Aim: What are the human transport vessels? I. Human Transport Vessels A. Humans have a closed...

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Aim: What are the human transport vessels? I. Human Transport Vessels A. Humans have a closed...

Aim: What are the human transport vessels?

I. Human Transport Vessels

A. Humans have a closed transport system

B. Transport Vessels

1. Arteries

a. Thick, muscular walls

b. Always conduct blood Away from the heart.

c. ***Always carries oxygenated blood

2. Veins

a. Flat, thin walled blood vessels

b. Contain valves that keep blood flowing in one direction



c. ***Always carries deoxygenated blood

d. Conducts blood to the heart

3. Capillaries

a. Microscopic blood vessels that are only one cell thick

b. Capillaries branch off from small arteries and carry blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

c. Dissolved materials are readily exchanged by diffusion between the body cells and the blood through the thin walls of the capillaries.