AG/S4/13/15 PARLIAMENTARY BUREAU AGENDA FOR MEETING … · 2019. 12. 26. · AG/S4/13/15...

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Transcript of AG/S4/13/15 PARLIAMENTARY BUREAU AGENDA FOR MEETING … · 2019. 12. 26. · AG/S4/13/15...


Minutes (a) Draft minutes of 30 April 2013 (b) Matters arising


2. Future business programme


3. Establishment of a committee


4. Legislation – referral of a draft proposal


5. Removal of motions


6. Publication scheme – consideration of any exempt papers

7. Date of next meeting – Tuesday 14 May 2013




1. Bureau Members will be aware that under Rule 5.6.1(c) the Bureau has a duty to ensure that there is a period of time available for Members’ Business following Decision Time.

2. Motions submitted for Members’ Business are shown below. S4M-04653# Elaine Smith: Breastfeeding: Preventing Disease and Saving Resources—That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the UNICEF-commissioned report, Preventing disease and saving resources: the potential contribution of increasing breastfeeding rates in the UK; understands that the report shows that increased breastfeeding rates would allow considerable savings to be made by the NHS, produce long-term health benefits and provide a mechanism for changing the differences in health outcomes across social groups; understands that the scientific methods used to reach these conclusions were both rigorous and novel; believes that this report is important to policymakers, as it not only shows clearly the nature of the problem of low breastfeeding rates but also provides potential solutions; believes that the findings are of particular relevance in areas of high deprivation, such as Coatbridge and Chryston, that have low breastfeeding rates; understands that the Breastfeeding etc. (Scotland) Act 2005 provided one response to the many barriers to breastfeeding but, in order to break the cycle of linked factors that can make breastfeeding difficult in Scotland and across the UK, would welcome further changes to address what it sees as the continuing societal, family and health service barriers to breastfeeding; commends the report’s authors on providing what it believes to be evidence that the normalisation of artificial feeding has resulted in a major public health issue, and believes that spending on improving the rates of breastfeeding is an excellent example of a preventative measure that ultimately saves public money while improving outcomes. S4M-05465# James Dornan: The Cedar Network—That the Parliament commends the work done by third sector organisations, including the Cedar Network, in assisting women and young people who are affected by domestic abuse; notes that a branch of the Cedar Network has been established in Glasgow, adding to the network in Scotland; considers the work that it does with women and children, through group work and support, to be hugely important in their recovery from domestic abuse; notes its close working relationship with a number of third sector and statutory organisations such as the Castlemilk Domestic Abuse Project; considers that the inclusion of trained facilitators from a wide range of statutory and voluntary agencies helps to foster a multi-agency support network that is crucial to the success of the project; highlights research conducted by Nancy Lombard, a lecturer in social policy at Glasgow Caledonian University, on young people’s attitudes toward violence, which suggests that engaging young people in discussions on violence will help challenge gendered perceptions of violence, and considers this move toward education on violence and support for women and children to be key in helping to break cycles of domestic abuse.

S4M-05495# John Pentland: Lloyds Contact Centre Motherwell Closure—That the Parliament expresses its deep concern over what it considers the callous decision by Lloyds Banking Group to close its contact centre in Motherwell; understands that there are nearly 200 staff employed at the site, many of whom have several years of service; is concerned that, with Motherwell and Wishaw being an area of high unemployment and deprivation, the offer of relocation is for many employees a choice between increased costs and hours of travel or unemployment and that relocation is more difficult for part-time workers with family commitments, and believes that this decision should be reconsidered by the partially state-owned bank.

S4M-05531# David Stewart: Scottish Environment LINK Species Champions—That the Parliament welcomes the Scottish Environment LINK initiative, Species Champions;



considers that species are valuable symbols of the wider issues that impact on nature; understands that a number of species are in decline throughout Scotland, particularly throughout the Highlands and Islands; supports, as a fundamental step in the Year of Natural Scotland, conserving Scotland’s species diversity in delivering what it believes is progress toward the target to halt the loss of biodiversity and as part of a step change toward providing a strong foundation on which Scotland’s environment, its people, culture and economy can thrive, and applauds those MSPs who have chosen a species to champion.

S4M-05581# Dennis Robertson: Celebrating Scottish Produce—That the Parliament notes with concern what it sees as the lack of Scottish produce, including lamb, on the shelves in Scottish supermarkets, including in Aberdeenshire West; considers that Scotch Lamb is among the best lamb in the world and that it should be more widely available in Scotland's supermarkets; is aware that local butchers stock local lamb and other Scottish produce, and recognises calls for people in Scotland to buy Scottish produce, including lamb, from local suppliers, and for supermarkets to make Scotch Lamb and other produce more widely available for everyone to enjoy.

S4M-05676# Christina McKelvie: Voices From the Frontline, Digital by Default—That the Parliament notes the recent report from Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS), Voices From the Frontline, Digital by Default, which was published in response to the UK Government’s digital strategy; notes CAS's concerns that moves toward services being applied online only could exclude those in society who are vulnerable and marginalised from receiving the benefits that they rely on to survive; understands that the digital strategy admits to not covering local government services or the NHS and does not consider ways to increase the digital capability of citizens; believes that a citizen's advice bureau in West Scotland has reported that a client, a 60-year-old ex-labourer with dyslexia with limited computer literacy or access to a computer, was penalised for failing to apply for jobs online, and notes calls for more work to be carried out to ensure that any moves toward online applications are implemented in an open manner that is fully mindful of the needs of those who do not have internet access or are less able to use it to apply for benefits or jobs.

S4M-05704# Jean Urquhart: Raasay Crofters' Association—That the Parliament notes with concern the transfer of fishing and shooting rights on the island of Raasay from the Raasay Crofters’ Association to a South Ayrshire stalking firm; further notes that the association, which represents 11 crofters and has paid an annual fee of £650, was set up in 1994 to manage these rights on behalf of the local community; understands that the association held the lease from 1995 until November 2012 and that during that period it made the enterprise a success through its investment in training and facilities; queries if this success, which, it understands, resulted in a profitable butcher’s trade operating on the island, is one of the primary reasons that the lease was put out to tender for the first time in November 2012; understands that the Scottish Government informed the association that ministers were not obliged to accept the highest offer, and expresses concern at what it sees as this loss of local control and community involvement.

S4M-05789# Mary Fee: Using Prisoners' Assets to Reduce Reoffending—That the Parliament welcomes the decision of the Scottish Prison Service to invest £70,000 in a pilot through-care service in HMP Greenock to tackle reoffending and assist offenders in settling back into their communities; considers that reoffending costs the Scottish economy £3 billion per year; understands that there is no single solution to tackling reoffending; regrets that 61% of prisoners with a sentence of less than one year will reoffend within two years of release, and hopes that using prisoners' assets to reduce reoffending by engaging the prisoners with their families, by working with their skills, hobbies, employment history and educational outcomes will provide better rehabilitation and educational programmes.

S4M-05853# Sandra White: Sectarian Attacks against the Shia Community—That the Parliament condemns recent attacks on the Shia Muslim population worldwide, including in Quetta in Pakistan where more than 200 people are reported to have died in attacks since 10 January 2013, and in Iraq, where it understands that almost 30 people were killed in car bomb explosions in markets near Baghdad in February; expresses condolences to the families of



those killed or injured in these sectarian attacks; notes that the governments of Pakistan and Iraq have condemned these and expressed a wish to provide security for Shia Muslims; further notes the contribution of the Shia Muslim community throughout Glasgow and the rest of Scotland, and notes calls for the Scottish Government to liaise with the UK Government and its counterparts to eliminate sectarian attacks against the Shia Muslim population worldwide.

S4M-05862# Kezia Dugdale: OFT Report Reveals Need for Cap on Credit—That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) year-long compliance review of the payday loan sector; supports the warnings that the OFT has given the leading 50 payday loan lenders that account for 90% of the market to comply with standards within 12 weeks or risk losing their credit licences; notes with concern the report finding that lenders are heavily reliant on customers who fail to repay loans, as so-called rolled-up loans account for 50% of lenders' revenue; further notes that the UK Government has agreed to work with the Advertising Standards Authority to set out new advertising restrictions for payday loan lenders; considers, however, that, while the actions of the OFT and restrictions on advertising are welcome, the best way to prevent the problems that payday lending causes is to cap the costs of credit, and recognises calls for every group with power to rally and act to prevent what it considers the financial misery that these companies cause people in Lothian and across the rest of Scotland by seeking to profit from poverty.

S4M-05865# Hanzala Malik: Recognising and Marking the Genocide Conducted against the Kurds of Iraq—That the Parliament welcomes the decision by the parliaments of Sweden, Norway and the UK to formally recognise the genocide conducted against the Kurds of Iraq, most notably including the chemical bombardment of Halabja in March 1988 in which 5,000 people were reportedly killed; recognises the Kurdish immigrants who have made their home in Glasgow, and notes calls for the Scottish Parliament to join these parliaments and formally recognise the genocide and for the Scottish Government to consider what support it can give to a growing and global campaign to mark the Kurdish genocide and bring comfort to the people of the Kurdistan region in Iraq, which it considers has many similarities to Scotland and whose people and society continue to suffer the devastating impact of the genocide, which lasted from 1963 to 1988.

S4M-05874# Anne McTaggart: World Book Day 2013—That the Parliament recognises 7 March 2013 as World Book Day; understands that schools across Glasgow and the rest of Scotland are encouraging young people to take part in activities that promote reading as both fun and educational; recognises what it sees as the huge benefits that World Book Day has brought to Scotland in promoting Scottish literature and inspiring a new generation of authors; celebrates the aspiration of the organisers to create the ―biggest book show on earth‖ and commends their efforts to engage over half a million children in events across 75 countries; is concerned, however, that one in 28 Scots cannot read or write and that many of them experience disadvantage and poverty; supports the work of organisations such as the National Literacy Trust and Learning Teaching Scotland to increase adult learning courses and improve literacy, and aspires to the goal that no individual in Scotland is ever again excluded from the events of World Book Day as a consequence of social exclusion, disadvantage or lack of access to basic educational resources.

S4M-05888# Christine Grahame: Boom Hamilton, First Dux of Penicuik High School—That the Parliament notes that, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the opening of Penicuik High School, the school is commemorating the life and contribution of Sir James Arnot Hamilton, first dux of Penicuik High School in 1938, who took a wartime, fast-track degree in civil engineering at the University of Edinburgh, graduating in 1943, and went on to what is considered a long and distinguished career working on flying boats, including Sunderlands and a floating Spitfire; notes that he was appointed project director for the first Anglo-French combat aircraft, which became the RAF's first jet to be designed in metric, later named the Jaguar, and as a specialist in wing design, and notes that he went on to be director general of the Concorde Project, becoming known among his civil service colleagues as "Boom Hamilton" because of his insistence that before Concorde went into service, the



public had the right to hear what sonic booms would sound like when the plane reached its top speeds.

S4M-05891# Aileen McLeod: History is Made at the Mull of Galloway—That the Parliament notes the decisive result of the ballot of the community of Kirkmaiden on a community buyout of the Mull of Galloway Lighthouse, with more than 98% in favour of plans to operate what it considers this iconic landmark on the most southerly point in Scotland as a visitor attraction; considers that the South Rhins Community Development Trust has a strong track record in helping to develop the Mull as a visitor attraction over the last 12 years; considers this a strong foundation on which the new Mull of Galloway Community Trust can build future successes that it believes will bring more economic benefit to a remote rural economy, and offers its best wishes to the community for its future as the owners of the most southerly part of the country.

S4M-05907# James Kelly: Parkinson’s Nurses in Scotland: Providing Effective, Safe, Person-centred Care—That the Parliament welcomes the report, Parkinson’s nurses in Scotland: providing effective, safe, person-centred care, which outlines what it considers the central role of Scotland’s Parkinson’s nurses in helping people with Parkinson’s to manage their condition; understands that these specialist nurses make financial savings to the NHS by preventing unnecessary hospital and care home admissions, reducing waiting times, improving symptom control and medication management and supporting people to manage their own condition; notes that there are about 10,000 people with Parkinson’s in Scotland and that this number is expected to increase over the coming years; supports the Healthcare Improvement Scotland clinical standards for neurological health services, which state that everyone with Parkinson’s should have access to a Parkinson’s nurse from the point of diagnosis onwards; understands that Parkinson's UK has made significant investment in providing pump-prime funding to develop Parkinson’s nurse posts across Scotland; welcomes the progress that NHS boards have made and continue to make in providing access to Parkinson’s nurses, with recent appointments in NHS Ayrshire and Arran, NHS Borders, NHS Dumfries and Galloway, NHS Grampian and NHS Lothian and active negotiations underway in NHS Highland and NHS Western Isles; understands that, despite this progress, there are some areas of Scotland where it is difficult or impossible to access a Parkinson’s nurse, and looks forward to a future where everyone in Scotland with Parkinson’s has ongoing access to a Parkinson’s nurse, no matter where they live.

S4M-05922# John Mason: Bank Branch Closures—That the Parliament expresses deep disappointment in the Royal Bank of Scotland’s (RBS) latest decision to close a number of branches across Scotland, including Gourock and one of its two remaining branches in Glasgow Shettleston; considers that these proposals go against the wishes of many RBS customers, particularly those in poorer areas who may not have easy access to internet and mobile banking, and finds a sense of irony in RBS’ decision to turn its back on customers who it considers bailed it out after it found itself in serious financial difficulties.

S4M-05944# Hanzala Malik: Challenging Negative Racial and Religious Stereotypes— That the Parliament welcomes the campaign, I Speak For Myself, which has been launched by Amina Muslim Women’s Resource Centre in Glasgow; understands that the campaign aims to empower Muslim women to encourage them to share their personal messages with fellow Scots in order to challenge any negative stereotypes associated with them and the Islamic faith; notes that the campaign suggests that, although Scotland is a welcoming and inclusive nation with a vibrant multicultural society, global events have caused a rise in misconceptions about and discrimination toward Muslim women and the Islamic faith and an increase in the number of citizens with negative attitudes; commends the campaign’s aims to educate, dispel myths and promote awareness about the inequalities and discrimination facing the Muslim community and its work in tackling racial and religious prejudice, and notes suggestions that, in order to create a fairer Scotland, this and other campaigns, such as Show Racism the Red Card Scotland and Nil by Mouth, would benefit from an integrated and systematic approach to tackling problems of negative stereotypes and discrimination.



S4M-05955# Clare Adamson: Electrical Safety in the Private Rented Sector—That the Parliament is committed to raising housing standards in the private rented sector (PRS), particularly with regard to electrical safety; understands that tenants in the PRS in Central Scotland and across the country are more at risk of electric shock than those in other tenures; believes that this is due to a number of factors, including poor maintenance and a lack of knowledge among landlords of their responsibilities; considers that this issue will be exacerbated if PRS tenure continues to grow without any changes to sector governance; commends the work of the Electrical Safety Council and other organisations in educating tenants and landlords about electrical safety, and, in order to protect tenants against death and injury through electric shock or fire and improve electrical safety in PRS homes, welcomes the continuation of the dialogue between the Scottish Government and the PRS, including that in relation to the forthcoming Housing Bill.

S4M-05992# Dennis Robertson: Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month—That Parliament recognises that March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month; understands that, each year in the UK, 6,500 women will be told that they have ovarian cancer; notes with sadness that around 12 women die every day in the UK from ovarian cancer; understands that the UK survival rate is currently 35%, one of the lowest survival rates in Europe, and that evidence shows that late diagnosis is a significant factor in the low survival rate, and recognises the work that NHS boards, including NHS Grampian, are doing to promote awareness of ovarian cancer.

S4M-06035# Alison McInnes: Still Waiting Campaign—That the Parliament notes the Age Scotland campaign, Still Waiting, which calls for the national concessionary travel scheme to be extended; recognises that many older or disabled people, particularly in rural areas such as Aberdeenshire, rely on community transport services to attend medical appointments, go shopping or engage in leisure pursuits; understands that up to 70% of people over 60 in these areas either do not have or cannot use a free travel pass, and notes calls for the scheme to be extended to include all demand-responsive community transport services.

S4M-06108# Margaret McCulloch: Celebrating ScotRail's Station Adopters—That the Parliament acknowledges the success of First ScotRail’s Adopt a Station programme; notes that to date over 150 railway stations across Scotland have been adopted by community-based volunteers and start-ups, including East Kilbride, Hairmyres, Hamilton Central, Hamilton West, Larkhall, Uddingston, Airdrie, Shotts, Cumbernauld, Croy, Larbert, Falkirk High and Falkirk Grahamston stations in Central Scotland; understands that, through the programme, volunteers can improve the appearance of their local station, often with flowers and artwork, with all costs being met by First ScotRail; appreciates the efforts of all those who have given their time to make their railway stations more enjoyable for passengers, and hopes that Adopt a Station continues to thrive.

S4M-06116# Rhoda Grant: Save Struan Lodge—That the Parliament notes with growing concern the possible eviction of residents of Struan Lodge care home in Dunoon; understands that over 4,000 signatures objecting to the closure have been obtained and that a public meeting held recently in Dunoon, which 300 people attended, passed a motion agreeing to halt the closure arrangements and to look at ways of retaining what it considers a high quality local facility; considers that there was a lack of consultation between residents, relatives and staff prior to the closure announcement, and notes local calls for the issue of quality to be raised in the Parliament and with the Care Inspectorate.

S4M-06139# Margaret McDougall: University Marine Biological Station Millport—That the Parliament notes with concern that the University Marine Biological Station Millport will no longer be funded by the University of London and will close; understands that the station has been used by Glasgow, Edinburgh, St Andrews, Napier, Heriot-Watt and West of Scotland universities and that, in 2012, 533 students from Scottish universities and 521 from English universities used the facility; considers that the Scottish Government has refused to intervene to take meaningful action, despite a 10,000 strong petition and a highly publicised campaign to keep the station open; further considers that this closure jeopardises 30 quality jobs on the Isle of Cumbrae, and believes that the loss of this station could cost the local economy in



North Ayrshire up to £2 million and have an impact on school provision and other public services.

S4M-06180# Jenny Marra: Mental Health Services for Deaf Children and Adolescents— That the Parliament welcomes the launch of the Helping Hand campaign by the National Deaf Children’s Society, the Scottish Council on Deafness and its Deaf Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services group, which highlights what it considers increasing concern regarding the mental health of Scotland’s deaf children and young people; notes the concern that 40% of Scotland’s reported 3,500 deaf children experience mental health problems compared with 25% of other children; understands that, although deaf children are in need of specialist mental health provision, Scotland currently has none; further understands that other parts of the UK have well developed provision of specialist child and adolescent mental health services for deaf children; welcomes what it considers the significant and continued investment by the Scottish Government in the specialist Scottish Mental Health Service for Deaf People based at St John’s Hospital in Livingston, and notes the campaign's calls for the Scottish Government to build on current service provision to fully meet the needs of deaf children and adolescents.

S4M-06190# Joan McAlpine: A National Tree—That the Parliament recognises the significance of the Year of Natural Scotland; understands the importance of creating a legacy from this year, given the loss of woodlands through climatic changes and environmental degradation; recognises the importance of trees and woodland to the environment and people in South Scotland and across the country, and notes calls for the declaration of an official national tree after due public consultation as an important symbol of commitment to woodlands, to bio-diverse reforestation and, more generally, to a greener Scotland.

S4M-06245# Dave Thompson: Review of Specialist Heart Failure Nurse Services—That the Parliament welcomes the publication of the Review of Specialist Heart Failure Nurse Services by the Scottish Heart Failure Nurse Forum supported by Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland and the British Heart Foundation Scotland; understands that heart failure is a life-limiting condition for which there is no cure, that, unlike other cardiac conditions, its prevalence is rising and that it is estimated to affect up to 100,000 people in Scotland; considers that specialist heart failure nursing services reduce unnecessary hospitalisation for people with heart failure by around 35%, resulting in savings of around £1,826 per patient to the NHS; understands that NHS Highland meets the minimum Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) guidelines ratio of 1:100,000 specialist nurses per head of population and provides specialist support to nearly 300 patients per year, but, given that NHS Highland covers 41% of NHS Scotland's geographical area, travel times inevitably reduce the capacity of the service; considers that these pressures mean that there is limited capacity to deliver education and share skills and expertise with community staff to ensure that heart failure patients receive the support that they need; is concerned that, despite the strength of the evidence base, only four out of 14 NHS boards meet the minimum ratio of specialist heart failure nurses to population level laid out in SIGN guidelines from 2007, that the overall number of whole-time-equivalent posts in Scotland has fallen since 2008 despite the rising prevalence and that one board has no specialist heart failure nursing service in place at all, and notes calls for all NHS boards to ensure that, as a minimum, they meet the SIGN guidelines on whole-time-equivalent posts for what it sees as these crucial services.

S4M-06283# John Wilson: Credit Union Expansion Project—That the Parliament welcomes the announcement that the Association of British Credit Unions Limited has been awarded a contract to deliver the £38 million Credit Union Expansion Project; understands that this investment will allow credit unions across Britain, *including those across central Scotland*, to achieve economies of scale, offer a wider, more advanced and more competitive range of products and services and, on a sustainable basis, offer affordable credit to consumers who might otherwise have no alternative to using high-cost lenders, and considers that the project will be of significant benefit to credit unions in Scotland by helping them to upgrade their systems.



S4M-06301# John Mason: Building a Fairer Scotland—That the Parliament regrets what it considers the growing divergence between wealthy and poor people in Glasgow, Scotland and the UK; notes that, according to the Sunday Times Rich List, the combined wealth of Scotland’s richest 100 people is £21 billion; considers that wealth accumulating in so few hands inevitably means less money for the poorest in society, and notes the view that, whatever Scotland’s constitutional status, taxation and other powers available to governments should be used to redress this imbalance.

S4M-06302# Richard Lyle: 100th Anniversary of World War I—That the Parliament notes that 28 July 2014 will mark the 100th anniversary of the global war that was centred in Europe; recognises that, until the start of World War II in 1939, this was predominantly called the World War or the Great War; understands that many nations were involved in the war; pays tribute to the sacrifice made by all servicemen and women from 1914 until 1918; understands that 10% of the Scottish population, including many from Central Scotland, gave their lives in the conflict, and believes that by commemorating this war ―we will remember them".

S4M-06307# Roderick Campbell: Sales of Interest Rate Swap Agreements—That the Parliament notes with concern that banks throughout the UK, including some banks in Fife and across Scotland, may have mis-sold interest rate swap agreements to small and medium-sized businesses; further notes the campaign by to further highlight this issue, and notes calls for banks to adequately compensate businesses that have been affected and for the Scottish Government to engage appropriately with stakeholders to ensure that customers throughout Scotland are offered appropriate redress.

S4M-06308# Christina McKelvie: MND Scotland Welfare Reform—That the Parliament notes the commitment to quality palliative care in Scotland; acknowledges MND Scotland’s welfare reform campaign, which highlights that, as people with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) have an average life expectancy from diagnosis of just 14 months, welfare reform is causing undue hardship and stress as well as wasting taxpayers’ money; believes that it is unreasonable for a 55-year-old man who has MND, lives in the west of Scotland and has had his home adapted for his specific needs to have to pay the so-called bedroom tax or be forced to move home, and commends MND Scotland’s dedicated welfare and benefits service, which provides what it considers invaluable support to people with MND at this very difficult time.

S4M-06345# Fiona McLeod: 2013 Launch of the Tesco Bank Summer Reading Challenge—That the Parliament welcomes the 2013 launch of the Tesco Bank Summer Reading Challenge; commends its aim to inspire and incentivise children between the ages of four and 11 to read six library books during the summer break from school when it understands literacy levels traditionally drop; understands that in 2012 over 39,000 Scottish children participated in the challenge, including from Strathkelvin and Bearsden, an increase of 12.6% on previous years, and believes that research has shown that the challenge increases children’s reading confidence and enjoyment and is especially important for boys and disadvantaged children.

S4M-06362# Margaret Mitchell: AEDs in Scotland—That the Parliament acknowledges the ongoing AEDs in Scotland campaign, which aims to have automatic external defibrillators (AEDs) placed in strategic locations, such as rural communities, where it is difficult for an ambulance to respond quickly, or areas where there is a high incidence of cardiac arrest and in public buildings such as cinemas and supermarkets; believes that sudden cardiac arrest is a treatable condition whereby the body "short circuits", interrupting the heart's regular rhythm and keeping it from pumping blood through the body; further believes that, for every minute that passes without defibrillation, the chances of survival decrease by 14% and that research shows that applying a controlled shock using an AED within five minutes of collapse provides the best possible chance of survival; understands that AEDs, which are of simple design and can therefore be used without specialist training, can help to stop the heart’s arrhythmia, allowing the heart to re-establish an effective rhythm, but that CPR should also be administered; believes that 12 young people die in the UK each week as a result of a sudden



changes in cardiac rhythm, but that only 10% of UK schools currently have AEDs; further understands that North Lanarkshire Council has recently purchased 25 defibrillators, one for each of its secondary schools, but that in March 2013 Samantha Clinton from Bellshill, North Lanarkshire, started a petition as part of Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS) UK’s Big Shock Campaign to have a defibrillator placed in every school in the local authority area; notes that, in order to raise awareness, Samantha has designed colouring sheets for primary school children to take home to their parents with information about sudden cardiac arrest and a copy of the petition; is of the view that AEDs save lives and triple the chances of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest, and notes calls for AEDs to be located in all schools across Scotland as well as in public places and remote locations.

S4M-06389# Duncan McNeil: ASH Scotland's 40th Anniversary—That the Parliament notes that 2013 is the 40th anniversary of the founding of ASH Scotland; notes that the health charity works with a wide range of partners in pursuit of ―a healthier Scotland, free from the harm and inequality caused by tobacco‖; understands that, during this time, the smoking rate among adults in Scotland has halved to 23.3%; believes that this has brought huge benefits, with one million people having greatly reduced risk of contracting cancer, heart disease, stroke and other conditions; believes that preventing children from taking up smoking, protecting people from second-hand smoke and supporting smokers who want to quit is crucial to further improving health in Greenock and Inverclyde and across the country, and looks forward to a time when the only people who smoke are the small number of adults who actively choose to do so.

Record of Members’ Business taken by the Parliament from 8 June 2011

Date MSP Party Subject

8/6/2011 Marco Biagi SNP Green Investment in Edinburgh

9/6/2011 Elaine Murray LAB Ban on Use of Wild Animals in Circuses

15/6/2011 Bob Doris SNP Fighting Sectarianism and Anti-Irish Racism

16/6/2011 Mark McDonald SNP North Sea Taxation

22/6/2011 Elaine Smith LAB There is a Better Way

23/6/2011 Stuart McMillan SNP David MacBrayne Group Supports Coastguards

29/6/11 Margaret Mitchell CON Police Complaints Commissioner for Scotland

30/6/11 Willie Coffey SNP The Scheme

7/9/11 David Stewart LAB Young Drivers

8/9/11 Aileen McLeod SNP Flavour Fortnight 2011

14/9/11 Rob Gibson SNP Remembering the Russian Arctic Convoys

15/9/11 Hugh Henry LAB Upper Clyde Shipbuilders

21/9/11 Bill Kidd SNP UN International Day of Peace, 21 September 2011

22/9/11 Jamie Hepburn SNP Save the Children Report, Making Work Pay – The Childcare Trap

28/9/11 James Dornan SNP Battling Scotland’s Drinking Culture

29/9/11 Paul Martin LAB Stop the Closure of Lightburn Hospital

5/10/11 Rob Gibson SNP Germany Exits Nuclear Energy

6/10/11 Christine Grahame SNP Jeremy Hunt Doesn’t Get the Picture so Neither Does the Borders

26/10/11 Jenny Marra LAB Fuel Poverty in Scotland

2/11/11 Sandra White SNP Mordechai Vanunu, Israel’s Nuclear Whistleblower

3/11/11 James Kelly LAB Nail the Rogues Campaign

9/11/11 Margaret Mitchell CON Prescription Medicine Waste

10/11/11 Liam McArthur LD Damaging Impact of Air Discount



Date MSP Party Subject

Scheme Changes

16/11/11 Dave Thompson SNP The People’s Bible

17/11/11 Siobhan McMahon LAB British Heart Foundation’s Heart Start Event

23/11/11 Jim Eadie SNP Act of Settlement

24/11/11 John Scott CON Provision of Orthopaedic Trauma Services at Ayr Hospital

24/11/11 Christina McKelvie SNP Nuclear Test Veterans

30/11/11 Kevin Stewart SNP St Andrew’s Day

1/12/11 Neil Findlay LAB Community Benefit and the Cumulative Impact of Windfarm Developments in Communities

7/12/11 Sandra White SNP Truth About Youth Project

8/12/11 Rhoda Grant LAB MS, Better Care

14/12/11 Stuart McMillan SNP Commending Petrol and Diesel Watch

15/12/11 Sandra White SNP University of Glasgow Ranked First in the UK

21/12/11 Siobhan McMahon LAB Disability History Month

22/12/11 Jim Eadie SNP 10 Years on from Harkin-Engel, Child Trafficking in the Chocolate Industry

11/01/12 Annabel Goldie CON Volunteer Centre East Dunbartonshire

12/01/12 Margaret Burgess SNP High-interest Payday Loans

18/01/12 Elaine Murray LAB Independence Referendum, Let Wallace Vote

19/01/12 Joan McAlpine SNP Save Introducing in Scotland

25/01/12 Stewart Maxwell SNP Holocaust Memorial Day 2012

26/01/12 Patricia Ferguson LAB Save Glasgow’s Local Train Services

01/02/12 Colin Keir SNP Drum Brae Library and Community Hub Project

02/02/12 Linda Fabiani SNP Assistance Dogs are Working Dogs Too

08/02/12 Jamie McGrigor CON Designation of Special Areas of Conservation

09/02/12 Helen Eadie LAB Celebrating the Value of Co-operatives Internationally

22/02/12 Dennis Robertson SNP Eating Disorders, Raising the Awareness

23/02/12 George Adam SNP Take a Step in 2012 for Fairtrade

29/02/12 Iain Gray LAB Protecting Access to Justice across Scotland

01/03/12 Sandra White SNP BBC Scotland Job Cuts

07/03/12 Humza Yousaf SNP Save Gadburn School

08/03/12 John Park LAB The Living Wage, Tackling In-work Poverty

14/03/12 Sandra White SNP Commonwealth Week 2012

15/03/12 Mark McDonald SNP Changing the January Pay Date

21/03/12 John Lamont CON Local Rail Services to Berwickshire and East Lothian

22/03/12 Sarah Boyack LAB Green Investment Bank

28/03/12 Jim Eadie SNP Violence in Syria

29/03/12 Jim Hume LD The Road Forward for Community Transport

18/04/12 David Stewart LAB Devolution of the Crown Estate

19/04/12 Christine Grahame SNP Community Radio Coming from a Station Near You

25/04/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Allotments Regeneration Initiative in



Date MSP Party Subject

North Ayrshire

26/04/12 Richard Baker LAB UCAN’s Campaign for Robot-assisted Surgery

02/05/12 George Adam SNP National MS Week

09/05/12 Elaine Smith LAB Beyond the Frame

10/05/12 Dave Thompson SNP Centenary of the Dewar Report

16/05/12 Alex Fergusson CON A Road to Health

17/05/12 Paul Wheelhouse SNP Addressing Alcohol Abuse among Scotland’s Armed Forces

17/05/12 Christine Grahame SNP Commemorating James Graham, Marquis of Montrose and Member of the First Scots Parliament

23/05/12 Jenny Marra LAB Deaf Awareness Week

24/05/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Glasgow Epilepsy Genetics Service

30/05/12 Aileen McLeod SNP Rio+20

31/05/12 Elaine Murray LAB Improvements to the A75

06/06/12 Colin Keir SNP Royal Highland Education Trust

07/06/12 John Mason SNP The Death Penalty in India

13/06/12 Liz Smith CON Scotland’s Mountain Rescue Teams

14/06/12 John Park LAB Celebrating Fife’s Outdoor Education Centre

20/06/12 Rob Gibson SNP Remember Cunningham Graham

21/06/12 Jamie Hepburn SNP Time for an International Arms Trade Treaty

27/06/12 Patricia Ferguson LAB Scottish Government Cuts Threaten Creativity

28/06/12 Christina McKelvie SNP Success of Armed Services Advice Project

04/09/12 George Adam SNP Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 1697, Shining the Light for Community-based Events

05/09/12 Kenneth Macintosh LAB Humankind Index

06/09/12 Annabel Goldie CON River City

11/09/12 Kevin Stewart SNP Aberdeen City Centre

12/09/12 Clare Adamson SNP Scottish Steelworkers’ Memorial Fund

13/09/12 Claire Baker LAB Welcoming Fife Diet’s New Food Manifesto 2012

18/09/12 Graeme Dey SNP Keep Scotland Beautiful

19/09/12 Christine Grahame SNP The Great Polish Map of Scotland

20/09/12 Sarah Boyack LAB Fair Access to the Legal Profession

25/09/12 John Mason SNP Gambling Proliferation

26/09/12 Kevin Stewart SNP Work Capability Assessments

27/09/12 Hugh Henry LAB NSPCC

02/10/12 Liam McArthur LD No to Nuisance Calls

03/10/12 Linda Fabiani SNP October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

04/10/12 David Stewart LAB Isle of Gigha,10 Years of Pioneering Land Reform

23/10/12 David Torrance SNP 5th Fife Scout Group, Kirkcaldy,

Scottish Championship Award

24/10/12 Margaret Mitchell CON Dyslexia

25/10/12 Willie Coffey SNP Neil Armstrong

30/10/12 Hugh Henry LAB Protection of Workers

31/10/12 Roderick Campbell SNP The Vivarium Trust and Co-housing for Older People

01/11/12 Kenneth Gibson SNP Time to Introduce Presumed Consent



Date MSP Party Subject

06/11/12 Adam Ingram SNP William Murdoch, The Scot Who Lit the World

07/11/12 Kezia Dugdale LAB Living Wage Week

08/11/12 John Mason SNP Glasgow 2014, Scotland’s Time to Shine

13/11/12 John Scott CON British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly Autumn Plenary

14/11/12 Neil Findlay LAB Christian Aid, Tax Justice Bus

15/11/12 Nigel Don SNP Scottish Literature on the Big Screen

20/11/12 Jim Eadie SNP Caring for and Curing Boys and Men with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

21/11/12 Claudia Beamish LAB Scotland’s National Museum of Costume

22/11/12 Linda Fabiani SNP Open Your Eyes to Destitution in Scotland

27/11/12 James Dornan SNP Celebrating St Andrew’s First Aid Week

28/11/12 Iain Gray LAB Value of Instrumental Music Tuition

29/11/12 Christine Grahame SNP A Scottish Media Panel

04/12/12 Jamie Hepburn SNP White Ribbon Campaign 16 Days of Action to Tackle Violence Against Women

05/12/12 Margaret Mitchell CON 40th Anniversary of Lanarkshire Samaritans, Hamilton

06/12/12 Patricia Ferguson LAB Bobath Scotland

11/12/12 Alison McInnes LD Camphill Scotland

12/12/12 Mark McDonald SNP Grampian Launches Autism Alert Card

13/12/12 Richard Baker LAB Edwards Syndrome and Support for Babies with Palliative Care Needs

18/12/12 Christina McKelvie SNP Migrants’ Rights Day

19/12/12 Rob Gibson SNP Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters’ Marine Energy Constraints

20/12/12 Drew Smith LAB Job Losses at Clydesdale Bank

08/01/13 Kenneth Gibson SNP The Origins of Addiction

09/01/13 Malcolm Chisholm LAB 20 Years of Zero Tolerance Campaigns

10/01/13 John Mason SNP Mergers and Acquisitions

15/01/13 Adam Ingram SNP Scottish Coal Industry

16/01/13 Rhoda Grant LAB Sustainable Biomass

17/01/13 Bob Doris SNP Day Centre in Glasgow

22/01/13 Alex Johnstone CON Safer Social Networking for Children

23/01/13 Bruce Crawford SNP The Leprosy Mission Scotland

24/01/13 Helen Eadie LAB Clinical Standards for Cardiac Rehabilitation

29/01/13 James Dornan SNP Make Young People Your Business

30/01/13 Joan McAlpine SNP South of Scotland Television

31/01/13 Drew Smith LAB Work Not Play

05/02/13 Dave Thompson SNP Prohibit Cold Calling for Property Maintenance and Repairs

06/02/13 Annabel Goldie CON Street Stuff

07/02/13 Margaret McCulloch LAB Retail in Scotland

19/02/13 Jim Eadie SNP Lothiansound Talking Newspaper Celebrates 25

th Anniversary

20/02/13 Chic Brodie SNP Scotland’s Historic Buildings

21/02/13 David Stewart LAB 50 Miles Per Hour Campaign

26/02/13 David Torrance SNP Congratulating Fife Gingerbread on



Date MSP Party Subject

25th Anniversary

27/02/13 John Mason SNP Families Need Fathers

28/02/13 Sarah Boyack LAB Enough Food for Everyone IF Scotland Plays its Part

05/03/13 Liam McArthur LD Postcode Lottery for People with Multiple Sclerosis

06/03/13 Murdo Fraser CON Endangered Species and Wild Land Conservation

07/03/13 Christina McKelvie SNP #Scotlandhour

12/03/13 Jean Urquhurt GROUP The Role of Crofting in the Highlands and Islands

13/03/13 Bob Doris SNP Dr David Livingstone’s Bicentenary

14/03/13 Neil Findlay LAB Lessons from Orgreave

19/03/13 Mark McDonald SNP Count Us In

20/03/13 Jackie Baillie LAB Dementia Carers’ Voices

21/03/13 Angus MacDonald SNP 75 Years of Young Farmers Clubs in Scotland

26/03/13 Bob Doris SNP Kurdish Contribution to Scotland, Remembering Halabja

27/03/13 James Kelly LAB Bicentenary Celebrations of Dr David Livingstone’s Birth

28/03/13 Sandra White SNP Bowel Cancer, Don’t Take a Chance, Take the Test

16/04/13 David Torrance SNP Congratulating Save Wemyss Ancient Caves Society

17/04/13 Kezia Dugdale LAB One Billion Rising

18/04/13 Nigel Don SNP Scotland’s Butchers Lead the Way with Quality Produce

23/04/13 Alex Johnstone CON Welcome to the National Cricket Teams of Japan

24/04/13 Jamie Hepburn SNP Future of Scotland’s Crown Post Offices

25/04/13 John Pentland LAB Workers’ Memorial Day 2013

30/04/13 John Mason SNP Social Tourism

01/05/13 George Adam SNP MS Week 2013

02/05/13 Neil Findlay LAB Blacklisting, a Scottish and UK Human Rights Abuse

Record of Members’ Business taken by the Parliament in Session 4


Frequency (no.) 91 49 16 4 1 0 161

Frequency % 56.53 30.43 9.94 2.48 0.62 0 100





Monday 6 Bank Holiday Bank Holiday

Tuesday 7

0900-1300 Committees

1400 Time for Reflection Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1405-1420 Topical Questions 1420-1700 Public Petitions Committee Debate – PE1441 Flood Insurance Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1700 Decision Time Followed by Members Business’: S4M-05783 Gordon MacDonald: Dads Rock 1st Anniversary

Wednesday 8

0900-1300 Committees

1400 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1400-1440 Portfolio Question Time: Health and Wellbeing 1440-1550 Labour Party Business: Childcare 1550–1700 Labour Party Business: Health Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1700 Decision Time Followed by Members Business’: S4M-06401 Mary Scanlon: Importance of the Freshwater Pearl Mussel

Thursday 9

0900-1100 Committees 1140-1200 General Questions 1200-1230 First Minister’s Question Time Followed by Members Business’: S4M-05789 Mary Fee: Using Prisoners' Assets to Reduce Reoffending

1430 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1430-1700 Scottish Government Debate: Young People – Supporting Scotland’s Economy Today and Tomorrow Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1700 Decision Time

Friday 10 Constituency Constituency





Monday 13 Constituency Constituency

Tuesday 14

0900-1300 Committees

1400 Time for Reflection Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1405-1420 Topical Questions 1420-1700 Stage One debate: Scottish Independence Referendum (Franchise) Bill Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1700 Decision Time Followed by Members Business’ S4M-05676 Christina McKelvie: Voices From the Frontline, Digital by Default

Wednesday 15

0900-1300 Committees

1400 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1400-1440 Portfolio Question Time: Culture & External Affairs; Infrastructure, Investment and Cities 1440-1700 Stage 3 proceedings: Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1700 Decision Time Followed by Members Business’ S4M-05891 Aileen McLeod: History is Made at the Mull of Galloway

Thursday 16

0900-1100 Committees 1140-1200 General Questions 1200-1230 First Minister’s Question Time Followed by Members Business’ S4M-06139 Margaret McDougall: University Marine Biological Station Millport

1430 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1430-1700 Scottish Government debate: Electricity Market Reform Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1700 Decision Time

Friday 17 Constituency Constituency





Monday 20 Constituency Constituency

Tuesday 21

0900-1300 Committees

1400 Time for Reflection Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1405-1420 Topical Questions 1420-1700 Scottish Government Business Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1700 Decision Time Followed by Members Business’

Wednesday 22

0900-1300 Committees

1400 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1400-1440 Portfolio Question Time: Education and Lifelong Learning 1440-1700 Scottish Government Business Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1700 Decision Time Followed by Members Business’

Thursday 23

0900-1100 Committees 1140-1200 General Questions 1200-1230 First Minister’s Question Time Followed by Members Business’

1430 Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1440-1630 Stage 3 proceedings: Forth Road Bridge Bill 1630-1700 Final Stage proceedings: National Trust for Scotland (Governance etc) Bill – Private Bill Followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motion (if required) 1700 Decision Time

Friday 24 Constituency Constituency




Date of Lodging: 7 May 2013

Short Title: Business Motion

Joe FitzPatrick on behalf of the Parliamentary Bureau: That the Parliament agrees the following programme of business—

Tuesday 14 May 2013

2.00 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Topical Questions (if selected)

followed by Stage 1 Debate: Scottish Independence Referendum (Franchise)


followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 15 May 2013

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions

Culture & External Affairs; Infrastructure, Investment and Cities followed by Stage 3 Proceedings: Aquaculture and Fisheries (Scotland) Bill

followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 16 May 2013

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Scottish Government Debate: Electricity Market Reform



followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

Tuesday 21 May 2013

2.00 pm Time for Reflection

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

followed by Topical Questions (if selected)

followed by Scottish Government Business

followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Wednesday 22 May 2013

2.00 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.00 pm Portfolio Questions

Education and Lifelong Learning followed by Scottish Government Business

followed by Business Motions

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time

followed by Members’ Business

Thursday 23 May 2013

11.40 am Parliamentary Bureau Motions

11.40 am General Questions

12.00 pm First Minister’s Questions

12.30 pm Members’ Business

2.30 pm Parliamentary Bureau Motions

2.30 pm Stage 3 Proceedings: Forth Road Bridge Bill

followed by Final Stage Proceedings: The National Trust for Scotland

(Governance etc.) Bill

followed by Parliamentary Bureau Motions

5.00 pm Decision Time




1. This paper invites the Parliamentary Bureau to propose the establishment of a committee to consider the City of Edinburgh Council (Portobello Park) Bill (―the Bill‖) under Rule 6.1.3 of Standing Orders. The paper which follows sets out the background to the Bill, the functions of the Committee and the rules in relation to membership of a private bill committee. Conclusion

2. The Bureau is asked to decide—

a) the size of the Committee (3, 4 or 5 members);

b) the composition of the Committee i.e. how many members should be from which parties/groups;

c) that the duration of the Committee should be as proposed above (i.e. until the

Bill is passed, falls, or is withdrawn);

d) the parties from which the convener and deputy convener will be drawn (following application of the d’Hondt formula);

3. Following decisions on (a) – (d) above, it will be for the relevant Business Managers

to identify prospective members of the Private Bill Committee (i.e. MSPs from within their parties/group who are available to take on this role, who are eligible under the rules, and who are otherwise suitable).

4. The Bureau will then be invited to confirm at a future meeting that those prospective members are eligible and otherwise suitable to be appointed as members of the Committee, and to lodge a motion to establish the Committee and name its membership. Parliamentary Business Team April 2013




1. This paper invites the Parliamentary Bureau to propose the establishment of a committee to consider the City of Edinburgh Council (Portobello Park) Bill (―the Bill‖) under Rule 6.1.3 of Standing Orders. Background

2. The procedures for Private Bills are set out in Chapter 9A of Standing Orders. Rule 9A.5 states that the Parliament shall, on a motion of the Parliamentary Bureau under Rule 6.1.3, establish a committee (―a Private Bill Committee‖) to consider the Bill.

3. The City of Edinburgh Council (Portobello Park) Bill is a Private Bill promoted by the City of Edinburgh Council and was introduced on 25 April 2013.

4. The Promoter’s Memorandum indicates that—

―The objective of the Bill is to address the legal obstacle which is currently preventing the new Portobello High School being built on Portobello Park (―the Park‖). In September 2012 the Inner House of the Court of Session decided that the Council could not appropriate the Park, as it is inalienable common good land.

The purpose of the Bill is to remove this obstacle by reclassifying the Park as alienable common good land for the purposes of Part VI of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 (―the 1973 Act‖). Section 73(1) of the 1973 Act, read with section 75(1), allows for such land that is vested in an authority for one purpose to be appropriated for another purpose. However, the change is limited so that it only permits the appropriation of the Park for the purposes of the Council’s education authority functions. ―

5. Therefore, the Bill aims to seek to address the legislative obstacle which currently

prevents the new Portobello High School being built on part of Portobello Park, which is ―inalienable common good land‖. The Bill creates an exception to the legal obstacle, but it does not authorise the construction of the school building, which would remain subject to planning consent.

6. As indicated above, the legal obstacle is in Part VI of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, which allows a council to ―appropriate‖ common good land for a new purpose only if there is no question that the Council has the right to alienate the land. The Bill deems the Park to be land of that sort – thus clearing the way for the Council to approve a change of use from recreation for purposes of the Council’s education authority functions.

7. The 60-day period for lodging objections (which began on 26 April 2013) will end on 24 June 2013.



8. Under Rule 9A.5.1, the Bureau is required to lodge a motion to establish a committee; this will enable consideration of the Bill and consideration of any objections to begin. Function, remit and duration of committee

9. Private bills are normally subject to a three-Stage process, as outlined below—

Preliminary Stage: The committee gives preliminary consideration to any objections lodged; the Chamber then debates the general principles of the Bill and whether the Bill should proceed as a Private Bill based on the committee’s report;

Consideration Stage: The committee gives full consideration to objections and

takes evidence on the Bill; it then considers any amendments lodged;

Final Stage: The Parliament considers any further amendments and decides whether or not to pass the Bill.

10. A separate Reconsideration Stage is also possible in certain circumstances.

11. The remit of the Committee will be ―to consider and report on the Bill‖. (Rule 9A.5.1).

Established practice for ad hoc Bill Committees is for them to be established for the duration of the Bill, i.e. until it is passed, falls, or is withdrawn. (In practice, its role will largely be at an end once Consideration Stage is complete.)

12. As with all Private Bill Committees (and unlike subject and mandatory committees), attendance at all meetings is required and members may be absent only in exceptional circumstances.

13. At the first meeting of the committee, members must declare that they will act impartially and will base decisions solely on the evidence and information provided to the Committee. Time commitment from committee members

14. It is anticipated that there will be objections to this Bill, and membership of the Committee is therefore likely to involve a reasonably significant time commitment from members for the duration of the committee (which is provisionally anticipated to be approximately from June 2013 to early 2014, subject to, amongst other things the volume of objections received and what evidence the committee wishes to take).

15. The committee’s involvement at Preliminary Stage is expected to begin in June when there may be a meeting before the summer recess to establish and brief the committee and consider a provisional work programme. After the summer recess there are likely to be a number of evidence sessions at this Stage.

16. If the Parliament approves the general principles of the Bill, it will pass to Consideration Stage. It is likely that further evidence will be required at that stage, and there could be amendments.



Size, composition and membership of committee

17. The Committee’s role in scrutinising a Private Bill involves it acting in a quasi-judicial capacity, including by adjudicating between competing private interests. For this reason, the Rules aim to ensure that members of Private Bill Committees are, and are perceived to be, neutral and impartial. Size

18. Rule 9A5.2 states that a Private Bill Committee shall have at least 3, but no more than 5, members. As with all committees, the choice of members should be made having regard to the balance of political parties in the Parliament (Rule 6.3.4).

19. At its meeting on 17 May 2011, the Bureau considered paper PB/S4/01 which set out the proportion of seats each party had overall and the effect that had on the allocation of seats on committees of seven to 15 members. The same approach is taken in the table below for committees of three, four and five members.


3 members 4 members 5 members

SNP 51.16 1.53 2.05 2.56

LAB 28.68 0.86 1.15 1.43

CON 11.63 0.35 0.47 0.58

LD 3.88 0.12 0.16 0.19

GRN 1.55 0.05 0.06 0.08

IND 3.10 0.09 0.12 0.16


20. The convener is chosen by the committee, but only once the Parliament has decided (on a motion of the Bureau) which party the convener is to be from (or that the convener is to be an independent) (Rule 12.1.2). In the current session, it has also been agreed that all committees are to have deputy conveners, and they are chosen on a similar basis. By convention, the distribution of convenerships and deputy convenerships among the parties is decided by application of the d’Hondt formula. Membership and interests

21. Rule 9A5.3 sets out various criteria that MSPs must satisfy if they are to be eligible as members of a Private Bill Committee, and may not be appointed if—

(a) that member’s principal place of residence is within an area in which works are proposed to be authorised by or under the Private Bill; (b) any land or buildings owned by the member, or in which the member has any other right or interest, is proposed to be subject to compulsory acquisition or use by or under the Private Bill;



(c) the area in which works are proposed to be authorised by or under the Private Bill falls in whole or in part within the constituency or region which that member represents; (d) that member represents a constituency or region which, in the opinion of the Parliamentary Bureau, is particularly affected by the works proposed to be authorised by or under the Private Bill;

(e) that member has a financial interest that, in the opinion of the Parliamentary Bureau, directly relates to the promoter or to the subject-matter of the Private Bill; or (f) that member has any interest registered in the Register of Interests of Members of the Scottish Parliament (―the Register‖) which, in the opinion of the Parliamentary Bureau, would or would be likely to prejudice the ability of the member to participate in proceedings of the Private Bill Committee in an impartial manner.

22. Most of the above ((a)–(d)) only apply to Bills that either authorise works, or authorise the compulsory acquisition or use of land or buildings, so do not apply in this instance. However, bearing in mind the strict need for impartiality, the Bureau may wish to bear in mind the contents of paragraphs (a), (c) and (d): while the Bill itself is seeking to remove a legal obstacle, it may be considered that there is sufficient proximity between that matter and the works involved in constructing the new school to suggest that it would not be advisable to appoint a member who falls into any of the categories. It might be considered prudent, in other words, not to appoint to the committee MSPs who either live in or represent any part of the Portobello High School area, as well as Lothian constituency MSPs and Lothian regional MSPs. It might also be advisable not to appoint MSPs who have, or have had, an interest with the City of Edinburgh Council (such as being a councillor or employee of that organisation) even if there is no longer any direct financial interest.

23. Rules 9A.5.3(e) and (f) relate directly to the criteria which must be applied in this case. The Bureau will therefore wish to satisfy itself that proposed members have no financial interests relating to the promoter or subject-matter of the Bill, and no interests in their Register which might impact on their impartiality in proceedings.

24. In relation to paragraph (e), financial interests that might be considered directly related to the promoter might include, for example, receiving or having received remuneration as a councillor from the City of Edinburgh Council, or being employed by the Council as education authority or in any other capacity. Another factor would be having shares in any company that is, or expects to be, contracted to carry out work or provide services in relation to the construction or operation of the new school.

25. In addition, Rule 9A.5.4 requires any MSP proposed to the Bureau as a prospective member of a Private Bill Committee to bring to the Bureau’s attention any financial interest held by the member in relation to the promoter or the subject matter of the Bill that is not registered in the Register. Under Rule 9A.5.4A, each member is



required, at the first committee meeting, to declare to act impartially and to base decisions solely on the evidence and information provided to the committee. This again emphasises the need to ensure that members of the committee are, and are perceived to be, neutral and impartial.

26. While recognising that membership of a cross-party group is not a registrable

interest, it is usually recommended that members of cross-party groups in a related cause or subject-matter are not considered for membership of the committee, as there is a risk that they may be perceived as having pre-conceived views on the Bill. Appointment process

27. This implies a two-stage process for deciding on the membership – with the Bureau first deciding the size and composition of the Committee so that each party can identify prospective members, and then a final decision on which MSPs to appoint, taking into account any additional information provided by those prospective members. Recommendation

28. The Bureau is asked to decide—

e) the size of the Committee (3, 4 or 5 members);

f) the composition of the Committee i.e. how many members should be from which parties/groups;

g) that the duration of the Committee should be as proposed above (i.e. until the

Bill is passed, falls, or is withdrawn);

h) the parties from which the convener and deputy convener will be drawn (following application of the d’Hondt formula);

29. Following decisions on (a) – (d) above, it will be for the relevant Business Managers

to identify prospective members of the Private Bill Committee (i.e. MSPs from within their parties/group who are available to take on this role, who are eligible under the rules, and who are otherwise suitable).

30. The Bureau will then be invited to confirm at a future meeting that those prospective members are eligible and otherwise suitable to be appointed as members of the Committee, and to lodge a motion to establish the Committee and name its membership. Non-Government Bills Unit April 2013



1. The draft proposal for the Bus Regulation (Scotland) Bill was lodged on 1 May 2013 by Iain Gray MSP.

2. The proposal is for a Bill to provide transport authorities with greater powers to set service levels for local bus services, including a power to group profitable routes with non-profitable routes before they are put out to tender with operators.

3. The draft proposal is accompanied by a consultation document.

4. In terms of Standing Orders (Rule 9.14.5) the Parliamentary Bureau is

required to refer the draft proposal to a committee within whose remit the subject matters falls.

5. This referral is for information only – there is no expectation that the committee will scrutinise or report on the draft proposal at this stage.

6. The proposal falls within the remit of the following committee(s):

Committee Remit

Infrastructure and Capital Investment (ICI) Committee

To consider and report on infrastructure, capital investment, transport, housing, and other matters falling within the responsibility of the Cabinet Secretary for Investment and Cities apart from those covered by the remit of the Local Government and Regeneration Committee. The main policy area of the proposal, transport authorities tendering bus routes, falls within the transport area of the above remit

Local Government and Regeneration Committee

The remit of the Committee is to consider and report on a) the financing and delivery of local government and local services, and b) planning, and c) matters relating to regeneration falling within the responsibility of the Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure and Capital Investment.


A related policy strand is the provision of local government subsidies for the provision of local bus services identified by local authorities as socially necessary.


7. As outlined above, local government subsidy to bus operators falls within the remit of Local Government and Regeneration Committee. However, the main focus of the draft proposal is the regulation of bus services. As such the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee is considered to have the strongest interest in the proposed Bill.

8. The Bureau is therefore invited to refer the draft proposal on Bus Regulation

to the Infrastructure and Capital Investment Committee.

Non-Government Bills Unit May 2013




1. Under Rule 8.2.8 of Standing Orders, the Bureau may remove from the list of admissible motions any motion that has been on the list for more than six weeks without a date for it to be taken by the Parliament being appointed in the business programme.

2. The Bureau has previously agreed that all motions should be removed from the Bulletin after six weeks (excluding recess time) unless:

(a) the motion has the support of at least 30 other Members and these supporters came from more than two political parties (note that in cases where the number of supporters exceeds 30, the topicality of the motion and the extent of the recent support have also been taken into account when making these recommendations); or

(b) the motion remains highly topical; or

(c) the motion has been selected for Members’ Business.

3. The attached spreadsheet lists all motions over six weeks old on 7 May 2013 (i.e.

those lodged on or before 12 March 2013) and includes the number of supporters and date of the most recent registration of support.

4. Based on the criteria in paragraph 2, it is recommended that the following motions from the attached list be retained—

S4M-05610 Christine Grahame James IV and Flodden Field

S4M-05676 Christina McKelvie Voices from the Frontline, Digital by Default

S4M-05853 Sandra White Sectarian Attacks against the Shia Community

S4M-05891 Aileen McLeod History is Made at the Mull of Galloway

S4M-05921 Anne McTaggart Mary Barbour Commemoration

S4M-05922 John Mason Bank Branch Closures

S4M-05499 Dennis Robertson Youth and Philanthropy Initiative, Alford Academy

S4M-05538 Bill Kidd Sporting Excellence in Drumchapel

S4M-05562 Stuart McMillan Launch of Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust Sailing Hub

S4M-05638 Anne McTaggart Fingers Crossed for Glasgow 2018


5. Members are asked to agree that the motions above are retained. Parliamentary Business Team May 2013

Item MSP Date Lodged Title Total SupportersDate Last Support

Members Business Motions

S4M-05465 James Dornan 24/01/2013 11:23 The Cedar Network 26 01/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05495 John Pentland 28/01/2013 09:48 Lloyds Contact Centre Motherwell Closure 26 06/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05522 Jackie Baillie 30/01/2013 08:53 Dementia Carers’ Voices 40 14/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05531 David Stewart 30/01/2013 14:47 Scottish Environment LINK Species Champions 34 19/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05536 Angus MacDonald 31/01/2013 10:13 75 Years of Young Farmers Clubs in Scotland 41 14/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05547 James Kelly 01/02/2013 09:41 Bicentenary Celebrations of Dr David Livingstone’s Birth25 08/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05568 Mark McDonald 04/02/2013 16:06 Count Us In 39 13/03/2013 16:18

S4M-05581 Dennis Robertson 05/02/2013 14:35 Celebrating Scottish Produce 29 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05590 Dave Thompson 06/02/2013 10:30 Protecting Consumers 24 28/02/2013 10:09

S4M-05594 Neil Findlay 06/02/2013 13:36 Blacklisting, a Scottish and UK Human Rights Abuse 20 06/03/2013 17:25

S4M-05609 Kezia Dugdale 07/02/2013 13:42 One Billion Rising 39 11/03/2013 20:29

S4M-05610 Christine Grahame 07/02/2013 14:21 James IV and Flodden Field 27 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05619 Alex Johnstone 11/02/2013 11:10 Macbeth, Iconic and Successful Monarch 23 21/02/2013 16:23

S4M-05625 John Mason 11/02/2013 15:51 Social Tourism 25 13/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05656 Sandra White 18/02/2013 14:16 Bowel Cancer, Don’t Take a Chance, Take the Test46 11/03/2013 21:02

S4M-05676 Christina McKelvie 19/02/2013 15:18 Voices From the Frontline, Digital by Default 34 26/02/2013 09:52

S4M-05696 Nigel Don 21/02/2013 11:16 Scotland's Butchers Lead the Way with Quality Produce26 26/02/2013 12:07

S4M-05704 Jean Urquhart 21/02/2013 14:00 Raasay Crofters' Association 29 28/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05708 Jamie Hepburn 21/02/2013 15:41 Future of Scotland’s Crown Post Offices 27 08/03/2013 10:18

S4M-05710 David Torrance 22/02/2013 13:07 Congratulating Save Wemyss Ancient Caves Society 27 12/03/2013 10:25

S4M-05774 Colin Beattie 28/02/2013 11:50 Public Sector Pension Reform 25 12/03/2013 11:19

S4M-05783 Gordon MacDonald 28/02/2013 15:54 Dads Rock 1st Anniversary 40 12/03/2013 15:28

S4M-05789 Mary Fee 01/03/2013 10:08 Using Prisoners' Assets to Reduce Reoffending 23 11/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05853 Sandra White 06/03/2013 11:07 Sectarian Attacks against the Shia Community 21 12/03/2013 12:40

S4M-05862 Kezia Dugdale 06/03/2013 15:08 OFT Report Reveals Need for Cap on Credit 28 12/03/2013 18:17

S4M-05865 Hanzala Malik 07/03/2013 08:32 Recognising and Marking the Genocide Conducted against the Kurds of Iraq26 13/03/2013 10:05

S4M-05871 Bob Doris 07/03/2013 11:50 Kurdish Contribution to Scotland, Remembering Halabja26 12/03/2013 12:36

S4M-05874 Anne McTaggart 07/03/2013 13:01 World Book Day 2013 31 12/03/2013 12:36

S4M-05888 Christine Grahame 08/03/2013 16:26 Boom Hamilton, First Dux of Penicuik High School 25 14/03/2013 13:57

S4M-05891 Aileen McLeod 10/03/2013 20:00 History is Made at the Mull of Galloway 23 13/03/2013 14:49

S4M-05907 James Kelly 12/03/2013 09:53 Parkinson’s Nurses in Scotland: Providing Effective, Safe, Person-centred Care27 13/03/2013 14:59

S4M-05921 Anne McTaggart 12/03/2013 11:15 Mary Barbour Commemoration 27 13/03/2013 14:59

S4M-05922 John Mason 12/03/2013 11:27 Bank Branch Closures 23 13/03/2013 17:44

S4M-05930 John Pentland 12/03/2013 14:11 Workers' Memorial Day 2013 20 13/03/2013 19:40

Standard Motions

S4M-05451 Angus MacDonald 23/01/2013 09:54 Support Scotland’s Responsible Mackerel Fishing Industry33 12/03/2013 11:47

S4M-05453 Joan McAlpine 23/01/2013 10:21 Congratulations to Hightae Primary School 19 01/02/2013 21:19

S4M-05454 Neil Findlay 23/01/2013 11:23 The Great Payroll Scandal 22 01/02/2013 21:19

S4M-05455 Patricia Ferguson 23/01/2013 12:27 Royston at Work Project 14 29/01/2013 13:29

S4M-05456 Bill Walker 23/01/2013 13:16 Christmas Story Raises Funds for African Children 9 29/01/2013 14:37

S4M-05457 Kenny MacAskill 23/01/2013 13:34 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions and Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft]1 23/01/2013 00:00

S4M-05459 Bob Doris 23/01/2013 16:22 Assistance for Services Coping with UK Benefit Cuts 30 07/02/2013 10:50

S4M-05460 Bob Doris 23/01/2013 16:59 Users of Adult Day Centres Must Have a Say in their Future20 01/02/2013 21:19

S4M-05461 Graeme Dey 23/01/2013 16:48 Funding Boost for Camera Obscura 28 04/02/2013 16:34

S4M-05462 Jean Urquhart 24/01/2013 10:34 Faroese Withdrawal from Herring International Management Plan14 01/02/2013 21:19

S4M-05463 Mike MacKenzie 24/01/2013 10:52 Creative Orkney 29 12/03/2013 11:45

S4M-05464 Graeme Dey 24/01/2013 11:08 Big Lottery Fund Grants for Angus 24 04/02/2013 16:33

S4M-05466 Willie Coffey 24/01/2013 11:53 Congratulations to Kilmarnock 27 12/03/2013 11:44

S4M-05467 James Kelly 24/01/2013 11:58 Blantyre Soccer Academy Launches New Disability Football Club24 05/02/2013 15:31

S4M-05468 Dennis Robertson 24/01/2013 11:54 Scottish Women’s Convention 30 12/03/2013 11:44

S4M-05469 Dennis Robertson 24/01/2013 11:54 Big Lottery Funding in Aberdeenshire West 19 01/02/2013 21:15

S4M-05470 Stuart McMillan 24/01/2013 12:12 Congratulations to Wemyss Bay Primary School 23 04/02/2013 16:27

S4M-05471 Jamie Hepburn 24/01/2013 13:14 Whitelees Primary School and IF Scotland Campaign 26 01/02/2013 21:15

S4M-05472 Bob Doris 24/01/2013 13:42 Congratulations to Royston at Work Graduates 19 12/03/2013 11:44

S4M-05473 Dennis Robertson 24/01/2013 13:47 Huntly, One of Scotland's Creative Places 27 12/03/2013 11:44

S4M-05474 Jayne Baxter 24/01/2013 14:10 City Farms and Gardens, More than Just Growing 40 01/02/2013 21:15

S4M-05475 Mike MacKenzie 24/01/2013 15:26 Rona Wilkie’s Year as BBC Scotland’s Young Traditional Musician28 12/03/2013 11:43

S4M-05476 Kenneth Gibson 24/01/2013 15:42 Childhood Asthma Admissions Decline after Smoking Ban29 12/03/2013 11:43

S4M-05477 Bob Doris 24/01/2013 16:33 Julie Love Nominated as Evening Times Scotswoman of the Year22 06/02/2013 14:44

S4M-05478 Colin Keir 24/01/2013 17:30 South Queensferry Lifeboat Busiest in Scotland 31 01/03/2013 00:19

S4M-05480 Tavish Scott 25/01/2013 10:18 Frankie's Fish and Chips Wins Multiple Awards 20 06/02/2013 10:47

S4M-05481 Nigel Don 25/01/2013 10:21 Kincardineshire Builder Scoops Top Industry Award 15 01/02/2013 21:15

S4M-05482 Roderick Campbell 25/01/2013 10:47 Beam Me Up 19 13/03/2013 11:57

S4M-05483 Kenneth Gibson 25/01/2013 10:29 The Company They Keep 16 01/02/2013 21:15

S4M-05484 Hugh Henry 25/01/2013 12:48 Condemning the Cut to Criminal Injuries Compensation19 08/02/2013 12:31

S4M-05485 Hugh Henry 25/01/2013 12:48 Ofcom Should Think Again 27 06/02/2013 10:46

S4M-05486 Elaine Smith 25/01/2013 13:09 RMT, 20th Anniversary of Privatisation 10 07/02/2013 09:38

S4M-05487 Jean Urquhart 25/01/2013 15:48 Shetland Islands Council's Community Engagement 13 08/02/2013 09:58

S4M-05488 John Mason 25/01/2013 15:50 St Margaret's Adoption and Family Care Society 8 08/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05489 Dennis Robertson 25/01/2013 16:51 Heritage Lottery Fund, Burns Night 22 12/02/2013 10:31

S4M-05490 Kevin Stewart 25/01/2013 16:35 Choices Aberdeen Pregnancy Counselling 18 12/02/2013 10:31

S4M-05491 Kevin Stewart 28/01/2013 08:43 Congratulations to Gamola Golf 22 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05492 Elaine Murray 28/01/2013 08:50 Robert Burns Humanitarian Award 2013 Awarded to Khalil Dale42 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05493 Bill Walker 28/01/2013 09:21 Congratulations to Andy Murray on Performance at Australian Open Tennis9 30/01/2013 17:53

S4M-05494 George Adam 28/01/2013 09:22 One Town, One Team 22 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05496 Joan McAlpine 28/01/2013 09:51 Khalil Dale Awarded 2013 Robert Burns Humanitarian Award34 12/03/2013 11:43

S4M-05497 Joan McAlpine 28/01/2013 10:31 Congratulations to the Big Burns Supper 2013 23 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05498 Claudia Beamish 28/01/2013 11:08 Stonewall Top 100 Employers 2013 15 05/02/2013 17:21

S4M-05499 Dennis Robertson 28/01/2013 12:37 Youth and Philanthropy Initiative, Alford Academy 20 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05500 Sandra White 28/01/2013 13:06 City of Glasgow College 25 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05501 Siobhan McMahon 28/01/2013 14:44 Congratulations to NHS Lanarkshire North East Unit Health Improvement Team16 05/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05502 Siobhan McMahon 28/01/2013 14:44 Welcoming the Creation of Jobs in North Lanarkshire 10 31/01/2013 14:39

S4M-05503 John Finnie 28/01/2013 15:22 Scottish Police Authority Business Manager Appointment7 30/01/2013 10:43

S4M-05507 Alison Johnstone 28/01/2013 16:45 School of Scottish Studies Campaign/Iomairt Sgoil Eòlais na h-Alba16 26/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05511 Anne McTaggart 29/01/2013 09:38 Govan Law Centre's Prevention of Homelessness Project16 11/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05512 Willie Rennie 29/01/2013 09:57 The Byre Theatre 2 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05513 Linda Fabiani 29/01/2013 11:17 East Kilbride Strikes Gold 26 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05514 Drew Smith 29/01/2013 11:26 Performance Management and the New Workplace Tyranny Report19 05/02/2013 17:21

S4M-05515 Nigel Don 29/01/2013 11:46 RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch 20 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05516 John Finnie 29/01/2013 13:01 Telehealth Booth Pilot Scheme 20 11/02/2013 14:34

S4M-05517 Kevin Stewart 29/01/2013 12:42 The Bedroom Tax, an Attack on Scots 36 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05518 Kevin Stewart 29/01/2013 13:01 Aberdeen Reading Bus, My Place in the Natural World24 06/02/2013 10:55

S4M-05519 Jackie Baillie 29/01/2013 14:39 Operation Christmas Child Success 22 12/03/2013 11:41

S4M-05520 Richard Simpson 29/01/2013 15:00 Calcutta Cup 25 12/03/2013 11:41

S4M-05523 Mike MacKenzie 30/01/2013 11:15 Congratulations to Inveraray 29 12/03/2013 11:40

S4M-05524 Jean Urquhart 30/01/2013 12:47 Year of Natural Scotland Open Fund Awards 21 11/02/2013 14:35

S4M-05525 Nigel Don 30/01/2013 13:02 Stonehaven Chippy Best in Britain 20 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05526 Murdo Fraser 30/01/2013 13:13 Scottish Wildcat Conservation 21 08/02/2013 09:57

S4M-05527 Kenneth Gibson 30/01/2013 13:41 An Independent Scotland Will Remain Open for Business27 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05528 Christine Grahame 30/01/2013 14:07 Tinnitus Awareness Week 4 to 10 February 36 12/03/2013 11:40

S4M-05529 Graeme Dey 30/01/2013 14:03 Lloyds Banking Group Benefits at the Expense of Scottish Charities26 08/02/2013 09:57

S4M-05530 Kevin Stewart 30/01/2013 14:43 I’d Love to Vote 29 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05532 Claire Baker 30/01/2013 15:50 The Show Must Go On 23 18/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05534 Kevin Stewart 30/01/2013 17:47 Congratulations to CLAN 33 13/02/2013 09:37

S4M-05538 Bill Kidd 31/01/2013 10:43 Sporting Excellence in Drumchapel 23 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05539 Murdo Fraser 31/01/2013 10:49 Ryder Cup Volunteering 24 06/02/2013 10:36

S4M-05540 Anne McTaggart 31/01/2013 10:54 D60 Celebrates 60 Years of Drumchapel 19 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05542 Kenneth Gibson 31/01/2013 11:14 Congratulations to ENABLE Scotland and Impact Arts Hazeldene20 08/02/2013 12:30

S4M-05543 Roderick Campbell 31/01/2013 13:07 Save the Byre Theatre, St Andrews 30 12/03/2013 10:54

S4M-05544 Roderick Campbell 31/01/2013 15:49 European Ban on the Sale of Animal-tested Cosmetics21 08/02/2013 09:56

S4M-05545 Dennis Robertson 31/01/2013 16:03 Scotch Lamb Tasting Event 25 12/02/2013 10:28

S4M-05546 Stewart Maxwell 01/02/2013 09:24 World Thinking Day 2013 26 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05548 Helen Eadie 01/02/2013 11:20 College Training Closure in One of Scotland's Most Disadvantaged Areas12 21/02/2013 10:05

S4M-05551 Tavish Scott 01/02/2013 12:00 Shetland Fiddle Sensation Aly Bain Wins Lifetime Achievement Award31 07/02/2013 14:24

S4M-05553 James Dornan 01/02/2013 13:00 Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Kut-O Buddhist Association28 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05554 Bob Doris 01/02/2013 13:41 Out for Independence 25 13/03/2013 19:24

S4M-05555 Kenneth Gibson 01/02/2013 16:21 No End in Sight to the Violence in Syria 16 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05557 Tavish Scott 04/02/2013 10:19 Shetland News Team Wins Media Award 18 06/02/2013 18:03

S4M-05558 Kezia Dugdale 04/02/2013 12:22 See Hear Speak Act 34 18/02/2013 00:02

S4M-05559 Mark McDonald 04/02/2013 12:23 Aberdeenshire Chef Crowned Game Chef of the Year 201326 18/02/2013 00:02

S4M-05560 Colin Keir 04/02/2013 12:53 Commendation for the Founder and Fundraisers of Nico3522 18/02/2013 00:02

S4M-05561 Graeme Dey 04/02/2013 13:28 Carnoustie Triumphs Again 32 18/02/2013 00:02

S4M-05562 Stuart McMillan 04/02/2013 13:49 Launch of Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust Sailing Hub 36 18/02/2013 00:02

S4M-05563 Bill Kidd 04/02/2013 14:01 Camstradden Primary Wins Primary Sports School of the Year24 18/02/2013 00:02

S4M-05564 Margaret Mitchell 04/02/2013 14:21 Monklands Talking Newspaper 26 18/02/2013 00:02

S4M-05565 Marco Biagi 04/02/2013 14:57 Tibetan Independence Day 32 27/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05566 Dennis Robertson 04/02/2013 15:48 Mother and Daughter Chartered Engineers 28 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05567 Bill Walker 04/02/2013 15:58 Heritage Lottery Funding for New Dunfermline Museum and Art Gallery11 06/02/2013 18:02

S4M-05569 Jim Eadie 04/02/2013 16:30 New Honorary Consul of Hungary 29 21/02/2013 16:19

S4M-05571 Dennis Robertson 05/02/2013 10:47 LGBT History Month 30 13/03/2013 19:24

S4M-05572 John Finnie 05/02/2013 11:03 Kashmir Solidarity Day 12 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05573 Richard Simpson 05/02/2013 11:16 Dignity Action Day 12 13/02/2013 11:38

S4M-05574 Dennis Robertson 05/02/2013 11:38 Safer Internet Day, Supporting Young People 24 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05575 Dennis Robertson 05/02/2013 11:59 Planned Braemar Bridge 25 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05576 Stewart Maxwell 05/02/2013 12:01 Rival Nations in Aid of the Homeless World Cup 34 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05577 Colin Beattie 05/02/2013 12:29 Money for MAEDT 17 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05578 Colin Beattie 05/02/2013 12:29 £10,000 for Garvald Glenesk 17 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05579 Colin Beattie 05/02/2013 12:29 Funds for Whitecraig Community Centre 18 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05580 Bob Doris 05/02/2013 13:46 Paddy Callaghan, BBC Radio Young Traditional Musician of the Year7 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05582 Bill Walker 05/02/2013 15:03 Scottish Autism Launches One Stop Shop 15 12/03/2013 11:35

S4M-05583 Fiona McLeod 05/02/2013 15:18 Bishopbriggs Academy Achieves Excellence 23 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05584 Richard Simpson 05/02/2013 15:42 Welcome Halting of Merger Proposals 8 06/02/2013 15:58

S4M-05587 Neil Findlay 06/02/2013 09:10 The End of an Era at Hall’s 20 11/02/2013 09:20

S4M-05588 Roderick Campbell 06/02/2013 09:15 St Andrews Strips the Willow 23 20/02/2013 11:58

S4M-05589 Lewis Macdonald 06/02/2013 09:53 Offshore Wind Energy in Aberdeen 28 28/02/2013 13:16

S4M-05591 James Dornan 06/02/2013 10:31 Congratulations to Castlemilk High 26 21/02/2013 18:52

S4M-05592 Gil Paterson 06/02/2013 10:43 Young Dancers Reach TV Semi-final 27 12/03/2013 11:32

S4M-05593 Mark McDonald 06/02/2013 12:17 North East Winners of the Scottish Countryside Alliance Awards 201322 06/03/2013 17:25

S4M-05597 Stewart Stevenson 06/02/2013 14:08 RNLI and the 60th Anniversary of Fraserburgh Lifeboat Disaster39 06/03/2013 17:25

S4M-05598 Nigel Don 06/02/2013 14:31 Support for Earth Hour 2013 34 11/03/2013 20:29

S4M-05599 Margaret Mitchell 06/02/2013 15:16 NHS Lanarkshire’s Age Specialist Service Emergency Team16 18/02/2013 00:02

S4M-05600 Anne McTaggart 06/02/2013 15:26 European Cheerleading Championships 2013 17 11/03/2013 20:29

S4M-05601 Mike MacKenzie 06/02/2013 15:48 Congratulations to Orkney's Dr Heddle 22 06/03/2013 17:25

S4M-05603 Rob Gibson 06/02/2013 16:42 Wester Ross Business Success 28 06/03/2013 17:25

S4M-05604 Kenneth Gibson 06/02/2013 17:57 SHE Transmission Seeks to Invest £212 million in Kintyre-Hunterston Subsea Electricity Link26 21/02/2013 16:18

S4M-05605 Jean Urquhart 07/02/2013 09:43 Transition Shetland 24 12/03/2013 11:31

S4M-05607 Jackie Baillie 07/02/2013 10:00 International Childhood Cancer Day 40 12/03/2013 11:38

S4M-05611 Jim Eadie 07/02/2013 15:03 30th Anniversary of the Bethany Christian Trust 35 21/02/2013 16:21

S4M-05613 Nanette Milne 07/02/2013 15:57 Human Papilloma Virus in Scotland 27 12/03/2013 11:38

S4M-05614 Patricia Ferguson 08/02/2013 11:23 George Devlin RSW RGI RBA ROI RWS FRSA, Work in Progress19 21/02/2013 22:15

S4M-05615 Angus MacDonald 08/02/2013 12:43 Stenhousemuir FC Recognised for Role in Community24 21/02/2013 18:54

S4M-05616 James Dornan 08/02/2013 12:51 Congratulating XChange Scotland 29 22/02/2013 09:46

S4M-05617 Dennis Robertson 08/02/2013 16:21 Eating Disorder Awareness Week, One Year On 46 11/03/2013 20:29

S4M-05618 Drew Smith 11/02/2013 10:33 Quarriers Receives Keys to Scottish Epilepsy Centre 28 11/03/2013 21:02

S4M-05620 Jackie Baillie 11/02/2013 12:14 National Heart Month 37 11/03/2013 20:35

S4M-05621 Roderick Campbell 11/02/2013 12:19 Children of Alcoholics Week 24 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05622 Marco Biagi 11/02/2013 12:23 Hiroshima and Nagasaki: the Effects of Atomic Bombings and Working for a Nuclear Weapons Free World29 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05623 Elaine Smith 11/02/2013 13:08 Iain Nicolson Recreation Centre 12 07/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05624 Bob Doris 11/02/2013 14:21 Well done to Spire View Housing Association 18 21/02/2013 18:32

S4M-05626 Angus MacDonald 12/02/2013 10:14 Larbert High School Ready for Patron of Reading Scheme23 21/02/2013 18:32

S4M-05627 Jackie Baillie 12/02/2013 11:44 Four Seasons Health Care Recognition Agreement 18 21/02/2013 21:01

S4M-05628 Dennis Robertson 12/02/2013 13:50 Scottish Countryside Alliance Butcher Award 19 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05629 John Finnie 12/02/2013 16:04 Assynt Community Buyout 27 11/03/2013 20:35

S4M-05630 John Pentland 13/02/2013 10:01 Congratulations to Megan Burns and Zoe Barton 20 21/02/2013 18:30

S4M-05631 John Pentland 13/02/2013 10:01 Scottish Variety Awards 15 21/02/2013 22:29

S4M-05632 Stuart McMillan 13/02/2013 10:04 Asda Supplier Development Academy 23 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05633 Bob Doris 13/02/2013 10:37 Good Morning Service 18 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05634 Bob Doris 13/02/2013 10:37 Youth Projects in North Glasgow 18 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05635 Bob Doris 13/02/2013 10:37 Big Lottery Success for Primary Schools 18 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05636 John Wilson 13/02/2013 12:31 Investment in High-Speed Fibre Broadband 20 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05637 Joan McAlpine 13/02/2013 12:59 World’s Oldest Working Post Office 26 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05638 Anne McTaggart 13/02/2013 14:57 Fingers Crossed for Glasgow 2018 32 11/03/2013 20:35

S4M-05639 Jean Urquhart 13/02/2013 15:47 Gavin Wallace 25 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05640 Kevin Stewart 13/02/2013 15:56 BBC Scotland Job Cuts 29 28/02/2013 16:57

S4M-05641 Stuart McMillan 14/02/2013 10:27 Supporting the Catalan Parliament's Ban on Bullfighting23 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05642 Jackie Baillie 14/02/2013 12:38 Patient Opinion 12 11/03/2013 20:35

S4M-05643 Hanzala Malik 14/02/2013 13:48 Faster Approval of Foster Families Needed in Scotland14 11/03/2013 20:35

S4M-05644 Joan McAlpine 14/02/2013 14:39 Dumfries and Galloway Police Officers Run Doonhame21 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05645 Colin Beattie 14/02/2013 16:42 Fisherrow Sands Bathing Beach 23 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05646 Colin Beattie 14/02/2013 16:46 Cash Boost for Pathhead 24 12/03/2013 11:29

S4M-05647 Christina McKelvie 14/02/2013 16:47 Stop Destitution 31 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05648 Mark McDonald 14/02/2013 16:48 International Angelman Day 2013 21 21/02/2013 18:12

S4M-05649 Roderick Campbell 15/02/2013 14:01 Connecting Classrooms from Fife to Malawi 27 05/03/2013 12:09

S4M-05650 Bill Walker 15/02/2013 15:48 Council Budgets for 2013-14 5 28/02/2013 16:57

S4M-05651 Joan McAlpine 15/02/2013 16:31 New Lanark World Heritage Site 24 28/02/2013 16:56

S4M-05655 Bill Walker 18/02/2013 13:44 UK Government’s Digital Benefits Push 14 28/02/2013 16:57

S4M-05657 George Adam 18/02/2013 15:28 Paisley Pirates Clinch the SNL 20 26/02/2013 09:59

S4M-05658 Nigel Don 18/02/2013 15:44 GSK Named Investor of the Year 32 25/02/2013 12:29

S4M-05659 Murdo Fraser 18/02/2013 15:51 T in the Park Line-up 31 28/02/2013 16:56

S4M-05661 Neil Findlay 19/02/2013 08:34 Women on the Consulting Association’s Blacklist 18 12/03/2013 18:32

S4M-05662 Kenneth Gibson 18/02/2013 18:03 In Recognition of her Courage 34 08/03/2013 06:31

S4M-05668 Iain Gray 19/02/2013 09:51 Dunbar Science Festival, 16-17 March 2013 30 26/02/2013 09:52

S4M-05669 Margaret Mitchell 19/02/2013 11:17 Best Bar None Scotland 3rd National Awards 24 28/02/2013 16:55

S4M-05671 Bill Walker 19/02/2013 12:48 Forestry Commission Developments 9 05/03/2013 09:43

S4M-05673 Roderick Campbell 19/02/2013 14:03 Farewell to the Stars of the Singing Kettle 31 28/02/2013 16:55

S4M-05674 Stewart Maxwell 19/02/2013 14:52 No Smoking Day 2013 46 13/03/2013 19:23

S4M-05675 Bob Doris 19/02/2013 14:53 Recycling of Asthma Inhalers 35 26/02/2013 09:52

S4M-05677 Christine Grahame 19/02/2013 15:22 Illegal Horse Trade 20 28/02/2013 16:53

S4M-05680 Christina McKelvie 19/02/2013 16:45 Peter Equi & Sons, Asda Supplier Development Academy22 26/02/2013 09:52

S4M-05681 Kenneth Gibson 19/02/2013 16:53 War Child, 20 Years On 29 04/03/2013 10:28

S4M-05682 Linda Fabiani 19/02/2013 18:52 East Kilbride Can Do 23 26/02/2013 09:52

S4M-05683 Maureen Watt 20/02/2013 10:38 Aberdeen Enjoys Record Annual Take-up of Office Space26 26/02/2013 09:52

S4M-05684 Bill Kidd 20/02/2013 11:23 DRC Generations Wins Young STAND Award 32 26/02/2013 09:52

S4M-05687 Christina McKelvie 20/02/2013 13:25 Victim Support Scotland 32 26/02/2013 09:52

S4M-05688 Graeme Dey 20/02/2013 14:29 Glowing Report for Northmuir Primary and Nursery Class23 25/02/2013 12:29

S4M-05689 Elaine Smith 20/02/2013 15:45 Mini Moves 23 01/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05690 Angus MacDonald 20/02/2013 17:01 Coalition of Racial Equality and Rights’ Political Shadowing Scheme22 12/03/2013 11:27

S4M-05691 Neil Findlay 20/02/2013 16:54 Correa Romps to Victory in Ecuador 9 26/02/2013 12:07

S4M-05692 Jenny Marra 20/02/2013 17:34 Launch of Barnardo’s Scotland’s Growing Up Project in Dundee25 12/03/2013 11:27

S4M-05693 Iain Gray 21/02/2013 09:46 European Victims Week 32 05/03/2013 09:43

S4M-05694 Alison Johnstone 21/02/2013 10:33 Bonnyrigg Fair Trade 22 27/02/2013 12:04

S4M-05695 Kevin Stewart 21/02/2013 10:40 Informing the Public about Welfare Reform 32 05/03/2013 09:43

S4M-05697 Dennis Robertson 21/02/2013 11:30 Grampian Police Community Initiative Fund 23 27/02/2013 11:57

S4M-05698 Nigel Don 21/02/2013 11:37 Super Local Authority Status for Angus Council 23 27/02/2013 11:52

S4M-05700 David Torrance 21/02/2013 13:09 Welcoming the Alliance Commission’s Energy Efficiency Report20 28/02/2013 16:52

S4M-05701 Christina McKelvie 21/02/2013 13:10 Scottish Women’s Convention Report, Violence against Women in Scotland34 08/03/2013 10:18

S4M-05702 Angus MacDonald 21/02/2013 13:19 Congratulations to Falkirk-based Alexander Dennis Ltd30 28/02/2013 16:52

S4M-05703 Dennis Robertson 21/02/2013 13:35 BRIT Award Winner Emeli Sandé 34 27/02/2013 12:00

S4M-05705 Nanette Milne 21/02/2013 14:41 Respiratory Inhaler Recycling Initiative 33 12/03/2013 11:26

S4M-05706 John Pentland 21/02/2013 14:56 Eating Disorder Awareness Week 35 12/03/2013 11:26

S4M-05707 Mary Fee 21/02/2013 16:16 Making Global Cities Safer for Women and Girls 26 13/03/2013 14:08

S4M-05709 Angus MacDonald 22/02/2013 10:28 Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway Takes Role in Hollywood Blockbuster, Cloud Atlas25 07/03/2013 10:24

S4M-05713 Michael Matheson 22/02/2013 14:27 Community Care (Personal Care and Nursing Care) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2013 [draft]1 22/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05714 Aileen Campbell 22/02/2013 14:29 Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Transfer of Children to Scotland – Effect of Orders made in England and Wales or Northern Ireland) Regulations 2013 [draft]1 22/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05715 Michael Matheson 22/02/2013 14:30 Tobacco and Primary Medical Services (Scotland) Act 2010 (Incidental Provision and Commencement No.4) Order 2013 [draft]1 22/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05716 Michael Matheson 22/02/2013 14:31 Social Care and Social Work Improvement Scotland (Requirements for Care Services) Amendment Regulations 2013 [draft]1 22/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05717 Derek Mackay 22/02/2013 14:34 Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications and Deemed Applications) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2013 [draft]1 22/02/2013 00:00

S4M-05718 Graeme Dey 22/02/2013 15:30 RNLI Recognition for Arbroath Woman 34 12/03/2013 10:25

S4M-05719 Kevin Stewart 25/02/2013 00:26 Congratulations to GREC and the Krazy Kat Theatre Company23 12/03/2013 11:24

S4M-05720 Richard Simpson 25/02/2013 09:15 Scottish Rugby Victory 36 12/03/2013 10:25

S4M-05721 George Adam 25/02/2013 09:35 Scotland, a Fairtrade Nation 39 12/03/2013 10:25

S4M-05722 David Torrance 25/02/2013 09:54 Extending Congratulations and Gratitude to Kirkcaldy Maggie’s Active Friends25 07/03/2013 10:26

S4M-05723 Bill Kidd 25/02/2013 10:10 Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons 31 12/03/2013 10:25

S4M-05724 Hanzala Malik 25/02/2013 10:12 Real Impact of the Bedroom Tax 10 05/03/2013 10:22

S4M-05725 Kenneth Gibson 22/02/2013 13:28 North Ayrshire Council Increases Living Wage 23 12/03/2013 10:25

S4M-05726 Gordon MacDonald 25/02/2013 13:05 Congratulations to the Cool Down Crew 25 07/03/2013 10:28

S4M-05727 Helen Eadie 25/02/2013 13:19 What Price Childhood in Scotland Today? 2 05/03/2013 17:24

S4M-05728 John Lamont 25/02/2013 13:39 Borders Fairtrade 31 13/03/2013 19:23

S4M-05729 Alison Johnstone 25/02/2013 14:41 Food for Life Catering Mark 11 08/03/2013 10:17

S4M-05730 Nigel Don 25/02/2013 14:51 Congratulations to Brave on Winning Best Animation at the 2013 Academy Awards32 12/03/2013 10:25

S4M-05735 Drew Smith 26/02/2013 10:02 University of Glasgow Independence Referendum 25 27/02/2013 20:09

S4M-05737 Drew Smith 26/02/2013 12:44 Grand Central Savings' New HomeGuard Account 19 13/03/2013 14:08

S4M-05738 Bob Doris 26/02/2013 13:17 Impact of the Bedroom Tax on Disabled People 31 13/03/2013 19:21

S4M-05739 Bob Doris 26/02/2013 13:26 Protection of Free Personal Care for Older People 25 13/03/2013 19:22

S4M-05740 Nigel Don 26/02/2013 13:58 Development of Radar 30 12/03/2013 11:25

S4M-05741 Richard Simpson 26/02/2013 15:08 Second-hand Smoke Risk to Children 26 13/03/2013 19:22

S4M-05743 Alison Johnstone 26/02/2013 15:54 Innovative Vegware Progresses to UK Final 23 12/03/2013 11:22

S4M-05744 Mark McDonald 26/02/2013 17:03 Dundee Professor Wins MRC Millennium Medal 28 07/03/2013 10:30

S4M-05745 Jean Urquhart 27/02/2013 09:32 The Big Hospitality Conversation 20 04/03/2013 10:28

S4M-05746 Annabelle Ewing 27/02/2013 10:30 Congratulations to Clackmannanshire Council’s Citizen of the Year27 07/03/2013 10:31

S4M-05747 Annabelle Ewing 27/02/2013 10:30 Congratulations to Scottish EDGE Winners 19 07/03/2013 10:31

S4M-05748 James Kelly 27/02/2013 10:47 South Lanarkshire Becomes Fairtrade Zone 24 13/03/2013 09:31

S4M-05749 Patrick Harvie 27/02/2013 11:57 Menie Community Photography Project 9 07/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05750 Nigel Don 27/02/2013 11:58 Libor Banking Fines to Fund Armed Forces Charity Projects20 12/03/2013 11:24

S4M-05751 Mary Fee 27/02/2013 12:26 Frazer Robertson and the 4th Annual LINK LGBT Quiz14 13/03/2013 14:07

S4M-05753 Patrick Harvie 27/02/2013 13:07 If Britain Fired Trident 10 08/03/2013 16:38

S4M-05754 Jackie Baillie 27/02/2013 14:25 Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund 30 06/03/2013 15:48

S4M-05755 John Pentland 27/02/2013 14:35 Debt Advice Partnership 24 13/03/2013 14:07

S4M-05756 John Pentland 27/02/2013 14:35 Coltness High School Sports Hub 18 06/03/2013 15:49

S4M-05757 Kezia Dugdale 27/02/2013 14:39 Impact of Regionalisation on Colleges in Midlothian 11 05/03/2013 10:21

S4M-05758 Kenneth Gibson 27/02/2013 14:44 Let Scotland’s Voice be Heard 25 14/03/2013 09:29

S4M-05759 Sandra White 27/02/2013 14:59 Tackling the Effects of Child Abuse 37 12/03/2013 11:22

S4M-05760 Richard Simpson 27/02/2013 15:52 Prostate Cancer Awareness 32 12/03/2013 11:20

S4M-05761 Rhoda Grant 27/02/2013 15:54 Big Lottery Fund Scotland Boost for Jura and Lewis 19 13/03/2013 14:07

S4M-05762 Richard Simpson 27/02/2013 16:01 Rare Diseases Day 29 13/03/2013 19:21

S4M-05763 Nigel Don 27/02/2013 16:05 Thomas Guthrie DD 25 04/03/2013 13:43

S4M-05764 Richard Simpson 27/02/2013 16:09 Endometriosis Awareness Week 31 13/03/2013 19:20

S4M-05766 Richard Simpson 28/02/2013 09:52 Clackmannanshire Citizen of the Year 18 05/03/2013 15:55

S4M-05767 Graeme Dey 28/02/2013 10:54 Angus Schools Benefit from Lottery Funding 18 12/03/2013 11:19

S4M-05768 John Pentland 28/02/2013 10:57 Congratulations to Cosmic Flame All-star Cheerleading Academy13 12/03/2013 11:18

S4M-05769 Neil Findlay 28/02/2013 11:01 Successful Conclusion to Grangemouth Tanker Drivers Dispute16 13/03/2013 14:06

S4M-05770 Mary Fee 28/02/2013 11:14 Congratulations to Graeme McNeill, Special Olympics 2013 Participant28 12/03/2013 11:20

S4M-05771 Bill Kidd 28/02/2013 11:40 Impact of the Bedroom Tax on Veterans 33 12/03/2013 11:19

S4M-05772 Murdo Fraser 28/02/2013 11:42 375th Anniversary of the Signing of the National Covenant24 12/03/2013 11:19

S4M-05773 Patricia Ferguson 28/02/2013 11:48 Forth and Clyde Canal App 30 12/03/2013 10:22

S4M-05775 Willie Coffey 28/02/2013 13:01 Well Done the Biff 27 12/03/2013 11:17

S4M-05776 Alison Johnstone 28/02/2013 13:33 CAMRA Awards for Pubs in the Lothians 13 04/03/2013 13:43

S4M-05777 Neil Findlay 28/02/2013 13:29 Scandal of Rising Energy Profits, Prices, Salaries and Fuel Poverty19 12/03/2013 11:17

S4M-05778 Jenny Marra 28/02/2013 13:37 PAMIS Wins Lottery Funding 19 12/03/2013 11:18

S4M-05779 Colin Beattie 28/02/2013 15:03 £554,238 for First Step 24 12/03/2013 11:16

S4M-05780 John Pentland 28/02/2013 15:13 North Lanarkshire Pupils Art Collection at Summerlee 21 06/03/2013 18:00

S4M-05781 Kenneth Gibson 28/02/2013 15:29 The Aiete Declaration 14 14/03/2013 15:26

S4M-05782 Neil Bibby 28/02/2013 15:50 Paisley Daily Express Bucks Trend for Newspaper Sales13 12/03/2013 10:22

S4M-05784 Bill Kidd 28/02/2013 16:16 Scottish CND If Britain Fired Trident Report 35 12/03/2013 11:16

S4M-05785 Margaret Mitchell 28/02/2013 16:16 The Non-Domestic Rating (Unoccupied Property) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 20130

S4M-05786 Margaret McCulloch 28/02/2013 22:18 Growth in Construction Sector Apprentices 22 13/03/2013 14:06

S4M-05787 Aileen McLeod 01/03/2013 08:51 Ladderlimb at the EDGE Awards 22 12/03/2013 11:09

S4M-05788 Neil Findlay 01/03/2013 09:01 British Pipe Band Championships Come to Bathgate 25 07/03/2013 10:40

S4M-05790 Jackie Baillie 01/03/2013 10:25 Children's Hospice Association Scotland 50 13/03/2013 14:06

S4M-05791 Jackie Baillie 01/03/2013 10:25 Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month 45 12/03/2013 18:23

S4M-05792 Nigel Don 01/03/2013 10:38 Montrose Long-distance Runner Achieves Goal 27 12/03/2013 10:22

S4M-05794 John Mason 01/03/2013 11:07 Scotland Sets New Commonwealth Games Record Already32 12/03/2013 10:22

S4M-05795 Bill Kidd 01/03/2013 11:35 Scottish Focus in Global Radio Programming 28 12/03/2013 10:22

S4M-05796 Dennis Robertson 01/03/2013 12:00 Big Lottery Fund Award for Lumphanan School 17 12/03/2013 10:22

S4M-05797 Anne McTaggart 01/03/2013 12:57 50,811 Applications for Glasgow 2014 27 12/03/2013 10:20

S4M-05798 Graeme Dey 01/03/2013 13:02 Ex-service Personnel to be Given New Housing 30 07/03/2013 10:41

S4M-05799 Willie Coffey 01/03/2013 13:51 Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon 17 07/03/2013 19:07

S4M-05800 Jenny Marra 01/03/2013 15:04 EHRC Inquiry into Human Trafficking in Scotland 25 13/03/2013 10:03

S4M-05801 John Lamont 01/03/2013 15:38 25th Anniversary of the Kurdish Genocide 23 11/03/2013 13:51

S4M-05802 John Lamont 01/03/2013 15:38 SP Energy Networks Investment 23 08/03/2013 10:08

S4M-05803 Kevin Stewart 01/03/2013 15:47 Food Assistance 26 11/03/2013 14:56

S4M-05804 Patricia Ferguson 01/03/2013 16:30 Commonwealth Games Legacy Status for Pinkston Paddlesports18 12/03/2013 18:11

S4M-05805 Liam McArthur 01/03/2013 16:58 Fairtrade Orkney 29 12/03/2013 18:10

S4M-05806 Bill Kidd 02/03/2013 08:43 Glasgow Warriors are Glasgow with Style 28 12/03/2013 10:20

S4M-05807 Margaret Mitchell 04/03/2013 09:20 Children 1st Campaign 34 12/03/2013 18:11

S4M-05808 Murdo Fraser 04/03/2013 09:54 University of Stirling Japanese Week 21 12/03/2013 10:20

S4M-05809 Margaret Mitchell 04/03/2013 10:45 Dyslexia in Engineering 20 11/03/2013 15:32

S4M-05810 Bill Walker 04/03/2013 11:39 Eilidh Child Wins Gold in Gothenburg 15 11/03/2013 15:32

S4M-05811 Mark McDonald 04/03/2013 14:01 Aberdeen Neonatal Scrapbook, Miracles & Memories 29 11/03/2013 15:32

S4M-05812 Joan McAlpine 04/03/2013 14:50 Dumfries Curlers Retake World Record 24 12/03/2013 13:13

S4M-05814 Bob Doris 04/03/2013 15:48 Bodyworks on Tour 30 13/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05815 Gil Paterson 04/03/2013 16:06 Clydebank College Success 28 12/03/2013 11:01

S4M-05816 Gil Paterson 04/03/2013 16:08 Novel Success 24 12/03/2013 11:08

S4M-05817 Gil Paterson 04/03/2013 16:09 Best Chippy Chips in Scotland 20 12/03/2013 11:12

S4M-05818 Colin Beattie 04/03/2013 16:51 More Equal Midlothian Week 21 12/03/2013 11:10

S4M-05824 David Stewart 05/03/2013 10:21 Scottish Youth Parliament 45 13/03/2013 19:19

S4M-05825 Sandra White 05/03/2013 11:51 Continued Success for Reach Community Pharmacies27 13/03/2013 19:19

S4M-05826 Bill Walker 05/03/2013 12:02 Bespoke Scottish Tours 9 11/03/2013 15:32

S4M-05827 Neil Bibby 05/03/2013 12:18 RAMH Employability Support 25 13/03/2013 10:04

S4M-05828 Jamie Hepburn 05/03/2013 13:41 Praise for Postal Workers 32 13/03/2013 18:11

S4M-05829 Roderick Campbell 05/03/2013 13:52 World Poetry Day 2013 33 12/03/2013 11:11

S4M-05830 Mark Griffin 05/03/2013 14:01 Usdaw’s Time to Care 31 13/03/2013 10:04

S4M-05831 Joan McAlpine 05/03/2013 14:03 Neigh Horsemeat in Dumfries and Galloway 23 12/03/2013 11:10

S4M-05832 Angus MacDonald 05/03/2013 15:06 New Nature Reserve Created at Kinneil 25 12/03/2013 11:10

S4M-05833 David Torrance 05/03/2013 15:12 Congratulating PDSA Kirkcaldy Volunteers 22 12/03/2013 11:09

S4M-05834 Tavish Scott 05/03/2013 15:17 Young Mathematicians are Regional Champions 15 12/03/2013 11:08

S4M-05836 Maureen Watt 05/03/2013 15:22 Asda Academy Opportunity for Joseph Robertson Ltd 20 12/03/2013 11:08

S4M-05837 Colin Beattie 05/03/2013 15:35 Impact of College Regionalisation on Midlothian 15 12/03/2013 11:09

S4M-05840 Clare Adamson 05/03/2013 16:17 The Dr Gavin Wallace Fellowship for Writers 28 12/03/2013 12:40

S4M-05841 Annabel Goldie 05/03/2013 16:19 North Ayrshire Sports Association for the Disabled 29 13/03/2013 10:04

S4M-05842 Claudia Beamish 06/03/2013 08:55 Protecting New Lanark from Inappropriate Development13 11/03/2013 15:32

S4M-05843 Christina McKelvie 05/03/2013 16:48 Lanarkshire Schools Success with 2014 Communities Programme Awards24 13/03/2013 10:05

S4M-05844 Neil Findlay 06/03/2013 08:21 Death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez 18 13/03/2013 14:29

S4M-05845 Sandra White 06/03/2013 09:09 Hugo Chávez 23 12/03/2013 12:40

S4M-05846 Joe FitzPatrick 06/03/2013 09:37 Local Government Finance (Scotland) Amendment Order 20130

S4M-05847 Kenny MacAskill 06/03/2013 09:40 Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 (Consequential Modifications and Savings) Order 20131 06/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05848 Kenny MacAskill 06/03/2013 09:42 Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 (Supplementary, Transitional, Transitory and Saving Provisions) Order 2013 [draft]1 06/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05849 Kenny MacAskill 06/03/2013 09:42 Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (Investigations Procedure, Serious Incidents and Specified Weapons) Regulations 2013 [draft]1 06/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05850 Mike MacKenzie 06/03/2013 10:30 Kirkwall Business Improvement District 2 12/03/2013 12:40

S4M-05854 Angus MacDonald 06/03/2013 11:45 New Nature Reserve for Stenhousemuir 25 12/03/2013 12:40

S4M-05855 John Wilson 06/03/2013 12:19 Office of Fair Trading Acting against Payday Lenders 29 12/03/2013 12:40

S4M-05856 Jayne Baxter 06/03/2013 12:24 Remembering Alex Maxwell 22 12/03/2013 12:40

S4M-05857 Kevin Stewart 06/03/2013 13:46 Congratulations to St Peter’s Pupils 23 12/03/2013 12:40

S4M-05858 Dennis Robertson 06/03/2013 14:07 Deveron Arts' Hospitality, the Walking Boot, the Neep and the Dictionary24 12/03/2013 12:40

S4M-05859 James Kelly 06/03/2013 14:24 Congratulations to Mya Lindsay 23 12/03/2013 18:18

S4M-05860 Bruce Crawford 06/03/2013 14:25 Lab in a Lorry 38 12/03/2013 12:40

S4M-05861 Jim Eadie 06/03/2013 14:42 In Support of Edinburgh Research and Innovation 33 12/03/2013 12:40

S4M-05863 Gordon MacDonald 06/03/2013 14:58 Balerno Village Screen 26 12/03/2013 12:37

S4M-05864 Tavish Scott 06/03/2013 16:31 Dancing Pony Highlights Need for Improved Rural Broadband21 12/03/2013 11:00

S4M-05866 David Torrance 07/03/2013 08:48 Greener Kirkcaldy Receives Awards for All Scotland Grant24 12/03/2013 12:37

S4M-05867 Gil Paterson 07/03/2013 10:09 Mini Moves Step Closer 22 12/03/2013 12:37

S4M-05868 John Swinney 07/03/2013 10:43 Budget (Scotland) Act 2012 Amendment Order 2013 [draft]2 07/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05869 Kenneth Gibson 07/03/2013 10:47 Irvine Housing Association Rated Top Not-for-profit Organisation Based in Scotland25 12/03/2013 12:37

S4M-05870 Marco Biagi 07/03/2013 11:21 Drumming up Support for Inaugural Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championships33 12/03/2013 12:36

S4M-05872 Mark McDonald 07/03/2013 11:58 North East Groups Secure Big Lottery Funding 20 12/03/2013 12:36

S4M-05873 Annabelle Ewing 07/03/2013 12:48 Save the Pars 30 13/03/2013 14:50

S4M-05875 Lewis Macdonald 07/03/2013 13:50 UK City of Culture 2017 24 12/03/2013 22:23

S4M-05876 Jim Eadie 07/03/2013 15:23 World Plumbing Day 36 12/03/2013 12:36

S4M-05877 Siobhan McMahon 07/03/2013 15:28 Asda Larkhall 11 08/03/2013 10:22

S4M-05878 Maureen Watt 07/03/2013 15:57 UN International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 34 13/03/2013 14:50

S4M-05879 Jackie Baillie 07/03/2013 16:16 International Women’s Day 29 13/03/2013 12:39

S4M-05880 Hugh Henry 07/03/2013 22:55 Inspiring Smokers to Kick the Habit 20 14/03/2013 13:56

S4M-05882 Colin Keir 07/03/2013 17:09 The Closure of Craigiehall Army HQ and the Future Defence of Scotland25 14/03/2013 10:33

S4M-05883 Derek Mackay 08/03/2013 10:04 Valuation (Postponement of Revaluation) (Scotland) Order 2013 [draft]2 08/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05884 John Lamont 08/03/2013 12:56 Roxburgh and Berwickshire Citizens Advice Bureau We Hear You Project26 14/03/2013 13:55

S4M-05885 Fiona McLeod 08/03/2013 14:45 East Dunbartonshire Re-awarded Fairtrade Zone Status31 14/03/2013 13:56

S4M-05886 Christina McKelvie 08/03/2013 15:54 COVEY, Looked After and Accommodated Project Funding21 13/03/2013 17:46

S4M-05887 Christina McKelvie 08/03/2013 16:07 Machan Trust Funding Award 20 13/03/2013 17:46

S4M-05889 Kevin Stewart 10/03/2013 23:17 Congratulations to Aberdeen UOTC 21 13/03/2013 14:45

S4M-05890 Kevin Stewart 10/03/2013 14:56 Congratulations to the People of Independent Norway 30 13/03/2013 14:48

S4M-05893 John Wilson 11/03/2013 11:30 New Marie Curie Cancer Care Fundraising Group 28 13/03/2013 14:48

S4M-05894 Bob Doris 11/03/2013 12:36 Atrial Fibrillation and Stroke Prevention 28 13/03/2013 14:48

S4M-05895 Maureen Watt 11/03/2013 13:48 The Value of Scotland’s Water Resources 28 13/03/2013 14:47

S4M-05896 Richard Baker 11/03/2013 14:35 Aberdeen City Council Funding 12 13/03/2013 07:01

S4M-05897 Rhoda Grant 11/03/2013 14:38 Cowal Highland Gathering 17 14/03/2013 13:52

S4M-05900 Anne McTaggart 11/03/2013 15:18 Glasgow 2014 Baton Relay 29 14/03/2013 13:50

S4M-05901 Marco Biagi 11/03/2013 15:20 Haymarket Lick of Paint is Real Artwork 22 13/03/2013 14:46

S4M-05902 Stuart McMillan 11/03/2013 15:37 Maid of the Loch Celebrates 60 Years 29 14/03/2013 10:33

S4M-05903 Nigel Don 11/03/2013 16:51 Funding for Angus Council 16 13/03/2013 14:59

S4M-05904 Angus MacDonald 11/03/2013 19:16 Revalidation for Scottish Doctors 20 13/03/2013 14:59

S4M-05905 Patricia Ferguson 12/03/2013 09:17 Remzije Sherifi, Refugee Woman of the Year 19 13/03/2013 14:59

S4M-05906 Tavish Scott 12/03/2013 09:23 Shetland Watched by Millions 29 13/03/2013 14:59

S4M-05909 Anne McTaggart 12/03/2013 11:01 Anniesland College Students' Watercolour Win 25 14/03/2013 13:51

S4M-05911 Keith Brown 12/03/2013 11:09 National Bus Travel Concession Scheme for Older and Disabled Persons (Scotland) Amendment Order 2013 [draft]2 12/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05912 Fergus Ewing 12/03/2013 11:10 Renewables Obligation (Scotland) Amendment Order 2013 [draft]2 12/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05919 Mike MacKenzie 12/03/2013 11:22 Burradale Windfarm in Shetland Reaches its 10th Anniversary1 13/03/2013 14:59

S4M-05923 Helen Eadie 12/03/2013 11:33 Vote for Dalgety Bay’s Gymtasia Evolution on Got To Dance15 14/03/2013 10:35

S4M-05924 John Swinney 12/03/2013 11:38 Approval of SSI 2 12/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05925 Murdo Fraser 12/03/2013 12:24 Falkland Islands Referendum 16 14/03/2013 00:00

S4M-05926 Roderick Campbell 12/03/2013 12:37 Spindrift Named Guest House of the Year 22 13/03/2013 14:59

S4M-05927 Gil Paterson 12/03/2013 12:38 Tartan Army Sunshine Appeal 26 14/03/2013 14:28

S4M-05928 Mike MacKenzie 12/03/2013 13:19 CAB Orkney's HOPE Campaign 23 13/03/2013 17:42

S4M-05929 Marco Biagi 12/03/2013 14:04 HIV, AIDS and Prescription Charges 19 14/03/2013 15:17

S4M-05931 Graeme Dey 12/03/2013 14:33 Tayside Police Officers Awarded for Bravery 25 13/03/2013 17:38

S4M-05932 Kevin Stewart 12/03/2013 15:03 Granite City Challenge 18 14/03/2013 10:17

S4M-05933 Rhoda Grant 12/03/2013 15:12 Inverness Workers' Memorial Fund 22 14/03/2013 10:34

S4M-05935 Tavish Scott 12/03/2013 15:48 Several Shetland Finalists in Young Scot Awards 2013 14 13/03/2013 15:01

S4M-05936 Chic Brodie 12/03/2013 16:14 Restoration of John Finnie Street 14 14/03/2013 15:18

S4M-05937 Chic Brodie 12/03/2013 16:14 Scottish Pathways Project Wins Excellence Award 15 14/03/2013 15:18

S4M-05938 Alison McInnes 12/03/2013 16:13 Clarity on Aberdeen City Council Funding 5 13/03/2013 15:50

S4M-05939 Kevin Stewart 12/03/2013 18:00 Local Government and the Constitution 17 14/03/2013 10:33