Air Pollution JR JDP MB

Post on 09-Mar-2016

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A magazine that explains what is Air Polluton. Its causes, effects and solutions. It also includes a proposal that can be used at school and will make the reader think about the damage we, humans are doing.

Transcript of Air Pollution JR JDP MB

BY: Juan Diego Palacios

Joaquín Rosales

Manuela Burbano

INDEX: What is Air Pollution?

What are the causes of Air Pollution?

What are the effects of Air Pollution?

What are the solutions of Air Pollution?

Works Cited

What is Air Pollution? Our Air the one that breath is getting things that it usually doesn’t has so is creating bad things on human body so it is causing bad things also on the plants and animals they are dying because all the air getting polluted. Like the atmosphere is getting all polluted because air pollution and with trash so that is causing that the rays of the sun when they get in is without a problem but because the trash they cannot get out so the earth is getting hotter and hotter that is why the icebergs are getting dissolved. And that is caused only because some chemicals of Air Pollution are getting into the air so they are causing very serious problems like we can get big flouting’s. Air pollution is also known as contamination or global warming because global

warming is mainly caused because air pollution and all the things that goes to the air that is what it causes Global Warming and Global Warming is the mainly cause that it exists water scarcity overpopulation and all that types of things that is why we have to stop Air Pollution. Also Air Pollution is one of the most big Global Issue because is universal and it is causing very big problems on the world. There are three mainly types of Air Pollution and one of the biggest is the next one it is the particles that are going to the air because all does energy fabrics that we are creating to take out more and more oil to more dipper places because we want to find more for the future because we may stay with out of oil and we don´t know what will be our resource for energy. Some

causes for air pollution is the smog and all that unnecessary

things on the air.


Air pollution is a global issue that we have to be conscious about because it is causing other issues to happen. Air pollution is the contamination of the air and it is also known as the substances that are damaging the air, the living things and the environment. The most evident form of air pollution is smog and it is the one that everyone is most familiar with.

Air pollution has different causes, some are visible and some invisible. Most of the causes are because of human activities. Burning gasoline to drive cars, trucks, buses and the factories and forest fires produce carbon dioxide. Every time that we burn fossil fuels we are making more carbon dioxide that is the main pollutant. We are also burning oil, coal and wood to have electricity and this is also

damaging the Earth and the air. An example of a place where electricity is been used in very large amounts is Los Angeles. Here they have different entertainment activities like shows and also the buildings use a lot of energy at day and especially at night.

We have also invented a new way to put pesticides in food (like planes) and this has also been seen as a cause of air pollution. The Earth needs an amount of carbon dioxide to have heat and don’t have freezing temperatures. We are increasing the amount of carbon dioxide to levels that are too much for the environment so it is damaging it. In the last 150 years we have raised the levels of CO2 (carbon dioxide) to a point that has never been in hundreds of thousands of years.


Air pollution has also effects. One of them is the global warming and this issue has other effects (like glacier melting) so it is a cycle. Every substance that we introduce in the air is damaging the environment and this affect us in different ways. They can damage animals and plants, the biodiversity and the fields with crops.

Air pollution is also causing diseases. The pollutants like carbon, nitrogen and sulfur dioxide are the ones that we are more concerned about. They can cause irritation in the eyes throat and respiratory infections but also diseases

like lung cancer, heart diseases and even damages to the brain and kidneys. All depends on the time and on the concentration of the chemicals you were exposed.

Affects Humans Plants Animals= ALL THE EARTH


The solutions to this issue are many but most of them are ignored by people mostly in

countries that are developing.

Some of the solutions that scientific propose to the world

and are trying to make the people think about what could

be the future problems that the human race can have in

the future by telling the people to put the trash where it need to go also don’t burn plastics and other stuff that affect the

air, also they are telling companies of oil and that

things to think about what are they doing to the world

because the chemicals that this companies just throw up are really bad to the health of human, animals, and plants.

One of the major problem is that people use cars every day

so this affect the lungs of the people so there is a purpose in

the united states of America in Miami that they rent a vehicle that other people can use so this make less air pollution and doesn’t use many oil.

Other solutions are that we can use other energy sources

to move cars and that stuff like the power of the sun, of the

wind and the waves.

Also many cars companies make a model and there are cars that doesn’t use oil they are electric and that doesn’t

contaminated the air.

Also air pollution can be controlled by planting more

trees and these will make clean air

Proposal We came out with a proposal to help stop this global issue that is air pollution. We think it is a good idea to make a campaign with the objective of making people aware that cars are contaminating the air and we can use bicycles to reduce the amount of contamination. Like go to the grocery store, to the house of your friend or family or even to school in bicycle and avoid the use of cars.

We are going to make a kind of book that says and that the cars are producing carbon dioxide that is the main pollutant. Also, even though we are just a person we can make a difference.

At the end, when we finish explaining we are going to make questions to the audience. These questions are going to be true or false and the one with more

correct answers wins. This way we are going to make sure they understood in a fun way.

This proposal should be applied at school because it is going to make people reflect about the damage to the air they are doing by using cars. They are going to know that by using bicycles (even it is just for going to the store) they are helping the environment. And this is an easy way to make a change and help the environment!

We are going to take like one week to apply this proposal. This way we are going to allow more people to listen to the book and reflect and act about it.

The materials we are going to need are recycled paper and markers to write and decorate the story and the questions
