Adv 206 spring 14 class 17 media plan buy

Post on 22-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Adv 206 spring 14 class 17 media plan buy

  • 1. ADVERTISING PRACTICE IN A DIVERSE SOCIETY Discussion 16 How the pros do it media planning and buying April 1, 2014

2. Name tags out Cell phones off Campaign project Questions on Situational Analyses? Bring questions on Media Plan Eric Mower Speaker Series Focus group opportunity New syllabus posted HOUSEKEEPING 3. Media buying toplines Tips how to think about media planning Media planning and IMC integrating media with the shoppers journey and contact points TODAY WELL EXPLORE 4. Medias role and impact in the Customer Journey Types of media and purpose Fundamentals of media selection and buying WHATS REALLY IMPORTANT IN MEDIA? 5. Medias role and impact in the Customer Journey Types of media and purpose Fundamentals of media selection and buying WHATS REALLY IMPORTANT IN MEDIA? 6. HOW ARE MEDIA PLANS CREATED? 7. How media plans are created. 8. 1. Identify your target audience (Remember: Media planning begins and ends with the consumer) Understand their lifestyle and life stage; other segmentation? The tighter the focus on the target audience, the easier it is to find appropriate media to deliver a relevant message. Know their patterns. Remember: media consumption is habitual. Every media audience is different and varies regarding what percent of its audience is in the brands target audience. Often, more than one media vehicle is required to reach a sufficient number of targets. Its hard to reach everyone at once. FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 9. 1. Identify your target audience (Remember: Media planning begins and ends with the consumer) The target audience So ask yourself Better yet, conduct audience research Do I know my target? FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 10. 1. Identify your target audience (Remember: Media planning begins and ends with the consumer) The target audience So ask yourself Better yet, conduct audience research Do I know my target? Their demographic profile? Segment? Attitudinal and behavioral profiles? Whats their persona tell me about her? Do you need to reach an individual or a household? Do I understand their life stylestheir life patterns? FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 11. 1. Identify your target audience (Remember: Media planning begins and ends with the consumer) The target audience So ask yourself Better yet, conduct audience research Do I know my target? Their demographic profile? Segment? Attitudinal and behavioral profiles? Whats their persona tell me about her? Do you need to reach an individual or a household? Do I understand their life stylestheir life patterns? Is she a soccer mom? A fashionista? Does he drive to work or take the train? What are their media consumption patterns? FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 12. 1. Identify your target audience (Remember: Media planning begins and ends with the consumer) The target audience So ask yourself Better yet, conduct audience research Do I know my target? Their demographic profile? Segment? Attitudinal and behavioral profile? Whats their persona tell me about her? Do you need to reach an individual or a household? Do I understand their life stylestheir life patters? Is she a soccer mom? A fashionista? Does he drive to work or take the train? What are their media consumption patterns? Does he read the newspaper every day? FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 13. 2. Set communications and media objectives (What does your communications need to dowhat problem can communications solve and for media, what can it do to deliver brand messages to your target audience?) The reach objective The percent of people exposed to a brand message one or more times within a specified period of time. Reach is the first place to start when setting media objectives. Targeted reach is the percentage of a media vehicles audience that matches your target audience profile. Wasted reach is the audience a media vehicle delivers (and that you pay for) that does not match your targets profile. Biggest reach for least money. FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 14. 2. Set communications and media objectives (What does your communications need to dowhat problem can communications solve and for media, what can it do to deliver brand messages to your target audience?) The REACH objective So, ask yourself: What kind of product is it? Is it used/purchased by everyone? Or by a certain group(s)? Who in the household makes the buying decisions for which product? Where and how does your brand intersect with the household or individuals lives? What are the media consumption/exposure patterns that intersect? What media categories best reach my target? Whats the best match of media audience delivery to the target? FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 15. 2. Set communications and media objectives (What does your communications need to dowhat problem can communications solve and for media, what can it do to deliver brand messages to your target audience?) The FREQUENCY objective Frequency is the amount of repetition of a message. Average frequency The typical measurethe average number of times someone sees/hears a message; the range is wide and can be misleading. Frequency distribution Shows average exposure opportunities by groups of audience members called quintiles (5 groups of an audience, each group = 20%) and help you determine the levels of heavy to light media users. Rule of thumb: A minimum of three exposures to have any effect; 3 to 10 exposures depending on the buying cycle, product, etc. FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 16. 2. Set communications and media objectives (What does your communications need to dowhat problem can communications solve and for media, what can it do to deliver brand messages to your target audience?) The FREQUENCY objective So consider and study: Whats the nature of your product, problem and proposition? FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 17. 2. Set communications and media objectives (What does your communications need to dowhat problem can communications solve and for media, what can it do to deliver brand messages to your target audience?) The FREQUENCY objective So consider and study: Whats the nature of your product, problem and proposition? Is the product and message simple or complex? Will conviction and persuasion be difficult? Will you need to work on your target? What is the purchase interval for the product? FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 18. 2. Set communications and media objectives (What does your communications need to dowhat problem can communications solve and for media, what can it do to deliver brand messages to your target audience?) The FREQUENCY objective So consider and study: Whats the nature of your product, problem and proposition? Is the product and message simple or complex? Will conviction and persuasion be difficult? Will you need to work on your target? What is the purchase interval for the product? Is it milk and bread? Or, is it a car? Specific purchasing time, e.g. candy for Halloween? How cluttered is the media? FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 19. 2. Set communications and media objectives (What does your communications need to dowhat problem can communications solve and for media, what can it do to deliver brand messages to your target audience?) The FREQUENCY objective So consider and study: Whats the nature of your product, problem and proposition? Is the product and message simple or complex? Will conviction and persuasion be difficult? Will you need to work on your target? What is the purchase interval for the product? Is it milk and bread? Or, is it a car? Specific purchasing time, e.g. candy for Halloween? How cluttered is the media? Lots of competitive noise? Lots of ads like during election season? FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 20. 2. Set communications and media objectives (What does your communications need to dowhat problem can communications solve and for media, what can it do to deliver brand messages to your target audience?) The FREQUENCY objective So consider and study: Whats the nature of your problem and proposition? Will conviction and persuasion be difficult? Will you need to work on your target? What is the purchase interval for the product? Is it milk and bread? Or, is it a car? Specific purchasing time, e.g. candy for Halloween? How cluttered is the media? Lots of competitive noise? Lots of ads like during election season? Does your brand have high awareness and do people associate your brand for the right reasons? FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 21. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) Whats the geographical play? Do you need to roll out by certain regions or DMAs? Are certain regions high users or do you want to target a region? CDI tells where the product category is strong and weak in given geos; BDI tells where the brand is strong and weak in given geos (Dont worry about CDI/BDI for your projects.). FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 22. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) Media mix and selection Media type/platforms FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 23. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) Media mix and selection Media type/platforms TV (cable or network), print, radio, online, outdoor. Which deliver the best access to the audience? Media character or subject FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 24. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) Media mix and selection Media type/platforms TV (cable or network), print, radio, online, outdoor. Which deliver the best access to the audience? Media character or subject News, sports, home, food, art, crafts, history, travel, ethnic, etc. Geographic Local, regional, national, international, global FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 25. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) Media mix and selection Media type/platforms TV (cable or network), print, radio, online, outdoor. Which deliver the best access to the audience? Media character or subject News, sports, home, food, art, crafts, history, travel, ethnic, etc. Geographic Local, regional, national, international, global Do you need to roll out by certain regions or DMAs? Is there a market test? Are certain regions high users? Need higher penetration in a region? CDI tells where the product category is strong and weak in given geos; BDI tells where the brand is strong and weak in given geos (Dont worry about CDI/BDI for your projects.). FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 26. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) What about scheduling? When should your target be exposed to your brands message? Aperture: FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 27. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) What about scheduling? When should your target be exposed to your brands message? Aperture: Refers to when consumers are most receptive, the ideal time to reach them, e.g. when is the ideal time to advertise movies? Seasonality: FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 28. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) What about scheduling? When should your target be exposed to your brands message? Aperture: Refers to when consumers are most receptive, the ideal time to reach them, e.g. when is the ideal time to advertise movies? Seasonality: Holidays, special events, weather-related. Lead time: FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 29. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) What about scheduling? When should your target be exposed to your brands message? Aperture: Refers to when consumers are most receptive, the ideal time to reach them, e.g. when is the ideal time to advertise movies? Seasonality: Holidays, days of the week, time of day, back to school. Lead time: The time between thinking about buying and buying. Duration: FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 30. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) What about scheduling? When should your target be exposed to your brands message? Aperture: Refers to when consumers are most receptive, the ideal time to reach them, e.g. when is the ideal time to advertise movies? Seasonality: Holidays, days of the week, time of day, back to school. Lead time: The time between thinking about buying and buying. Duration: How long will you need to reach the goal? Too long could equal wearout and too short may lack impact. Whats the nature of your situation and what does the audience know about your brand? FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 31. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) What about continuity? Whats the cycling of your media plan? Continuous: spreads ads evenly over a campaign period (your campaign projects/budgets are for one year but you dont have to advertise all year), e.g. daily customers, very frequent purchase/use. Pulsing: FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 32. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) What about continuity? Whats the cycling of your media plan? Continuous: spreads ads evenly over a campaign period (your campaign projects/budgets are for one year but you dont have to advertise all year), e.g. daily customers, very frequent purchase/use. Pulsing: places advertising in intensified peaks before an aperture and reduces to lower levels until the aperture opens; bursts of activity, e.g. daily/regular interval customers plus promotional periods/special events. Flighting: FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 33. 3. Develop media strategies (How will your media plan accomplish the objectives? What is the best way to reach the right people at the right time with what you have to spend?) What about continuity? Whats the cycling of your media plan? Continuous: spreads ads evenly over a campaign period (your campaign projects/budgets are for one year but you dont have to advertise all year), e.g. daily customers, very frequent purchase/use. Pulsing: places advertising in intensified peaks before an aperture and reduces to lower levels until the aperture opens; bursts of activity, e.g. daily/regular interval customers plus promotional periods/special events. Flighting features alternating periods of intense advertising activity/bursts and no advertising/hiatus, e.g. allows for a long-term campaign without the cost. Problem: out of sight/out of mind. These happen within a campaign period which can be a week, month, season, year. FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 34. 4. Set metrics and analytics (What are the numbers of your plan? How will you back up recommendation with statistics?) Impression One persons opportunity to be exposed one time to an ad in one specific vehicle. Rating The audience of a particular program or station at a specific period of time expressed as a percent of total households . The percent sign is not shown, and the rating may represent household viewing or a specific demographic audience segment's listening or viewing. Share The audience of a particular television program or time period expressed as a percent of the population viewing TV at that particular time. Share, then, is a percent allocation of the viewing audience. Share is usually reported on a household basis. FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 35. 4. Set metrics and analytics (What are the numbers of your plan? How will you back up recommendation with statistics?) GRPs (Gross Rating Points) are found by multiplying each media vehicles rating (how many households a given program reaches) by the number of insertions and appearances, then adding up the total of all vehicles. TRPs (Targeted Rating Points) adjusts the GRP calculation so it more accurately reflects the percentage of the target audience watching the program, thus reducing waste coverage. CPP (Cost per Point) is the cost to reach 1 point of rating or 1% of the target audience CPM (Cost per Thousand) is the cost to reach get 1,000 impressions (e.g. use to compare one magazine to another). . FOUR KEY STEPS IN MEDIA PLANNING 36. Imagine you need a car MEDIA AND THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY 37. Gaads, I need some wheels! Im thinking sporty, utility or economy. Hmmm. Customer Journey 38. Gaads, I need some wheels! Im thinking sporty, utility or economy. Hmmm. A few cars come to mind, first off. 39. Gaads, I need some wheels! Im thinking sporty, utility or economy. Hmmm. A few cars come to mind, first off. Goal: Awareness Advertising PR, stories Observation Friends, family Sponsorships 40. Gaads, I need some wheels! Im thinking sporty, utility or economy. Hmmm. A few cars come to mind, first off. Goal: Awareness Advertising PR, stories Observation Friends, family Sponsorships Cars cost a lot of money. Better do some research. Goal: Consideration 41. Gaads, I need some wheels! Im thinking sporty, utility or economy. Hmmm. A few cars come to mind, first off. Goal: Awareness Advertising PR, stories Observation Friends, family Sponsorships Cars cost a lot of money. Better do some research. Goal: Consideration Advertising Online search Websites, blogs Product reviews Friends, family and WOM 42. Gaads, I need some wheels! Im thinking sporty, utility or economy. Hmmm. A few cars come to mind, first off. Goal: Awareness Advertising PR, stories Observation Friends, family Sponsorships Cars cost a lot of money. Better do some research. Goal: Consideration Online search Websites, blogs Product reviews Friends, family and WOM Well, as I learn more, Im starting to realize what I want. Goal: Influence and Persuade 43. Gaads, I need some wheels! Im thinking sporty, utility or economy. Hmmm. A few cars come to mind, first off. Goal: Awareness Advertising PR, stories Observation Friends, family Sponsorships Cars cost a lot of money. Better do some research. Goal: Consideration Online search Websites, blogs Product reviews Friends, family and WOM Well, as I learn more, Im starting to realize what I want. Goal: Influence and Persuade Experiences, test drive, sampling, auto shows; direct/email post show Websites, build-it/price-it apps Offers Ratings and reviews, owner experiences via chat, blogs, WOM Articles 44. Gaads, I need some wheels! Im thinking sporty, utility or economy. Hmmm. A few cars come to mind, first off. Goal: Awareness Advertising PR, stories Observation Friends, family Sponsorships Cars cost a lot of money. Better do some research. Goal: Consideration Online search Websites, blogs Product reviews Friends, family and WOM Well, as I learn more, Im starting to realize what I want. Goal: Influence and Persuade Experiences, test drive, sampling, auto shows Websites, build-it/price-it apps Offers, coupons, direct mail, email Ratings, owner experiences via chat, blogs Articles and advertising Im ready to buy. Now where and how much? Goal: Conviction and Persuasion 45. Gaads, I need some wheels! Im thinking sporty, utility or economy. Hmmm. A few cars come to mind, first off. Goal: Awareness Advertising PR, stories Observation Friends, family Sponsorships Cars cost a lot of money. Better do some research. Goal: Consideration Online search Websites, blogs Product reviews Friends, family and WOM Well, as I learn more, Im starting to realize what I want. Goal: Influence and Persuade Experiences, test drive, sampling, auto shows Websites, build-it/price-it apps Offers, coupons, direct mail, email Ratings, owner experiences via chat, blogs Articles and advertising Im ready to buy. Now where and how much? Goal: Conviction and Persuasion Offers Advertising Packaging In-store merchandising Personal selling Sales tools 46. Gaads, I need some wheels! Im thinking sporty, utility or economy. Hmmm. A few cars come to mind, first off. Goal: Awareness Advertising PR, stories Observation Friends, family Sponsorships Cars cost a lot of money. Better do some research. Goal: Consideration Online search Websites, blogs Product reviews Friends, family and WOM Well, as I learn more, Im starting to realize what I want. Goal: Influence and Persuade Experiences, test drive, sampling, auto shows Websites, build-it/price-it apps Offers, coupons, direct mail, email Ratings, owner experiences via chat, blogs Articles and advertising Im ready to buy. Now where and how much? Goal: Conviction and Persuasion Offers Advertising Packaging In-store merchandising Personal selling Sales tools Whew! Glad thats over and glad I made the right choice. Goal: Loyalty and Advocacy 47. Gaads, I need some wheels! Im thinking sporty, utility or economy. Hmmm. A few cars come to mind, first off. Goal: Awareness Advertising PR, stories Observation Friends, family Sponsorships Cars cost a lot of money. Better do some research. Goal: Consideration Online search Websites, blogs Product reviews Friends, family and WOM Well, as I learn more, Im starting to realize what I want. Goal: Influence and Persuade Experiences, test drive, sampling, auto shows Websites, build-it/price-it apps Offers, coupons, direct mail, email Ratings, owner experiences via chat, blogs Articles and advertising Im ready to buy. Now where and how much? Goal: Conviction and Persuasion Offers Advertising Packaging In-store merchandising Personal selling Sales tools Whew! Glad thats over and glad I made the right choice. Goal: Loyalty and Advocacy WOM Social media Sharing and chat Brand experiences; owners clubs Testimonials Reference, reviews and rewards 48. Gaads, I need some wheels! Im thinking sporty, utility or economy. Hmmm. A few cars come to mind, first off. Goal: Awareness Advertising PR, stories Observation Friends, family Observation Sponsorships Cars cost a lot of money. Better do some research. Goal: Consideration Online search Websites, blogs Product reviews Friends, family and WOM Well, as I learn more, Im starting to realize what I want. Goal: Influence and Persuade Experiences, test drive, sampling, auto shows Websites, build-it/price-it apps Offers, coupons, direct mail, email Ratings, owner experiences via chat, blogs Articles and advertising Im ready to buy. Now where and how much? Goal: Conviction and Persuasion Offers Advertising Packaging In-store merchandising Personal selling Sales tools Whew! Glad thats over and glad I made the right choice. Goal: Loyalty and Advocacy WOM Social media Sharing and chat Brand experiences; owners clubs Testimonials Reference, reviews and rewards Any questions? 49. THE IMC/MEDIA PLAN June Week 4 Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 25-Jun 26-Jun 27-Jun 28-Jun 29-Jun 30-Jun 1-Jul Insert Prospect Event Independence Day Event Offer 2015/ EVERYTHING IS ON SALE AV Spot Bank kiHome Quality & Brand 1 spot Bedding/Promo Bedding Version of event Summer Bedding promo (2) Total Media Insert 4,300,000 (newspaper) 4,300,000 DM 0 Web 800,000 950,000 940,000 500,000 500,000 750,000 750,000 5,190,000 Email 200,000 (event) 15,000 (prospect) 215,000 TV 60 75 90 85 110 100 110 630 Radio 20 15 50 70 155 2011 Sales $4.4 $3.7 $2.79 $2.47 $4.82 $2.41 $3.35 $23,936,035 2010 Sales $4. $3.79 $2.59 $2.72 $4.55 $2.56 $3.35 $23,570,345 Sales Change $0.397 -$0.091 $0.198 -$0.254 $0.272 -$0.152 -$0.003 $365,690 2011 Ups 8,412 5,949 5,424 4,825 6,165 4,665 6,014 41,454 2010 Ups 7,016 5,982 4,873 4,887 5,878 4,860 5,692 39,188 Ups Change 1,396 -33 551 -62 287 -195 322 2,266 50. Follow the planning process ask yourself those questions, research the answers. Media offers us many choices and many options. But focus on the consumer and her need/want, her habits and behaviors, the product/brand and your objectives to frame your selection. Media consumption is habitual. Take advantage of it. Consider the customer and the journey. Be mindful of the pattern. Be a good matchmaker. KEY TAKEAWAYS 51. Single Most Important Point MEDIA BEGINS AND ENDS WITH THE AUDIENCE. 52. Read Chapter 14 Read headlines Media workshop Thursday: Change in plan Final version of Situational Analysis and Media Plan due 4/15 by class time Look for the Creative Assignment by Friday 4/4 EOD Quiz coming: Moving quiz from 4/8 to 4/10 On Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14 Look for Study Guide by Friday EOD Optional Homework Worth 2 points in your extra credit bank BE PREPARED 53. A one-month media schedule consists of the following: One magazine with a total circulation of 1,000 Three TV programs reach households of 1,000 each A highway billboard with 5,000 vehicle pass-bys A radio program with 1,000 listeners How many exposures in this media plan? SOLVE THIS: 54. A two-month (8 week) media schedule consists of the following: One monthly magazine with a total circulation of 1,000 and a pass-along of .5 One TV program/week reaching 1,000 households, each with an average of 2.3 people/household A highway billboard with 5,000 vehicle pass-bys/month, each vehicle having an average of 1.8 people A radio program with 1,000 listeners per week How many gross impressions in this media plan? SOLVE THIS: