Aim: How did Various Latin American regions attempt to implement Republican forms of Government?...

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Aim: How did Various Latin American regions attempt to implement Republican forms of


• Juan Manuel de Rosas


What challenges were present across the board between Canada and North America when it came to controlling such large diverse regions?

Focus- Latin America

What challenges hindered Latin America from establishing the Republic’s they fought so hard to control from the Spanish and Portuguese in the 19th century?

Simon Bolivar Creole leader

of the revolutions in Venezuela.

Spent time in Europe and the newly-independent United States.

Left Many Countries in the Left Many Countries in the Control of Control of CaudillosCaudillos


$ Mid-19c dictators military authoritarianism.

$ Mostly wealthy creole aristocrats.

$ Immediately followed the fight for independence.

$ Posed as reformers with goals to improve the economy and better the lives of the common people.

1. In what century did most Latin American countries achieve their independence?A) 16thB) 17thC) 18thD) 19thE) 20th

2. Which of the following was NOT one of the beliefs that Latin America shared with the West during the 19th century?

A)Belief in progressʺ ʺB)Belief in reformC) Belief in absolute monarchyD) Belief in private propertyE) Belief in democratic ideals

3. Which of the following events was rejected by creole elites as a model of revolution because ofexcessive radicalism?A) American RevolutionB) French RevolutionC) Independence movement in PortugalD) Napoleonic WarsE) English Civil War

4. For whom in Latin America did the independence of Haiti serve as a symbol of freedom and hope?A) The creole eliteB) The SpanishC) The slavesD) MestizosE) Mexico

5. Simon Boli´var was responsible for the independence movement inA) Argentina.B) Mexico.C) Northern South America.D) Guatemala.E) Panama.

6. Independent leaders who dominated local areas by force in defiance of national policies andwho sometimes seized the national government were calledA) Rurales.B) caudillos.C) Guachos .D) fazendas.E) jefes.

7. The leader of the Liberal rebellion in Mexico called La Reforma wasA) Benito Jua´rez.B) Bernardino Rivadavia.C) Simon Boli´var.D) General Antonio Lo´pez de Santa Ana.E) Porfirio Diaz.

Answer Key

• 1- D• 2. C• 3. B• 4. C• 5. C• 6. B• 7. A

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