AIESEC en Tabasco LCP 2015 Maus

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Transcript of AIESEC en Tabasco LCP 2015 Maus

LCP 2015 Application David Maus VP FNZ

A I E S E C E N T A B A S C O presenta

México City, September 24th,2014.

To AIESEC Tabasco´s Local Plenary,

I had the pleasure to meet Mr. David Maus Acosta on October 2013. As former MC of AIESEC in

Mexico, I got to know him in a personal and professional aspect during an MC coach visit to

Tabasco, but I also worked with him as his boss at a national level, where he was always an

outstanding member of the finance plenary. I can certainly say that David is a passionate

AIESECer, driven by the main objective of the organization, he has been humble and brave enough

to get here by asking, learning and helping others to develop themselves within the organization.

After my experience as Local Committee President of AIESEC UP I can only agree with one of my

past leaders, you require 3 things I will briefly mention: The drive: With this I mean this inner

motor that makes you do things, as the final leader, you need this motor to be fueled by your own.

Leadership: In the organization we say we develop leaders, I agree, though there are some specific

personalities that “move” people, they inspire their team to give one more, to give all they can to

get to a common goal. The third one is experience: No born-leader can achieve goals without

knowledge, the leader needs to be the one feeling comfortable in the wild environment of

decision making, chrisis management, strategic planning, etc.

I firmly believe that David has this 3 characteristics strongly developed. As I said in my speech 3

years ago, leaders will be presented in front of you, with ideas, strategies and dreams, non of

them is better than the other, no dream is necessarily better than the past one. I can only tell you

to be opened, to listen, to question yourselves: Who of the applicants reunite the characteristics I

would like to see in my leader. As I stated before I think this 3 are a good guide for you to decide.

I would be very glad to clarify any of the facts mentioned above, with no further comments I

would like to wish David, the best in this new endeavor.


Víctor Manuel Varela Pérez

Villahermosa Tabasco, Mexico, September 23th 2014

To whom it may correspond: I, Héctor Manuel López Jiménez, endorse this letter to David Maus Acosta for the position of

Local Committee President. I have known David for the last six months as the Vice

President of Finance & Legal and I could not be more honored and proud to recommend


David has shown an incredible and outstanding leadership performance since the day I

joined AIESEC, getting involved in every project the LC has, participating constantly in

events, supporting other areas and giving a boost to the area. He has been a great leader,

an excellent person and a close friend. Maus, as I speak to him, has uncountable skills and

abilities, and a incredible passion for everything he does, he is a great teammate,

communication, and also is eager to learn from anyone and become a better person every

day. He understands very well how to adapt to reality and to work with the resources you

have in order to finish the work and achieve goals. In the area has show that he has the

power and skills to manage, and lead a team or a committee.

I strongly recommend David Maus as the perfect candidate for the position of Local

Committee President as I am sure that he will be able to make a tangible positive


Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

Héctor Manuel López Jiménez

Accontancy Coordinator

AIESEC Tabasco


1. Personal Data:

Full Name David Maus Acosta

Current Position in AIESEC VP Finance & Legal

Cell Phone 9932615908


Skype maussettunnn

Date You Joined AIESEC (Mo/Yr) January/2013

University Universidad Juárez Autonóma de Tabasco.

Major Business Administration.

Actual / Expected Graduation Date August 2015

Relevant Academic Courses Taken Finance Control

A. Me and My Experience:

Please insert your picture here J


2. Please list all relevant work experiences (inside and outside of AIESEC).

3. Please fill the languages table selecting one of the following levels for each competence (Basic, Good, Excellent, and Native).

4. Please list the 3 more relevant experiences that you have lived in AIESEC.

1. My first congress. 2. Certificate in Train to Trainers. 3. Be part of EB 2014.

5. Rank two main areas in AIESEC where you have had the most experience. Briefly list your experiences and results achieved and describe how these experiences will help you accomplish your goals during your term. (200 words maximum)

1. Finance 2. oGCDP

Being in the support area and get involved in the core areas, met its processes and learned how they work. This benefit me because I know that I can focus on each of them and how I can help to achieve the goals and to know what kinds of problems can face and how to fix me.

Dates Organization Position Results Achieved

Juanary-July 2013

AIESEC in Tabasco VP Finance & Legal

Contributed to be appointed as local committee

July 2014 Despacho Contable Manzur

Administrative Assistant

Improved control systems

Language Writing Reading Speaking

Spanish Native Native Native

English Good Excelent Good

Other: No No No

6. In maximum 100 words, please name your greatest challenge that you faced during your AIESEC experience. What was the challenge, how did you overcome it and what have you learned from this? (100 words maximum) The biggest challenge in my experience AIESEC play was when I solve a big problem in 2013 with respect to the area of Finance, and that was necessary documentation needed to become Local Committee. I will seek the knowledge for such information Contpaq, I could fix it by finding manuals on the program and I was able to find the information requested by the LCVP Finance, which, it was the only thing missing to become committee.

1. How much time per day will you be able to invest on AIESEC during your LCP Term? Please consider your activities as school, work, etc. A total of six hours on weekdays and 10 hours would be available on weekends or as needed. 2. How would other people describe your leadership style? (100 words maximum) They will say that I am very patient and understanding, very relaxed and fussy to work and achieve the expected results. Also would mention that I am a very noble person and confident with people who support others without gaining any benefit and I'm always there when they need me. 3. Please list your three strengths and three weaknesses and answer the following questions for each.

Personal Strengths How this will make you a better Leader?

Strong emotional intelligence

Do not fall very easily in situations of extreme complexity

Perseverance I will not let anything until I finished.

I am charitable I'm always willing to help others without receiving anything in return

Personal Weaknesses What are you doing to overcome these weaknesses?

I leave everything to the last

Give the necessary importance to the business of the committee.

I do not know to prioritize Prioritize the committee and as performance. Sacrifice many things.

Very imaginative Convert my dreams and imaginations in acts that deliver results.

B. Motivation and Personal Characteristics:

1. Strategic Analysis test:

a. Make a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threads) of your LC.

b. Based on the above SWOT Analysis:

• What are the main priorities for your LC overall? The quality of services and standardization of processes.

• What will be the greatest challenges for your LC in the next year? What

actions would you propose to overcome these challenges? One of the biggest challenges will be the follow up partnerships with businesses and raising the level of quality presented.

Strengths Weaknesses

The youth and the desire to learn from their leaders makes the committee develops faster.

Areas with lack of membership

People involved with the organization. Poor retention of membership

Teamwork Lack of integration of some members

Leaders with long experience in AIESEC Lower quality service

There is no other organization in the state with the same purpose of AIESEC

Lower communication between areas

Sales culture.

Opportunities Threats

 Fully broad market for the purposes of the committee

Losing TN Takers for poor service.

Companies with an open mind to a global world

Losing track monitoring.

There is no direct competition Deprioritize important processes for the committee.

C. General Questionnaire:

My proposal would be to create an experience of membership Superexcellent quality in that they do the same with customers.

• How will you manage these facts to impact in the 2015 vision goals? Creating a strong motivation in membership by integration events and give them a sense of belonging. Improving every aspect of their experiences.

2. What are two strategies that you would like to see implemented in your LC in order to increase the quality and efficiency of membership experiences?

1. Cycles effective education 2. Sense of belonging

3. Describe an organizational culture you would like to see in our committee. What actions should be made to achieve it?

I would like to see a forward-human quality that we can offer to others a joint committee with the same mentality and development that will lead to the prestige culture.

4. How will you manage your team in order to generate a correct synergy and cooperation?

I would handle so everyone is very committed mainly showing my dedication and effort to achieve the goals. Would be in constant communication with them to make sure their experience is still the best and so they do the same with your membership. 5. How can AIESEC in your entity balance quality with quantity (be specific)? Selecting the best profiles that can do various activities with a very good quality and leave the profiles that do the opposite outside of the organization and do the same with companies that want to have a global development and leaving companies closed out of mind our market.

LCP: (Please, answer at the following specific questions)

1. Why do you believe the state of Tabasco needs AIESEC?

I believe that you must change the mentality in young people to dare to undertake new projects that support the development of society and likewise companies can be recognized at international levels and gain greater prestige as Mexican companies.

D. Specific Questionnaire

2. Why do you want to be LCP?

I want to remain part of the great development has been achieved until today, I want to bring my ideas to achieve the prestigious I would like to leave the committee and the committee is getting more nationally recognized.

3. How would you explain in around 50 words to a 10 year old what an LCP actually does?

A president is responsible for directing the workers to achieve the vision of the company and that vision is what the company wants to be in a certain time.

4. What would be your main strategy you propose as LCP to take AIESEC in Tabasco to the next level, and what is that next level? What would be the three drivers that you would use to impulse that strategy? What are the projects per program and drivers that would support the strategy of AIESEC in Tabasco?

My strategy to bring the committee to the next level, according to the quality Could we provide customers and prestige that we can get through good experiences every day.

My three drivers are:

1. Sustainability

2. Development experiences

3. Sales Culture

5. How many exchanges per program could your LC do in 2015? Break this down into a Timeline (month by month) and into specific issues/sub products (depending of the area). How many members would you need in each area? What projects would you undertake each month?

iGCDP: 65 experiences (35 in summer and 30 in winter, this area need 15 members and will use women empowerment projects , orphanages and impacting my language buddy).

iGIP: 15 experiences (This area need 12 members, the focus will be IT and Business Administration and MKT).

oGCDP: 40 experiences (This area need 15 members, the focus will be Teaching, Healt, Ecology).

oGIP: 15 experiences (This area need 10 members, the focus will be Engineering, IT, Business Administration and MKT)

6. If you could choose 1 program to be the program focus for your LC, which would you pick, why, and how would you ensure that each of the support functions do focus in that programmes

I choose iGIP to be a driver of national AIESEC and I would ensure that all contacts colaboraramos going hot and having a strong sales culture. I would choose because I want to achieve fución between businesses and AIESEC.

7. How would you maintain and strengthen the external relations the LC has build in the current year?

Giving a good follow and inviting partners to collaborate on other projects we have and not have them only as TN Takers.

8. In the context of your LCP term, rank in order of importance the key responsibilities of the LCP, and describe why you gave them that ranking.

a. EB team management

b. Sales

c. Governance and accountability

d. Collaborating with the MC and LCP team

e. Developing local strategy

f. External representation

1. EB team management.

2. Developing local strategy.

3. External representation.

4. Sales

5. Collaborating with the MC and LCP team.

6. Governance and accountability

9. What were your key learnings in your last year (or less) in AIESEC? How will you apply them for your LCP year?

I learned all the processes that take place in the areas of trade and the knowledge learned would apply so that will not happen again and the errors were committed. All my learning was to know that I would face as president.

10. As LCP, how will you ensure that your LC will be impacting and align to “One Mexico One purpose” vision?

Showing a culture of collaboration and be very attentive to the goals of AIESEC, implementing national strategies and aligning our goals committee.


Blank page challenge:

Draw in a blank page your personal motivations and an

image of how you see the LC.