Adobe photoshop cc on demand 7

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Transcript of Adobe photoshop cc on demand 7

Mastering the Art ofSelection


Mastering Adobe Photoshop requires skill in many diverseareas. While modifying an image's color, enhancing an oldphotograph, or removing dust and scratches may require dif-ferent skills, they have one common thread-selection.Without a selection, any changes you apply are made to thewhole image. For example, if you choose to paint a blackstroke, you would select the Paintbrush tool, choose the colorblack, and begin painting. Photoshop will let you apply blackpaint to any and all portions of the image. Selections areyour way to instruct Photoshop what portions of the activedocument you want to change and which you want to protectfrom change.

The Marquee tools are considered Photoshop's "goodold" selection tools. In fact they've been a part of Photoshopsince the early days. Where the marquee tools let you selectareas of an image in a structured way (using squares, circles,lines), the lasso tools add a bit of freeform selection to themix. Lasso tools require a certain amount of hand/eye coordi-nation. For example, you can use the lasso tool to create acustomized selection area around just about any object in adocument, be it an animal, vegetable, or mineral. It justrequires a good eye, a steady hand, and a really big mousepad (I hate it when I run out of mouse pad).

Creating a selection lets you influence a specific area ofthe image. For example, If you are changing the color of a carfrom red to blue, this is where making a selection reallyshines. When you select an area of a Photoshop document,the selection becomes the work area-filters, adjustments,and brushes will only work within the selection boundary.Since selection is such an important aspect of controllingwhat happens in a document, Photoshop gives you manyways to create your desired selection. Mastering the art ofselection gives you control over not just what you do, butwhere you do it.

What You'll Do

Usethe RectangularMarqueeTool

Usethe Elliptical MarqueeTool

Usethe SingleRowandSingleColumnMarqueeTools

Usethe LassoMarqueeTool

Usethe MagneticLassoTool

Usethe PolygonalLassoTool

Usethe QuickSelectionTool

Usethe Magic WandTool


Refinea SelectionEdge

Modifyan ExistingSelection

Workwith an ExistingSelection

CopyandPastea Selection

UseChannelsto CreateandStoreSelections


Usethe CropTool

Usethe PerspectiveCropTool

UseContent-AwareScalingor Fill

UseContent-AwarePatchor Move



Using the RectangularMarquee Tool

Use the RectangularMarquee Toolo Select the Rectangular Marquee

tool on the toolbox.

Click the Tool Preset list arrow,and then select from the availabletool presets, if desired.

• Use the selection options on theOptions bar to create a newselection, or add to, subtract from,or intersect with a selection.

Enter a numerical value (0 to 1000)in the Feather box to create afeathered selection edge or clickthe Refine Edge box to visuallyfine-tune your feather size.o Click the Style list arrow, and thenselect from the available styles:

Normal. Lets you createfreeform rectangular, or squaremarquee selections.

Fixed Ratio. Lets you createselections using a specificratio, such as a 2 to 1 ratio.Enter the Fixed Ratio values inthe Width and Height boxes.Fixed Size. Lets you createselections based on anabsolute size such as 30 pixelsby 90 pixels. Enter the FixedSize values in the Width andHeight boxes.

Drag the selection area; the cursordisplays width and height.

84 Chapter4


The Rectangular Marquee tool lets you create rectangular and squareselection marquees. The Rectangular Marquee tool is excellent for aquick crop, or selecting and moving blocks of image information. Selectthe Rectangular Marquee tool on the tool box from the availableMarquee options, and then drag the tool using the mouse (or drawingtablet) to control your movements. To further control a selection, holddown the Shift key to produce a perfect square, and hold down the Alt(Win) or Option (Mac) key to create a selection marquee that startsfrom the center and moves outwards. Releasing the mouse instructsthe Rectangular Marquee tool to create the selection.

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For Your Information

Selecting Areas for a Standard MonitorIf you are selecting areas of an image and plan to display them on astandard monitor (not DVDl,then click the FixedAspect Ratio optionon the Options bar, and then enter a width value of 4, and a heightvalue of 3, Since a normal computer monitor (regardless of resolu-tion) has a 4 by 3 ratio, then the selection you make will fit a com-puter monitor perfectly,

Using the EllipticalMarquee Tool

Use the Elliptical Marquee Tool

• Select the Elliptical Marquee toolon the toolbox.

Click the Tool Preset list arrow,and then select from the availabletool presets, if desired.

Use the selection options on theOptions bar to create a newselection, or add to, subtract from,or intersect with a selection.

• Enter a numerical value (0 to 1000)in the Feather option to create afeathered selection edge or clickthe Refine Edge box to visuallyfine-tune your feather size.

o Select the Anti-alias check box tocreate a softer selection.

o Click the Style list arrow, and thenselect from the available styles:

• Normal; Lets you createfreeform elliptical or circularmarquee selections.

Fixed Ratio. Lets you createselections using a specificratio. Enter the Fixed Ratiovalues in the Width and Heightboxes.

Fixed Size. Lets you createselections based on anabsolute size. Enter the FixedSize values in the Width andHeight boxes.

Drag the selection area; the cursordisplays width and height.

The Elliptical Marquee tool lets you create oval or circular selectionmarquees. When used with the Layer Mask option, and a couple ofcreative filters, you can create some awesome vignettes. Select theElliptical Marquee tool on the toolbox from the available Marqueeoptions, move into the document, and then drag with the tool using themouse to control your movements. To further control a selection, holddown the Shift key to produce a perfect circle, and hold down the Alt(Win) or Option (Mac) key to create a selection marquee that startsfrom the center and moves outwards. Releasing the mouse instructsthe Elliptical Marquee tool to create the selection.




Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 85

The Single Row/Single Column Marquee tools let you create a l-pixelwide horizontal or vertical selection. Select the Single Row or SingleColumn Marquee tool on the tool box from the available Marqueeoptions, and then click the tool within the active document to create asingle-pixel horizontal or vertical selection. To move the selection,place your cursor on the selection; when you see the cursor change toan arrow, then click and drag. Release the mouse when you have theselection correctly positioned. For precise positioning, press the arrowkeys to move the selection 1 pixel at a time.

Using the Single Rowand Single ColumnMarquee Tools

Use the Single Row and ColumnMarquee Tool Single column Single row

Select the Single Row Marquee orSingle Column Marquee tool onthe toolbox.

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Click the Tool Preset list arrow,and then select from the availabletool presets, if desired.

Use the selection options on theOptions bar to create a newselection, or add to, subtract from,or intersect with a selection.


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Drag the selection area; the cursordisplays width and height.

Did You Know?The Column Marquee tools don't havean Anti-Alias option, The reason is thata monitor displays digital informationusing pixels. Since the pixels fittogether just like bricks in a wall, andthe Column Marquee tools can onlydraw vertical or horizontal lines, thereis no need to make them look smootherbecause they're following the horizon-tal and vertical lines of the pixels.

For Your Information

Creating Customized GuidesHave you ever needed a 45-degree angled guideline? Create a newlayer, select the single row (or column) marquee tool, and then clickto create a selection in the active document. Now, select black (orany other color) and press Alt-Backspaca (Win) or Option-Delete(Mac) to fill the l-pixel selection with the default color. Click the Editmenu, point to Transform, and then click Rotate. Enter a value of 45in the Angle option on the Options bar and then you'll have an instant45-degree guide. Since the guide is in a separate layer, you can usethe Move tool to reposition it anywhere it's needed.

86 Chapter 4


Using the LassoMarquee Tool

Use the Lasso Marquee ToolSelect the Lasso tool on thetoolbox.

Click the Tool Preset list arrow,and then select from the availabletool presets, if desired.

Use the selection options on theOptions bar to create a newselection, or add to, subtract from,or intersect with an existingselection.

Enter a numerical value (0 to 1000)in the Feather box to create afeathered selection edge or clickthe Refine Edge box to visuallyfine-tune your feather size.

Select the Anti-alias check box tocreate a softer selection (usefulwith intensely rounded or curvedselections).o Drag the selection area you want.

Did You Know?You can temporarily convert the Lassotool into a straight-line drawing tool(called the Polygonal Lasso tool). Holddown the Alt (Win) or Option (Mac)key, then release the mouse, move to adifferent area of the document windowand click to draw a straight linebetween the two points.

The Lasso Marquee is a freeform tool that requires a bit of hand-to-eyecoordination. Select the Lasso tool on the tool box from the availableLasso options, move into the active document, and then drag the tool,using the mouse (or drawing tablet) to control your movements. Holddown the Alt (Win) or Option (Mac) key, and then drag to draw straight-line segments. Releasing the mouse instructs the Lasso tool to closethe selection shape. That's all there is to it. I did mention that it requiresgood hand-to-eye coordination, didn't I? When you use this tool, don'tdrink too much coffee, and have a really big mouse pad.

Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 87

Using the MagneticLasso Tool

Use the Magnetic Lasso Tool

Select the Magnetic Lasso tool onthe toolbox.

Click the Preset Tool list arrow,and then select from the availabletool presets, if desired.

Use the selection options on theOptions bar to create a newselection, or add to, subtract from,or intersect with an existingselection.

Enter a numerical value (0 to 1000)in the Feather box to create afeathered selection edge or clickthe Refine Edge box to visuallyfine-tune your feather size.

Select the Anti-alias check box tocreate a softer selection (usefulwith intensely rounded or curvedselections).

Enter a Width value (0 to 256) toinstruct the Magnetic Lasso toolhow many pixels to consider forthe edge.

88 Chapter 4

The Magnetic Lasso creates a selection by following along the edge ofa visible object. For example, it will follow around the edge of a buildingset against a bright blue sky. In reality there are no edges in a photo-graphic document, so the tool follows along the shifts of brightness cre-ated when one tonal value is next to another. Select the Magnetic Lassotool in the toolbox from the available Lasso options. Click on the visibleedge of an object within your image, and then move (don't drag) aroundthe object. The Magnetic Lasso will follow the visible edge of the object,occasionally adding anchor points to the line as you move. Clicking thestarting point or double-clicking the mouse not at the starting pointinstructs the Magnetic Lasso tool to close the selection shape.

o Enter an Edge Contrast value(1% to 100%) to instructtheMagnetic Lasso how much of ashift in the brightness values touse in determining the edge .

• Enter a Frequency value (0 to 100)to instruct the Magnetic Lassowhere points are added to theselection line .

• Click once to create an anchorpoint, and then move the pointeralong the edge you want to trace.

If the border doesn't snap to thedesired edge, click once to add aanchor point manually. Continue totrace the edge, and add anchorpoints as needed.

Double-click or click the startingpoint to complete the selection.

Did You Know?You can remove anchor points. Whenyou're using the Magnetic Lasso tooland you want to reverse the selection,simply backtrack the mouse all the wayback to the last anchor point. To moveeven farther backwards, press theBackspace (Win) or Delete (Mac) keyto remove the last anchor.

You can temporarily use the MagneticLasso too/ as a freeform Lasso tool.Hold down the Alt (Win) or Option(Mac) key, and then drag to draw.Release the mouse to return to theMagnetic Lasso tool.

Magnetic Lassoselection

Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 89

Using the PolygonalLasso Tool

Use the Polygonal Lasso Toolo Select the Polygonal lasso tool onthe toolbox.

Click the Tool Preset list arrow,and then select from the availabletool presets, if desired.

o Use the selection options on theOptions bar to create a newselection, or add to, subtract from,or intersect with an existingselection.

Enter a numerical value (0 to 1000)in the Feather box to create afeathered selection edge or clickthe Refine Edge box to visuallyfine-tune your feather size.

Select the Anti-alias check box tocreate a softer selection (usefulwith intensely rounded or curvedselections).

o Click to create anchor points, andthen double-click or click thestarting point to complete theselection.

Did You Know?You can temporarily use the PolygonalLasso tool as a freeform Lasso tool.Hold down the Alt (Win) or Option(Mac) key, and then drag to draw.Release the mouse to return to thePolygonal Lasso tools.

90 Chapter 4

The Polygonal Lasso creates straight-line selections, perfect for creat-ing a selection around a windowpane or the roofline of a house. Selectthe Polygonal Lasso tool in the toolbox from the available Lassooptions, and click to create a point; then, move and click to createstraight lines between the two points. Keep clicking and moving yourmouse until the desired selection shape appears. Clicking the startingpoint or double-clicking the mouse not at the starting point instructs thePolygonal Lasso tool to close the selection shape.

Using the QuickSelection Tool

Use the Quick Selection ToolSelect the Quick Selection tool onthe toolbox.

Click the Tool Preset list arrow,and then select from the availabletool presets, if desired.

Use the selection options on theOptions bar to create a newselection, or add to/subtract froman existing selection.

Click the Brush list arrow, and thenselect the brush options you want:Size, Hardness, Spacing, Angle,Roundness, along with choices forusing pen pressure or styluswheel.

Select the Sample All Layerscheck box to create a selectionbased on all layers, not just thecurrently selected one.

Select the Auto-Enhance checkbox to reduce roughness andpixelation in the selection edge.

Paint with the Quick Selection toolto create the selection you want.

TIMESAVER Press the rightbracket (]) or left bracket ([) toincrease or decrease the QuickSelection tool brush size.

The Quick Selection tool makes it easier to select the areas of an imageyou want. Simply paint a loose selection using an adjustable roundbrush tip to select the area you want. As you paint with the QuickSelection tool, the selection expands outward and automatically findsand follows defined edges in the image. You can also enable the Auto-Enhance option to reduce roughness and pixelation in the selectionedge.

Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 91

Using the MagicWand Tool

Use the Magic Wand Toolo Select the Magic Wand tool on thetoolbox.

o Use the Preset Tool list arrow, andthen select from the available toolpresets, if desired .

• Use the selection options on theOptions bar to create a newselection, or add to, subtract from,or intersect with an existingselection.

o Click the Sample Size list arrow,and then select the number ofpixels to sample .

• Enter a Tolerance value (0 to 255).The higher the value, the moreinformation the Magic Wand toolselects.

Select the Anti-alias check box tocreate a softer selection (usefulwith intensely rounded or curvedselections).

Select the Contiguous check boxto select adjacent pixels within theactive document.

Select the Sample All Laverscheck box to sample imageinformation from all layers.

Click an area to make a selection.

92 Chapter 4

The Magic Wand tool (so named since it looks like a magic wand) isunique in the fact that you do not drag and select with this tool; yousimply click. The Magic Wand tool creates a selection based on theshift in brightness ranges within an image. If there is a definable shift inthe brightness of the pixels, it can be a very powerful tool for the selec-tion of odd-shaped areas. For example, a brightly colored sunflowercontrasted with a bright blue sky would be a snap for the Magic Wandtool. To use the Magic Wand, click on the Magic Wand Tool button inthe toolbox. Sometimes it's easier to select what you don't want. In thisexample, the blue sky was selected and removed. However, you mighthave wanted to select the sunflower, and move it into another image. Ifthat's the case, it is still easier to select the sky using the Magic Wand,click the Select menu, and then click Inverse to reverse the selection.

Results of theMagic Wand


Selecting by ColorRange

Selection by Calor RangeClick the Select menu, click ColorRange, and then select an option:

Select. Lets you chooseSampled Colors, a specificcolor, Highlights, Midtones,Shadows, Skin Tones, or Out ofGamut colors.

Detect Faces. Select to detectfaces for skin tone selection.

Localized Color Clusters.Select to constrain your colorselection to a specific area.Use the Range slider to fix thedistance to use with thelocalized color selection.

Fuzziness. Use the slider toincrease or decrease the colorvalues selected (0 to 200).

Selection or Image. View theSelection Mask or the Image.

Selection Preview. Changesthe view of the image in thedocument window. SelectNone, Grayscale, Black Matte,White Matte, or Quick Mask.

Click an eyedropper tool to add toor subtract from colors in theselection, and then click withinthe image.

Select the Invert check box toreverse the Selection Mask.

Click OK to turn the color rangeinformation into a selection.

Photoshop can help you select image information based on a colorrange. Maybe it's that bright red car in the background, the white stuccofinish on a house, or skin tones on a face. It doesn't matter, because youcan choose the colors (including sampled colors, highlights, midtones(medium brightness), shadows, skin tones, or out-of-gamut), and themaximum range you want to select. The image displayed in the ColorRange dialog box becomes a mix of black and white. The white areasrepresent the selected portions of the image, while the black areas rep-resent the masked portions. If you want to reuse settings, you can savethem as a preset and then load later (New!).


Select: I " Sampled Colors

Detect Faceso localized Color Clusters

I Fuzzlness: ~

6 Saveor loadpresetsRange LJ"

eSelection 0 Image

Selection Preview: { None :1

Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 93

Refining a SelectionEdge

Use the Refine Edge Toolo Use one of the selection tools tomake a selection.

• Click Refine Edge on the Optionsbar, or click the Select menu, andthen click Refine Edge.

• To change the view size or position,use the Zoom or Hand tools.

• To change the view modes, click aSelection View list arrow, and thenselect a view.

• Show Radius. Select to view bythe radius-defined selection.

• Show Original. Select to viewby the original selection.

• Specify an edge detection option.

Smart Radius. Select toautomatically apply the bestradius to create an accurateselection.

Radius. Drag the slider tospecify the size of the selection.Increase to create a more exactselection.

94 Chapter 4

After you make the initial selection, you can use the Refine Edge tool tofine-tune the selection to your exact specifications. The Refine Edgetool is useful for selecting elements with different edge types. Forexample, you can select the edge around a ship in the ocean and thenplace it in front of a different background. With the Smart Radius andDecontaminate Colors options you can create precise selections forcomplex elements. Smart Radius helps detect edges to automaticallycreate the best selection, while Decontaminate Colors removes thebackground color around the edge. If the selection is not quite right,you can use the Refine Radius and Erase Refinements tools to expandthe selection or restore it back to the original selection. These toolsalso work well with the Decontaminate Colors option to remove resid-ual background color from around the edges of a selection. In addition,you can make edge adjustments using the following slider options:Radius, Smooth, Feather, Contrast, and Shift Edge. As you work with aselection, you can change the view mode to preview the selectionagainst different backgrounds-such as overlay, on black or white, oron layers-in order to fine-tune it.

o To refine the selection, use any ofthe following tools:

Refine Radius Tool. Select anddrag to expand the selectionarea.

Erase Refinements Tool. Selectand drag to restore the originalselection edge.o Drag the sliders to adjust the edge

of the selection.

Smooth. Smooths out the roughedges of the selection (0-100).

Feather. Creates a soft edgearound the selection (0-1000 px),

Contrast. Sharpens the selectionedges and removes fuzziness.

Shift Edge. Decreases orincreases the selection edge.

Click the Output To list arrow, andthen select an option, such asSelection, Layer Mask, or NewDocument.

Decontaminate Colors. Removesbackground color around theedge by the amount (%) .

• You can also use this optionalong with the Refine Radiusand Erase Refinements toolsto remove residualbackground color fromaround the edges of aselection.

To remember your settings for usenext time, select the RememberSettings check box.

I Click OK.

Refine Ed e


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Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 95

Modifying an ExistingSelection

Add to an Existing Selectiono Create a selection using any of theselection tools.

Add to the selection by holdingdown the Shift key, and then use aselection tool to add to the existingselection (the selected areas donot need to be contiguous) .

• Instead of pressing a key,you can also use the Add toSelection button on the Optionsbar.

o Release the mouse and the Shiftkey to complete the addition.

Did You Know?You can quickly crop an image basedon a selection. With a selection, youcan use the Crop command on theImage menu to quickly change the sizeof an image.

96 Chapter 4

To say that Photoshop helps you make selections easily would be anunderstatement. Not only can you modify selections in any number ofways, Photoshop gives you the option to change your mind by addingto, subtracting from, and intersecting with an existing selection or evenusing the selection tools to crop the image. Since most selections arenot perfect the first time around, knowing how to modify a selectionmarquee gives you the control you need to make perfect selections.Adding to and subtracting from an image is accomplished by simplekeyboard shortcuts, or by using button on the Options bar. Either way,you can create complex selections with ease.

Two separate selections


Subtract from an ExistingSelection

Create a selection using any of theselection tools.

o Subtract from the selection byholding down the Alt (Win) orOption (Mac) key.

• Instead of pressing a key, youcan also use the Subtract fromSelection button on the Optionsbar.

Create a selection that intersectswith the existing selection.

Release the mouse and the keys tocomplete the subtraction.

Intersect with an ExistingSelection

Create a selection using any of theselection tools.

o Intersect the selection by holdingdown the Shitt-Alt (Win) orShift-Dption (Mac) key.

Instead of pressing keys, youcan also use the Intersect withSelection button on the Optionsbar.

Create a selection that intersectswith the existing selection.

Release the mouse and the keys tocomplete the intersection.

Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 97

Working with anExisting Selection

Work with an Existing Selectiono Create a selection, click the Selectmenu, and then select an option:

• All. Selects all document pixels.

• Deselect or Reselect. Removesthe active selection or recreatesthe last active selection.

• Inverse. Lets you reverse theprevious selection.

All layers. Lets you select allthe layers in the Layers panel(excluding the Background).

• Deselect layers. Deselects alllayers in the Layers panel.

Find layers. Find layers: all typelayers, or all shape layers.

• Isolate layers. Displays only theselected layers (New!).

Color Range. Creates aselection from a color range.

Redefine Edge. Creates aselection from a complex image.

• Modify. Lets you modify theBorder, Expand, Contract, orSmooth the selection.

• Grow. Lets you increase aselection by adding pixels.

• Similar. Lets you increase aselection by adding non-contiguous pixels.

• Transform Selection. Creates abounding box around the activeselection that you can modify.

Edit in Ouick Mask Mode. Viewselection in Quick Mask Mode.

• load or Save Selection. Letsyou load or save a previouslysaved channel mask selection.

• New 3D Extrusion. Creates a 3Dextrusion from the selection.

98 Chapter 4

Selections can be as simple as dragging a circle or square with one ofthe marquee tools or choosing one or more layers or as complicated asa freeform selection. Whatever the case, Photoshop allows you toenhance any selection with its useful modification tools. After creating aselection, you can modify it with the various options that Photoshopoffers in order to make complex selections easier to use.


Available selection options




All LayersDeselect layersFind LayersIsolate layers


Color Range ...

Refine Edge ...Modify


Transform Selection

Edit in Quick Mask Mode

load Selection .Save Selection .

ew 3D Extrusion

Copying and Pasting aSelection

Copy or Cut and PasteSelect an area of an image usingany of the selection tools in aPhotoshop document.

Click the Edit menu, and then clickCopy (active layer), or CopyMerged (all layers), or Cut (move).

Use any of the following pastecommands:

Paste. Pastes the selection as anew layer. Click the Edit menu,and then click Paste.

Paste In Place. Pastes selectioninto the same relative locationbetween source and destinationdocuments. Click the Edit menu,point to Paste Special, and thenclick Paste In Place.

TIMESAVER Press Shift+Ctrl+V(Win) or Shift~+V (Mac).

Paste Into or Paste Outside.Pastes the selection inside oroutside a selection. This adds alayer and layer mask. Theselection is unmasked (white),while the rest of the layer ismasked (black). Select adestination, click the Edit menu,point to Paste Special, and thenclick Paste Into or PasteOutside.

TIMESAVER For Paste Into,press Alt+Shift+Ctrl+V (Win) orOption+Shift~+V (Mac).

After you make a selection in a Photoshop document, you can copy orcut it to the Clipboard where you can paste it to another place in youractive document or in another document. The Copy, Cut and Paste com-mands have been around for a long time; however, Photoshop hasadded some variation to them. You can use the Paste Special menu toprovide more direction to the paste location by using the Paste In Place,Paste Into, and Paste Outside commands. If the content of the Clipboarddoesn't contain pixels from a Photoshop document, the special pastecommands work just like the Paste command.

Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 99

Using Channels toCreate and StoreSelections

Photoshop's primary method of creating selections is through the use oftools from the tool box, such as the Marquee, Lasso, and Magic Wand,and while they create impressive and complex selections, Photoshophas other ways to capture that tricky selection using the Channelspanel. The Channels panel primarily holds color information, but that'snot all it can hold. You can use the Channels panel to create and storecomplex selections. Photoshop holds selection information using black(masked), white (selected), and shades of gray (percentages of selec-tion). In addition, channels can be saved with the image file.

Create Selections with ChannelsSelect the Channels panel.

Click the individual color channels.

Look for a channel that representsa brightness difference betweenwhat you want to select and whatyou want to mask.

Make a copy of the channel bydragging it down over the NewChannel button on the Channelspanel.

Select the new channel.

Click the Image menu, point toAdjustments, and then clickThreshold .

•• Drag the Threshold slider left orright until the visible imagerepresents a black and white maskof your selection.




-'IjjBlue X5

<ID IjjBlue copy X6

.. ....c.' • .._.

GrandCanyonTower.psd @ lOm( (Blue copy/8) •

Click OK.

Did Vou Know?Selection masks created from colorchannels will not always be perfect.For example,you may see unwantedspots of white or black. When thathappens, do the best you can using theThreshold command, and then paintwith white or black to clean up themask.

100 Chapter 4

Save a Selection to a New orExisting Channel

Use a selection tool to select theimage area you want to save.


Click the Select menu, and thenclick Save Selection.

Click the Document list arrow, andthen select a destination image forthe selection.

o Click the Channel list arrow, andthen select a destination channelfor the selection.


If you select a new channel, type aname for the channel.

If you select an existing channel,select a combine method:

Replace Channel. Replaces thecurrent selection.

Add to Channel. Adds theselection.

Subtract From Channel.Removes the selection.

Intersect With Channel. Keepsintersecting areas of selection.

Click OK.

Apply Selection Masks toan Image

Click the Select menu, and thenclick Load Selection.

Click the Document list arrow, andthen select the source image toload.

Click the Channel list arrow, andthen select the newly createdchannel.

Click OK.

Save Selection

I Destination -----------J-..,Document: grand-canyon-tower.psd

Subtract from Channel

Intersect with Channel

load Selection

,sourceDocument: grand-canyon-tower.psd

Channel: Blue copy

o Invert

Operation ------oNew Selection

Add to Selection

Subtract from Selection

Intersect with Selection

Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 101

Using Free Transformand Transform

Use the Free TransformCommand


Select an area of an image usingany of the selection tools.

Click the Edit menu, and then clickFree Transform.

Move to any of the four corners,and then drag to resize theselection; the cursor displayswidth and height.

Move outside the bounding boxselection until your cursorresembles a curved arrow, andthen drag to rotate the selection.

You can also drag the horizontal orvertical nodes to expand theimage.

• Press Enter (Win) or Return (Mac).or double-click inside thebounding box to apply thetransformation.

Did You Know?You can create proportional transformboundaries. Holding down the Shift keywhile dragging a corner handle main-tains the proportions of the image.You can use the Free Transformcommand to create distorted images.Hold down the Ctrl (Win) or ~ (Mac)key,while dragging a corner handle tocreate a distorted selection.

102 Chapter 4

Once a selection is made, the next step is to get to work. Selections arenot just useful for correcting color or for image enhancement. It's pos-sible you may need to use some of Photoshop's transform commandson your selections before making further modifications. The Transformcommands let you move, modify, or resize the area enclosed within theselection area. Unlike the Free Transform command, Transform givesyou several options, such as Scale, Distort, Perspective, and Warp,which you can use to modify an existing selection. The selection areais visually defined by a bounding box with nodes, or anchor points, inthe four corners and the center of each axis.


Use the Transform CommandSelect an area of an image usingany of the selection tools.

Click the Edit menu, point toTransform, and then select anoption:

Again. Lets you repeat theprevious Transform command.

• Scale. Lets you increase ordecrease the size of theselected area.

Rotate. Lets you rotate theselection area 0 to 360 degrees.

Skew. Lets you select a nodeand drag it in a vertical orhorizontal direction withoutaffecting the other nodes.

Distort. Lets you select a nodeand drag it in any directiondesired without affecting theother nodes.

Perspective. Lets you changethe perspective of a selection.

Warp. Lets you wrap an imagearound any shape using amodifiable grid. To warp animage using a specific shape,click the Warp Style list arrowon the Options bar, and thenselect a shape, such as Twist,Flag, Fisheye, or Inflate.

TIMESAVER Toshow or hidethe warp grid and anchor points,click the View menu, and thenclick Extras.

Select any settings you want onthe Options bar and modify thetransformed image as desiredusing the handles, anchor points, asegment of the bounding box orgrid, or an area within the grid.

As you drag, the cursor displayswidth/height, xly coordinates, orangle values.


, Copy M.rg.dPast.Past. SpecialClear




Check Sp.llmg ...Find and Replace Text

Fill...Strok •...



XTAg. n uXT

ScaleRotateSkewDistortPers pectlveWarp

•Rotate 180·Rotate 90· CW

~ Rotate 90· CCW

Flip HorizontalOXK Flip V.rtical

Additional transformcommands

Content-Aware ScalePuppet WarpFre. Transform

Auto-Ahgn Lay.rsAuto-Blend Layers.

D.fine Brush Preset ...Defin. Pattern ...Define Custom Shape


Adobe PDF Presets ...Pr.s.tsRemote Connections ...

Col or Settings ...I Assign Profil e.;

Convert to Profil •...

K.yboard Shortcuts... \:OXKM.nus... \:OXM

Warp Grid

Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 103

Using the Crop Tool

Crop a SelectionSelect the Crop tool on thetoolbox.

Drag a selection around the areaof the image you want to crop oruse the one given on the edges.

To adjust the selection, drag aselection handle.

• To set the crop to a specificsize, click the Aspect Ratio listarrow, and then select a presetsize (New!), either a ratio or Wx H x Resolution.

To set a custom crop area,enter the aspect ratio or Widthand Height in pixels and aResolution (Newl) in ppi.

• To swap crop values, click theDouble-Arrow button (Newl).

• To clear crop values, click theClear button (New!).

To create a preset, click theCropping Area list arrow, andthen click New Crop Preset.o To straighten the image, click the

Straighten button on the Optionsbar, and then draw a line as areference to straighten it.o Click the Overlay list arrow on theOptions bar, and then select a cropguide overlay display option: AutoShow Overlay, Always ShowOverlay, or Never Show Overlay.

104 Chapter 4

Cropping eliminates distractions, which would otherwise take awayfrom the image. For example, you take a photo of an insect on a flower.To increase the focus on the insect, then crop out the flower. With thenondestruct Crop tool, you can specify a cropping area from a preset(New!) or manually create or adjust it. You can specify a size (widthand height) and resolution or aspect ratio, and then use a croppingshield-area outside the crop-and guide overlay-perspectiveguides-to crop it or keep the original intact. You can also change thecrop area orientation by swapping crop values (New!) or straightenthe image with a line. If you want to create a quick crop, make a selec-tion, and then use the Crop command on the Image menu.

Dragto resizecroppingarea


For Your Information

Cropping Two Images to the Same SizeYou can use the image size from one image as the cropping size foranother image. Openthe image you want to use as the size, click theCroptool on the tool box, click the Aspect Ratio list arrow, and thenclick Front Image (which sets the crop area values). or press I(New!) as a shortcut. Click the Cancel button or press Esc. Switch tothe other image, which applies the set crop values to the activeimage. Click the Commit button or press Enter.

Click the Overlay list arrow on theOptions bar, and then select a cropguide overlay option: Rule ofThirds, Grid, Diagonal, Triangle,Golden Ratio, or Golden Spiral.

• Cycle Overlay. Click commandon View list arrow or press 0 tocycle through overlays.

Click the Settings button on theOptions bar, and then specify anyof the following:

• Use Classic Mode. Select tomove and rotate crop selectioninstead of image.

Auto Center Preview. Select tokeep crop selection centered.

Show Cropped Area. Select toshow cropped area outside ofthe crop selection.

To display a shield in the croppedarea, click the Settings button onthe Options bar, select the Shieldcheck box, and then specify thefollowing:

• Color. Select a shield color.

Opacity. Specify a shieldtransparency percentage.

Auto Adjust Opacity. Select toautomatically reduce shieldopacity on mouse down.o Select the Delete Cropped Pixels

check box to delete anyconnected pixel data outside thecrop selection. Deselect (default)to keep it; it allows you to keep theoriginal image intact.

Click the Reset, Commit, or Cancelbutton to reset, keep, or cancel thechange.

I With the Crop tool still selected,you can adjust the crop more.

For Your Information

Cropping an Image with a User-Defined ShapeYou can crop an image using a user-defined shape, such as a heart.Select the Custom Shape tool on the tool box, and then select a shapeon the Options bar. Create a new layer directly above the image layer,and draw the cropping shape. Select the Shape option from the listarrow on the Options bar. Select the Move tool and place the shapedirectly over the area you want to crop. In the Layers panel, drag theshape layer directly under the image layer (shape disappears), andthen point to the line separating the image layer from the shape layer.Hold down the Alt (Win) or Option (Mac) key, and then click to createa clipping group and crop to the shape. To make the crop permanent,hide all layers except the shape and image layers, click the Optionsbutton on the Layers panel, and then click Merge Visible.

Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 105

Using the PerspectiveCrop Tool

Perspective Crop a Selection

o Select the Perspective Crop toolon the toolbox.

Drag a selection around the areaof the image you want toperspective crop.

When you release the mouse, aperspective grid cropping areaappears as an overlay.o Drag a square handle to adjust theperspective grid cropping area.

• Center Point. Drag the centerpoint to change theperspective.o Specify any of the following

settings on the Options bar:

• Width and Height. Enter aspecific width and height, ifdesired.

• Resolution. Enter a resolutionvalue for the image, if desired,and then select a unit value:Pixels/in or Pixels/cm.

• Front Image. Click to use valuesfor width, height, and resolutionfrom the front image.

• Clear. Click to clear the width,height, and resolution values.

Show Grid. Select to show orhide the perspective gridcropping area .

• To rotate the cropping area, dragoutside the cropping area.

o Click the Commit or Cancel buttonto keep, or cancel the change.

106 Chapter 4

In addition to the Crop tool, you can also use the Perspective Crop toolon the toolbox. The Perspective Crop tool allows you to create a crop-ping area with a perspective view. When you accept the perspectivecropping area, Photoshop crops the image and applies the perspectiveto it. If you know the width, height and resolution you want to use or ifyou want to pick up the information from the front image, you can spec-ify the settings you want on the Options bar.

Using Content-AwareScaling

Use Content-Aware ScalingOpen a document with the imagethat you want to scale.

To protect content when scaling,select the area that you want toprotect using any selection tool.

If you're scaling a Backgroundlayer, click the Select menu, andthen click All.

Click the Edit menu, and then clickContent-Aware Scale.

Use any of the following:

Reference Point Location. Clicka square to select a scale point.

Relative Positioning forReference Point. Click to specifya new position in relation to itscurrent position.

Image Size. Enter specific sizes.

Scaling Percentage. Enterspecific percentages for scaling.

Amount. Specify a ratio ofcontent-aware scaling to normalscaling.

Protect. Select an alpha channelthat specifies an area to protect.

Protect Skin Tones. Click topreserve areas with skin tones.

Drag a handle on the bounding boxto scale the image. Use the Shift keyto scale proportionately.

o Click the Commit or Cancel buttonto keep or cancel the change.

The Content-Aware Scale command allows you to resize an imagewithout affecting important parts of the image, such as people, build-ings, etc. When you normally scale an image, all the pixels in the imageare affected. With Content-Aware scaling, only the pixels in non-impor-tant areas are affected. You can upscale or downscale images to fitthem on a page or change the orientation. If you want to preserve spe-cific areas of an image, you can use an alpha channel to protecttheselected area.

Background layer

Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 107

Using Content-AwareFill

Use Content-Aware Fill with theSpot Healing Brush Tool

o Select the Spot Healing Brush toolon the toolbox.

Click the Content-Aware option onthe Options bar.

Start painting where you want toremove an element in a continuousstroke (fill in the entire area).

When you release the mouse,Photoshop automatically removesthe element and fills in the areausing details from the painted edge.

108 Chapter 4


The Content-Aware Fill option with the Spot Healing Brush tool or in theFill dialog box allows you to replace content in a selection. This is use-ful when you want to remove an unwanted element and replace it withdetails that match the surrounding area; the result is a seamlessremoval of an element. You can select the element to be removed, andthen use the Content-Aware option in the Fill dialog box to replace theselection with details from the area surrounding the selection. If youprefer using a brush, you can also use the Content-Aware option on theOptions bar for the Spot Healing Brush tool. As you paint, the SpotHealing brush fills in the area with the details that surround the paintedarea.

Element removed


Use Content-Aware Fill with theFill Dialog Box

Create a selection using any of theselection tools.

To create an exact selection,use the Quick Selection tool onthe toolbox, and use the RefineEdge button on the Options bar.

Click the Edit menu, and then clickFill.

Click the Use list arrow, and thenclick Content-Aware.

Click OK.


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Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 109

Using Content-AwarePatch

Use Content-Aware Patch withthe Patch Tool

Use one of the selection tools onthe toolbox, and then draw a roughselection around the content youwant to move.

Make sure the selection includesvaried amounts of the backgroundfor use by Photoshop to fill in thebackground.

Click the Patch tool on the toolbox.

Click the Patch list arrow on theOptions bar, and then click Content-Aware.

o To specify how the content is filled,click the Adaptation list arrow onthe Options bar, and then select anoption: Very Strict, Strict, Medium,Loose, or Ve,rvLoose.

o Drag the selection away from thecontent; however not to far.

As you drag, Photoshop uses theContent-Aware Fill to fill in thebackground with the surroundcontent. When you release themouse, Photoshop uses thebackground and blends the edges.

To adjust and fine-tune the results,drag the selection to havePhotoshop re-fill again.

110 Chapter 4

Content-Aware Fill is integrated into the Patch tool. This is useful whenyou want to remove an unwanted element and have Photoshop auto-matically replace it with details that match the surrounding area; theresult is a seamless removal of an element. You can select the elementto be removed, and then use the Content-Aware option on the Optionsbar with the Patch tool to replace the selection with details from thearea surrounding the selection. You can specify how strict or loose youwant Photoshop to be as it fills in the content-aware background.

Element removed

Using Content-AwareMove and Extend

Use Content-Aware Move Tool

Use one of the selection tools onthe toolbox, and then draw a roughselection around the content youwant to move.

Make sure the selection includesvaried amounts of the backgroundfor use by Photoshop to fill in thebackground.

Click the Content-Aware Move toolon the toolbox.

Click the Mode list arrow on theOptions bar, and then click Move orExtend.

Drag the selection to anotherlocation.

You can press the Shift key asyou drag to constraint themovement of the selection.

When you release the mouse,Photoshop uses the Content-AwareMove tool adaptation setting to fillin the background or extend thecontent.

To adjust and fine-tune how thecontent is filled or extended, clickthe Adaptation list arrow on theOptions bar, and then select anoption: Very Strict, Strict, Medium,Loose, or Very Loose.

The Content-Aware Move tool allows you to select and move or extenda part of an image and then have Photoshop automatically fill in thebackground using the surrounding area in the selection or the maincontent in the selection. This is useful when you want to move an ele-ment and replace it with details that match the surrounding area orextend an element and replace it with details that match the main con-tent of the element. For example, you can move a selected jet skier to adifferent area on a lake and have Photoshop fill in the lake, or you canextend a selection of plants to create more plants and have Photoshopfill in the details. This tool works best with generalized backgrounds,such as water on a lake, or white backgrounds.


Chapter 4 Mastering the Art of Selection 111

Using Puppet Warp

Use Puppet WarpSelect one or more areas of animage using any of the selectiontools, or select an entire layer.

Click the Edit menu, and then clickPuppet Warp.

To modify the mesh, use any of thefollowing on the Options bar:

Show Mesh. Select to show ordeselect to hide the mesh.

Density. Click the list arrow, andthen select Fewer Points,Normal, or More Points.Expansion. Specify a pixel size toincrease or decrease the mesh.

Click the Mode list arrow, and thenselect a warp mode: Rigid, Normal,or Distort.

Click on the mesh to place pinscreating points that don't move.

Select one or more pins that move,and then drag one or use the arrowkeys to warp the image.

Select or Deselect Pins. Shift+click a pin, or press Ctrl+A (Win)or ~+A (Mac) to select all orpress Ctrl-D (Win) or ~+O(Mac) to deselect all.

Remove Pins. Alt-click (Win) orOpticn-click (Mac) a pin, or clickthe Remove All Pins button.

Temporarily Hide Pins. Press H.To adjust overlap from backgroundareas, click the Forward orBackward Pin Depth buttons.

Click the Commit or Cancel buttonto keep or cancel the change.

112 Chapter4

The Puppet Warp tool allows you to push and pull elements within animage. You can adjust an element to add an artistic flare or make it fitinto a specific space by simply adding or removing handles, known aspins, as needed and then dragging them to adjust (warp, stretch, orreposition) all or part of the image.

Remove All Pins

Drag a selected pin to warp the image.