AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 4 - November 2014

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American International School of Bucharest (AISB, AISBucharest) Monthly Newsletter - Volume 4 | November 2014

Transcript of AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 4 - November 2014

Volume 4 - November 2014

The American International School of Bucharest

In this volume:

Message from the Director

engage | prepare | inspire

School-Wide News

Message from the PTO

Bucharest Buzz

The Month Ahead

Volume 4 - November 2014

Director’s Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 1

Message from the Director

Dr. Robert Brindley, Director

engage | prepare | inspire

Dear Parents,

As you know, a couple of weeks ago we sent out

a survey to you requesting feedback on the pro-

posed changes to the school calendar for the ac-

ademic year 2015-16 (please note the changes

were for next year not this year; this year’s calen-

dar remains unchanged). The thoughts behind the

changes were to minimize interruptions and max-

imize student learning within the 180 school days

that constitute the academic school year.

Not unsurprisingly, there was a significant response

from parents, so we extended the deadline; in to-

tal about 160 parents

completed the form. I

then had an email from a

parent in the secondary

school who commented

that her daughter had

questioned, ‘why is the

school not surveying the

students as we are the

ones it most affects’. A fair

comment, I thought; so

we polled the students

and then the faculty.

When we sat down to an-

alyze the results from the

379 participants (is that a

record?), 54% agreed with

the changes, 37% did not and about 9% had no

opinion. It was clear that although the parents

were generally in favor, about 73%, the students

and teachers vociferously opposed such changes

(probably about 80% and 65%, respectively

against). When we reviewed all the comments,

and there were very many and they were very

varied, the overall conclusions were:

1. Do not mess with the February break;

2. Set the April break for a week, but do not nec-

essarily tie it to Easter. The dates for Easter

move each year and there should not be too

long a stretch between holidays;

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Dragi Parinti,

Dupa cum stiti deja, in urma cu cateva saptamani

am trimis catre intreaga comunitate un sondaj re-

feritor la schimbarile din calendar pe care le

propuneam pentru anul academic 2015-2016, in-

curajand feedback-ul dumneavoastra (va rog sa

luati in considerare faptul ca schimbarile propuse

sunt pentru anul scolar urmator, si nu pentru aces-

ta). De asemenea, aceste schimbari au fost pro-

puse pentru a incerca sa diminuam intreruperile si

pentru a maximiza procesul de invatare in cadrul

celor 180 de zile pe care le include un an scolar.

Desi am extins termenul

pana la care asteptam

raspunsurile dumneavoas-

tra, doar 160 de parinti au

raspuns. Ulterior am primit

un email de la un parinte

de la scoala secundara,

care imi semnala ca fata

domniei sale a ridicat

urmatoarea problema:

“de ce nu sunt intrebati si

elevii, deoarece ei sunt

afectati in mod direct de

aceste schimbari?”. M-am

gandit ca este un punct

de vedere corect, prin

urmare i-am rugat atat

pe elevi, cat si pe profesori sa voteze.

Cand am analizat rezultatele, am observat ca, din

379 de participanti (oare acesta este un record?),

54% au fost de acord cu schimbarile, 37% nu au

fost de acord cu schimbarile, iar 9% nu si-au expri-

mat nicio opinie. Astfel, desi parintii care au ras-

puns au fost in favoarea acestor schimbari, elevii si

profesorii au fost total impotriva (aproximativ 80%

dintre elevi si, respectiv, 65% dintre profesori au

votat impotriva schimbarilor). Dupa ce am am re-

vizuit nenumaratele comentarii, in ansamblu con-

cluziile au fost urmatoarele:

1. Vacanta din februarie ar trebui sa ramana in

Students, Parents, Faculty, and Staff enjoying the Harvest

Day celebrations on Tuesday November 25. Thank you to our

wonderful PTO and all who volunteered, for organizing such

a fantastic trip around the world for the AISB Community.

Director’s Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2

engage | prepare | inspire

3. Tie Professional Development days to the holi-


4. Make sure that major events, like SAT testing, IB

Diploma mock-exams, CEESA events, etc. are

not compromised;

5. Extend the end of the summer holiday to allow

Romanian families to take the traditional Au-

gust holiday;

6. Adding time to the summer holiday has no

great benefit as compared to having more

frequent breaks during the school year. There-

fore, in keeping with more regular 1 week

breaks, finish later in June to compensate for

any of the changes to keep the total number

of school days unchanged.

7. Close the school for any national holidays, in-

cluding Romanian National Day (December

1st), Orthodox Easter (April/May), May Day

(May 1st), and Orthodox Pentecost (May/


The demands of any survey are that if you seek

feedback you must listen and act on it, otherwise

why undertake one in the first place! Whatever

decisions are ultimately made, not everyone is go-

ing to be happy; it is my job to ensure that the out-

come is logical, sensible, practical and fair.

I will be issuing the final draft very soon!


Robert Brindley

continuare ca si pana acum

2. Vacanta din aprilie ar trebui sa dureze o sapta-

mana, dar nu trebuie neaparat legata de

Paste. Sarbatorile Pascale nu sunt in fiecare an

la aceeasi data, prin urmare nu ar trebui sa

existe un interval de timp prea lung intre va-


3. Zilele alocate dezvoltarii profesionale ar trebui

legate de vacante

4. Trebuie sa ne asiguram ca evenimentele ma-

jore sa nu fie in vreun fel periclitate – este

vorba despre testarea SAT, examenele de sim-

ulare IB, evenimentele CEESA etc.

5. Vacanta de vara ar trebui prelungita pentru

ca familiile de nationalitate romana sa benefi-

cieze de traditionalul concediu din luna august

6. A avea vacante mai des in timpul anului este

un beneficiu mai mare decat daca am stabili

sa prelungim vacanta de vara. Astfel ar trebui

pastrate cu regularitate vacantele de o sapta-

mana, iar scoala ar trebui sa se termine mai

tarziu in luna iunie, in cazul unor schimbari,

pentru a pastra neschimbat numarul zilelor

dintr-un an scolar

7. Scoala ar trebui sa fie inchisa pentru sarbatorile

nationale, inclusiv 1 Decembrie (Ziua Nationala

a Romaniei), Pastele Ortodox (aprilie/mai), Ziua

Muncii (1 mai) sau Rusaliile (mai/iunie)

Personal, consider ca trebuie sa tinem seama de

toate opiniile pe care le primim in urma sondajului

trimis. Altfel, el este inutil. De la sine inteles ca nu

vom putea multumi pe toata lumea. Este re-

sponsabilitatea mea sa ma asigur ca rezultatul fi-

nal va fi logic, rational, practic si corect.

Voi prezenta proiectul meu definitiv cat de


Cu stima,

Robert Brindley

Sharing cultures across country tables at our annual Harvest

Festival. Find more photos on our Facebook page.

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 3

School-Wide News

We are the AISB Vampires! | Community Time at the Gazebo

engage | prepare | inspire

Order your child's school photos

Dear parents,

The school photographer, Mr. Bogdan Greavu, has taken photos of

every student and every class. The pictures will be used in the 2014-2015

AISB Yearbook.

The individual and class photos of your children are now available to

view and purchase. Please visit the twenty9 studio website at http:// to view the photos. Thee photos

are password protected: please request the password from our Man-

ager of Admissions and External Relations, Catalina Gardescu, at or in person.

To order the photos, all you have to do is:

Fill out the form – you can find the forms in the Elementary or Secondary School Offices

You can also download the order form here

Put the form(s) and the money in an envelope

Leave the orders in the atrium with the photographer.

If you place your order before December 10, you will receive a 5% discount on Large Prints or Photo Frames.

Orders and delivery dates will be signaled in the atrium.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mr. Greavu, his details can be found on the or-

der form.

HR Corner with Roxana Lungu, HR Manager at AISB

Hello AISB Community! I am Roxana Lungu, your new HR Manager, and aside

from my professional profile, I want to share with you some information about

myself and I dare you to guess which one of the following statements is not true

about me:

1. I have a kitesurfing practitioner card, as well as a 16 golf handicap.

2. I love eating seafood

3. I have 12.5% Austrian, 12.5% Hungarian, and 6% Greek blood in my veins.

Starting with this month, we will share a short interview with one of our schools

personalities that was born in the month of the newsletter.

The following colleagues have my appreciation for their contribution in making

the HR Corner possible: Dr. Robert Brindley (his acceptance sparkled the idea),

Catalina Gardescu and Salwa Patricia Khalil (backing this idea 200%), Cristina Marcu, Catalin Nicoara,

Doina Andrian, Lia Comanescu, Gabriela Zamfirescu, Gabi Purdel (all having a contributing idea for the in-

terview), and last but not least, Ana Fenyo for her courage to break the ice. Thank you all!

Thursday, Nov 27, 2014

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 4

engage | prepare | inspire

So, in November, join me in saying Happy Birthday to, and read some interesting

stories about Ana Fenyo - Head of High School Secretary.

1. As a little girl what did you want to become when you grew up and what do

you do now at the school?

“Clearly, I was dreaming of all sorts of girlish things but I guess the most

realistic dream was to be a teacher or anything to do with children, edu-

cation and care. Now, I am AISB Head of High School Secretary as a

standard title, but in depth I am also working with HS Counselor and DP

Coordinator. I like both jobs very much and the people I work with too.”

2. Tell us a few words about your family and your upbringing

“I have two children, a boy and a girl. Both are married and have chil-

dren of their own. So I am a grandmother as well; grandma of two beau-

tiful little girls. I love them all very much.”

3. Please continue the sentence: I love to….

“… travel, read, learn new things, listen to music, listen to peo-

ple, and I love to understand things that are hard to under-


4. Because everyone lives for a bit of intrigue: are there any intriguing/

funny stories from the school since 1996 when you started, that you can

share with us?

“Wow, let me think which one to choose? An intriguing thing

about me that maybe nobody knows is that I cannot ride a

bike. Funny stories, I have millions. I should start to write a book

soon with all the funny situations in this school. Hmmm… once

my email was not working due to a power failure and I called

the IT Department asking for help. At the other end of the

phone a voice asked me to write them an email or to send a

Helpdesk request. That was challenging!”

5. What is the craziest life experience you have lived so far?

“Working in ASIB for over 18 years is the craziest life experience


6. Do you think penguins have knees?

“They do indeed have knees; it is just that we cannot see the

upper part of their legs because they are covered by feathers. I

suppose that what we cannot see we cannot believe.”

Ana wished to end her interview with a quote:

“Perfection consists not in doing extraordinary things, but in doing ordinary things extraordinarily well”

– Angelique Arnauld

Workshop for Parents: Planting ‘’Seeds’’ of Caring in Your Children

Presented by Janice Myles, Elementary Service Learning Coordinator

Thursday, December 4th from 8:10am to 9:30am

Tuesday, December 9th from 6:30pm to 8pm

To be held in the Boardroom

Parents will learn through applied examples how to raise their child’s motivation

for civic social responsibility by developing a sense of their role as contributing

members of a global society. This workshop will offer practical ideas and tips for

This photo was taken in August 2001 when

the present campus was opened. Ana is

standing in the middle in the pink blouse.

Do you recognize anyone else?

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 5

engage | prepare | inspire

how to provide your children with opportunities to learn and respond to their world in meaningful ways and

acquire valuable lifelong skills along the way.

Please respond by e-mail if you will be attending at

The Largest Learning Event in History!

We live in a world surrounded by technology. And we know that what-

ever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to suc-

ceed will increasingly hinge on understanding how technology works.

But only a tiny fraction of us are learning computer science, and less

students are studying it than a decade ago.

That’s why AISB is joining in on the largest learning event in history: The

Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week (Dec. 8-14).

Last year, 15 million students tried computer science in one week. This

year, we're joining students worldwide to reach 100 million students!

We hope that our participation in this event will serve as a springboard to all of our students, and give AISB a

firm foothold in the world of computer science.

To find out more, please visit the Hour of Code website.

Better yet, why not learn some basic coding fundamentals with Lightbot. There is a fun

and user-friendly way to begin exploring what goes behind the scenes when you click

that button! You can play in your browser, or download the app for your smartphone.

Or, for the more adventurous, why not try TouchDevelop. A little bit more testing, but the self-

paced tutorial is there to help you along as you progress through the game. You can play it in

your browser or smartphone.

THE FINAL PUSH...... It's not a fashion choice—Donate To My “Movember” Efforts

I've made the decision to donate my upper lip to the Movember move-

ment; over the 30 days of November, I'm growing a moustache while

raising funds and awareness for men's health.

I’m passionate about Movember because they are working tirelessly

every day, connecting and funding the best scientific and clinical

minds in the world, working towards two urgent goals: fast tracking a

time when no man will die from prostate or testicular cancer, and to rid

the world of discrimination against men and boys with mental health


Thanks sooooo much to all those who have supported the moustache

so far! You can see the progress of the Mo in the photo to the right!

With your help I have raised over 330 Euros so far, and team Bromania

over 1200 Euros. So help us hit 1500!

We are moving into the final week which will see me wearing the fin-

ished article in an IB workshop in Vienna :-/

So you have the next few days to contribute to help Movember! Make sure you donate online at:

You can learn more about the important work and impact Movember is having at:

There's a lot riding on this moustache, so thank you and I appreciate your support.

Mark Monaghan, DP Economics Teacher

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 6

engage | prepare | inspire

Help us reach a new milestone!! News From the Communications Office

Have you seen our Facebook page? It’s filled with interesting happen-

ings almost every day! We share photos and videos showcasing some

of the many activities your children take part in every day, updates as

they happen during the day, information and reminders of upcoming

AISB events, articles of interest, interesting snippets of information that

will help you engage with parts of the school that you may not be as

familiar with, and so much more!

Why don’t you have a look at If you

like what you see and you want to

stay connected, then like our

page and help us hit 1,000 likes; we haven’t got very far to go! With 922

and counting, our online presence is growing every day. Be a part of it!

Don’t forget to also follow us on twitter @AISBucharest for more ways to

stay informed!

It’s easy to find our social media channels from the home page of our website—

just scroll all the way to the bottom and look on the right hand side—clicking on

any of the icons will take you directly to our page on that social media channel.

Salwa Patricia Khalil | Development and Communications Assistant |

Stuff the Bus for Berceni… a tradition continues at AISB

“Stuff the Bus” is now an institutionalized tradition and an annual event

at AISB that has taken place for the past 7 years. This project was initial-

ly conceived and initiated to support the less fortunate and needy in

some villages of Berceni.

This wonderful event once again brought together the whole school as

a community through a spirit of hope and giving, linking it closely to the

reason for celebrating the Harvest Festival.

As part of this event, every Elementary School class carefully monitored

and tracked the number of food items they collected, recording this

information on a class thermometer. The collections were combined

and added to the Middle and High school contributions. An approxi-

mate total of 450 food bags were collected in the end with over 6000

food items!

Many teachers worked hard to support this initiative and encouraged

the students to personally raise money and buy the items themselves.

Some teachers turned the experience into an opportunity to study the math

behind the numbers. As an example, students created a graph to track the

food they collected. Ms. Moon’s class studied their purchase receipts and an-

alyzed if they made good selections and choices for the value of their pur-

chases. Students were asking questions like, "How many people can you feed

with this pasta?" and "Is it better to buy peanut butter or a can of kidney

beans?" It was heart-warming to see hundreds of bags placed on the bus by

happy and excited students. However, for the people of Berceni, these bags

represent much more than just food… they send a clear message that our stu-

dents, faculty and parents care about their welfare and well-being.

In Mother Teresa's words, "We can do no great things, only small things with

great love." There sure was plenty of love involved in filling the bags and stuff-

ing the bus!

School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 7

engage | prepare | inspire

I am occasionally asked the question, “Why are we helping Berceni again?

Can’t we help some other people instead?” There are several reasons for why

we continue to help the villages of Berceni. For one, we committed to helping

the NGO Second Chance many years ago and we also promised to ensure

continued support for sustainability. Over the years, Second Chance has proven

to be a reliable community partner through their action by ensuring that all do-

nations reached those intended. The com-

mitment of Second Chance as a charity

and its leadership is a testament for their

dedication to work tirelessly in improving the

lives of the less fortunate.

Second Chance founder, Cosmina, was

present at the assembly with a representa-

tive from the Berceni mayor’s office to per-

sonally receive and thank the AISB community for their donations and

generosity. It was a rewarding experience for all present to see the stu-

dents follow them out, cheering and waving the “stuffed” bus off as it

headed to Berceni. Even the rain could not dampen the spirits on this

glorious day!

A project like this could not happen without the unwavering commit-

ment of many students, teachers and parents who dedicated so much

of their time, effort and energy to make it a success.

A big thank you to…

The Roots and Shoots students who made posters and helped pro-

mote the event;

The Student Council who made the class thermometers;

Mega Image for their continued supply of the collection bags;

Mr. Anghel from Twin Bus Tours for providing the bus to transport the

donations to Berceni;

The supportive parent volunteers including Krista, Dawn, Kristen, Je-

ma and Tanis for preparing the bags and helping to organize the

loading of the bus;

Meghan our professional parent photographer for taking the photos, as well as Catalin;

And last but not least we cannot forget our amazing maintenance team of Sorin, Cristi and Bogdan who

are always there to help with big smiles on their faces.

We can all too often get caught up with living in our own ‘little bubble’, unaware of the world around us.

Having an experience like this not only raises our social awareness and civic responsibility for a community in

need, but it also helps our students gain a sense of what it means to be a caring and contributing global

citizen through ACTION!

Janice Myles

Elementary Service Learning Coordinator

American International School of Bucharest |

PTO Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 8

Message from the PTO

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni, President

engage | prepare | inspire

Dear AISB Community,

It seems school only started yesterday and we are already almost in

December! We are so busy with our kids’ schooling, preparing for win-

ter, booking trips for winter holidays but also with so many fun activities

at school.

Harvest Festival:

Harvest Festival was a wonderful celebration. We are so very grateful to

the many parents who coordinat-

ed the food from their home

countries, to all of the parents

who cooked and served, to eve-

ryone who decorated and helped

with logistics. You were great! Stu-

dents were thrilled to taste home-

made food from 39 countries:

Vietnam – Venezuela – United

States – Turkey – Thailand – Syria –

Spain – Serbia – Russia – Romania

– Portugal – Poland – Pakistan –

New Zealand – Netherlands – Mol-

dova – Mexico – Malaysia – Leba-

non – Korea – Japan – Italy – Israel

– Iraq – India – Hungary – Greece

– Germany – France – Egypt – Cy-

prus – China – Canada – Bulgaria

– Brazil – Austria – Australia – Ar-

gentina – Algeria

As part of our school-wide discus-

sion of different harvest and

thanksgiving celebrations, stu-

dents from EC3 – 10th grade filled

out leaves for our Thanksgiving

Friday, October 31, 2014

PTO Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 9

engage | prepare | inspire

Trees. Here is a sample of some of the things our students are grateful for: I am thankful for…

the baby in mommy’s tummy; the people who make Legos for us; Wi-Fi; my teachers; my mom, my dad,

and my dog; Soccer; crafts, love, teachers, toys, my room & food; my

cat because without her I would be all the time lonely; my daddy; all

the people that love and care about me, because those people have

made my life wonderful!; all the people who have once helped me!

Thank you!; all the love I have in my life; my mom that took care of me

and raised me & also my clothes & clean water & also this school & my

safe shelter at home; friends; that I have a warm house and that I’m

going to fun school; the food I get, the school I go to, my house & my

family & my friends, because I know a lot of people don’t have a life

like this and I do, so Thank You

God and my family for everything

you gave me; to my parents that

we can own so many pets; my

family; every breath I take and

for every new day which is a

great gift for me; my toys; books

& my grandma; the love and

kindness of all the people around


Upcoming Events!

AISB is again hosting the so much

appreciated Artisan Fair. It is go-

ing to be on December 10th -

11th 2014, in the School Atrium

and hallway to the Cafeteria. This

is a great opportunity to know

and appreciate the Romanian

artisans, culture, and art. This will

also be a great opportunity to

buy beautiful and hand made

presents from our artisans to take

back home to our families and

friends. If you have any questions

please contact Mrs. Sorina


Festival of Lights is going to close

our calendar & school celebra-

tions this year. Our community

gets together to show and share

our culture, beliefs and celebra-

tions around this time of the year.

Mexico, with the beautiful La Po-

PTO Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 10

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sada celebration; Santa Lucia show & play from Sweden; Diwali lights celebra-

tions; Ramadan presentation and the beautiful lanterns; Italy with the wonderful

presepio; Israel with the beautiful menorah and the tree of wishes; Germany with

the advent & candles presentation; USA & Canada with the huge Christmas

Tree; and so on. Kids have such a beautiful trip around the countries & cultures,

listen to the stories, participate in quizzes and games and have such a good

time. Please contact us if you would like to be part of these celebrations. Fela

Sanjuan and Fabiana Papastefani will be able to let you know more about it.

Please contact us at

We are putting on the Annual Auction Gala, which this time is happening on

March 28th, 2015. Save the date! This year our community will pay a tribute to

our beautiful host country and the city of BUCHAREST! Bucharest, My Little Paris!

Start getting ready to go back to the beautiful & glamorous little Paris of Europe

and celebrate with us together. Please meet our Gala Co-Chairs: Mrs. Catalina Gardescu, Mrs. Fabiana Pa-

pastefani, and Dr. Robert Brindley!

It is the most fun & beautiful event of the year in town! As Dr. Brindley beautifully put it: this is our main "friend-

raising" event, and of course our main fund raising event. The committees are filling up and coming togeth-

er, the fun spark has already started in the minds and hearts of many of us. Venue, decorations, menu… oh

boy! It's so much fun to put together a party of this kind! Please join us in our meetings, please do contact us

at & if you would like to know more about this party plan-

ning and want to be part of the fun!

What's ON?

You are invited! Come and join us at our PTO General Meeting on December 4th, 2014, in Room 10, at

13:00. We were thinking of getting together and wishing each other a Merry Christmas and Happy Winter

Celebrations and Holidays! We will have a potluck, enjoy some good food and teach others’ company.

Please bring a dish to share.

Secondary School:

Drug & Alcohol Awareness Meeting for Secondary Parents

for parents only -Tuesday, December 9, from 19:00 - 20:15

Parents who attended the recent daytime presentations with Mr. Nathan Jones, a specialist at the US Em-

bassy, were shocked at what we learned about the illegal drugs available to our children in the world to-

day, and how they are different from drugs in the past. Many parents asked for an evening session, and we

are very grateful that Mr. Jones is able to return to our school in December. The school is also working with

Mr. Jones to present appropriate information to Middle School and High School students after the winter hol-

idays. We encourage ALL parents of 6th - 12th grade students to come and be informed, to discuss parent-

ing strategies, and to become better acquainted with other parents.

All of our events are published on the school website, to be informed, you can subscribe to the PTO calen-

dar so you don't miss any of these dates!:


Date Event

12/04/14 PTO General Meeting

12/05/14 EC Parent/Principal Coffee Morning

12/09/14 MS Parent Meeting: Social Integration in MS: How to

Guide Your Child 13:00 CR 10

12/09/14 MS/HS Parents Drug/Alcohol Awareness 19:00-20:15 CR 10

12/10-11/14 PTO Artisan's Fair

12/11/14 HS Parents/Principal Coffee Morning

12/15-16/14 Festival of Lights

Bucharest Buzz | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 11

Bucharest Buzz

Herăstrău Park Cultural Festival | Bucharest Jazz Festival

The Bucharest Buzz section of the Monthly Newsletter is a place to share information about-events and

places with those in our community. Are there events coming up that you want others to know about? Did

you go somewhere worth a visit? Send your Bucharest Buzz items of maximum 150 words and 1 photo to our

Manager of Admissions and External Relations, Ms. Catalina Gardescu, at and if

appropriate, your news items will be featured in the next Monthly Newsletter.

engage | prepare | inspire

Champagne and Sparkling Wine Tasting Class—December 2

Join Richard Fox at the London Street Atelier (15 Putul lui Zamfir Street)

on a voyage of discovery. The third in the series of Wine School events,

this session will look at Champagne and Sparkling Wines. With the holi-

days just around the corner, this is a perfect chance to become an ex-

pert on choosing classic champagnes and other great sparklers. Find

out more, including fees, by contact ing enqui r - or +40 736 933 531 and by visiting the

event page.

The Vienna Classic Orchestra Comes to Bucharest—December 3

December 3rd welcomes the Vienna Classic Orchestra to Bucharest at

8pm. Comprised of young artists who have played at the Philharmonic

in Vienna, these international musicians will delight us with their music at

Sala Palatului. You can buy tickets on Find out more

from our friends at City Compass.

Impact Hub Gift Fair—December 5 and 6

Impact Hub will host a Gift Fair on Friday, December 5 and Saturday, December

6 at their headquarters in Unirii square (5 Halelor Street). Some of the participants

include: FabLab, Upside Down, Sunday Bagels, Dulce a la Mir, La Jie Boutique,

Cooperative de Arta, Merci Charity Boutique, and Atelierul de Print. There will

also be handmade products, fashion products, personalized toys and many oth-

er gift options. The fair will be split into six sections, namely: Accessories and Dec-

orations, Gifts for Kids, Handicrafts, Recycled Products, Romanian Artists, and

Culinary. Visit on Friday from 11:30 to 21:00 and on Saturday from 11:30 to 18:00.

There is a 10 RON entrance fee. Find out more on the Impact Hub website:

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Bucharest Buzz | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 12

engage | prepare | inspire

Kid’s Christmas Concert at the Romanian Athenaeum—December 7

December 7th welcomes a Sunday morning Christmas Concert for kids

at 10am. The concert includes works of John Frederick, Haven Gillespie,

Jose Feliciano, and traditional Romanian and international carols. It is

part of the ‘Clasic e fantastic’ series. This performance, ‘Să-i cântăm lui

Moş Crăciun în ritm de jazz‘ will see the George Enescu Philharmonic,

jazz singer Irina Sârbu, saxophone player Dan Ioniţă, pianist Puiu Pascu,

double bass player Ciprian Parghel, and percussionist Tudor Parghel

share the stage. You can buy tickets at the Romanian Athenaeum tick-

et office.

British Documentary Bucharest—5th Edition

Open now until December 15

From October 6 to December 15, you are invited to the National Museum of the

Romanian Peasant, Horia Bernea Hall, to the 5th edition of the British Documen-

tary Screenings. Films have been selected based on their place in numerous in-

ternational festivals, many of which have best cinematography or audience

awards. Screenings take place every Monday at 7pm with a few exceptions. All

documentaries are in English with Romanian subtitles and entry is free.

Find out more here: British Documentary Bucharest

History Hackers—Secrets of Ancient Egypt interactive exhibition for kids

Open now until December 30

History Hackers is the first interactive exhibition for kids organized in Bu-

charest, focusing on the Secrets of Ancient Egypt. It is open until De-

cember 30 at the Gabroveni Inn, in the heart of the old town. History

Hackers is designed especially for kids from 6-14 years old. By making

history fun, kids are very much more engaged in their learning, and the

interactivity of the exhibition gives them the opportunity to touch, play,

create, and experiment with the exhibits. They will also be able to take

part in group activity workshops focused around topics such as jewelry,

amulets, hieroglyphs, and mummification.

You can purchase tickets from or from the Gabroveni Inn. Find out more about the event


“The King has Died! Long live the King!”

Exhibition at the National Museum of History in Bucharest

From now until March 1st, 2015, pay the National Museum of History in

Bucharest a visit to enjoy an exhibition commemorating King Carol I

and King Ferdinand of Romania. The exhibition will include objects from

Peles and Cotroceni Museums, and the National Museum of Art. The

exhibition can be visited from Wednesday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm

with a 25 Ron fee for adults and 7 Ron for students. Children under 7

can visit for free.

Find out more here:

The Month Ahead | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 13

The Month Ahead

AISB Terry Fox Run 2013 | AISB International Festival 2013

engage | prepare | inspire

Monday, December 1, 2014

Romanian National Holiday—No School

Wednesday, December 3 2014

Cyber Safety Parent Workshop

| 19:00—20:00 | CR13

Thursday, December 4, 2014

PTO General Meeting | 13:00—14:30 | CR10

Friday, December 5, 2014

Grade 2 Winter Concert | 14:00—15:00 | Theater

Saturday, December 6, 2014

SAT Testing | 07:00—13:00 | CR10 and CR13

Monday, December 8—Tuesday 9, 2014

AISB Book Fair | 07:30—16:00 | AISB Atrium

Monday, December 8—Friday 12, 2014

EC & ES Sign Up for Winter Season After School

Activities and Clinics | Online

Monday, December 8—Friday 12, 2014

Hour of Code | AISB

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

ES Parent Coffee | 08:00—09:00 | CR10

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

MS Parent Meeting: Dynamics of Social Integration

in Middle School—How to Guide Your Child

| 13:45—14:45| CR10

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

MS/HS Winter Concert | Theater

Wednesday, December 10—Thursday 11, 2014

Artisan Fair | All day | AISB Atrium

Thursday, December 11, 2014

HS Parent/Principal Coffee | 08:15—09:15

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Grade 3-5 Winter Concert | 14:00—15:00 | Theater

Friday, December 12—Sunday 14, 2014

HS Boys Basketball | ISB Berne

Saturday, December 13, 2014

MS/HS Basketball against Local Teams

Monday, December 15—Tuesday 16, 2014

Festival of Lights | AISB Atrium

Thursday, December 18, 2014

ES Assembly | 14:00—15:00 | Theater

Friday, December 19, 2014

EC3 Concert | 08:30—09:00 | CR13

Friday, December 19, 2014

EC4 Concert | 10:00—10:40 | CR13

Friday, December 19, 2014

AISB Pantomime Theater Production | Theater

Friday, December 19, 2014

Last Day of School before Winter Break

| 12:00 dismissal

Monday, December 22—Friday January 9, 2015

Winter Break

December 2014