Advent - Calvary Lubbock€¦ · for advent readings is a wonderful visual that can help build...

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Transcript of Advent - Calvary Lubbock€¦ · for advent readings is a wonderful visual that can help build...


There’s a lot of celebration around Christmas time. We celebrate generosity, our friends and family, blessings and abundance. Some people don’t know what they are celebrating, but they join in anyway.

As followers of Christ, we know that Christmas is about Jesus! When we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we are celebrating the fact that he came to rescue us from our sin. Because Jesus came, we have hope, peace, joy, and love. This is why Christmas is more than a celebration… it’s an experience!

Our desire for you this Christmas season is that you would not just know about hope, but that you would experience hope… peace… joy… love. Make Christmas an experience for you and your family by intentionally turning your attention and affections upon the Author and Source of hope, peace, joy, and love - Jesus!


What is Advent? Why Celebrate Advent? 4

Using this Guide/Preparing for Advent 5

Making the Most of Advent 6

Daily Readings & Devotions Week One: Hope 7 November 27 - December 3

Week Two: Peace 11 December 4 - December 10

Week Three: Joy 15 December 11 - December 17

Week Four: Love 19 December 18 - December 24

Other Celebrations & Teaching Tools St. Nick’s Day 24 Twelve Days of Christmas 26 Three Kings’ Day 29

Resources 31 Notes & Memories 33

WHAT IS ADVENT? The word “advent”, rooted in the Latin word adventus, means “coming.” The Christian advent season has long been a tradition that ties together the celebration of the First Advent (Christ coming to earth as a baby born in a manger in Bethlehem) with the anticipation of the Second Advent (the second coming of Christ at the end of the age). Christians have, for centuries, celebrated advent during the Christmas season, the time when we traditionally celebrate the birth of Christ.

During the advent season, Christians will, in their homes and in their churches, celebrate with the daily and/or weekly reading of Scriptures related to the first and second comings of Christ. Though not necessary, the reading of Scriptures is often accompanied by the physical reminders of the five candles of advent, sometimes surrounded by an evergreen wreath, and decorated however you would like.


The season of advent is a time for remembering and rejoicing, watching and waiting, and a time to reflect upon the promises of God and to anticipate the fulfillment of those promises with patience, prayer and preparedness.

The celebration of advent is a time of reflection and worship as we read of fulfilled prophecy, the hope that God brought to man through Jesus, and the hope that still remains in the second coming of Christ. For families with children, the celebration of advent becomes a great teaching tool for teaching your children and grandchildren about the gospel of Christ.

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USING THIS GUIDE The important thing to remember is that this is a “guide.” Feel free to use what you want and adjust how you want. We simply want to encourage you to keep your attention and affections on Jesus throughout the season, and everything in this guide is meant to equip you to do that. There are five readings each week for you to read whenever your family can gather. But don’t feel pressured to read them all if you can’t. We also provide you with extra ideas for activities and other ways to celebrate. Choose what you like and what works for you.

PREPARING FOR ADVENT 1. Candles - The use of

candles when gathering for advent readings is a wonderful visual that can help build excitement and anticipation. It’s also a great way for younger children who can’t read yet to participate because they can remember what each candle represents as you introduce each week’s theme. You can get 5 candles of whatever color, shape, and size you want. Set them up and decorate them however you want (look for great ideas on Pinterest). Throughout this guide, we tell you what candle to light, and when.

2. A Plan - The Christmas season is often a very busy time of year, with a number of things competing for our time, affections, and resources. Therefore, you must be intentional about your celebration of Advent. A time intended to remember and celebrate the birth of the promised Messiah and look ahead to His promised return can quickly become consumed with things that are neither real nor lasting. Therefore, establish a time and a place and stick to it.



Advent can easily become a joyful tradition to look forward to every year. As you think about and plan for the coming weeks, prayerfully consider what you want this season of Advent to be marked by for you or your family. If you have children, what do you want them to value and remember? How will you be intentional in guarding their time, attention and affections so that Jesus is the focus?

There is no one way to celebrate Advent, but here are some suggestions that you can incorporate.

• Open your time with prayer, asking God to reveal Himself to you as you focus on Him.

• Sing a song or two together. There are suggested songs in this guide at the beginning of each new week. If no one in your family plays an instrument, sing a cappella or use YouTube or Spotify to find songs or to sing along with.

• When you read through each Bible passage, take time to discuss what you are reading, using the devotion thoughts as a starter.

• Throughout the season, take time to watch “The Christmas Experience” by Kyle Idleman, available on RightNow Media (you can find access at Suggestions for when to watch what sessions are listed throughout this guide.

Also, there are some suggested family activities (listed in the Resources section) that you might consider doing together throughout the coming weeks as a way to talk about Advent and spend quality time together amidst the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

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WEEK ONE November 27 - December 3

This week’s theme: Hope We often use the word “hope” to express wishful thinking or desire, often with little to no confidence. But hope in the Bible is a confident expectation, rooted in the gospel and in the person and character of Jesus. If our hope is in Jesus, it cannot be shaken. The Old Testament saints’ hope for a Messiah was rooted in God’s promises. Though their waiting was long, their hope never failed and was eventually realized in Jesus. We know today that Jesus, the Messiah and Savior of the World has already come. Yet our hope is still in Christ, as we wait for Him to return as He said He would, to make all things new and rid the world of sin.

Lighting the Advent Candles: If you are lighting advent candles, pick one to start with and light it each time you gather for Advent readings this week.

Songs to sing together: O Come, O Come Emmanuel The First Noel In Christ Alone

*Be sure to also check out our YouTube channel (Media CBC) for songs and videos that you can sing along with as a family.

WEEK 1 - Hope

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Watch together this week: “The Christmas Experience”, by Kyle Idleman Sessions 1-2

Available on RightNow Media ( If you need access, visit and look under the Resources tab.

☐ Genesis 3:8-15; Galatians 4:4-5 The prophecy given in Genesis 3 is sometimes referred to as “The First Gospel.” Just after the Fall, when Adam and Eve first sinned, as God was speaking to the serpent, He gave the first prophecy of One who was to come that, though He would suffer, would triumph over sin and death. The people of Israel knew this promise and waited thousands of years longing for its fulfillment. But God had a plan all along for the right time and the right place for Jesus to enter humanity, which is what the passage in Galatians reminds us of. Take time to praise God for His perfect plan and perfect timing. Pray that your hope will not fail as we wait for Jesus to return.

☐ Isaiah 9:2-7 As the people of Israel faced a dark time in their history, God gave Isaiah this prophecy of a child being born who would bring light to their darkness. It was a prophecy of a deliverer. The people’s hope was renewed as God promises the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. It would still be several hundred years before that child would be born. There may be times in our lives when darkness seems to overwhelm us, yet our hope is not in our circumstances, it’s in a person - Jesus. Reflect together on some times in your life when your hope in Christ gave you strength to persevere through difficult circumstances.


☐ Micah 5:2-5a; Matthew 2:1-6 God’s plan to send His Son to die for us was not a last minute decision. It wasn’t plan B, and it wasn’t random. It was the plan He set in motion from the foundation of the world. Every detail happened as He planned and prophesied, including the place where Jesus would be born. When we place our hope in God, we can be confident that His plans will never fail.

☐ Psalm 33:20-22 This passage reminds us that the foundation of our hope is faith. The two are practically inseparable. When we place our faith in Jesus, we are saying that we trust Him completely and that He is worthy of our trust. As we wait for the Lord to answer a prayer; as we wait to see promises fulfilled; as we wait for Jesus to come back, we can wait with confidence because of our faith. To make it even better, as we wait, as we trust, our heart is made glad. Remember that your joy is not in your circumstances or your possessions; Jesus is your joy!

☐ 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 When Jesus came into the world, he brought hope to man, providing a way of salvation. Having received His salvation, our great hope now is in His Second Coming, when we will meet Him in the air. Though we still experience sin and death now, the Lord is coming! Our waiting is not is vain. Even our grief is not in vain because we do not grieve like those who have no hope. We can be confident that we will be reunited with those who died before us. Does this hope encourage you? How can you encourage others with this hope?

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WEEK TWO December 4 - December 10

This week’s theme: Peace Deep down, we all want peace. We don’t really like war and conflict. Most of us would love nothing more than for everyone to just get along. But the reality is that sin prevents that from happening. The effects of sin cause us to war and strive against each other. Worst of all, the Bible describes the sinner as an enemy of God, under the wrath of God. Yet Jesus came to die on a cross, absorbing the wrath of God on our behalf. This was the only pathway to peace; the only way for God and sinner to be reconciled.

Lighting the Advent Candles: If you are lighting advent candles, pick a second one to light together with the Hope candle each time you gather for Advent readings this week.

Songs to sing together: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Silent Night I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day

*Be sure to also check out our YouTube channel (Media CBC) for songs and videos that you can sing along with as a family.

WEEK 2 - Peace

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Watch together this week: “The Christmas Experience”, by Kyle Idleman Session 3

Available on RightNow Media ( If you need access, visit and look under the Resources tab.

☐ Isaiah 53:4-6 Isaiah 53 is a prophesy about the suffering servant. Jesus’ sufferings are accurately portrayed as we are reminded about our own sin that drove Him to the cross. As we think about and celebrate the joyous birth of baby Jesus in Bethlehem, we must keep it in perspective. He came with a mission to suffer and die because it is only through his suffering that we could be made at peace with God. Take time to reflect and talk about the wonderful gospel that we get to know because of Christmas. Who do you know that needs to understand this wonderful gospel?

☐ John 14:27; 16:33 Jesus came for peace. He came that we would be reconciled to God. But the peace He offers is more than reconciliation. It’s rest - rest from our striving to prove ourselves to God; rest from trying to attain our own righteousness; rest from worry and anxiety; rest from the troubles of this world. We need not fear death or the unknowns of this world. Be at peace. We do not need to strive over what Jesus has already overcome. Be at peace. Rest in Jesus. Are you at peace today?


☐ Isaiah 52:7; Romans 10:13-15 Peace is realized through proclamation. Isaiah prophesied hundreds of years before Jesus and Paul walked the earth. He prophesied about a time when victory would be proclaimed for Israel, when the good news of peace would be announced. The Apostle Paul quoted Isaiah to help us realize that this Peace has come. The beautiful method that God has chosen to announce peace to the world is through people. Share with your family about who in your life shared the gospel with you when you were an unbeliever. Then talk about who in your life today you can share the gospel with, telling them the good news of peace!

☐ Luke 2:12-14 This passage is the basis for the Christmas carol, “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” It’s the first proclamation of the arrival of Jesus, our Savior. The announcement was that of peace. But it was more than just an announcement of peace, it was a proclamation of praise. The angels announced, “Glory to God!” Praise God together through song and prayer for sending His Son, Jesus!

☐ Ephesians 2:12-14 Paul tells us something very important in the passage about peace. He declares to us that Jesus didn’t just bring peace or cause peace - He is peace. Jesus did more than accomplish peace for us, He became our peace. He reconciled us to God. He gave us hope and brought us near when we were alienated from God. Praise Jesus, our Prince of Peace!

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WEEK THREE December 11 - December 17

This week’s theme: Joy God created us with a longing for joy and happiness, but He intended that our greatest joy be in Him alone. Unfortunately, sin distracts us from the joy of Jesus and we end up looking for joy in other places. But when we discover the joy of Jesus, it’s worth giving up every other fleeting joy in life to have Everlasting Joy. When we trust in Jesus, He fills us with His joy - a joy that will sustain us as we await His imminent return.

Lighting the Advent Candles: Choose a third candle to be the Joy candle and light it together with the first two candles each time you gather for Advent devotions.

Songs to sing together: Joy To The World Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Angels We Have Heard On High

*Be sure to also check out our YouTube channel (Media CBC) for songs and videos that you can sing along with as a family.

WEEK 3 - Joy

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Watch together this week: “The Christmas Experience”, by Kyle Idleman Session 4

Available on RightNow Media ( If you need access, visit and look under the Resources tab.

☐ Luke 1:5-25 Zacharias and Elizabeth longed for a child, but had probably given up hope because of their age and Elizabeth’s barrenness. Imagine the joy that must have filled Zacharias’ heart at the prospect of God giving him a son. God’s perfect plan should bring us joy!

Though Zacharias doubted the words of Gabriel, God kept His promise. How sad that he had such wonderful news that gave him such joy, yet he couldn’t share it. Imagine now the joy that began to fill Elizabeth’s heart when she discovered she was pregnant.

☐ Luke 1:26-45 Despite her circumstances and the ridicule that she would receive, Mary humbly submitted to the Lord’s plan. Though perplexed, Mary must have been filled with such joy to know that God was pleased with her and wanted her to play a role in His great plan.

It is an exciting time when friends & relatives announce that they are expecting, but when have you ever heard of the baby in the womb jumping for joy? Even in the womb, John was joyful in the presence of His Lord.


☐ Luke 1:46-56 This wonderful passage is often referred to as the Magnificat, and is a song. Mary was so full of joy that she couldn’t help but to sing praise to God. She was rejoicing in what the Lord was doing in & through her and was praising God for sending the Messiah.

☐ Luke 1:57-80 God had shut Zacharias’ mouth for 9-10 months. Though his joy likely increased daily, he couldn’t express it audibly. At John’s birth, the whole town was rejoicing, yet Zacharias still couldn’t audibly express it. When God loosened his mouth, surely he talked non-stop for days, overjoyed at what God had done.

Finally, Zacharias was able to speak and express his joy in praise to God. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke prophesy about his son & of how God would use him. How excited Zacharias must have been to hear the words coming out of his own mouth.

☐ Luke 2:29-32 Simeon was promised by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he saw the promised Messiah. Imagine the joy that filled Simeon’s heart as his eyes beheld the Savior! He was so full of joy that he was ready to go to Heaven, being at such peace with God.

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WEEK FOUR December 18 - December 24

This week’s theme: Love Without the love of God, we would never be able to experience hope, peace, and joy. If God didn’t love us, He wouldn’t want us to have anything else. God’s love is pure and never ending. God demonstrated His love by sending His Son to earth to die for us. But that’s not where His love began. His love began before the foundation of the world when He created His plan to redeem mankind. Christmas is certainly a celebration of hope, peace, and joy, but at the center of it all is a celebration of love - the love of God.

Lighting the Advent Candles: As you gather for advent readings this week, light your fourth candle together with the other three. But save the Christ candle for Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day.

Songs to sing together: Away In A Manger Angels From The Realms of Glory What Child Is This? It Came Upon A Midnight Clear Go Tell It On The Mountain O Worship The King

*Be sure to also check out our YouTube channel (Media CBC) for songs and videos that you can sing along with as a family.

WEEK 4 - Love

20 experience CHRISTMAS

Watch together this week: “The Christmas Experience”, by Kyle Idleman Session 5

Available on RightNow Media ( If you need access, visit and look under the Resources tab.

☐ Psalm 36:7-9 What does it mean for something to be precious? Sometimes we take the love of God for granted. What would life be like without the love of God? It is because of His love that we can have life and light.

☐ John 3:16-18 Don’t let your familiarity with this passage cause you to overlook the amazing truth of God’s love. True love requires commitment. God was so committed to saving sinners that He sent His only Son to die on a cross. Then He calls us to believe in Jesus. Do you believe? Praise God for His love.

☐ 1 John 4:7-11 It’s important for us to remember that God didn’t require anything from us nor does He look for any merit within us in order for Him to love us. He made the first move. He chose to love us first by sending Jesus to be the penalty for our sin. Because God loves us, we are to love one another.


☐ Psalm 89:3-4; Luke 2:4 One of the ways God demonstrates His love towards us is that He keeps His promises to us, though we fail Him. God declared that He would establish David’s seed forever and his throne to all generations. Though God’s plan didn’t happen the way many Jews thought it would, He kept His promise! Amazing love!


When you gather for this final advent reading, light all of your candles, including the Christ candle. We suggest

pausing to do this before opening presents. This not only helps to build anticipation, but reminds us that the gifts we give to one another are a celebration of the greatest gift of

all - Jesus!

☐ Luke 2:1-20 As you read the familiar story of the birth of Jesus, praise God together in celebration of His love for us. Thank Him for loving you. Thank Him for saving you. Be like the shepherds in v. 20 - “glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen.”

Watch together: “The Christmas Experience”, by Kyle Idelman Session 6

Available on RightNow Media ( If you need access, visit and look under the Resources tab.

22 experience CHRISTMAS


December 6

The tradition of Saint Nicholas Day, usually observed on December 6th, is a great way to honor the real person of Saint Nicholas and teach your children about gift giving.

It is very difficult in today’s culture to compete with Santa Claus and marketed Christmas. Christian parents in America want to teach their children about the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus, yet still be able to give their children gifts without those gifts being the main focus. Observing Saint Nicholas Day is a great way to do just that.

WHO WAS ST. NICK? Though many myths and legend stories have been created in the name of St. Nick (or Santa Claus), the man we now know as St. Nicholas was a real man. Nicholas was a Greek bishop in Myra (part of modern-day Turkey) in the early 4th century.

There were many miracles attributed to Nicholas’ intercession for people, leading some to call him Nicholas the Wonderworker. Other than these miracles, what Nicholas was perhaps most known for was his secret gift-giving. Nicholas would often leave money in people’s shoes or drop small bags of money in people’s windows at night. His gift-giving, whether money or something else that had practical use, was meant to help meet a particular need of an individual or family. It was his way of ministering to people, helping them to give glory to God, not to him.


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WAYS TO CELEBRATE There are a number of ways to celebrate and observe St. Nick’s Day. Use the suggestions below, research to find others, or just get creative. The point is to give gifts in the same spirit as St. Nicholas.

1. Read and discuss the story of the real person, Nicholas of Myra. Talk about how he gave gifts to minister to people’s needs and talk about why his life is worth honoring.

2. Along with reading and discussing the story of St. Nick, use this day as a day for your gift exchange in your family, even if you only exchange one of your gifts, saving the rest for Christmas. Let the gifts you exchange be practical gifts, not toys.

3. As an individual, family, or small group, find a way to minister to a person or family (directly or through a ministry/organization - Rescue Mission, nursing home, etc.), meeting practical and physical needs in the name of Jesus. For example, go visit elderly in a nursing home, adopt a family experiencing hard times to whom you can give gifts, invite a family over for Christmas dinner, pay for a needy family’s heat bill or take them some firewood.

RESOURCE There are several books and online resources out there to tell you about Saint Nicholas. Below is one that we recommend. If you get an opportunity to get a copy of this book, read through it yourself first and come up with

some creative ideas for observing Saint Nick’s Day.

SAINT NICHOLAS The Real Story of the Christmas Legend


It’s much more than a song. Historically and traditionally, the “12 Days of Christmas” has been a memorable way to teach children some basic truths about the Bible and our Christian faith. It has been said that families under persecution would use this song to teach biblical truth and foundational doctrine in a disguised way. We in America today have no need to disguise our doctrine and aren’t facing that kind of persecution, but this is still a fun and memorable way to teach our children (and remind ourselves) of truth.

Contrary to popular thought, the 12 days are not leading up to Christmas, but start on Christmas Day and end on January 5th. The “true love” in the song is not an earthly suitor, but refers to God Himself. The “me” who receives the gifts refers to every believer. The idea is that you would sing the song each day, building each day (on Christmas Day you only sing about the 1st day of Christmas; the next day you sing the song starting on the 2nd day and work your way down; and so forth). If you can find or make a set of ornaments or pictures that represent each part of the song, this would be a great visual when singing the song each day and discussing that day’s truth.

Here are the meanings of each day:

On the 1st Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

A Partridge in a Pear Tree The partridge in the pear tree is Jesus Christ, the Son of

God, whose birthday we celebrate on December 25th, the first day of Christmas.


26 experience CHRISTMAS

On the 2nd Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Two Turtle Doves The Old & New Testaments of the Bible, which together

bear witness to God’s self-revelation in history.

On the 3rd Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Three French Hens The 3 theological virtues: faith, hope, love

(read 1 Corinthians 13:13)

On the 4th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Four Calling Birds The four gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They

proclaim the Good News of salvation through Jesus

On the 5th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Five Golden Rings The first 5 books of the Old Testament, known as the Torah

or Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. These books tell us of Creation, the fall of

man, and God’s establishing of His covenant and promises.

On the 6th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Six Geese A-laying The six days of Creation that confess God as the Creator

and Sustainer of the world (Read Genesis 1)

On the 7th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Seven Swans A-swimming The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in Romans 12:6-8


On the 8th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Eight Maids A-milking The eight Beatitudes from Matthew 5:3-10

On the 9th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Nine Ladies Dancing The nine fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22

On the 10th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Ten Lords A-leaping The Ten Commandments (read Exodus 20:1-17)

On the 11th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Eleven Pipers Piping The eleven faithful disciples: Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James bar

Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas bar James

On the 12th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...

Twelve Drummers Drumming The twelve points of doctrine from the Apostles’ Creed:

1) I believe in God the Father, Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth;

2) I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; 3) He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and

born of the virgin Mary; 4) He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried, and descended into hell (the grave); 5) On the third day he rose again, He ascended into

Heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father; 6) He will come again to judge the living and the dead;

7) I believe in the Holy Spirit; 8) one holy church;

9) the communion of saints; 10) the forgiveness of sins;

11) the resurrection of the body; 12) and life everlasting.

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January 6

Why does the Christmas season have to end on December 25th? After all, the story goes on. Why not extend the season a little more, not only with the 12 Days of Christmas, but also with Three Kings’ Day?

Often, when we hear the Christmas story being read, watch the birth narrative being reenacted, or simply see a manger scene displayed, we will see the three wise men approaching the manger scene, just after Jesus’ birth. But that’s likely not accurate. When you look at the context of the Christmas story in Scripture, what you would actually discover is that it was perhaps as much as two years after Jesus was born that the wise men showed up at his home. And likely, there were a lot more than three that came. There were three gifts given, but they were likely given by a group of magi and their companions traveling together. Certainly we want to be as accurate as possible in what we teach our children about the Bible, right?

Three Kings’ Day is a way of drawing special attention to the visit of the magi, taking them away from the manger scene. In many cultures, upon completing the 12 Days of Christmas, the very next day, January 6th, is a day for teaching about the final part in the Christmas narrative - the coming of the wise men.



There are several different ways of celebrating Three Kings’ Day. One simple idea is to save a small portion of your gift giving for this day. You might could even consider your gifts in terms of the three gifts the magi brought to Jesus. For example, you can give a gift of something special that the person really wants (representing gold), give a gift that has practical use (representing myrrh), and give a gift that in some way assists the person in praising God (representing frankincense). Be creative and have fun with it, but use it as a tool for teaching the biblical narrative.

Many people around the world celebrate Three Kings’ Day in a variety of ways. You can research this online to see some of the many different ideas for teaching the truth of Scripture in creative ways. Just be sure to keep Jesus and the biblical account of the visit of the magi at the center of what you do.

As you consider some different ways to celebrate and discuss the visit of the magi, here is a little information concerning the three gifts that they brought to Jesus - gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Gold - Gold is a precious metal with many practical qualities. Historically, it has been known as a gift fit for a king. Jesus is the Great King, the King of Kings.

Frankincense - This was a type of incense that might have been used even in the temple when burning incense before the Lord as an act of worship.

Myrrh - This is a burial spice, an interesting gift for the child who was born to die.

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Family Activity Ideas:

• Make a gingerbread house together. As you make it, discuss how Jesus is in Heaven preparing a place for us, awaiting the day of His final return.

• Make a paper chain to help your family count down the days to Christmas Day. As people get anxious, longing for the day to arrive, talk about living our lives waiting for the return of Jesus.

• Find ways to serve a family during the holidays: • Prepare a meal to take to a friend or neighbor in

need, or have them to your home for dinner. • Adopt a child from an Angel Tree and shop

together for their Christmas gifts. • Create homemade Christmas cards and take them

as you visit a nearby nursing home. • Decorate your Christmas tree with lights. Talk about

how Jesus is the light promised in Isaiah 9:2. Turn off the lights and talk about how it must have felt to wait for the promised Savior. Then turn the lights on and thank God for Jesus!

• Make ornaments for your tree and write an attribute of God on each one. Hang them on your tree to remind you and others who come into your home of who God is and what He has done for us.

• Play Hide and Seek and talk about how Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). Spend time in prayer thanking God for sending Jesus.

• When you read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 in week 1, have everyone draw a picture of what you think it will look like when Jesus comes back.



Internet Resources:

• - Get a really neat interactive Advent calendar for your computer.

• - Search for “Media CBC” to find our channel where we have playlists built for you to listen to or sing along with throughout advent.

• - Search for ideas on setting up and decorating your advent candles, or search for other family activities to do together throughout the Christmas season.

Books To Consider:

• Come Thou Long Expected Jesus, edited by Nancy Guthrie

• Treasuring God In Our Traditions, Noel Piper • Christmas Carols for a Kid’s Heart, Bobbie Wolgemuth

and Joni Eareckson Tada • Berenstain Bears: The Joy of Giving, Stan & Jan


Christmas Albums To Consider:

• Glory In The Highest, Chris Tomlin • Behold The Lamb of God, Andrew Peterson • Christmas... From The Realms of Glory, Bebo Norman • North Point Christmas, Various Artists • All I Really Want For Christmas, Steven Curtis Chapman • Oh For Joy, David Crowder Band

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