Admissions and Enrollment Report · Admissions Table 1. UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS Applications,...

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Admissions and EnrollmentReport

Office of Institutional Research

Spring 2015

Page 2 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015


ADMISSIONS (ADM) TABLES Table 1: Undergraduate Admissions …………………………………………………………… 4 Table 2: Academic Indicators of Entering Undergraduate Students ……………………… 6 Table 3: Graduate Admissions and Academic Indicators of Entering Graduate Students ………………………………………………………………………………….. 7 ENROLLMENT (ENR) TABLES (School or College Level) Table 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors …………………………………………….. 10 Table 2: Student Majors ………………………………………………………………………… 11 Table 3: Instructional Service Matrix (Undergraduate and Graduate Combined ……… 12 Table 3a: Instructional Service Matrix (Undergraduate) ……………………………………. 13 Table 3b: Instructional Service Matrix (Graduate) …………………………………………… 14 ENROLLMENT TABLES (Department or Program Level) College of Humanities and Fine Arts

HFA – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors ……………………………………... 16 HFA – 2: Student Majors …………………………………………………………………. 17

College of Natural Sciences CNS – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors ……………………………………... 20 CNS – 2: Student Majors …………………………………………………………………. 21

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences SBS – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors ……………………………………... 24 SBS – 2: Student Majors …………………………………………………………………. 25

College of Education EDU – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors ……………………………………... 26 EDU – 2: Student Majors …………………………………………………………………. 27

College of Engineering ENG – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors ……………………………………... 28 ENG – 2: Student Majors …………………………………………………………………. 29

Isenberg School of Management MGT – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors ……………………………………... 30 MGT – 2: Student Majors …………………………………………………………………. 31

College of Nursing NUR – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors ……………………………………... 32 NUR – 2: Student Majors …………………………………………………………………. 33

School of Public Health and Health Sciences PUB – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors ……………………………………... 34 PUB – 2: Student Majors …………………………………………………………………. 35

Other Programs OTH – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors ……………………………………... 36 OTH – 2: Student Majors …………………………………………………………………. 37

University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)

INTRODUCTION REPORTING ADMISSIONS AND ENROLLMENT Information for this report is drawn from the Student Information System (SPIRE). This is a transactional system that represents the campus’ official actions with respect to student admissions and enrollment. Admissions and enrollment activity is ongoing, but a “snapshot” of the data is taken at the end of the add/drop period (the fourteenth calendar day of each semester). These data are then processed and verified before they are put into table form for publication. We report enrollment activity at three levels. The school or college is the basic level of analysis. Within this, activity is shown by department or program, and within department or program by discipline or major, where appropriate (thus, enrollment of Earth Systems majors is shown within the Geosciences Department within the College of Natural Sciences). Admissions activity is reported only at the school or college level. Calculation of undergraduate enrollment data for student majors and instructed students is based upon students’ primary and secondary majors. Reporting conventions for students with multiple majors are as follows: (1) Headcount student majors are computed using all declared majors, (2) FTE student majors are distributed to all major programs, and (3) instructional credit for majors is based on students with any declared major. At the school and college level the number of primary and secondary majors is reported. Graduate enrollment is based on a student’s primary major. See Enrollment Definitions for a more detailed explanation. ADMISSIONS DEFINITIONS Admissions data for applications, acceptances (admits) and enrollments are reported based on the major to which the student applied. Entering enrollment numbers are based on the students’ actual enrolled major. Undergraduate students may be admitted into their 1st choice major or, if they have applied to a restricted program, an alternate major. An applicant to a restricted major who is not admitted to the program but admitted to the university is counted as an alternate major. An applicant to a non-restricted major who changes their major at the time of admission or enrollment is counted as a 1st choice major in their new program. For example, an applicant to the restricted Art program is counted as an alternate major if they are not admitted into the Art program but admitted to the university. An applicant to the English program, who enrolls in the History program, is counted as an applicant to History and as a 1st choice major admission in History.


Page 2 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015

ENROLLMENT DEFINITIONS Headcount Student Majors is the actual count of individual students who have selected a given major or pre-major. Every student is assigned a “major”, even though it may be only an administrative classification (e.g., “non-degree” or “undeclared”). At the undergraduate level, the count of student majors includes students’ declared primary and secondary majors. In the case of multiple majors, the enrollment is attributed to both departments. For example, if a student declares a primary major in Communication and a secondary major in Political Science, both departments in their respective colleges receive credit for the enrollment. Undergraduate Class Level is calculated using the number of credits earned towards graduation. The following credit ranges are used to calculate class level: first-year 0-26; sophomore 27-56; junior 57-86; and senior 87 or more. Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Student Majors show how many headcount students there would be if all students took a “full” credit load (15 credits for undergraduates; 9 for graduate students). We look at the credits generated by students within each major regardless of where the courses are offered and then divide by 15 or 9, as appropriate. For undergraduate FTE student majors, their credits are distributed based on the number of declared majors. As in the previous example, half of the student’s total credits would be assigned to Communication, and half would be assigned to Political Science. FTE Instructed Students is a measure of instruction offered and consumed, regardless of the majors of the students taught. We look at the credits generated in the courses offered by each discipline, calculate full-time equivalency, and then distribute instruction according to “majors“ and “non-majors.” FTE instructed “majors” are defined as students with any declared major within the department or program offering the course; instructional credits for “majors” are assigned when the student taking the course is also a major in the department offering the course. All other students, including those without a declared major or pre-majors, are defined as “non-majors.” In the case of the student with majors in Communication and Political Science, FTE's generated in Communication and Political Science would be classified as instruction to majors in the respective departments. Unlike FTE Student Majors, calculation of FTE Instructed Students depends on the level of the course being taken and the level of the student taking the course. For undergraduate courses (those numbered 100-499) we always divide by 15, whether the student is undergraduate or graduate. Similarly, for graduate courses (those numbered 600-899) we always divide by 9. For courses numbered 500-599, however, we look to see what kind of student is taking the course: if undergraduate, we divide by 15; if graduate, we divide by 9.

University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)

DATA COMPARABILITY Admissions and enrollment data presented in this report are based on the current organizational structure of academic units and departments. During the course of any given semester, organizational, departmental or programmatic changes may occur. Therefore, numbers may not be directly comparable to previous semesters due to the consolidation, reassignment, or suspension of selected academic programs. In many cases, these changes (e.g., program name change, addition or consolidation of undergraduate majors) do not affect the numbers at the school or college level. In addition, enrollment numbers are not directly comparable to semesters before Fall 1995 due to the inclusion of students with multiple majors. ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGES The following changes are in effect for Academic Year 2014-2015:

The Department of Art, Architecture and Art History was split into three departments: (1) Art, (2) Architecture and (3) History of Art and Architecture.

The Department of Psychology was renamed the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences.

The Environmental Design major in the Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning was renamed Sustainable Community Development.

The Department of Public Health was split into three departments: Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Environmental Health Sciences and Health Promotion and Policy. The undergraduate program in Public Health Sciences and the graduate MPH programs have become interdepartmental programs.

ADMISSIONS (ADM) TABLES Table 1: Undergraduate Admissions Table 2: Academic Indicators of Entering Undergraduate Students Table 3: Graduate Admissions and Academic Indicators of Entering Graduate Students


Applications, Acceptances, and EnrollmentsSpring Semester 2015


Applications Acceptances Enrollments

Admissions 1st Choice Alternate Acceptance Rate % 1st Choice Alternate Yield %

School or College Category Major Major Total 1st Choice Total Major Major Total 1st Choice Total

College of Humanities First-Year 50 19 5 24 38.0 48.0 10 2 12 52.6 50.0

and Fine Arts Transfer 94 71 5 76 75.5 80.9 46 2 48 64.8 63.2

Post-graduate 1 - - - - - - - - - -

Total 145 90 10 100 62.1 69.0 56 4 60 62.2 60.0

College of Natural Sciences First-Year 236 106 9 115 44.9 48.7 75 6 81 70.8 70.4

Stockbridge 1 1 - 1 100.0 100.0 1 - 1 100.0 100.0

Transfer 248 165 4 169 66.5 68.1 114 2 116 69.1 68.6

Post-graduate 4 3 - 3 75.0 75.0 3 - 3 100.0 100.0

Total 489 275 13 288 56.2 58.9 193 8 201 70.2 69.8

College of Social and First-Year 91 39 2 41 42.9 45.1 29 2 31 74.4 75.6

Behavioral Sciences Stockbridge - - - - - - - - - - -

Transfer 140 92 9 101 65.7 72.1 59 6 65 64.1 64.4

Post-graduate - - - - - - - - - - -

Total 231 131 11 142 56.7 61.5 88 8 96 67.2 67.6

College of Education First-Year - - - - - - - - - - -

Transfer - - - - - - - - - - -

Post-graduate - - - - - - - - - - -

Total - - - - - - - - - - -

College of Engineering First-Year 78 1 28 29 1.3 37.2 1 13 14 100.0 48.3

Transfer 62 32 6 38 51.6 61.3 20 3 23 62.5 60.5

Post-graduate 1 - - - - - - - - - -

Total 141 33 34 67 23.4 47.5 21 16 37 63.6 55.2

School of Management First-Year 159 13 50 63 8.2 39.6 11 23 34 84.6 54.0

Transfer 217 85 72 157 39.2 72.4 63 32 95 74.1 60.5

Post-graduate - - - - - - - - - - -

CE Transfer 40 31 - 31 77.5 77.5 28 - 28 90.3 90.3

Total 416 129 122 220 31.0 52.9 102 55 157 79.1 71.4

College of Nursing First-Year 37 - 9 9 - 24.3 - 3 3 - 33.3

Transfer 1 - 1 1 - 100.0 - - - - -

Post-graduate - - - - - - - - - - -

CE Transfer 28 26 - 26 92.9 92.9 21 - 21 80.8 80.8

CE Post-grad - - - - - - - - - - -

Total 66 26 10 36 39.4 54.5 21 3 24 80.8 66.7


Page 4 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)


Applications, Acceptances, and EnrollmentsSpring Semester 2015

CAMPUS SUMMARY (Continued) ADM - 1

Applications Acceptances Enrollments

Admissions 1st Choice Alternate Acceptance Rate % 1st Choice Alternate Yield %

School or College Category Major Major Total 1st Choice Total Major Major Total 1st Choice Total

School of Public Health First-Year 32 13 - 13 40.6 40.6 8 - 8 61.5 61.5and Health Sciences Transfer 61 47 - 47 77.0 77.0 33 - 33 70.2 70.2

Post-graduate - - - - - - - - - - -

Total 93 60 - 60 64.5 64.5 41 - 41 68.3 68.3

University, Undeclared First-Year 235 135 - 135 57.4 57.4 85 - 85 63.0 63.0

Transfer 71 43 - 43 60.6 60.6 23 - 23 53.5 53.5

Post-graduate 1 1 - 1 100.0 - - - - - -

Total 307 179 - 179 58.3 58.3 108 - 108 60.3 60.3

Other Programs Transfer - - - - - - - - - - -

Post-graduate - - - - - - - - - - -

CE Transfer 236 215 - 215 91.1 91.1 179 - 179 83.3 83.3

Total 236 215 - 215 91.1 91.1 179 - 179 83.3 83.3

Total First-Year 918 326 103 429 35.5 46.7 219 49 268 67.2 62.5

Stockbridge 1 1 - 1 100.0 100.0 1 - 1 100.0 100.0

Transfer 894 535 97 632 59.8 70.7 358 45 403 66.9 63.8

Post-graduate 7 4 0 4 57.1 57.1 3 0 3 75.0 75.0

Total 1,820 866 200 1,066 47.6 58.6 581 94 675 67.1 63.3

Continuing and Transfer 304 272 - 272 89.5 89.5 228 - 228 83.8 83.8

Professional Education Post-graduate - - - - - - - - - - -

Total 304 272 - 272 89.5 89.5 228 - 228 83.8 83.8

Definitions and Notes

Acceptance Rate: The percent of applicants who were accepted in their 1st choice major (1st choice) or in either the 1st choice or alternate major (Total).

Yield - 1st Choice: The percent of students accepted in their 1st choice major who enrolled in their 1st choice major.

Yield - Total: The percent of all accepted students who enrolled in either the 1st choice or alternate major.

Transfer: A student who earned 12 or more credits at another higher education institution prior to enrolling at UMass Amherst.

Note 1. All data reflect the current organizational structure.

Note 2. Includes students enrolled in at least one credit-bearing course at the end of the fourteenth calendar day of the semester.

Note 3. Information is reported according to the School or College affiliation of the major to which the student applied (the 1st choice major).

Note 4. Some academic units have restricted the number of entering students, and many applicants are offered an alternate major. In the majority of cases, the alternate acceptance and enrollment figures do

not represent acceptance or enrollment into that school or college, but acceptance or enrollment as an "Undeclared" major.

Note 5. Students applying to undergraduate programs administered through CPE are reported in Continuing and Professional Education and not included in the totals.

University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 5 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015


E N T E R I N G F I R S T - Y E A R T R A N S F E R

High School Rank High School GPA SAT Mean Scores and Percentile Score Ranges Grade-Point Average

Total Number Number Number Math Critical Reading Combined Total Number

School or College Enrolled Reporting Mean Reporting Mean Reporting 25% 75% Mean 25% 75% Mean 25% 75% Mean Enrolled Reporting Mean

College of Humanities

and Fine Arts 10 5 34.8 10 3.32 10 490 630 565 510 690 607 1060 1320 1172 48 37 3.23

College of Natural Sciences 83 37 32.7 83 3.43 75 530 630 586 500 610 558 1060 1210 1144 116 91 3.29

College of Social and

Behavioral Sciences 35 8 39.6 35 3.20 30 520 600 554 510 580 558 1060 1170 1112 68 59 3.31

College of Engineering 1 - - - - 1 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ 20 15 3.29

School of Management 11 1 46.0 11 3.53 6 500 610 558 520 590 553 1010 1180 1112 72 59 3.45

College of Nursing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

School of Public Health

and Health Sciences 8 5 33.4 8 3.39 7 510 590 551 450 630 517 960 1230 1069 34 21 3.11

University, Undeclared 120 45 38.0 120 3.28 111 520 610 565 500 600 551 1030 1190 1116 45 22 3.15

Involuntary 35 14 33.4 35 3.33 30 520 600 575 470 620 541 1040 1190 1116 22 16 3.21

Student Choice 85 31 40.1 85 3.26 81 510 620 561 510 600 554 1030 1190 1116 23 6 3.00

Other - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total 268 101 35.9 267 3.33 240 520 620 570 500 600 556 1040 1200 1126 403 304 3.29

Definitions and Notes

High School Rank: A percentile scale with 0 representing the top of a class and 99 the bottom.

Number Reporting: Number of students for whom these data were available.

Percentile: The 25-75th Percentile represents the range of scores for the middle 50% of students.

Note 1. All data reflect the current organizational structure.

Note 2. Includes students enrolled in at least one credit-bearing course at the end of the fourteenth calendar day of the semester.

Note 3. Information is reported according to the School or College affiliation of the major in which the student was enrolled.

Note 4. Excludes entering undergraduates who enrolled in a program administered by CPE.

‡ Mean and percentiles are not calculated when the number of cases is less than three.

Admissions Table 2.

ACADEMIC INDICATORS OF ENTERING UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTSHigh School Rank, Grade-Point Average, and SAT Scores [First-Year Students] and Grade-Point Average [Transfer Students]

Spring Semester 2015

Page 6 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)

Admissions Table 3.


Applications Acceptances Enrollments Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Scores GMAT Scores

Admissions Acc. Yield Number Math Verbal Analytic Number Subject NumberSchool or College Category N Rate % N % Reporting Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Reporting Mean SD Reporting Mean SD

College of Humanities Master's 4 3 75.0 2 66.7 1 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ - - - - - -and Fine Arts Doctoral - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total 4 3 75.0 2 66.7 1 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ - - - - - -

College of Natural Sciences Master's 46 16 34.8 13 81.3 7 149 6.3 147 7.3 3.4 0.4 - - - - - -Doctoral 20 11 55.0 8 72.7 8 154 7.5 150 11.0 3.3 1.2 1 ‡ ‡ - - -Total 66 27 40.9 21 77.8 15 152 7.2 149 9.3 3.3 0.9 1 ‡ ‡ - - -

College of Social and Master's 19 19 100.0 14 73.7 3 155 2.5 162 2.1 4.5 0.5 - - - - - -Behavioral Sciences Doctoral 1 1 100.0 - 0.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total 20 20 100.0 14 70.0 3 155 2.5 162 2.1 4.5 0.5 - - - - - -

College of Education Master's 16 10 62.5 7 70.0 1 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ - - - - - -Ed.S. 2 2 100.0 2 100.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -Doctoral 10 8 80.0 7 87.5 2 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ - - - - - -Total 28 20 71.4 16 80.0 3 152 10.4 150 9.2 4.0 0.7 - - - - - -

College of Engineering Master's 227 61 26.9 15 24.6 14 157 8.7 150 5.4 3.2 0.3 - - - - - -Doctoral 47 27 57.4 11 40.7 10 164 4.6 155 4.9 3.4 0.5 - - - - - -Total 274 88 32.1 26 29.5 24 160 7.8 152 5.8 3.3 0.4 - - - - - -

School of Management Master's 231 207 89.6 155 74.9 13 151 6.6 153 4.6 4.2 0.7 - - - 58 561 82Doctoral 1 1 100.0 - 0.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -Total 232 208 89.7 155 74.5 13 151 6.6 153 4.6 4.2 0.7 - - - 58 561 82

College of Nursing Master's 1 1 100.0 1 100.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -Doctoral 6 6 100.0 3 50.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Total 7 7 100.0 4 57.1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

School of Public Health Master's 118 89 75.4 58 65.2 25 149 5.4 152 7.5 3.8 0.6 - - - - - -and Health Sciences Doctoral 6 1 16.7 1 100.0 1 ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ - - - - - -

Total 124 90 72.6 59 65.6 26 150 5.9 153 7.7 3.8 0.6 - - - - - -

Total Master's 662 406 61.3 265 65.3 64 152 7.1 152 6.9 3.7 0.6 - - - 58 561 82Ed.S. 2 2 100.0 2 100.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - -Doctoral 91 55 60.4 30 54.5 21 159 7.6 154 8.2 3.4 0.9 1 ‡ ‡ - - -Total 755 463 61 297 64 85 153 7.9 152 7.2 3.7 0.7 1 ‡ ‡ 58 561 82

Definitions and Notes

Acc. Rate: The percent of applicants who were accepted.

Yield: The percent of accepted students who enrolled.

Number Reporting: Number of students for whom these data were available.

Ed.S. Education Specialist (School of Education only). Students in a Master's/Ed.S. program are counted as Master's students.

Note 1. All data reflect the current organizational structure.

Note 2. Includes students enrolled in at least one credit-bearing course at the end of the fourteenth calendar day of the semester.

Note 3. Applications, Acceptances and Enrollments are reported according to the School or College affiliation of the program to which the student applied. GRE and GMAT scores are reported according to the School or College affiliation of the program in

which the student enrolled.

Note 4. Students applying to graduate programs administered through CPE are included in the School/College Totals.

Note 5. Beginning Fall 2012, the GRE Math and Verbal tests are based on a 130-170 score scale. Scores reported on the former 200-800 scale have been converted.

Note 6. Some GRE Analytic scores are excluded from the mean and standard deviation calculations because they are based on the former scale, 200-800. Beginning Fall 2004, the scores were recalibrated to a 1-6 scale.

Note 7. The GRE subject test is based on a 200-990 scale.

‡ Mean and standard deviation are not calculated when the number of cases is less than three.

GRADUATE ADMISSIONS AND ACADEMIC INDICATORS OF ENTERING GRADUATE STUDENTSApplications, Acceptances, Enrollments, Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) Scores

Spring Semester 2015

University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 7 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015

ENROLLMENT (ENR) TABLES (School or College Level) Table 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors Table 2: Student Majors Table 3: Instructional Service Matrix (Undergraduate and Graduate) Table 3a: Instructional Service Matrix (Undergraduate) Table 3b: Instructional Service Matrix (Graduate)


Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed StudentsSpring Semester 2015

ENR - 1 CAMPUS SUMMARYUndergraduate Graduate Total

Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors TotalSchool or College FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE

College of Humanitiesand Fine Arts 1,002.9 2,718.3 73.0 3,721.1 532.8 77.8 12.7 610.6 1,535.6 2,796.0 64.5 4,331.7

College of Natural Sciences 2,708.7 5,029.9 65.0 7,738.6 692.9 195.0 22.0 887.9 3,401.6 5,224.9 60.6 8,626.5

College of Social andBehavioral Sciences 1,434.6 2,330.3 61.9 3,764.9 354.9 77.7 18.0 432.6 1,789.5 2,407.9 57.4 4,197.4

College of Education 26.3 430.0 94.2 456.3 492.2 61.9 11.2 554.1 518.6 491.9 48.7 1,010.4

College of Engineering 981.8 45.4 4.4 1,027.2 363.8 26.8 6.9 390.6 1,345.6 72.2 5.1 1,417.8

School of Management 1,342.9 798.0 37.3 2,141.0 799.1 61.8 7.2 860.8 2,142.0 859.8 28.6 3,001.8

College of Nursing 302.3 6.9 2.2 309.3 159.7 3.0 1.8 162.7 462.0 9.9 2.1 471.9

School of Public Health

and Health Sciences 556.0 836.4 60.1 1,392.4 304.4 196.2 39.2 500.7 860.4 1,032.6 54.5 1,893.1

Other Programs 264.3 748.9 73.9 1,013.1 - 1.7 100.0 1.7 264.3 750.5 74.0 1,014.8

Total 8,619.8 12,944.1 60.0 21,563.9 3,699.7 701.8 15.9 4,401.5 12,319.5 13,645.9 52.6 25,965.4 State-Supported 8,200.5 12,501.6 60.4 20,702.0 2,656.6 539.2 16.9 3,195.8 10,857.1 13,040.8 54.6 23,897.9 Continuing and Professional Education 419.3 442.5 51.3 861.9 1,043.1 162.6 13.5 1,205.7 1,462.4 605.1 29.3 2,067.5

Definitions and NotesMajors: Students with a declared primary, secondary major or pre-major within the department or program offering a course. All other students are defined as "non-majors".

CPE: Non-state supported programs administered through Continuing and Professional Education.

Note. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.

Page 10 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)

Table 2.

STUDENT MAJORSHeadcount (HCT) and Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Student Majors

Spring Semester 2015


H E A D C O U N T S T U D E N T M A J O R S FTE STUDENT MAJORSUndergraduate Graduate Total UGrad Grad Total


School or College Year more Junior Senior Other UGRAD Active PF Total Active PF Total Active PF Total

College of Humanitiesand Fine Arts 240 449 599 932 3 2,223 297 26 323 219 127 346 516 153 669 2,892 1,858.5 589.8 2,448.3

College of Natural Sciences 1,185 1,677 1,788 2,406 20 7,076 209 34 243 728 160 888 937 194 1,131 8,207 6,608.3 814.3 7,422.6

College of Social andBehavioral Sciences 386 801 1,137 1,525 - 3,849 157 31 188 227 132 359 384 163 547 4,396 3,245.1 401.3 3,646.4

College of Education - - 10 26 - 36 285 16 301 200 114 314 485 130 615 651 18.5 527.2 545.6

College of Engineering 232 429 441 732 15 1,849 195 33 228 193 69 262 388 102 490 2,339 1,877.6 414.1 2,291.7

School of Management 432 732 956 1,339 2 3,461 1,262 63 1,325 51 19 70 1,313 82 1,395 4,856 3,155.8 825.6 3,981.4

College of Nursing 66 90 86 151 59 452 33 3 36 199 28 227 232 31 263 715 431.3 175.4 606.8

School of Public Healthand Health Sciences 226 432 513 745 2 1,918 415 24 439 81 23 104 496 47 543 2,461 1,815 446 2,261

University, Undeclared 1,052 466 38 3 - 1,559 - - - - - - - - - 1,559 1,601.8 - 1,601.8

Other Programs 28 148 406 451 - 1,033 - - - - - - - - - -

Non-Degree - - - - 388 388 - - - - - - - - 568 956 183.5 264.2 447.7

Total 3,847 5,224 5,974 8,310 489 23,844 2,853 230 3,083 1,898 672 2,570 4,751 902 6,221 30,065 21,391.8 4,457.8 25,849.6 Primary Majors 3,781 4,868 5,311 7,061 489 21,510 2,853 230 3,083 1,898 672 2,570 4,751 902 6,221 27,731 20,145.1 4,457.8 24,602.9 Secondary Majors 66 356 663 1,249 - 2,334 - - - - - - - - - 2,334 1,246.7 - 1,246.7

Unduplicated (Primary Majors) 3,781 4,868 5,311 7,061 489 21,510 2,853 230 3,083 1,898 672 2,570 4,751 902 6,221 27,731 21,391.8 4,457.8 25,849.6 State-Supported 3,750 4,730 4,864 6,591 136 20,071 1,235 135 1,370 1,733 660 2,393 2,968 795 3,912 23,983 20,655.6 3,195.5 23,851.1 Continuing and Professional Education 31 138 447 470 353 1,439 1,618 95 1,713 165 12 177 1,783 107 2,309 3,748 736.1 1,262.3 1,998.5

Definitions and NotesStudent Majors: A student with a declared major within the school or college. At the undergraduate level, data reported represent a duplicated count of student majors (primary and secondary majors). FTE student majors are

distributed proportionally across major programs. See Enrollment Definitions for additional details.Other: Includes post-graduate and all non-degree students.Active: Matriculating graduate students registered for courses or dissertation credits.Program Fee (PF): Matriculating graduate students assigned three credits while on Program Fee (no course).Primary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose primary major is in this school/college.Secondary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose secondary or tertiary declared major is in this school/college.Continuing and Professional Education (CPE): Undergraduate and graduate programs administered through CPE. Note. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.Note 2. Excludes UMass undergraduate students on exchange at other institutions.Note 3. Non-Degree Graduate students are reported with the Total for 'All Graduate.'

University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 11 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015


Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed StudentsUNDERGRADUATE AND GRADUATE COMBINED

Spring Semester 2015



School or College FiveOffering Course HFA CNS SBS EDU ENG MGT NUR PUB Undeclared OTH College TOTAL

College of Humanities HFA 1,800.5 699.7 669.6 14.0 122.0 298.1 22.9 159.1 308.0 90.7 77.9 4,262.6and Fine Arts 75% 9% 19% * 5% 9% 6% 8% 19% 28% 35% 18%

College of Natural Sciences CNS 247.3 5,483.3 461.6 5.5 666.2 357.9 37.2 543.4 547.5 75.9 64.9 8,490.810% 74% 13% * 29% 11% 10% 26% 34% 24% 29% 36%

College of Social and SBS 198.3 524.0 2,069.9 7.8 68.7 493.5 9.8 151.4 424.0 70.9 44.9 4,063.2Behavioral Sciences 8% 7% 58% * 3% 15% 3% 7% 27% 22% 20% 17%

College of Education EDU 52.9 133.2 79.3 402.7 7.7 58.6 1.2 67.7 37.3 18.6 6.7 866.02% 2% 2% 93% * 2% * 3% 2% 6% 3% 4%

College of Engineering ENG 1.7 37.5 4.2 - 1,341.8 2.1 0.3 2.7 7.8 8.9 5.2 1,412.1* * * * 59% * * * * 3% 2% 6%

School of Management SOM 16.6 53.1 138.2 0.7 11.0 1,872.0 0.1 24.6 54.7 24.3 11.8 2,207.2* * 4% * * 58% * 1% 3% 8% 5% 9%

College of Nursing NUR 1.5 3.8 0.3 - - 0.3 244.5 2.3 0.3 0.8 - 253.8* * * * * * 65% * * * * 1%

School of Public Health PUB 23.2 191.8 46.3 0.7 15.8 81.1 54.2 1,059.7 93.3 9.0 9.7 1,584.9and Health Sciences * 3% 1% * * 2% 14% 52% 6% 3% 4% 7%

Other Programs OTH 61.8 251.6 113.6 0.3 49.9 80.2 5.7 44.9 124.7 23.4 1.2 757.33% 3% 3% * 2% 2% 2% 2% 8% 7% * 3%

State Supported Total 2,403.8 7,378.1 3,582.9 431.8 2,283.2 3,243.8 376.0 2,055.9 1,597.7 322.4 222.3 23,897.9

Continuing and Professional Education** CPE 17.4 35.5 50.9 111.1 6.7 734.7 230.7 199.1 3.3 678.1 - 2,067.5

TOTAL 2,421.1 7,413.6 3,633.8 542.9 2,289.8 3,978.5 606.6 2,255.0 1,601.1 1,000.6 222.3 25,965.4

Definitions and Notes* Denotes less than 1%.** FTEIS generated in courses administered by Continuing and Professional Education are reported here rather than in the school/college that offers the course.

Note 1. This table considers student “affiliation” (primary and secondary major) at the School or College level. Table 1 (Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors) operates at the departmental level.Note 2. Percentages are column percents and reported for state-supported instruction only. Shows the proportion of instruction to student majors by school or college providing the instruction.Note 3. Does not include credits generated by UMass students enrolled in Five College courses.Note 4. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.Note 5. FTEIS generated by graduate students enrolled in undergraduate courses (courses numbered < 500) are counted as Undergraduate FTEIS.

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Table 3a.



School or College FiveOffering Course HFA CNS SBS EDU ENG MGT NUR PUB Undeclared OTH College TOTAL

College of Humanities HFA 1,254.2 698.1 652.8 3.9 121.3 297.1 22.9 158.6 308.0 74.1 74.1 3,665.1and Fine Arts 68% 11% 20% 18% 6% 10% 7% 9% 19% 29% 36% 18%

College of Natural Sciences CNS 239.3 4,695.9 453.0 2.5 632.9 353.6 37.2 535.6 547.5 61.5 61.0 7,620.013% 72% 14% 12% 34% 12% 11% 30% 34% 24% 30% 37%

College of Social and SBS 192.1 510.4 1,719.8 1.1 65.4 486.7 9.8 146.4 424.0 58.7 40.9 3,655.3

Behavioral Sciences 10% 8% 54% 5% 3% 16% 3% 8% 27% 23% 20% 18%

College of Education EDU 44.2 125.2 73.6 13.1 5.1 52.9 0.9 63.7 37.3 5.6 3.7 425.32% 2% 2% 60% * 2% * 4% 2% 2% 2% 2%

College of Engineering ENG 1.7 24.9 2.9 - 973.6 1.5 0.3 2.0 7.8 5.3 5.2 1,025.2

* * * * 52% * * * * 2% 3% 5%

School of Management SOM 16.6 52.0 137.3 0.4 10.4 1,679.4 0.1 23.9 54.7 23.3 11.8 2,009.9

* * 4% 2% * 55% * 1% 3% 9% 6% 10%

College of Nursing NUR 1.5 3.8 0.3 - - 0.3 209.6 2.3 0.3 0.5 - 218.5

* * * * * * 62% * * * * 1%

School of Public Health PUB 23.2 181.3 45.0 0.4 14.4 80.7 53.9 820.7 93.3 6.3 7.7 1,326.9

and Health Sciences 1% 3% 1% 2% * 3% 16% 46% 6% 2% 4% 6%

Other Programs OTH 61.8 249.9 113.6 0.3 49.9 80.2 5.7 44.9 124.7 23.4 1.2 755.7

3% 4% 4% 1% 3% 3% 2% 2% 8% 9% * 4%

State Supported Total 1,834.6 6,541.6 3,198.2 21.8 1,873.0 3,032.3 340.4 1,798.2 1,597.7 258.6 205.7 20,702.0

Continuing and Professional Education** CPE 7.0 34.4 25.9 0.8 2.7 120.5 91.1 13.4 3.3 562.7 - 861.9

TOTAL1,841.6 6,576.0 3,224.1 22.6 1,875.7 3,152.8 431.5 1,811.6 1,601.1 821.3 205.7 21,563.9

Definitions and Notes* Denotes less than 1%.** FTEIS generated in courses administered by Continuing and Professional Education are reported here rather than in the school/college that offers the course.

Note 1. This table considers student “affiliation” (primary and secondary major) at the School or College level. Table 1 (Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors) operates at the departmental level.Note 2. Percentages are column percents and reported for state-supported instruction only. Shows the proportion of instruction to student majors by school or college providing the instruction.Note 3. Does not include credits generated by UMass students enrolled in Five College courses.Note 4. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.Note 5. FTEIS generated by graduate students enrolled in undergraduate courses (courses numbered < 500) are counted as Undergraduate FTEIS.

INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICE MATRIXFull-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed Students

UNDERGRADUATESpring Semester 2015

University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 13 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015

Table 3b.

INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICE MATRIXFull-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed Students


Spring Semester 2015



School or College FiveOffering Course HFA CNS SBS EDU ENG MGT NUR PUB OTH College TOTAL

College of Humanities HFA 546.3 1.7 16.8 10.1 0.7 1.0 - 0.6 16.6 3.8 597.4and Fine Arts 96% * 4% 2% * * * * 26% 23% 19%

College of Natural Sciences CNS 8.1 787.4 8.6 3.0 33.3 4.3 - 7.8 14.4 3.9 870.8

1% 94% 2% * 8% 2% * 3% 23% 23% 27%

College of Social and SBS 6.2 13.6 350.2 6.7 3.3 6.8 - 5.0 12.2 4.0 407.9Behavioral Sciences 1% 2% 91% 2% * 3% * 2% 19% 24% 13%

College of Education EDU 8.7 8.0 5.7 389.6 2.7 5.8 0.3 4.0 13.0 3.0 440.72% * 1% 95% * 3% * 2% 20% 18% 14%

College of Engineering ENG - 12.6 1.2 - 368.2 0.7 - 0.7 3.6 - 386.9

* 2% * * 90% * * * 6% * 12%

School of Management SOM - 1.1 0.9 0.3 0.7 192.6 - 0.7 1.0 - 197.3

* * * * * 91% * * 2% * 6%

College of Nursing NUR - - - - - - 34.9 - 0.3 - 35.2

* * * * * * 98% * * * 1%

School of Public Health PUB - 10.5 1.3 0.3 1.3 0.3 0.3 239.1 2.8 2.0 258.0and Health Sciences * 1% * * * * * 93% 4% 12% 8%

Other Programs OTH - 1.7 - - - - - - - - 1.7

* * * * * * * * * * *

State Supported Total 569.2 836.5 384.7 410.0 410.2 211.5 35.6 257.7 63.8 16.7 3,195.8

Continuing and Professional Education** CPE 10.3 1.1 25.0 110.3 4.0 614.2 139.6 185.7 115.4 - 1,205.7

TOTAL 579.6 837.6 409.7 520.3 414.2 825.7 175.1 443.4 179.3 16.7 4,401.5

Definitions and Notes

* Denotes less than 1%.** FTEIS, generated by students in programs administered by Continuing and Professional Education, is not reported by school/college offering course, but in Continuing and Professional Education total.Note 1. This table considers student “affiliation” at the School or College level. Table 1 (Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors) operates at the departmental level.Note 2. Percentages are column percents and reported for state-supported instruction only. Shows the proportion of instruction to student majors by school or college providing the instruction.Note 3. Does not include credits generated by UMass students enrolled in Five College courses.Note 4. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.Note 5. FTEIS generated by graduate students enrolled in undergraduate courses (courses numbered < 500) are counted as Undergraduate FTEIS.

Page 14 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)

ENROLLMENT TABLES (Department or Program Level) College of Humanities and Fine Arts HFA – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors HFA – 2: Student Majors College of Natural Sciences CNS – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors CNS – 2: Student Majors College of Social and Behavioral Sciences SBS – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors SBS – 2: Student Majors College of Education EDU – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors EDU – 2: Student Majors College of Engineering ENG – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors ENG – 2: Student Majors Isenberg School of Management MGT – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors MGT – 2: Student Majors College of Nursing NUR – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors NUR – 2: Student Majors School of Public Health and Health Sciences PUB – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors PUB – 2: Student Majors Other Programs OTH – 1: Instruction to Majors and Non-Majors OTH – 2: Student Major


Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed StudentsSpring Semester 2015


Undergraduate Graduate Total

Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors TotalDepartment or Program FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE

Afro-American Studies 5.5 86.9 94.0 92.4 25.3 8.3 24.8 33.7 30.9 95.2 75.5 126.1 Afro-American Studies 5.5 84.7 93.9 90.3 25.3 8.3 24.8 33.7 30.9 93.1 75.1 123.9 Afro-American Studies (CPE) - 2.1 100.0 2.1 - - - - - 2.1 100.0 2.1

Architecture 32.6 30.5 48.3 63.1 41.2 4.3 9.5 45.6 73.8 34.8 32.0 108.6 Architecture 32.6 30.5 48.3 63.1 31.6 4.3 12.1 35.9 64.2 34.8 35.2 99.0 Architecture - - - - 0.3 - - 0.3 0.3 - - 0.3 Architecture (CPE) - - - - 9.3 - - 9.3 9.3 - - 9.3

Art 65.3 74.9 53.4 140.3 20.0 1.6 7.2 21.6 85.3 76.5 47.3 161.8 Art 57.4 74.9 56.6 132.3 20.0 1.6 7.2 21.6 77.4 76.5 49.7 153.9 Art Education (CPE) 7.9 - - 7.9 - - - - 7.9 - - 7.9

Classics 24.4 228.5 90.4 252.9 14.0 0.7 4.5 14.7 38.4 229.1 85.6 267.5 Classics 13.4 182.7 93.2 196.1 1.1 - - 1.1 14.5 182.7 92.6 197.2 Classics (CPE) - 6.4 100.0 6.4 - - - - - 6.4 100.0 6.4 Greek 4.0 0.4 9.1 4.4 - - - - 4.0 0.4 9.1 4.4 Latin 7.0 39.0 84.8 46.0 10.9 0.7 5.8 11.6 17.9 39.7 68.9 57.6 Latin Education - - - - 2.0 - - 2.0 2.0 - - 2.0

College of Humanities and Fine Arts - 20.6 100.0 20.6 - 3.0 100.0 3.0 - 23.6 100.0 23.6 College of Humanities and Fine Arts - 14.4 100.0 14.4 - 2.3 100.0 2.3 - 16.7 100.0 16.7 College of Humanities and Fine Arts (CPE) - 6.2 100.0 6.2 - 0.7 100.0 0.7 - 6.9 100.0 6.9

English 239.7 160.1 40.0 399.8 125.2 15.0 10.7 140.2 365.0 175.1 32.4 540.0 English 238.7 152.1 38.9 390.9 125.2 13.0 9.4 138.2 364.0 165.1 31.2 529.1 English (CPE) 1.0 7.9 88.8 8.9 - 2.0 100.0 2.0 1.0 9.9 90.9 10.9

Five College Center for Study of World Languages - 16.0 100.0 16.0 - - - - - 16.0 100.0 16.0

History 127.1 446.4 77.8 573.5 37.4 8.0 17.6 45.4 164.5 454.4 73.4 618.9 History 126.8 430.7 77.3 557.5 37.4 7.6 16.8 45.0 164.2 438.2 72.7 602.5 History (CPE) 0.3 15.7 98.3 16.0 - 0.4 100.0 0.4 0.3 16.2 98.4 16.4

History of Art and Architecture 20.8 77.6 78.9 98.4 13.3 4.0 23.1 17.3 34.1 81.6 70.5 115.7 Art History 20.8 77.6 78.9 98.4 13.3 4.0 23.1 17.3 34.1 81.6 70.5 115.7

Judaic and Near Eastern Studies 6.3 95.3 93.8 101.5 - - - - 6.3 95.3 93.8 101.5 Arabic 2.5 19.3 88.4 21.8 - - - - 2.5 19.3 88.4 21.8 Hebrew 0.4 10.7 96.4 11.1 - - - - 0.4 10.7 96.4 11.1 Judaic Studies 1.5 58.1 97.5 59.6 - - - - 1.5 58.1 97.5 59.6 Middle Eastern Studies 1.9 7.2 79.4 9.1 - - - - 1.9 7.2 79.4 9.1

Languages, Literatures and Cultures 133.3 696.1 83.9 829.5 107.0 13.9 11.5 120.9 240.3 710.0 74.7 950.4 Asian Studies 0.4 9.2 95.8 9.6 - - - - 0.4 9.2 95.8 9.6 Catalan 0.6 2.9 82.7 3.5 - - - - 0.6 2.9 82.7 3.5 Chinese 22.5 70.5 75.8 93.0 20.4 2.0 8.9 22.4 43.0 72.5 62.8 115.4 Comparative Literature 9.2 151.5 94.3 160.7 28.7 3.0 9.5 31.7 37.9 154.5 80.3 192.3 Comparative Literature (CPE) - 7.8 100.0 7.8 - 0.7 100.0 0.7 - 8.5 100.0 8.5 French Studies 15.5 129.2 89.3 144.7 4.0 3.0 42.9 7.0 19.5 132.2 87.2 151.7


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Headcount (HCT) and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) MajorsSpring Semester 2015


Undergraduate Graduate Total UGrad Grad TotalFirst- Sopho- ALL MASTER'S DOCTORAL ALL GRADUATE

Department or Program Year more Junior Senior Other UGRAD Active PF Total Active PF Total Active PF Total

Afro-American Studies 2 2 2 12 - 18 3 - 3 15 18 33 18 18 36 54 13.5 28.1 41.6

Architecture 18 34 22 36 - 110 38 1 39 - - - 38 1 39 149 104.9 50.2 155.1 Architecture 18 34 22 36 - 110 26 1 27 - - - 26 1 27 137 104.9 38.9 143.8 Design - - - - - - 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2 2 - 2.0 2.0 Design (CPE) - - - - - - 10 - 10 - - - 10 - 10 10 - 9.3 9.3

Art 11 22 33 52 - 118 23 - 23 - - - 23 - 23 141 106.4 24.1 130.5 Art Education - - - - - - 6 - 6 - - - 6 - 6 6 - 4.0 4.0 Studio Arts BA 1 1 4 5 - 11 - - - - - - - - - 11 9.1 - 9.1 Studio Arts BFA 10 21 29 47 - 107 - - - - - - - - - 107 97.3 - 97.3 Studio Arts MFA - - - - - - 17 - 17 - - - 17 - 17 17 - 20.1 20.1

Classics 3 9 11 25 - 48 12 - 12 - - - 12 - 12 60 36.9 18.8 55.7 Classics 3 9 11 25 - 48 - - - - - - - - - 48 36.9 - 36.9 Latin and Classical Humanities - - - - - - 12 - 12 - - - 12 - 12 12 - 18.8 18.8

English 63 130 173 233 - 599 58 4 62 71 30 101 129 34 163 762 482.0 134.7 616.7 English 63 130 173 233 - 599 4 - 4 71 30 101 75 30 105 704 482.0 66.4 548.5 English MFA - - - - - - 54 4 58 - - - 54 4 58 58 - 68.2 68.2

History 19 63 85 139 - 306 24 - 24 17 21 38 41 21 62 368 255.0 42.8 297.8 History 19 63 85 139 - 306 - - - - - - - - - 306 255.0 - 255.0 UMass/Five College History - - - - - - 24 - 24 17 21 38 41 21 62 62 - 42.8 42.8

History of Art and Architecture 1 13 15 22 1 52 13 2 15 - - - 13 2 15 67 39.4 13.1 52.5 Art History 1 13 15 22 1 52 13 2 15 - - - 13 2 15 67 39.4 13.1 52.5

Judaic and Near Eastern Studies 4 6 6 12 - 28 - - - - - - - - - 28 21.0 - 21.0 Judaic Studies - 1 2 2 - 5 - - - - - - - - - 5 3.7 - 3.7 Middle Eastern Studies 4 5 4 10 - 23 - - - - - - - - - 23 17.3 - 17.3

Languages, Literatures and Cultures 28 53 82 138 - 301 55 15 70 52 33 85 107 48 155 456 221.2 123.9 345.2 Chinese - - - - - - 15 10 25 - - - 15 10 25 25 - 22.9 22.9 Chinese Language and Literature 2 10 10 21 - 43 - - - - - - - - - 43 34.3 - 34.3 Comparative Literature 1 5 9 11 - 26 9 - 9 24 10 34 33 10 43 69 19.5 31.9 51.4 French and Francophone Studies 4 8 16 15 - 43 5 1 6 - - - 5 1 6 49 31.4 5.3 36.7


University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 17 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015


Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed StudentsSpring Semester 2015


Undergraduate Graduate Total

Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors TotalDepartment or Program FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE

German 8.1 35.6 81.4 43.7 10.3 1.7 13.9 12.0 18.5 37.3 66.9 55.7 Hispanic Literatures and Linguistics - - - - 19.6 - - 19.6 19.6 - - 19.6 Italian Studies 5.9 59.0 90.9 64.9 1.7 - - 1.7 7.6 59.0 88.6 66.6 Japanese 32.0 59.7 65.1 91.7 12.8 - - 12.8 44.8 59.7 57.2 104.5 Portuguese 3.7 24.9 87.0 28.7 1.7 0.3 16.7 2.0 5.4 25.3 82.4 30.7 Scandinavian 2.9 10.4 78.4 13.3 - - - - 2.9 10.4 78.4 13.3 Spanish 31.3 129.5 80.5 160.7 7.9 3.2 29.0 11.1 39.2 132.7 77.2 171.8 Spanish (CPE) - 2.8 100.0 2.8 - - - - - 2.8 100.0 2.8 Swedish 1.2 3.2 72.7 4.4 - - - - 1.2 3.2 72.7 4.4

Linguistics 49.3 120.9 71.0 170.2 34.1 2.6 7.0 36.7 83.4 123.4 59.7 206.9 Linguistics 49.3 118.1 70.5 167.4 34.1 2.6 7.0 36.7 83.4 120.6 59.1 204.1 Linguistics (CPE) - 2.8 100.0 2.8 - - - - - 2.8 100.0 2.8

Music and Dance 170.7 279.3 62.1 450.1 75.6 1.1 1.4 76.7 246.3 280.4 53.2 526.7 Applied Music 28.7 5.0 14.9 33.7 14.9 - - 14.9 43.6 5.0 10.3 48.6 Dance 24.7 29.1 54.1 53.9 - - - - 24.7 29.1 54.1 53.9 Music 96.1 233.9 70.9 330.0 56.7 1.1 1.9 57.8 152.7 235.0 60.6 387.8 Music (CPE) - 1.9 100.0 1.9 - - - - - 1.9 100.0 1.9 Music Education 21.3 9.4 30.7 30.7 4.0 - - 4.0 25.3 9.4 27.1 34.7

Philosophy 27.7 246.4 89.9 274.1 24.2 1.7 6.4 25.9 52.0 248.1 82.7 300.0 Philosophy 27.7 245.3 89.8 273.1 24.2 1.7 6.4 25.9 52.0 247.0 82.6 299.0 Philosophy (CPE) - 1.1 100.0 1.1 - - - - - 1.1 100.0 1.1

Slavic and East European Studies 0.8 11.5 93.5 12.3 - 0.3 100.0 0.3 0.8 11.9 93.7 12.7 Russian 0.8 11.5 93.5 12.3 - 0.3 100.0 0.3 0.8 11.9 93.7 12.7

Theater 83.9 53.5 39.0 137.4 15.3 1.0 6.1 16.3 99.2 54.5 35.5 153.7

Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies 15.3 73.8 82.8 89.1 - 12.3 100.0 12.3 15.3 86.1 84.9 101.5

Total 1,002.9 2,718.3 73.0 3,721.1 532.8 77.8 12.7 610.6 1,535.6 2,796.0 64.5 4,331.7 State-Supported 1,001.6 2,663.5 72.7 3,665.1 523.4 74.0 12.4 597.4 1,525.0 2,737.5 64.2 4,262.6 Continuing and Professional Education 1.3 54.7 97.7 56.0 9.3 3.8 28.8 13.1 10.6 58.5 84.7 69.1

Definitions and NotesMajors: Students with a declared primary, secondary major or pre-major within the department or program offering a course. All other students are defined as "non-majors".CPE: Non-state supported programs administered through Continuing and Professional Education.Note. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.

Page 18 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)


Headcount (HCT) and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) MajorsSpring Semester 2015


Undergraduate Graduate Total UGrad Grad TotalFirst- Sopho- ALL MASTER'S DOCTORAL ALL GRADUATE

Department or Program Year more Junior Senior Other UGRAD Active PF Total Active PF Total Active PF Total

German and Scandinavian Studies 6 2 2 10 - 20 3 1 4 7 7 14 10 8 18 38 15.5 12.7 28.2 Hispanic Literatures and Linguistics - - - - - - 7 1 8 21 16 37 28 17 45 45 - 35.0 35.0 Italian Studies - 3 3 9 - 15 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2 17 9.0 2.0 11.0 Japanese - - - - - - 14 2 16 - - - 14 2 16 16 - 14.1 14.1 Japanese Language and Literature 9 9 15 27 - 60 - - - - - - - - - 60 49.6 - 49.6 Portuguese - 2 - 1 - 3 - - - - - - - - - 3 1.5 - 1.5 Spanish 6 14 27 44 - 91 - - - - - - - - - 91 60.5 - 60.5

Linguistics 15 23 38 52 1 129 - - - 29 5 34 29 5 34 163 114.1 37.5 151.6 Linguistics 15 19 24 32 1 91 - - - 29 5 34 29 5 34 125 80.0 37.5 117.5 Linguistics and Anthropology - - 1 4 - 5 - - - - - - - - - 5 4.0 - 4.0 Linguistics and German - 1 1 1 - 3 - - - - - - - - - 3 2.7 - 2.7 Linguistics and Japanese - - 2 5 - 7 - - - - - - - - - 7 7.9 - 7.9 Linguistics and Portuguese - 1 2 1 - 4 - - - - - - - - - 4 2.4 - 2.4 Linguistics and Psychology - 1 3 5 - 9 - - - - - - - - - 9 8.4 - 8.4 Linguistics and Spanish - 1 5 4 - 10 - - - - - - - - - 10 8.6 - 8.6

Music and Dance 42 36 43 108 1 230 59 2 61 4 8 12 63 10 73 303 237.3 76.3 313.6 Dance - 2 1 5 - 8 - - - - - - - - - 8 5.8 - 5.8 Dance BFA 9 8 6 16 - 39 - - - - - - - - - 39 37.1 - 37.1 Music 3 3 3 9 - 18 59 2 61 4 8 12 63 10 73 91 15.5 76.3 91.8 Music BMus 30 23 33 78 1 165 - - - - - - - - - 165 178.9 - 178.9

Philosophy 8 12 25 37 - 82 - 1 1 31 12 43 31 13 44 126 59.0 24.6 83.5

Slavic and East European Studies 1 1 1 - - 3 - - - - - - - - - 3 2.7 - 2.7 Russian and East European Studies 1 1 1 - - 3 - - - - - - - - - 3 2.7 - 2.7

Theater 22 38 50 52 - 162 12 1 13 - - - 12 1 13 175 134.1 15.7 149.7

Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies 3 7 13 13 - 36 - - - - - - - - - 36 30.5 - 30.5

Total 240 449 599 932 3 2,223 297 26 323 219 127 346 516 153 669 2,892 1,858.5 589.8 2,448.3Primary Majors 216 367 459 659 3 1,704 297 26 323 219 127 346 516 153 669 2,373 1,580.9 589.8 2,170.7 Secondary Majors 24 82 140 273 - 519 - - - - - - - - - 519 277.6 - 277.6

Unduplicated (Primary Majors) 216 367 459 659 3 1,704 297 26 323 219 127 346 516 153 669 2,373 1,858.5 589.8 2,448.3State-Supported 216 367 459 659 3 1,704 287 26 313 219 127 346 506 153 659 2,363 1,858.5 580.4 2,439.0Continuing and Professional Education - - - - - - 10 - 10 - - - 10 - 10 10 - 9.3 9.3

Definitions and NotesStudent Majors: A student with a declared major within the school or college. At the undergraduate level, data reported represent a duplicated count of student majors (primary and secondary majors). FTE student majors are

distributed proportionally across major programs. See Enrollment Definitions for additional details.Other: Includes post-graduate and all non-degree students.Active: Matriculating graduate students registered for courses or dissertation credits.Program Fee (PF): Matriculating graduate students assigned three credits while on Program Fee (no course).Primary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose primary major is in this school/college.Secondary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose secondary or tertiary declared major is in this school/college.Continuing and Professional Education (CPE): Undergraduate and graduate programs administered through CPE. Note 1. All data reflect the current organizational structure. Note 2. Excludes UMass undergraduate students on exchange at other institutions.

University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 19 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015


Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed StudentsSpring Semester 2015


Undergraduate Graduate Total

Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors TotalDepartment or Program FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE

Astronomy 11.5 157.5 93.2 169.1 12.3 - - 12.3 23.9 157.5 86.8 181.4 Astronomy 11.5 146.1 92.7 157.6 12.3 - - 12.3 23.9 146.1 86.0 169.9 Astronomy (CPE) - 11.5 100.0 11.5 - - - - - 11.5 100.0 11.5

Biochemistry 107.9 56.3 34.3 164.2 5.8 24.6 81.0 30.3 113.7 80.8 41.5 194.5

Biology 425.1 587.7 58.0 1,012.7 0.2 20.0 98.9 20.2 425.3 607.7 58.8 1,033.0 Biology 425.1 581.0 57.7 1,006.1 0.2 20.0 98.9 20.2 425.3 601.0 58.6 1,026.3 Biology (CPE) - 6.7 100.0 6.7 - - - - - 6.7 100.0 6.7

Chemistry 78.0 767.2 90.8 845.2 68.7 10.0 12.7 78.7 146.7 777.2 84.1 923.9 Chemistry 78.0 764.0 90.7 842.0 68.7 10.0 12.7 78.7 146.7 774.0 84.1 920.7 Chemistry (CPE) - 3.2 100.0 3.2 - - - - - 3.2 100.0 3.2

Computer Science, School of 363.9 302.9 45.4 666.7 130.4 28.0 17.7 158.4 494.3 330.9 40.1 825.2

Environmental Conservation 198.5 148.5 42.8 346.9 77.7 21.6 21.7 99.2 276.1 170.0 38.1 446.2 Building and Construction Technology 74.9 15.5 17.1 90.3 3.9 5.3 57.8 9.2 78.8 20.8 20.9 99.6 Environmental Conservation - - - - 58.6 12.7 17.8 71.2 58.6 12.7 17.8 71.2 Forestry - - - - 0.3 - - 0.3 0.3 - - 0.3 Natural Resources Conservation 123.6 133.0 51.8 256.6 13.2 3.6 21.2 16.8 136.8 136.6 50.0 273.4 Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation - - - - 1.7 - - 1.7 1.7 - - 1.7

Environmental Science 49.5 15.5 23.9 65.1 - 0.3 100.0 0.3 49.5 15.9 24.3 65.4 Environmental Science 41.7 15.3 26.9 57.1 - 0.3 100.0 0.3 41.7 15.7 27.3 57.4 Environmental Science (CPE) 7.8 0.2 2.5 8.0 - - - - 7.8 0.2 2.5 8.0

Food Science 47.3 85.9 64.5 133.2 45.4 1.3 2.9 46.8 92.8 87.2 48.5 180.0

Geosciences 38.4 247.3 86.6 285.7 42.1 6.0 12.5 48.1 80.5 253.3 75.9 333.8 Geography 13.1 97.5 88.1 110.6 1.9 2.7 58.5 4.6 15.0 100.1 87.0 115.2 Geography (CPE) - 16.0 100.0 16.0 - - - - - 16.0 100.0 16.0 Geology 16.5 119.1 87.8 135.6 - - - - 16.5 119.1 87.8 135.6 Geology (CPE) 0.3 10.4 97.5 10.7 - - - - 0.3 10.4 97.5 10.7 Geosciences 8.5 4.3 33.9 12.8 40.2 3.3 7.7 43.6 48.7 7.7 13.6 56.4

Mathematics and Statistics 202.4 1,146.8 85.0 1,349.2 58.2 22.7 28.0 80.9 260.6 1,169.5 81.8 1,430.1 Mathematics 168.8 963.3 85.1 1,132.1 42.8 4.7 9.8 47.4 211.6 967.9 82.1 1,179.5 Mathematics (CPE) - 9.9 100.0 9.9 - - - - - 9.9 100.0 9.9 Statistics 33.6 167.9 83.3 201.5 15.4 18.0 53.8 33.4 49.0 185.9 79.1 234.9 Statistics (CPE) - 5.8 100.0 5.8 - - - - - 5.8 100.0 5.8

Microbiology 70.5 197.2 73.7 267.7 21.2 4.1 16.2 25.3 91.7 201.3 68.7 293.0

Molecular and Cellular Biology - - - - 38.7 1.7 4.1 40.3 38.7 1.7 4.1 40.3


Page 20 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)


Headcount (HCT) and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Majors


Undergraduate Graduate Total UGrad Grad TotalFirst- Sopho- ALL MASTER'S DOCTORAL ALL GRADUATE

Department or Program Year more Junior Senior Other UGRAD Active PF Total Active PF Total Active PF Total

Astronomy 12 20 15 31 1 79 - - - 20 - 20 20 - 20 99 62.0 12.3 74.3

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 102 125 138 180 2 547 1 2 3 - - - 1 2 3 550 523.4 2.1 525.5

Biology 256 300 288 368 - 1,212 - - - - - - - - - 1,212 1,186.1 - 1,186.1

Chemistry 45 34 40 78 - 197 1 - 1 113 5 118 114 5 119 316 182.9 69.4 252.3

CNS, Other Programs 127 64 18 3 - 212 - - - - - - - - - 212 223.3 - 223.3 Pre-Dental 17 1 1 - - 19 - - - - - - - - - 19 20.6 - 20.6 Pre-Medical 110 63 17 3 - 193 - - - - - - - - - 193 202.7 - 202.7

Computer Science, School of 98 176 206 225 10 715 58 1 59 116 34 150 174 35 209 924 672.9 137.1 810.0

Environmental Conservation 48 105 142 174 1 470 53 13 66 23 24 47 76 37 113 583 458.5 105.8 564.3 Arboriculture and Community Forest Management‡ 14 10 - - - 24 - - - - - - - - - 24 23.4 - 23.4 Building & Construction Technology 14 42 67 66 - 189 - - - - - - - - - 189 190.3 - 190.3 Environmental Conservation - - - - - - 27 9 36 21 19 40 48 28 76 76 - 55.3 55.3 Forest Resources - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - 1 1 1 - 0.3 0.3 Marine Science and Technologies - - - - - - 2 1 3 2 2 4 4 3 7 7 - 5.4 5.4 Natural Resource Studies - - 1 - - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 0.7 - 0.7 Natural Resources Conservation 20 51 72 105 1 249 - - - - - - - - - 249 240.5 - 240.5 Sustainability Science - - - - - - 24 - 24 - - - 24 - 24 24 - 43.0 43.0 Wildlife and Fisheries Conservation - - - - - - - 2 2 - 3 3 - 5 5 5 - 1.7 1.7

Environmental Science 44 51 58 78 - 231 - - - - - - - - - 231 221.9 - 221.9

Food Science 11 19 32 42 - 104 18 5 23 19 30 49 37 35 72 176 105.6 50.1 155.7

Geosciences 7 21 21 38 - 87 17 6 23 18 15 33 35 21 56 143 76.7 42.1 118.8 Earth Systems - 3 - 4 - 7 - - - - - - - - - 7 6.2 - 6.2 Geography 3 9 3 9 - 24 3 2 5 - - - 3 2 5 29 21.4 3.6 25.0 Geology 4 9 18 25 - 56 - - - - - - - - - 56 49.1 - 49.1 Geosciences - - - - - - 14 4 18 18 15 33 32 19 51 51 - 38.6 38.6

Mathematics and Statistics 63 119 141 194 - 517 15 1 16 42 7 49 57 8 65 582 433.1 60.3 493.5 Applied Mathematics - - - - - - 8 1 9 - - - 8 1 9 9 - 7.7 7.7 Mathematics 63 119 141 194 - 517 7 - 7 42 7 49 49 7 56 573 433.1 52.7 485.8

Microbiology 22 52 58 93 - 225 13 - 13 17 1 18 30 1 31 256 198.8 29.7 228.5

Molecular and Cellular Biology - - - - - - 10 2 12 61 2 63 71 4 75 75 - 62.4 62.4


Spring Semester 2015

University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 21 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015


Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed StudentsSpring Semester 2015


Undergraduate Graduate Total

Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors TotalDepartment or Program FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE

Natural Sciences 0.5 94.3 99.4 94.9 - 11.7 100.0 11.7 0.5 106.0 99.5 106.5 Natural Sciences 0.5 94.3 99.4 94.9 - 0.3 100.0 0.3 0.5 94.7 99.4 95.2 Natural Sciences (CPE) - - - - - 11.3 100.0 11.3 - 11.3 100.0 11.3

Neuroscience and Behavior - - - - 9.3 2.7 22.2 12.0 9.3 2.7 22.2 12.0

Organismic and Evolutionary Biology - - - - 13.2 1.2 8.5 14.4 13.2 1.2 8.5 14.4

Physics 76.1 562.6 88.1 638.7 31.8 2.0 5.9 33.8 107.8 564.6 84.0 672.4

Polymer Science and Engineering - 12.2 100.0 12.2 57.3 4.4 7.2 61.8 57.3 16.6 22.5 74.0

Psychological and Brain Sciences 722.5 517.9 41.8 1,240.5 63.4 13.7 17.7 77.1 786.0 531.6 40.3 1,317.6 Psychological and Brain Sciences 721.1 498.3 40.9 1,219.3 63.4 13.7 17.7 77.1 784.5 511.9 39.5 1,296.4 Psychological and Brain Sciences (CPE) 1.5 19.7 93.1 21.1 - - - - 1.5 19.7 93.1 21.1

Stockbridge School of Agriculture 159.5 119.9 42.9 279.5 5.8 13.0 69.2 18.8 165.3 132.9 44.6 298.2 Stockbridge School of Agriculture 157.7 96.0 37.8 253.7 5.3 7.7 59.0 13.0 163.0 103.7 38.9 266.7 Stockbridge School of Agriculture (CPE) 1.9 23.9 92.8 25.8 0.4 5.3 92.3 5.8 2.3 29.3 92.7 31.6

Veterinary and Animal Sciences 157.0 10.3 6.1 167.3 13.9 3.4 19.9 17.3 170.9 13.7 7.4 184.6 Animal Sciences 157.0 10.3 6.1 167.3 13.9 3.4 19.9 17.3 170.9 13.7 7.4 184.6

Total 2,708.7 5,029.9 65.0 7,738.6 692.9 195.0 22.0 887.9 3,401.6 5,224.9 60.6 8,626.5 State-Supported 2,697.3 4,922.7 64.6 7,620.0 692.4 178.3 20.5 870.8 3,389.7 5,101.1 60.1 8,490.8 Continuing and Professional Education 11.4 107.2 90.4 118.6 0.4 16.7 97.4 17.1 11.8 123.9 91.3 135.7

Definitions and NotesMajors: Students with a declared primary, secondary major or pre-major within the department or program offering a course. All other students are defined as "non-majors".CPE: Non-state supported programs administered through Continuing and Professional Education.Note. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.

Page 22 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)


Undergraduate Graduate Total UGrad Grad TotalFirst- Sopho- ALL MASTER'S DOCTORAL ALL GRADUATEYear more Junior Senior Other UGRAD Active PF Total Active PF Total Active PF Total

Neuroscience and Behavior - - - - - - 4 - 4 23 2 25 27 2 29 29 - 17.3 17.3

Organismic and Evolutionary Biology - - - - - - 3 - 3 23 10 33 26 10 36 36 - 21.3 21.3 Organismic and Evolutionary Biology - - - - - - 3 - 3 23 8 31 26 8 34 34 - 20.7 20.7 Organismic and Evolutionary Biology/Entomology - - - - - - - - - - 2 2 - 2 2 2 - 0.7 0.7

Physics 29 40 43 81 1 194 - - - 73 3 76 73 3 76 270 161.2 38.9 200.1

Plant Biology - - - - - - 3 1 4 20 2 22 23 3 26 26 - 17.0 17.0

Polymer Science and Engineering - - - - - - 1 - 1 88 11 99 89 11 100 100 - 58.1 58.1

Psychological and Brain Sciences 192 383 444 627 - 1,646 - - - 54 7 61 54 7 61 1,707 1,444.0 65.2 1,509.2

Science, Interdisciplinary 3 4 2 5 - 14 - - - - - - - - - 14 14.5 - 14.5 Science Interdisciplinary 3 4 - 1 - 8 - - - - - - - - - 8 8.9 - 8.9 Science and Biochemistry - - 2 3 - 5 - - - - - - - - - 5 4.6 - 4.6 Science and Mathematics - - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 1.0 - 1.0

Stockbridge School of Agriculture 37 66 68 68 3 242 4 3 7 8 5 13 12 8 20 262 232.4 8.8 241.2 Plant and Soil Sciences - - - - - - 1 2 3 8 5 13 9 7 16 16 - 7.7 7.7 Plant and Soil Sciences (CPE) - - - - - - 3 1 4 - - - 3 1 4 4 - 1.1 1.1 Plant, Soil and Insect Sciences 4 2 7 19 1 33 - - - - - - - - - 33 30.3 - 30.3 Sustainable Food and Farming‡ 7 10 - - - 17 - - - - - - - - - 17 16.3 - 16.3 Sustainable Food and Farming 12 23 48 34 1 118 - - - - - - - - - 118 110.9 - 110.9 Sustainable Horticulture‡ 3 9 - - - 12 - - - - - - - - - 12 14.7 - 14.7 Sustainable Horticulture 1 4 5 8 1 19 - - - - - - - - - 19 18.5 - 18.5 Turfgrass Management‡ 9 10 - - - 19 - - - - - - - - - 19 18.1 - 18.1 Turfgrass Science and Management 1 8 8 7 - 24 - - - - - - - - - 24 23.7 - 23.7

Veterinary and Animal Sciences 89 98 74 121 2 384 8 - 8 10 2 12 18 2 20 404 411.1 16.2 427.3 Animal Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences - - - - - - 8 - 8 10 2 12 18 2 20 20 - 16.2 16.2 Animal Science 81 91 69 79 2 322 - - - - - - - - - 322 341.7 - 341.7 Equine Management‡ 8 7 - - - 15 - - - - - - - - - 15 17.7 - 17.7 Pre-Veterinary - - 5 42 - 47 - - - - - - - - - 47 51.7 - 51.7

Total 1,185 1,677 1,788 2,406 20 7,076 209 34 243 728 160 888 937 194 1,131 8,207 6,608.3 814.3 7,422.6Primary Majors 1,160 1,581 1,602 2,012 20 6,375 209 34 243 728 160 888 937 194 1,131 7,506 6,231.9 814.3 7,046.3Secondary Majors 25 96 186 394 - 701 - - - - - - - - - 701 376.3 - 376.3

Unduplicated (Primary Majors) 1,160 1,581 1,602 2,012 20 6,375 209 34 243 728 160 888 937 194 1,131 7,506 6,608.3 814.3 7,422.6State-Supported 1,160 1,581 1,602 2,012 20 6,375 206 33 239 728 160 888 934 193 1,127 7,502 6,608.3 813.2 7,421.5Continuing and Professional Education - - - - - - 3 1 4 - - - 3 1 4 4 - 1.1 1.1

‡ Designates programs within the two-year Stockbridge School of Agriculture.Definitions and NotesStudent Majors: A student with a declared major within the school or college. At the undergraduate level, data reported represent a duplicated count of student majors (primary and secondary majors). FTE student majors are

distributed proportionally across major programs. See Enrollment Definitions for additional details.Other: Includes post-graduate and all non-degree students.Active: Matriculating graduate students registered for courses or dissertation credits.Program Fee (PF): Matriculating graduate students assigned three credits while on Program Fee (no course).Primary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose primary major is in this school/college.Secondary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose secondary or tertiary declared major is in this school/college.Continuing and Professional Education (CPE): Undergraduate and graduate programs administered through CPE. Note 1. All data reflect the current organizational structure. Note 2. Excludes UMass undergraduate students on exchange at other institutions.


Headcount (HCT) and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) MajorsSpring Semester 2015

University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 23 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015


Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed StudentsSpring Semester 2015


Undergraduate Graduate Total

Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors TotalDepartment or Program FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE

Anthropology 50.2 342.5 87.2 392.7 30.7 4.2 12.1 34.9 80.9 346.8 81.1 427.6 Anthropology 49.7 329.6 86.9 379.3 30.3 3.6 10.5 33.9 80.1 333.2 80.6 413.2 Anthropology (CPE) 0.5 12.5 96.4 13.0 - - - - 0.5 12.5 96.4 13.0 Heritage Studies - 0.4 100.0 0.4 0.3 0.7 66.7 1.0 0.3 1.1 76.2 1.4

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences - 7.6 100.0 7.6 - - - - - 7.6 100.0 7.6

Communication 321.9 443.0 57.9 764.9 35.4 5.3 13.1 40.8 357.3 448.3 55.6 805.6

Economics 189.2 539.7 74.0 728.9 47.2 6.3 11.8 53.6 236.4 546.1 69.8 782.5 Economics 187.6 510.9 73.1 698.5 47.2 6.3 11.8 53.6 234.8 517.2 68.8 752.0 Economics (CPE) 1.6 28.9 94.7 30.5 - - - - 1.6 28.9 94.7 30.5

Journalism 94.7 33.3 26.0 127.9 - - - - 94.7 33.3 26.0 127.9 Journalism 94.1 15.5 14.2 109.6 - - - - 94.1 15.5 14.2 109.6 Journalism (CPE) 0.6 17.7 96.7 18.3 - - - - 0.6 17.7 96.7 18.3

Landscape Architecture and Regional Plannin 76.8 16.3 17.5 93.1 76.9 18.9 19.7 95.8 153.7 35.2 18.6 188.8 Environmental Design 32.3 9.9 23.4 42.2 0.8 - - 0.8 33.1 9.9 23.0 43.0 Landscape Architecture 32.5 4.4 11.9 36.9 33.3 2.3 6.5 35.7 65.9 6.7 9.3 72.6 Landscape Contracting 8.7 - - 8.7 - - - - 8.7 - - 8.7 Regional Planning 3.2 2.0 38.5 5.2 42.8 16.6 27.9 59.3 46.0 18.6 28.8 64.5

Latin American Studies - 0.8 100.0 0.8 - - - - - 0.8 100.0 0.8

Political Science 401.1 288.2 41.8 689.3 32.9 13.0 28.3 45.9 434.0 301.2 41.0 735.2 Legal Studies 112.3 23.7 17.5 136.0 - 0.3 100.0 0.3 112.3 24.1 17.7 136.3 Legal Studies (CPE) 0.9 5.1 84.6 6.1 - - - - 0.9 5.1 84.6 6.1 Political Science 285.6 254.8 47.2 540.4 32.9 12.7 27.8 45.6 318.5 267.5 45.6 586.0 Political Science (CPE) 2.3 4.5 66.0 6.9 - - - - 4.5 100.0 4.5

Public Policy and Administration 0.2 18.9 99.0 19.1 40.9 13.7 25.1 54.6 41.1 32.6 44.2 73.7

Resource Economics 122.0 254.7 67.6 376.7 16.2 10.0 38.1 26.2 138.2 264.7 65.7 403.0 Resource Economics 121.7 252.1 67.4 373.8 16.2 10.0 38.1 26.2 138.0 262.1 65.5 400.0 Resource Economics (CPE) 0.3 2.7 90.9 2.9 - - - - 0.3 2.7 90.9 2.9

Social Thought and Political Economy 32.3 0.8 2.4 33.1 - - - - 32.3 0.8 2.4 33.1

Sociology 146.3 384.4 72.4 530.7 74.7 6.2 7.7 80.9 220.9 390.6 63.9 611.6 Labor Studies - 9.7 100.0 9.7 10.0 1.7 14.3 11.7 10.0 11.3 53.1 21.3 Labor Studies (CPE) - - - - 24.7 - - 24.7 24.7 - - 24.7 Sociology 143.9 345.2 70.6 489.1 40.0 4.6 10.2 44.6 183.9 349.8 65.5 533.7 Sociology (CPE) 2.3 29.5 92.7 31.9 - - - - 2.3 29.5 92.7 31.9

Total 1,434.6 2,330.3 61.9 3,764.9 354.9 77.7 18.0 432.6 1,789.5 2,407.9 57.4 4,197.4 State-Supported 1,426.1 2,229.3 61.0 3,655.3 330.2 77.7 19.0 407.9 1,756.3 2,306.9 56.8 4,063.2 Continuing and Professional Education 8.5 101.0 92.2 109.5 24.7 - - 24.7 33.2 101.0 75.3 134.2

Definitions and NotesMajors: Students with a declared primary, secondary major or pre-major within the department or program offering a course. All other students are defined as "non-majors".CPE: Non-state supported programs administered through Continuing and Professional Education.Note. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.

Page 24 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)


Headcount (HCT) and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Majors


Undergraduate Graduate Total UGrad Grad TotalFirst- Sopho- ALL MASTER'S DOCTORAL ALL GRADUATE

Department or Program Year more Junior Senior Other UGRAD Active PF Total Active PF Total Active PF Total

Anthropology 14 26 37 52 - 129 4 - 4 39 22 61 43 22 65 194 106.7 38.1 144.8

Communication 88 133 232 284 - 737 2 2 4 29 36 65 31 38 69 806 667.3 42.3 709.6

Economics 71 123 220 316 - 730 1 - 1 52 31 83 53 31 84 814 604.4 51.9 656.3

Journalism 42 85 80 105 - 312 - - - - - - - - - 312 250.2 - 250.2

Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning 20 37 37 64 - 158 54 13 67 7 3 10 61 16 77 235 149.9 80.1 230.0 Landscape Architecture 5 11 11 26 - 53 21 8 29 - - - 21 8 29 82 49.3 29.1 78.4 Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning - - - - - - 3 1 4 - - - 3 1 4 4 - 5.3 5.3 Landscape Contracting‡ 10 11 - - - 21 - - - - - - - - - 21 19.0 - 19.0 Regional Planning - - - - - - 30 4 34 7 3 10 37 7 44 44 - 45.7 45.7 Sustainable Community Development 5 15 26 38 - 84 - - - - - - - - - 84 81.6 - 81.6

Political Science 95 237 283 390 - 1,005 - - - 45 15 60 45 15 60 1,065 795.4 38.1 833.5 Legal Studies 25 77 94 131 - 327 - - - - - - - - - 327 242.0 - 242.0 Political Science 70 160 189 259 - 678 - - - 45 15 60 45 15 60 738 553.4 38.1 591.5

Public Policy and Administration - - - - - - 35 3 38 - - - 35 3 38 38 - 48.3 48.3 Public Policy - - - - - - 10 - 10 - - - 10 - 10 10 - 16.7 16.7 Public Policy and Administration - - - - - - 22 3 25 - - - 22 3 25 25 - 27.6 27.6 Public Policy and Administration/MED - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 1 - 1.3 1.3 Public Policy and Administration/MRP - - - - - - 2 - 2 - - - 2 - 2 2 - 2.8 2.8

Resource Economics 9 65 109 108 - 291 13 2 15 7 1 8 20 3 23 314 269.8 18.1 287.9

Social Thought and Political Economy 21 30 24 43 - 118 - - - - - - - - - 118 98.6 - 98.6

Sociology 26 65 115 163 - 369 48 11 59 48 24 72 96 35 131 500 302.9 84.3 387.2 Labor Studies - - - - - - 11 2 13 - - - 11 2 13 13 - 11.0 11.0 Labor Studies (CPE) - - - - - - 37 9 46 - - - 37 9 46 46 - 27.3 27.3 Sociology 26 65 115 163 - 369 - - - 48 24 72 48 24 72 441 302.9 46.0 348.9

Total 386 801 1,137 1,525 - 3,849 157 31 188 227 132 359 384 163 547 4,396 3,245.1 401.3 3,646.4Primary Majors 372 666 891 1,112 - 3,041 157 31 188 227 132 359 384 163 547 3,588 2,820.7 401.3 3,222.1Secondary Majors 14 135 246 413 - 808 - - - - - - - - - 808 424.4 - 424.4

Unduplicated (Primary Majors) 372 666 891 1,112 - 3,041 157 31 188 227 132 359 384 163 547 3,588 3,245.1 401.3 3,646.4State-Supported 372 666 891 1,112 - 3,041 120 22 142 227 132 359 347 154 501 3,542 3,245.1 374.0 3,619.1Continuing and Professional Education - - - - - - 37 9 46 - - - 37 9 46 46 - 27.3 27.3

‡ Designates programs within the two-year Stockbridge School of Agriculture.

Definitions and NotesStudent Majors: A student with a declared major within the school or college. At the undergraduate level, data reported represent a duplicated count of student majors (primary and secondary majors). FTE student majors are

distributed proportionally across major programs. See Enrollment Definitions for additional details.Other: Includes post-graduate and all non-degree students.Active: Matriculating graduate students registered for courses or dissertation credits.Program Fee (PF): Matriculating graduate students assigned three credits while on Program Fee (no course).Primary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose primary major is in this school/college.Secondary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose secondary or tertiary declared major is in this school/college.Continuing and Professional Education (CPE): Undergraduate and graduate programs administered through CPE. Note 1. All data reflect the current organizational structure. Note 2. Excludes UMass undergraduate students on exchange at other institutions.Note 3. Enrollment in the dual degree program MBA/Masters of Public Policy and Adminstration (MPPA) is reported in the School of Management. Enrollment in the dual degree Master's program Public Health/Public Policy and Adminstration is reported in the School of Public Health and Health Sciences.

Spring Semester 2015

University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 25 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015


Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed StudentsSpring Semester 2015


Undergraduate Graduate Total

Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors TotalDepartment or Program FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE

Education 26.3 430.0 94.2 456.3 492.2 61.9 11.2 554.1 518.6 491.9 48.7 1,010.4 Education 26.1 399.3 93.9 425.3 389.6 51.1 11.6 440.7 415.6 450.4 52.0 866.0 Education (CPE) 0.3 30.7 99.1 31.0 102.7 10.8 9.5 113.4 102.9 41.5 28.7 144.4

Total 26.3 430.0 94.2 456.3 492.2 61.9 11.2 554.1 518.6 491.9 48.7 1,010.4 State-Supported 26.1 399.3 93.9 425.3 389.6 51.1 11.6 440.7 415.6 450.4 52.0 866.0 Continuing and Professional Education 0.3 30.7 99.1 31.0 102.7 10.8 9.5 113.4 102.9 41.5 28.7 144.4

Definitions and NotesMajors: Students with a declared primary, secondary major or pre-major within the department or program offering a course. All other students are defined as "non-majors".CPE: Non-state supported programs administered through Continuing and Professional Education.Note. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.

Page 26 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)


Headcount (HCT) and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Majors


Undergraduate Graduate Total UGrad Grad TotalFirst- Sopho- ALL MASTER'S/ED.S. DOCTORAL ALL GRADUATE

Department or Program Year more Junior Senior Other UGRAD Active PF Total Active PF Total Active PF Total

Education - - 10 26 - 36 - - - - - - - - - 36 18.5 - 18.5

Education Policy, Research, andAdministration - - - - - - 54 - 54 76 52 128 130 52 182 182 - 133.3 133.3

Student Development - - - - - - 75 3 78 48 14 62 123 17 140 140 - 143.0 143.0 School Psychology - - - - - - - - - 21 4 25 21 4 25 25 - 30.4 30.4 Student Development - - - - - - 75 3 78 27 10 37 102 13 115 115 - 112.6 112.6

Teacher Education and CurriculumStudies - - - - - - 156 13 169 76 48 124 232 61 293 293 - 250.8 250.8

Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies - - - - - - 71 7 78 76 48 124 147 55 202 202 - 141.2 141.2 Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies (CPE) - - - - - - 85 6 91 - - - 85 6 91 91 - 109.7 109.7

Total - - 10 26 - 36 285 16 301 200 114 314 485 130 615 651 18.5 527.2 545.6 Primary Majors - - 10 26 - 36 285 16 301 200 114 314 485 130 615 651 18.5 527.2 545.6 Secondary Majors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Unduplicated (Primary Majors) - - 10 26 - 36 285 16 301 200 114 314 485 130 615 651 18.5 527.2 545.6 State-Supported - - 10 26 - 36 200 10 210 200 114 314 400 124 524 560 18.5 417.5 436.0 Continuing and Professional Education - - - - - - 85 6 91 - - - 85 6 91 91 - 109.7 109.7

Definitions and NotesStudent Majors: A student with a declared major within the school or college. At the undergraduate level, data reported represent a duplicated count of student majors (primary and secondary majors). FTE student majors are

distributed proportionally across major programs. See Enrollment Definitions for additional details.Other: Includes post-graduate and all non-degree students.Active: Matriculating graduate students registered for courses or dissertation credits.Program Fee (PF): Matriculating graduate students assigned three credits while on Program Fee (no course).Primary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose primary major is in this school/college.Secondary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose secondary or tertiary declared major is in this school/college.

Continuing and Professional Education (CPE): Undergraduate and graduate programs administered through CPE. Note 1. All data reflect the current organizational structure. Note 2. Excludes UMass undergraduate students on exchange at other institutions.Note 3. Academic level for students concurrently enrolled in EdS and MEd/EdD programs is assigned to the master's or doctoral level.Note 4. The undergraduate program has been restored. Students are generally admitted at the end of their sophomore year and are expected to complete a secondary major.Note 5. Enrollment in the dual degree program Masters of Public Policy and Adminstration (MPPA)/Master of Education (MEd) is reported in the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

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University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 27 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015


Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed StudentsSpring Semester 2015


Undergraduate Graduate Total

Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors TotalDepartment or Program FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE

Chemical Engineering 176.8 8.2 4.4 185.0 44.3 2.3 5.0 46.7 221.1 10.5 4.5 231.7

Civil and Environmental Engineering 164.1 14.6 8.2 178.7 91.4 4.2 4.4 95.7 255.6 18.8 6.9 274.4

Electrical and Computer Engineering 200.0 5.1 2.5 205.1 156.3 13.1 7.7 169.4 356.3 18.2 4.9 374.6

Engineering 43.3 0.6 1.4 43.9 - - - - 43.3 0.6 1.4 43.9

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 397.6 16.9 4.1 414.5 71.7 7.1 9.0 78.8 469.3 24.0 4.9 493.2 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 396.0 16.5 4.0 412.5 68.3 6.8 9.0 75.1 464.3 23.2 4.8 487.6 Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (CPE) 1.6 0.4 20.0 2.0 3.3 0.3 9.1 3.7 4.9 0.7 12.9 5.7

Total 981.8 45.4 4.4 1,027.2 363.8 26.8 6.9 390.6 1,345.6 72.2 5.1 1,417.8 State-Supported 980.2 45.0 4.4 1,025.2 360.4 26.4 6.8 386.9 1,340.6 71.4 5.1 1,412.1 Continuing and Professional Education 1.6 0.4 20.0 2.0 3.3 0.3 9.1 3.7 4.9 0.7 0.1 5.7

Definitions and NotesMajors: Students with a declared primary, secondary major or pre-major within the department or program offering a course. All other students are defined as "non-majors".Exception: Declared undergraduate "Engineering" majors are treated as majors in all courses offered within the College. Undergraduate students with any declared major within the College are treated as majors in "Engineering" courses.CPE: Non-state supported programs administered through Continuing and Professional Education.Note. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.

Page 28 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)

Table 2.


Undergraduate Graduate Total UGrad Grad TotalFirst- Sopho- ALL MASTER'S DOCTORAL ALL GRADUATE

Department or Program Year more Junior Senior Other UGRAD Active PF Total Active PF Total Active PF Total

Chemical Engineering - 15 65 170 4 254 - 1 1 54 3 57 54 4 58 312 251.4 55.0 306.4

Civil and Environmental Engineering 3 25 52 122 2 204 39 5 44 48 9 57 87 14 101 305 193.7 111.7 305.4

Electrical and Computer Engineering - 30 80 157 4 271 116 19 135 46 35 81 162 54 216 487 259.0 166.3 425.3 Computer Systems Engineering - 16 24 68 2 110 - - - - - - - - - 110 103.2 - 103.2 Electrical and Computer Engineering - - - - - - 116 19 135 46 35 81 162 54 216 216 - 166.3 166.3 Electrical Engineering - 14 56 89 2 161 - - - - - - - - - 161 155.8 - 155.8

Engineering 229 318 85 23 - 655 - - - - - - - - - 655 716.1 - 716.1

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - 41 159 260 5 465 40 8 48 45 22 67 85 30 115 580 457.3 81.1 538.4 Engineering Management - - - - - - 3 - 3 - - - 3 - 3 3 - 2.0 2.0 Engineering Management (CPE) - - - - - - 6 - 6 - - - 6 - 6 6 - 3.3 3.3 Industrial Engineering - 4 12 18 - 34 - - - - - - - - - 34 34.5 - 34.5 Industrial Engineering and Operations Research - - - - - - 2 1 3 9 5 14 11 6 17 17 - 12.2 12.2 Mechanical Engineering - 37 147 242 5 431 29 7 36 36 17 53 65 24 89 520 422.8 63.6 486.4

Total 232 429 441 732 15 1,849 195 33 228 193 69 262 388 102 490 2,339 1,877.6 414.1 2,291.7Primary Majors 231 428 441 726 15 1,841 195 33 228 193 69 262 388 102 490 2,331 1,873.1 414.1 2,287.2Secondary Majors 1 1 - 6 - 8 - - - - - - - - - 8 4.5 - 4.5

Unduplicated (Primary Majors) 231 428 441 726 15 1,841 195 33 228 193 69 262 388 102 490 2,331 1,877.6 414.1 2,291.7State-Supported 231 428 441 726 15 1,841 189 33 222 193 69 262 382 102 484 2,325 1,877.6 410.8 2,288.3Continuing and Professional Education - - - - - - 6 - 6 - - - 6 - 6 6 - 3.3 3.3

Definitions and NotesStudent Majors: A student with a declared major within the school or college. At the undergraduate level, data reported represent a duplicated count of student majors (primary and secondary majors). FTE student majors are

distributed proportionally across major programs. See Enrollment Definitions for additional details.

Other: Includes post-graduate and all non-degree students.

Active: Matriculating graduate students registered for courses or dissertation credits.

Program Fee (PF): Matriculating graduate students assigned three credits while on Program Fee (no course).

Primary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose primary major is in this school/college.

Secondary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose secondary or tertiary declared major is in this school/college.

Note 1. All data reflect the current organizational structure.

Note 2. Excludes UMass undergraduate students on exchange at other institutions.

Note 3. Enrollments in the dual degree program MBA/Mechanical Engineering are reported in the School of Management.

STUDENT MAJORSHeadcount (HCT) and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Majors

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University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 29 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015


Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed StudentsSpring Semester 2015


Undergraduate Graduate Total

Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors TotalDepartment or Program FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE

Accounting 215.3 141.1 39.6 356.4 - - - - 215.3 141.1 39.6 356.4 Accounting 210.5 126.3 37.5 336.8 - - - - 210.5 126.3 37.5 336.8 Accounting (CPE) 4.8 14.8 75.5 19.6 - - - - 4.8 14.8 75.5 19.6

Finance 161.5 72.7 31.0 234.2 - - - - 161.5 72.7 31.0 234.2 Finance 156.7 65.3 29.4 222.0 - - - - 156.7 65.3 29.4 222.0 Finance (CPE) 4.8 7.4 60.7 12.2 - - - - 4.8 7.4 60.7 12.2

Hospitality and Tourism Management 191.7 74.6 28.0 266.3 - 0.1 100.0 0.1 191.7 74.7 28.0 266.4 Hospitality and Tourism Management 176.9 66.2 27.2 243.1 - 0.1 100.0 0.1 176.9 66.3 27.3 243.2 Hospitality and Tourism Management (CPE) 14.8 8.4 36.2 23.2 - - - - 14.8 8.4 36.2 23.2

Isenberg School of Management 339.0 64.5 16.0 403.5 761.4 59.0 7.2 820.4 1,100.4 123.5 10.1 1,223.9 Isenberg School of Management 323.2 59.9 15.6 383.1 152.8 4.3 2.8 157.2 476.0 64.2 11.9 540.2 Isenberg School of Management (CPE) 15.9 4.6 22.5 20.5 608.6 54.7 8.2 663.2 624.4 59.3 8.7 683.7

Management 110.4 178.1 61.7 288.5 - - - - 110.4 178.1 61.7 288.5 Management 102.2 150.1 59.5 252.3 - - - - 102.2 150.1 59.5 252.3 Management (CPE) 8.2 28.0 77.3 36.2 - - - - 8.2 28.0 77.3 36.2

Marketing 83.5 100.6 54.7 184.1 - 0.7 100.0 0.7 83.5 101.3 54.8 184.7 Marketing 80.1 90.8 53.1 170.9 - 0.7 100.0 0.7 80.1 91.5 53.3 171.5 Marketing (CPE) 3.4 9.8 74.2 13.2 - - - - 3.4 9.8 74.2 13.2

Operations and Information Management 108.3 122.9 53.1 231.2 - - - - 108.3 122.9 53.1 231.2 Operations and Information Management 106.9 118.1 52.5 225.0 - - - - 106.9 118.1 52.5 225.0 Operations and Information Management (CPE) 1.4 4.8 77.4 6.2 - - - - 1.4 4.8 77.4 6.2

Sport Management 133.2 43.6 24.7 176.8 37.7 2.0 5.0 39.7 170.9 45.6 21.1 216.5 Sport Management 133.2 43.6 24.7 176.8 37.7 1.7 4.2 39.3 170.9 45.3 20.9 216.1 Sport Management (CPE) - - - - - 0.3 100.0 0.3 - 0.3 100.0 0.3

Total 1,342.9 798.0 37.3 2,141.0 799.1 61.8 7.2 860.8 2,142.0 859.8 28.6 3,001.8 State-Supported 1,289.7 720.2 35.8 2,009.9 190.5 6.8 3.4 197.3 1,480.2 727.0 32.9 2,207.2 Continuing and Professional Education 53.3 77.8 59.4 131.1 608.6 55.0 8.3 663.6 661.8 132.8 16.7 794.6

Definitions and Notes

Majors: Students with a declared primary, secondary major or pre-major within the department or program offering a course. All other students are defined as "non-majors".

Exception: Declared "School of Management" majors are treated as majors in all courses offered within the School except for Resource Economics, Sport Management and Hospitality and Tourism Management majors. Students with any declared major within the School (except for Resource Economics, Sport Management and Hospitality and Tourism Management) are treated as majors in "School of Management" courses.CPE: Non-state supported programs administered through Continuing and Professional Education.Note. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.

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Headcount (HCT) and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Majors


Undergraduate Graduate Total UGrad Grad TotalFirst- Sopho- ALL MASTER'S DOCTORAL ALL GRADUATE

Department or Program Year more Junior Senior Other UGRAD Active PF Total Active PF Total Active PF Total

Accounting 7 61 135 291 - 494 41 2 43 - - - 41 2 43 537 482.8 53.7 536.5 Accounting 7 57 123 282 - 469 - - - - - - - - - 469 470.0 - 470.0 Accounting (CPE) - 4 12 9 - 25 41 2 43 - - - 41 2 43 68 12.9 53.7 66.5

Finance 15 80 178 261 - 534 - - - - - - - - - 534 471.0 - 471.0 Finance 15 79 172 244 - 510 - - - - - - - - - 510 459.7 - 459.7 Finance (CPE) - 1 6 17 - 24 - - - - - - - - - 24 11.3 - 11.3

Hospitality and Tourism Management 44 102 154 183 2 485 - - - - - - - - - 485 431.6 - 431.6 Hospitality and Tourism Management 44 98 130 165 - 437 - - - - - - - - - 437 405.2 - 405.2 Hospitality and Tourism Management (CPE) - 4 24 18 - 46 - - - - - - - - - 46 25.8 - 25.8 Meeting and Event Management - - - - 2 2 - - - - - - - - - 2 0.6 - 0.6

Management 3 31 83 138 - 255 - - - - - - - - - 255 202.9 - 202.9 Management 3 27 57 114 - 201 - - - - - - - - - 201 174.5 - 174.5 Management (CPE) - 4 26 24 - 54 - - - - - - - - - 54 28.3 - 28.3

Marketing 10 49 88 171 - 318 - - - - - - - - - 318 258.7 - 258.7 Marketing 10 48 82 160 - 300 - - - - - - - - - 300 249.0 - 249.0 Marketing (CPE) - 1 6 11 - 18 - - - - - - - - - 18 9.7 - 9.7

Operations and Information Management 3 21 51 106 - 181 - - - - - - - - - 181 158.2 - 158.2 Operations and Information Management 3 18 45 101 - 167 - - - - - - - - - 167 150.8 - 150.8 Operations and Information Management (CPE) - 3 6 5 - 14 - - - - - - - - - 14 7.4 - 7.4

School of Management 270 280 137 17 - 704 1,206 58 1,264 51 19 70 1,257 77 1,334 2,038 715.9 752.3 1,468.2MBA (CPE) - - - - - - 1,131 56 1,187 - - - 1,131 56 1,187 1,187 - 577.4 577.4 MBA/Industrial Engineering - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 1 - 2.3 2.3 MBA/MPPA - - - - - - 7 - 7 - - - 7 - 7 7 - 10.4 10.4 MBA/Sport Management - - - - - - 22 1 23 - - - 22 1 23 23 - 41.0 41.0 School of Management 270 280 137 17 - 704 45 1 46 51 19 70 96 20 116 820 715.9 121.1 837.0

Sport Management 80 108 130 172 - 490 15 3 18 - - - 15 3 18 508 434.7 19.7 454.4

Total 432 732 956 1,339 2 3,461 1,262 63 1,325 51 19 70 1,313 82 1,395 4,856 3,155.8 825.6 3,981.4Primary Majors 432 710 920 1,264 2 3,328 1,262 63 1,325 51 19 70 1,313 82 1,395 4,723 3,083.2 825.6 3,908.8Secondary Majors - 22 36 75 - 133 - - - - - - - - - 133 72.6 - 72.6

Unduplicated (Primary Majors) 432 710 920 1,264 2 3,328 1,262 63 1,325 51 19 70 1,313 82 1,395 4,723 3,155.8 825.6 3,981.4State-Supported 432 693 840 1,180 - 3,145 90 5 95 51 19 70 141 24 165 3,310 3,059.8 194.5 3,254.3Continuing and Professional Education - 17 80 84 2 183 1,172 58 1,230 - - - 1,172 58 1,230 1,413 96.0 631.1 727.1

Definitions and NotesStudent Majors: A student with a declared major within the school or college. At the undergraduate level, data reported represent a duplicated count of student majors (primary and secondary majors). FTE student majors are

distributed proportionally across major programs. See Enrollment Definitions for additional details.Other: Includes post-graduate and all non-degree students.Active: Matriculating graduate students registered for courses or dissertation credits.Program Fee (PF): Matriculating graduate students assigned three credits while on Program Fee (no course).Primary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose primary major is in this school/college.Secondary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose secondary or tertiary declared major is in this school/college.Continuing and Professional Education (CPE): Undergraduate and graduate programs administered through CPE.

Note 1. All data reflect the current organizational structure. Note 2. Excludes UMass undergraduate students on exchange at other institutions.

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Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed Students


Undergraduate Graduate Total

Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors TotalDepartment or Program FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE

Nursing 302.3 6.9 2.2 309.3 159.7 3.0 1.8 162.7 462.0 9.9 2.1 471.9 Nursing 211.6 6.9 3.2 218.5 34.9 0.3 0.9 35.2 246.5 7.3 2.9 253.8 Nursing (CPE) 90.7 - - 90.7 124.8 2.7 2.1 127.4 215.5 2.7 1.2 218.2

Total 302.3 6.9 2.2 309.3 159.7 3.0 1.8 162.7 462.0 9.9 2.1 471.9 State-Supported 211.6 6.9 3.2 218.5 34.9 0.3 0.9 35.2 246.5 7.3 2.9 253.8 Continuing and Professional Education 90.7 - - 90.7 124.8 2.7 2.1 127.4 215.5 2.7 1.2 218.2

Definitions and NotesMajors: Students with a declared primary, secondary major or pre-major within the department or program offering a course. All other students are defined as "non-majors".CPE: Non-state supported programs administered through Continuing and Professional Education.

Note. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.

Spring Semester 2015

Page 32 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)


Headcount (HCT) and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Majors


Undergraduate Graduate Total UGrad Grad TotalFirst- Sopho- ALL MASTER'S DOCTORAL ALL GRADUATE

Department or Program Year more Junior Senior Other UGRAD Active PF Total Active PF Total Active PF Total

Nursing 66 90 86 151 59 452 33 3 36 199 28 227 232 31 263 715 431.3 175.4 606.8 Nursing 63 87 68 117 - 335 2 1 3 34 16 50 36 17 53 388 340.5 33.6 374.1

Nursing (CPE) - - - - - - 31 2 33 - - - 31 2 33 33 - 18.9 18.9

Nursing DNP (CPE) - - - - - - - - - 165 12 177 165 12 177 177 - 123.0 123.0

Nursing Post-Baccalaureate (CPE) - - - - 60 60 - - - - - - - - - 60 63.2 - 63.2

Nursing RN to BSN (CPE) 2 3 18 34 - 57 - - - - - - - - - 57 27.6 - 27.6

Total 66 90 86 151 59 452 33 3 36 199 28 227 232 31 263 715 431.3 175.4 606.8

Primary Majors 66 90 86 151 59 452 33 3 36 199 28 227 232 31 263 715 431.3 175.4 606.8

Secondary Majors - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Unduplicated (Primary Majors) 66 90 86 151 59 452 33 3 36 199 28 227 232 31 263 715 431.3 175.4 606.8

State-Supported 63 87 68 117 - 335 2 1 3 34 16 50 36 17 53 388 340.5 33.6 374.1

Continuing and Professional Education 3 3 18 34 59 117 31 2 33 165 12 177 196 14 210 327 90.8 141.9 232.7

Definitions and NotesStudent Majors: A student with a declared major within the school or college. At the undergraduate level, data reported represent a duplicated count of student majors (primary and secondary majors). FTE student majors are

distributed proportionally across major programs. See Enrollment Definitions for additional details.Other: Includes post-graduate and all non-degree students.Active: Matriculating graduate students registered for courses or dissertation credits.Program Fee (PF): Matriculating graduate students assigned three credits while on Program Fee (no course).Primary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose primary major is in this school/college.Secondary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose secondary or tertiary declared major is in this school/college.Continuing and Professional Education (CPE): Undergraduate and graduate programs administered through CPE. Note 1. All data reflect the current organizational structure. Note 2. Excludes UMass undergraduate students on exchange at other institutions.

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University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 33 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015


Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed Students


Undergraduate Graduate Total

Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors TotalDepartment or Program FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE

Communication Disorders 101.0 56.5 35.9 157.5 105.4 0.7 0.6 106.1 206.4 57.2 21.7 263.6 Communication Disorders 101.0 41.5 29.1 142.5 81.1 0.7 0.8 81.8 182.1 42.2 18.8 224.3 Communication Disorders (CPE) - 15.0 100.0 15.0 24.3 - - 24.3 24.3 15.0 38.1 39.3

Kinesiology 364.2 184.9 33.7 549.1 31.1 1.4 4.4 32.6 395.3 186.4 32.0 581.7 Kinesiology 361.4 164.7 31.3 526.1 31.1 1.4 4.4 32.6 392.5 166.1 29.7 558.6 Kinesiology (CPE) 2.8 20.3 87.9 23.1 - - - - 2.8 20.3 87.9 23.1

Nutrition 90.4 188.8 67.6 279.2 10.9 30.1 73.4 41.0 101.3 218.9 68.4 320.2 Nutrition 90.4 175.2 66.0 265.6 10.9 11.8 52.0 22.7 101.3 187.0 64.9 288.3 Nutrition (CPE) - 13.6 100.0 13.6 - 18.3 100.0 18.3 - 31.9 100.0 31.9

Public Health 0.4 406.1 99.9 406.5 157.0 164.0 51.1 321.0 157.4 570.1 78.4 727.5 Public Health - 392.7 100.0 392.7 12.0 109.0 90.1 121.0 12.0 501.7 97.7 513.7 Public Health (CPE) 0.4 13.4 97.1 13.8 145.0 55.0 27.5 200.0 145.4 68.4 32.0 213.8

Total 556.0 836.4 60.1 1,392.4 304.4 196.2 39.2 500.7 860.4 1,032.6 54.5 1,893.1 State-Supported 552.8 774.1 58.3 1,326.9 135.1 122.9 47.6 258.0 687.9 897.0 56.6 1,584.9 Continuing and Professional Education 3.2 62.3 95.1 65.5 169.3 73.3 30.2 242.7 172.5 135.6 44.0 308.1

Definitions and NotesMajors: Students with a declared primary, secondary major or pre-major within the department or program offering a course. All other students are defined as "non-majors".CPE: Non-state supported programs administered through Continuing and Professional Education.

Note. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.

Spring Semester 2015

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Headcount (HCT) and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Majors


Undergraduate Graduate Total UGrad Grad TotalFirst- Sopho- ALL MASTER'S DOCTORAL ALL GRADUATE

Department or Program Year more Junior Senior Other UGRAD Active PF Total Active PF Total Active PF Total

Biostatistics and Epidemiology - - - - - - 30 - 30 14 4 18 44 4 48 48 - 50.2 50.2 Biostatistics - - - - - - 15 - 15 4 - 4 19 - 19 19 - 22.8 22.8

Epidemiology - - - - - - 15 - 15 10 4 14 25 4 29 29 - 27.4 27.4

Communication Disorders 43 67 58 119 - 287 51 - 51 23 5 28 74 5 79 366 270.8 107.8 378.6 Audiology - - - - - - - - - 22 - 22 22 - 22 22 - 27.7 27.7

Communication Disorders 43 67 58 119 - 287 51 - 51 1 5 6 52 5 57 344 270.8 80.1 350.9

Environmental Health Sciences - - - - - - 5 - 5 1 - 1 6 - 6 6 - 5.8 5.8

Health Promotion and Policy - - - - - - 30 1 31 9 6 15 39 7 46 46 - 47.3 47.3 Community Health Education - - - - - - 20 - 20 6 2 8 26 2 28 28 - 28.6 28.6

Health Policy Management - - - - - - 10 1 11 3 4 7 13 5 18 18 - 18.8 18.8

Kinesiology 107 183 202 281 - 773 10 3 13 23 4 27 33 7 40 813 766.5 36.0 802.5

Nutrition 43 73 76 102 2 296 12 1 13 - - - 12 1 13 309 274.4 16.2 290.7

Public Health - - - - - - 277 19 296 11 4 15 288 23 311 311 - 182.6 182.6 Public Health (CPE) - - - - - - 37 2 39 - - - 37 2 39 39 - 27.0 27.0

Public Health Nutrition - - - - - - 2 - 2 11 4 15 13 4 17 17 - 16.1 16.1

Public Health Nutrition (CPE) - - - - - - 46 3 49 - - - 46 3 49 49 - 26.0 26.0

Public Health Practice (CPE) - - - - - - 191 14 205 - - - 191 14 205 205 - 112.3 112.3

Public Health/Public Policy Administration - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - 1 - 1 1 - 1.1 1.1

Public Health Sciences 33 109 177 243 - 562 - - - - - - - - - 562 503.0 - 503.0

Total 226 432 513 745 2 1,918 415 24 439 81 23 104 496 47 543 2,461 1,814.7 445.9 2,260.6

Primary Majors 224 417 468 681 2 1,792 415 24 439 81 23 104 496 47 543 2,335 1,744.6 445.9 2,190.5

Secondary Majors 2 15 45 64 - 126 - - - - - - - - - 126 70.1 - 70.1

Unduplicated (Primary Majors) 224 417 468 681 2 1,792 415 24 439 81 23 104 496 47 543 2,335 1,814.7 445.9 2,260.6

State-Supported 224 417 468 681 2 1,792 141 5 146 81 23 104 222 28 250 2,042 1,814.7 280.6 2,095.3

Continuing and Professional Education - - - - - - 274 19 293 - - - 274 19 293 293 - 165.3 165.3

Definitions and NotesStudent Majors: A student with a declared major within the school or college. At the undergraduate level, data reported represent a duplicated count of student majors (primary and secondary majors). FTE student majors are

distributed proportionally across major programs. See Enrollment Definitions for additional details.Other: Includes post-graduate and all non-degree students.Active: Matriculating graduate students registered for courses or dissertation credits.Program Fee (PF): Matriculating graduate students assigned three credits while on Program Fee (no course).Primary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose primary major is in this school/college.Secondary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose secondary or tertiary declared major is in this school/college.Continuing and Professional Education (CPE): Undergraduate and graduate programs administered through CPE. Note 1. All data reflect the current organizational structure. Note 2. Excludes UMass undergraduate students on exchange at other institutions.

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Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Instructed StudentsSpring Semester 2015


Undergraduate Graduate Total

Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors Subtotal Majors Non-Majors TotalDepartment or Program FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE FTE FTE % of Total FTE

Aerospace Studies - 6.8 100.0 6.8 - - - - - 6.8 100.0 6.8

Bachelor's Degree with Individual Concentration 15.8 38.6 71.0 54.4 - - - - 15.8 38.6 71.0 54.4 Bachelor's Degree with Individual Concentration 15.2 32.0 67.8 47.2 - - - - 15.2 32.0 67.8 47.2 Bachelor's Degree with Individual Concentration (CPE) 0.6 6.6 91.7 7.2 - - - - 0.6 6.6 91.7 7.2

Commonwealth Honors College - 175.3 100.0 175.3 - - - - - 175.3 100.0 175.3

English as a Second Language - 10.0 100.0 10.0 - - - - - 10.0 100.0 10.0 - -

Exchange - - - - - 1.7 100.0 1.7 - 1.7 100.0 1.7 Exchange - - - - - 1.0 100.0 1.0 - 1.0 100.0 1.0 Exchange - - - - - 0.7 100.0 0.7 - 0.7 100.0 0.7

Military Leadership - 18.1 100.0 18.1 - - - - - 18.1 100.0 18.1 - -

University Without Walls (CPE) 248.5 1.8 0.7 250.3 - - - - 248.5 1.8 0.7 250.3

University, Other - 105.2 100.0 105.2 - - - - - 105.2 100.0 105.2 Community Service Learning - 29.6 100.0 29.6 - - - - - 29.6 100.0 29.6 First Year Faculty Seminar - 15.3 100.0 15.3 - - - - - 15.3 100.0 15.3 University - 15.1 100.0 15.1 - - - - - 15.1 100.0 15.1 University Internship Program - 45.2 100.0 45.2 - - - - - 45.2 100.0 45.2

Writing Program - 393.0 100.0 393.0 - - - - - 393.0 100.0 393.0

Total 264.3 748.9 73.9 1,013.1 - 1.7 100.0 1.7 264.3 750.5 74.0 1,014.8 State-Supported 15.2 740.5 98.0 755.7 - 1.7 100.0 1.7 15.2 742.1 98.0 757.3 Continuing and Professional Education 249.1 8.4 3.3 257.5 - - - - 249.1 8.4 3.3 257.5

Definitions and NotesMajors: Students with a declared primary, secondary major or pre-major within the department or program offering a course. All other students are defined as "non-majors".CPE: Non-state supported programs administered through Continuing and Professional Education.Note. All data reflect the current organizational structure. See Organizational Changes on page 2 for additional details.

Page 36 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015 University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR)


Headcount (HCT) and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Majors


Undergraduate Graduate* Total UGrad Grad TotalFirst- Sopho- ALL MASTER'S DOCTORAL ALL GRADUATE

Department or Program Year more Junior Senior Other UGRAD Active PF Total Active PF Total Active PF Total

Bachelor of General Studies (CPE) 1 - - 3 - 4 - - - - - - - - - 4 2.5 - 2.5

Bachelor's Degree with Individual Concentration - 30 57 99 - 186 - - - - - - - - - 186 154.2 - 154.2

Non-Degree - - - - 388 388 - - - - - - - - 568 956 183.5 264.2 447.7 Continuing and Professional Education - - - - 292 292 - - - - - - - - 419 711 106.8 173.2 280.0 Exchange Program - - - - 78 78 - - - - - - - - 39 117 71.6 44.3 115.8 Non-Degree - - - - 18 18 - - - - - - - - 110 128 5.1 46.7 51.8

University Without Walls (CPE) 27 118 349 349 - 843 - - - - - - - - - 843 440.1 - 440.1

University, Undeclared 1,052 466 38 3 - 1,559 - - - - - - - - - 1,559 1,601.8 - 1,601.8

Total 1,080 614 444 454 388 2,980 - - - - - - - - 568 3,548 2,382.0 264.2 2,646.2Primary Majors 1,080 609 434 430 388 2,941 - - - - - - - - 568 3,509 2,360.8 264.2 2,625.0Secondary Majors - 5 10 24 - 39 - - - - - - - - - 39 21.2 - 21.2

Unduplicated (Primary Majors) 1,080 609 434 430 388 2,941 - - - - - - - - 568 3,509 2,382.0 264.2 2,646.2State-Supported 1,052 491 85 78 96 1,802 - - - - - - - - 149 1,951 1,832.7 90.9 1,923.6Continuing and Professional Education 28 118 349 352 292 1,139 - - - - - - - - 419 1,558 549.3 173.2 722.6

* Graduate Non-Degree students have no degree level. They appear in this table aggregated under Graduate Total.

Definitions and NotesStudent Majors: A student with a declared major within the school or college. At the undergraduate level, data reported represent a duplicated count of student majors (primary and secondary majors). FTE student majors are

distributed proportionally across major programs. See Enrollment Definitions for additional details.Other: Includes post-graduate and all non-degree students.Active: Matriculating graduate students registered for courses or dissertation credits.Program Fee (PF): Matriculating graduate students assigned three credits while on Program Fee (no course).Primary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose primary major is in this school/college.Secondary Majors: The actual count of undergraduate students whose secondary or tertiary declared major is in this school/college.

Continuing and Professional Education (CPE): Undergraduate and graduate programs administered through CPE. Note 1. All data reflect the current organizational structure. Note 2. Excludes UMass undergraduate students on exchange at other institutions.

Spring Semester 2015

University of Massachusetts Amherst • Office of Institutional Research (OIR) Page 37 • Admissions and Enrollment Report, Spring 2015