Agile Testing Quadrants Explained

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Agile Testing Quadrants Explained

Developer Facing Critique Tests

Customer Facing Critique Tests

Customer Facing Support Tests

Customer Facing Support Tests

Agile Testing Quadrants Explained by @rubytester

On the left: Let’s write some tests that ‘support’ our building of product. Tests that illustrate, clarify, reassure how software should behave

*Disclaimer: Not actual tests, just an illustration

On the right: Let’s write some tests that ‘critique’ product

Test that find omissions, mistakes,

incorrect assumptions

From left to right we build tests that move from ‘support’ to ‘critique’ Let’s call this support/critique dimension tests can occupy

support critique

Who is the audience? What matters to them? How are tests different for them?

Customer Facing Tests

Developer Facing Tests

support critique

create modify


One layer of functionality that matters

Customer Facing

Many Layers For Both Customer and Developer

Developer Facing Developer Facing

Customer Facing

Developer Facing

Customer Facing

Many Layers from common, shared layer up, up, up closer to Customer World often seen by Developers as The World Of Endless Meetings, Memos and Reports

And from common, shared layer down closer to Developer World often seen by Customers as The World Of Endless lines with commas, semicolons, curly brackets, square brackets, dots and blinking lights 101011100011100011111

Beautiful Mess Of Software Testing

Customer Facing Support Tests

Customer Facing Support Tests

Developer Facing Support Tests

Customer Facing Critique Tests

Customer Facing Support Tests

Developer Facing Support Tests

Developer Facing Critique Tests

Customer Facing Critique Tests

Customer Facing Support Tests

Developer Facing Support Tests

Agile Testing Quadrants Explained by @rubytester

Developer Facing Critique Tests

Customer Facing Critique Tests

Customer Facing Support Tests

Developer Facing Support Tests

As seen in ‘Agile Testing: The Book’ by Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory

Agile Testing Quadrants Explained by @rubytester