Advanced Higher Sciences Launch events March 15.

Post on 19-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Advanced Higher Sciences Launch events March 15.

Advanced Higher Sciences

Launch events

March 15

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Transforming lives through learning

Revised Advanced Higher Material on Education Scotland website

Further Advanced Higher materials published (April 2015)

Learning Journeys

Resources Guides

Route maps

Cross authority writing groups

Sharing Practice Network

Advanced Higher update

Shared resources SDELG 2006

Developing our Young WorkforceSDELG 2006

STEM at heart of agenda

10,000 foundation apprenticeships coming

Pilots in Fife and West Lothian

Colleges increasingly important role - NCs and HNCs

Work-based learning/industry links

Articulation from colleges to degree programmes

“In Scotland, who you are is far more important than what school you attend.”

p59, OECD Report 2007

A child in care is more likely to go to prison than university.

“ ”

What next? Cross-Authority Writing Groups

Sharing Practice Network

Higher Sciences website revision

Sciences Briefings

Continue to develop support for BGE and NQ

Professional Learning videos

Shared resources through GLOW sciences