Africa Hosts Two Sub Regions Clearly Defined

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Africa Hosts Two Sub Regions Clearly Defined

  • 7/30/2019 Africa Hosts Two Sub Regions Clearly Defined


    Africa hosts two sub regions clearly defined: the northern and sub-Saharan Africa. The natural

    boundary between the two is the Sahara desert and along its entire southern borders a track

    semiarid, the Sahel. The position westernmost this sub region is called the Maghreb comprises

    Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. These countries along with Libya, Egypt and Djibouti have

    physical and human characteristics similar to those of the Middle Eastern nations. The Sahel

    covers 12 countries and is marked by the Arabic presence and Islam. The sub-Saharan Africa

    gathers most of the population and is predominantly black. 37 of its 42 countries are in

    agreement with the UN has the lowest HDI indices of the planet. The leading cause of death in

    Africa is malaria, and moreover, AIDS makes Africa holder 67% of chaos of death from this

    disease in the world.

    Since the fifteenth century Africa has been divided and occupied by European powers. Anti-

    colonial struggles were developed mainly in the second half of the twentieth century and

    associated rivalries between ethnic populations of countries whose border was artificially

    created by European nations in the late nineteenth century favored a legacy of political and

    economic instability. Like example of political instability we have the struggle of Bantu South

    Africans against Afrikaners South Africans by equality and also the massacre of Tutsis by Hutus

    in Rwanda, who causes 500.000 to 1 million of deaths.

    Africa has about 30 million km2. The Sahara Desert occupies a third of the territory. The North

    has desert and semiarid climate with coastal Mediterranean climate. The portion humid

    Equatorial exist tropical forests that become savannah towards the south it is drier. Besides

    the presence of camels and dromedaries feature in the Sahara desert, Africa is also known by

    the big 5 found in the Africa the big five animals are the lion, African elephant, Cape

    buffalo, leopard and rhinoceros. The term big five refers to most difficult animals in Africa to

    hunt on foot.

    The continent has 1 billion people. Each year 19 million people have to travel beyond the

    borders of their homeland because of economic problems and conflicts. In countries south of

    the Sahara is the predominant religion of Candombl similar to Brazil. There are also important

    Christian centers like Ethiopia.

    African countries with better quality of life are: Libya, Mauritius, Seychelles, South Africa,

    Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe. But no country really

    developed in Africa. Africa's economy is primarily agricultural-based model of subsistence

    crops and monoculture export mainly coffee, cocoa, cotton and peanuts. Mineral exploration

    and oil has intensified and is responsible for the current growth cycle. However wealth

    generation does not mean the same as fair income distribution. In sub-Saharan Africa, the

    richest 10% receive 18 times more than the poorest 10%.