Agriculture in the us and canada powerpoint feb 2011

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Transcript of Agriculture in the us and canada powerpoint feb 2011

  • 1. Entry Slip
    How do the physical features of the U.S. and Canada affect agriculture?

2. Agriculture in the United States & Canada
3. Brief History of Agriculture
At the first census in 1790, of the nations people lived on farms.
1862 the homestead Act granted 160 acres of land to settlers who were willing to farm.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture was created in 1862.
4. Native Americans farmed the land as well.
Maize, squash, beans, cotton, and tobacco.
Uncultivated the land provided food in the form of wild plants, fish, and game.
5. Agriculture Today
Agriculture is a major industry in the United States. the country is a net exporter of food.
As of the last census of agriculture in 2007, there were 2.1 million farms, covering an area of 922 million acres
6. Fuel
The U.S. and Canada both have natural gas and petroleum.
Texas and Alaska are first and second oil reserves in the U.S.
Coal in Appalachian Mountains, Wyoming, and British Columbia has been mined for over 100 years.
7. Minerals
Rocky Mountains: Gold, Silver, and Copper.
Parts of the Canadian shield is rich in iron and nickel.
Low grade iron ore in Northern Minnesota, and Michigan.
8. Timber
Logging's roots in America stretch back to the early 1600s. From the arrival of settlers in Jamestown in 1607, lumber was essential to the North American economy. Shipbuilding fueled the need for lumber and the demand increased exponentially with the advent of the Industrial Revolution.
9. Timber
Forest cover less than 50% of Canada today.
Forest cover 1/3 of the U.S.
The World Bank estimates that forest products are a $270-billion-a-year business and the worldwide appetite for everything from paper to building materials
10. Fishing
Fisheries: places for catching fish and other sea animals.
Coastal waters are full of fish and shell fish.
The Grand Banks, once one of the worlds richest fishing grounds. Cod fish caught for 500 years.
The Grand Banks where over fished, the Canadian government banned cod fishing in 1992.
11. Agriculture in New England
Fruits such as apples, pears, cranberries, cherries.
Vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes.
Maple trees, and maple syrup.
12. Agriculture in the Mid-Atlantic
Fruit trees, vegetables,.
Dairy farms
Chicken farms
13. Agriculture in the South
Cotton, tobacco, soybeans, peanuts, pecans, corn, tomatoes.
Variety of vegetables
Tree farms, sugarcane, and indigo.
Citrus fruits, peaches, apples, and pears.
14. Agriculture in the Mid-West
Corn (the Cornbelt: Ohio to Iowa)
Rice, oats, poultry (chicken/turkey).
15. Agriculture in the Great Plains
The Wheatbelt (North Dakota to Texas)
Rye, rice, and oats
16. Review
What was the name of the act in 1862, that granted 160 acres of land to settlers willing to farm?
Name the 2 states that rank first and second in oil reserves in the United States.
Forest cover _____ of the U.S.
Cotton, tobacco, soybeans, sugarcane, and indigo all grow in which region of the U.S.?