Advertising in America Powerpoint (Colonial...

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Transcript of Advertising in America Powerpoint (Colonial...

Pop Culture Name: ________________________________________ Shen

Advertising in America Powerpoint (Colonial Era-Present)

I. History of Advertising

a. In its earliest form, advertising simply meant placing announcements in newspapers and magazines.

b. As the medium evolved and the avenues for reaching the public expanded, advertising quickly appeared everywhere.

c. Signs on billboards, in store windows, on the outsides of buildings, and on public transportation.

d. Advertising quickly became embedded in people’s daily consciousness thanks to the constant bombardment of advertising messages.

e. Most modern advertising can trace its roots back to what invention?

i. _____________________________________________________

ii. Why?

f. The most reliable source of advertising in the old days (before print) was what?

g. In 1704, the first what was published? ___________________________

h. In 1729, _________________________________ began the advertising tradition in America. His Philadelphia Gazette had a full page of advertisements. He also started ____________________________________ in 1749.

i. Following the American Revolution, more newspapers sprang up around the country. i. In 1775, there were 35 newspapers in the colonies. By 1820, there were 532.

j. 1833: New York Sun was the first successful “penny newspaper.” It

revolutionized distribution – HOW? _____________________________________________________

i. By 1837, circulation reached 30,000!

k. While newspapers grew in size and number, by the mid-1800s, _________________________ had also become a part of American business.

i. How were they important in shaping the advertising industry?

l. P.T. Barnum

i. The ultimate salesman, showman and businessman ii. Shopkeeper turned showman iii. Owner of the American Museum and Barnum & Bailey’s Circus iv. Barnum’s first con: Joice Heth (a black woman who claimed to be

George Washington's 161-year old nurse)

1. What did Barnum learn with Heth?

v. American Museum: museum’s success was in large part due to advertising and the imaginative stunts Barnum created to publicize his exhibits.

II. Advertising in the Industrial Age

a. The Industrial Revolution was a key factor in creating a setting for the growth of advertising —


b. Mass production and the growing advertising industry contributed to the creation of a consumer culture (DEFINE)

i. Total advertising volume rose from about $200 million in 1880 to nearly $3 billion in 1920!

c. Culture of Consumption i. As the nation transformed from a rural country into a nation of bustling cities, advertising

helped play a critical role in helping to promote the new, increasingly urban, consumer culture.

ii. In the 1900s, industrialization and a growing emphasis on consumerism came together to form a culture of consumption in the U.S..

d. What were ads like in the Industrial Era? (Briefly list)

e. How did ads in the late 1800s and early 1900s convince people to buy things?

III. The Birth of the Advertising Industry a. 1843 – first advertising agency was established b. 1873 – first convention of advertising agents met in New York c. A few years later, James Walter Thompson created the position of “account

executive” for himself and went into the business of general magazine advertising. This was the beginning of creative advertising in this country.

d. 1880 – first full-time retail advertising copywriter was hired.

e. In 1882, the first “big budget” client spent $11,000 on advertisements. What was the product? ______________

f. In 1906, the first million dollar advertising client, ________________________________, was born.

IV. Sears & Roebuck Co. a. What need did Sears & Roebuck meet?

b. How did it make itself relevant to customers?

V. Advertising through the decades…

Decade What changes took place in the advertising industry in this decade?

What style of advertisements were most common in this decade? (What

strategies were used to sell?) 1900s



Decade What changes took place in the advertising industry in this decade?

What style of advertisements were most common in this decade? (What

strategies were used to sell?)







