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Agenda - Webinar 28 Nov 2016

• 14:00-14:05: Introduction

• 14:05-14:50: Horizon 2020 periodic reporting:

– 14:05-14:20: Technical

– 14:20-14:50: Financial

• 14:50-15:10: Periodic Reviews

• 15:10-15:45: BBI-JU specific annual reporting: IKOP & KPIs

• 15:45-16:00: Additional info & next steps




Project Manager BBI JU

Reporting – periodic vs. annual

Operating under Horizon 2020 (EC)

→ Periodic Reporting as indicated in the GA

(1) Scientific & Impact Report (technical report)

(2) Financial report

- Individual financial statement from each beneficiary

- Explanation of the use of resources


Execution of all tasks arising from Council Regulation

establishing BBI JU → Annual reporting

(1) BBI-specific Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

(2) In-kind (IKOP)* & in cash contribution (reporting to BBI JU),

additional investments (reporting to BIC)

Webinar process

• Purpose


• gives feedback, based on your reporting-related questions

• collects remaining / unsolved questions

– Focus on general Q&A, not project-specific issues

• Each agenda point: 2 parts

1. Presentation by BBI JU (Powerpoint)

2. Q&A session, based on questions received via the Chat function


How to use the chat function?

• One-way system

– Every participant can ask questions to the

presenter in real time

– You don’t see names or questions from other


• Chat questions will be answered:

– During the presentation

– After each presentation, during the Q&A session

– After the webinar (via e.g. updated FAQ for

coordinators) 5

Agenda - Webinar 28 Nov 2016

• 14:00-14:05: Introduction

• 14:05-14:50: Horizon 2020 periodic reporting:

– 14:05-14:20: Technical

– 14:20-14:50: Financial

• 14:50-15:10: Periodic Reviews

• 15:10-15:45: BBI-JU specific annual reporting: IKOP & KPIs

• 15:45-16:00: Additional info & next steps


Periodic Reporting - Technical


Project Manager BBI JU

Reporting / review / payment cycle



• Period X (12-18months)

• Project consortium carries out work as described in DoA

• The coordinator submits deliverables and milestones (“continuous monitoring / reporting”)

2 • Reporting (Periodic and final)

• Coordinator submits report(s) (60 days after end of PX)

3a • Review (OPTIONAL)

• External experts review PX report & deliverables

3b • Assessment of PX by BBI JU

• Q&A, resubmission of updated PX report / deliverables possible

4 • Payment (BBI JU pays to the coordinator). The coordinator must distribute the

payments between beneficiaries

Periodic reporting

• Similar to Horizon 2020

BBI JU uses the H2020

template for periodic reporting,

available on the Participant


• Periodic report structure

– Periodic technical report (Part A & B)

– Periodic financial report


Technical, Part A - Structure

0. Cover page

1. Summary for publication

2. Deliverables

3. Milestones

4. Ethical issues (if applicable)

5. Risks & mitigation actions

6. Dissemination & exploitation

7. (Impact on SMEs)

8. (Open Research data)

9. Gender 10

The template


additional info on

how to complete

each heading =>

please read the


Technical, Part A - Structure

0. Cover page

1. Summary for publication

2. Deliverables

3. Milestones

4. Ethical issues (if applicable)

5. Risks & mitigation actions

6. Dissemination & exploitation

7. (Impact on SMEs)

8. (Open Research data)

9. Gender 11

Green bold items:

• (Partially) pre-

filled, based on

data gathered via

GA, deliverables

and milestones...

• ...but additional

info and/or

justifications are

required (e.g.late



Technical, Part A – Tips & tricks

0. Cover page

1. Summary for publication

2. Deliverables

3. Milestones

4. Ethical issues (if applicable)

5. Risks & mitigation actions

6. Dissemination & exploitation

7. (Impact on SMEs)

8. (Open Research data)

9. Gender 12

Focus on a (broad)

target audience; this text

will be published!

Explain / justify delays

and modifications; give

BBI JU as well as external

reviewers enough info to

assess DoA changes

Use the periodic report as

an opportunity to reassess

risks + update the risk &

mitigation measures

• General

– The “narrative part”

– To be uploaded as a PDF document ( Part

A: ‘structured’ in Sygma)

• Content

– Explanations of the work carried out by the

beneficiaries during the reporting period

– Please use structure of Part B Periodic

Technical report


Technical, Part B - overview

1. Work carried out + overview of


2. Update of exploitation and

dissemination plan(1)

3. Update of data management


4. Follow-up of recommendations

and comments from previous


5. Deviations from Annex 1 and

Annex 2(1) 14

Technical, Part B - Structure

“No page limit

per work

package but

report shall be

concise and

readable. Any


should be


1. Work carried out + overview of


2. Update of exploitation and

dissemination plan(1)

3. Update of data management


4. Follow-up of recommendations

and comments from previous


5. Deviations from Annex 1 and

Annex 2(1) 15

Technical, Part B - Content

(1) =if applicable

Part B uses a


approach (= how

different are the


activities from the


described in the


1. Work carried out + overview of


2. Update of exploitation and

dissemination plan(1)

3. Update of data management


4. Follow-up of recommendations

and comments from previous


5. Deviations from Annex 1 and

Annex 2(1) 16

Technical, Part B – Tips & tricks

Part A, point 6:


dissemination &


activities that were

carried out

Provide enough

information so that

BBI JU / review

experts can assess

your work

Periodic Reporting - Technical


Agenda - Webinar 28 Nov 2016

• 14:00-14:05: Introduction

• 14:05-14:50: Horizon 2020 periodic reporting:

– 14:05-14:20: Technical

– 14:20-14:50: Financial

• 14:50-15:10: Periodic Reviews

• 15:10-15:45: BBI-JU specific annual reporting: IKOP & KPIs

• 15:45-16:00: Additional info & next steps


Periodic Reporting - Financial


Head of Administration & Finance


• Categories of costs

• Personnel costs

• Other direct costs

• Sub-contracting and third parties

• Participants’ guarantee fund

• Certificates and audits

• Ineligible costs

• Payment modalities

H2020 financial rules

One set of rules for all actions, introduction of simplification


o All rules and guidelines included in the H2020 ANGA

o Electronic submission of periodic/final reports,


o Reduced number of cost categories, reimbursement

rates, indirect costs type, CFS

o Wider acceptance of accounting practices of the


o Confirmation of effective measures foreseen in FP7

(guarantee fund)

Eligible costs (Art. 6 of the GA)

• Actual costs

– Incurred by the beneficiary

– During the reporting period

– Indicated in the estimated budget

– Incurred in connection with the action

– Identifiable and verifiable

– Comply with national law

– Reasonable (sound financial management)


• Costs actually incurred, identifiable and verifiable, recorded in the accounts, etc.

• NEW: non-deductible VAT paid is also eligible

Actual costs

• A fixed amount per unit determined by the Commission Example: SME owners' unit cost

• For average personnel cost (based on the usual accounting practices – with or without COMUC)

Unit costs

• A percentage to be calculated on the eligible costs

Example: 25 % flat rate for indirect costs Flat rate

Categories of costs

Budget categories and forms of


Personnel costs

• Standard case: persons hired by the beneficiary via an employment contract (quaified as such under national law)

• Other cases:

– Employees of a third party seconded to the beneficiary (must be set in Annex 1!)

– Natural persons hired directly via a contract other than an employment contract if:

They work under hierarchical dependence within the beneficiary structure and (in general) work at the beneficiary's premises

The result of the work belongs to the beneficiary

The costs are similar than those of an employee of the beneficiary with similar tasks

Personnel costs

other type of costs related to staff:

• Under other goods and services:

– Contracts with interim companies

– Natural persons working autonomously


– Natural persons paid for deliverables and not

on the basis of working time

• Subcontract

– Certain type of contracts (i.e. “Italian contracts”)

Staff related costs:

• Teleworking: yes

• In kind benefits: yes

• Recruitment costs: no (indirect costs)

• Remuneration of students: yes

• Parental leave: yes

• Costs of public offcials: yes

• Supplemetary contract: yes if usual practice and authorised by the law

Always if conditions of art. 6 are met!

Calculation of personnel costs

• Personnel costs = (hours worked X hourly rate) + additional remuneration (only for non-profit)

• Hourly rate calculated: 1. Actual costs = annual personnel costs/annual

productive hours

2. Unit costs = Average personnel costs, as defined in the beneficiaries usual accounting practice (or methodology)

3. Unit cost = defined by the EC for SMEs owners not receiving a salary

Tips: • The hourly rate is to be calculated per financial year • If the financial year is not closed at the time of reporting, the beneficiary

must use the last closed financial year available. • Beneficiaries adviced to keep timesheet

Calculation of personnel costs

• Annual productive hours: – 1720 hours: you must use this option if the

employment contract does not specify the working

time conditions or if the "annual workable hours"

cannot be determined (advised to use this option)

– Individual annual productive hours: Formula:

annual workable hours + overtime - absences

– Standard annual productive hours: According to

the beneficiary's usual accounting practices. Minimum

threshold: annual productive hours ≥ 90 % of the

standard annual workable hours

Other direct costs

• Travel costs and subsistence allowance

• Equipment costs (depreciation)

• Consumables

• Dissemination costs

• CFS (!)

• Translation costs

• IPR costs

• Others

Tip: justify the main cost items included in this category

• VAT:

– Non deductible VAT is an eligible cost

– Deductible VAT is not eligible

• Bank fees:

– For transfers from BBI are not eligible costs

– For transfer from COO to beneficairies are eligible costs

• Kick off meeting travel costs are eligible? Yes, but the

meeting has to take place during the project (not before)

• Lease costs are eligible under other direct costs

Other direct costs

Exchange rate provisions

• If beneficiaries accounts are in €:

– For purchases in other currencies conversion into

Euros according to its usual accounting practice

• If beneficiary’s accounts are in another currency:

– Average of the daily exchange rates published in the

Official Journal of the EU calculated over the reporting


Tip: use the editable charts on the website of the European Central Bank at:

H2020 sub-contracting

Identified in DoA as action task

Subcontract not foreseen in DoA is in principle not eligible

Based on business conditions

Best value for money (no specific procedure)

No supervision of the beneficiary

Subcontractor has no rights vis-à-vis BBI, but can be



• Treat sub-contracting as you would do in your usual practice

• Contact your PO in case you want to include unforeseen sub-contracting

Third parties

• What is a third party?

– A legal entity which carries out work of the action, supplies

goods or provide services for the action, but which did not sign

the grant agreement

• What types of third parties?

– Third parties directly carrying out part of the work described in

Annex 1 (linked third parties, sub-contactors)

– Other third parties providing resources, goods or services to the

beneficiaries for them to carry out the work described in DoA

(contractors, in kind contributors)

Tip: Third parties have the same reporting obligation as beneficiaries (financial statement)

Types of third parties


Does work of the action

Provides resources or services

What is eligible?

Must be indicated

in Annex 1

Indirect costs

Selecting the third party


Linked third party

YES NO Costs YES YES Must be affiliated or have a legal link

Article 14

Subcontractors YES NO Price YES NO Best value for money, avoid conflict of interest

Article 13

Third party providing

in-kind contributions

NO YES Costs YES YES Not used to circumvent the rules

Articles 11 and 12

Contractors NO YES Price NO YES Best value for money, avoid conflict of interest

Article 10

Tip: Contact your Project officer for an informal opinion

Third parties

Participants’ guarantee fund

• Aims at covering the financial risks during the

implementation of the project.

• Intervenes

– if a beneficiary does not reimburse any requested amount to

the consortium or to the BBI and

– if the consortium accepts to continue the project at the same

conditions without this beneficiary

• An equivalent amount will be transferred to the

coordinator to allow for the continuation of the project.

• Amount not limited to the 5% contribution

Tips: • Immediately react about possible financial risks with a beneficiary • Keep track precisely about how the pre-financing and the EU funds have been

distributed among the beneficiaries

Certificates and ex post audits

• Certificate on the financial statements: Only for final payments (EU contribution>325,000€)

• Certificate on the methodology: Optional for average personnel costs (now under unit costs)

• Ex post audits can be carried out by the European commission or by external audit companies in any moment up to 2 years after the payment of the balance.

• If systemic errors (recurrent errors, irregularities, fraud or breach of obligations) are detected, the correction will be extended to other GAs under H2020

Ineligible costs

• Identifiable taxes and duties • Deductible VAT • Interest owed • Provisions for possible future losses/charges • Exchange losses • Bank charges (for PF/PP transfer from BBI) • Excessive or reckless expenditure • Costs reimbursed in respect of any other EU project • Others Tips: • Non-deductible VAT is an eligible cost (new!)

• If any doubt consult your project officer

Tips for beneficiaries

• Do not claim estimated costs, be accurate

• Do not claim budgeted costs

• Claim depreciation of goods, not full cost

• Use your current accounting practice, your usual recording system for working hours devoted to the project (timesheets always the best way to keep working time!)

• Chase best value for money (subcontracting)

• Justify exceptions (unforeseen subcontracting)

• Always contact your PO to have clarifications

Interim Payments 90 days From reception of periodic report

→ Based on financial statements (EU contribution= eligible costs approved X reimbursement rate)

→ Limit = 90 % of the maximum grant (Retention 10%)

Payment of the Balance 90 days From reception of final reports

Tips: • Take into account the impact of project reviews • Respect deadlines in providing periodic reports and answer to request

for clarifications from BBI

Periodic payment

Max Grant amount = 100

PF = 50%

Pre-financing = 45 5% for Guarantee fund

Claim period 1=50

Interim Payment=40

Claim period 2=50

Payment of the balance = 10

month 1

month 12

Month 24


ject d



Guarantee Fund

restitution = 5%

Example of calculation of interim

payment (2 rep. periods)

Max Grant amount = 100 (40+30+30)

PF = 50% of EU contrib. period 1 and 2 = 35

Pre-financing = 30 + 5 (5% for Guarantee fund)

Claim period 1=60

Interim Payment=55

Claim period 3=20

Payment of the balance = 10

month 1

month 12

month 24


ject d



Guarantee Fund

restitution = 5%

month 36

Claim period 2=30

Interim Payment=0

Example of calculation of interim

payment (3 rep. periods)

Periodic Reporting - Financial


Agenda - Webinar 28 Nov 2016

• 14:00-14:05: Introduction

• 14:05-14:50: Horizon 2020 periodic reporting:

– 14:05-14:20: Technical

– 14:20-14:50: Financial

• 14:50-15:10: Periodic Reviews

• 15:10-15:45: BBI-JU specific annual reporting: KPIs & IKOP

• 15:45-16:00: Additional info & next steps


Periodic Reviews


Project Manager BBI JU

Reporting / review / payment cycle



• Period X (12-18months)

• Project consortium carries out work as described in DoA

• The coordinator submits deliverables and milestones (“continuous monitoring / reporting”)

2 • Reporting (Periodic and final)

• Coordinator submits report(s) (60 days after end of PX)

3a • Review (OPTIONAL)

• External experts review PX report & deliverables

3b • Assessment of PX by BBI JU

• Q&A, resubmission of updated PX report / deliverables possible

4 • Payment (BBI JU pays to the coordinator). The coordinator must distribute the

payments between beneficiaries

Purpose of reviews

• To provide additional information for...

– BBI JU, to assess periodic reports,

deliverables & milestones

– Projects (additional input ~ ‘external advisory


• Looking...

– Back: check progress made during the past


– Forward: streamline, (re)focus,...


Frequency of reviews

• Reviews are ‘optional’

• After 1st period(ic report)

– Common practice in Horizon 2020

– Also used by BBI JU for ALL its projects...

– your project is not ‘under surveillance’ / at risk because a review has been organised

• Additional reviews?

– Depending on results of past reviews...

– ...and submitted deliverables, periodic asessments,...


Review participants

• Project representatives

– Typically coordinator & WP leaders...

– ...but other relevant representatives are possible

– Main question: “who can (best) answer questions about activities during past period?”

• 1-3 review experts

– External (no link / CoI with consortia)

– Experts in their field (scientific, business,...)

• BBI JU (moderation / facilitation / time-keeping)


Review process

• Review expert selection

– Suggestions (with no CoI) asked from consortia

– Experts pre-selected by BBI JU are double-

checked with consortia (no commercial CoI)

– Final selection by BBI JU

• Selected reviewer(s) write individual review


• Review meeting (see next slide)

• Reviewers write consolidated review report


Review meetings: 0,5+1+0,5 days

• Day 1 (optional; PM only)

– BBI JU & reviewers

– Compare notes / individual reviews, prepare questions

• Day 2 (AM+PM)

– Project representatives, reviewers & BBI JU

– Presentations, ask questions, moderate

• Day 3 (optional; AM only)

– BBI JU & reviewers

– Prepare draft consolidated review report


Typical agenda for ‘Day 2’

• 9:00-17:30

• Presentation + Q&A

– Per WP or per combination of WPs

– BBI JU: time-keeping & moderator role

• Discussed beforehand between BBI JU and coordinator:

– Agenda & participants

– Presentation format (=> similar type of presentation for all WPs + reviewers know what to expect)


What happens after meetings?

• Consolidated review report

– Written by the review expert(s)

– Provided to the consortium

– Used by BBI JU as an additional input for the periodic assessment

• Additional questions (if any)

– Will be asked to the consortium

– Reworked deliverables and/or periodic report might be necessary

• BBI JU assessment is finalised

• Next payment 53

Tips & tricks for reviewers

• Make a distinction between essentials & ‘nice to haves’

– If essential changes are needed: amendment?

– ‘Nice to haves’ can (but not always) add value

• Put yourself in the position of the consortium

– What type of input would add value, moving forward?

– Be / write in a constructive way

– Highlight elements relevant for both BBI JU and the consortium 54

Reporting / review / payment cycle



• Period X (12-18months)

• Project consortium carries out work as described in DoA

• The coordinator submits deliverables and milestones (“continuous monitoring / reporting”)

2 • Reporting (Periodic and final)

• Coordinator submits report(s) (60 days after end of PX)

3a • Review (OPTIONAL)

• External experts review PX report & deliverables

3b • Assessment of PX by BBI JU

• Q&A, resubmission of updated PX report / deliverables possible

4 • Payment (BBI JU pays to the coordinator). The coordinator must distribute the

payments between beneficiaries

Periodic Reviews


Agenda - Webinar 28 Nov 2016

• 14:00-14:05: Introduction

• 14:05-14:50: Horizon 2020 periodic reporting:

– 14:05-14:20: Technical

– 14:20-14:50: Financial

• 14:50-15:10: Periodic Reviews

• 15:10-15:45: BBI-JU specific annual reporting: IKOP & KPIs

• 15:45-16:00: Additional info & next steps


Annual reporting

IKOP (‘in kind’)


Legal Manager BBI JU


1.IKOP = costs incurred in the implementation of

the action but not funded by BBI JU



1. Based on eligible cost (=H2020 model)

2. Annual estimation(questionnaire)

3. Certification at the end of the project (CFS)

3.BBI JU monitors the leverage of private


IKOP – ‘in kind’

Name Participant Project Estimated value IKOP 2016

Annual reporting



Project Manager BBI JU

Project annual reporting


• All consortia of BBI projects will be

asked to report on the KPIs on an

annual basis by completing

a questionnaire

• In Feb 2016, a first draft of this

questionnaire was discussed with

representatives from the 10 Call 2014 projects

• Input KPI questionnaire will be sent to all coordinators in

Nov of each year. The coordinators will have at least

three weeks to complete the questionnaire (announced

in FAQ for coordinators)


• 21 November 2016: ‘KPI Questionnaire’ sent to the consortia of 36 running projects along with an accompanying document (email including KPI and IKOP questionnaires and explanations)

• 12 January 2017: Deadline for submitting your (=project specific) input back to the BBI JU (use this address:

• Please submit your feedback on time


KPI questionnaire (2016)

- Schedule -

Time to respond:

more than 3 weeks

KPI questionnaire

- Objectives -

• Aims at assessing the projects’ contributions to the BBI

specific Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and expect

impacts by 2020 (socio-economic, environmental, etc.).

• The answers received via this KPI questionnaire

complement other BBI JU monitoring activities, such

as the project periodic reporting and via the deliverables

• The outcome of this questionnaire will contribute to the

BBI JU Annual Activity Report (AAR) and it is essential for

the BBI JU interim evaluation currently conducted by

external experts

• Please complete the questionnaire as good as you can

and provide high quality input to BBI JU 63

• The questionnaire includes questions addressing the

expected situation at the end of the project or by 2020

(the earliest date), assuming that the project will be


• The questions are divided in two parts:

Part I: Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Part 2: Overall impacts

• A detailed description of each of the KPIs is included

• Quantitative and qualitative questions,

with drop-down options and there is always a possibility to

provide other qualitative information and explanations

KPI questionnaire

- Structure -



KPI Questionnaire

- the Structure -

Contribution of the project towards specific research

and innovation targets of BBI JU (KPI level 2)


KPI Questionnaire

- Structure -

Part I: Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

KPI 1 New cross-sector interconnections

in BBI projects

KPI 2 New (or optimised) bio-based value chains

KPI 3 BBI Cooperation projects

KPI 4 New building blocks based on biomass of European origin

KPI 5 New bio-based materials

KPI 6 New demonstrated ‘consumer’ products based on

bio-based chemicals and materials

KPI 7 BBI Flagships projects

KPI 8: ‘TRL gain': validated technologies that fill gaps in value chains

Objectives & KPIs

BBI JU specific objectives: demonstrate

technologies; develop business models,

set up flagship biorefinery plants:

Measured at programme level

Measured at programme level

KPI Questionnaire

Part I: KPI

KPI Questionnaire

Part I: KPI

• Quantitative question (Number)

• Qualitative questions, e.g. for KPI 1

- Indicate the interconnected sectors (Agriculture, Forestry, etc.)

- Aspects in which the cross-sector interconnections are new:

(Feedstock, Technologies, Markets, Supply chain management, Regions)

Similar structure for KPI 2

KPI Questionnaire

Part I: KPI

• Quantitative question (Number)

• Qualitative questions, e.g. for KPI 4

- Provide a description

- Indicate aspects in which building blocks are new

(Feedstock, environmental, economic, product, other performance)

- Indicate quantitative estimates, if relevant and available

Similar structure for KPI 5 & KPI 6:

focus of your project?

KPI Questionnaire

Part I: KPI

• Quantitative question for the main technology:

- TRL at project start

- TRL at project end

• Qualitative questions

- Provide a short description of the transition process

from the starting to the targeted TRL


Contribution of the project towards expected impacts

of BBI (KPI level 1)


KPI Questionnaire

- Structure -

Part 2: Overall impacts


KPI Questionnaire

Part II: Overall Impact

• Four groups of potential impact (+ others)

Socio-economic impact; environmental impact; Health & safety,

Standards, regulations and policies, other impacts

• The same structure for all questions on impact

• Qualitative questions

- Provide a brief explanation

• Quantitative questions

- Indicate quantitative estimates, if relevant and available

KPI Questionnaire

Part II: Overall Impact

KPI Questionnaire

Part II: Overall Impact

• The same structure for all questions on impact

• Qualitative questions

- Provide a brief explanation

• Quantitative questions

- Indicate quantitative estimates, if relevant and available

Annual reporting



Agenda - Webinar 28 Nov 2016

• 14:00-14:05: Introduction

• 14:05-14:50: Horizon 2020 periodic reporting:

– 14:05-14:20: Technical

– 14:20-14:50: Financial

• 14:50-15:10: Periodic Reviews

• 15:10-15:45: BBI-JU specific annual reporting: IKOP & KPIs

• 15:45-16:00: Additional info & next steps


Additional information


Project Manager BBI JU

Where to find additional info?


• Annotated Model Grant Agreement (A(M)GA)

• Legal basis for BBI JU Grant Agreements (GAs)


• Participant Portal (PP), Horizon 2020’s IT portal

• BBI JU follows (most) H2020 rules => PP is relevant!


• BBI JU documents (e.g. FAQ for coordinators)

• Your Project Officer (PO)





amga_en.pdf (recent update: v2.2 dd. 25/11/2016)

• GA structure + ‘notes’

– More than ‘just’ a legal document, many

examples, explanations,...

– Link with reporting, e.g. v2.1 (dd. 01/07/2016)

included an “Update of the explanations on

Article 18 regarding time records; including a

model of time-sheet with the minimum

requirements.” 80

PP – H2020 online manual


Most relevant info

for periodic reports

and reviews...

...but please also check out

the ‘How to’ button (more

IT-related guidelines /

manuals, incl. screenshots)

PP – H2020 online manual


PP – H2020 online manual


BBI JU documents

• FAQ for coordinators

– Current version: v1.4 dd. 21/09/2016

– Includes BBI JU-specific info on e.g. reporting

and reviews, including links to other sources

(like the PP)

• Explanation to KPI questionnaire (cf. e-mail


• New documents or updates: based on

your needs!


Additional information


Next steps?


– Investigate remaining questions

– Update ‘FAQ for coordinators’

• Project consortia

– (Re-)read:

• Updated FAQ for coordinators

• ‘Additional information’ sources

– E-mail your BBI JU Project Officer for project-

specific questions


Do you have BBI expertise?

• Please consider registering as an expert on the Participant Portal (PP)

– BBI = broad field => different expertise needed!


– As a BBI JU evaluator or reviewer, you’ll gain valuable BBI JU / H2020 insights...

• Better reviewers =

– Better follow-up of projects

– BBI JU’s objectives are reached


Webinar 28 November 2016

Thank you for your attention &
