Agreement X Extension X - City of Chicago Sanchez - OCG Request NCRB review be conducted for the...

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Transcript of Agreement X Extension X - City of Chicago Sanchez - OCG Request NCRB review be conducted for the...


Complete this cover form and the Non-Competitive Procurement Application Worksheet in detail. Refer to the page entitled"lnstructions for Non-Competitive Procurement Application" for completing this application in accordance with its policy regardingNCRB. Complete "other" subject area if additional information is needed. Subject areas must be fully completed and responses merelyreferencing attachments will not be accepted and will be immediately rejected


the ClerkContract Liaison

Halyna Shuruk

Originator Name

John Gay





EmaÌl Contract Liaison

halyna.shuru k@cityofchicaqo.orq



ication Author

List Name of NCRB Attendees/Department

Jon Friend - OCC

Halyna Shuruk - OCC

Carina Sanchez - OCG

Request NCRB review be conducted for the product(s) and/or service(s) described herein.

Gompany: Granicus, lnc,on

Erin English

Description: Legislative El Document agement System

This is a request for:

n New Contract

Gontract Tvpe

n Blanket Agreement Term: _ (# of mo)

n Standard Agreement


415-357-3618 ex.1 759


I Amendment / Modification

Tvpe of Modification

X T¡me Extension X Vendor Limit lncrease! Scope Change

Contract Number: 24530

Specification Number: 79485

Modification Number:


Recommended Approval




Recommend Approval/Date:

Return to Department/Date:


n Approved Rejected


Page 1 of 3






Justification for Non-Gompetitive Procurement Worksheet


1. The Office of the City Clerk (OCC) is responsible for collecting, docketing and securely storing the City's officiallegislative records; facilitating the legislative process which manages those records; and ensuring easy and efficientdigital access to those records by stakeholders and the public at large. Each Council meeting, approximately 1,000

legislative items are filed with OCC, which equates to more than 11,000 pages. Virtually every aspect of this businessprocess is necessarily supported by a series of applications (collectively known internally as the LegislativeApplication Suite) provided by Granicus, lnc. The Legislative Application Suite includes services such as thedocument management system, maintenance, the media vault, encoder, backup encoder, captioning and training.

ln 2010 Daystar Computer Systems, lnc. won a competitive bid to provide its software and services related to theaforementioned requirements. ln April of 201'1, Daystar was acquired by one of its subcontractors and partners,

Granicus, lnc. Granicus assumed all responsibility of Daystar's contract, with the approval of DPS.

This contract is presently scheduled to expire on September6,2015. OCC has requested a 181 day extension of the

current contract that, if approved, will result in the current contract expiring on March 6, 2016.

2. This is a continuation of a previous procurement from the same source. ln 2010 Daystar Computer Systems, lnc.

won a competitive bid to provide its software and services to the Chicago Office of the City Clerk. ln Aprilof 2011,

Daystar was acquired by one of its subcontractors, Granicus lnc. Granicus assumed all responsibility of Daysta/scontract.

This request for an extension is intended to provide OCC with the needed time to implement an alternative solution.This contract is designed to serve as a bridge between the expiring contract and the completion of the followingsequential projects: (1) the design of a future state for business processes/technologies (2) the issuance of an RFP

for technologies and services to realize that future state (3) the awarding of the successful bidder (4) the

implementation of the new system/program (5) the sunsetting of any as-is technologies/processes/vender that areincongruent with the "to-be" state.

3. OCC has been planning for the future state of the Council Division's business processes, however we needed to

modify the schedule, and based on the modified schedule, it is exceedingly impractical to satisfy this business need

through the routine procurement avenues.

4, OCC investigated alternative companies such as Open Text, On Base, lQM2, HCL Technologies, and QuestysSolutions and determined that it was impracticalto transition to any of these providers in the schedule at hand and

without incurring significant immediate costs. OCC has investigated the technological solutions implemented by othermajor cities in the United States such as New York and San Francisco, other cities in lllinois such as Aurora, and

sister agencies in Chicago, such as the Chicago Park District, and all of them use Granicus. Granicus has grown froma leader in the industry to being the industry standard in providing a legislative solution.

5. This contract would serve as a 4 year bridge for the continuation of services with the existing contract provider until

the future state for business processes/technologies of OCC's Council Division are designed and an RFP is issued.

6. Yes, future competitive bidding is possible. An RFP will be developed and issued once the Council Divisionbusiness processes/technologies are designed.

X rsrn¡nrED cosr1. Contract structure would be a 4 year contract at $130,000 per year. The total contract amount will be $520,000.Funding source 0'1 6-01 00-025-2005-01 40.

2. fhe estimated cost per fiscal year is $130,000 and includes costs for the overal Legislative Application Suite.

Page 2 of 3 April 2013




3. The cost estimates listed above are based on the costs of the historical annual spend of the current contract andpotential future requirements.

4. Granicus made multimillion dollar investment over the course of more than a decade in developing their legislativeapplication suite. Given that there are no other viable vendors in the market place, these costs would be duplicated bythe City if a new system had to be developed from scratch. lt is reasonable to expect based on COC applicationdevelopment projects that such a build from scratch effort would cost well over $1,000,000.

5. OCC has begun and will continue conversations with Granicus to negotiate price. OCC's cost estimates are based

on past usage and contractual schedule of compensation.


1. The schedule was developed in consultation with OCC leadership, the current contractor, and our partners at theDepartment of lnnovation and Technology. This contract will be needed to give OCC time to issue a Task OrderRequest to evaluate the Council Division business processes and develop possible future states. An RFP will then be

drafted and a new technological solution will be implemented.

2. The contract is for the software license and maintenance. There are no drawing or specification constraints.

3. The contract needs to be in place for at most four years before the future "to-be" state is implemented in order toensure no lapse in service. Without the services Granicus provides, OCC will be without a legislative application suiteand unable to perform the core legislative functions of the office.

4. Services will be compromised if there is no contract to provide the legislative application suite.

X exclusrvE oR uNteuE cAPABTLITY

1. The contract request is not for a Professional Service Consultant.

2, There will be no staffing assocaited with this contract. This is a software services purchase.

3. The legistar software is proprietary to Granicus.

4. The vendor has the facilities to host the software and has hosted the software for OCC for the past several years.

5. The vendor has spent several years implementing and maintaining the legislative application suite with the City andhas extensive knowledge of the City's current business processes related to the legislative business requirements.

6, N/A. This request is for the extension of professional servtces.

7. N/4. This request is for the extension of professional services.

B. The contract extension is to procure professional services for the maintenance of software and other services thatare proprietary to Granicus.

X orHrnNo additional supporting documentation is presented.

Page 3 of 3 April20'13





Attach a DPS Checklist and any other required documentation; the Board will not consider justification with incomplete information documentation or omissions,


1, Describe the requirement and how it evolved from initial planning to its present status.

2. ls lhis a first time requirement or a continuation of previous procurement from the same source? lf so, explain the procurement history.

3, Explain attempts made to competitively bid the requirement (attach copy of sources contacted).

as references.

5, Explain future procurement objectives. ls this a one-time request or will future requests be made for doing business with the same source?

6. Explain whether or not future competitive bidding is possible. lf not, explain in detail.


L What is the estimated costfor this requirement or for each contract, if multiple awards are contemplated? What is the funding source?

2. What is the estimated cost by fìscal year?

solicited, engineering or in-house estimate, etc.)

source was considered, Describe cost savings or other measurable benefits to the City which may be achieved.

5. Explain what negotiation of price has occuned or will occur. Detail why the estimated cost is deemed reasonable,


1. Explain how the schedule was developed and at what point the specific dates were known.

specifications is not a constraining factor to competitive bidding, explain why only one person or firm can meet the required schedule.

3. Outline the required schedule by delivery or completion dates and explain the reasons why the schedule is critical.

4. Describe in detail what impact delays for competitive bidding would have on City operations, programs, costs and budgeted funds.


firm exclusively or uniquely qualifìed for the project. Attach a copy of the cost proposal, scope of services, and Temoorary Consultinq Services Form,

2, Does the proposed firm have personnel considered unquestionably predominant in the particular field?

3. What prior experiences of a highly specialized nature does the person or firm exclusively possess that is vital to the job, project or program?

4. What technical facilities or test equipment does the person or f¡rm exclusively possess of a highly specialized nature which is vital to the job?

the work within the required time schedule without unreasonable costs to the City?

models, possess. ls compatibility with existing equipment critical Írom an operational standpoint? lf so, provide detailed explanation?

firm the only authorized or exclusive dealer/distributor and/or service center? lf so, attach letter from manufacturer on company letterhead,


* All submissions must contain detailed information about how the proposed firm will comply with the requirements of the City's Minority and Women Owned Business program, All

submissions must include a completed C-1 and D-1 form, which is available on the ProcuremenI Seruices page on the City's intranet site. The City Department must submit a

Compliance Plan, including details about direct and indirect compliance,


1. Explain other related considerations and attach all applicable supporting documents, i,e., an aporoved "ITGB Form" or "Request For lndividual Hire Form".


This application must be signed by both Originator of the request and signed by the Department Head. After review and final disposition from the Board, this application will be

signed by the Boa¡d Chairman. After review and final disposition from the Board, this form will be presented to the Chief Procurement Officer recommending approval,

lnstructions for Non-Competitive Procurement Application Page 1 April 23,2013

ÞEPrlll:fMENf OF

PROCI.,,REMENTSERVICEg Project Checklist

Attach required forms for each procurement type and detailed scope of services and/or specifications and forward original documents to the ChiefProcurement Officer; City Hall, Room 806.

7t23t15Department Name:

Office of the City ClerkRequisition No:



Legislative Electronic Document Management SystemContract Liaison:

Halyna Shuruk


H a lyna. S h u ru k@cityofch icago.orgManager:

John GayTelephone:


J oh n. Gay@cityofch icago. org


[ ruew Contract Request


Contract (No, of Months):

Extension Options (Rate of Recurrence):

Estimated Spend/Value:

Grant Commitment / Explration Date:

Risk Management / EDS

lnsurance Requirements (included)

EDS Certification of Filling (included)

l-l Manoatory

conference: fives I *o

! situ viifPre-Bid/Submittal

Modification or AmendmentModification lnformation:

Po Start Date: 4111111

PO End Date: 316116

Amount (lncrease/Reduct¡on):

MBEMBE/DBE Analysis: (Attach MBEMBúDBE GoalSetting Memo)

! Full Compliance ! Contract Specifìc Goals

I No Stated Goals I Waiver Request


Software and services to provide and maintain the legislative applicationsu¡te. An additional 4-year contract and a vendor limit increase of $520,000



Special Approvals Reguired:

! Emergency

I Non-Competitive Review Board (NCRB)

I ReQuest for lnd¡v¡dual Contract Sevices

l-'l lnformation Technology Governanceu Board (ITGB)


$ 52o,ooo.oo

Contract Type:

I Architect Engineering ! Commodity ! Construction E JOC E SBI

[l Professional Services ! Revenue Generating ! Vehicle & Heavy Equipment

I Work Service I Joint Procurement f] Reference Contract

Modification/Amendment Type

[| Time Extension ! Scope Change/Price lncrease /Additional Line ltem(s)

fi Vendor Limit lncrease ! Requisition Encumbrance Adjustment

n Other (specify):


Vendor lnfo:






Granicus lnc.

Erin English

707 17th Street, Suite4000, DenverCO80202

Specification No:

79485Mod¡ticat¡on No:

! other:Corporate ! aono ! Enterprise ! Grant

!lDoT/Transit I tootlttishway !rrwn ! rrn nrn¡FY FUND DEPT ORGN APPR ACTV PROJECT RPTG ESTDOLLAR


520,000016 01 00 025 2005 0140

s¡gnature Purchase Order Type:þ BlankeVPurchase Order (DUR)

Master Consultant Agreement (Task Order)

Standard/One-Time Purchase!trProcurement Method:

! eio lnre ! nro ! nrr

! Small Order

415-357-3618 ex. 1759

August 11,20'14

Orprcn op Crtv Clnnx Susex¿ A. MnNDozACITY OF CHICAGO

To: Jamie L, Rhee

Chief Procurement Officer

City of Chicago Department of Procurement Services


Date: July 31, 2015

NCRB Application for Legislative Electronic Document Management System - Granicus,

lnc., P.O, #24530

The Office of the City Clerk (OCC) respectfully submits the attached packet for consideration

and approval from the Non-Competitive Review Board (NCRB). The OCC is requesting the NCRB

to review and approve a four (4) year contract for Granicus lnc,

The Office of the City Clerk (OCC) is responsible for collecting, docketing and securely storing

the City's official legislative records; facilitating the legislative process which manages those

records; and ensuring easy and efficient digital access to those records by stakeholders and the

public at large. Each Council meeting, approximately 1-,000 legislative items are filed with OCC,

which equates to more than 1-1,000 pages. Virtually every aspect of this business process is

necessarily supported by a series of applications (collectively known internally as the Legislative

Application Suite) provided by Granicus, lnc. Without the services Granicus provides, OCC will

be without a legislative application suite and unable to perform the core legislative functions of

the office.

This request for an extension is intended to provide OCC with the needed time to implement an

alternativetechnological solution, This contract is designed to serve as a bridge between the

expiring contract and the completion of the following sequential projects: (1-)the design of a

future state for business processes/technologies (2)the issuance of an RFP fortechnologies and

services to realize that future state (3)the awarding of the successful bidder (a)the

implementation of the new system/program (5)the sunset of any as-is

technologies/processes/vender that are incongruent with the "to-be" state.


Carina Sanchez

Deputy City Cler ã*


OCC has been planning for the future state of the Council Division's business processes,

however we needed to modify the schedule, and based on the modified schedule it is

exceedingly impracticalto satisfythis business need through the routine procurement avenues.

OCC has investigated alternative companies and determined that it was impracticalto

transition to any of these providers in the schedule at hand and without incurring significant

immediate costs. OCC has investigated the technological solutions implemented by other major

cities in the United States such as New York and San Francisco, other cities in lllinois such as

Aurora, and sister agencies in Chicago, such asthe Chicago Park District, and all of them use

Granicus. Granicus has grown from a leader in the industryto beingthe industrystandard.

This contract would serve as a 4 year bridge forthe continuation of services with the existing

contract provider until the future state for business processes/technologies of OCC's Council

Division are designed and an RFP is issued.

The estimated cost per fiscal year is S130,000 and includes costs for maintenance, the media

vault, encoder, backup encoder, captioning and training. The total cost for the four year

contract will be $SZO,O00. OCC based these cost estimates on the historical costs of the current

contract and potential future requirements.

Thank you in advance for your consideration

Orrrcn oF Crrv Clnnr Suse¡re A. MnNDozACITY OF CHI CAGO

To: Jamie L. Rhee

Chief Procurement Officer

City of Chicago Department of Procurement Services

From: John Gay $-Chief Counsel and Director of Policy

office of the City Clerk

Date: August 27,2015

Re NCRB Application For Legislative Electronic Document Management System - Scope of


As part of the NCRB application packet, lam enclosing a copy of the existing scope from the

original contract with Daystar Computer Systems, lnc. As mentioned in other parts of this

application, Daystar Computer Systems, lnc. won a competitive bid to provide its software and

services related to the legislative electronic document management system. Daystar was

subsequently acquired by Granicus, lnc. Granicus assumed all responsibility of Daystar's

contract, with the approval of DPS.

The scope of work was established by the original Daystar contract, PO #21883, and modified

by modification #245303, The Office of the City Clerk is not seeking any modifications to the

scope of work in this application.


9rgn19*H"r"Monday, August 03, 2015

Tom Duncan

600 Harrison Street, Suite 120

San Francisco, CA94107

Dear Mr. Gay,

The following is a statement of Granicus' position to uniquely provide solutions to meet your needs,

Key Value

. 30+ years ofgovernment-focused experience

. Provide a complete, end-to-end legislative management solution

¡ Focus solely on government to meet the needs of this market, at every level

No other company currently offers the following funct¡onalitv:¡ An application builtto automate boards and commissions and applications management, which directly

integrates with Granicus Platform and Legislative Management Suite.

. An application written exclusively for Apple and Android iPads, iLegislate, to track and annotate agendaitems and view public comment and ideas.

¡ All meeting records searchable by Agenda Topic, Minutes, and the spoken word¡ A webcasting/minutes annotation solution that is integrated with Microsoft Office, allowing minutes to

be built in Microsoft Word while leveraging the indexed video of the meeting embedded in Word forreference

o A minutes annotation tool that builds minutes in PDF Format with embedded links to the audio/videowebcast

¡ An integrated public record that is compatible on both PC/Mac systems as well as Mobile systems suchas Apple lOS, Android (Samsung Galaxy included), Blackberry and Windows,

. Both government agenda automation, citizen participation and feedback functionality

. Only company to provide a webcasting, public comment and citizen participation feedback tool thatalso integrates with a paperless iPad and Android App.

o A documented and extensive legislative content Open API architecture and SDK that allow for seamlessintegrations with systems already in place

¡ Unlimited storage and distribution for all meeting bodies and non-meeting content¡ lndefinite retention schedules for all archived meeting and non-meeting content¡ A video player that allows the public to trim sections of video, and embed those sections into other

webpages. Staff/Citizen Participation Tool: lncluding a social ideation platform that encourages positive

collaboration and offers a meaningful way for staff or citizens to contribute online. This tool combines

the power of crowd sourcing with an online forum to help the jurisdictiorrs to understand and prioritize

the needs of their comnrurrìty and staff. Also a tool to infornr staf I or citizelrs about upcon'ring projects

and to get feedback. Staff and Citizens can easily contribute to planning and decision-making by posting

new ideas, voting for others, and sharing ideas to the social grid. This must be designed for internal or

public use.

The only provider of an App Platform exclusively for Government APPS where agencies can research,

procure, and manage Government Only APPS


qronlcus.g, conne(t rnq gov(arnmenl

Monday, August 03,2Ot5

Citizen Engagement and Government Transparency

Granicus understands that in order to help create a truly transparent government, the government organization

must make information easily accessible, searchable, and navigable. We will provide our customers with the most

comprehensive search of government information. Government organizations create stronger public access toinformation including public meeting records, vote history, committee/department openings and more.

Our solution further reduces FOIA requests and empowers citizens to find what they need, on their own, easily.

Additionally, we continue to build applications that support citizen input and encourage effective participation inthe legislative process.

Mobile Solutions

Granicus is leading the way in mobile solutions for government with our new streaming architecture and

compatibility with various mobile devices, as well as our development of the iLegislate app. Granicus is already

brainstorming ways to make our product line mobile-accessible to support the growing trend of accessing

information on-the-go.

Open Architecture, Cloud-Computing, and Commitment to Open Data

From its inception, Granicus has been committed to an open architecture. We maintain our openness and

compatibility with other solutions to provide flexible alternatives for customers, including integrations withdocument management systems. Remaining open to partner integrations allows government staff to retain

current workflows without forcing them into a "one-size fits most" solution.

Additionally, Granicus extends our government focus by supporting the open data movement, We partner withdevelopers in this market who can build applications that leverage public data and complement our solutions

lf I or any other member of the Granicus team can be of further assistance, please contact me at 415-357-3618

Most Sincerely,

ïom Duncan

Vice President of Sales

Granicus, lnc.


July 3L, 20L5

Jamie L. Rhee

Chief Procu rement Officer

City of Chicago Department of Procurement Services

L2L North LaSalle Street

City Hall, Room 806

Chicago, lllinois 60602

Re: MBE/WBE Waiver for Granicus, lnc. P.O. #24530

Dear Ms. Rhee:

The Office of the City Clerk is transmitting the attached letter that was received from Granicus,

lnc. requesting a waiver of the M/WBE requirements under their current contract with the City

of Chicago. The attached letter establishes sufficient proof of Granicus's intent to comply with

the requirements when possible and reasons why complying with the requirements are not

possible for the current contract.

The Office of the City Clerk is in concurrence with the waiver of the M/WBE requirements and is

requesting the Department of Procurement Services to grant a M/WBE waiver to Granicus, lnc.

Should you have any questions, please contact Halyna Shuruk at (31-2) 744-6248.

si ly,

rina S chez

Deputy City Clerk




Granicus, lnc.Tom DuncanVice President of Sales

7o7 17th Street, Suite 4000Denver, CO 80202P:720-240-9586E:

August 3,2015

Dear Mr. Gay:

This letter serves as a request for an M/WBE waiver for Granicus, lnc. regarding the Existing Services Renewal

Agreement for the City of Chicago. Granicus has put in a good faith effort to obta¡n an M/WBE subcontractor, andhas determined that this is not attainable. Please see below for specific reasons:

Granicus put in a good faith effort to attain a W/MBE, but in searching for an lllinois certified M/WBE here:, we found that there were no

certified software companies included on this list to provide the requested services and we are unable to attain an

M/WBE for such services.

Additionally, Granicus is the sole provider of the Granicus proprietary software and Granicus professional servicesincluding, but not limited to: web design, implementation, training, and consultation. All current subcontractorsthat perform services pertinent to the Agreement are professionals that have received training to perform theGranicus solutions. We believe that the services would require a Granicus Professional with a minimum of L year ofexperience, and new third party subcontractors do not contain the technical expertise to perform the requestedservices with Granicus products. lf any professional services were to be outsourced to additional subcontractors orthird parties, the cost of the services would increase dramatically.

Not only did we search the M/WBE directory without finding a certified firm that provides electronic agendacreation, web streaming services and meeting efficiency solutions, but this project requires the use of proprietarysoftware and the personnel must be experienced or familiar with the Granicus system and this type of work inorder to perform it. Therefore, we are requesting a full M/WBE waiver.

Please contact us if you have any questions or require additional information


Tom DuncanVice President of Sales

Granicus, lnc . 707 17th Street, Suite 4000, Denver CO 80202. 720-240-9586










IMPORTANT: lf the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must be endorsed. lf SUBROGATION lS WAIVED, subject tothe terms and conditlons of the poticy, certain polic¡es may require an endorsement, A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to thecertificate holder in lleu of such endorsement(s).

PRODUCERNFP Property & Gasualty Svcs176 Federal Street, 3rd FloorBoston, MA 021 I 0Glenn T Chavious

fililIî"t Glenn T GhaviouslllPN"E^ .",,. o 1 z-398-5s56


tNsuRER A , TravelersINSURED Granicus lnc.

707 17lh Street Suite 4000Denver, CO 80202

tNsuRER B: Essex lnsurance Company 39020




lNSl lÞFR F !











X Contractual Liab




ZLP12N45052 0110112015 01t01t2016EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000

$ 300,000

¡rED EXP (Anv one person) $ 10,000



PRODUCTS - CO¡¡P/OP AGG $ 2,000,000






8A3402P458 0'u0112015 01t01t2016

c 1,000,00c

BODILY INJURY (Per peison) $

BODILY INJURY (Per acc¡dent) $






CLAI¡/lS-¡/lADE ZuP12N45304 0110112015 01t01t20't6EACH OCCURRENCE $ 10,000,000

AGGREGATE s 10,000,000





E N/AuBSl 33P870 01t01t2015 0110112016

v I WCSTATU-,\ lTôÞv I ti¡tlq


E.L, EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,00c

E L DISEASE -EA E¡¡PLOYET 1,000,00($

E L DISEASE - POLICY LI¡/IT $ 1,000,00(

B Errors & Ommission

Professlonal Liab.


RETRO DATE 1211312009

01t0'112015 01t01t20't6 Ea. ClaimAggregate



DESCRIPTIONOFOPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES (AttachACORD'l0l,AddltlonalRemarksSchedule,llmorespacelsrequlred)


@ 1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION' AII rights reserved

The AGORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD

Gity of Ghicago121 North LaSalle StreetRoom 107Chicago, lL 60602




ACORD 25 (2010/05)


EDS Number: 64388Certificate Printed on: 09 103 120t5

Disclosing Parl¡r: Granicus, IncFiled by: Mr. Emery Jones

Matter: LEGISLATIVE ELECTRONICDOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(TRANSFER AGREEMENT FROM PO #2 I 883)Applicant: Granicus, IncSpecification#: 79485Contract #:24530

The Economic Disclosure Statement referenced above has been electronically filed withthe City. Please provide â copy of this Certificate of Filing to your city contact with otherrequired documents pertaining to the Matter, For additional guidance as to when to provide thisCertificate and other required documents, please follow instructions provided to you about the

Matter or consult with your Cþ contact,

A copy of the EDS may be viewed and printed by visitinghtþs://webappsl.cityofchicago.orgiEDSWeb and entering the EDS number into the EDSSearch, Prior to contract award, the filing is accessible online only to the disclosing party and

the City, but is still subject to the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. The filing is visibleonline to the public after contract award.

Date of This Filing:01/1412015 03:37 PMOriginal Filing DaIe}UI4l20l5 11:23 AM




@ onANrcus

Granicus, lnc.Services Renewal QuoteCity of Chicago

Proposal presented to:' /-,.,'' it,i\;, )

City of Chicago

707 17th Street, Suite 4000 Denver, CO 80202


@ cRANrcus

Encoder/Server Maintenance (primary encoder,Performance Accelerator

Enterprise Software Maintenance (Open Platform, GovernmentTransparency, Leg islative Management)

p encoder, and ,550.00/mo


$110.)1/hourClosed Services


Total Monthly Manged ServicesGrand Total: I 0/01/l 5-09/30/16

Granicus Man Services

Managed ServicesGranicus provides a comprehensive Managed Services package with every solution to ensure long-lasting success with ourtechnologies while maximizing your solution's performance. Our fully managed and hosted infrastructure offers unlimitedbandwidth, storage and the highest security standards ofyour data through a cloud-based platform. Our remote, proactivesystems monitoring guarantees faster response time, pred¡cts problems before they arise, and helps reduce the cost of lTsupport and maintenance.The Granicus team works around-the-clock to ensure your applications are protected and operating smoothly. You also receivecontinual access to advanced learning tools and the hands-on support, knowledge, and expertise of our skilled SupportEngineers and Customer Advocacy professionals.

Granicus Differentiatorsj World's most experienced provider of government transparency, citizen participation, meeting efficiency, legislative

management, and training management solutions with:

o Over 900 clients in all 50 states, at every level ofgovernment

o Over 31 million government webcasts viewed

o More than 265,350 government meetings online

. First fully integrated legislative workflow management system for local government

. Open API architecture and SDK allow for seamless integrations with systems already in place

. Certified ¡ntegrations provide flexibility and choice of agenda workflow solutions

. Only government webcasting service to provide encoding, minutes annotation, transcription, and closed captioning


. Truly unlimited storage and distribution for all meeting bodies and non-meeting content¡ lndefinite retention schedules for all archived meeting and non-meeting content. Only provider of both government webcasting and citizen participation services

. Onlv provider of both government webcasting and training management services

o Access a library of peer-created government media content from over 900 Granicus users

o 97% customer satisfaction rating,99% client retention rating

r Ranked 185 on Deloitte 500 fastest growing companies

" R¿nkcd 419 on lnc 500 fastcst growing corlrp.rnies

¡ Client Success stories are available here:

707 17th Street, Suite 4000 Denver, CO 80202



Statement of Work

This Statement of Work ("SOW") lays out the resources and tasks required to achieve project objectives

and activities stated below. It is based on the information available to the City as of March 22, 2010. The

Services provided by Daystar urder this SO'W are subject to all of the terms and conditions set forth in the

Agreement between the City and Daystar. ln the event of a conflict between the te¡ms of this SOW and

the terms of the Agreement, the terms of the Agreement shall govern.

-.--- --- J ^¡-! --.:-.^-l. rroJect Ðcope Ðumflräry nflu IJUJEGTTYÉJ

Daystar will provide Services to ensure that the System is installed, configured, transitioned, deployed

and maintained in the most losical. timely and cost-effective manner.

Daystar will implement a scalable, interoperable System that provides full lifecycle document

maflag€ment that will integrate with both legacy systems and network infrastructure and new

technologíes, while allowing a¡chitectural fìcxibility. The City's goal is to have a non-proprìctarylegislative document management system. The City shall own all data generated by tbe System, and

Daystar will provide the tools to exporl data from the System ai any time and in any fìle format they deem


l.l" Objectives

The objectives ofthis project are to:

t. Reengineer the processing of legislative documents to create more efficient, intuitive and

automated workflows and improve manageability. This lean design includes the eliminationor consolidation of repetitive o¡ redundant manual functions and non-essential tasks fromCity's cunent day-to-day workflow processes.

2. Maximize "hands-free" management and processing of legislation by reducing the City

Clerk's Office reliance on the large volume of information now contained in the fonn ofpaper doouments.

3. Ensure adherence to and automatic enfo¡cement of the almost complete, if not complete,

clinúnation of paper in City's day-to-day workflow proaesses.

4, Ensure consistency and proper business procedures are being followed by City Clerk'sf)ffice, Aldermanie, and City l)epaftrrren'raÌ staff, as well as the publie ai iarge whensubmitting and processing legislation,

5. Capture information at its source, utilizing templates and incorporating batch scanning to

eliminate re-keying of information.6, Reduce the cost cf creating, distributing and storing documents and publications in paper

form hy limiting or eliminating the procluction of paper copies of the Journal of the

Proceedings, as well as other paper legislative documents by rnaximizing electronic and web-based publishing and dissemination of legislative information.

7 , Automate the publishing and distribution of documents in both paper and electronic forms.8. Create a searchable, on-demand, on-line iegislative library to house legíslative documents and

video and audio files.9. This on-demand. on-line library wiil provide the ability to track every legislative action taken

for each piece of legisiation,


10. Reduce the time spent retrieving historical legislative documents by linking these documentsto their conesponding electronic files using automatic document tagging and metadata inaccordance with both legal and operational reciuirements

I 1. Integrate and automate record retsntion schedules and advisories using pre-established legalcriteria and statutory rnandates,

12. Reduce wear on original legislative documents from repeated handling while improvingaccessibility by scanning and creating elect¡onic copíes.

13. Ensure integrity and security of documents managed by the City Council Division as requiredby law.

14. Provide means to support electronic document retention and disposal requirements, especiallyincluding statutory needs.

15. Improve civic engagement by installing user-friendly web interface.16. Provide robust disaster recovery.17. Allow fufure compatibility, scalability, customization, and integration through non-' proprietary programming interfaces.

The following is a summary of the configurable functions that Daystar will provide (refer to thedetailed scope in Section 5 for more information).

l. City Council Committee Agendn & Calondar Management;2. City Council Commitfee Workflow StreamlÍning;3. City Council Meeting Support;4. Journal'Worldlow Functionality;5. Electronic For¡ns & Templates;6. Electronic Submissions;7. Launch of a new City Council Website;8, LegÍslative Drafting & Workflows;9. Migration of Legacy Documents and Data;10. Online Public Requests;11. Security & System administration features;12. Streaming Video archiving and editing;I 3. TechnÍcal Installation;14. Trainiug

2. Project Implementation Term

This project implementation term takes effect as of the effective date of the Agreernent and oontinues forseven months' Acceptance will be three months following the completion of ihe project implementationto allow for testing, corrections and adjustments


3. Project Location

Daystar will provide all services throughout several City of Chicago facilities, dependant upon the projectphase and City Department involvement. There shall be no charges associated with Daystar's travel toand from City facilities by Daystar's Chicago-based personnel, including any local travel required to Cityfacilities in the course of delivering services. Travel to Chicago for Daystar te¿m members based outsideof the Chicago area will be charged at actual cost according to the mutually agreed to travel budget andaccording to City's travel guidelines (Exhibit 9) ,

zí Þvnia¡í Srrmmqrr¡

4.1. Phase One - InÉernal Operations


l. An ongoing communication plan, user training, extensive testing, and professional projectmanagement activities for each project phase.

2. Establish and validate the tech¡ical platform,3. Streamline and revise workflows within the Citv Clerk's Offìce using the Lesistar platform.

The goal of this streamlining is not to simply automate ow current workflows, but to devisenew and improved workflows that eliminate current bottlenecks and most, if not all, manualprocessing of legislative documents,

4. Replace the existing City Council section of the City Clerk's website, which includes iiveCity Council meeting streaming video and an on-demand video archive.

I I*-f ^.-^-+ t^^i^l^ri.,^ ^l^^a-^-:^ l^^,,*^-r ^.,L-:^^l^- -:t^+ --^-^-J. lll¡ult¡¡I5I¡l:5s¡ù¡êLlvÚ tttLl¡rr!lrç 1rìtr--l¡rlIL.rll:\L{Lr¿l!JÞr¡-¡!! i¡trr,,r i.'!1i¿!a!!!r-6. Provide City Clerk's staff with information, training and Systern familiarity.a 'l!L^ f^11^.-,:-^ *^:^- ^^.:.,:.¡^^ ^-^ -l^--^J f^- fll.^-^ ¡'\-^,t. I LLA rutruW[rË, tIt4JUt d\/tlVrtlgù 4¡ç p¡qru¡úu rv¡ À ¡¡4ùrf vrlç,

i. Teclmical hstallationii. Journal Workflow Functionality tfuough Legistar

L Document Importing & Intake (Transition Phase)2. Document Exporting3. Document lndexing4. Ðocument Retention Schedules5. Journal ofthe Proceedings Processing

a. Cornpilaticn, ECiting and Publishingb. Joumal Workflow

6. Monthly & Annuai Indexing7. Physical Records TrackingB. Intemal ReportingL Security and System Administration10. internal Search Engine

iii, Launch of City Council Website with lrrSitel. lnternetPublishing/Website Posting

a. PDF uploading of legacy 'joci¡menís2. V/ebsite Search Enginei.;. Security and Systern Administrationv. Streaming Video, Archiving and Editingvi. Electronic Submission pilot program.vii. Cily Clerk's and Pilot Participants Staff Training


4,2. Phase Two - Transparency & Access


1. Introduce the use of Legistar features to support City Clerk responsibiìities during CityCouncil meetings.

2' Complete implementation of legislative drafting and workflow, electronic forms andelectronic submissjon of legislation for Alde¡manic staff and City Departments.

3. city council committee Agenda and calendar management pilot program.4. The following major activities are planned fo¡ phase Two:

i. Council Meeting Supportii, Legislative Drafting & Workflowiii. city of chicago and Pilot parripipants staff rraining Sessionsiv. Elcctronic Forms & Templatesv. Electronic Submissionsvi. city council committee pilots for Agenda & calenda¡ Management

4.3. Phase Three - F ull Farticipation of External Stakeholders


1' Extend training and workflow capabilities to additional City Council Committees and CityDepalments.

2. Migration of legacy documents.3. Complete implementation of City Council Committee Agenda & Calenda¡ Management.4. The following major activities are planned for phase Thrãe:

i. Migration of Legacy DocumentsÍi; Online Public Requesrsìii. City Council Committee Agenda & Calendar Managementiv. City Council Committee Workflow Streamliningv. City of Chicago Staff Training Sessions

4.4. Post-Implementation Review

4,4.1, EuhancementReview

Daystar conduct aCletk's ssible addmoclule allo.w theLegistar

4,4,2. Post-InstallationEnhancements

If the Cíty has identified cnha orher chanthe Daystar Project Manager the City asupplemental work-orders fol nce of theSystem.


5. Monthly Dellverable Acceptance

At the conclusion of each month on the project schedule, Daystar and the City Clerk's ProjectMalager, or their designees, will evaluatc each Deliverable scheduled for complaion that month.Upon the çonsent of the City Clerk's Project Manager, or their designee, a formal monthlyDeliverable completion sign-off will be executed. Consent of the City Clerk's Project Manager, ortheir designee, will be based on satjsfactory delivery and completion of that Deliverable. Consentwiii not'be unreasonabiy withheid.

ln the event there are minor couditions required for completion of a particula¡ month's deliverables,and upon mutual consent of Daystar and the City Clerk's Project Manager, or their designees, that theconditions are not signíficant enough to prevent procedure to the next phase, the City Clerk's ProjectManager, or thei¡ designee, may execute a sígn-off of the Deliverable and list the aforementionedconditions to be completed prior to the end of the next Deliverable of the schedule.

6. Phase.Acceptance

At the conclusion of each phase of the projeot schedule, Daystar and the City Clerk's staff wiilevaluate the Deliverables as desc¡ibcd in that phase, Upon the Çonsent of the City Çlerk ProjectManager, or their designee, a fo¡mal phase completion sign-off will be executed. Consent of the CityClerk's Project Manager, or their designee, will be based on satisfactory delivery and completion ofthat phase. Consent wiil not be urueasonably withheld.

Ìii ôiiu tjvúiit [lisro ¡u-c mi¡rur ur-rntlitions required for compieriort oí a par duuiar pr uj cur pirasu, ancl uponmutual consent of Daystar and the City Clerk's Project Manager, or their designees, that theconditions ate not significant enough 10 prevenl procedure to the next phase, the City Clerk's ProjectManager, or their desigrree, may execute a sign-off of the phase and list the aforementionedconditions to be completed prior to the end ofthc next phase ofthe sshedule.

7. Detailed Functional Scope

See Attachment I

8. FrcjecÉ Tirnetable and Ðeiiverables

Q ^o  tta nhmanf ?

9. Schedule of Compensation

This scheclule repress¡rts the key Deliverables to be provided by Dayotar to the City ond whcn invoicingwill occur. Daystar, the prime contractor, is the only entity to invoice the City Clerk's Office. TheDaystar Tearn will deliver a detailed invoice for payrrrenî ai ihe errd of each month, provided ihe MonthlyDeliverable Acceptance form has been executed by the City Clerk's Projecl Manager, or their designee.

The detailed invoice shall include, but is not limitecl to: the number, title and name of each employeer¡¡nrlrino nn the nrnient and the +i+le oî eanh cnr¡nlefer{¡crahl. o" encnifierl i- ÂfTa^høont I ^f-q...

,v¡¡¡r¡g l-.q¿'!, ¡¡1 ¿ Ú¡

Ex.tiibit I ("Project Timetable and Deliverables"), completed that month . This inr¡oice shall be e-mailedto the City Clerk's Administrative Offices and the Project Manager, or their designee.


9.1 Deliverable Payment Assumption

This Sc,hedule assunres the immediate availability of û¡nds, and no reduction in funding for the overallproject.

See Attachment 3,

10. D¡tabase and Technology Architecture

10.1. Legistar Architecture

10.1.1. Database Environment

At a minimum, the Legistar system must run on either a sel- 2005 (and higher).

10,1,2. Technical Enyironment

The Legistar system shall use the latest Microsoft Smaf Client A¡chitecture compalible with theLegistar system.

10.1.3. Hardware Environment

10.f ,3.1. Server

At a minimum, the Legistar system will run on a Server with the following specifications:Processor: 2.}-gigahertz (GHz) pentium fv-compatibre or faste¡RAM: 2 gigabyles (GB) or moreDisk Space; 60 GB (application only requires approximately 50 MB)Operating System: Microsoft Windows server 2003/2008 Standard Editions

10,1,3.2. City Computers

At a minimum, the end-user components of the Legistar system will run on a computerwith the following specifications:Processor: 2.}-gigaghertz (QHz) Pentium lV-compatible or fasterProsessor count: IRAM; 2 gi,gtbyte (GB) or moreDisk Space: 60 GB (application only requires approximately 50 MB)Operating S ystem: Micro soft Windows Xp ly tsta/7

70,7,4. Network Environment

The application will be shared by many use¡s and must satisfactorily function for up lo 130 ormore users on a 100 Mbps Ethernet connection. All network equipment will operate in a TCp/Ipenvironment.

ll be tiered so that the web, application and databass layers can befrom each other if needed. It shourd be possible ¡o use roadclient requests to seve¡al web seryers.


Authentication will be administered through Active Directory on the City Enterprise Domain.Rights management will be administered through Legistar.

10.1.5. Operating System Environment

The System must function on a Microsoft Windows operating system that supports the .NETframework and Windows XP Pro SP2 client utilizing Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or greater.

10.1.6. Web Browser Environment

The System must support the latest versions of I¡ternet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.

10.1"7" LÍcensing Environment

The Granicus video service component provides for unlimited hosting and delivery of Councilmeeting videos. At thís time, committee meeting video management and hosting services are notcontemplated within the scope of the Agreement as it may increase the cost for the Granicuspofion of the Services,

10.2. Granlcus Archítecfure

10.2.1. Datnbase Environment

Granicus will provide a hosted infrastructure for database management of all video streamingrel¿tie¡j ¡-:o¡itetit fcrr iÏre Ciiv Cierl-'s ûffice. Giñrrir,rrx iiîjlizer. i*n SQL Enîr;p¡=i:e Ëditicn fc¡ i'"s

hosted database solution, No database elements will be installed within the City of Chicago'sìf -r-.--..1 : -1.^-L--^)-,--^ 1l--

^----:---- :-.f---.¡----¿--,- ---lil ----:-L -lrl----- -----l:--.-l, ---il\CtWUrK lurrASlrUC[UrE. lflC \TIAIUUUS UIrrASUr,lL:tUrC Wlrr çUilSIsr OI tIrrCC rCpIlçAt€U VCTSIODS OI

the City's Data at any point in tìme .

10,2.2. ÉIardware Environment

The Granicus solution will attempt to utilize as much of the City's pre-existing streaming videohardware components as possible,

The folfowing is the reqrrirerl hanlwnre fnr the Granicus scilution:

1. Granicus Outcast Encoder: This is an appliance (?) server provided by Granicus, utilizingWinriows Server 2003, I¡ternct Inlormation Services (lIS), and Windows lvlessage Queuing$TMQ)

2. City Clerk Council Meeting Workstations: (provided by fhe Ciiy of Chicago)i, Minimum 3 GHzPentium 4 Processorii. 20 GB hard drive freeiii. Minimum 1 GB RAlv{ (5i2KB free from othcr resident memory applieations)iv. Windows XP Professional R2 (SP2) with all updates (Windows Vista NOT suppofed)v. Eihemet Pori for LAI'I Connectiviiyvi. Office 2003 or better (for documerrt reading)vii. Most current versíon of Adobe Reader soÍÌware (for docu'nent reading)viii.Dual rnonitorsix. Read /Write access to the following Windows folders

a. C:\Program Files\Granicusb. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data


x. Windows Critical Updatesxi. Microsofl ,NETFramework l,lxÍi. Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1xiii,Microsofr .NET F¡amewo¡k 3,5 SPl

1,0.2.3, Network Environment

10.2.3,1. Bandwidth Nceded

A single live stream of 400 þbs outbound, depending on the stream quality, will beavailable to stream between the City of Chicago's on-site Encode¡ and the GranicusMediacente¡ via the city's existing current connections to the intemet.

The Granicus MediaCenter connects to the City's encoder with a routable, public Ipaddress over TCP port 8080, which gets forwarded through the Ciry's f¡rewil to theEncoder,

10.2,3,2, Firewall and Routers

The following information describes the network ports, connection direction, andcommunication profocols used by Granicus software, If the direction is specified asOutbound, the port indicates the port number the application is connecting to on a remotehost' If the direction is specified as Iabound, the port indicates the port number on whichthe local host application is lístening for incoming connections.

outc¡st Encoder - The Encoder will be placed in eíther a'DMz,, subnet or on anInternal subnet that has the intemal address or port forward with a pubtic Ip ViaNAT/PAT:, foraCenterGranicus

Outboundthrough MediaManager to thefiles


machines:BQ Inbound (TCP)

8080 Inbound (rcP)¡anges (subject to change). Required to ..pull" lhe

inbound requests from the Encoder to theas weil as The Operators soÍtware

- 207 .7.154.024) and


Operator's Station - The operator's applicatjon will be utilized by an operator to load,star1, and stop a meeting.


eln Remote AccessforOutbound access

0 Encoder clientOutCast Can be Changed

0 OutCast Encoder - web beOutbound


Firewalls/Co ntent Filters/Proxy Servers/ISA Servers

The City's firewall needs to allow un¡estricted outbound HTTP and HTTPS connectionsfrom the Encoder to any destination pofs within the Granicus MediaCenter (any address inthe class C address range 207.7.154,XXX) and also to Daystar's CDN providers (IPRanges are given during implementation phase).

The Granicus solution uses slandard rilindows Media Audio (WMA) and Windows MediaVideo (IVMV) file formats,

70.2.4. Operatins System Environment

1. All Granicus Ssrver systems utilize Vr'indows 2003 Server platform.2. All Granicus "user" systems utilize Windows XP and Windows Vista (Windows 7

forthcoming irr 2Q-20 1 0).

l. All Granicus "Contcnt l,/íewers" are supporicd on thc laies" versions of lnte¡-net Explorer,Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome.

11. TestÍng

Daystar will develop a test management plan, which will identify what levels of testing will beconducted, how the testing will occur, who will participate in testing, and how issues will be t¡acked andresolved. Daystar will develop test scripts based on function lists derived from these requirements and

defrne success factors for fìnal Acceptance testing.

'Il"- onanilì¡ leolíno ¡-i+-:ia rvill rro^, hv rLa Ârn¡tia^.li+tr i-nt--¡¡+-J ;- ^-^L -L^.- f- -',^-. -L^-^¡¡¡ v4v¡¡ g¡¡qüe, u¡ wYv¡J u¡¡aòv.

Daystar's project team wifl develop testing criteria and complete verificatíon prior to access by CityClerk's Staff. Testing scenarios will be reviewed in advance with the City Clerk's Projeot Manager, ortheir designee. Testing progress and results will be tracked on the project management website.

Daystar will defìne System testing scenarios to test a number of aspects of the implementation,including, but not limited to:

! r1--L:li¿-. -4---C----l ------ti------.t. usaulltry ur uulu.lBulgu wuttul(]ws;2. Integrity of security role definitions;3. Integrity of Data Ccntent and Meta Ðata Conversion;4. Inlegrity of customized functionality.

11.1. Cify Clerk's staff testing


Clcrk staff will have the opportunity to conduct Acceptance testing on the new features. Training willcommence upon testing signoff.

12. Training

Training will begin at the start of each phase with standard feature demonstrations and ouþof-the-boxSystem training. As each phase progresses, the training activities will become more customized andspecific to City Clerk workflows and policies.

The City Clerk's Office will be given permission to reproduce training materjals as needed. It isexpected that Daystar will maintain its copyrights to all training materials.

12.1. CollaboratÍve development

Daystar and the City Clerk's Office will assemble mutually agreed upon workgrouÞs as neededthroughout implementation, comprised of each of the major user groups ut tt" City 1i.e. City Clerk'sstaff, Aldermanic and City Deparlment staff, etc.). Based ìn lnformation-collected in thiscollaboration, Daystar will apply training tactics that are most effective with each group of users,

12.2. Multi-channel delivery

Daystar will deliver training and System knowledge to Cily Users through a variety of off and onlinemethods,

l' - Classes consist of one (l) instructorand up to ten (10) users. Classesare kept small and grouped by levels to ensure that slower leamers have approþriáte attention and

z. ä::lïl-ii:,1::1",,í"* are hands-on, inreractive sessions wirh a

3' *"*"TTlristar system documentation will be customized ro the

City Clerk's Office's installation. Documentation is segmented into specific tasks so users get theinformation they need quíckly, All Documentation is produced in pbF format to facilitate webposting and downloading.


12.3. Customized Materials

Daystar will custom-configure all documentation to the Clerk's office so that information is relevantand sections are structured to the processes of the City Clerk's Ofl¡ce and its stakeholders.


12.4. Testing and Training

The City Clerk's Office will receive licenses for the purposes of testing and training of the Legistarsystom. Daystar wíll configure one of these as an environment that complements training sessions anduser supporl. City Users will have a "testing and training" with which to explore the Legistar system'scapabilities and functionality with comfort and no disruption to the o'live" System.

12.5. Training Tracls

1 -..-:-¡-- \--:--:.- - :- -^---¡------l l--¡- l¡¡..--1--tt ¡., 1-1:---.-.- -1. | ' - r. t õ.lrçËtsrar rrärIlrl8, ls srruçrurnu lilu r.r'açKs ro uElrvËr Lrarrung r.o vary¡ng usage l€vers, llelrung lortneCity of Chicago will be structured into six tracks addressing all possible uses intemal and externalusers may have.

12,5.1. Tímelíne

User training will be administered in accordance with the three-phased implementation program.

Phase I

Daystar's training team begins to assemble its workgroup of key users in order toconfigure lrnining activitie.s fnr Phase 1. Post initial requirementn gathering ondvalidation wíth this group training will be administe¡ed to key City Clerk staff" Thistraining .vil! focus on giving City Users the knowledge to understand, operate and usethe most important System functions. Additionally in this phase, Daystar's trainíngleam will cieliver admin-level training to select master users within ùe City Clerk'soffice.

and Minutes and how to accessAgendasThe to searchOnly training shows the user how

drafting the text, adding sponsors, attachments, etc. and training on how to processminutes, taking action on files, voting, vote lvnes. consent and renorfi¡ø and posti¡gto

Gives the user to create á including

Level2consent and reporting and posting to the Internet. This specific level also includes

training on how to on voting, votç types,


r^1,1-,, ,.,;¡1, rL,, ¿rI.J.,,..,,, Q,,^r^- ^

J*,:-:^+-^¡^- .frL.¡- ¡--:-i..- i-.qù¡Lr ìa ¡l¡À L¡¡U ç¡ulrËU OJù!çl¡¡ Ãu¡¡u¡l¡ùuÉ!U¡ , I ¡¡¡ù t¡ tilIIIË I¡j

admjnistration lables, security, allrevtewon----^--l-¡-l t- ¡L;urrP¡ururt tJürolc aliy

Level 4 Training on how io draft iegisiarion, use eiectronic forms and templates to aid inlegislative drafting, subrrútting legislation electronically and the workflows thatfacilitate this prooess,

Level5 Training on how to create and maintain an Agenda, by generation or byadding or deleting items. Also, how to produce an Agencia report anci post toInternet.


T¿qipi_r¡ e*B, Je n k d ptyn


User ?þpesNo. of

Cìty UsersCIøss

Ifouls Slructure TotaIHours

4-6 class gïoups up of 5-8each. Two three and one half-hour (3.5h)classes.

group ma up of3 Five r0additional two hour (2h) ciasses.

erk l5members who will serve to train future CityClerk staff and other


Level3 J

Va¡ious n


Phase 2


Daystar's training leam will assemble its workgroup of key users in o¡der to configuretraining activities for Phase 2. Once the City Clerk'Jstaff is trained and comfoftabte withthe Legislar system's core functionality, the Daystar team will proceed to scope,configure and administer training to the larger user base, parliculariy wíthin the CityClerk's stakeholder groups. This includes, but is not limited to, ildermaoir, cityCouncil Committee, and various City Departmental staff. Training delivered in phase Zwill use key city clcrk staff as training leads in the classroom.

Trainlus llreakdown...-

User Types

Phase 3

No. ofC¡ty

ClassHours Structure

Daystar's training team will assernble lts îg+group of key users in order to configure

training activities for Phase 3, Phase 3 will focus ãtfott, ån creating all materials anddocumentation for open use by City constituents and rhe public at larÀe. eaãiti*ãry inthis step, the Le_gistar lraini4g team will be providing nngoing suppofi for trained useroas well as refresher training courses for userJ who require them.

!fr4iniirg Prs¿gdôìr{

5 6I

I )

group up paficipants.Tbree additional two hour class es(2h)

ls0 J

each, One th¡ee how (3h) class for eachgroup.

l5 made$oups up

User TypesNo, of

City UsersCløss Hours Tolql Hours

100 6 groups made up of l0participantsclass above

each, One tll'ee hour (3h)30


View Only Open N/A Web tutorials and documentation for N/Aease ofuse aii

During the Training and Rollout phases the City Clerk's Project Manager, or their designee, willbe able to monitor the effectiveness of the training and get a good feel for the fu1l capabilities ofthe Legistar system. Following this phase, the City may wish to consider supplemental trainingevents or to expand or modi$ some functionality,

f ini¡ins REyietv

Daystar and the City Clerk's Project Manager, or their designee, will review the effeciiveness ofthe training, the skills gained by the different level of usets, and the possibility of training otherusers that may not have been considered originally, Daystar will discuss and identíff possiblesupplemental training or help describe Services that may be desired,

13. Maintenance a¡d Support

Legistar support must include unlimited and direct personal suppof from a dedicated Daystar supportteam. This support tsam will provide complcte maintenance and monitoring of all Legistar products andservices, All Legistar clients receive the same level of service and support, Managed Services alsoinclude all software updates and bug fixes for all software components included in this SOW.

When calling the Daystar supporl teanr by phone, the City can expect to speak with a qualifiedtechnician who will answer queries and help resolve technical issues immediately. All members ofLc-eistar's suppoñ. tenrn lravc n-t least 10 years experinnt',e rvith I.egislar

Support for the System ineluCes Legistar solution described here as wel! as the Granicus videocomponents includc fully managed servises and unlimited 24 *7 *365 tech¡ical and user support for theCity's complete solution, including Legistar data recovery.

Daystar will provide optimal support to the City of Chicago and will mest or exceed the following Cityexpectations:

1. Live technjcal support holp line; The Legistar suppof team is available via phone 24 t7 t365 to

2. Online support: Daystar offers as a standard service.3. E-mail support; The Legistar support team is also available online from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Central

Time, Ìví - F, exciuding holidays. Emaii:; i4. Access to support managers and development staff if required: Daystar offers as a standard service.5. Probiem reporting and resoiution procedures: Problems\questions can be submitted to Ðaystar via'

,phÕne, effiâi.t or orrline. Eaeh issue will get a tracking number tbar the Cfty can use for futureteferenae. If the issue requires a progtam flx then ir wíll be put into Þaystar's development cyeleand the City will be updated on its status. Once the issue has been addressed, the City will benotified that their issue has been fixed and is ready for their review, Daystar will work with the¡'ì:..,t^ t\--^a-^-+ ^f, I-f^--+:^-'T^^L-^l^-. rL-¿ n:+., ^a^$^-- --^-.-^¿:-- tnllõ\¡ôl,vrly ù vçP4rtlrrÞ¡rl v¡ urlv¡¡rr4lrurl r surururuË/ Lu gllùulE U,¡óL urty slatlçlù uuutaÇLu¡B ul\r.J I ù/{-DATA to ¡eport a maintenance or support issue with the System, will be provided with the propercontact information to rcach lhe Daystar maintenance and support team.

6. Known issue tracking: Daystar ofTers as a standard service.7. Electronic access to help desk databases: Daystar offers as a standard service.8. Availability of user groups: Dayslar does nof have regular planned user groups, but seeing that

Daysfar is based in Chicago, user group sessions can be scheduled with the city whenever needed.


9' Types and frequency ofuser conferences: Daystar does not have regufar plarured user confersnces,but seeing that Daystar is based in Chicago, user group sessions ca¡r be scheduled with the citywheneve¡ needed,

I 0' Th¡esholds for support limitalions: Daystar does not put a limit on the arnount of support provided tothe City, You can submit unlimited issuesVdças as needed.

I L Bug frxes ce bugs are fixed and tested they areput into a documented and provided to the Cítyas soon as ed basis.

12' Delivery method of future upgrades and product enhancements including frequency of upgrades bymodule; Delivery of a new version witl be performed by Daysrar romotJy, oiUy City staff with theassistance ûom Daystar, or as Daystar is located in Chicago,-Daystar can àelivei the úpdates on-site.Upgrades consist of enhancements\fixes and are scheduleã on a quarterly basis.

13.1. Ongoing Software Maintenance and Support

Daystar Ongoing Support rbquires that:

I ' The city maintains support for that partjcular version of the software, and2. The local host operating system, database, and any other interdependent third party software

application licenses are curront and remain supportable by their respective vendors.

13.2. Updates

System updates are collections ofgeneral patches and new product features that have been made sjncethe last update. Updates are downloaded fbr automatic updating to the application. These updates aretlryically released two to four times a year and ar : provided at no cost to ihe City per the terms of thesuppofi or subscription agreernent.

13.3. System AdministratÍon Mana gement

In addition to those seryices Subscription or Maintenance Agreement,Daystar can also provide the folprog¡amat no extra cost, These

ices as paft ofthe on'going an¡ual support

1 Adding or deleting staff members, officials and office information,2, Modiffing and maintaining database security information,3, Maintenance of user security groups and pennissions,4, Maintenance of existing or new committées or other meeting bodies,5. Maintenance of all workflow and system administration tables,

13.4, System Security

Legistar includes a multi-tiered, security system, Vou can ceutrol access to most functions includingviewing, editing, deleting records & agendas and printing reporls,

Unlimited security groups can be defined, each with their own security settings and names that areappropriate for the city's instarlation. secu¡ed and non-secured staiùscr uñ alff"r."* fire types,agendas, and minutes allow the City to fl¡¡ther defirre those records that can lie viewe.d,

An automatic audit log of all primary actions affecting the records uses built-i' database functjons.The logging function includes date, time, operator, and event informatjon regarding significant system


additions, deletions, and modifications, The audit log parameters and repof definitions arecustomizable by the Legistar System Administrator,

Legistar passwords are encrypted and are not stored anywhere exsept the database. The Legistarsystem will provide password format support enforced through an interface to Active Directory sowhen end users sign-on to their City of Chicago workstations, they will automatically be signed intothe Legistar system. Additionally, when City Users change theirpasswords in Active Directory, theirLegistar passwords will automaticaiiy update so a separate passworci change request wiii not berequired of the Daystar team.

14. Document¿tion

Daystar provicles its Documentation in digital form and permits the City to reproduce manuals and

material entirely or in seciions as needed.

15. Project Resources

This table dcfines the estimated resource skills needed by both the City and the Daystar team to deliverthis project on the time line and budget detailed in this SOW and Exhibit 2. The City is sold'responsiblefor determining the final number of City resources needed and will ensure appropriate City staffing isassigned to complete City tasks as defined in the project schedule.



ited torÍs ks, withetc.) overall sibil forrespon successfulitvschedule, costs,


tasksotherand torelated hereporting uccessfuls of thelmplementatlon

among the ers, a

Manages, a ng project and

reports that track, sum6. prepares andnages costscosts.

or toconduct interviews selectedwíth staff to defi en userworkflowhelp

andspecificatíons bottlenecksidentify furtherto mreduce ualan el'fort and

Manager - Daystarwlll assign a LegistarProject manager towork with the City tomake sure that theproject is completed



er andrequand

6 ance manage

ist will

Tech Writer create and technical docume

ïestersExecutive ton

and automaten inclS m

m eetings, presentationsnegotiations among the

to andstaff, orlectedCity appolnted nd allaoffícers,flm the cp dan theity ubcontractors 0n change

and receivable for

1 the mtosupthe toseven tenuring m tnclonths, uding

and toc withstaffity turnover.expected meSo thisof mtlme also usedbe toayu Userpdate speclfic Manuals with thetnchanges lnorprocessCity the

Granicus S nticus



workflow'and processos, Thls will be conducted in (3) 2 Hours Sessionsthousands govemhours experience


system to be implemented. He establlsh the basic slructurethe Legistarbe

of and define the

the overall objectlve of the system. He or she wifl participate inthe requlrements definition, functional

res toaccomplish

specification, design description,

Sponsors thelr designee. The Êxeoutlve Sponsorsand the Clerk's Pfoject Managerwlll provide guidance and

decÍsion-makíng approval at critical steps and primary milestones of the



1, City Clerk's ProJect Manager, or their designee, will work directly with theDaystar Froleot Manaoet in all matters iconoernlns: this Þtoiect;2. Manáges internal resources, includiñg thé approval of project scheduling"customization/modification requests, tasks delivered and performs allthe City-side project organizaliqn tasks.

with staff and overs ofôity change authorizatlon sign-offs, testingightrg

na executiontssues.

¡egarcling eqltipment, operating systern enr¡irnnmenlal neerle, and +therpport the final configuration of users andtech issuesrelated suto

, regto determine any specific

inistratorable to create data for text scenarios, and valÌdate security and processes for

ave ofedge

interfaces.user listA theof inistratorsAdm wlll beCity's capabilitiesof


Su ge of theco ute knowla

1ó. Staffing and Team Management

Daystar will assign the following primary resources as Key Person¡el:

1. Project Manager- Al Pomcrantz2. Tech¡ical fuchitect - Darius Tajanko3. Business Alalyst - Melissa Ballate and Virginia Hall4. Trainer - Bill Page

5. Database Administrator - Jon Johansen6. lnfrastrusture Specialist Jon Johansen7. IT Integration Specialist - Vivek Ahuia8. Tech Writer - Bill Page and/or Melissa Ballate9. Testers - Daystar Staff10. Executive Supervision - Ron Cichon11, Internal Administrative Support - Tom Primozic12, Training Supervisor/Analyst - Ginger Hall13. Granicus Trainer - Carolyn Hardy and/or Rebecca CIeary


14. Systems Design A¡chitect - Darius Tajanko15. Systems Engineer - Ch¡is Kloczko and Natalya Varshavskaya

The City Clerk's Office will assign the following primary resources as Key Personnel:

1, Project Manager - Monica Carrarza, or her designee2. Chief Executive Sponsors - Clerk Miguel del Valle, Deputy Clerk Edmund Kantor, peter polacek

' 3' City's Technology Liaison- Herna Sundaram, Assistant Chief Information OfficerÆroject Manager4, City Clerk's System Administ¡ator - Monica Carranza,Peter Polacek, Amanda fuisteo5. City's Subject Matters Experts/Business Users - Peter Polacek, Monica Carranza, Amanda Aristeo,


A secured website portal will be provided 1o present project status, schedules, news, and deliverables.Named users identified by the Daystar and City Clerk's Project Managers, or their designees, will begiven access to this website to view team activities.

16, 1. Staffing Qu alifications

I. The City has the option to request the removal of any consultant at any time if the level oftechnical, business, process, and/or communications expertise is not satisfaótory u, determined bythe City.

2. For any open consulting positions related to this project, Daystar will present profiles of qualifiedcandidates. The City has the option of interviewing any candidate priór to u.rign n.nt oo ihe Cityaccount relative to this project.

3. In the course of this engagement, should either pafy feel a team member is not performinøadequately it will be escalated to the Daystar Team and the City Clerk's Chief Executive Sponsors'l'

16.2. Team Management

l. Daystar is responsible for the method and practices for ensuring that overall project expertise(process, functional, application, and technical) is retained within th1 Daystar team,

2- Daystar is responsible for documentation required for maintaining knowledge for retention for theDaystar assigned staff.

3 ' The City is responsible for documentation required for maintaining knowledge for retention for theCity assigned staff.

4. Daystar is responsible fqr inforrnjng the Cíty of any planned staff turnover at least 60 days inadvance.

5' The City is responsible for informing Daystar of any planned staff tumover at least 60 days inadvance,

6. Daystar is responsible for informing the City of any unplanned staff tumover immediately uponnotice of the unplanned staff tumover.

7. Thu City is res¡ruusiblc for informing Daystar 0f any stâff unplanned turnover immediately uponnotice of the unplanned staff turnover

17, Intentionally Deleted,

18, Communication Plan

18.1. Status Review and Reporting


18.1.1. Weekly Status Meetings

Daystar and the City Clerk's Office shall establislt weekly status meetings. Weekly statusmeetings will cover:

i. Project Statusii. Key Issues or Risksiii. Oiher topics as agreed to by Daystar and the Ciry Cierk's Oifice

'l'!.- ¡-+-i'l ^-J f^--+ ^f .-'^ol-f ., -^-^4 ,l^r-:t:-- +L^ .^-^:^^¿ ¡^^-r- --.^-l-l-. ^^¡:--r¡: --ll¡ç uçro¡l ouu lu¡lllot ur wçsNJ ùsr¡uu4lJ ¡çyurl uçLúlrlr.lË rrrç PruJsur rça¡u Ð.. wçs¡uJ aluuvlugsshall include, but are not limited to, accomplishments fo¡ the period, the status of the projectschedule, upcoming activities, and open issues and action items.

18.1.2. Monthly Chief Executive Sponsors Meetings

The primary purpose of the montily meeting and report is to report to the Chief ExccutiveSponsors major issues, accomplishments, upcoming Deliverables with target dates, staffingchanges and recognition, The agenda will be distributed ahead of the meeting.

19. Äcceptance

19.1, Process

All Deliverobles will have an Acceptaace form whieh r¡,ill reouire a signature form thc Citv's ProjectManager or their designee.

A formal response from the City for a Deliverablc Acccptance form will be required within five (5)business days. The five (5) business day response requirement goes into effect via an immediateacknowledgernent of receipt of the Delivcrables by the City Project Manager sr their designee .

If a change order is required, the change orderprocess as outlined in Section 17 of thc SOW will befollowed.

20. Assumptions

1,. The City will provide the number of required resources with the requisite skills as dehned in the-- ^---t:,-)rt urEr..;( I\trsulltuçs ltçL:tlult öJ uul¡rtrtru IIt ùçutlull I J ul tllt ùlJ vv.

2. Daystat will provide the number of required resources with the requisite skills as defined in theFroject Resowces section as ouilined in Section l5 of the SOlry,

3. If necessary, Daystar can provide supplemental staff,rng resources if the City cannot provide therequislte resources via a change order.

4. Daystar's project core team will be centrally lccated to ensure effecti.¡e and timely cornmunication,5. City decisions on escalated business issues and process ìssues impacting the inrplementation schetlule

mrcl hc rccnlr¡ed u¡ithin fir¡e /{l hrrcinccc ¡

6. Signoff on docurnents (e.g. requirement) are considered to be final. Any attempt to change post-signature will automatically trigger a change request.

1. Notwi¡hsrancüng anytiring herein to the conlrary, tne goal oI thls engagement ts a scven- monthproject ciuration with a continuous work effort,


8, If the City çore team is diverled by other priorities that could lead to potential project delays and/orslippage, Daystar will escalate this delay to the City Cle¡k's Chief Executive SpónsÁrs with ihe intentof avoiding any financial ímpact to theproject.

9, The SOtil and project budget are based on the seven month duration. At the end of the budgetedproject timeline, the contract may be extended by mutual agreement via a change order.

10. The City and/or Daystar will not unreasonably withhold approval (sigraturÐ of DeliverableAcknowledgments. If the City and/or Daystar do not formally respond in wriling or email within five(5) business days, the issue will be escalated to the Daystar Team and thã City Clcrk's ChiefExecutive Sponsors.

l1' In the event that the completion of a defined milestone deliverable is delayed more than 30 days, thenthe following escalation events will take place:i' Daystar will escalate and document to the City Clerk's Chief Executive Sponsors.ii' Daystar will submit a change order with an estimate of effort to complete the milestone deliverable

with all remaining works to be completed on a time and materials basis a1 a mutually agreed to rateuntil such time that the deliverable is compJeted.


A'l lautllvlÉNl r


softwar€ will be establlshEd, oafüfed, and connscl€d to lh6 0lty Clerk's lnlraslruolure.


!l Eátâb'i(sì4,Èlãllrihli óê¡lú15il|óh.bñii Èdiliir,

z. Allow lor lnt€grallon wlh Mlcrosott Actlve Dlfectory: NovÉll Dlroôtory sgfv¡ces or ányLDAPcompliant d¡reclory serulcê to allow fot adoptlon ol user slgn-on securlly,

lnclude lhê levol of control overwtrat actlvlties are eudil6d (add, delet€, modlfy,rendition, prlnt, othe0 controllod by indlvldual logons, roles and groups.


Pego I Stal€ment of Work - D€lallod Funclíonål Scope



2PFIÂ$É: I . InUrh¡t operallon'e





only høs lhe rlght to vlew the contenl lhen prinllng or

ol users, lndlvldual llles, d¡reolorlss orlndlvlduEls,





7, Systèms Admlnislralors lunctlonallly lhat can manage overãlt systgm and provids hslPoa


structur6d conlont (e.9, dâtabesê data, Mlcrosolldocumênts (c,9. Microsoft Word, WordForfocl, Acrobål FDf, llTML,

Jåvaandphotosandothsrlmeges). Dlgltal m€dlasuchasvlsual lllesshall slsobe(e.g. TIFF, PDF, JPEG, Mpeg, GlF, 8MP, RawText, Scltex, Targa, PCX,

Plot, AVl, ASC ll, BSS). The syslem will be able to work wlth large and ¡rregulèrdocuments. All êleclronic data transfershould mêel ANSI X1 2 standards.

contentc0mmonrån9ôExoel spreadsheets,



to a singie cjqcumeni numbering sysienr thai auiontailæiiy ass¡gns a urtiquenunber, ulilizing bar code lechnology, lo eaoh pager leglslallvc documenl

,nto the system and lncludss lh¡s numbat in 6n sutomâtlcaily gsneraled header,

system passed

n^ô"ñô^l lhõñdi^â ¿ lñtsko

(Transltlon Fhase)

Page 2 Statement ol Work " Delail€d FunctionBl Scope

o_ETAIIEP FUNQïONAI¡ SCqPÉ.r,',,,1 . ',lt '


.aq. lor C¡ty CouncllPapør

ut¡lizes €leclronic lorms and l€mplales to enable aulo-indexlng & €xtfscllng ol nota-toa

lor each lndEx fleld.documgnl dalâ

lvill wDrk with C¡lystâfl to dêllne oustom m6ta-



Daystar edmlnlslrators wifl h/orkClty Clerf( staf 10 dellné

r€tBnlÍon sBltings.

. Clty Clerk's staff wlllkained on lhe use of authoring

and drsft¡ng feãturêsLeglslar.

Pâge 3 Statement ol Work - Oelailed Funol¡onè¡ Scope



ð. Modilics(ldñ ôtJoumáj ihbuld bo slin!lÊ to pelom and ilol requliû,ôrtÈñslv€ clêÊiìut.






lo Wordfor use as tomplales uaefsr

to detemlne when bs

creating anof lyllowmust


Slatêr¡ent ol Work. Oota¡lBd Funollonal ScopÉPâge 4


74a proc€ss PSfSOn



a proc€ss

based on how qulckly lhe legislallve ¡lem ns€ds lo Þ9 publlshod (e.9, routlne

a process to


on d6tined rules essoci8tèd with spêclflo dooument ¡/pes, lemplâtes, stc,X ls scenn6d and exported lo lhê document managamenta documenl of

Pâge 5 Slâlem€nl ol Work - Detailed Funct¡onâl Scope

tßporl showing thê average tlme a us6f tâkesa


searohlng, folderlng, and lull-text

slaff wlll bè ablê lo publlsh publlc documantË as paft of å rules based woftltow prÞcsss. The genera¡galn laolor aooo6û to lnfomÂlion and gmalor ssamh ûnd cuotomlzatìon leatureo Ìvlll bo mado

web 1olorhe uploadW¡II tô the wsbslte.

and audlo

summ8ryvotlngdooumanl numbsrs,

Page I St¿t€ment of Work - Detailed Functional Scope

documentatlon, etc,


nálural language, clustsring, \¡¡ord synonyms'and l€xl analyllcs,

lncludlng agendas, llllnutes, vldêo ênd audlo flles and all othBr supportlng documênts,

sponsofs and provlde llnks lo

Page 7 Stat€ment of Work. Detalled Funct¡onål Scopo





7. Ruittty to export search resulls lo 8ny lilo lormã|, lncludlng but nót limlted toiword,Excel, PDF, HTML Fâw Text ând plnl results. , .

new puÞllcwlll allow lha

olbswlll wllh launctr lhelhelmpl€m€nl6dVldeo streamlngthe Councll Th6meelings,thaand of and GnnlcusLeglslar leatur€slntegratlon

should havo the look and leel of the Clerk's ì,1l6bslle.These pages


lhe wÞb and llnk stream to the mestlng minutes, agendss and other suppollngrecord endasw6bstrêam

ánd bê lsonce

to strEam

cr[,ÃrrÃhr [AÞa -àÀ lrÞ, lÀñórê Ã^d^âèlG ¿ñ.1 ehlllh, l^ h rñ \rldôñ M¡ñr rlêi

lo DVD - nol

M€dlâ Format,Tlme

and doçument ârea lhât

4, PiÉvldo a ä€á(chÈblá dalâbase for all on.demañd and archlvÉd Video/Audio content.


glven period of llma, On lhe x-axis ls ths date rsngo and oñ ths y-åxls ls the totaland tolaì overusêrs

ol the recordlng and on ìho y-axls ls the tolal numbet of vlEwersthe of lhe vídso to lhe On lhe x-exis ¡s thê tlmeMêdla Sêrvlcgs raw hlt

sesslon logs frDm lhêrenlcus MedleÖenter and from

onsltê MedieVaulls and

Hgports is a

that colleols

fl appl¡catlon.

åR lnmodiBloly,

oncc il isNOI Dê

¡ndica le stâ

Pagê I Statement ol Work - Delall€d Functional Scop€

âs olh€r appllcallons.lo

and lo

lo lhsI

exìsllng lêglslallvÊ dosum€ntslhat can bê to

2. Allo.¡vllcirrdleÒlr0ñlÊ glgnÀlqie and Þroxy slgnâture Òf documsnts.

quesllonus9rname,Stste and local

and mBel staf to

Pags g Stalêmenl ol Work . Delailed Fvnotional Scope




Page l0 Slatemgnt ol Work - D€tellêd Funotlonel Scope

create an

on th€ tloor ol thelltle and Commltt ee rclø¡al pap6r


city f€atures at this

statusitem's and editingeasy ofsyslembasweb ed assuchform, and links 1oãddlng creatlng supportlng

an item, ilem otaddlng details, notes.¡lemaddlng

Page 1.1 Statemont of Work . Detalled Funcllonaj Scope

of as

voles toselècledor fromvotesand becan m lor ilemeaohanually


ol a C¡ty Councll Commfflee Agenda PDF packet.ând/or are not


. Thls phase wlll invotve the non-Olerk staft tralnlng ln the lorm ofcommunlcatlon lool8, and handson lralnlng, The Daystar tearn wlll also

Page 12 Stâtemeni ol Work - Delâiled Functional Scope

ongoing migrationmanage the massam legacy

requirements for meta

for conversion to lhe new platform, develop the convelsion, and testand tesÌlnges


the City of Chicago (i.e. damage to vehlcle (pothole),Claims



or lnSiteForms

nts either5

ð. Êñsurêlt¡at oriline processing of leglslglivereeriillcatigns complles with âll

local and State laws.

petitigns lor Local Option Fleferelrtjur¡rs regardirrg voling prer;incis wet pr



- Advance agenda management functions will be

to oontribute advanced content to the agenda. The Clerl<'s staff .lvill be able toto allow authorized


Workflow Streamlín&


rencing legislation with corresponding meta data/numbered documentsor

staff and the at

to Iwill

statfnon-Clerk ln formthe ofThis will tralningphaseteamThehaand nds-oncommunicationrollout tools,s, training. Daystapresentation

Page 13 Statement of Work - Detaìled FunctionalScope