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    Ian Freckelton SC

    Chair, Inter-professional Advisory Team

    21 April 2012

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    ADVANCED PRACTICE IN RADIOGRAPHY AND RADIATION THERAPY: REPORT FROM THE INTER-PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY TEAM ........................................................................ 1

    The Report .............................................................................................................................5

    The Role of the Inter-Professional Advisory Team ................................................................6

    Context of the Role for IPAT ..............................................................................................7 Approach of the Report ...................................................................................................... 21

    The AIR Workforce Survey Report .................................................................................. 22 Legal Issues ......................................................................................................................... 23 Insurance Repercussions of Role Change ........................................................................... 29 Shifts in Service Provision ................................................................................................... 30 The Terminology Issue ........................................................................................................ 32 Potential Areas of Advanced Practice ................................................................................. 39 Advantages of Advanced Practice Designation................................................................... 43

    The Peter MacCallum Model .......................................................................................... 46 Potential Disadvantages of the Advanced Status Designation ........................................... 49 Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 51

    The Success of the IPAT .................................................................................................. 51

    The Change Process ........................................................................................................ 51

    Purposes of Formalising Advanced Role ......................................................................... 51

    Informal Existence of Advanced Practice ........................................................................ 52

    Distinction between Advanced Practice and Extended Scope of Practice ..................... 52

    Legal, regulatory and Insurance Issues ........................................................................... 53

    Need for Collaboration in Developing Criteria for Advanced Practice. .......................... 53

    Areas for Advanced Practice Study ................................................................................. 54

    Acquisition of Advanced Practitioner Status .................................................................. 54

    A Hybrid Postgraduate Qualification .............................................................................. 55

    Terminology of the Advanced Practice Qualification ..................................................... 55

    The Role of the Tertiary Sector ....................................................................................... 56

    Entry Requirements ........................................................................................................ 56

    Grandfathering Arrangements ........................................................................................ 56

    Role of the AIR in Advanced Practitioner Course Accreditation ..................................... 56

    Maintenance of Advanced Practice Status ..................................................................... 57

    Categories of Institute Membership. .............................................................................. 57

    Radiography Assistant and Radiation Therapy Roles ...................................................... 58

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    Recommendations ...................................................................................................... 59

    Recommendation 1 ......................................................................................................... 59

    Recommendation 2 ......................................................................................................... 59

    Recommendation 3 ......................................................................................................... 59

    Recommendation 4 ......................................................................................................... 60

    Recommendation 5 ......................................................................................................... 60

    Recommendation 6 ......................................................................................................... 60

    Recommendation 7 ......................................................................................................... 60

    Recommendation 8 ......................................................................................................... 60

    Recommendation 9 ......................................................................................................... 60

    Recommendation 10 ....................................................................................................... 61

    Recommendation 11 ....................................................................................................... 61

    Recommendation 12 ....................................................................................................... 61

    Recommendation 13 ....................................................................................................... 61

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    A & E Accident and Emergency

    ACPSEM Australian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine

    ACR American College of Radiology

    AIR Australian Institute of Radiography

    APAP Advanced Practice Advisory Panel

    APWG Advanced Practice Working Group

    ASA Australian Sonographers Association

    ASUM Australian Society of Ultrasound Medicine

    COAG Council of Australian Governments

    CPD Continuing Professional Development

    CT Computed Tomography

    DSA Digital Subtraction Angiography

    FDWP Future Directions Working Party

    FNA Fine Needle Aspiration

    FRO Faculty of Radiation Oncologists

    GP General Practitioner

    IV Intravenous

    MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging

    MRT Medical Radiation Technologist/Technology

    NHS National Health Service

    NZIMRT New Zealand Institute of Medical Radiation Technology

    PACS Picture Archiving and Communication System

    PAWP Professional Advancement Working Party

    RA Radiological Assistant

    RRA Registered Radiologist Assistant

    RPA Radiology Practitioner Assistant

    RANZCR Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists

    RT Radiation Therapist

  • 5

    The Report This report is the product of four full day meetings with a wide range of professionals in the

    radiation health workforce sector, under the umbrella of the Inter-Professional Advisory Team

    (IPAT). The meetings included several categories of clinicians, as well as representatives of

    relevant associations, societies, as well as of government and tertiary institutions. They took

    place on 19 May, 23 and 24 June 2011, and 29 March 2012. The report is also the product of a

    variety of other forms of consultation, including a site visit to the Alfred Hospitals Diagnostic

    Imaging Department and the William Buckland Radiation Therapy Department also located


    The report documents the background to and role of the IPAT, identifies drivers to health

    workforce change that are relevant to radiographer and radiation therapist practice, and

    summarises the evolution of advanced practice categories of practice in the United Kingdom on

    the basis that these constitute a model to which Australia should have regard. It notes major

    issues of legal liability, regulatory relevance and insurance exposure and scrutinises terminology

    options for additional roles for radiographers and radiation therapists. It analyses the arguments

    for and against such a development, distinguishing it from the notion of extended scope of

    practice, and it advances a series of recommendations.

    A draft report was prepared, distributed and discussed at the final IPAT meeting as a means

    of focussing discussion and with a view, so far as possible, to achieving a consensus of views

    within relevant sectors of the health radiation services community. This final report is

    significantly revised on the basis of debate at the final IPAT meeting and, insofar as it proffers a

    recommendation for the creation of advanced practitioner status, represents a majority position

    of those who participated in the IPAT. Insofar as it recommends the means to achieve such

    advanced status, the report constitutes the views of the Chair participants expressed a variety

    of different perspectives in relation to this issue.

  • 6

    The Role of the Inter-Professional Advisory Team

    In 2007 the Board of the Australian Institute of Radiography (AIR) established the

    Advanced Practice Working Group (APWG) with an overall aim of defining an Advanced

    Practitioner model in medical imaging and radiation sciences. The APWG was asked to

    build on the foundation work done by the Professional Advancement Working Party

    (PAWP), which reported in April 2006. From its consultation process the APWG was

    asked to provide recommendations as to how practitioners in diagnostic imaging and

    radiation therapy could achieve advanced status. The specific terms of reference of the

    APWG were:

    To update/refine definitions of advanced practice, incorporating new developments since 2005;

    To develop an implementation model based on previous reports; and

    To define the typical characteristics of current practitioners in order to define what the Advanced Practitioner model would involve.

    The AIR stated that the expected outcomes were that the APWG would:

    Describe existing models and their effectiveness;

    Identify blockers to the implementation of the model;

    Provide strategies for implementation;

    Make recommendations on how Advanced Practitioner status can be achieved; and

    Develop a framework for the AIR to set standards for Advanced Practitioners.

    In 2009 the APWG issued a discussion paper1

    The AIR prescribed that these discussions should focus on, and include:

    , recommending, amongst other

    things, high level-collaboration. To this end the Inter-Professional Advisory Team

    (IPAT) was established as a cross-sector professional group to respond to the need

    for workforce change and to bring together and engage other key professional

    organisations in discussions about advanced practice.

    1 Australian Institute of Radiography, Discussion Paper: A Model of Advanced Practice in Diagnostic Imaging and Radiation Therapy in Australia (AIR, Melbourne, 2009):, viewed 20 August 2011.

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    Identifying opportunities to apply new models of advanced practice that: build inter-professional collaboration and teamwork; are in the interest of patient care; and improve the quality of and access to medical radiation services.

    Strategic planning around, and the development of, the concept of advanced clinical practice in Diagnostic Radiography, Sonography,

    Mammography and Radiation Therapy;

    Creation of a framework for the local development of clinical practice standards, guidelines and protocols for advanced practice roles;

    Consideration of the professional indemnity issues related to advanced practice;

    Consultation with delegated representatives of the Australian Universities that offer undergraduate medical radiation science

    programs about the development of clinical relevant advanced

    practice education programs.

    Context of the Role for IPAT

    Other events have supervened since 2009. Technologies within both

    radiography and radiation therapy continue to evolve and become more

    sophisticated. Examples include digital subtraction angiography (DSA) in which,

    arguably, there is the potential for greater involvement by radiographers2 and by

    radiation therapists in image guided radiation therapy. Looking even to the

    relatively recent past emphasizes the extent to which change is occurring in the

    radiography and radiation therapy workplace3. For instance, ten years ago it was

    radiologists who inserted cannulas for CT patients. Now radiographers and nurses

    undertake the task4. In private radiology practices, Australian radiographers now

    regularly insert central lines and do facet joint, shoulder, arm, and tendon injections

    under supervision5

    2 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 19 May 2011, at p389: Luke Wilkinson, medical physicist, and Victorian and Tasmanian Chair, and Chair of the Special Interest Group of the Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine: p89.


    3 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 29 March 2012: Dr Smith.

    4 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 24 June 2011, p427: Dr Fabiny.

    5 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 24 June 2011, p429: Dr Fabiny.

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    Radiation oncologists used to review portal images on x-ray film, adjusting field

    positions prior to treatment. Today radiation therapists assess digital portal images

    in real time, adjusting the patients position to allow for inter- and intra-fractional

    organ movement prior to treatment, and improving the accuracy of field placement

    relative to the target volume. At the same time the number of new cases of cancer

    increases by approximately 3% per year (40% this decade) and it has been

    suggested that a redistribution of the existing workforce and optimization of work

    practices is necessary to manage the additional demands placed on the system6. At

    the consultation session on 29 March 2012, Ms Phillip7

    To a similar effect it has been observed that within the last 30 years the

    incidence of cancer in the United Kingdom has increased by 16% in men and 34% in

    women, with 60% of the cancer being experienced by those over 65 years of age.

    The incidence of cancer in the United Kingdom is predicted to increase from 1.8

    million people currently living with cancer to 3 million in 2030

    observed that there is

    definitely an increase in demand for radiation services across the spectrum: We

    know that theres particular shortages and projected shortages are even greater.

    We know that there are a number of skills in the workforce and that people are

    highly trained and theyre not using those skills and from an economic and

    efficiency point of view that a type of waste of resources. She argued that this

    means that there will be an increasing need for radiation therapy delivery, possibly

    only requiring a few people at the advanced end of practitioners.


    The following statistics published by the United Kingdom Department of Health in

    2011, show a consistent rise in demand for radiographic services across the board:

    . This has major

    repercussions for the medical workforce generally.

    6 B Koczwara, Workforce Shortages in Medical Oncology: a Looming Threat to Cancer Care (2012) 196(1) Medical Journal of Australia 32. Australias National Cancer Prevention Strategy, 2007-2009, observed that: Two years ago, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare predicted that cancer incidence would increase by 31% between 2002 and 2011. This means we can expect more than 115,000 new cancer cases in 2011 (AIHW, AACR, NCSG & McDermid 2005). More recently, the Australian Burden of Disease Study showed cancer had overtaken cardiovascular disease as the nations biggest disease burden. Linking cancer incidence to population ageingan accurate predictor of future trendsimplies an even greater overall increase in cancer incidence in the years after 2011, as the percentage of Australians aged 65 and over is projected to double by 2051.:, viewed 9 April 2012.

    7 IPAT Transcript, 29 March 2012, at p13.

    8 Department of Health (UK), Improving Outcomes: A Strategy for Cancer (2001):, chap 5, viewed 12 April 2012.

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    TABLE 1

    Title: Total number of imaging and radio-diagnostic examinations or tests, by imaging modality, England, 1995-96 to 2010-11 Source: Department of Health form KH12

    Year X-Rays CT MRI Ultrasound Radio-

    isotopes Fluoro-

    scopy Total 1995-96 18,503,844 1,709,244 347,817 4,031,292 467,916 1,077,914 26,138,027 1996-97 19,101,029 1,053,407 391,290 4,443,490 505,476 1,231,284 26,725,976 1997-98 19,474,590 1,172,656 473,074 4,790,532 722,096 1,179,979 27,812,927 1998-99 19,876,933 1,254,474 522,138 5,018,434 699,654 1,244,632 28,616,265 1999-00 19,967,296 1,359,852 585,797 5,255,330 727,255 1,256,965 29,152,499 2000-01 19,913,022 1,488,752 632,594 5,382,582 539,141 1,253,847 29,209,938 2001-02 19,806,876 1,625,304 705,706 5,571,979 537,653 1,222,296 29,469,814 2002-03 19,512,924 1,767,791 786,646 5,635,358 551,423 1,295,639 29,549,781 2003-04 20,056,669 1,992,826 857,550 5,937,383 582,742 1,221,102 30,648,272 2004-05 19,818,330 2,141,652 944,935 6,029,104 560,337 1,190,487 30,684,845 2005-06 20,585,678 2,481,571 1,118,487 6,469,396 623,532 1,209,029 32,487,693

    2006-07 21,011,234 2,728,119 1,257,972 6,715,486 588,638 1,249,161 33,550,610 2007-08 21,028,109 3,044,516 1,488,059 7,135,551 673,413 1,337,049 34,706,697 2008-09 21,437,735 3,355,161 1,725,793 7,552,156 616,886 1,256,030 35,943,761 2009-10 21,919,881 3,719,089 1,970,323 8,217,414 615,403 1,301,531 37,743,641 2010-11 22,167,960 3,986,831 2,129,973 8,599,380 603,560 1,317,833 38,805,537

  • 10

    At this stage, there are eight Australian universities that deliver accredited

    medical radiation science programmes, and one in the second year of

    undergraduate teaching. They do so in accordance with the Australian Institute of

    Radiographys 2005 Competency Based Standards for the Accredited Practitioner.

    Health Workforce Australia, an entity set up by the Council of Australian

    Governments, published an important document, Strategic Framework for Action,

    Innovation and Reform of the Health Workforce9

    Australias population is growing, ageing and living longer and health expenditure as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) is rising rapidly.

    in which it contended that:

    Generational changes mean that many providers are not working the same long hours or practising in the same way as their predecessors. The

    informal carer workforce currently providing much of the services to the aged is

    likely to diminish as people stay longer in the workforce and are less available to

    assist the aged and chronically ill to stay at home.

    The health sector needs to refocus on wellness, prevention and primary health care if it is to be sustainable in the future.

    Failure to consider how new technologies, therapeutics and other discoveries might change the way health professionals work will mean

    perpetuating ways of working that are already unable to meet demand.

    While there are indications from baseline projections that the overall medical workforce will be sustainable to 2025 and beyond, there are signs

    that demand for certain specialities within the profession will outstrip

    supply in the future.

    More innovative solutions will be required to support and reform the professions and encourage greater participation in areas of relative need.

    What is required is a paradigm shift in ways of thinking about workforce design and planning, one that works backwards from outcomes for

    communities, consumers and population need, versus the current thinking

    9 (viewed 30 October 2011).

  • 11

    that is generally focused on working forward from the existing base of

    professions, and their interests and skills, demarcations and responsibilities.

    The potential barriers to workforce reform are considerable and cannot be overcome by governments, sectors or service providers working in isolation.

    Sustainable innovation and reform will only be achieved through urgent and

    integrated national action.

    If we are to meet future need and better address longstanding gaps in services for all Australians, we need broader reform of the Australian

    workforce and we need to start the process now.

    Successful planning and implementation of non-traditional roles and workforce models involves micro-level organisational initiatives. Micro-

    level initiatives can include redefinition of roles10

    It classified its framework as a national call for workplace reform across the

    medical and education sectors: The Framework will help to reshape Australias

    future health workforce while supporting and enabling the productivity of the

    existing workforce. It aims to attract and retain a highly valued workforce and to

    expand the size and nature of the future workforce to meet current and emerging



    1. Health workforce reform for more effective, efficient and accessible service delivery [Objective: Reform health workforce roles to improve productivity and support more effective, efficient and accessible service delivery models that better address population health needs.]

    The Framework will work across five domains:

    2. Health workforce capacity and skills development [Objective: Develop an adaptable health workforce equipped with the requisite competencies and support that provides team-based and collaborative models of care.]

    3. Leadership for the sustainability of the health system [Objective: Develop leadership capacity to support and lead health workforce innovation and reform.]

    10 Similarly see Department of Health, Shifting the Balance of Power Within the NHS: Securing Delivery (2001):,at p7: (viewed 26 December 2011): Working practices and cultures must reform to give more power and influence to patients and frontline staff. 11 Ibid, at p5.

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    4. Health workforce planning [Objective: Enhance workforce planning capacity, both nationally and jurisdictionally, taking account of emerging health workforce configuration, technology and competencies.]

    5. Health workforce policy, funding and regulation [Objective: Develop policy, regulation, funding and employment arrangements that are supportive of health workforce reform]12

    The Federal Minister for Health and Ageing, the Hon Nicola Roxon, addressed the issue

    of health professionals moving into areas other than their tradition purview task

    substitution - in the 2008 Annual Ben Chifley Memorial Light on the Hill lecture



    The development of a health sector in which services are delivered not only by doctors, but by other health professionals who are safe, potentially cheaper, and, most importantly, available.


    ... Doctors will need to be prepared to let go of some work that others can safely do if doctors dont want to let go of it, to accept being paid less With doctors weighed down by the urgent needs of acute care, as well as unnecessary administration, we need to consider how we can unburden them of some of this work where it is safe to do so, and whether it is possible for nurses or others to take on some of those burdens and, if so, how we can make this an attractive proposition.

    She repeated the stance in a speech to the Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association Congress in 2008:

    Health workforce shortages are now the norm across the world, and we have no choice but to respond creatively. I firmly believe that we need the right professionals in the right place to provide the right care, and this will involve a better role delineation. For instance, I see no reason why appropriately trained nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists or dieticians, for example, could not relieve doctors of some of their workload and allow them to better utilise their skills14

    12 Notably too Devaney and Gordon have observed that It is widely acknowledged that the demands on medical imaging services in Queensland are rapidly increasing due to the ageing population, population increase, increased consumer expectations and technological advances, particularly in interventional radiology: C Devaney and M Gordon, Radiographer Abnormality Description Project: Project Completion Report (Queensland Health, Brisbane, December 2010), at 4.2.2.


    13 The Hon N Roxon, The Light on the Hill: History Repeating (20 September 2008):, viewed 19 April 2012.

    14 The Hon N Roxon, Reform: the New Era (25 September 2008):$File/nrsp080925.pdf , viewed 19 April 2012.

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    It is quite apparent that this is now part of Australian health policy. It has particular

    application for radiographers and radiation therapists.

    Many of these same considerations and objectives have already generated workforce

    change in the United Kingdom in diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy15, as well as

    in the United States16. By 2006 a report of the College of Radiographers17

    articulated an

    expectation that all radiographers be trained to provide an explanation by way of an

    initial written report on skeletal radiographs. The College observed that:

    Diagnostic imaging and interventional services have increased by 2.5-5 per cent per annum over the period of the last 10 to 12 years with some of the biggest increases being in complex and time consuming techniques such as Computed Tomography (CT) [40% between 1996-2002] and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) [60% between 1997-2002]. This increase in demand for radiological services has put a further strain on departments during a period when there has been an acute shortage in the number of radiologists.

    15There is evidence that radiographic practice continues to diversify within the primary and secondary sectors. Although numbers of staff in these environments are relatively low, the majority work autonomously. Therapy radiographers are involved in palliative care, and health promotion. A radiographer with counselling skills is providing a high quality, research-based support for patients receiving radiotherapy where patients can self-refer or can be sent from other radiographers, specialist nurses or doctors. Diagnostic radiographers have also taken on a range of new roles in the last five years and much of this practice is now becoming embedded as standard. There are practice innovations for radiographers such as guidewire insertions for stents and feeding tubes and radiographers are practising interventional procedures in a range of settings. Few roles have been relinquished and there are opportunities for exciting new prospects within multidisciplinary teams beyond the radiology department. There is evidence of radiographers moving away from large specialist centres to support developing services in community-based settings but there appears to be less opportunity for radiographers to adopt unusual roles in London, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Radiographers are adaptable and flexible opportunists with an appetite for new roles. Today, they occupy niches in almost all fields of patient services and are performing many roles previously the domain of nurses or doctors.: Scope of Radiographic Practice 2008: A report compiled by the University of Hertfordshire in collaboration with the Institute for Employment Studies for the Society and College of Radiographers (2008):, viewed 9 April 2012

    16 See the National Academies, Allied Health Workforce and Services: Workshop Summary, downloadable from

    17 College of Radiographers, Medical Image Interpretation and Clinical Reporting by Non-Radiologists: The Role of the Radiographer (CoR, London, 2006): (viewed 28 December 2011).

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    In the same year the Society and College of Radiographers and Royal College of

    Radiologists in a joint publication observed18

    A number of factors have contributed to increasing demand and skills mix

    initiatives have helped meet the demand on clinical radiology services. These



    An ever increasing volume of examinations, together with a more extensive range of procedures. Requests for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations and computed tomography (CT) have risen at a rate of 15 per cent per annum or more in recent years, putting pressure on service provision.

    Demand for more rapid access to diagnostic services to reduce waiting times. In 2002 the Audit Commission reported that, at any one time, 500,000 individuals were waiting for imaging services, and waits for some investigative services were in excess of six months. Although recent initiatives have improved waiting lists, pressure on clinical imaging services continues.

    The need for more rapid turn-around times of examination reports to expedite the contribution of the imaging examination to subsequent patient management remains.

    Additional contributing factors include:

    The current United Kingdom shortage of consultant clinical radiologists;

    Technological developments; for example, digital imaging and image transmission;

    Multidisciplinary team working placing demands on consultant clinical radiologist and radiographer time;

    The advent of progressively better informed patients, with enhanced expectations;

    The need to expand and retain the radiography and allied health practitioner workforce through structured and enhanced career progression opportunities.

    The extent to which some of these considerations are applicable to Australia in

    2012 is not entirely clear. Amongst other things, there are significant differences in

    18 Society and College of Radiographers and Royal College of Radiologists, Team Working within Clinical Imaging: A Contemporary Views of Skills Mix (CoR, London, 2006): , viewed 29 December 2011.

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    the population density, geography and the current structure of the health care

    system between the United Kingdom and Australia. However, it can be said that a

    number of the factors are pertinent19

    The Radiography Skills Mix Project was convened late last century in the United

    Kingdom to grapple with issues arising from the anticipated workload increase in

    the breast cancer screening project in which it was proposed that the age of

    patients eligible for the programme be raised to 70



    Assistant practitioner, performing protocol-limited clinical tasks under the direction and supervision of a State-registered practitioner.

    . It proposed a multi-level

    model of service delivery, which has since been implemented:

    Practitioner (State registered), autonomously performing a wide-ranging and complex clinical role, accountable for his or her actions and those he or she directs.

    Advanced practitioner (State registered), autonomous in clinical practice, defining the scope of practice of others and continuously developing clinical practice within a defined field.

    Consultant practitioner (State registered), providing clinical leadership within a specialism, bringing strategic direction, innovation and influence through practice, research and education.

    The Project21

    The four tier model can be implemented successfully in the fields of diagnostic and therapeutic radiography. The model is already being implemented in other breast screening, imaging and radiotherapy departments across the NHS.

    drew the following conclusions:

    The model can provide an additional workforce to deliver the service and offer rewarding careers and lifelong learning for all practitioners.

    19 See the important document generated by research commissioned for the UK Society of Radiographers: Scope of Radiographic Practice (2008):, viewed 9 April 2012.

    20 Department of Health, Radiography Skills ix: A Report on the Four Tier Service Delivery Model (2003): (viewed 26 December 2011)

    21 Department of Health, Radiography Skills ix: A Report on the Four Tier Service Delivery Model (2003): (viewed 26 December 2011)

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    Occupational standards should ultimately ensure that education providers deliver programmes that, although employing differing methodologies, achieve nationally consistent outcomes.

    Patient satisfaction has been maintained whilst introducing new ways of working.

    Staff can be successfully trained in house against occupational standards.

    This four tier system now exists in the United Kingdom. The body of the workforce

    remains the registered practitioners, the number of advanced practitioners having

    increased22. The number of consultant practitioner positions is small23

    Registered radiographers are distinguished from their equivalents in Australia and

    New Zealand to some extent by training for red dotting, meaning flagging

    abnormalities on images

    . Meanwhile,

    assistant practitioners also make a significant contribution to the radiation therapy and

    diagnostic radiography workforce. However, they are not permitted to work without

    supervision and in the radiography context are generally limited to plain film imaging

    under a registered practitioner. They work predominantly in the breast screening of

    non-symptomatic patients and plain film imaging of the skeleton, while in the CT, MR

    and fluoroscopy areas, they provide support to the registered practitioner and in

    support of patient care. In the radiation therapy context, they work in support of the

    treatment delivery team, in some pre-treatment areas and in support of patient care.

    24. By 2004 Hardy and Barrett25

    22 See RC Price and SB Le Masurier, Longitudinal Changes in Extended Role in Radiography: a New Perspective (2007) 13(1) Radiography 18.

    found a red dot radiographer

    abnormality system to be functioning in 89% of United Kingdom hospitals. Originally

    done using a red dot on hard-copy radiographs, it can now be performed

    23 See M Hardy and B Snaith, How to Achieve Consultant Practitioner Status: A Discussion Paper (2007) 13 Radiography 265.

    24 See R Hall, S Kleemann and I Egan, The Red Dot System: The Outback Experience (1999) 46(2) The Radiographer 83 for an Australian review finding about the accuracy of such identification of abnormalities. Compare the trial of a Radiographer Opinion Form which was also suggested as an effective means of reducing missed abnormalities: T Smith and C Younger, Accident and Emergency Radiological Interpretation Using the Radiographer Opinion Form (ROF) (2001) 48 The Radiographer 27.

    25 M Hardy and C Barrett, Interpretation of Trauma Radiographs by Radiographers and Nurses in the UK: A Comparative Study (2004) 77 British Journal of Radiology 657.

  • 17

    electronically on digital images. The background to this dated back to a 1997 vision

    paper from the College of Radiographers26

    This was a measured response to the 1995 statement by the Board of the Faculty of

    Clinical Radiology, Royal College of Radiologists (RCR)

    which stated as its policy that the reporting

    of images by radiographers was; not an option for the future but is a requirement.

    27 that there may be no statutory

    impediment to a non-medically trained person reporting a radiological examination and

    making technical observations, but the person without medical training cannot

    reasonably be expected to provide a medical interpretation.28

    It also built on the College of Radiologists Code of Conduct statement of 1994 which

    promoted the view that radiographers should provide verbal and written reports on

    image appearances - thus formalising the previous informal practice of providing verbal

    comments on images, especially to Accident & Emergency (A&E) staff. This, in turn, built

    on the red dot system of calling attention of A&E staff to abnormalities, a task which

    had previously been recommended as standard practice some 20 years before by

    medical staff


    Notably, though, in Australia, the responsibility for radiographers to draw to

    radiologists and other medical practitioners attention findings of clinical significance

    and, where requested, their opinions about such matters, is formally entrenched as an

    ethical obligation. In the Institute of Radiographers Guidelines for Professional Conduct,


    26 College of Radiographers, Reporting by Radiographers: a Vision Paper (CoR, London, 1997); see too AM Paterson, RC Price, A Thomas and L Nuttall, Reporting by Radiographers: A policy and Practice Guide (2004) 10(3) Radiography 204.

    27 Board of Faculty of Clinical Radiology, Royal College of Radiology Statement on Reporting in Departments of Clinical Radiology (RCR, London, 1995).

    28 See too LM Kenny and F Pacey, The Perils of the Remote Radiologist (2005) 183(11.12) Medical Journal of Australia 630 and in relation to ramifications of Picture Archiving and Communicatioons Systems (PACS) FM Hall, Perils of PACS (March 2012) 262(3) Radiology:, viewed 1 March 2012.:See too C Devaney and M Gordon, Radiographer Abnormality Description Project: Project Completion Report (Queensland Health, Brisbane, December 2010).

    29 See College of Radiographers, Code of Practice (CoR, London, 1994).

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    for Radiographers, Radiation Therapists and Sonographers, it is provided that:

    Radiographers, recognising their responsibility to the patient, should alert medically significant findings to the medical personnel responsible for the patients treatment and at the request of such personnel may provide an opinion that lies within their knowledge and expertise30

    Advanced practitioner roles for radiographers and radiation therapists in the

    United Kingdom generally relate to areas of expert clinical practice. Ricote31

    They are expected to foster breadth as well as depth including aspects of research, education and management, although their central function will be related to delivery of patient care in the area of their expert clinical practice. There will also be clinical and team leadership, the promotion of service improvement, and interaction with the wider multidisciplinary team in respect of delivery of high quality care. In addition, they must be able to problem solve and deal with complex and sometimes contentious issues, demonstrate experience and apply advanced clinical skills to novel and uniquely challenging situations, They participate in research audit and education, and constantly are looking at the bigger picture of healthcare delivery and work towards it as opposed to simply taking on an extra duty. Advanced practitioners often take on additional aspects of the patient pathway involving widening horizontal breadth of competence in addition al to the vertical components of clinical expertise. To have the ability to think outside the box, with an increased level of clinical judgment and reasoning, and to be able to work off-protocol and yet also know their limitations.

    has usefully

    summarised such roles:

    This is an analysis which should be regarded as pertinent to the Australian


    Within diagnostic radiography, core advanced practice skills include plain film

    image interpretation, the performing and reporting of fluoroscopy studies and the

    reporting of mammograms. Others are being implemented or developed [including] CT

    head reporting, selected MR reporting and the performing of a variety of studies


    31 L Ricote, Advanced Practice within Medical Imaging Towards an Australian Model (2009):, viewed 20 April 2012.

  • 19

    undertaken in the fluoroscopy suite.32

    Site specific: for instance, breast simulation and mark-up plus the consent process;

    Within radiation therapy, categorisation of

    advanced practice skills have been summarised as:

    Technical: for instance, adaptive radiation therapy, cone beam CT or tomotherapy, contouring and planning radiotherapy, prostate target volumes, planning target volumes, implementation of dose prescription;

    Community liaison: encompassing the link between the care centre, social care services, and palliative care services, and potentially taking referrals for complex psycho-social needs;

    Research: leading research and development programmes for radiographers creating forecasts and strategies, prioritising research and development activities, managing research teams, and leading dissemination and implementation of research results.

    A consultant practitioner is considered to be an expert in their area of clinical

    practice: Pivotal in the initiation of audit and research, they contribute to the evidence

    base in healthcare, and its integration into clinical practice as deemed appropriate to

    bring about solutions to improved patient care. They are leaders who are influential at

    the strategic level and demonstrate leadership in the development of patient-centred

    services with highly developed clinical reasoning skills, proven by education and

    experience of practice.

    As of July 2012 there will be an important Australian development. There will be

    national registration of radiation practitioners33, the basis having already been set for

    such licensure in Queensland34, the Northern Territory, Victoria35, Western Australia36,

    Tasmania37 and the ACT38

    32 Ricote, op cit, at p17.


    33 See Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia: (viewed 30 October 2011). 34 See Medical Radiation Technologists Board of Queensland: (viewed 30 October 2011). 35 See Medical Radiation Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria: (viewed 30 October 2011). 36 See Medical Radiation Technologists Registration Board of Western Australia: (viewed 30 October 2011). 37 Medical Radiation Science Professional Registration Board of Tasmania established under section 3 of the Radiographers Registration Act 1971.

  • 20

    Under s113 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, originally passed in

    Queensland, a core component of regulation of health practitioners is the protection of

    titles via the use of designated protected terms. Amongst them are: medical

    radiation practitioner, diagnostic radiographer, medical imaging technologist,

    radiographer39, nuclear medicine scientist, nuclear medicine technologist, and

    radiation therapist40

    It is apparent that particular, albeit related, workforce issues arise for the profession

    of sonography, especially in light of the fact that most (not all) sonographers are

    formally registered as radiographers or radiation therapists. However, in light of the

    current status of s113 of Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and the particular

    attributes of sonography as a profession

    . Sonographer is not a protected term.

    41, this report does not address the issues that

    arise specifically for sonographers. It may be though that, given the common issues that

    arise within the wider medical radiation workforce, and the constructive contributions

    by members of the Australian Sonographers Association during the IPAT discussions,

    some aspects of this report are applicable and useful for contemporary Australian


    ; there is no reason to postulate that the drivers for health workplace

    reform are not similarly applicable to sonographers. (viewed 15 December 2011) 38 Medical Radiation Scientists Board of the Australian Capital Territory (the Board) is established by the ACT Health Professionals Act 2004 39 The Australian Institute of Radiography has defined radiographers as health care professionals who provide and interpret a range of medical imaging examinations for diagnosis and management of medical conditions. Radiographers are responsible for optimising diagnostic quality whilst maintaining radiation safety: Australian Institute of Radiography, Professional Accreditation and Education Board, Competency Based Assessment for the Accredited Practitioner (November 2005), at p5.

    40 The Australian Institute of Radiography has defined radiation therapists as health care professionals primarily concerned with the design and implementation of radiation treatment and issues of care and wellbeing of people diagnosed with cancer and other conditions: Australian Institute of Radiography, Professional Accreditation and Education Board, Competency Based Assessment for the Accredited Practitioner (November 2005), at p5.

    41 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 24 June 2011, at p369-370: Ms Harris. 42 See IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 24 June 2011, at p371: Associate Professor Sim.

  • 21

    Approach of the Report

    Consideration needs to be given by the radiation professions from an evidence-

    based perspective43 as to how radiography and radiation therapy services can most

    effectively and cost-efficiently be provided44 in a timely way45 and as to what mix of

    practitioners can best provide them, taking into account available and potential skill

    sets. It is important to redesign any inefficient, unproductive and potentially unsafe

    processes and practices and also to draw on the strengths, skills and knowledge of all

    components of the radiation practice workforce46. An element of this will be

    identification of services which are substitutable47: in other words assumption by

    radiographers and radiation therapists of work previously done by others and

    relinquishment to others of work until now done by them. Radiographers and radiation

    therapists are but part of the workforce challenges that lie ahead in a difficult fiscal

    environment with a rising incidence of cancer. It is important to maintain a focus upon

    the objective which is shared amongst all relevant professionals provision of the best

    and most efficient service possible to as many patients as possible48

    Part and parcel of the challenge for radiography and radiation therapy is training and

    retention of sufficient numbers of practitioners who are still committed and interested

    in their role within the workforce, Australia-wide (including in rural and remote areas),

    an issue that may well be problematic in the decade ahead



    43 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p337: Dr Smith.

    . It is necessary because of

    44 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p169: Professor Rosemary Knight. 45 Devaney and Gordon in 2010 recommended the implementation. Including credentialing, of a Radiographer Abnormality Description Worksheet in Queensland Health Emergency settings to reduce risks they identified to patients associated with delayed access to a full diagnostic report. They contended from a pilot study that the radiographers the subject of their study have demonstrated high levels of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy with close correlation to the gld standard radiologist diagnostic report: too C Devaney and M Gordon, Radiographer Abnormality Description Project: Project Completion Report (Queensland Health, Brisbane, December 2010), at 7.3.

    46 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p336, Dr Smith. 47 IPAT Consultation Transcript, 29 March 2012, p64: Ms McHugh.

    48 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p338: Dr Andrews. 49 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p187: Mr Abel MacDonald.

  • 22

    shifting models of health service provision, including the need for flexibility in service


    The AIR Workforce Survey Report

    and the implementation of teamwork approaches, as well as the need for

    efficiencies and productivity outcomes that reduce what risk being burgeoning costs

    arising from a combination of technological advances and an ageing population. Part of

    this may be role redesign within the radiography and medical radiation service

    professions. It is in this context that reconceptualization is needed of what

    radiographers and radiation therapists, and different categories amongst them, are

    permitted and trained to do. Bold and creative efforts need to be made in this regard,

    given the pressures that are building within the healthcare workforce.

    In 2010 and 2011 workforce surveys have been undertaken in relation to members

    of the AIR. Twenty three percent of the 4,711 AIR members responded for the 2010

    survey to an email (n = 1,137), of whom 70% were radiographers and 24% radiation

    therapists. The average age of respondents was 41.8 years of age. Forty percent (n =

    458) held post-graduate qualifications. Fulltime males averaged remuneration of

    $90,497; fulltime females averaged remuneration of $78,016.

    Seventy eight percent of respondents were either satisfied or very satisfied with

    their role while 10% were either dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their role. Of those

    who indicated that they experienced stress, about half (46%) said that management was

    the main source, and a similar number (48%) said that workload was the principal


    The picture of the radiography and radiation therapy workforce that emerged,

    therefore, was one that was quite experienced, where the males were better paid than

    the females, but both sectors were reasonably satisfied with their lot, although a

    significant cohort was pursuing further studies without a clear prospect of achieving

    50 See S Duckett, Interventions to Facilitate Health Workforce Restructure (2005) 2 Australia and New Zealand Health Policy 14.

  • 23

    direct career or pecuniary advancement by so doing. Just over 35 % of the profession

    hold post graduate qualifications and the majority hold two or more.

    The most telling feature of the 2011 report51

    Legal Issues

    ., where 12.8% had embarked on

    postgraduate tertiary courses, was that more than 54.7% of that number was

    undertaking Masters or Doctoral study. There is clearly an appetite amongst a significant

    section of the profession for further academic study.

    A contributor to the satisfaction levels of the radiography and radiation therapy

    workforce in Australia has undoubtedly been that practitioners have not been afflicted

    with the level of fears of litigation and complaint that have affected the medical

    practitioner component of the workforce52

    Very little malpractice litigation, in the sense of negligence actions brought in the

    civil context, exists in respect of radiographers and radiation therapists in Australia. In

    addition, there is comparatively little such litigation brought against Australian

    radiologists. This means that care must be taken in viewing, interpreting and

    extrapolating from United States trends.


    However, notably of 18,860 lawsuits filed against physicians in the greater Chicago

    area between the beginning of 1975 and the end of 199453, about 12% (n=2219)

    involved radiological procedures or radiologists54

    51 IPAT Consultation Transcript, 29 March 2012, p22: Mr Collier.

    . Three tables produced by the authors

    give a snapshot of the sources of litigated error. The first relates to complications of


    52 See eg C Smith, Litigation and Disciplinary Actions Most Feared by Doctors (8 March 2011) Medical Chronicle:, viewed 20 November 2011.

    53 Notably, though, the relevance of these figures is starting to reduce because of the advent of digital technology.

    54 See L Berlin and JW Berlin, Malpractice and Radiologists in Cook County IL: Trends in 20 years of Litigation (1995) 165 AJR 781.

  • 24

    TABLE 2: Radiology-related Malpractice Lawsuits, Cook County, IL, 1975-1994:

    Complications of Radiology55

    5 Year


    Myelography Fetal Abortion /

    Abnormality Due

    to Radiation

    Angiography Barium Studies Contrast Injections


    Urography, CT)

    1975-1979 12 2 27 6 7

    1980-1984 17 24 66 9 24

    1985-1989 16 5 24 9 17

    1990-1994 6 4 22 6 12

    It is apparent in this regard that angiography has stood out as an area which has

    generated litigation.

    TABLE 3: Radiology-related Malpractice Lawsuits, Cook County, IL, 1975-1994:

    Failure to Order Radiologic Exams56




    Angiography Myelography Sonography MR


    Mammogram CT Skeletal



    7 0 0 0 4 0 43



    9 4 8 0 4 10 73



    10 3 10 1 12 15 35



    19 0 10 13 24 32 33

    55 Berlin and Berlin, 1995, op cit, at 783.

    56 Berlin and Berlin, 1995, op cit, at 785.

  • 25

    In respect of omissions in the radiologic area, failures to order skeletal x-rays have

    been most productive of patient aggrievements leading to litigation. While it is correct

    to observe that not every error, including omissions, constitutes negligence as a matter

    of law57

    TABLE 4: Radiology-related Malpractice Lawsuits, Cook County, IL, 1975-1994:

    , this is an incorrect assumption that can be made easily by non-radiologists and


    Missed Diagnoses58

    5 Year



    Lung Cancer





    GI Lesions




    1975-1979 13 4 3 102

    1980-1984 39 9 9 142

    1985-1989 24 24 7 76

    1990-1994 32 53 9 59

    Missed bone disease, followed by missed lung cancers have been the diagnostic

    errors which have led to the preponderance of litigation in the greater Chicago area.

    This is consistent with other studies which have identified misses of fractures as a

    strongly represented source of error59

    Diagnostic error, whether or not sufficient to ground civil litigation, can have many

    aetiologies, including cognitive biases, over-confidence, or be influenced or generated

    by difficult conditions, such as those which typically exist in accident and emergency


    57 L Berlin, Malpractice Issues in Radiology: Defending the Missed Radiographic Diagnosis (2001) 176 AJR 317 at 321.

    58 Berlin and Berlin, 1995, op cit, at 785.

    59 HR Guly, Diagnostic Errors in an Accident and Emergency Department (2001) 18 Emerg Med J 263.

  • 26

    departments60. They can be contributed to by perception errors, interpretation errors,

    knowledge errors and communication errors61. Crosschecking and a range of quality

    assurance processes62 can significantly reduce the incidence of error. Important work is

    being done in relation to further development and enhancement of such processes63.

    However, although technological advances have resulted, for instance, in higher quality

    images, there remain a number of causes of variability of identification and

    interpretation, including differences and subjectivities in visual observation, the same

    abnormality perceived differently and different thresholds of concern about perceived



    . For the purposes of current considerations, the challenge is as to how

    any adjustments to the medical radiation workforce might reduce/ guard against such

    sources of error.

    65 scrutinised data from a major United Kingdom trauma department and found

    that the main reason for diagnostic error66

    60 See eg DN Jones and C Crock, Parallel Diagnostic Universes: One Patient. How Radiologists and Emergency Physicians Share Diagnostic Error (2009) 53 Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 143.

    was that abnormalities were missed on

    radiograph or CT. 624 fractures in 618 patients were missed, 13.6% (n = 85) were

    61 See eg SJ Swensen and CD Johnson, Radiological Quality and Safety: Mapping Value into Radiology (2005) 2(12) Journal of the American College of Radiology 992.

    62 See T Keung Yeung, K Bortolotto, S Cosby, M Hoard and E Lederer, Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy: Evaluation of Errors and Incidents Recorded Over a 10 Year Period (2005) 74 Radiation and Oncology 283. See also J-P Bissonnette and G Medlam, Trend Analysis of Radiation Therapy Incidents over Seven Years (2010) 96 Radiotherapy and Oncology 139

    63 See eg DN Jones et al, Where Failures Occur in the Imaging Care Cycle: Lessons from the Radiology Events Register (2010) 7(8) Journal of the American College of Radiology 593

    64 See eg HR Alpert and BJ Hillman, Quality and Variability in Diagnostic Radiology (2004)1(2) Journal of the American Society of Radiology 127. There can be anchoring bias brought about by early locking onto a diagnosis and undervaluing data that are inconsistent. There can be availability bias because of a tendency to make a diagnosis from a memorable case previously seen. There can be regret bias because of concern perhaps arising from a previous error of missing or undervaluing an abnormality. Reliance on heuristics can also play a role.

    65 HR Guly, Diagnostic Errors in an Accident and Emergency Department (2001) 18 AEmerg Med J 263.

    66 Usefully defined as delayed, missed or wrong diagnosis by Jones and Crock: DN Jones and C Crock, Parallel Diagnostic Universes: One Patient. How Radiologists and Emergency Physicians Share Diagnostic Error (2009) 53 Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 143.

  • 27

    greenstick and 4.3% (n = 27) were epiphyseal. Abnormalities were missed with 117

    fractures in 110 patients because of a failure to radiograph. The primary reason was that

    the wrong radiographs had been requested in the case of 16 missed fractures and 6

    missed dislocations. Twenty two complaints of legal cases resulted (2.4% of patients

    who were the subject of error). Guly recommended an immediate reporting system for

    radiology and observed that Marking of abnormal radiographs by radiographers can

    assist in reducing diagnostic errors but the value of this may be limited by a high rate of

    false positives.67

    Berlin and Hendrix

    Notably, however, measures could be taken to reduce the rate of false

    positives, both by way of initial training and ongoing professional education.

    68 have argued that Radiologic errors continue to be made at a

    rate that has changed little over the past 50 years, despite a variety of methods that

    have been proposed to reduce such errors. Nonetheless, anxiety about lawsuits afflicts

    radiology69, like most areas of medical care. A 2009 Australian study of diagnostic

    error70 suggested that 90% of such errors were human errors, 55% involved no relevant

    imaging being performed and 11% were initiated at imaging. There has been little study

    of dosimetric impact of global errors in radiation oncology71i

    A 2009 Scottish non-litigation analysis



    67 Guly, 2000, op cit, at 269.

    of 256 errors in 222 patients found that 88%

    (n = 225) were due to poor image interpretation, 9% (n = 24) were due to poor

    communication and 3% (n = 7) were technical.

    68 L Berlin and RW Hendrix, Malpractice Issues in Radiology: Perceptual Errors and Negligence (1998) 170 AJR 863 at 866.

    69 See eg VP Jackson, Why Would Anyone (in His or Her Right Mind) Want to Do Breast Imaging? (2005) American College of Radiology 391.

    70 GS Heriot, P McKelvie and AG Pitman, Diagnostic Errors in Patients Dying in Hospital: Radiologys Contribution (2009) 53 Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 188.

    71 See J Cunningham, M Coffey, T Knoos and O Holmberg, Radiation Oncology Safety Information System (TOSIS) Profiles of Participants and the First 1074. See EE Klein, RE Drzymala, JA Purdy and J Michalski, Errors in Radiation Oncology: A Study in Pathways and Dosimetric Impact (2005) 6(3) Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics 81 at 93.

    72 G McCreadie and TB Oliver, Eight CT Lessons that We Learned the Hard Way (2009) 64 Clinical Radiology 491.

  • 28

    However, this is not to suggest that the incidence of error, either in radiographic

    diagnosis or in radiation therapy, is high in Australia. There is no evidence that it is. In a

    2005 Canadian study73

    It has been argued that even after digitalisation rejects/retakes still impose

    challenges for radiographic imaging and that there needs to be further investigation of

    this as a source of error

    , of 28,136 treatments delivered to 43,302 treatment regions, 555

    treatments with error were detected. 44.3% were related to treatment field/volume,

    37.6% were due to omission or incorrect placement of accessories and 18.1% were

    deviations from deviations from prescribed daily or total dose. Most errors were

    classified as of no or minor clinical importance. It is likely that the same is the case in


    74. In addition, it has been contended that the vocabulary for

    geographic misses in radiation oncology needs to become more sophisticated, given the

    developments in technology that enable greater insight into the phenomenon75

    The use of tele-radiology raises complex legal questions about the responsibility of

    those who delegate out radiological interpretation. Such delegation may, for instance,

    be to radiographers or radiologists overseas



    An aim of evolving radiographic and radiation therapy practice must be the

    minimisation of sources of error, ensuring that practitioners work only within their

    parameters of competence, and the optimisation of evidence-based practice that has

    . The general principle under Australian

    law is that those responsible for diagnosis and provision of treatment (namely

    radiologists and oncologists) continue to be responsible for errors committed overseas.

    Their duty of care to patients is non-delegable.

    73 G Huang, G Medlam, J Lee, S Billingsley, J-P Bissonnette, J Ringash , G Kane and DC Hodgson, error in the Delivery of Radiation Therapy: Results of a Quality Assurance Review (2005) 61(5) Int J Radiation Oncology Biol Phys 1590; see too EE Klein, RE Dryzmala, JA Purdy and J Michalski, Errors in Radiation Oncology: A Study in Pathways and Dosimetric Impact (2005) 6(2) Journal of Applied Medical Physics 81.

    74 D Waaler and B Hofmann, Image Rejects/Retakes Radiographic Challenges (2010) 139(1) Radiation Protection Dosimetry 375.

    75 See S Everitt, T Kron, T Leong, M Schneider-Kolsky and m MacManus, Geographic Miss in Radiation in Radiation Oncology: Have We Missed the Boat? (2009) 53 Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 506.

    76 See Mejia v Community Hospital for San Bernardino, 99 Cal App 4th 1449 (2002).

  • 29

    checks, balances and quality controls such as to provide effectively for high quality

    practice and patient safety77

    Insurance Repercussions of Role Change

    . Similarly, such considerations need to lie at the heart of

    workforce reform.

    Frank Belzunce and Dina Rekas78 of Guild Insurance identified the importance from

    an insurance point of view of an identified individual (generally a radiologist or

    oncologist) assuming responsibility for the quality of any form of health service

    provision: In looking at the creation of advanced radiographer practice as an insurer we

    would look to see what the exact scope of that practice is, what those duties are and to

    work out what the exposures from those duties and practices are.79

    Ms Rekas expressed the view that, almost inevitably, formalisation of advanced

    practitioner status would bring with it some level of increased exposure to legal


    They contended

    that the provision of team care in which no one individual takes responsibility for the

    quality of a health outcome would be problematic from an insurance and liability


    80 Mr Belzunce emphasised the need for clear role definition if advanced practice

    is introduced so that responsibility for decisions and assessments is clearly delineated

    amongst the various practitioners in the clinical team81. This may mean the assumption

    of some additional level of responsibility by radiographers but it will continue to mean

    that radiologists and oncologists, as the case may be, and in other instances


    77 See J Healy, Improving Health Care: Safety and Quality (Ashgate, Farnham, 2011).

    , will bear ultimate responsibility for interpretation of images, for diagnosis

    and for provision of treatment.

    78 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p231.

    79 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p232: Ms Rekas.

    80 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p237. See too IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p240, Mr Belzunce.

    81 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p239.

    82 In the course of the Devaney and Gordon study, the authors note that, The Queensland Health legal unit have advised that:

    QH is vicariously liable should a radiographer act negligently in the course of the employees employment

  • 30

    Shifts in Service Provision

    Dr Smith of the Australian Institute of Radiography has argued that the work of

    Health Workforce Australia shows that a paradigm shift in respect of the delivery of

    medical radiation services is required with teamwork requiring redefinition of the roles

    played by various members of the workforce. He has contended that between 2000 and

    2010 there was a 54% increase in the use of imaging technology in Australia83, a 200%

    increase in the use of MRI and 100% increase in the use of CT and ultrasound

    technology84. These are figures that bear some similarity to those in the United Kingdom

    to which reference has already been made. It is incontestable that the nature and

    amount of services provided by way of radiography and radiation therapy is continuing

    to evolve and will do so further with the likely significant escalation in the incidence of

    cancer (and therefore of the demand for radiation therapy services) in an ageing


    In principle, there seems a significant level of agreement in this regard. For instance,

    Dr Andrews, the President of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of

    Radiologists 20102011 acknowledged the team-based approach of diagnostic radiation

    and radiation oncology services with aims that those who provide such services do so

    efficiently, safely and to the ultimate advantage of patients. He has pointed out that


    The Australian Institute of Radiographys Guidelines for professional conduct for radiographers, Radiation Therapists and Songraphers states: Radiographers may provide written descriptions of images as part of an accepted written protocol that is authorised by the employing authority:

    The provision of written descriptions by a radiographer is a clinical roles delineation and scope of practice issue and not a legal issue and needs tro be resolved through detailed clinical role delineation, policy and practice standards. (C Devaney and M Gordon, Radiographer Abnormality Description Project: Project Completion Report (Queensland Health, Brisbane, December 2010), at 7.6.

    83 Ms Vukolova in this regard observed that the increase coincided and perhaps also corresponded to the increased number of facilities during the same period: IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p317.

    84 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p317.

    85 See eg R Yancik and LIG Ries Aging and Cancer in America: Demographic and Epidemiological Perspectives (2000) 14(1) Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America 17; J Ferlay, P Autier, M Boniol, M Heanue, M Colombet and P Boyle, Estimates of the cancer incidence and mortality in Europe in 2006* (2007) 18(3) Annals of Oncology 581; B Koczwara, Workforce Shortages in Medical Oncology: a Looming Threat to Cancer Care (2012) 196(1) Medical Journal of Australia 32.

  • 31

    while role evolution is inevitable, up-skilling of the roles of one particular group does not

    necessarily result in a deficiency within another part of the radiation sector, although it

    may. He accepted that redesign of roles entails personal and professional threats that

    need to be transcended, so far as possible, with a clear focus on altruism and what will

    be in the best interests of patients86

    Dr Andrews pointed out the need to define carefully medical imaging tasks and to

    ensure that those undertaking them have the competencies to perform them

    adequately: an issue that rose too in discussions about insurance and legal issues. He

    raised too the important issue of there needing to be clear assumption of medical

    responsibility for the quality of service provision, observing that imaging diagnosis is

    reached by more than pattern recognition


    87. He stressed that medical imaging reports

    incorporate more than description and observation88. They include interpretation, a skill

    that he argued is the preserve of radiologists. He also argued that it is the radiologists

    role to take responsibility for the contents of an imaging report. The same may be said

    of radiation therapy services. Sometimes this is the product of significant delegation to

    other team members in a collaborative arrangement and the radiologists or

    oncologists role is principally as a co-ordinator. On other occasions it is not89

    Reviewing imaging procedures, making initial observations, and

    communicate observations only to the radiologist;


    too, scope of practice guidelines that have been developed in the United States for

    radiologist assistants. These include:

    Recording previously communicated initial observations of imaging

    procedures according to approved protocols;

    86 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 19 May 2011, at p27.

    87 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 19 May 2011, at p27.

    88 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 19 May 2011, at p27.

    89 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 19 May 2011, at p30.

  • 32

    Communicating radiologists reports to appropriate health care providers in

    accordance with the American College of Radiography Practice Guideline

    for Communicating Diagnostic Imaging Findings90

    Dr Andrews identified inconsistency in training outcomes across radiographers courses

    resulting in variation in graduates skills and competencies, particularly manifesting in

    radiation dose control


    91. However, he identified as an issue worthy of further discussion,

    modal radiography as an area of subspecialty in radiography which could be pursued

    further in light of the growing complexity in examinations, including CT cholangiography,

    CR colonography, mammography, and MRIs92. He noted that a similar position applies to

    obstetric ultrasounds and vascular ultrasounds undertaken by sonographers. He also

    identified health informatics as an area that could brook subspecialisation on the part of


    The Terminology Issue

    , a phenomenon that is already evident in many large, public hospital

    imaging departments in Australia.

    An issue that vexes and confuses the debate about the utility of providing for

    advanced status for radiographers and radiation therapists is the terminology that

    should be employed. In terms of both rigour and conceptual clarity, it is important to be

    clear about what is meant by the notion of advanced practice. This was a point stressed

    by Ms Hurwood from Queensland Health. In addition, the term may have regulatory,

    insurance and legal liability ramifications in terms of the standard of practice legally

    required of practitioners.

    A distinction exists about advanced practice, as it tends to be considered informally

    within professions that have not yet implemented official criteria for assumption of such

    a status, and as it exists within professions that have constructed a regime for

    90 2010 revision:, viewed 1 March 2012.

    91 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 19 May 2011, at p32.

    92 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 19 May 2011, at p34

    93 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 19 May 2011, at p35.

  • 33

    assumption to such status. The tendency within the former category of professions is

    that scope creep impacts upon those who at any given time are regarded by their

    peers, their superiors and their colleagues from other professions as functioning at an

    advanced level. It may be that such persons have assumed greater responsibility than

    their colleagues. It may be that they provide significant levels of supervision for their

    peers. It may be that they are functioning at a particularly high level clinically. It may be

    that they are fulfilling functions that are in the vanguard of their professions practice.

    Or it may even be that they are undertaking roles which until reasonably recently were

    undertaken by other professionals. In short, the informal yardsticks for advanced

    practice adopted by professions such as radiography and radiation therapy which have

    not as yet constructed formal criteria for such a designation tend to be variable and

    functional they vary from workplace to workplace and they depend upon the roles

    available and actually being performed by the persons concerned.

    Even within professions that do not have a formal pathway to advanced practice,

    there is a fundamental distinction between advanced practice and role expansion or

    role extension. This fact was identified by the Institutes Professional Advancement

    Working Party94

    in 2006:

    Role expansion infers formally and explicitly recognising enlargement of the existing scope of practice into new tiers of practice accompanied by additional education, theory and practice i.e. it refers to the creation of another job description or title. In addition to general planning and treatment practice there has been an increasing involvement in specialised areas of practice. This is usually based on specialised training programs and involves role expansion in radiation therapy. These areas are inclusive of but not exclusive of:

    Brachytherapy Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy Image Fusion Quality Assurance Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)

    Additionally there are expert practitioners in the areas of digital imaging protocols, immobilisation, treatment, education, research and development. These practitioners operate at advanced levels however they remain largely unacknowledged at formal levels other than at a personal level.

    94 Australian Institute of Radiography, Professional Advancement Working Party, Report (AIR, Melbourne, 2006):, at p6.

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    It needs to be acknowledged, though, that many practitioners who engage in extended scope of practice will be informally regarded as engaging in advanced practice, although not necessarily.

    At present, many senior radiographers and radiation therapists who have assumed management responsibilities would probably not be regarded by themselves or their colleagues as either advanced practitioners or engaging in advanced practice.

    Difficulties lie in relation to adoption to alternative terminology such as lead practitioner95

    , consultant or specialist because of the risk of such descriptors engendering confusion amongst members of the public who are not au fait with the subtleties of what they might be intended within the professions to designate.

    However, notably the term specialist is employed within physiotherapy in Australia:

    To achieve the Specialist level, the prospective candidate undertakes a two-year training program which includes clinical experience and facilitated clinical development to attain an advanced level of clinical practice as well as evidence of a commitment to education and active participation in a research activity. At the completion of the two-year training program, candidates present for final clinical and oral examinations. Specialists are admitted to the Australian College of Physiotherapists, which is the body within the APA that is ultimately responsible for setting the standards and criteria and administering the clinical examinations that Level Three candidates must undertake. Only members of the College have the right to use the words Specialist Physiotherapist.96

    Similarly the terms clinical radiographer (modelled on the nurse practitioner

    designation)97 and clinical fellow are feasible options. However, they risk engendering


    95 A designation propounded by Mr Harvey: IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 24 June 2011, at p374.

    , although if the latter were used simply in relation to status within the

    Institute this would not prove a significant problem.

    96 Australian Physiotherapy Association, Specialisation:, viewed 10 April 2012.

    97 Advocated for by Dr Fabiny: IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 24 June 2011, at p367. 98 IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 24 June 2011, at p359: Dr Penlington.

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    A model that could be drawn upon is that of the nurse practitioner99

    A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse educated and authorised to function autonomously and collaboratively in an advanced and extended clinical role. The nurse practitioner role includes assessment and management of clients using nursing knowledge and skills and may include but is not limited to the direct referral of patients to other health care professionals, prescribing medications and ordering diagnostic investigations. The nurse practitioner role is grounded in the nursing profession's values, knowledge, theories and practice and provides innovative and flexible health care delivery that complements other health care providers. The scope of practice of the nurse practitioner is determined by the context in which the nurse practitioner is authorised to practice.

    , which

    was defined by the ANMC National Competency Standards for the Nurse Practitioner as


    Nurse practitioners work at an advanced level in many clinical practice settings, which include diabetes care, emergency care, intensive care, women's health, aged care, palliative care, paediatrics, urology, wound management, mental health, rural and remote health, men's health, community health, young people's health, sexual health, pain management, ophthalmology, renal, respiratory, neonatal, orthopaedics, neurosurgery, chronic heart failure, cardiology, continence and oncology.

    However, little support was expressed by IPAT members for a role similarly

    expressed for radiographers and radiation therapists. A difficulty with such a designation

    is that it does little on its face to clarify the nature of the additional capacities and roles

    of such advanced practitioners. In addition, it would add a level of confusion by its

    introduction of the otiose notion of practitioner to professionals who already are and

    function as health practitioners.

    Concern was raised in discussions at the IPAT about loose usage of terminology

    which equates advanced status with extended scope a status and a function which

    ought to be fundamentally different100

    99 See Australian Nursing Federation, Who Are Nurse Practitioners? (2011): ttp://, viewed 29 December 2011. See too Australian College of Nurse Practitioners

    , although it can overlap with it as a number of

    practitioners who obtain advanced status may well have been working outside the, viewed 29 December 2011.

    100 The latter term was discussed by Mr Lyall in the nuclear medicine context as possible after a period of experience after acquisition of advanced practitioner qualifications: IPAT, Consultation Transcript, 23 June 2011, at p313.

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    traditional role and thereby have been extending their role. Importantly, outside

    Australia, for instance in the United Kingdom, there is a level of disuniformity in the

    usage of terminology and variation from one location to another101

    Another option is the avoidance of descriptive adjectives



    A number of examples exist within health professions, especially nursing, in relation

    to extended scope of practice, and also advanced status. For instance, in the Australian

    Capital Territory, the Office of the Allied Health Adviser in a 2009 report Radiation

    Therapy Extended Scope of Practice: Phase 1



    An Advanced Practice Radiation Therapist is a clinical specialist or expert clinician who has significant experience and the opportunity to develop and demonstrate expertise within an area of specialisatio