AFRICA IN FERMENTO · AFRICA IN FERMENTO 5 IV Conferenza ASAI Call for Panels Africa in fermento....

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Transcript of AFRICA IN FERMENTO · AFRICA IN FERMENTO 5 IV Conferenza ASAI Call for Panels Africa in fermento....


Associazione per gli Studi Africani in Italia (ASAI)

The Association of African Studies in Italy (ASAI) aims to be the privileged site for African studies in Italy, within the framework of a dynamic and conscious interaction with Africa and the Africans. The main goal of the Association is to promote interaction and cultural exchange among national and international scholars through an interdisciplinary perspective. The Association promotes meetings and seminars. Every two years, ASAI conveys the Conference on African Studies in Italy. ASAI supports the creation of research networks and the divulgation of scientific research on African issues. The Association encourages the debate on how to promote the study of Africa and African issues within the Italian university, devoting particular attention to the creation of research networks with African institutions and the consolidation of the European dimension of the Italian research system. The Association is committed to enhance its members’ skills by promoting the publication of valuable works and encouraging connections with other scholars all over the world. Particular attention is devoted to innovative research undertaken by PhD students.



PRESIDENTEFederico Cresti, Università di Catania

VICE-PRESIDENTECorrado Tornimbeni, Università di Bologna

CONSIGLIERILivia Apa, Università di Napoli-“L’Orientale”

Pino Schirripa, Università di Roma-“La Sapienza”Isabella Soi, Università di Cagliari

SEGRETERIADaniela Melfa, Università di Catania

Alessia Melcangi, Università di Catania

TESORIEREGiuseppe Maimone, Università di Catania

Consiglio Direttivo ASAI 2015-2016


Programma / Timetable Pag. 2 Call for Panels Italiano 5 English 7 Français 9 Keynote Speakers Allison Drew 11 Abdarahmane Ngaïdé 13 Dena Freeman 15 Tavola rotonda / Round Table 17

Proiezione / ScreeningLe jardin d’Ewald 18

Evento collaterale / Side EventConcerto di Fatoumata Diawara 19 Elenco dei Panels / List of Panels 20 Elenco dei partecipanti / List of Participants 65

Indice / Index


Giovedì 22 settembre 2016Thursday 22 September 2016

8.30-9.00 Apertura registrazione / Opening Registration

9.00 Sala ConferenzeApertura della Conferenza / Opening Address

Giacomo Pignataro, Rettore Università di CataniaGiuseppe Barone, Direttore DSPSFederico Cresti, Presidente ASAI

9.30-10.30 Sala ConferenzeAllison DREW (Centre for African Studies-University of

Cape Town & University of York) Is Africa the continent of conflict or

the continent of struggle?Introduce Stefano Bellucci

10.30-11.00 Pausa caffè / Coffee Break

11.00-13.00 Panels

14.00-16.30 Panels

16.30-17.00 Pausa caffè / Coffee Break

17.00-19.00 Sala ConferenzeTavola rotonda

Libertà di ricerca a rischio: riflessioni a seguito dell’omicidio di Giulio Regeni

Intervengono Maria Cristina Ercolessi, Cristiana Fiamingo, Luca Jourdan, Francesco Correale,

Daniela Pioppi, Nicola MelisPresiede Federico Cresti

20.00 Cena sociale / Conference Dinner

21.30 Cortile Platamone – Via Vitt. Emanuele II 121Proiezione di Le jardin d’Ewald, di Alexandra Pille

Introduce Giuseppe MaimoneSarà presente la regista

Programma / Timetable


Venerdì 23 settembre 2016Friday 23 September 2016

9.15-10.15 Sala ConferenzeAbdarahmane NGAÏDÉ (UCAD-

Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar)Sécurité, démocratie et développement en temps de

globalisation de la violence.Les Africains de l’ouest face à leurs « nouvelles » responsabilités

Introduce Daniela Melfa

10.15-10.45 Pausa caffè / Coffee Break

10.45-13.15 Panels

14.15-16.00 Panels

16.00-16.15 Pausa caffè / Coffee Break

16.15-18.00 Panels

18.00-19.30 Sala ConferenzeAssemblea dei soci / Members Meeting

21.15Evento collaterale / Side Event

Concerto di FATOUMATA DIAWARA Cortile Platamone – Via Landolina 5

Evento promosso dall’AME-Associazione

Musicale Etnea

Programma / Timetable


Sabato 24 settembre 2016Saturday 24 September 2016

9.15-11.00 Panels

11.00-11.30 Pausa caffè / Coffee Break

11.30-12.30 Sala ConferenzeDena FREEMAN (LSE-London School of Economics and Political Science)

The role of religion in economic change in neoliberal Africa

Introduce Pino Schirripa

12.30-13.30 Sala ConferenzeFederico CRESTI (Presidente di ASAI)

La biblioteca dell’Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente (IsIAO) e l’africanistica italiana:

una battaglia dell’ASAI negli ultimi due anni

Conclusioni / Concluding Remarks

Programma / Timetable


IV Conferenza ASAICall for Panels

Africa in fermento. Conflitti, modernità, religioni

I recenti sviluppi politico-economici del continente africano hanno spesso guadagnato gli onori delle cronache. È questo il caso, tra i tanti, delle crisi in Libia, Mali, Nigeria, Repubblica Centroafricana e Somalia (accomunate dalla veste religiosa del conflitto), così come dei violenti scontri sociali in Sudafrica. È anche il caso delle grandi accelerazioni economico-produttive conosciute da economie emergenti come quelle dell’Etiopia, dell’Angola o del Ghana con i complessi interrogativi che pongono sul loro costo umano e sociale. Di fronte a questi processi tutti i tentativi di definizione univoca dell’Africa si sono trovati regolarmente di fronte un continente estremamente diversificato e impossibile da comprendere usando una sola formula. Ciò ha diffuso, anche in ambiti extra-accademici, la consapevolezza della complessità delle dinamiche in atto nel continente e delle profonde differenze in esso esistenti. Oggi si guarda all’Africa sempre più come a un continente in fermento e in continuo cambiamento, nonostante il perdurare di crisi e conflitti che a volte spingono occhi poco attenti a liquidarlo ancora come un mondo senza speranza. Crisi, tensioni e conflitti, spesso risultato di processi storici, economici e culturali di più lunga durata, sono a loro volta in continua evoluzione e cambiano nella loro forma, nella loro portata e nelle loro conseguenze. In particolare si assiste ad una crescente visibilità politica dell’elemento religioso sia come fattore conflittuale che normativo, uno sviluppo questo che, a sua volta, mette seriamente in discussione nozioni di secolarità e modernità come categorie interpretative della politica. L’Associazione per gli Studi Africani in Italia (ASAI), creata nel 2011 con l’obiettivo di divenire luogo privilegiato degli studi africani in Italia, organizza presso l’Università di Catania la sua IV Conferenza biennale. La conferenza si propone di esaminare le vicende e le prospettive di un continente dinamico e di indagare le strategie e gli elementi che caratterizzano la contemporaneità in Africa, leggendo, dal punto di vista della ricerca scientifica,


in che termini il perdurare e l’evoluzione di conflitti, le complesse e spesso imprevedibili declinazioni della modernità, e le varie forme assunte dai fenomeni religiosi si concretizzino e interagiscano.

La conferenza intende analizzare e approfondire queste dinamiche con un approccio interdisciplinare, nella speranza di contribuire anche al rinnovamento e al potenziamento delle relazioni fra l’Italia e i Paesi africani nel mutuo interesse e in un contesto di effettivo partenariato.

In tale prospettiva alcune linee tematiche generali che vengono incoraggiate sono:• Conflitti sociali e politici• Costruzione ed immaginazione di comunità• Sistemi giuridici e consenso sociale• Welfare, risorse e competizione sociale• Marginalità sociale e conflittualità politico-religiosa• Modernizzazione della politica e modernizzazione del

conflitto• Globalizzazione e appartenenze religiose• Diaspore e radicalizzazione della politica• Spazi economici e spazi religiosi• Comunicazione e rappresentazione del conflitto• Lingue scritte e parlate, nuovi media, letteratura,

fenomeni musicali e cinema nei paesi d’origine e nella diaspora.


Ebullient Africa: Conflict, Modernity, Religion

Recent political and economic developments in Africa have often hit the headlines: such as the crises in Libya, Mali, Nigeria, the Central African Republic and Somalia (all conflicts in which religion has played a large part) and the violent social clashes in South Africa. Also in the news have been stories on the great acceleration of economic growth and production capacity in emerging economies, including Ethiopia, Angola and Ghana, with the attendant set of human and social costs.

Confronted with these events, all univocal attempts to define Africa have struggled in the face of the reality of an extremely disparate continent that cannot be understood by using one single formula. This has led to an acknowledgement, inside and outside academic circles, of the complexity of the dynamics at play in the African continent and of the profound differences that they encompass. Today, Africa is increasingly viewed as a continent in quest of new challenges, undergoing continuous change, even though, to less discerning observers, the ongoing crises and conflicts can serve to confirm their dismissive view of a world without hope. Crises, tensions and conflict, often the product of more long-term historical, economic and cultural processes, are, in turn, subject to continuous evolution as they change in contour and scope, and lead to different consequences. In particular, we are witnessing how the religious element is gaining momentum and increasing in political visibility, both in terms of creating and addressing conflicts; this development has, for its part, placed in serious doubt notions of secularism and modernity as elements in the interpretative categorisation of politics. The Association for African Studies in Italy (ASAI), founded in 2011 with the purpose of becoming a dedicated forum for African studies in Italy, is organizing its 4th biennial conference at the University of Catania. The conference aims to examine the stories and perspectives of a dynamic continent, and to look into the strategies and characteristics that define contemporary Africa,

4th ASAI ConferenceCall for Panels


by exploring, from an academic research standpoint, the interrelation between various factors, such as the length and evolution of conflicts, complex and often unpredictable modern trends and multifaceted religious phenomena, and the ways in which they come about.

The Conference intends to analyse the dynamics behind these developments through an interdisciplinary approach, in the hope that it can also contribute towards a renewal and strengthening of relations between Italy and African nations in a spirit of mutual interest and in the context of establishing an effective partnership.

In light of the above, a few general themes have been identified, which participants are encouraged to consider:• Political and social conflict• Community-building and projection• Legal systems and social consensus• Social welfare, resources and competition• Social marginalisation and political/religious conflict• Modern trends in politics and conflict• Globalisation and religious affiliations• Diasporas and political radicalisation• Economic and religious spaces• How conflict is reported and represented• Written and spoken languages, new media, literature,

musical events, films made locally and in the context of the diaspora.


Afrique en ébullition. Conflits, modernité, religions

Les événements politiques et économiques africains ont rencontré dans une période récente les faveurs de la presse : c’est le cas, entre autres, des crises en Libye, Mali, Nigéria, République Centrafricaine et Somalie (qui ont en commun les aspects religieux du conflit), ainsi que des affrontements sociaux violents dans l’Afrique du Sud. C’est le cas, aussi, des grandes accélérations économiques que des pays tels que l’Ethiopie, l’Angola ou bien le Ghana ont connu, avec les interrogations que l’on se pose sur leurs coûts humains et sociaux.

Confrontée à ces événements, toute tentative de définir l’Afrique de façon univoque est contredite par les différences extrêmes que l’on y rencontre, et qu’il est impossible de comprendre à l’aune d’un seul schéma d’interprétation. Même à l’extérieur du milieu de la recherche, la conscience s’est diffusée de la complexité des dynamiques agissant dans ce continent et des différences profondes qu’y existent. Aujourd’hui nous regardons de plus en plus à l’Afrique comme à un continent en ébullition, qui vit de continus changements : et cela malgré la persistance de crises et de conflits qui parfois poussent des observateurs peu attentifs à conclure qu’il s’agit d’un univers sans espoir. Ces crises, ces tensions et ces conflits, à leur tour, sont souvent le résultat de processus historiques, économiques et culturels de longue durée : à leur tour, encore, ces processus subissent des évolutions imprévues qui changent leur formes, leur importance et leurs conséquences. En particulier, on assiste à une emprise de plus en plus forte sur le plan politique de la religion, soit en tant que facteur de conflits, soit en tant que facteur normatif : ce qui remet très sérieusement en question la portée des catégories de sécularisme et modernité comme instruments d’interprétation politique.

L’Association pour les Études Africaines en Italie (ASAI), née en 2011 dans le but de constituer un lieu privilégié de la recherche sur l’Afrique, organise son IVe Congrès à l’Université de Catane du 22 au 24 septembre 2016.

IVe Conférence ASAIAppel à communications


Le Congrès se propose d’analyser les événements et les perspectives d’un continent dynamique et d’utiliser les instruments de la recherche scientifique pour comprendre les stratégies et les éléments qui caractérisent l’époque contemporaine en Afrique : en particulier, la persistance et l’évolution des conflits, les déclinaisons de la modernité (complexes et parfois imprévisibles), les formes différentes des phénomènes religieux. Le Congrès se propose d’analyser et d’approfondir la connaissance de ces dynamiques par une approche interdisciplinaire, dans le but de contribuer aussi au renouveau et au renforcement des rapports entre les chercheurs italiens et africains dans un esprit d’intérêt mutuel et dans un contexte de véritable partenariat.

Dans ce cadre le Congrès se propose d’encourager les interventions sur les thèmes généraux qui suivent :• Conflits sociaux et politiques• Construction et imagination de communautés• Systèmes juridiques et consensus social• Politiques sociales, ressources et compétition• Marginalité sociale et conflictualité politico-religieuse• Modernisation de la politique et modernisation des

conflits• Globalisation et appartenances religieuses• Diasporas et radicalisation politique• Espaces économiques et espaces religieux• Communication et représentation du conflit• Langues écrites et parlées, nouveaux médias,

littérature, phénomènes musicaux et cinéma dans les pays d’origine et dans la diaspora.


Keynote Speech

Is Africa the continent of conflict or the continent of struggle?

Introduce Stefano Bellucci

Allison DREWis an Honorary Professor at the Centre for African Studies, University of Cape Town and Professor Emerita, University of York. She has an MA in African Area Studies and a PhD in Political Science from the University of California, Los Angeles. She has been a post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, a visiting associate at the University of Cape Town and Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and a visiting fellow at Magdalen College, Oxford. She is interested in twentieth-century and contemporary Africa, particularly the dynamics between states, social movements and intellectuals, struggles over development, and socialism, both in Africa and internationally. Her books include We are no Longer in France: Communists in Colonial Algeria (2014), Between Empire and Revolution: A Life of Sidney Bunting (2007), Discordant Comrades: Identities and Loyalties on the South African Left (2000), and South Africa’s Radical Tradition: A Documentary History (1996-7).

AbstractAfrica is often portrayed as a continent of seemingly endless conflict. Indeed, not only does Africa have a disproportionate share of the world’s armed conflicts, recent studies suggest that they have increased since the end of the Cold War. This contributes to negative images of the continent.

In understanding conflict in Africa this lecture stresses several methodological and conceptual points. The first point concerns the importance of how problems are framed. Thus, conflicts may reflect struggles to improve the quality of human life and in this sense are positive

Giovedì 22 settembreThursday 22 September

9.30-10.30 Sala Conferenze


reflections of human agency. For example, twentieth-century South Africa’s long running conflict between black and white was also a struggle against apartheid and for democracy. Framing South Africa’s racial conflict in terms of this struggle offers a different perspective from which to understand the country’s political development.

The second point concerns the need for comparative analysis to uncover patterns and to illuminate underlying causes of conflicts. Thus, while South Africa’s democratic struggle was a relative success, Algeria’s struggle for democracy has been sidetracked by dictatorship and civil war. Comparing the two countries on the basis of criteria such as state formation, geopolitics, class structure and social cleavages offers a means to explain why violence is seemingly more endemic and democratization more difficult in Algeria than in South Africa.

Finally, when conflict is defined not simply as armed conflict but as structural socioeconomic violence, the differences between Algeria and South Africa may not be as stark.


Keynote Speech

Sécurité, démocratie et développement en temps de globalisation de la violence.

Les Africains de l’ouest face à leurs « nouvelles » responsabilités

Introduce Daniela Melfa

Abdarahmane NGAÏDÉest historien, essayiste, romancier et poète. Il enseigne l’histoire moderne et contemporaine à l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar. Il est auteur d’une dizaine d’ouvrages et d’une trentaine d’articles sur des sujets divers dans des ouvrages collectifs et des revues spécialisées. Il vient de publier en juin 2015 aux éditions l’Harmattan, Suintements de couleurs sous fichues banderoles. Essai sur l’Art de l’in-vu [Yiyaaka, Nanaaka/Gissuñu-ko, Dëgguñu-ko].

AbstractEn 1962, René Dumont publie un livre dont le titre fut considéré comme « brutal ». Ses détracteurs argumentaient qu’en critiquant les nouveaux États indépendants et l’élite naissante, il pouvait susciter le courroux des africains considérés comme de grands « susceptibles ». Alors que l’agronome, militant du « socialisme écologique », analyse la trajectoire de l’un des secteurs les plus stratégiques pour tout pays qui aspire à la paix, à la liberté et au développement : l’économie rurale.

L’Afrique noire est mal partie, livre réédité en 2012, constitue un texte majeur dont la relecture mérite une attention particulière pour mieux appréhender le processus de développement en cours.

28 ans plus tard, c’est autour d’Axelle Kabou, une franco-sénégalaise spécialiste des questions de développement, de revenir avec un titre éminemment « provocateur » Et si l’Afrique refusait le développement. La sentence est entendue,

Venerdì 23 settembreFriday 23 September

9.15-10.15 Sala Conferenze


car elle résonne comme une affirmation. À l’image de celui de René Dumont, ce livre a provoqué de vives réactions dans le milieu intellectuel comme dans celui politique. Du « faux-départ » de 1962 au « refus de développement » au début des années 1990, l’Afrique est entrée dans le millénaire de l’émergence.

Des crises écologiques et alimentaires, en Afrique de l’ouest, nous sommes passés dans le temps historique de « l’insécurité » presque généralisée menaçant les acquis de plus de deux générations, et instaurant la méfiance, voire le retour sur soi générateurs d’incompréhensions et de conflits qui peuvent prendre l’allure de véritables guerres. Depuis 2012, la région expérimente cette « nouvelle » situation qui menace son développement alors que parallèlement à cette réalité le marché « régional » continue son ouverture et les espoirs restent toujours grands quant aux capacités des sociétés à se réadapter aux réalités qu’elles traversent.

Au-delà des discours dramatisants, il est nécessaire d’attirer l’attention sur l’importance et la centralité des conflits dans les reconstructions des solidarités, la réécriture des anciennes allégeances, et la mise en place de nouveaux modes de gestion des différences. Parce qu’il nous a toujours semblé qu’en exploitant le côté « bénéfique » des conflits de pratiques, les acteurs valident les nouvelles « structures » en émergence au cœur de ce qui peut ressembler, par moment, à un chaos sécuritaire, social et politique insurmontable. Dès lors, il est permis de se poser la question de savoir comment les Africains et plus particulièrement ceux de l’Afrique de l’ouest (une partie de la bande saharo-sahélienne) peuvent articuler une émergence collective durable à une sécurité régionale inclusive.

Cette communication a, entre autres, comme objectif d’exercer une réflexion autour de ces « nouveaux paradigmes » qui mobilisent non seulement les acteurs politiques, mais aussi l’ensemble des individualités impliquées dans ce qui semble être le nouveau chantier du XXIe siècle en Afrique de manière générale. Un regard circulaire et critique, des événements qui alimentent les débats en Afrique de l’ouest, sera le prétexte pour interroger le contexte global comme local à partir duquel s’inventent des discours qui dessinent les contours des nouveaux acteurs avec des responsabilités de plus en plus accrues.


Keynote Speech

The role of religion in economic change in neoliberal Africa

Introduce Pino Schirripa

Dena FREEMANis a Senior Visiting Fellow in the Department of Anthropology at the London School of Economics and Political Science. She has previously taught at Cambridge, University College London, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has carried out research in the Gamo Highlands of Ethiopia since 1995 and is the author or editor of three books – Initiating Change in Highland Ethiopia: Causes and Consequences of Cultural Transformation (Cambridge University Press, 2002), Peripheral People: The Marginalised Minorities of Ethiopia (Hurst, 2003) and most recently, Pentecostalism and Development: Churches, NGOs and Social Change in Africa (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012).

AbstractWhat is the role of religion in economic change in contemporary neoliberal Africa? In this lecture I will argue that it plays a very significant role indeed. In particular I will focus on Pentecostalism, the fastest growing religious trend in Africa, and I will look at the way this new religious phenomenon is contributing to economic development in Africa. Drawing on examples from across the continent, I will show how Pentecostalism’s impact on economic change and development is not through consciously defined ‘development’ activities, but rather through the very nature of Pentecostal belief and practice itself. I will argue that there are two key interlinked processes of change that are brought about by Pentecostalism: firstly, a major embodied personal transformation and empowerment of the individual; and secondly, a shift in values that provides

Sabato 24 settembre Saturday 24 September

11.30-12.30 Sala Conferenze


moral legitimacy for a set of behaviour changes that would otherwise clash with local sensibilities. If other factors are favourable, and if economic opportunities exist, then these transformations can lead to a radical reconstructing of the social and economic relationships in families and communities, and bring about the type of change that is generally referred to as neoliberal economic development.


Tavola rotonda / Round Table

Libertà di ricerca a rischio: riflessioni a seguito dell’omicidio di Giulio Regeni

Intervengono Maria Cristina Ercolessi, Cristiana Fiamingo, Luca Jourdan, Francesco Correale,

Daniela Pioppi, Nicola MelisPresiede Federico Cresti

Abstract Uno degli effetti positivi della globalizzazione consiste nella crescente internazionalizzazione delle università e della ricerca, ma è innegabile un aumento dei fattori di pericolo e della loro trasversalità ed incontrollabilità in talune regioni del mondo e dell’Africa, in particolare.

Gli studi d’area orientati a sondare le tendenze socio-politiche di democrazie fragili ed interessi economici dalle probabili implicazioni criminogene sembrano essere particolarmente a rischio. Università straniere contemplano un ruolo attivo dei “comitati etici” per valutare i fattori di rischio e i parametri etici delle ricerche svolte dai loro membri: simili meccanismi, per quanto presenti nel nostro contesto, operano solo se chiamati direttamente in causa, e probabilmente saremmo legittimamente intimoriti da una loro ingerenza preventiva, paventando una limitazione alla libertà di ricerca. D’altra parte, l’uccisione di Regeni ha messo in moto – da parte di alcuni organi di stampa – una criminalizzazione dei suoi supervisor e delle metodologie normalmente associate alla ricerca sul terreno, con una implicita delegittimazione della ricerca su temi socialmente e politicamente “sensibili”.

La tavola rotonda intende riflettere su questi temi, riaffermare tanto la libertà di ricerca quanto la necessità di proteggere sia le fonti e i soggetti studiati che i ricercatori.

Giovedì 22 settembreThursday 22 September

17.00-19.00 Sala Conferenze


Proiezione / Screening (Evento gratuito / Free Event)

Le jardin d’Ewalddi Alexandra Pille

(Germania, 2014, 60’; v.o.: francese, sottotitoli: inglese)Introduce Giuseppe MaimoneSeguirà dibattito con la regista

(L’evento si svolgerà in inglese This event will be held in English)

Synopsys: Silently, insiodiously and always with full force: the overpowering villain, which the Senegalese have to oppose year after year carries the name ‘drought’. Drought and disappearance of water, pants and animals in the rural areas of Senegal can’t be prevented, calculated or stopped. Or could there be a way? A farmer, an artist, a gardener and a young boy from Senegal have one thing in common: mastering everyday life with the lack of water in one of the driest regions on earth. The race for the best protection strategy in times of the climate change and disappearance has already begun. A balancing act between tradition and innovation, the country life and the promise of the city.

Giovedì 22 settembreThursday 22 September

21.30 Cortile PlatamoneVia Vittorio Emanuele II 121



Evento collaterale (biglietto ridotto: 10€) Side Event (reduced ticket: 10€)

Concerto promosso dall’AME-Associazione Musicale Etnea

(Per informazioni e prenotazioni:

Information and booking:

Il quotidiano The Guardian scrive di lei: «È la nuova Star del Mali». Fatoumata Diawara reinventa i ritmi e le melodie della sua tradizione Wassoulou attraverso una sensibilità istintivamente popolare. È cresciuta in Mali, e nella sua ancor giovane età ha già conosciuto una gamma di esperienze fortissime, come la lotta per le proprie ambizioni e i pregiudizi culturali verso le donne africane.La sua attività musicale inizia lavorando come corista per Oumou Sangare e per la vincitrice del Grammy Award Dee Dee Bridgewater. Grazie al suo talento ottiene un contratto discografico con la World Circuit e registra l’album di debutto che la porta a girare il mondo con la propria band. Ha recentemente collaborato col celebre pianista cubano Roberto Fonseca, con cui ha realizzato il disco live At Home.

Venerdì 23 settembreFriday 23 September

21.15 Cortile PlatamoneVia Landolina 5


Africa in the age of terror: Conflicts, 22transnationalism and global jihad

Ai margini della città coloniale 24On the margins of the colonial town

Antropologie sul campo in Africa lusofona 26Anthropological field-research in Lusophone Africa

Burundi 2015: repressione e contestazione fra 28dinamiche interne e internazionali Burundi 2015: Repression and contestationbetween internal and external dynamics

Colonial economies: Transitions, conflicts, modernity 30

Conflitti, modernità e religioni: nuove estetiche 31e nuove pratiche nella letteratura, nel cinema enei nuovi media in Africa

Contemporary ethnography of African deserts 32

Culture urbane nelle metropoli africane 33

Democratization and conflict in Africa 34

Gender, mobility and (inter)subjectivity 36

Government, social mobilisation and political 38contestation in Africa

Il pentecostalismo in Africa. Il linguaggio 39religioso tra neoliberismo, conflitti e nuovediseguaglianze / Pentecostalism in Africa.Religious language between neoliberaleconomy, conflict and new inequality

Instabilité politique et groupes armés 41Political instability and armed groupes

La mia Africa (Afríca mía). Méthodologie et 43réflexivité dans l’interprétation des conflits politiques et sociaux en Afrique du Nord et au Sahara (1954-2016)

Elenco dei Panels (per ordine alfabetico)List of Panels (in alphabetical order)


Les idiomes de la “sorcellerie” et du 45“fétichisme” : souffrances ordinaires et conflitsinterpersonnels en Afrique et dans la diasporaThe idioms of “witchcraft” and “fetishism”: Ordinary suffering, interpersonal conflicts in Africa and among the diaspora

“Luoghi” e mediazioni dei conflitti politico- 47istituzionali in Africa subsahariana“Places” and mediations of political and institutional conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa

Mapping the moral city in Africa 49

Mobilità-stabilizzazione. Rappresentazioni 50congolesi e dinamiche sociali, in Congo e nello spazio globale

New forms of political expressions: Mapping 52the approaches to the art of the protest in the Mena region

Politiche della diaspora e forme diasporiche 54della politica / Politics of diaspora and diasporic forms of politics

Reproducing society/producing history. 55Returning to reflect on African youth

Social media, violence and migration 57in Somalia and the Horn of Africa

The causes and consequences of changing 58labour relations in African societies

The rise of the modern State in North Africa: 61Central authorities versus polycentric societies

The Unsettlers: Solidarity and transgression in 63 white central Africa


Africa in the age of terror:Conflicts, transnationalism and global jihad

Convenors: Alessio IOCCHI, Università di Napoli-“L’Orientale”Camillo CASOLA, Università di Napoli-“L’Orientale”

Abstract: The ongoing Global War on Terror (GWOT) highlights the new role that sub-Saharan Africa is playing as key battlefield against the rise of Jihadi Salafist organizations. In this context, in an area already ravaged by low-intensity conflicts, increased militarization (by states, regional, international bodies) is gradually shaping existing violent phenomena and the nature of states and frontiers.The panel will discuss some issues, such as the nature of terrorism, the social-political effects of GWOT, the melting and regionalization of terrorism, warfare, criminality, addressing the security notion beyond dominant paradigm of analysis, with a particular emphasis on West and Central Africa: the debate on the crisis of state and borders, the role of regional and global actors in defining security strategies for the whole Sahelian region, the centrality of a militarized global governance, the relevance of policies based on neo-institutional models. The panel will examine the nexus between global terrorism and political dimension and the growing weight of a grey space between state and non-state domains.


“Sicurezza e Welfare/ Security and Welfare/ Sécurité et sécurité sociale”

• Camillo CASOLA, Problématiser la sécurité au Sahel : quel rôle pour la France et les acteurs régionaux dans la gestion de la menace terroriste d’AQMI?

• Yannick OBAM, Les dynamiques d’insécurité/sécurité dans le « triangle de la mort » Cameroun-Tchad-République Centrafricaine

“Governare le «zone grigie»/Governing the «grey zones»/Gouverner les « zones de flou »”

Venerdì 23 settembre Friday 23 September

10.45-13.15 Aula A3


• Alessio IOCCHI, Staging war in the «lawless swaths»: Boko Haram against the World in the Lake Chad Bassin

• Aimé Raoul SUMO TAYO, Les causes du terrorisme aux abords du lac Tchad : entre djihad global et contentieux socio-politiques locaux

• Kristof TITECA (with Dan FAHEY), The many faces of a rebel group: The case of the Allied Democratic Forces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo


Ai margini della città coloniale On the margins of the colonial town

Proponenti: Livia APA, Università degli Studi di Napoli-“L’Orientale”Francesca DI PASQUALE, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust

and Genocide studies-Amsterdam

Discussant: Mia FULLER, Berkeley-University of California

Abstract: (ITA) Il panel intende esplorare diverse condizioni di marginalità sociale ed economica che hanno attraversato e attraversano le città africane in epoca coloniale e post-coloniale. La “marginalità” alla quale si fa riferimento è da intendersi come l’intreccio fra linguaggio, spazio e potere (D. Forgacs 2015). I progetti per le città coloniali ambivano a ridisegnare lo spazio urbano secondo le gerarchie di dominio. Alcuni studi hanno evidenziato come in realtà l’organizzazione delle città si sia realizzata non soltanto secondo la linea del colore, ma anche in base a precisi parametri economici (M. Fuller 2006). È interessante così indagare in che modo le condizioni economiche, sociali e lavorative create dall’occupazione europea abbiano marginalizzato determinati gruppi di popolazione. Il panel si rivolge in particolare all’esame della “ingegneria delle disuguaglianze” (B. Hooks 1998), e guarda alla costruzione di nuove ‘devianze’, nel quadro della “criminalità sociale” (F. Locatelli 2007), della malattia mentale e delle dinamiche legate al genere, in una ottica trasversale che considera sia la comunità dei colonizzati che quella dei colonizzatori.

(ENG) The panel aims at exploring various conditions of social and economic marginality that occurred and still occurs across African towns throughout the colonial and the post-colonial age. “Marginality” here is intended as the entanglement of language, space and power (D. Forgacs 2015). The projects for the colonial towns aimed at reshaping the urban space according to the white supremacy power structures. Actually, some studies highlighted that the structure of the colonial towns developed not only according to the color line, but also according to the socio-economic status of the citizens. It is interesting to explore how economic,

Giovedì 22 settembre Thursday 22 September

14.00-16.30 (I sess.) Aula A2 Venerdì 23 settembre Friday 23 September

14.15-16.00 (II sess.) Aula A2


social and labour conditions produced by the European occupation had marginalized specific population groups. The panel addresses, in particular, the analysis of the ‘systems of inequality’ (B. Hooks 1998) within the communities of both natives and colonizers. It looks at the construction of new ‘deviant’ behaviors, in the context of the ‘social criminality” (F. Locatelli 2007), of the mental illness and of the gender dynamics.


I sess. (Giovedì 22 settembre / Thursday 22 September 14.00-16.30)

• Laura GUARINO, Lo sviluppo delle bidonvilles di Casablanca come prodotto coloniale

• François DUMASY, Alla periferia della cittadinanza. Il trattamento dei marginali a Tripoli (Libia) durante il colonialismo italiano

• Annamaria FANTAUZZI, “I piedi sono funghi”: estrema povertà, violenza strutturale e marginalità sociale a Nyeri, Kenya

• Stefania DE NARDIS, Clelia Lollini e la lotta contro la tubercolosi in Libia

II sess. (Venerdì 23 settembre / Friday 23 September 14.15-16.00)

• Giuseppe GRIMALDI, Lo specchio postcoloniale: il club Juventus di Addis Abeba e le seconde generazioni di italiani di origine etiope

• Eugenio MOLTISANTI, I proprietari di Abidjan• Elia VITTURINI, Rural-urban migration and urban

settlement in the history of a marginalized minority: The Gaboye of Somaliland


Antropologie sul campo in Africa lusofona Anthropological field-research in Lusophone Africa

Proponenti: Francesca DECLICH, Università degli Studi di Urbino-Carlo Bo

Abstract: (ITA) Obiettivo del panel è quello di presentare i risultati di alcune ricerche antropologiche svolte negli ultimi anni in vari paesi dell’Africa lusofona. Per motivi storici e culturali nelle ex-colonie portoghesi l’antropologia moderna si è sviluppata solo di recente. In questi paesi fino ai processi che hanno portato alla indipendenza gli studi antropologici sono stati molto legati alle politiche governative. Neanche nel periodo immediatamente posteriore alle indipendenze sono fioriti studi antropologici in questi paesi. Gli ultimi due decenni, invece, hanno visto diversi ricercatori e ricercatrici non portoghesi proporre nuovi sguardi antropologici in paesi che, talvolta, avevano visto l’antropologia applicata soprattutto da ufficiali e burocrati coloniali volta a classificare gruppi ed autorità tradizionali per finalità di controllo.

(ENG) Goal of the panel is to present the results of some anthropological field-research carried out in the last two decades in various countries of Lusophone Africa. For historical and cultural reasons in the former Portuguese colonies modern anthropology has developed only recently. Until the processes that led to the independence the anthropological studies in these countries were much related to government policies. In these countries even in the period immediately after the independence, anthropological studies have not flourished. In the last two decades, however, researchers and non-Portuguese researchers have proposed new anthropological looks to the study of Lusophone areas anthropology seem no longer applied mainly by officers and colonial bureaucrats to classify groups and traditional authorities for control purposes.


• Stefania BORTOLOTTI, Community engagement in the prevention of youth violence. An experience from urban Cape Verde

Giovedì 22 settembre Thursday 22 September

11.00-13.00 Aula A4


• Francesca DECLICH, Memorie tra domestici e schiavi dei quintal nelle Querimbas (Mozambico)

• Martina GIUFFRÉ, Rinegoziando le relazioni di genere nella Capo Verde post-coloniale: emigrazioni femminili e nuova matrifocalità transnazionale nell’isola di Santo Antão


Burundi 2015: repressione e contestazione fra dinamiche interne e internazionali

Burundi 2015: Repression and contestation between internal and external dynamics

Proponenti: Gaia LOTT, Università di FirenzeMarta MOSCA, Università di Torino

Chair: Luca JOURDAN, Università di Bologna

Abstract: (ITA) L’annuncio della candidatura ad un terzo mandato presidenziale da parte di Pierre Nkurunziza, il 25 aprile 2015, ha determinato la nascita di una protesta politica senza precedenti nella storia burundese. A partire dalla primavera scorsa, i partiti di opposizione e alcune organizzazioni della società civile hanno organizzato manifestazioni di protesta quasi quotidiane contro una decisione denunciata come incostituzionale e in violazione dell’Accordo di pace di Arusha. L’evoluzione della protesta ha fatto emergere gli elementi di una crisi non solo politica, ma anche sociale del Paese.

Le misure repressive adottate dal regime, in termini di restrizioni delle libertà fondamentali e di violenza fisica, hanno provocato – ad oggi – almeno 400 vittime e la fuoriuscita dal Paese di 240.000 persone.Il panel mira a riflettere sulle dinamiche interne e internazionali dell’attuale crisi burundese, mettendo in dialogo approcci disciplinari diversi. L’obiettivo è approfondire, in particolare, il significato della violenza, nelle sue molteplici declinazioni, nelle vicende burundesi e riflettere sulle risposte regionali e internazionali a tale violenza.

(ENG) The decision of Pierre Nkurunziza to run for a third presidential term led to a political protest in Burundi with no precedent in the history of the country. Since last spring, the opposition parties and some civil society organizations have organized almost daily demonstrations against the decision of the outgoing president, denounced as unconstitutional and in violation of the Arusha Peace Agreement. One year of protests has shown that the Burundian crisis is not only

Sabato 24 settembre Saturday 24 September

9.15-11.00 – Aula A3


political, but also social.The repression of the regime, which has consisted in not

only the limitation of all the fundamental liberties, but also acts of physical violence, has provoked at least 400 victims and the flight of 240.000 people, so far. The panel aims to reflect on the internal and external dynamics of the current Burundian crisis through different disciplinary approaches. The purpose is to deepen, in particular, the meaning of the violence, in its different forms, in the Burundian events and to reflect on the regional and international responses and influences on this violence.


• Valeria ALFIERI, Il Burundi ad un bivio: autoritarismi, violenza, e rivendicazioni democratiche

• Marta MOSCA, Violenza politica, contestazione e mobilitazione giovanile: i volti dell’attuale crisi burundese

• Gaia LOTT, Continuità e discontinuità nella mediazione esterna delle crisi burundesi


Colonial economies: Transitions, conflicts, modernity

Convenors: Gian Luca PODESTÀ, Università di Parma-Università di

Milano-BicoccaKarin PALLAVER, Università di Bologna

Discussant: Stefano BELLUCCI, IISH and University of Leiden

Abstract: This panel explores the development of colonial economies in different historical periods and geographical areas. The focus is on the transitions determined both by the creation of new institutions and by the implementation of new economic or fiscal policies. For the colonial state, these changes were aimed at the modernization of African economies, but for local societies these were exogenous factors that were opposed or incorporated into existing economic practices and systems. The main themes of the panel are: the transition from chartered companies to the formal colonial states; the transformation of colonial cities in relation to economic policies; labour in the colonial context; currency and fiscal policies of the colonial state; new economic institutions.


• Marisa CANDOTTI, Institutional innovation and conflicts between merchant parties and colonial government in the British Protectorate of Northern Nigeria, 1903-14

• Karin PALLAVER, The circulation of money and the East African Rupee crises in Kenya and Uganda (1912-1923)

• Gian Luca PODESTÀ, Economic change and urbanization in Libya

• Donatella STRANGIO, The Somali and Eritrean economy between the ’40s and ’70s of the ’900

Sabato 24 settembre Saturday 24 September

9.15-11.00 Aula A1


Conflitti, modernità e religioni: nuove estetiche e nuove pratiche nella letteratura, nel cinema

e nei nuovi media in Africa

Proponenti: Livia APA, Università degli Studi di Napoli-“L’Orientale” Francesca DE ROSA, Università degli Studi di Napoli-


Abstract: Il panel ha come obiettivo presentare una riflessione su come forme e pratiche sociali e culturali sono capaci di segnare il cambiamento che in molteplici modalità attraversa il continente africano e le sue rappresentazioni che si riflettono nel cinema e nei (nuovi) media e nello spazio digitale. Filo conduttore della nostra proposta è indagare come le comunità s’immaginano e si autorappresentano secondo categorie che si vanno consolidando in campi culturali sinora poco esplorati come quello della moda ad esempio o dei blog o dei videoclip declinando nuove modernità che costruiscono un interessante dialogo con le culture tradizionali segnate anche da nuove e vecchie pratiche religiose. Accanto a ciò s’intende promuovere una riflessione sulla funzione della rete e dei nuovi media e del ruolo che essi svolgono in condizioni di conflitto sociale o di empasse politico da cui scaturiscono spesso nuove soggettività che corrispondono alla possibilità di creare con nuova forza altri spazi sociali e nuove comunità.


• Livia APA, (Ai margini ) Del potere. Essere transessuali in Angola via kuduro

• Francesca DE ROSA, Liberdade ja: rappresentazione mediatica e percezione del processo degli attivisti angolani 15+2

• Cristina MACIARIELLO, Mappare e analizzare lo spazio urbano di Luanda attraverso la letteratura

• Maria da Graça GOMES de PINA, Fumetto e didattica del creolo

Giovedì 22 settembreThursday 22 September

11.00-13.00 Aula A2


Contemporary ethnography of African deserts

Convenors: Tilman MUSCH, Bayreuth UniversityAbdoulaye MOHAMADOU, Abdou Moumouni University

Discussant: Saverio KRÄTLI, IUAES

Abstract: Commonly, we consider deserts as empty spaces associated with the absence of humans rather than with their presence. This panel proposes, on the contrary, to study African deserts as highly dynamic human spaces. We can observe in African deserts (in particular the Sahara) the clash of opposite power claims, increasing mass mobility through migration, the occurrence of highly diverse economies (mineral resources, smuggling, etc.) and accentuated religious manifestations. Deserts also generate multifaceted modern phenomena linked to their centuries-old histories and unique natures, for example the creation of national parks and touristic exploration, and they are highly valued by science, art and literature. Due to the interests they represent for often antagonistic actors, deserts acquire increasing global importance. The panel invites contributions from different scientific disciplines, which focus on modern dynamics among humans or on changing human-environment-relations in deserts.


• Saverio KRÄTLI, Saharan livelihoods: Development and conflict

• Greta SEMPLICI – Erika GRASSO, Moving deserts: Relations, “border humanities” and development. An analysis of social, cultural and environmental narratives and everyday practices in the “non-empty” space of Northern Kenya lowlands

• Valerie HÄNISCH, Two brothers in the wake of gold• Tilman MUSCH, Modern forms of desert travelling: Teda

drivers and Toyota Hilux on ancient caravan roads• Nadia BELALIMAT, Ethnohistoire de l’hymne nationaliste

azawadien : de la chanson prototypique à l’hymne, une ethnographie sur la longue durée

Sabato 24 settembre Saturday 24 September

9.15-11.00 Sala Conferenze


Culture urbane nelle metropoli africane

Proponenti e chairs: Cecilia PENNACINI, Università di TorinoAlessandro JEDLOWSKI, Università di Liegi

Discussant: Francesco FANOLI, Università di Messina

Abstract: Il panel intende prendere in considerazione i fenomeni culturali emergenti nell’Africa urbana. Nelle città africane si stanno sviluppando – soprattutto a partire dagli ambienti giovanili – forme espressive ricche ed innovative basate sul cinema, sul video, sulla musica, sulla danza, sul teatro, ecc., che spesso trovano possibilità di diffusione grazie alla rete e agli ICT. I prodotti realizzati in questi contesti ci offrono una rappresentazione vivace delle culture urbane dell’Africa contemporanea, che si discosta dai tradizionali scenari descritti dalle discipline africanistiche. Le specifiche modalità di produzione e di circolazione di queste forme culturali spingono inoltre ad interrogarsi sugli aspetti materiali e simbolici della dimensione transnazionale all’interno della quale si muovono, che danno vita a “comunità immaginate” trasversali (trans-locali, trans-nazionali, o panafricane). In questa prospettiva è inoltre opportuno decostruire la dicotomia urbano/rurale, che molti studi in passato hanno proposto. Le specifiche modalità di produzione e circolazione di questi prodotti culturali creano infatti nuove modalità di interazione e opportunità di partecipazione ad attori sociali prima collocati ai margini dei flussi culturali.


• Stefano BARONE, Feeling so Hood. Lifestyle urbani e immaginario dei quartieri popolari nel rap tunisino

• Francesco Saverio LONGO, Hiplife e circolazione in area nzema (Ghana sud-occidentale)

• Cecilia PENNACINI, Ekina Uganda: la nascita del cinema ugandese

• Alessandra TURCHETTI, “Nayda!”: fermento sociale, rinascita culturale e avanguardia artistica a Casablanca

Venerdì 23 settembreFriday 23 September

14.15-16.00 Aula A3


Democratization and conflict in Africa

Convenors: Henning MELBER, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, Uppsala Arrigo PALLOTTI, Università di Bologna

Abstract: Twenty years after the onset of the democratic transitions, political disillusionment is growing within African countries, as the consolidation of democratic practices and institutions is still far from being achieved, and the hiatus between political opening and socio-economic empowerment is deepening. As regional and socio-economic cleavages deepen, protests and strifes have been recorded in most African countries, and have sometimes degenerated into ethnic or religious conflicts. Faced with such serious challenges to their rule, African governments have increasingly made recourse to authoritarian means in order to maintain order and stability and secure their power, helped by the shift in Western donors’ priorities from promoting good governance and accountability to fighting international terrorism. The panel conveners invite paper submissions that provide new theoretical insights on the changing nature of democracy in Africa within a context of socio-economic transformations, conflicts and changing donors’ priorities, or present national case studies of troubled or faltering democratic transitions.


I sess. (10.45-13.15), Southern Africa

• Henning MELBER, Competitive Authoritarianism? – The Case of Namibia

• Arrigo PALLOTTI, A never-ending story? The TANU/CCM in power in Tanzania

• Maria Cristina ERCOLESSI, Peace, democracy and development in post-conflict Angola

• Mario ZAMPONI, Democracy and State-building in Southern Africa. The Case of Zimbabwe

• Corrado TORNIMBENI, Conflict and the monopoly of democracy in Mozambique

Venerdì 23 settembre Friday 23 September

10.45-13.15 (I sess.) Aula A1 14.15-16.00 (II sess.) Aula A1


II sess. (14.15-16.00), West Africa-Sudan

• Valerio COLOSIO, Decentralization or ricentralization? Political reforms in contemporary Chad

• Giorgio MUSSO, The failure of an Islamic third way: The Sudanese Islamists from revolution to rent-seeking

• Eduardo CARREÑO, Democracy and Regional Cooperation in West Africa: Obasanjo’s Worldview during Nigerian Fourth Republic (1999-2007)


Gender, mobility and (inter)subjectivity

Convenors: Silvia BRUZZI, IMAf-CNRSValentina FUSARI, University of Pavia

Discussant: Silvia BRUZZI, IMAf-CNRS

Abstract: The panel is addressed to scholars from different academic disciplines thus stimulating a fresh interdisciplinary perspective on discussing gender and mobility in Africa and the diaspora. Besides, while analysing the interplay between gender and mobility, the contributors are invited to consider the role of inter-subjectivity and emotional process in shaping historical, demographic, and socio-political settings. How do gender role affiliations impact geographical and social mobility? How do inter-subjectivity, emotions and affects generate conflicts or shape networks of cosmopolitan sociability?Gender is a basic organizing principle within the society: it shapes activities, roles, opportunities, and it is a way of signifying relationships of power and social differentiation. But, for the purpose of this panel, it is also a methodological tool to explore mobility. Moreover, it will be considered as the prism, through which social inequalities (class, caste, generation, religion, ethnicity, sexuality, etc.) can be reproduced and legitimised or disapproved and changed.

Inviting case study presentations, this panel calls attention to the methods scholars use to study the interplay between gender, geographical and social mobility. In the contemporary context, characterized by competitive theoretical perspectives, the fragmentation of approaches is also reflected at the methodological level. Thus, this panel aims at developing an interdisciplinary debate, able to inspire a systematic integration of different techniques (i.e. qualitative, quantitative, or experimental methods) into multi-method approaches.


• Valentina FUSARI – S. V. NARANAYAN, Problematizing prostitution in Eritrea

Sabato 24 settembre Saturday 24 September

9.15-11.00 Aula A2


• Corinne FORTIER, Reconstruction clitoridienne de femmes africaines en France : corps, sexualité et intersubjectivité

• Alessia MURGI, La voce strozzata dal tabù: la verbalizzazione del proibito “over-border”

• Amalia DRAGANI, Una studentessa tuareg nell’ex-blocco sovietico. Mobilità femminile, appartenenze multiple e identificazione allo Stato post-coloniale


Government, social mobilisation and political contestation in Africa

Proponenti: Antonio PEZZANO, Università degli Studi di Napoli-


Discussant: Antonio PEZZANO

Abstract: The restructuring of African states in the neoliberalisation processes of governance, particularly at the local level, has produced asymmetric and hybrid policies and politics, as well as different forms of social and political contestation which challenges notions of citizenship and regulatory frameworks, through which political and bureaucratic authorities and social actors negotiate statehood in contemporary Africa.The panel aims at offering an opportunity for exploring realities of social and political contestation in different (North and Sub-Saharan) African countries. In particular, multidisciplinary contributions are welcomed on new political formations, labour movements and their alliances, different forms and patterns of mobilization (student and youth protests, community unrest, fiscal revolts) challenging the ruling party.


• Arianna MAZZIERI, The activism of African civil society organizations through the CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness: Bridging global campaigns and local practices

• Sara DE SIMONE – Andreas HIRBLINGER, Disempowering resilience: Coping with delivery failures through exit and survival strategies in South Sudan

Sabato 24 settembre Saturday 24 September

9.15-11.00 Aula A4


Il pentecostalismo in Africa. Il linguaggio religioso tra neoliberismo, conflitti

e nuove diseguaglianze Pentecostalism in Africa. Religious language

between neoliberal economy, conflict and new inequality

Proponenti: Pino SCHIRRIPA, Università di Roma-”La Sapienza”Osvaldo COSTANTINI, Università di Roma-”La Sapienza”

Abstract: (ITA) Il Pentecostalismo è tra i movimenti religiosi a più alto tasso di crescita in Africa (Meyer 2004) e in tutto il mondo. Tra le ragioni di questo sviluppo vi è sicuramente l’estrema plasticità del suo idioma, che permette di creare un messaggio coerente con la sua dottrina globale ma nel contempo differentemente declinabile nelle singoli contesti locali (Robbins 2004). L’attuale dinamicità economica e sociale del continente africano ha creato situazioni di sviluppo che hanno condotto, tra le altre cose, a nuove forme di ineguaglianza e a conflitti su diversa scala. L’intento del panel è quello di analizzare come questi scenari, in parte inediti nel continente, vengano mediati e tradotti dall’idioma pentecostale. L’intento è quello di comprendere le modalità attraverso cui tale idioma flessibile traduca e dia un senso alle ineguaglianze e offra uno spazio alle aspirazioni sociali, da un lato; e dall’altro dia significati inediti ai conflitti politici e sociali.

(ENG) The Pentecostal movement is one of the fastest-growing religious movements in Africa (Meyer 2004) and all around the world. Among the reasons of this growth we can surely mention its flexible language which allows every church to spread a message stemming from its global doctrine, while, at the same time, it can be consistent with local perspectives and concerns (Robbins 2004). The current economic and social dynamism of the African continent has resulted in social orders, locally declined in different ways, where have arisen new inequalities and conflicts, both local and transnational.The aim of this panel is to analyze the way in which these scenarios, some of them never known before, may be mediated and translated into the Pentecostal idioms. The final purpose is to understand the different ways through which such

Giovedì 22 settembreThursday 22 September

11.00-13.00 (I sess.) Aula A114.00-16.30 (II sess.) Aula A1


Pentecostal languages, on the one hand, translates and give meaning to inequalities as well as they build a room where social aspirations can be managed, fueled or contested; on the other hand, they can give meaning to the social and political conflicts.


• Smadar BRACK, Becoming Missionaries: Children’s conversion in the upper Region of Ghana

• Davide CASCIANO, Ineguaglienze, lotte armate e neo-pentecostalismo nella città petrolifera di Port Harcourt, Nigeria

• Osvaldo COSTANTINI, “Adesso siamo tutti figli di Dio”. Pentecostalismo eritreo ed etiopico a Roma e tentativi di riassorbimento del passato conflittuale

• Silvia CRISTOFORI, Usi e interpretazioni della Bibbia nel pentecostalismo nigeriano

• Cecilia DRAICCHIO, Prayer camp e malattia mentale nel Ghana rurale

• Pino SCHIRRIPA, Pentecostal pedagogies. Subjectivation techniques, developmental rhetoric and neoliberalism in Ethiopian Pentecostal churches

• Donatus Pius UKPONG, Pentecostalism and economic development: using flattery for negotiating economic inequalities in Nigeria

• Dieudonné ZOGNONG, Afro-Pentecostalism and Human Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa


Instabilité politique et groupes armés Political instability and armed groups

Convenors: Monica LABONIA, Université Nice Sophia AntipolisMouhamed BADJI, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar

Abstract: Depuis la guerre froide le continent africain est le théâtre d’une instabilité politique accrue. Le regain démocratique émerge au début des années 90 soufflant un vent d’espoir. Néanmoins des pratiques contestataires, plus ou moins unanimes, comme le renversement du pouvoir en place (Printemps arabe, Burkina-Faso…), les soulèvements populaires face à la révision de la Constitution (République Démocratique du Congo), la contestation des élections (Burundi) questionnent la viabilité du régime démocratique. L’insécurité accompagne désormais la transition démocratique et les conflits se multiplient.

Les éléments déclencheurs des conflits vont de la dispute dans l’accès et contrôle aux ressources à la revendication identitaire, l’appartenance ethnique, religieuse, etc. Dans des États défaillants, la violence s’installe sous forme de terrorisme, banditisme, pillage, piraterie maritime, insurrection, etc. D’après une liste non exhaustive, des pays comme l’Algérie, le Burundi, l’Erythrée, l’Ethiopie, la Guinée-Conakry, le Cameroun, la Côte d’Ivoire, le Congo-Brazzaville, le Kenya, le Libéria, le Mali, la Namibie, le Niger, le Nigéria, l’Ouganda, la République Centrafricaine, la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), le Rwanda, le Sénégal, la Sierra Leone, la Somalie, le Soudan, le Tchad, le Togo et le Zimbabwe, facilitent le développement de groupes armés de par l’absence de contrôle des territoires et la perméabilité des frontières.

Dans un sillage interdisciplinaire, cette réflexion que nous lançons s’articulera autour de thématiques comme la nature des conflits, la modalité d’intervention des groupes armés et les insécurités occasionnées par leurs opérations. Les études fondées sur des enquêtes ethnographiques ou un travail d’archive seront valorisées.

Venerdì 23 settembreFriday 23 September

10.45-13.15 Aula A4



• Antonio ADAMO, The terrorist and the mercenary: The role of private security in the fight against Nigeria’s Boko Haram

• Jean-Pièrre CHAUVEAU, Gouvernementalité rurale et mobilisations violentes en Côte d’Ivoire. Du conflit au

« post conflit »• Aïdas SANOGO, Gestion du foncier urbain en situation « post-conflictuelle » à Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire• Gabriel NDOUR, Les identités dans les guerres en Afrique

de 1990 à 2014• Théophane NKOUTOU NTSIELA MATONDO, Le mouvement Nsilulu : un nouveau messianisme Kongolais

dans les crises politiques au Congo Brazzaville entre 1998 et 2016


La mia Africa (Afríca mía). Méthodologie et réflexivité dans l’interprétation des conflits

politiques et sociaux en Afrique du Nord et au Sahara (1954-2016)

Convenors: Francesco CORREALE, CNRS – UMR 7324 CITERES, ToursAlberto LÓPEZ BARGADOS, GRECS-Universitat de Barcelona

Discussant: Gennaro GERVASIO, Università Roma Tre

Abstract: L’adoption des méthodologies pour la réalisation d’une étude peut découler de multiples facteurs. Dans tous les cas, ce choix devrait comporter une certaine réflexivité sur les instruments par lesquels l’enquête est menée, réflexivité qui pourrait amener le chercheur à endosser son propre background culturel et à l’associer à l’humus profond de la société interrogée. Cela paraît encore plus vrai quand l’étude naît ou se transforme en recherche militante. L’enjeu, ici, est représenté par le degré de crédibilité du chercheur. En fait, l’objectif de la recherche militante est non seulement la compréhension de la réalité mais aussi la « publicité » que, par le biais de sa propre recherche-action, il arrive à donner à une perspective ou à un cas d’étude déterminé grâce aux privilèges que lui sont concédés par son statut professionnel.

Pourtant, la dimension intrinsèquement conflictuelle de l’objet/sujet de recherche pose, presque banalement, le chercheur face à un dilemme éthique et épistémologique qui retombe sur son degré d’investissement politique. Souvent, les narrations construites grâce à un terrain rigoureux - aux archives ou sur les lieux de l’enquête - dissonent plus de ce qu’on peut s’attendre de l’hypothèse initialement formulée. La construction du savoir se heurte ainsi à l’effectivité de la militance, entrainant la nécessité d’une option « éthique » : Que dire ? Que dissimuler ? Quelle position épouser ?

Le panel propose d’aborder les conflits politiques et sociaux dans les régions africaines comprises entre la Méditerranée et le Sahara à partir de 1954 (début de la guerre d’Algérie) sous l’angle de la subjectivité du chercheur. L’idée est de se pencher d’un côté sur les enjeux méthodologiques qui sont au cœur de la recherche en thème de conflits, là où

Venerdì 23 settembreFriday 23 September

16.15-18.00 Aula A3


l’étude présente le piège de la partisannerie ; et de l’autre de pousser les communicants à dévoiler les facteurs qui ont déterminé le choix de la recherche en vue de se focaliser sur l’impact de la subjectivité dans la restitution des résultats scientifiques. Le panel adopte comme langues de travail les langues officielles de la conférence ASAI.


• Francesco CORREALE – Alberto LÓPEZ BARGADOS, Jeux et enjeux identitaires dans la guerre d’Ifni-Sahara (1956-1958)

• Victoria VEGUILLA DEL MORAL, Réflexions autour d’un travail de terrain de longue durée au Sahara Occidental

• Elena VEZZADINI, All but dispassionate: Writing the history of modern Sudan


Les idiomes de la “sorcellerie” et du “fétichisme” : souffrances ordinaires et conflits interpersonnels

en Afrique et dans la diasporaThe idioms of “witchcraft” and “fetishism”:

Ordinary suffering, interpersonal conflicts in Africa and among the diaspora

Convenors: Andrea CERIANA MAYNERI, Musée du quai Branly, Parigi –

Institut des Mondes Africains Simona TALIANI, Università di Torino Dip. CPS, CRESC –

EGE, Rabat

Discussant: Alessandra BRIVIO, Università di Milano-Bicocca

Abstract: (FRA) Dans plusieurs contextes de l’Afrique contemporaine, les idiomes du « fétichisme », de la « sorcellerie », des « crimes rituels » ou, encore, des « attaques mystiques », demeurent actuels : les soupçons et les accusations expriment des conflits interpersonnels et familiaux, tandis que le passage à l’acte sanctionne (parfois par la mort) des « monstres sociaux » (Droz 2007). Par ailleurs, ces mécanismes d’imputation et de sanction peuvent être tolérés, sinon explicitement légitimés par des institutions publiques et des autorités locales. Le panel propose de réfléchir aux évolutions récentes de l’imaginaire du fétichisme et de la sorcellerie, en prenant en considération en même temps les terrains africain et diasporique, afin d’interroger la manière dont celui-ci produit et s’articule à des dysfonctionnements, à des violences et des conflits qui se répandent dans les contextes considérés. L’objectif du panel est de contribuer à une lecture radicalement « dé-exotisée », des articulations actuelles entre souffrances ordinaires, “plans de foi” (Bayart 2014) et transformations politiques en Afrique contemporaine.

(ENG) The idioms of “fetishism”, “witchcraft”, “ritual crimes”, or “mystical attacks” is loose in the street in the contemporary Africa: interpersonal and family conflicts can develop into suspicions and accusations; and acting-out (which can arrive just to the murder) produces “social beasts” (Droz 2007). Sometimes it happens that public

Sabato 24 settembreSaturday 24 September

9.15-11.00 Aula A6


authorities tolerate and even legitimate these mechanisms of imputation and social sanction. The panel aims to reflect on the recent transformations of the imaginaries of fetishism and witchcraft, in Africa and all along the diaspora, and to understand how to better articulate these imaginaries with the dysfunctions, the violence and the conflicts which characterise these fields. Our aim is to contribute not only to a radical “de-exoticization” of both “witchcraft” and “fetishes” concepts, but to a debate able to analytically join the ordinary suffering with the itineraries of faith (Bayart 2014) and the political transformations in the contemporary Africa.


• Judith BACHMANN, Witchcraft between Christians and Muslims in a township in Ibadan, Nigeria

• Roberto BENEDUCE, Détruire, soigner, refaire le monde : sorcellerie, cure rituelle et fétiche comme grammaires de l’insurrection

• Agnès KEDZIERSKA MANZON, Des dieux en cours de construction et leurs maîtres : le pouvoir et la religion au Mali aujourd’hui


“Luoghi” e mediazioni dei conflitti politico-istituzionali in Africa subsahariana

“Places” and mediations of political and institutional conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa

Proponenti: Stefano MALTESE, Università di VeronaElisa VASCONI, Università di Firenze

Discussant: Cecilia PENNACINI, Università di Torino

Abstract: (ITA) Il panel è aperto a contributi che riflettano criticamente sui luoghi – fisici o simbolici – attorno ai quali si addensano i conflitti politico-istituzionali nei contesti dell’Africa subsahariana. Esso incoraggia pertanto la presentazione di casi di studio in cui il conflitto politico tra attori istituzionali a livello locale (autorità tradizionali, amministrazioni locali, associazioni della società civile, istituzioni culturali, chiese ecc.) si innesta su usi e rappresentazioni di luoghi, oggetti, pratiche e discorsi dalla forte caratura simbolica, ovvero sulla loro appropriazione, risignificazione e contestazione. D’altro canto, sono ugualmente stimolate riflessioni che focalizzino l’attenzione sull’agentività di questi soggetti nella promozione di pratiche originali di mediazione delle tensioni politiche e sui “luoghi” della loro possibile ricomposizione.

(ENG) The panel calls for papers dealing with the critical analysis of both physical and symbolic places in which political and institutional conflicts take root in Sub-Saharan contexts. It is highly encouraged the presentation of case studies showing how political conflict between institutions at local level (traditional authorities, local administrations, agencies of civil society, cultural and religious institutions, etc.) connects with diverse uses and representations of places, objects, practices and rhetorics strongly characterized in a symbolic sense, which in turn can also be claimed, enriched with new meanings and even contested by the actors involved in the conflict. Additionally, the panel seeks to stimulate a debate about the role of such actors in the promotion of original and innovative practices aimed at defusing the conflict, as well as about the “places” in which it could potentially be settled.

Giovedì 22 settembreThursday 22 September

11.00-13.00 (I sess.) Aula A314.00-16.30 (II sess.) Aula A3



I sess. (11.00-13.00)

• Benedetta LEPORE, Dal conflitto sui luoghi ai “luoghi” del conflitto: il forte Sant’Antonio nella topografia politico-sacrale del festival Kundum (Axim, Ghana)

• Stefano MALTESE, “The future of our history”. La patrimonializzazione degli archivi della chieftaincy Nzema come luogo del conflitto politico sulla storia

• Marco SOTTILOTTA, I masiro nel Buganda attuale. “Le società contro gli stati” nell’Uganda contemporanea

II sess. (14.00-16.30)

• Elisa VASCONI, Potere tradizionale e stregoneria in area Nzema. Conflitti, relazioni politiche e malattia nella nuova era dello sviluppo

• Mariano PAVANELLO, Conflitto nel conflitto: una politica di conflict-resolution che si autoperpetua. Il caso della Karamoja (Uganda)

• Monika RÓŻALSKA, Rwanda’s home-grown solutions – traditional mechanisms and local solutions for good governance and development

• Angelantonio GROSSI, Lo spazio pubblico ghanese: traditionalists e istituzioni


Mapping the moral city in Africa

Proponenti: Alessandro GUSMAN, University of TurinAnna BARAL, Uppsala University

Discussant: Simona TALIANI, University of Turin, CRESC – EGE, Rabat

Abstract: Rapid urbanization throughout Africa raises important analytical and sociological questions concerning processes of transformation of the urban spaces. Demographic, political, cultural and economic changes, both internally and externally driven, are making urban life unpredictable and uncertain (Cooper, Pratten 2015). Urban planning and institutional interventions attempt to contain chaos while at the same time pursuing ideals of good cities and citizens.

The panel focuses on the recent “ethical turn” in anthropology (Fassin 2014) to understand processes of change in the African city, by interrogating subjective and collective experiences of navigation within “multiple moralities” (Zigon 2013) in the urban setting.We invite papers based on empirical research exploring the city as a moral space, with a specific interest for processes of emplacement; practices and discourses of inclusion and exclusion; contested and negotiated spaces; gendered and religious images of the city.


• Marian BURCHARDT, Pentecostal productions of locality: Moral geographies and spiritual protection in urban space

• Marco GARDINI, Urban insecurity, moral orders and the legacies of slavery in Antananarivo

• Raffaele URSELLI, Urban cleansing and the morality of trashlabor in Dakar, Senegal

Giovedì 22 settembreThursday 22 September

11.00-13.00 Aula A6


Mobilità-stabilizzazione. Rappresentazioni congolesi e dinamiche sociali, in Congo e nello

spazio globale

Proponenti: Rosario GIORDANO, Università della CalabriaFlavia AIELLO, Università di Napoli-“L’Orientale”Edoardo QUARETTA, Università di Perugia

Discussant: Anna Maria GENTILI, Università di Bologna

Abstract: Il panel si propone di discutere i processi di destrutturazione e riconfigurazione delle società del Congo e della regione dei Grandi Laghi scaturiti dall’implosione politica della II Repubblica e dalle cruenti guerre degli anni 1990-2000. Proponendo un approccio transdisciplinare (storico-antropologico, linguistico-letterario, artistico) i contributi che comporranno il panel si strutturano intorno a due nozioni chiave: “stabilizzazione”, nella sua accezione di condizione sociale, esistenziale, creatrice di aspettative e di futuro cristallizzata attorno a modelli contemporanei di ‘riuscita sociale’; “mobilità” intesa nella sua polivalenza, ossia solo parzialmente in relazione alla dimensione spaziale e più largamente come rete di itinerari socio-culturali. I contributi evidenzieranno il rapporto dialettico tra stabilizzazione immaginata e mobilità praticata quale gioco di specchi tra l’impronta del passato coloniale e l’attuale condizione postcoloniale. A partire da queste premesse i contributi si articoleranno su più scale di analisi: su un arco temporale di medio-lunga durata (Novecento e contemporaneità); dal punto di vista geografico-culturale su scala regionale (Katanga, Kinshasa, Est del Paese), continentale (Africa centrale e Australe) e tra Congo e spazio globale.


• Carlo CARBONE, Migranti borghesi, mercenari o patrioti in Congo da Giolitti a Mussolini

• Rosario GIORDANO, De « la terreur salutaire ». Langages croisés de la violence au Congo de Léopold II (1900-1908)

• Fabiana D’ASCENZO, Narrazioni dell’emigrazione/

Giovedì 22 settembre Thursday 22 September

14.00-16.30 Aula A4


immigrazione congolese tra geografie coloniali e postcoloniali

• Luigi GAFFURI, Una geografia del fiume Congo: rappresentazioni coloniali e condizioni odierne della mobilità

• Flavia AIELLO, Swahili facile: pratiche linguistiche e rappresentazioni culturali a Lubumbashi (RDC)

• Edoardo QUARETTA, Al limite, bambini. La riconfigurazione dell’infanzia nella Repubblica

Democratica del Congo


New forms of political expressions: Mapping the approaches to the art of the protest

in the Mena region

Convenor: Laura TOCCO, University of Cagliari

Discussant: Gennaro GERVASIO, Università Roma Tre

Abstract: The protests that have rapidly spread through the Mena region have brought new forms of political expressions that differ significantly from the traditional organizational forms of previous political movements. Over the last years, the claim for the appropriation of the public space through highly visual artifices has started to play an important role in terms of building a consciousness. According to Tripp, graffiti and street art’s public presence “help to create a powerful mnemonic for collective memory”. Also, “through graffiti and street art’s public presence, “a common language, often a vernacular of solidarity and defiance will be established” (Tripp 2013).

This field opens up questions also for social sciences and humanities, as well history, anthropology, architecture, and economy. The stories and the identities of the protest art can be studied through several angles as multidisciplinary tools. There is a long, perhaps even ancient history of wall writing and what we would today call street art and graffiti used as means to express discontent and catch public attention. In the critical exploration, these expressions work as a source of memory and as an archive helping to understand the historical and current structure of the political movements and to read the phenomenon where they are embedded.

The panel has the aim to draw the narrative of the protest art by collecting critical research and textual methods in the reading of the political landscape via posters, graffiti, propaganda maps and various street art. The panel welcomes scholars with diverse interests and approaches to this subject, from a range of disciplines including art, architecture, geography, sociology, philosophy, anthropology, history, politics and economics and urban planning.

Giovedì 22 settembre Thursday 22 September

14.00-16.30 Aula A6



• Raffaella BIANCHI, Dancing in line: Steps of Kurdish politics in Turkey since 2010

• Taoufik RACHED, Le rap marocain : quand la jeunesse se rebelle

• Laura TOCCO, The speaking silence of Cumartesi Anneleri in Turkish collective identity


Politiche della diaspora e forme diasporiche della politica

Proponenti: Osvaldo COSTANTINI, Università di Roma-“La Sapienza”Aurora MASSA, Università di Bergamo

Discussant: Francesca DECLICH, Università di Urbino

Abstract: (ITA) Il fermento che caratterizza molti stati africani, fatto di crisi e tensioni, si riflette anche sulle popolazioni in diaspora. L’impatto dei nuovi media e l’accelerazione degli spostamenti incrementa il coinvolgimento delle comunità migranti nelle questioni politiche della madrepatria.

Il panel vuole riflettere sulle forme di partecipazione politica delle diaspore nei contesti di provenienza, con particolare attenzione alle conflittualità. In che modo le popolazioni diasporiche incidono negli equilibri politici locali e di quali innovative forme di partecipazione si fanno portatrici? Come agiscono i governi nel campo sociale transnazionale, controllando il dissenso o cercando consensi? Come gli accordi tra gli stati, le legislazioni internazionali e le politiche migratorie influenzano la partecipazione politica delle diaspora?Si accettano paper su varie forme di partecipazione politica transnazionale, dalle associazioni politiche sino alle produzioni artistiche.

Papers: • Maria Elisa DAINELLI, Ritornare a casa. Le associazioni di

villaggio avoriane e l’organizzazione delle veglie funebri nella città di Parigi

• Adele GALIPO, “Diaspora politics”: uno sguardo etnografico alle pratiche di ritorno tra i migranti somalilandesi

• Giacomo MORABITO, La diaspora eritrea. L’impatto dei flussi migratori e delle rimesse estere sulla crescita economica eritrea

• Giulia MALTESE, Letteratura, esilio e resistenza: il conflitto del Sahara Occidentale nell’opera di Chejdan Mahmud Yazid

Venerdì 23 settembre Friday 23 September

14.15-16.00 Aula A4


Reproducing society/producing history. Returning to reflect on African youth

Convenors: Armando CUTOLO, Università di SienaLuca JOURDAN, Università di Bologna

Abstract: Since the Nineties, in a time when the combination of neoliberal reforms with demographic growth has produced new inequalities and social tensions, African youths have been generally portrayed as enduring shared conditions of disrupted “social becoming” and “waithood”, bearing claims to social recognition and unsatisfied desires of success, consumption, “modernity”. While acknowledging scholarship that has highlighted access to social seniority as a central theme for the analysis of conflicts involving youths, our panel would like to widen such a frame to larger apparatuses of social reproduction and/or to explicit forms of resistance to the reproduction of existing social orders. Moreover, we invite scholars working on the new paths of subjectivation and mobilization, as well as on the new ways of inhabiting the public sphere undertaken by African youths, to frame the category of “youth” as a product of the historical present and, at the same time, as an instrument enabling new generations to act in it.


• Richard BANÉGAS, Street politics, youth vigilantism and generational imaginaries in Burkina Faso

• Ann CASSIMAN, Spiders on the internet. Cyber trickery through romance fraud as a democratic sphere of resistance among urban youth in Nima (Accra)

• Luca CIABARRI, Talkin’ tahrib amongst Somaliland youth. Development, emigration, and the social allocation of future

• Armando CUTOLO, Soro/Ouattara vs Goudé/Gbagbo. Youth, paradigmatic relations and social reproduction in Ivorian politics

• Francesco FANOLI, Hierarchical orders, power relations and intermingling of “durées” in Dakar’s làmb (wrestling)

• Pietro FORNASETTI, Politics of jealousy. International migration and social mobility in a migrants belonging

Giovedì 22 settembreThursday 22 September

11.00-13.00 (I sess.) Sala Conferenze14.00-16.30 (II sess.) Sala Conferenze


village of Burkina Faso• Thomas FOUQUET, The urban adventure in the feminine:

Negotiating prestige all under stigma?• Alessandro JEDLOWSKI, Street gang culture and the

afterlife of kung fu films in Abidjan• Luca JOURDAN, Kingdoms, land and conflict. An analysis of

youth mobilization in Kasese district (Uganda)


Social media, violence and migration in Somalia and the Horn of Africa

Convenor: Iginio GAGLIARDONE, University of the Witwatersrand,


Abstract: This panel seeks to examine how social media are transforming violent conflict, and in particular how they affect the flows of information and of people in and out of conflict zones, with a particular focus on Somalia and the Horn of Africa. The majority of migrants coming to Europe are from countries at war or from repressive regimes where individuals might experience violence. Going in the opposite direction, people leaving Europe to join those very conflicts have attracted increasing attention and fed a narrative of refugees as potential threats, as individuals who are or can be radicalized and bring conflict to host nations. In the absence of solid and publicly available evidence on the role social media play in these processes, anecdotes and prejudices have shaped not only public opinion, but also policy making. Focusing on the case of Somalia and the Horn of Africa, the panel aims to address two interrelated questions in particular: Are social media changing how people flee from conflict? Are social media transforming access to conflict, allowing participation ‘at a distance’, or, in some cases, migration towards conflict? The panel privileges interdisciplinary approaches combining qualitative and quantitative methods to understand longer-term patterns of violence and migration, how these get reproduced online, and with which consequences.


• Iginio GAGLIARDONE, Hate speech online in Ethiopia: A comparative perspective

• Gianluca IAZZOLINO, Navigating through troubled water. Young Somalis, social media, and crisis management

• Nicole STREMLAU, Manufacturing peace: ICTs and elections in Ethiopia and Kenya

Venerdì 23 settembreFriday 23 September

16.15-18.00 Aula A2


The causes and consequences of changing labour relations in African societies

Convenors: Stefano BELLUCCI, IIHS-International Institute of Social

History-Amsterdam, and Leiden University

Maxim BOLT, University of Birmingham and University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Chairs: Stefano BELLUCCI, IIHS and Leiden UniversityAnn E. McDOUGALL, University of AlbertaMaxim BOLT, University of Birmingham and University of

the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Discussants: Jan-Bart GEWALD, Leiden UniversityBill FREUND, University of Kwazulu-Natal and University of

the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Abstract: “Conflict” is one of the general themes of the IV Conference of the ASAI in 2016. This panel will present papers on issues related to “social” conflict in Africa, with a particular focus on labour. Placing labour conflict at centre-stage through a historical materialist approach has declined generally, and specifically in the field of African studies, but it is now slowly but steadily re-emerging as a consequence of a global remise en cause of capitalism.As Andreas Eckert put it, in Africa, the 20th century was the century of wage labour. Although it is probably true that wage workers were not the majority in Africa during that century, it is undeniable that the 20th century saw a notable surge in people employed as wage workers. Many scholars equate this with the rise of the capitalist mode of production and capitalism in Africa.

The fact that wage labour emerged as an important form of labour relations begs several crucial questions. This panel explores these, building on rich scholarship across several disciplines. Why and how did wage labour emerge? What is the history not only of workers, but also of capitalist employers? What effects did wage work have on existing social arrangements (including the family) – more or less

Venerdì 23 settembre Friday 23 September

14.45-13.15 (I sess.) Sala Conferenze14.15-16.00 (II sess.) Sala Conferenze

16.15-18.00 (III sess.) Sala Conferenze


social security? How were household, tributary and slavery systems affected by the coming of wage labour? And, finally, how should we understand unemployment and consequent migration in relation to the transition in labour relations and the uneven relationship existing between workers and capital?


I sess. (10.45-13.15): “Societies and politics of labour in 20th Century Western and Southern Africa” Chair: Stefano BELLUCCIDiscussant: Jan-Bart GEWALD

• Nicola PONS-VIGNON – Bill FREUND, Precarity in post-apartheid South Africa

• Miriam DI PAOLA, The South African labour movement between conflict and compromise. The case of NUMSA

• Pierluigi VALSECCHI, Slaves and their Masters. Changing social relations in early 20th century South-West Ghana

• Alessandra BRIVIO, From domestic slaves to domestic labourers: The Gold Coast case

• Craig PHELAN, Thomas Sankara versus the trade unions: Competing visions of modernisation in Burkina Faso, 1983-87

II sess. (14.15-16.00): “Wagers, migrant workers and the transformation of Southern African socio-economic landscapes”Chair: Ann E. McDOUGALLDiscussant: Jan-Bart GEWALD

• Michela MOSSETTO CARINI, Paternalism as a mode of action: Mozambican migrant mineworkers’ practices of mobilisation and labour organisation

• Helena PÉREZ NIÑO, Farming households and labour relations in global commodity chains: The case of contract farming in Mozambique

• Maxim BOLT, Exploitative labour regimes and the possibilities of incorporation: South African agriculture in a place of crisis


III sess. (16.15-18.00): “Capitalist transformations and the labour issue in historical, social and economic perspectives”Chair: Maxim BOLT Discussant: Bill FREUND

• Ann E. McDOUGALL, Work, workers and wages: Freed-slaves in the colonial economy of French West Africa (Sahara-Sahel) c.1900-1950

• Filipa RIBEIRO DA SILVA, Political changes and shifts in labour relations in Mozambique, 1820s-1920s

• Ettore MORELLI, Sotho masters, San slaves? Slavery and modes of production on the precolonial South African Highveld, c. 1870

• Stefano BELLUCCI, From slave labour to “free” wage labour in colonial Somalia: Issues of a capitalist transformation


The rise of the modern State in North Africa: Central authorities versus polycentric societies

L’ascesa dello Stato moderno in Africa settentrionale: autorità centrale vs società


Proponenti: Federico CRESTI, Università di CataniaDaniela MELFA, Università di Catania

Discussant: Anna Maria MEDICI, Università di Urbino

Abstract: (ENG) The birth of the modern State ushered in increasing rationalisation and centralisation. In North Africa the modernisation of State institutions, which dates back to the early nineteenth century, brought about a readjustment of power relationships to the detriment of horizontal networks and decentralised authorities. State control strengthened during the colonial era and reached its height in the new independent nation-states. Measures such as border demarcations and the erection of cross-border barriers, sedentarisation policies and mobility regulation, mass literacy and birth control policies punctuated the statehood evolution in North Africa. Nevertheless, cross-border solidarities and identities have persisted, as well as challenges to State unity, thus disclosing the coexistence of centrifugal and centripetal forces.

The panel aims to examine the building process of the modern State in North Africa by shedding light on the recurrent tension between the centre and the periphery.

(ITA) La nascita dello Stato moderno è segnata da processi di razionalizzazione e accentramento. Nell’Africa settentrionale la modernizzazione delle istituzioni statali, che risale alla prima metà dell’Ottocento, comportò un riassetto degli equilibri interni contraddistinti da sistemi di rete orizzontali e poteri decentralizzati. Il potere dello Stato si rafforzò in epoca coloniale e raggiunse il culmine con la formazione degli Stati-nazione dopo l’indipendenza. La delimitazione dei confini e la costruzione di barriere frontaliere nelle zone di conflitto, le politiche di sedentarizzazione e la regolamentazione della mobilità, l’istruzione pubblica di

Venerdì 23 settembreFriday 23 September

10.45-13.15 Aula A2


massa e le politiche di controllo delle nascite, sono tutte misure che rivelano l’evoluzione del modello di statualità nordafricana. Cionondimeno la persistenza di solidarietà e identità transfrontaliere, così come le sfide all’unità dello Stato mostrano la coesistenza di forze centrifughe accanto alla spinta centripeta dell’autorità statale.

Il panel intende esaminare il processo di costruzione dello Stato moderno in Africa settentrionale alla luce della ricorrente tensione tra centro e periferia. Papers:

• Chiara PAGANO, “Politica delle qabile” and Qabilas as political players in colonial Tripolitania (1914-1918)

• Antonio M. MORONE, La Libia di Idris e il ruolo dell’Islam tra competizione internazionale e cambiamento istituzionale

• Stefano PONTIGGIA, States of mediation: Money and relations in the informal sector in Tunisia

• Marta SCAGLIONI, Challenging Tunisia’s ethnic homogeneity after 2011: Blacks’ quest for recognition and full citizenship rights

• Davide DOLCEZZA, The legal systems and the role of Islam in Moroccan constitutional reforms


The Unsettlers: Solidarity and transgression in white central Africa

Convenors: Jack HOGAN, University of the Free StateDuncan MONEY, University of the Free StateLazlo PASSEMIERS, University of the Free State

Abstract: Transnational and global history, the history of colonial and settler societies, histories of crime and conflict and histories of the affective are more in vogue now than ever before. Drawing on this groundswell of historical and popular interest, and the growing recognition of the complexity of the human dimension to colonial contact, this panel seeks to understand the complex and often contradictory history of white settlers and settlement in central Africa.The questions it seeks to address are diverse: How did settler societies take shape? What was the relationship between the colonised and their colonisers? How strong was the colonial state, and how did it interact with settler society? What forces shaped settler identities? How were norms and values forged, transmitted and shared? How true do stereotypes of settler societies ring when closely examined? How did settler states handle internal and external conflicts? How were settler colonial modernities constructed and defined?

What unites this broad approach to the history of white central Africa is, the hard facts of geography aside, the commonalities of historical experience across settler states and enclaves. Settler colonialism was not the same thing in all places, and at all times, but by their very nature settler societies offer fertile ground for historical comparisons to be drawn. But the notion that these were islands of metropolitan whiteness, divided from the populations they supplanted, and from each other by imperial boundaries, calls out for closer interrogation. This panel’s overarching concerns are conflict, crime and the making of common experience and solidarity, framed by a concern with the reality (or unreality) of borders, be they geographic, socioeconomic or cultural, and how these could be made and unmade.

Venerdì 23 settembreFriday 23 September

16.15-18.00 Aula A1



• Jack HOGAN, Of deviants and District Commissioners: The difficult adolescence of a settler colony

• Duncan MONEY, The Wild West in Central Africa: Authority, justice, and white miners in the Copperbelt mining camps

• Matteo GRILLI, ‘Congolese’ Italians: Identity, race and belonging in colonial and independent Congo

• Lazlo PASSEMIERS, White fright, flight and fight: The Congo crisis and white solidarities in southern Africa


Elenco dei partecipantiList of Participants

Cognome Nome Indirizzo email Pag.Surname Name e-mail address PageAdamo Antonio 42Aiello Flavia 50, 51Alfieri Valeria 29Apa Livia 24, 31 C.S.Bachmann Judith 46Baldinetti Anna C.S.Banégas Richard 55Banti Giorgio C.S.Baral Anna 49Barone Stefano 33Belalimat Nadia 32Bellucci Stefano 11, 30 58-60 C.S.Beneduce Roberto 46Bianchi Raffaella 53Bolt Maxim 58-60Bortolotti Stefania 27Brack Smadar 40Brivio Alessandra 45, 59Bruzzi Silvia 36Burchardt Marian 49Candotti Marisa 30Carbone Carlo 50Carreño Eduardo 35Casciano Davide 40Casola Camillo 22Cassiman Ann 55Ceriana Mayneri Andrea 45Chauveau Jean-Pièrre 42Chelati Dirar Uoldelul C.S.Ciabarri Luca 55Colosio Valerio 35Correale Francesco 17, 43 44 Costantini Osvaldo 39, 40 54


Cresti Federico 2, 4 17, 61 C.S., C.O. Cristofori Silvia 40Cutolo Armando 55D’Ascenzo Fabiana 50Dainelli Maria Elisa 54De Nardis Stefania 25De Rosa Francesca 31De Simone Sara 38Declich Francesca 26, 27 54Di Paola Miriam 59Di Pasquale Francesca 24Dolcezza Davide 62Dragani Amalia 37Draicchio Cecilia 40Drew Allison 11Dumasy François 25Ercolessi M.Cristina 17, 34Fanoli Francesco 33, 55Fantauzzi Annamaria 25Fiamingo Cristiana 17Fornasetti Pietro 55Fortier Corinne 37Fouquet Thomas 56Freeman Dena 15Freund Bill 58-60Fuller Mia 24Fusari Valentina 36Gaffurri Luigi 51Gagliardone Iginio 57Galipo Adele 54Gardini Marco 49Gentili Anna Maria 50Gervasio Gennaro 43, 52Gewald Jan-Bart 58, 59Giordano Rosario 50Giuffré Martina 27Gomes de Pina Maria da Graça 31Grasso Erika 32


Grilli Matteo 64Grimaldi Giuseppe 25Grossi Angelantonio 48Guarino Laura 25Gusman Alessandro 49Hänisch Valerie 32Hogan Jack 63, 64Iazzolino Gianluca 57Iocchi Alessio 22, 23Jedlowski Alessandro 33, 56Jourdan Luca 17, 28 55, 56 C.S.Kedzierska Manzon Agnès 46Krätli Saverio 32Labonia Monica 41Lepore Benedetta 48Longo Francesco S. 33López Bargados Alberto 43, 44Lott Gaia 28, 29Maciariello Cristina 31Maimone Giuseppe C.O.Maltese Giulia 54Maltese Stefano 47, 48Massa Aurora 54Mazzieri Arianna 38McDougall Ann E. 58-60Medici Anna Maria 61Melber Henning 34Melcangi Alessia C.O.Melfa Daniela 13, 61 C.S, C.O.Melis Nicola 17Moltisanti Eugenio 25Money Duncan 63, 64Morabito Giacomo 54Morelli Ettore 60Morone Antonio M. 62Mosca Marta 28, 29


Mossetto Carini Michela 59Murgi Alessia 37Musch Tilman 32Musso Giorgio 35Ndour Gabriel 42Ngaïdé Abdarahmane 13Nkoutou Ntsiela Matondo Théophane 42Obam Yannick 22Pagano Chiara 62Pallaver Karin 30Pallotti Arrigo 34Passemiers Lazlo 63, 64Pavanello Mariano 48Pennacini Cecilia 33, 47Pérez Niño Helena 59Pezzano Antonio 38Phelan Craig 59Pioppi Daniela 17Podestà Gian Luca 30Pons-Vignon Nicolas 59Pontiggia Stefano 62Quaretta Edoardo 50, 51Rached Taoufik 53Ribeiro da Silva Filipa 60Różalska Monika 48Sanogo Aïdas 42Scaglioni Marta 62Schirripa Pino 15, 39 40, C.S.Semplici Greta 32Soi Isabella C.S.Sottilotta Marco 48Strangio Donatella 30Stremlau Nicole 57Sumo Tayo Raul 23Taliani Simona 45, 49Titeca Kristof 23Tocco Laura 52, 53


Tornimbeni Corrado 34Turchetti Alessandra 33Ukpong Donatus Pius 40Urselli Raffaele 49Valsecchi Pierluigi 59Vasconi Elisa 47, 48Veguilla Del Moral Victoria 44Vezzadini Elena 44Vitturini Elia 25Zamponi Mario 34Zognong Dieudonné 40


Settembre 2016

Sciarabba EditriceVia Sciarelle, 4 - Acireale (CT)

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