³Qö åLçãÌ[ý \öX\öX ̀ Œ aÊ×rô EõãÌ[ý f-(A) Rubbing of legs (B) Blinking of eyes (C) Vibrations of Antennae (D) Beating of wings

æPöe» HbïS »JôEÇõ ×Y×»ãEõç¾ç £e» Eõ¶YX YçFÝ» åEõç[ýYçãÌ̂ Ì[ý HbïãS »JôlÇù ×]Oô×]Oô EõÌ[ýçÌ̂ Aä³OôXçÌ[ý Eõ¶YX QöçXçÌ[ý YÒc÷çãÌ[ý

21. The motto depicted in our National symbol is :\öç»Tö» LçTöÝÌ̂ YÒTöÝEõTö UEõç XÝ×TöäOôç c÷_ ............................. / \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý LçTöÝÌ̂ YÒTöÝãEõ UçEõç XÝ×Tö×Oô c÷_ f(A) Satyameva Jayate (B) Athithi Devo Bhaba (C) Basudeiva Kutumbakam (D) None of these

aTöîã]¾ LÌ^ãTö %×Tö×U åVã¾ç \ö¾ [ýçaÇêV¾ EÇõOÇô¶‘ö Eõ] AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂aTöîã][ý LÌ̂ ãTö %×Tö×U åVã[ýç \ö[ý [ýaÇêV[ý EÇõOÇô¶‘öEõç] AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

22. Sanskrit is one of the official languages of ............ae•ÊõTö .................... »çLî» %XîTö] $Jô»Eõç»Ý \öçbç* / ae•ÊõTö ................... Ì[ýçãLîÌ[ý %XîTö] aÌ[ýEõçÌ[ýÝ \öçbç*(A) Bihar (B) Uttar Pradesh (C) Uttarakhand (D) Madhya Pradesh

×[ýc÷ç» / ×[ýc÷çÌ[ý =wø» YÒãV` / =wøÌ[ý YÒãV` =wø»çF‰ / =wøÌ[ýçF‰øø ]WýîYÒãV`

23. The highest mountain peak in India is :\öç»Tö» aã[ýïç¬Jô Y[ýïTö `ʆäOôç éc÷ä$K÷ ........................ / \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý aã[ýïç¬Jô Y[ýïTö`ʆ c÷_ f--(A) Everest (B) Nanda Devi (C) Kanchanjunga (D) Yamunotri

A\öçã»rô / A\öçãÌ[ýrô X³VçãV[ýÝ Eõç‡ûXL†ç ^]ÇãXçyÝ

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- 4 -

24. The Prime Minister of ............ attended the Indian Republic Day, 2014 as the Chief Guest................. » YÒWýçX ]Ü—öÝ 2014 $JôX» \öç»Tö» GSTöÜ—ö ×V¾a» ]ÇFî %×Tö×U %ç×$K÷_*............... AÌ[ý YÒWýçX]Ü—öÝ 2014 aãXÌ[ý \öçÌ[ýãTöÌ[ý GXTöÜ—ö ×V[ýãaÌ[ý ]ÇFî %×Tö×U ×»K÷ã_X*(A) England (B) Japan (C) Italy (D) Malaysia

+eã_‰ø LçYçX +Oôç_Ý ]ç_ãÌ̂ ×$K÷Ì^ç/ ]ç_ãÌ^×`Ì^ç

25. The company that has recently acquired mobile messaging service 'WhatsApp' -%_YãTö å]ç[ýç+_ [ýçTöÛç åa¾ç 'WhatsApp' ×Eõ×X å_ç¾ç åEõç¶YçXÝäOôç éc÷ä$K÷ ..................å^ åEõç¶YçXÝ aç¶YÒ×TöEõEõçã_ å]ç[ýç+_ [ýçTöÛç åa[ýç 'WhatsApp' ×EõãX åXÌ̂ ..................(A) Google (B) Twitter (C) Yahoo (D) Facebook

26. Choose the correct noun form in the following sentence :Mastering basic computer skills is an important goal for younger students.(A) Mastering (B) Important (C) Younger (D) Students

27. Each person in the room turned ................ head to the front when the guest entered.(A) their (B) her (C) his (D) none of the above

28. The two words given in the question have a certain relationship. Select the pair which has the samerelationship.AFTER : BEFORE(A) First : second (B) Present : Past(C) Contemporary : Historic (D) Successor ; Predecessor

29. The grammatically correct response to the question "Are there many students in the hall ?" is :(A) Yes, they are (B) No, they aren't (C) Yes, there are (D) No, there aren't.

30. You play tennis .............. I do.(A) better than (B) more well than (C) more good than (D) more well

31. When two things are very alike, we say they are the ............. each other.(A) same with (B) same as (C) same like (D) same about

32. Mrs. and Mr. Bora .................. dinner at the moment.(A) is having (B) are having (C) are eating (D) b & c are correct

33. The bomb .............. when he started the car.(A) went over (B) went on (C) went out (D) went off

34. He made me ................ for an hour.(A) to wait (B) wait (C) waiting (D) waited

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- 5 -35. "You are good ................ nothing" , the mother shouted at the boy.

(A) at (B) on (C) for (D) with

36. Fill the bottle ............... hot water.(A) in (B) by (C) with (D) of

37. The given sentence in Direct Narration has four choices in Indirect Narration. Choose the correct one.He said, " I must go now".(A) He said that he must go then. (B) He said that he had to go then.(C) He said he must go now. (D) He said that he had to go now.

38. All of them are jealous of ...............(A) one another (B) each other (C) themselves (D) them

39. He is junior .................. Ashok.(A) than (B) to (C) from (D) with

Pick out the word that is opposite in meaning (antonym) to the word given in bold capitals : (40 & 41)40. My grandfather has become very FEEBLE.

(A) Strong (B) Weak (C) Fat (D) Lean

41. The girl was fined for her UNRULY conduct.(A) Dirty (B) Noisy (C) Orderly (D) Disobedient

Pick out the word that is most similar in meaning ( Synonym) to the word given in bold capitals : (42 & 43)42. Deforestation destroys the HABITAT of many species of animals and birds.

(A) Locality (B) Habits (C) Area (D) Home

43. The ABRUPT stopping of the car annoyed us.(A) Sudden (B) Violent (C) Irritating (D) Noisy

The following sentences are divided in to three parts and each part is underlined and marked a,b,c. Only one partcontains an error. Identify the error part. If there is no error, mark it (D)..44. He came across with a beggar. No error.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

45. I know how to start the engine but do not know to stop it. No error. (A) (B) (C) (D)

46. He says that he has a car beside a scooter. No error. (A) (B) (C) (D)

From the given sentences pick up the correct one :47. (A) Wait here until I donot come back (B) wait here as long as I come back

(C) Wait here still I come back (D) Wait here until I come back

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- 6 -

48. (A) My brother goes to school everyday (B) My brother is going to school everyday(C) My brother has been going to school everyday (D) My brother has gone to school everyday

49. (A) K.K. Handique is a man of little words (B) K.K. Handique is a man of few words(C) K.K. Handique is a man of many a words (D) K.K. Handique is a man of much words

50. 'VI' is the Roman number of 'English 6'. Then what is the Roman number of 66 ?(A) VIVI (B) LX (C) LXV (D) LXVI

51. 0.05 x 0.09 x 5 = .............(A) 0.025 (B) 0.225 (C) 0.005 (D) 0.0225

52. What is the angle between two hands of the clock at 2 : 30 ?2 : 30 [ýLçTö HQÍöÝ» EgõçÅOôç VÇQöç_» ]çL» åEõçSäOôç ×Eõ]çX c÷[ý ? / H×QÍöãTö 2 : 30 [ýçLã_ EgõçÅOôç VÇ×OôÌ[ý ]ãWýî åEõçãSÌ[ý ]çY EõTö c÷ã[ý ?(A) 1000 (B) 1050 (C) 1200 (D) 1100

53. Identify the largest value among the options given below :Tö_Tö ×VÌ̂ ç ×[ýEõ”ã[ýç»» %çOôç+TöêEõ QöçIø» ]çX UEõç ×[ýEõ”äOôç ×Eõ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý ×[ýEõ”m×_ åUãEõ a[ý»Jôç+ãTö [ýQÍö ]çãXÌ[ý aeFîç×Oô å[ýÌ[ý EõÌ[ý*

(A)45 (B) 80% (C) 0.2x0.2x0.2 (D) 0.9x0.9

54. An angle which measures more than 00 and less than 900 is called ........00 $TöêEõ QöçIø» %ç»Ó 900 TöêEõ a»Ó åEõçSEõ .................... åEõçS å[ýçã_* / 00 »åUãEõ [ýQÍö C 900 åUãEõ æ»K÷çOô åEõçSãEõ .................... åEõçS [ýã_*(A) obtuse (B) acute (C) right (D) straight

ØšöÇ_ aÉ©¿ a] a»_ / aÌ[ý_

55. A triangle is formed by joining three ........... points.×Tö×XOôç ................... ×[ý³VÇ _G _ç×G ×Åy\ÉöL» GPöS c÷Ì̂ * / ×TöX×Oô ................... ×[ý³VÇ ×]ã_ ×Åy\ÇöãLÌ[ý GPöX c÷Ì̂ *(A) collinear (B) non-collinear (C) equal (D) none of these

AãEõã»FÝÌ̂ AãEõã»FÝÌ̂ åXçãc÷ç¾ç a]çX AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂AEõãÌ[ýFÝÌ̂ AEõãÌ[ýFÝÌ̂ Xç c÷CÌ̂ ç AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

56. How many edges does a cube have altogether ?AOôç HXEõ» a[ýï]ÇPö ×Eõ]çXOôç EõçX UçãEõ ? / AEõ×Oô HXãEõÌ[ý a[ýïã]çOô EõÌ̂ ×Oô YÊrô UçãEõ ?(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 12

57. With perimeter 16 m how many rectangles can be formed ?16 ×]Oôç» Y×»aÝ]ç» ×Eõ]çXOôç %çÌ̂ Töãlùy GPöS Eõ×»[ý Yç×» ? / 16 ×]OôçÌ[ý Y×Ì[ýaÝ]çÌ̂ EõÌ̂ ×Oô %çÌ̂ Töãlùy [ýçXçãXç ̂ çã[ý ?(A) 8 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×»OôC XÌ̂

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- 7 -58. X's salary is 50% more than Y's. How much percent is Y's below X's ?

X » V»]c÷ç Y TöêEõ 50% å[ý×$K÷ c÷ã_ Y » V»]c÷ç X TöêEõ ×Eõ]çX `Töçe` Eõ] ?

X AÌ[ý å[ýTöX Y åUãEõ 50% å[ý`Ý c÷ã_ Y AÌ[ý å[ýTöX X åUãEõ EõTö Eõ] ?

(A) 50% (B) 3313 % (C) 75% (D) None of these

A$OôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×»OôC XÌ̂

59. How many of these statements are true ?Tö_Tö ×VÌ̂ ç =×Nþ ×[ý_çEõ» ×Eõ]çXOôç aTöî ? / XÝä»Jô åVCÌ̂ ç =×Nþm×_Ì[ý EõÌ̂ ×Oô aTöî ?

(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) None of theseAOôç / AEõ×Oô VÇOôç / VÇ×Oô ×Tö×XOôç / ×TöX×Oô A$OôçC Xc÷Ì̂ /AEõ×»OôC XÌ̂

60. On what sum of money lent out at 9% per annum for 6 years does the simple interest amount to Rs. 810 ?

×Eõ ]É_WýX» [ý$K÷×» 9% c÷çã» 6 [ý$K÷»» a»_ aÇTö 810 OôEõç c÷'[ý ? / åEõçX ]É_WýX [ýK÷ãÌ[ý 9% c÷çãÌ[ý 6 [ýK÷ãÌ[ýÌ[ý aÌ[ý_aÇV 810 OôçEõç c÷ã[ý ?

(A) Rs. 500 OôEõç/OôçEõç (B) Rs. 1,250 OôEõç/OôçEõç (C) Rs. 750 OôEõç/OôçEõç (D) Rs. 1,500 OôEõç/ $OôçEõç

61. A brick weighs 34

th the weight of itself plus


kg. The weight of the brick (in kg) is ............

AOôç +Oôç» CLX +OôçäOôç» 34

%e`» CLX å^çG 34

×Eõf GÐçf c÷ã_ (×Eõf GÐç]Tö) +OôçäOôç» CLX c÷'[ý ...................................*

AEõ×Oô +äOôÌ[ý CLX +äOôÌ[ý 34

%eã`Ì[ý CLX C 34

×Eõf GÐçf AÌ[ý a]çX c÷ã_ +Oô×OôÌ[ý CLX c÷ã[ý ............................*(A) 2 (B) 2.5 (C) 3 (D) 2.75

62. What is the value of m + m - 3 when m = 4 ?^×V m = 4 c÷Ì̂ , åTöãÜ™ö m + m - 3 » ]çX ×Eõ]çX ? / ̂ ×V m = 4 c÷Ì̂ , Töã[ý m + m - 3 AÌ[ý ]çX EõTö ?(A) 1 (B) 5 (C) 11 (D) 13

63. Which of the following is equivalent to 3 1

34 2

1 ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç 3 1

34 2

1 » a]TÇö_î ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô 3 1

34 2

1 AÌ[ý a]TÇö_î ?


4 (B)34

4 (C)14

5 (D)34


64. How many 10 thousands are equal to 800,000 ?×Eõ]çXOôç 10 c÷çLç» ×]×_ 800,000 c÷Ì̂ ? / EõÌ̂ ×Oô 10 c÷çLçÌ[ý ×]ã_ 800,000 c÷Ì̂ ?(A) 8 (B) 80 (C) 800 (D) 8,000

65. Which of the following is in descending order ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç %Wýf yÔ]Tö %çä$K÷ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô %WýfyÔã] %çä»K÷ ?

(A) 0.34, 0.29, 0.4, 0.04 (B) 0.04, 0.4, 0.29, 0.34 (C) 0.4, 0.34, 0.29, 0.04 (D) 0.29, 0.34, 0.04, 0.4

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- 8 -66. Which of the following is a true statement ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç =×Nþ aTöî ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX =×Nþ×Oô aTöî ?(A) Parallel lines always intersect (B) Intersecting lines are never parallel

a]çÜ™ö»ç_ å»Fç aVçÌ̂ æ$K÷V c÷Ì̂ æ$K÷V Eõ»ç å»Fç åEõ×TöÌ̂ çC a]çÜ™ö»ç_ Xc÷Ì̂a]çÜ™öÌ[ýç_ åÌ[ýFç a[ýïVç æ»K÷V c÷Ì̂ æ»K÷V c÷CÌ̂ ç åÌ[ýFçm×_ EõFXC a]çÜ™öÌ[ýç_ c÷Ì̂ Xç

(C) Perpendicular lines never intersect (D) Intersecting lines are always perpendicular_¶‘ö å»Fç+ åEõ×TöÌ^çC æ$K÷V XEõã» æ$K÷V Eõ»ç å»Fç aVçÌ̂ _¶‘ö_¶‘ö åÌ[ýFçm×_ EõFXC æ»K÷V c÷Ì̂ Xç æ»K÷V c÷CÌ̂ ç åÌ[ýFçm×_ aVçÌ̂ _¶‘ö

67. A car travels at a speed of 45 km/h. How far will it travel in 36 minutes ?AFX ]Oô» GçQÍöÝ 45 ×Eõf ×]f/H³Oôç å[ýãGã» G×Tö Eõ×»ã_ 36 ×]×XOôTö ×Eõ]çX VÇ»±¼ö %×TöyÔ] Eõ×»[ý ?AEõ×Oô ]OôÌ[ýGçQÍöÝ 45 ×Eõf ×]f/ H³Oôç å[ýãG åGã_ 36 ×]×XäOô EõTöVÉÌ[ý ^çã[ý ?(A) 27 k.m. (×Eõf ×]f) (B) 20 k.m. (×Eõf ×]f) (C) 36 k.m. (×Eõf ×]f) (D) 45 k.m. (×Eõf ×]f)

68. If AC=10 m, BD=15 m, AD=22 m in the figure below, then the length of segment BC is equal to ............Tö_Tö ×VÌ̂ ç ×$JôyTö ̂ ×V AC=10 ×]Oôç», BD=15 ×]Oôç», AD=22 ×]Oôç» c÷Ì̂ åTöãÜ™ö BC å»Fç F‰ø» ]çX c÷[ý .......................*XÝä»Jô åVCÌ̂ ç ×»Jôäy ̂ ×V AC=10 ×]f, BD=15 ×]f, AD=22 ×]f c÷Ì̂ , Töã[ý BC åÌ[ýFçFã³QöÌ[ý ]çX c÷ã[ý ........................*

(A) 1 m (×]f) (B) 2 m (×]f) (C) 3 m (×]f) (D) 4 m (×]f)69. If 4 m and 7 m are the lengths of two sides of a triangle, then the length of the third side would probably be .......

^×V AOôç ×Åy\ÉöL» VÇOôç [ý移 åLçF 4 ×]Oôç» %ç»Ó 7 ×]Oôç» c÷Ì̂ åTöãÜ™ö TÊöTöÝÌ̂ [ýç§äOôç» a�öç¾î åLçF c÷[ý ............................*^×V AEõ×Oô ×Åy\ÇöãLÌ[ý VÇ×Oô [ýç§Ì[ý ]çY 4 ×]f C 7 ×]f c÷Ì̂ Töã[ý TÊöTöÝÌ̂ [ýç§Ì[ý a�öç[ýî ]çY c÷ã[ý ...............................*(A) 6 m (×]f) (B) 11 m (×]f) (C) 12 m (×]f) (D) 13 m (×]f)

70. The weight of 3 apples and 2 oranges is 255 g. The weight of 2 apples and 3 oranges is 285 g. If each appleweighs the same and each orange weighs the same, what is the combined weight of 1 apple and 1 orange ?3 Oôç %çãY_ %ç»Ó 2 Oôç Eõ]_ç» CLX 255 GÐç]* 2 Oôç %çãY_ %ç»Ó 3 Oôç Eõ]_ç» CLX 285 GÐç]* ̂ ×V YÒ×TöäOôç %çãY_» CLX a]çX %ç»ÓYÒ×TöäOôç Eõ]_ç» CLX a]çX c÷Ì̂ åTöãÜ™ö 1 Oôç %çãY_ %ç»Ó 1 Oôç Eõ]_ç» =ê]c÷TöÝÌ̂ ç CLX ×Eõ]çX ?3 ×Oô %çãY_ C 2 ×Oô Eõ]_çÌ[ý CLX 255 GÐç]* 2 ×Oô %çãY_ C 3 ×Oô Eõ]_çÌ[ý CLX 285 GÐç]* ̂ ×V YÒ×Tö×Oô %çãY_Ì[ý CLX a]çX C YÒ×Tö×OôEõ]_çÌ[ý CLX a]çX c÷Ì̂ Töã[ý 1 ×Oô %çãY_ C 1 ×Oô Eõ]_çÌ[ý CLX EõTö c÷ã[ý ?(A) 110 g (GÐçf) (B) 108 g (GÐçf) (C) 105 g (GÐçf) (D) 104 g (GÐçf)

71. 12.500+8.75+2.25 = ...............(A) 23.500 (B) 13.600 (C) 13600 (D) 23.050

72. 40 32 0 8

10 100 1000................

(A) 40.28 (B) 43.208 (C) 43.28 (D) none of theseAOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

73. The average of 0.3, 0.03 and 0.003 is .............0.3, 0.03 %ç»Ó 0.003 » GQÍö éc÷ä$K÷ ............................ / 0.3, 0.03 A[ýe 0.003 AÌ[ý GQÍö c÷_ ....................*(A) 0.3 (B) 0.1 (C) 0.111 (D) 0.333

74. All prime numbers are ................aEõã_ç å]ì×_Eõ aeFîç+ ....................... / aEõ_ å]ì×_Eõ aeFîç .........................*(A) even numbers (B) odd numbers (C) composite numbers (D) none of these

^ÇG½ aeFîç % Ç̂G½ aeFîç å^ì×GEõ aeFîç AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

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- 9 -75. The longest chord of a circle is ................

[ýÊwø» [ýÊc÷wø] LîçQöç_Eõ ..................... å[ýçã_* / [ýÊãwøÌ[ý [ýÊc÷wø] Lîç×OôãEõ ....................... [ýã_*(A) radius (B) arc (C) diameter (D) none

[ýîçaçWýï $JôçY [ýîça AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

76. The diagram below shows a part of the skeletal system.Tö_Tö ×VÌ̂ ç ×$JôyTö EõeEõç_ TöÜ—ö» AOôç %e` åVFÇC¾ç éc÷ä$K÷* / XÝä»Jô åVCÌ̂ ç ×»Jôäy EõeEõç_ TöãÜ—öÌ[ý AEõ×Oô %e` åVFçãXç c÷_*

Which part of the body does these bones protect ?

A+ c÷çQÍöQöçã_ `»Ý»» åEõçXäOôç %e`Eõ »lùSç-ã[ýlùS ×VãÌ̂ ? / A+ c÷çQÍöm×_ `Ì[ýÝãÌ[ýÌ[ý åEõçX %e`ãEõ Ì[ýlùç EõãÌ[ý ?(A) Brain (B) Kidneys (C) Spinal cord (D) Lungs

]GLÇ / ]GL [ýÊhõ å]»Ó ]#ç / å]Ì[ýÓV‰ø c÷çCg-ZõçCg / ZÇõaZÇõa

77. Mina had a list of animals that live in water. She classified them on their breathing methods. Which of thefollowing is wrongly classified ?×]Xç+ L_$Jô» YÒçSÝa]Éc÷Eõ ×acg÷Tö» =`çc÷-×X`çc÷ YÒSç_Ý» CY»Tö ×\ö×wø Eõ×» Töç×_Eõç\ÉöNþ Eõ×»ä$K÷* Tö_» åEõçXäOôç %£ˆù\öçã¾ Töç×_Eõç\ÉöNþ Eõ»çéc÷ä$K÷ ?]ÝXç L_»JôÌ[ý YÒçSÝÌ[ý `Ÿça-YÒ̀ ŸçãaÌ[ý =YÌ[ý ×\ö×wø EõãÌ[ý YÒçSÝãVÌ[ý Töç×_Eõç\ÉöNþ EõãÌ[ý* XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô %£ˆù\öçã[ý Töç×_Eõç\ÇöNþ EõÌ[ýç c÷ãÌ̂ ä»K÷ ?

(A) Toad (B) Oyster (C) Crab (D) Prawnå[ýe / [ýîçIø `ç]ÇEõ / ×MõXÇEõ åEgõEÇõ»ç / EgõçEõQÍöç ×]$K÷ç]ç$K÷ / ×Jôe×QÍö

78. When a stone is thrown up in the air, it will come down after sometime because of .............×`_m×Oô AOôç CY»ê_ ]ç×» Y×PöÌ̂ çã_ ×Eõ$KÇ÷ a]Ì̂ » Yç$K÷Tö ......................... » [ýçã[ý Tö_ê_ a×» Y×»[ý*AEõ×Oô YçUÌ[ý =YãÌ[ý »KÇ÷äQÍö ×Vã_ ×Eõ»KÇ÷ a]Ì̂ YãÌ[ý ................... AÌ[ý LXî XÝä»Jô åXã] %çãa*(A) electrical force (B) frictional force (C) magnetic force (D) gravitational force

é[ýVÇî×TöEõ [ý_ HbïS [ý_ $JÇô¶‘öEõÝÌ̂ [ý_ ]çWýîçEõbïS [ý_

79. Primarily, air pollution is caused by .............[ýçÌ̂ Ç YÒVÉbS» YÒWýçX Eõç»S éc÷ä$K÷ ..................... / [ýçÌ̂ Ç YÒVÉbãSÌ[ý YÒWýçX EõçÌ[ýS c÷_ .......................*(A) insecticides (B) sewage (C) smoke (D) loud speaker

EõÝOôXç`Eõ [ýLÛî YVçUï åWýç¾ç / åWýgçÌ̂ ç _ç=Qö ×&Eõç»

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- 10 -

80. A natural pesticide or biological pesticide is .................................. A×[ýWý YÒçEÊõ×TöEõ %U[ýç éL×¾Eõ EõÝOôXç`Eõ YVçUï* / ................... AEõYÒEõçãÌ[ýÌ[ý YÒçEÊõ×TöEõ %U[ýç éL×[ýEõ EõÝOôXç`Eõ YVçUï*(A) DDT (B) neem (C) baygon spray (D) naphthalene

×Qö ×Qö ×Oô XÝ] / ×X] å[ýGX å&Ò åXZõUç×_X

81. Which of the following food chain is in correct order ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç FçVî ̀ Ê…_ £ˆù yÔ]Tö %çä$K÷ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX FçVî ̀ Ê…_ £ˆù yÔã] %çä»K÷ ?(A) Snake bird plant grasshopper (B) Plant grasshopper bird snake

açY $Jô»ç+ TÊöS Zõ×»e TÊöS Zõ×»e $Jô»ç+ açYaçY YçFÝ TÊöS Zõ×QÍö TÊöS Zõ×QÍöe YçFÝ açY

(C) Grasshopper plant bird snake (D) bird grasshopper plant snakeZõ×»e TÊöS $Jô»ç+ açY $Jô»ç+ Zõ×»e TÊöS açYZõ×QÍöe TÊöS YçFÝ açY YçFÝ Zõ×QÍöe TÊöS açY

82. The figure shows the leaf of a plant.×$JôyTö AOôç =×àöV» Yy åVFÇC¾ç éc÷ä$K÷* / »K÷×[ýãTö AEõ×Oô Gçä»K÷Ì[ý YçTöç åVFçãXç c÷_ f--

What additional function is performed by the given leaf ?

A+ YçTö×F_ç» %×Tö×»Nþ Eõç^ïî ×Eõ ? / A+ YçTöç×OôÌ[ý %×Tö×Ì[ýNþ Eõç^ï ×Eõ ?(A) Respiration (B) Reproduction (C) Excretion (D) none of these

Ÿ̀aX YÒLXX å»$JôX / åÌ[ýJôX AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

83. Which of the following animals does not reproduce by laying eggs ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç YÒçSÝ EõSÝ» Y»ç LX½ Xc÷Ì̂ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX YÒçSÝÌ[ý YÒLXX ×Qö] åUãEõ c÷Ì̂ Xç ?(A) sparrow (B) Lizard (C) Butterfly (D) None of these

HX ×$Jô×»Eõç/ JôÌ[ýç+ åLPöÝ/ ×OôEõ×Oô×Eõ Y×F_ç / YÒLçY×Tö AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

84. Which of the following seeds is dispersed by wind ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç [ýÝL [ýTöçc÷» ¥ç»ç ×[ýØ™öç×»Tö c÷Ì̂ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX [ýÝL [ýçTöçãaÌ[ý ¥çÌ[ýç »K÷QÍöçÌ̂ ?(A) Coconut (B) Madar (C) Mango (D) None of these

Xç×»Eõ_/ Xç×Ì[ýãEõ_ ]Vç»/ ]çVçÌ[ý %ç] AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ /AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

85. Which of the following plant parts play the role of protecting seeds ?Tö_Tö ×VÌ̂ ç =×àöV» åEõçXäOôç %e`+ [ýÝLEõ »lùSçã[ýlùS ×VãÌ̂ ? / =×àöãVÌ[ý åEõçX %e` [ýÝLãEõ Ì[ýlùç EõãÌ[ý ?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

86. An electrical fire should not be put out by using water since there is a danger of .............×[ýVÇîd» Y»ç _Gç LÇ+ YçXÝã» XÇ]çã_ ................ ×[ýYVTö Y»ç» %ç`eEõç UçãEõ*/×[ýVÇîd åUãEõ _çGç %çmX L_ ×VãÌ̂ ×X\öçã_ .......... %ç`eEõç UçãEõ*(A) burning (B) electrocution (C) fracture (D) spreading

L�×_ ×[ýVÇîd YÒ¾ç×c÷Tö éc÷ c÷çQÍö \öç×Iøö LÇ+ ×a$Jô×»Tö éc÷L�_çÌ[ý ×[ýVÇîd YÒ[ýç×c÷Tö c÷CÌ̂ çÌ[ý c÷çQÍö \öçIøçÌ[ý %çmX »K÷QÍöçãXçÌ[ý

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- 11 -

87. Which of the following is good food practice ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôçEõ =wø] [ýîtX Yˆù×Tö [ýÇ×_ åEõç¾ç c÷Ì̂ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×OôãEõ =wø] [ýîtX Yˆù×Tö [ý_ç c÷Ì̂ ?(A) cooking rice in excess water and throwing away the rice water

%Töîç×WýEõ YçXÝ [ýî¾c÷ç» Eõ×» \öçTö »µùç %ç»Ó ×Xa×X åY_ç+ ×VÌ^ç*%Töîç×WýEõ L_ [ýî[ýc÷çÌ[ý EõãÌ[ý \öçTö Ì[ýç~ç A[ýe ]çQÍö åZõã_ åVCÌ̂ ç*

(B) washing vegetables after peeling and cuttingYç$Jô×_ EõOôç» Yç$K÷Tö åWýç¾ç / a‹Ý EõçOôçÌ[ý YÌ[ý åWýçÌ̂ ç

(C) Do not overcook the food (D) All the aboveFçVî %×Tö]çyç ×aLç[ý Xç_çãG %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç / a[ýEõÌ̂ ×OôFçVî %×Tö]çyçÌ̂ ×aˆù EõÌ[ýãTö c÷Ì̂ Xç

88. Eating food exposed to flies spread ............]ç×F Y»ç FçVî Fçã_ ..................... c÷'[ý Yçã»* / æRôãEõ Xç Ì[ýçFç FçãVî ]ç×»K÷ [ýaã_ .................. c÷ãTö YçãÌ[ý*(A) tuberculosis (B) measles (C) cholera (D) tetanus

^©¿ç a»Ó%ç+ / c÷ç] Eõã_»ç / Eõã_Ì[ýç WýXÇrôeEõç» / WýXÇrôeEõçÌ[ý

89. Where is air present ?[ýçÌ̂ Ç Eõ'Tö UçãEõ ? / [ýçÌ̂ Ç åEõçUçÌ̂ UçãEõ ?

(A) I and II only (B) II and III only (C) III and I only (D) I, II and III]çy I %ç»Ó II ]çy II %ç»Ó III ]çy III %ç»Ó I I, II %ç»Ó III£WýÇ I C II £WýÇ II C III £WýÇ III C I I, II C III

90. Which of the following gases protects us from harmful rays ?Tö_» åEõçX×[ýWý åGä$K÷ lù×TöEõç»Eõ »×`½ã[ýç»» Y»ç %ç]çEõ »lùç Eõã» ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX Gîça lù×TöEõçÌ[ýEõ Ì[ý×`½m×_ åUãEõ %ç]çãVÌ[ý Ì[ýlùç EõãÌ[ý ?(A) Helium (B) Neon (C) Nitrogen (D) Ozone

×c÷×_Ì̂ ç] ×XÌ^X Xç+®Ïô'åLX %L'X / CLX

91. The function of the organ given below is .............Tö_Tö ×VÌ̂ ç %eGäOôç» Eõç^ïî éc÷ä$K÷ ....................... / XÝä»Jô åVCÌ̂ ç %eG×OôÌ[ý EõçL c÷_ ..................*

(A) breathe in and breathe out air (B) pumps blood to all parts of the body=`çc÷-×X`çc÷ å_ç¾ç `»Ý»» aEõã_ç %eGê_ åTöL» å^çGçX Wý»çŸ̀ça-YÒ`Ÿça åXCÌ̂ ç `Ì[ýÝãÌ[ýÌ[ý aEõ_ %eãG Ì[ýNþ å^çGçX åVCÌ̂ ç

(C) purify the blood (D) None of theseåTöL Y×»•õç» Eõ»ç / Ì[ýNþ Y×Ì[ý•õçÌ[ý EõÌ[ýç AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

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- 12 -92. Millions of years ago, the earth consisted of dense forests. When the plants and animals died, they got

covered by sand and mud and slowly decayed to form ..............c÷çLç»-c÷çLç» [ý$K÷» %çGãTö YÊ×U¾ÝFX QöçPö c÷ç×[ýã» Y×»YÉSï %ç×$K÷_* A+ ]ÊTö =×àöV %ç»Ó YÒçSÝEõ [ýç×_ %ç»Ó ]ç×OôãÌ^ Rôç×Eõ åY_çÌ̂ %ç»Ó A+ã[ýç»_çãc÷ _çãc÷ lùÌ̂ éc÷ ....................... ê_ »ÖYçÜ™ö» c÷Ì̂ *c÷çLçÌ[ý-c÷çLçÌ[ý [ý»K÷Ì[ý %çãG YÊ×U[ýÝ HXL†ã_ Y×Ì[ýYÉSï ×»K÷_, ^FX =×àöV C YÒçSÝÌ[ý ]ÊTÇöî c÷Ì̂ , TöFX [ýç×_ C ]ç×Oô TöçãVÌ[ýãEõ a¶YÉSïÌ[ýÖãY æRôãEõåZõã_ A[ýe A+m×_ WýÝãÌ[ý WýÝãÌ[ý lùÌ̂ c÷ãÌ̂ ..................... A Ì[ýÖYçÜ™öÌ[ý c÷Ì̂ *(A) quartz (B) granite (C) coal (D) mica

Øö�õ×OôEõ æGÐXç+Oô EõÌ^ç_ / EõÌ^_ç ]ç+Eõç93. Which of the following is an example of sedimentary rock ?

Tö_» åEõçXäOôç AOôç åG$VÝÌ̂ ×`_» =Vçc÷»S ? / »XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô Yç_×_Eõ ×`_çÌ[ý =Vçc÷Ì[ýS ?(A) Marble (B) Granite (C) Sandstone (D) Pumice

]ç[ýï_ æGÐXç+Oô [ýç×_×`_ ×Y=×]$K÷/×Y=×]a

94. Which of the following is not a form of energy ?Tö_» åEõçXäOôç A×[ýWý ̀ ×Nþ Xc÷Ì̂ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô ̀ ×NþÌ[ý YÒEõçÌ[ý XÌ̂ ?(A) Gravity (B) Light (C) Sound (D) Electricity

]WýîçEõbïS åYçc÷» / %çã_ç `Œ ×[ýVÇîd

95. Frictional force always reduces ...............HbïS [ýã_ .................... âÑ÷ça Eõã»* / HbïS [ýã_ .................... âÑ÷ça EõãÌ[ý*(A) speed (B) velocity (C) acceleration (D) time

VÐÓ×Tö å[ýG ±¼ö»S / ±¼öÌ[ýS a]Ì^

96. Rust forms on ................................ Tö ]ç]ã» Wýã»* / ..................... A ]×Ì[ý»Jôç YäQÍö*(A) tin (B) copper (C) iron (D) lead

×OôX EõYç» / Töç]ç å_ç / å_çc÷ç aÝc÷ / aÝaç

97. When heat is supplied to molecule their ........... energy increases.%SÇ AOôç$Tö TöçY YÒãÌ̂ çG Eõ×»ã_ +cg÷Tö» .......................... `×Nþ [ýçäRÍô* / %XÇãTö TöçY YÒãÌ̂ çG EõÌ[ýã_ +c÷çãVÌ[ý .................... `×Nþ [ýçäQÍö*(A) potential (B) kinetic (C) electrical (D) chemical

×Øšö×Tö G×Tö é[ýVÇî×TöEõ »çaçÌ^×XEõ / Ì[ýçaçÌ^×XEõ

98. Choose the only star from the following ?Tö_Tö ×VÌ̂ çã[ýç»» ]çLTö AEõ]çy XlùyäOôç ×Eõ ? / XÝä»JôÌ[ý åEõçX×Oô AEõ×Oô Xlùy ?(A) Sun (B) Earth (C) Uranus (D) None of these

aÉ ï̂î YÊ×U¾Ý /YÊ×U[ýÝ +=ã»Xç$Jô / +=ãÌ[ýXç»a AOôçC Xc÷Ì̂ / AEõ×OôC XÌ̂

99. The rate of evaporation is affected by -[ýç¹YÝ\ö¾S» c÷ç» ........................ åÌ̂ YÒ\öç×[ýTö Eõã»* / [ýç¹YÝ\ö[ýãXÌ[ý c÷çÌ[ý .................... ¥çÌ[ýç YÒ\öç×[ýTö c÷Ì̂ *(A) Wind (B) Temperature (C) Humidity (D) All of these

[ýTöçc÷ / [ýçTöça =bÕTöç %çVÐTöç %çOôç+ãEõ+Oôç / a[ýEõÌ̂ ×Oô

100. Oxygen : Burn : : Carbon dioxide : ? / %×jãLX f L�ã_ f f Eõç[ýïX Qöç+-%jç+Qö f ?(A) Isolate (B) Foam (C) Extinguish (D) Explode

YÊUEõ åZõXç XÇ]ç+ / ×Xã[ý ×[ýãØö�õç»S / ×[ýãØö�õçÌ[ýS


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