African American Soldiers in the civil war

Post on 09-May-2015

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This is a breif introduction to the history of slavery and the black soldiers who fought in the civil war.

Transcript of African American Soldiers in the civil war

African American soldiers in the civil African American soldiers in the civil warwar


• Bottom Rail On Top * Inequalities Facing Black Troops

• History of Slavery In American Part 1 * Black Soldiers of the Confederacy

• History of Slavery In American Part 2 * Concept Map

• A Soldiers Response * Resources

• Resolved

• Recruitment Posters

• The Impact

• The 54th Massachusetts

• It did not falter, the 54th

• Sergeant William Carney

• The Impact of the 54th

“Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letters, ‘U.S., let him get an eagle on his buttons and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pocket, and there is no power on earth which can deny that he has earned the right to citizenship in the United States.”

-Frederick Douglass(1818-1895)


1517- the trans-Atlantic slave trade begins1619- Twenty African slaves arrive in

Jamestown, Virginia.1641- Massachusetts becomes the first

colony to legalize slavery. Other colonies would soon follow.

1688- Pennsylvania Quakers pass an anti-slavery resolution.

1739- The Stono Rebellion.


1775- First abolitionist society is organized

1804- Underground Railroad established1820- Missouri Compromise1831- Nat Turner’s Rebellion1850- Fugitive Slave Law enacted1854- Kansas-Nebraska act1857- Dred Scott Decision1859- John Brown’s act on Harpers Ferry1863- Emancipation Proclamation1865- The 13th Amendment



Abolitionists had been pressing to put blacks into battle since the first shots were fired.

Congress authorized their recruitment in 1862Abraham Lincoln’s

Emancipation Proclamation urged it.It took a full year for the blacks to put on blue

coats and serve under white officers.


Recruitment Posters

Recruitment Posters 1

Recruitment Posters 2


This was published in the year 1863. It called upon all blacks to rise up and fight for the union. It promised protection and pay which was very appealing.


Notice use of Valor and Heroism and how it applies to the cause.


The victory at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana by black soldiers changed the attitude and behavior expressed by many white soldiers.

Blacks made up one tenth of the northern army by the end of the war.

185,000 blacks wore Union blue, twice that of Lee’s army at Gettysburg.

The 54th Massachusetts at Fort Wagner, South Carolina.


Six hundred black men assaulted a Confederate position at Fort Wagner, South Carolina in an effort to take Charleston.

More than 40 percent did not return.The battle was seen as the biggest act of

bravery and courage by any African American infantry during the war.


Assault on Fort Wagner, South Carolina on July 18th 1863

Robert G. Shaw, commander of 54th Massachusetts Regiment


When the color bearer fell and the order to withdraw was given, Sergeant William Carney seized the colors and made it back to his lines despite bullets in the head, chest, right arm, and leg.

It took thirty-seven years for Sergeant Carney to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor.




Restricted to menial military tasks.Their officers were almost all white.No black soldier was allowed to raise

above captain.Paid ten dollars a month, three dollars less

than white soldiers.Several regiments served without pay.The issued clothing was susceptible to

severe weather.Poster


A cartoon depicting black soldiers in the war.





Concept Map


Main Index Slide

Slide 1:Bottom Rail on


Slide 2:Timeline 1:

History of Slavery In American

Slide 3:Timeline 2: Continued

Slide 4: A Soldiers


Slide 8:The 54th


Slide 9:It did not falter, the


Slide 10: Sergent William Carney

Slide 11:Impact of the 54th

Slide 13:Black Soldiers

of the Confederacy

Slide 14:Concept


Slide 15:Resources

Slide 5:Resloved

Slide 6:Recruitment


United Streaming Video Clip

Poster 1 Poster 2

Slide 7:The


Pictures of the 54th

Slide 12:Inequalities

Facing Black


Resentment Facing Black


Title SlideAfrican

American Soldiers in

the Civl War

ResourcesGoogle Images“The Civil War” By. Ken BurnsUnited StreamingInspiration
