African Life. Henna painting Grains for sale in the market.

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Transcript of African Life. Henna painting Grains for sale in the market.

African Life

Henna painting

Grains for sale in the market.

Young boy with castanets


Dried dates and figs

Dried fruits in a market

Dyed yarn

Gabon Viper

Green Mamba Snake

Herbal Doctor on a cell phone

Maasai woman in KenyaMany Massai women wear elaborate clothing and body decorations.

Maasai woman in KenyaThe Maasai are a largely traditional cattle herding people who live on the grasslands of Africa.

Massai men in KenyaThe Massai tribe is famous for its fierce warriors.

McDonalds in Morocco


These are the largest birds in the world. They can stand almost eight feet tall and weigh well over 300 pounds.

Painted design on tree

Walled City

Rug weaver at work

Stork nest on a roof

Two means of transportation

Water seller in traditional costume

Woman carrying vegetables on her head in Africa

Woman covering her body in a traditional black haik

Traditional gold-mining Pounding millet with mortar and pestle

Feeding the family's sheep

Fetching water

Basketweaver Drawing water at the village well

Seer preparing a divination ceremony

Millet beer brewers

Fulani woman selling milk

Fishing Huts



Mt. Kilimanjaro on the Equator


Diamond Mine in Kimberely

Diamond Mine in Botswana