Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS · 2011-01-25 · AdministeringJBIComponents forJavaCAPS...

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Administering JBI Componentsfor Java CAPS

Sun Microsystems, Inc.4150 Network CircleSanta Clara, CA 95054U.S.A.

Part No: 820–3396–12August 2009

Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. All rights reserved.

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Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS ................................................................................. 5JBI Component Overview .....................................................................................................................5

Life Cycle States Within the JBI Framework ................................................................................7JBI Administration Tools Overview ....................................................................................................8Using the JBI Manager in the NetBeans IDE to Administer JBI Components ...............................9Using the Admin Console to Administer JBI Components ........................................................... 11

Starting the Admin Console ....................................................................................................... 11Administering JBI Components from the Admin Console .................................................... 12

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBIComponents ......................................................................................................................................... 14

JBI Commands and Options for asadmin CLI ......................................................................... 14JBI Command Options and Values ........................................................................................... 28Starting the asadmin Utility ........................................................................................................ 30



Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS

The following sections provide an overview of the JBI component types and the administrativetools available from the Sun Java System Application Server (GlassFish V2) and NetBeans toadminister these JBI components. This document covers the JBI commands used by theseutilities and provides links to additional information. If you have any questions or problems, seethe Java CAPS web site at

This document covers the following topics:

■ “JBI Component Overview” on page 5■ “JBI Administration Tools Overview” on page 8■ “Using the JBI Manager in the NetBeans IDE to Administer JBI Components” on page 9■ “Using the Admin Console to Administer JBI Components” on page 11■ “Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI

Components” on page 14

JBI Component OverviewJava Business Integration (JBI) is an implementation of the JSR 208 specification, developed as away to implement a service-oriented architecture (SOA). JBI defines an environment that offersplug-in components that function as service providers (providers of services), serviceconsumers (consumers of services) or both, and interact using a services model based directlyon Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 2.0.


Java CAPS utilizes four types of JBI (Java Business Integration) Components:

■ Service Engines: Provide or consume services locally within the JBI runtime environment,and enable services such as business logic, processing, transformation, and routing services.For example, one Service Engine might execute long-lived business processes, while othersprovide data transformation or sophisticated Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) services.

■ Binding Components: Provide protocol independence for transport or communication.They access remote services using a specific protocol, such as HTTP or SOAP, and placethose services onto the JBI Normalized Message Router. The binding component convertsmessages from their specific protocol to XML, and from XML, back to their specifiedprotocol, a process called normalizing and denormalizing. Normalizing a message allowsother JBI components to access these messages from the NMR. Binding components arespecialized for theirspecific external protocols, such as HTTP, JMS, and others. This allowsany JBI component to communicate over any protocol or transport available from Bindingcomponents deployed to the JBI runtime environment. There is no need to implement theseprotocols separately in business logic.Binding components are specialized for their specific external protocols. This allows any JBIcomponent to communicate over any protocol or transport available from Bindingcomponents deployed to the JBI runtime environment. There is no need to implement theseprotocols separately in business logic.

■ Shared Libraries: Provide Java classes that are available to more than one JBI Component.For example, the Sun WSDL Library can be shared by several different binding components.

■ Service Assemblies: Provide specific application artifacts to configure how the componentprovides and consumes services. For example, an EAR file can be used to configure a Java EEService Engine to provide a desired service. A collection of such related artifacts is called aService Assembly. Each application artifact in the service assembly is a service unit. Theservice assembly contains configuration information that defines to which JBI componenteach service unit is deployed. For example, the EAR file mentioned above plus anotherapplication artifact, the SOAP Binding configuration data used to make the service availableto SOAP clients, constitute service units within a service assembly. Once an assembly isready for use, it is deployed to the JBI environment. The JBI environment automaticallydistributes the service units to the appropriate JBI components that use them. Serviceassemblies are typically created and deployed in a development tools environment, such asthat provided by the NetBeans IDE.For example, the EAR file mentioned above plus another application artifact, the HTTPBinding configuration data used to make the service available to SOAP clients, constituteservice units within a service assembly. Once an assembly is ready for use, it is deployed tothe JBI environment. The JBI environment automatically distributes the service units to theappropriate JBI components that use them.For Java CAPS, service assemblies are typically created and deployed in a development toolsenvironment, such as that provided by the NetBeans IDE. The following image displays theexpanded NetBeans JBI Manager and the four types of JBI Components.

JBI Component Overview

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 20096

Life Cycle States Within the JBI FrameworkJBI components, service assemblies, and service units, each have life cycle states that arecontrolled by JBI administrative tools. The lifecycle states of service units are managedindirectly through the service assembly. These lifecycles can include Installed, Stopped, Started,Shutdown, Deploy, and so forth.

The JBI Runtime server persists the life cycle states of JBI Components. When the applicationserver shuts down and then restarts, JBI Components revert to their state at the time theapplication server shut down.

Note – The JBI runtime attempts to revert to the “desired” state of a JBI component. Forexample, suppose you tried to start a JBI component but it did not start due to an error in thecomponent. If you restart the Application Server, the JBI runtime attempts to start thecomponent again.

JBI Component Overview

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 7

JBI Administration Tools OverviewThere are several tools that allow you to administer binding components, service engines,shared libraries, and service assemblies, all of which are considered JBI components as a generalterm in this documentation.

The primary tools used to manage JBI components are:

■ NetBeans JBI Manager: The NetBeans JBI Manager is a NetBeans application invoked fromthe Services window of the NetBeans IDE. You can right-click a JBI component or serviceassembly to view the administration options available.

■ Sun Java Systems Application Server (GlassFish) Admin Console: The Sun Java SystemApplication Server's Admin Console is a browser-based administrative tool that features aneasy-to-navigate interface and online help. Not only does the Admin Console provide JBIAdministration, it also supports system operations.

■ asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (asadmin Utility): The Sun JavaSystem (GlassFish) Application Server asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface(CLI) is a command-line tool that is integrated with the JBI Command Line Interface (CLI).The asadmin utility and the commands associated with it perform the same set tasks thatcan be performed in the Admin Console or JBI Manager. For example, start and stopdomains, configure the server, and deploy applications. The asadmin utility also providesadvantages for programmers and script writers interested in creating automated or batchedapplications.

■ Ant Tool (asant Utility): You can also use the asant utility to administer JBI components.The JSR 208 specification defines a standard set of Ant tasks for administering a JBIcomponents, and are provided as Glassfish Ant extensions. JBI Ant tasks and commands arenot covered in this document. For more information about using the asant utility toadminister JBI Components, see JBI Ant Task Details (

■ JConsole: JConsole is a Java(TM) application, included in the Java SE JDK, that allows youto connect to a JMX agent and view the information that is collected by the MBeans that aremanaged by an MBean Server. For more information on JConsole, see Using JConsole toMonitor Applications by Many Chung.

■ Scripting: Scripting can be used to write small programs to perform simple managementtasks. Scripting goes through the JDK's standard scripting interface, allowing you to usedozens of languages such as JRuby, Groovy, Jython, JACL, to name a few. Scripting for theJava Platform is specified by JSR-223, and describes mechanisms that allow scriptinglanguage programs to access information developed in the Java Platform and allow scriptinglanguage pages to be used in Java Server-side Applications. For more information, visit

JBI Administration Tools Overview

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 20098

Using the JBI Manager in the NetBeans IDE to Administer JBIComponents

The JBI Manager is a term used for the JBI node (and it's associated functionality), accessedfrom the Services window of the NetBeans IDE. The JBI node is found under Servers >GlassFish V2 in the Services tree, and is only available when GlassFish is running. To start theGlassFish Application Server, right-click the GlassFish V2 and select Start.

The expanded JBI node contains directories for the JBI components. Right-click the JBIcomponent directory to access the following functions:

Functions DescriptionServiceEngines




Directory Functions: Right-click the directory to access functions

Install Select and install a new instance of thecomponent.


Install andStart

Select, install, and start a new instance of thecomponent.


Deploy Select and deploy a new instance of thecomponent.


Deploy andStart

Select, deploy, and start a new instance of thecomponent.


Refresh Refresh a component directory to update thecomponent with the latest settings andinformation.


Component Functions: Right-click the component to access functions

Start Start a component causes it to beginprocessing, such as reading, transforming, orwriting data, or seeking, making, or droppingconnections.


Stop Stop a component to end processing, such asreading, transforming, or writing data, orseeking, making, or dropping connections.


Shutdown Shutting down a component keeps it availableto the application server, but flags it as notcurrently processing.


Uninstall Uninstalling a component removes it from theset of components that are available to theapplication server.


Using the JBI Manager in the NetBeans IDE to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 9

Functions DescriptionServiceEngines




Upgrade Upgrading a component undeploys anduninstalls the current instance of thecomponent and installs and transfers yoursettings to a new instance of the component.


Advanced >ForceShutdown

Forces the shutdown of a component whencircumstances do not allow the component toshutdown. This option instructs the JBIruntime to ignore any failures in thecomponent's method when processing thecommand. The component's method is stillcalled and given the opportunity to complete,but in the event the method throws anexception, it is ignored (but still logged in theappserver log).


Advanced >ForceUninstall

Forces the uninstall of a component whencircumstances do not allow the component touninstall. The JBI runtime ignores any failuresin the component's method when processingthe command. The component's method is stillcalled and given the opportunity to complete,but in the event the method throws anexception, it is ignored (but still logged in theappserver log).


Advanced >ForceUndeploy

Forces a Service Assembly to undeploy whencircumstances do not allow the component toundeploy. The JBI runtime ignores any failuresin the Service Assembly's method whenprocessing the command. The method is stillcalled and given the opportunity to complete,but in the event the method throws anexception, it is ignored (but still logged in theappserver log).



Purge Persistence Data is enabled (dependingon the state of the BPEL SE) when persistenceis turned on and data is available. Purgespersistence event records.


MonitorActions >Purge Data

Purge Data is enabled (depending on the stateof the BPEL SE) when persistence is turned onand data is available. Purges monitor eventrecords.


Using the JBI Manager in the NetBeans IDE to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 200910

Functions DescriptionServiceEngines




Undeploy Undeploying a component removes it from theset of components that are available to theapplication server.


Properties Properties opens the component propertieseditor.


Refresh Refreshing a component updates thecomponent with the latest settings andinformation.



Opens the Endpoint Statistics window for thecomponent and displays the provisioning andconsuming endpoints for that component. Thestatistics include Received-Done, Errors, andFaults, and Sent-Done, Errors, and Faults.

Other available statistics can be viewed fromthe component properties.


Using the Admin Console to Administer JBI ComponentsThe Sun Java System (GlassFish) Application Server includes a web browser-basedadministrative tool call the Admin Console. The Admin Console can be used to start and stopdomains, configure the server, deploy applications, and so forth. The Admin Console providescontext sensitive help to assist you with administration tasks.

Starting the Admin ConsoleTo start the Admin Console from NetBeans, right-click the Sun Java System Application Server(or GlassFish V2) node, under Servers in the Services window, and select View Admin Consolefrom the popup menu.

To start the Admin Console from a web browser located on the same computer on which theapplication server is running, open a web browser and type: http://localhost:4848/. This isthe configured default. If another port was specified during the installation of your applicationserver, use that port number.

To launch the Admin Console on a computer that is not hosting the application server, open aweb browser and enter the following web address:http://<hostname>:<port>where hostname is the name of the computer on which the application server is running, andport is the port number for the server.

Using the Admin Console to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 11

When you successfully connect, enter the username and password specified when theapplication server was installed. The Admin Console's default username and password areadmin (username) and adminadmin (password).

Administering JBI Components from the AdminConsoleFrom the left pane of the Admin Console, select the JBI node to view the screens available forJBI administration. By selecting the various JBI nodes in the Application Server tree, you canopen JBI administrative screens to perform the tasks listed in the table below.

JBI Node (select node) Console Screen Functions Available

JBI General (tab) Provides a summary of the installed JBI Runtime Components, aswell as links to the various component screens.

Configuration (tab) Configure JBI Runtime: configuration for JBI Component andLibrary installation and operation, and JBI service assemblydeployment and operation.

Logging (tab) Configure JBI System Runtime Loggers. Specify log levels for theindividual loggers.

Monitoring (tab) View runtime monitoring statistics for the JBI Runtimeframework and Normalized Message Router.


Service Assemblies Manage JBI service assemblies. Functions include deploy,undeploy, start, stop, and shutdown, and allows you to viewcurrent state of each service assembly.

Specific ServiceAssemblies (select aspecific serviceassembly under theService Assembliesnode)

Provides three tabs that allow you to:■ General: View the details for a JBI service assembly.■ Descriptor: View the JBI archive metadata 'jbi.xml' contents.■ Monitoring: View statistics for a service assembly.

Using the Admin Console to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 200912

JBI Node (select node) Console Screen Functions Available

Components Components Manage JBI binding components and service engines. Functionsinclude install, uninstall, upgrade, start, stop, and shutdown, andallows you to view current state of each component.

Specific BindingComponent orService Engine (selecta specific componentunder theComponents node)

Provides seven tabs that allow you to:■ General: View the details for a JBI binding component or

service engine.

■ Configuration: Configure properties, depending on thecomponent. Some components do not have configurationproperties.

■ Application: Allows you to select or create a user-namedApplication Configuration or Application Variable.

■ Descriptor: View the JBI archive metadata 'jbi.xml' contents.

■ Loggers: Manage the JBI component loggers. Specify log levelsfor the individual loggers.

■ Monitoring: View statistics for a service assembly.

■ Libraries: View installed Shared Libraries required by thiscomponent.

Shared Libraries Shared Libraries Manage JBI Shared Libraries. Functions include install anduninstall, and provides a description of the installed libraries.

Specific SharedLibrary (select aspecific SharedLibrary under theShared Librariesnode)

Provides three tabs that allow you to:■ General: View the details for a JBI shared library.■ Descriptor: View the JBI archive metadata 'jbi.xml' contents.■ Components: View components that require this Shared


Custom MBeans Custom MBeans Manage custom MBeans that have been deployed to the server.Functions include deploy, undeploy, enable, and provides thename, implementation class name, and status of the deployedMBeans.

For more information about using the Admin Console, see the Sun Java System ApplicationServer 9.1 Quick Start Guide at

Using the Admin Console to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 13

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface(CLI) to Administer JBI Components

The Sun Java System (GlassFish) Application Server includes a command line administrationutility known as asadmin. The asadmin utility can be used to perform any of the applicationserver's administrative tasks, including those for administrating JBI Components.

The asadmin Utility uses the following guidelines:

■ All asadmin commands and options are case sensitive.■ Option arguments are preceded by a single dash (-) or two dashes (--). Double dashes are

used to specify long option arguments and a single dash specify the short option argument.Not all arguments will have a short option. Most options require argument values exceptboolean options which toggle to switch a feature ON or OFF.

For more information on options and their use, see the JBI Command Options and ValuesTable.

■ The asadmin utility can be run in interactive and non-interactive modes. Interactive modewill prompt the user for input, and is the default mode.

■ The command syntax is:

asadmin command [-short_option] [short_option_argument]*

[--long_option [long_option_argument]* [operand]*

■ JBI command name syntax is:


For example: start-jbi-component or deploy-jbi-service-assembly.

This convention distinguishes JBI commands from other application server commands, andprovides a name that describes the purpose of the command.

■ Help can be obtained by issuing the following commands:■ asadmin --help (displays general help)■ asadmin command --help (displays help for the specified command)

JBI Commands and Options for asadmin CLIThe following table contains JBI CLI commands and options used to administer JBIcomponents. Some of these CLI commands have had options added to them to support the JavaCAPS.

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 200914

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

install-jbi-component: Installs aservice engine or bindingcomponent into the JBIenvironment.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]




--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


For more information on options andtheir use, see JBI Command Optionsand Values Table

The file path or componentname: The archive file that willcontain the componentattributes, or the name of thecomponent that has beenpreviously installed to thedomain.

start-jbi-component: Starts aservice engine or bindingcomponent on the specifiedtarget. If no target is specified, thecomponent is started on theembedded DAS server.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


The component name: The nameof the binding component orservice engine to start.

stop-jbi-component: Stops aservice engine or bindingcomponent on the specifiedtarget. If no target is specified, thecomponent is stopped on theembedded DAS server.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


The component name: The nameof the binding component orservice engine to stop.

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 15

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

shut-down-jbi-component:Shuts down a service engine orbinding component on thespecified target. If no target isspecified, the component isshutdown on the embedded DASserver.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--force|-F: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


For more information on options andtheir use, see JBI Command Optionsand Values Table

The component name: The nameof the component to shutdown.

uninstall-jbi-component:Uninstalls a service engine orbinding component on thespecified target. If no target isspecified, the component will beuninstalled from the embeddedDAS server.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I :[true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--force|-F: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--keeparchive: true|[false]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


The component name: The nameof the component to uninstall.

deploy-jbi-service-assembly:Deploys a service assembly intothe JBI Environment. The Targetoption (--target) is only relevantfor Application Server EnterpriseEdition.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--enabled: true|false

--upload: [true]|false


target name|[server]|domain


The file path or service assemblyname: The archive file that willcontain the service assemblyattributes, or the name of theservice assembly that has beenpreviously deployed to thedomain.

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 200916

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

start-jbi-service-assembly: Startsa service assembly on thespecified target. If no target isspecified, the command isexecuted against the serverinstance.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


For more information on options andtheir use, see JBI Command Optionsand Values Table

The service assembly name: Thename of the service assembly tostart.

stop-jbi-service-assembly: Startsa service assembly on thespecified target. If no target isspecified, the command isexecuted against the serverinstance.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


The service assembly name: Thename of the service assembly tostop.

shut-down-jbi-service-assembly:Shuts down a service assembly onthe specified target. If no target isspecified, the command isexecuted against the serverinstance.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


The service assembly name: Thename of the service assembly toshutdown.

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 17

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

undeploy-jbi-service-assembly:Undeploys a service assembly onthe specified target. If no target isspecified, the command isexecuted against the serverinstance.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--force|-F: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--keeparchive: true|[false]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


For more information on options andtheir use, see JBI Command Optionsand Values Table

The service assembly name: Thename of the service assembly toundeploy.

install-jbi-shared-library:Installs a shared library into theJBI Environment.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--upload: [true]|false


target name|[server]|domain


The file path: The archive file thatwill contain the shared library.

uninstall-jbi-shared-library:Uninstalls a shared library fromthe specified target instance orcluster. If no target is specified,the shared library is uninstalledfrom the embedded DAS server.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--force|-F: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--keeparchive: true|[false]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


The shared library name: Thename of the shared library touninstall.

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 200918

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

list-jbi-service-engines: Lists theservice engines that are installedin the JBI Environment. If nofilters are specified, the listincludes all installed serviceengines.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]




shared library name


service assembly name


target name|[server]|domain


For more information on options andtheir use, see JBI Command Optionsand Values Table


list-jbi-binding-components:Lists the binding componentsthat are installed in the JBIEnvironment. If no filters arespecified, the list includes allinstalled binding components.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]




shared library name


service assembly name

--target: [target name]



Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 19

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

list-jbi-shared-libraries: Liststhe shared libraries that areinstalled in the JBI Environment.If no filters are specified, the listincludes all installed sharedlibraries.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--target: [target name]


[component name]



list-jbi-service-assemblies: Liststhe service assemblies that areinstalled in the JBI Environment.If no filters are specified, the listincludes all installed serviceassemblies.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]



--target: [target name]


[component name]


For more information on options andtheir use, see JBI Command Optionsand Values Table


show-jbi-service-engine: Showsdetail information about thespecified service engine. Generalinformation is displayed bydefault. Additional information isshown if the configuration,loggers, or descriptor options arespecified.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain

--configuration: true|[false]

--loggers: true|[false]

--descriptor: true|[false]


The name of the service engine.



Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 200920

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

show-jbi-binding-component:Shows detailed informationabout the specified bindingcomponent. General informationis displayed by default.Additional information is shownif the configuration, loggers, ordescriptor options are specified.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain

--configuration: true|[false]

--loggers: true|[false]

--descriptor: true|[false]


The name of the bindingcomponent.



show-jbi-shared-library: Showsdetailed information about thespecified shared library. Generalinformation is displayed bydefault. Descriptor information isshown if the descriptor option isspecified.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain

--descriptor: true|[false]


For more information on options andtheir use, see JBI Command Optionsand Values Table

The name of the shared library.



show-jbi-service-assembly:Shows detailed informationabout the specified serviceassembly. General information isdisplayed by default. Descriptorinformation is shown if thedescriptor option is specified.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain

--descriptor: true|[false]


The name of the service assembly.



Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 21

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

upgrade-jbi-component:Upgrades a service engine orbinding component that iscurrently installed in the JBIEnvironment.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--upload: [true]|false

--upgradefile: [filepath]


The name of the component thatcurrently installed in the domain.



engine4-1.jar cli_test


set-jbi-runtime-logger: Sets thelog level for a logger in the JBIruntime.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


For more information on options andtheir use, see JBI Command Optionsand Values Table

Contains name=value pairsseparated by a comma, or thename of a file that contains thename=value pairs for the loggersthat are set. If the operandcontains spaces, it must be placedwithin double quotes. Spaces orwhite space inside the quotes istaken literally.

The value specified must be textthat represents a legal loggerlevel, or the text “DEFAULT” canbe specified. If “DEFAULT” isused, the logger is reset to itsinitial state, which is to inherit thelogger level from the parent.




Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 200922

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

set-jbi-component-logger: Setsthe log level for a specifiedcomponent.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain

--component: [component name]


Contains name=value pairsseparated by a comma, or thename of a file that contains thename=value pairs for the loggersthat are set. If the operandcontains spaces the operand mustbe placed within double quotes.Spaces or white space inside thequotes is taken literally.

The value specified must be textthat represents a legal loggerlevel, or the text “DEFAULT” canbe specified. If “DEFAULT” isused, the logger is reset to itsinitial state, which is to inherit thelogger level from the parent.





set-jbi-runtime-configuration:Sets the JBI runtimeconfiguration values.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


Contains name=value pairsseparated by a comma, or a nameof a file that contains thename=value pairs for theconfiguration values that will beset. If the operand containsspaces, the operand must beplaced within double quotes.

The exact name of theconfiguration variable must bespecified. Use theshow-jbi-runtime-configurationcommand to view the names andcurrent values for the runtimeconfiguration.



Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 23

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

set-jbi-component-configuration: Sets the bindingcomponent or service engineconfiguration values for the givencomponent name .

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--target: target name|[server]

--component: [component name]


For more information on options andtheir use, see JBI Command Optionsand Values Table

Contains name=value pairsseparated by a comma, or a nameof a file that contains thename=value pairs for theconfiguration values that will beset. If the operand containsspaces, the operand must beplaced within double quotes.

The exact name of theconfiguration variable must bespecified. Use theshow-jbi-binding-component orshow-jbi-service-enginecommand with the--configuration option to viewthe names and current values ofthe component configuration.





update-jbi-application-configuration: Updates theapplication configuration for thespecified component.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--target: target name|[server]

--component: [component name]

--configname: [configuration name]


Contains name=value pairsseparated by a comma, or a nameof a file that contains thename=value pairs for theapplication configuration valuesthat will be updated. If theoperand contains spaces, theoperand must be placed withindouble quotes.






Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 200924

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

update-jbi-application-variable:Updates the application variablesfor the specified component.Application variables are setusing the formatname=typevalue. If the type is notspecified, the default type, Stringwill be used. The valid types areString, Number, Boolean, andPassword.

When updating a variable, thetype of the variable specified mustmatch the type of the variablewhen it was created.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--target: target name|[server]

--component: [component name]


Contains name=value pairsseparated by a comma, or a nameof a file that contains thename=value pairs for theapplication variables that will beupdated. If the operand containsspaces or contains the squarebrackets specifying the type, theoperand must be placed withindouble quotes.

The type specified must matchwhat was originally specified inthe create command.





create-jbi-application-configuration: Creates anapplication configuration for thespecified component.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--target: target name|[server]

--component: [component name]


[configuration name]


For more information on options andtheir use, see JBI Command Optionsand Values Table

Contains name=value pairsseparated by a comma, or a nameof a file that contains thename=value pairs for theapplication configuration valuesthat will be created. If theoperand contains spaces, theoperand must be placed withindouble quotes.






Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 25

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

create-jbi-application-variable:Creates application variables forthe specified component.Application variables are setusing the formatname=[type]value. If the type isnot specified, the default type,String will be used. The validtypes are String, Number,Boolean, and Password.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--target: target name|[server]

--component: [component name]


Contains name=value pairsseparated by a comma, or a nameof a file that contains thename=[type]value pairs for theapplication variables to beupdated. If the operand containsspaces or contains squarebrackets specifying the type, theoperand must be placed withindouble quotes.





delete-jbi-application-configuration: Deletes anapplication configuration for aspecified component.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--target: target name|[server]

--component: [component name]


The name of the applicationconfiguration to be deleted.




binding testConfig

delete-jbi-application-variable:Deletes an application variable.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--target: target name|[server]

--component: [component name]


For more information on options andtheir use, see JBI Command Optionsand Values Table

The name or names of theapplication variables to bedeleted. If the operand containsspaces, the operand must be incased within double quotes.Spaces are taken literally.


variable --component

cli-config-binding FirstName

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 200926

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

list-jbi-application-configurations: Lists the JBIApplication Configurations forthe specified component.

--echo|-e : true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--target: target name|[server]

--component: [component name]







list-jbi-application-variables:Lists the JBI ApplicationVariables for the specifiedcomponent.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]

--target: target name|[server]

--component: [component name]







show-jbi-runtime-loggers:Shows the JBI runtime loggers.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain


For more information on options andtheir use, see JBI Command Optionsand Values Table



Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 27

Command Name Options and Values Operand and Example

show-jbi-runtime-configuration: Shows the JBIruntime configuration values.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain





show-jbi-statistics: Shows JBIstatistics, filtered using thespecified option values. To showmore then one statistical categorythe user can specify more thenone option value on thecommand line.

--echo|-e: true|[false]

--interactive|-I: [true]|false

--terse|-t: true|[false]

--secure|-s: true|[false]

--port|-p: [port number]

--host|-H: [localhost]

--user|-u: [admin user]

--framework: true|[false]

--nmr: true|[false]

--component: [component name]

--endpoint: [endpoint name]


[service assembly name]

--passwordfile: [filename]


target name|[server]|domain



Example:show-jbi-statistics --nmr

JBI Command Options and ValuesThe Following table provides a description of the JBI command options.

Option Value Description

Common Options: These options are common to most of the JBI Component asadmin commands.

--echo | -e true | false true indicates that the commandspecified on the command line isechoed to system output.

--interactive| -I true | false true (default) indicates that onlythe required password options areprompted.

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 200928

Option Value Description

--terse | -t true | false true indicates that the output isreduced to the minimal amount.

--port | -p The port number The HTTP/S port foradministration. Default port forPE: 4848, default port for EE: 4849

--secure | -s true | false true indicates that SSL/TLS is usedto communicate with the domainadministration server.

--host | -H localhost The machine name where the JBIapplication is running. The defaultvalue is localhost.

--user | -u The admin user The authorized domainadministration serveradministrative username.

--passwordfile filename The name of a file containing thepassword entries.

--target target name | [server]|domain The name of the target.

--help Displays the help text for thecommand.

Specialized Options: These options are for specific JBI Component asadmin commands only.

--assemblyname service assembly name Lists the components that haveASA deployed as part of the serviceassembly unit with the specifiedservice assembly name.

--component component name The name of the referencedcomponent.

--componentname component name Lists the shared libraries referencedby the specified component.

--configuration true|[false] Displays the component'sconfiguration values.

--descriptor true|[false] Displays the component's XMLdesriptor.

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 29

Option Value Description

--enabled true|false true indicates that the serviceassembly starts automatically whenthe system starts up. Users areallowed to access the serviceassembly. For EE, this optionenables the deployment on thespecified instance or cluster. Thisoption is ignored when the serviceassembly is deployed on the targetdomain.

--endpoint endpoint name Displays the endpoint statistics.

--force| -F true|[false] true indicates that the componentwill be forcefully shut down.

--framework true|[false] Displays the framework statistics.

--keeparchive true|[false] true indicates that the componentwill remain in the domain.

--libraryname shared library name Lists the components that currentlyuse the specified shared library.

--lifecyclestate shutdown|started|stopped The list can be filtered on thelifecycle state of the components.

--loggers true|[false] Displays the component's loggersand their levels.

--nmr true|[false] Displays the NMR (NormalizedMessage Router) statistics.

--serviceassembly service assembly name Displays the component's statistics.

--upgradefile [filepath] The new archive file path that isused to update the component.

--upload [true]|false true indicates that it uploads thefile to the administration server. Ifthe filepath of the installable file ismounted to the server machine, orif the administration server isrunning locally, set the uploadoption to false.

Starting the asadmin UtilityTo start the asadmin utility from the command line, go to the install-dir/bin directory, whereinstall-dir is the application server installation directory, and enter the command: asadmin.

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for Java CAPS • August 200930

For directions on how to configure a Windows Environment to use the asadmin Utility tools,see GlassFish Quick Start Guide (

For more information about using the asadmin Utility, see GlassFish JBICLI Project Plan( andJBI ADMIN CLI (

Using the asadmin Administrative Command Line Interface (CLI) to Administer JBI Components

Administering JBI Components for JavaTM CAPS 31