Agnolo Bronzino 1503 1572 (Nx Power Lite)

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Agnolo Bronzino 1503 1572 (Nx Power Lite)

The Annunciation

Christ in Limbo

Noli me tangere

Holy Family

Deposition from the Cross

Saint Andrew

Saint Bartholomeu

Saint John the Baptist

The dead Christ , the Virgin and Mary Magdalena

The Holy Family

The Holy Family with st Anne and st John the Baptist

The Holy Family

The Resurrection

Galathea and Pygmalion

Venus and Cupid

Andrea Doria dressed as Neptun

Lucrectia Panchiatichi

Eleanor de Toledo

Eleanor de Toledo

Eleanor and son

Cosimo I de Medici

Duke Cosimo I de Medici

Daughter of Cosimo I

Don Garcia

A Gentlewoman

A Sculptor

Engineer Luca Martini

Duke de Urbino

Laudomia de Medici

Young Man