AfricaHOPE 2012

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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AfricaHOPE is a ministry of New Mission Systems International.

Transcript of AfricaHOPE 2012

Transforming lives through truth and hope

Empowering local churches

Five projects creating a holistic approach

Community development projects and evangelism

Church Ministry

Training and discipling local leaders

Planting churches in remote communities

Promoting reconciliation, unity and community

Alongside families, caring for needs of orphans

Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Empowering communities to support caregivers

Enhancing nutrition in village communities

Health Development

Reducing prevalence of childhood diseases

Increasing maternal health among the Maasai

Improving practices of environmental health

Food and WaterSecurity

Partnering with communities for water access

Training to purify and conserve water

to insure sufficient and stable food supplies

Providing famine relief in times of drought


Improving quality of education in local schools

improving attendance and drop-out rates

Providing scholarships to those in need

Five programs to empower the local church

Short-term projects: offered throughout the year

Long-term: agriculture, accounting and business

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