AIESEC benue newsletter · AIESEC gives the youth that doorway to opportunities, just so more and...

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Transcript of AIESEC benue newsletter · AIESEC gives the youth that doorway to opportunities, just so more and...


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#1st Edition

AIESEC BENUE                                        APRIL/MAY  NEWSLETTER  












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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “NOTHING  IS  MORE  POWERFUL  THAN  AN  IDEA  WHOSE  TIME  HAS  COME”-­‐  VICTOR  HUGO.  

The  month  of  April  came  with  the  rains,  and  with  the  new  season  comes  also  a  new  team  to  carry  the  AIESEC  BENUE  to  the  next  step.  The  months  came  with  interesting  events  gear  AIESEC  BENUE  to  move  forward  as  well  as  AIESEC  NIGERIA.  

In  the  AIESEC  Nigeria  calendar,  this  is  the  first  conference  amongst  3  which  happen  in  the  year.  The  National  Congress  (NC)  was  held  in  the  capital  city  of  Abuja.  This  conference  is  a  planning  and  strategizing  conference  for  AIESEC  NIGERIA  and  the  direction  it  wants  to  follow.  At  the  conference  it  marks  the  end  of  a  Member  Committee  (MC)  tenure  and  the  start  of  a  new  one.  

The  conference  whose  duration  was  from  the  16th  to  21st  Of  April  2013  AIESEC  Nigeria  held  it  Y2b  (youth  2Buisness)  seminar  tagged  "How  can  youth  innovation  drive  business  solutions?"  Which  was  graced  with  the  presence  of  the  General  Electric,  Career  solutions,  SMS  factory,  Price  Water  house  Coopers  (PWC)  etc,  and  a  host  of  other  companies  too  numerous  to  mention.    

The  event  ended  with  a  dinner/  award  night.  Various  Local  committees  were  awarded  for  their  roles  in  the  growth  of  AIESEC  Nigeria.  Big  thanks  to  you  the  Organizing  Committee  President-­‐  James  Terna  Akume,  from  AIESEC  ABUJA,  for  making  a  great  conference.  





CONTACT: +234 805 715 555 92  


Some  pictures  of  the  Benue  delegates  at  the  NC  in  Abuja.  











CONTACT: +234 805 715 555 92  



In  the  month  of  May,  AIESEC  Benue  held  its  first  dinner  to  end  the  year  of  work.  The  out  going  Local  Committee  President  (LCP)  ushers  in  the  new  team  for  the  year.  On  behalf  of  his  team  and  his  tenure,  he  gave  his  out-­‐going  speech  titled  “If you are still wondering why AIESEC: Picture this: You have an organization, with over 86,000 employees in over a 114 countries that doesn't retain the management employees for more than a year.  

Each of these 114 countries functions with almost complete autonomy, with localized strategies, very different projects running and a brand new positioning strategy almost every year. Furthermore, they run on individuality that is based on enthusiasm, dedication and oddly a rebellious attitude rather than a formal work system. If a large corporation were to have such a system, it would turn out to be nightmarish and yet there is an organization that follows that system and still remains the largest and the most important organization of its kind. It’s called AIESEC.

Good evening, my name Oga Godwin I am 26 years old, I am the outgoing CEO of AIESEC BENUE and I am here to speak about how we prepare and support the leaders of the future.64 years ago, shortly after the 2nd World War, 7 young students decided to start a student organization to promote the idea of exchange between young people in countries torn apart by war. Today we have 86,000 students from 114 countries in all inhabited continents still living and working for the same mission: to create a sense of cultural sensitivity, responsibility and harmony among the youth; to work for peace and fulfillment of humankind’s potential.

As a young person, as an AIESECer, I have had the privilege to travel to different places around the world; everywhere the people I have met, the stories that I have heard are nothing but intensely inspirational. I see that spirit in members of AIESEC who take English classes just so that they can communicate with the rest of the AIESEC network. I have seen that spirit in AIESEC members that commit to cycling or walking long distances just to get to an internet café so that they can access our online system. I have seen it in members who study, work small jobs to support themselves and find time to work with AIESEC just to give themselves a chance to go places they could not have imagined before. In a world where young people are increasingly judging each other by their profiles on social media or what smartphone you carry, I feel lucky and honored to have met such people who inspire me to be a better person.

When in AIESEC, we care a lot more about dignity, humility and how hard we work for something matters a lot more than how much money we make. A lot of people might call us crazy for doing so, but for us helping build a world without borders one brick at a time is a lot more important and every member of AIESEC is contributing to this in some way or the other.


CONTACT: +234 805 715 555 92  

• How many people have you met who are in their early 20's leading a team from diverse backgrounds and countries?

• How many of your young employees have promoted awareness for building better schools in the rural areas of a foreign country or any other activity to develop or support society?

• How many young employees do you have who are ready to step out of their comfort zone and go to another country to develop your organization and are not even 25 yet?

AIESEC is a space for young people to fail, learn and excel. When does the real world gives us that chance? AIESEC gives the youth that doorway to opportunities, just so more and more young people get the same chances and opportunities as we did and we don't care what country that person comes from, we don't care about what is the person's gender or ethnic background.

Why should all this be important to you?

AIESEC is the one platform to engage and develop every young person in the world. Just imagine the kind of values and ethics that a young person can develop and the experiences he or she can live through this platform. If ever, you are to get a CV of a former or current member of AIESEC, give it a second look, because you are probably looking at a person who has had a unique life experience that has given them the ability to face work environments, however diverse they might be without any problem.

We are people who are willing prioritize improving the impact of the organization we work for and we are always learning. For those of you who expected our secret recipe for leadership – my apologies…we don't really have a secret recipe to develop and support the leaders of tomorrow. It’s just simple hard work, practice and most importantly having the passion for what we do.

That Passion, which is the perfect mix of ego, and self-delusion that makes us crazy enough to believe that we can change the world generation after generation.

AIESEC doesn't believe in waiting for a better future. We create a better now.

Thank you."

The  evening  was  fun  filled  as  we  had  guests  from  other  Local  Committees  (LCs),  who  came  to  congratulate  AIESEC  BENUE  for  a  job  well  done.  Awards  and  recognition  were  given  to  those  individuals  that  helped  out  in  the  success.  As  in  almost  all  AIESEC  gatherings,  it  will  not  be  complete  if  we  do  not  share  in  the  joy  of  participation  in  Roll  Calls.  As  the  event  came  to  an  end,  the  new  LCP  gives  her  closing  remarks  and  promises  to  do  her  best  to  move  AIESEC  BENUE  forward.  



CONTACT: +234 805 715 555 92  

Some  pictures  of  the  AIESEC  BENUE  dinner.  


















CONTACT: +234 805 715 555 92  





is  an  educational  mobile  app  that  inspires  self-­‐learning  by  engaging  students  to  take  charge  of  their  own  learning  and  celebrate  their  successes.  This  is  achieved  through  randomized  timed  quizzes,  scoring  and  ranking  with  a  leader-­‐board,  social  integration  as  well  as  geographical  mapping.  Key  features  include:  

Topical  based  learning:  Students  learn  as  they  are  taught  according  to  the  National  Curriculum.  

Standardized  content:  This  is  especially  important  for  Students  in  Schools  with  a  shortage  of  Teachers  for  certain  subjects.  

Instant  scoring  and  ranking  with  a  leader-­‐board:  Students  are  challenged  to  do  better  when  they  see  their  current  scores  and  ranks  as  well  as  that  of  their  peers.  

Social  based  learning:  Peer-­‐to-­‐peer  engagement  makes  learning  fun  for  students.  Students  can  challenge  each  other  on  social  media  to  become  top  student  for  different  subjects.  

Incentives:  in  form  of  rewarding  high  performing  students  on  the  platform.  

To  ensure  that  this  sensational  mind  blowing  educational  one  in  a  million  mobile  app  gets  to  the  phones  of  the  nations  secondary  school  students,  AIESEC  Nigeria  is  currently  running  an  awareness  program  through  its  14  Local  committees  on  the  benefits  of  this  app,  and  AIESEC  Benue  has  reached  out  to  quite  a  number  of  schools.  






CONTACT: +234 805 715 555 92  




Our  Local  partners:  




Our  National  partners: