Adlt 602 class 1

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Adlt 602 class 1

Dr. Terry CarterOffice 3074 - Oliver Hall

Textbooks Objectives Grading Scale Reflective Practice and Use of a Blog University Guidelines

o Honor SystemHonor Systemo Email PolicyEmail Policyo Student ConductStudent Conducto Students with Disabilities / Religious ObservancesStudents with Disabilities / Religious Observanceso Cell phonesCell phoneso Emergency notification – Safety on CampusEmergency notification – Safety on Campus


Attendance and Active Engagement (10 points)

Use of a Learning Contract (10 points)

Development of a Program Plan (70 points) o Rationale, including Needs assessment and program

support (5)

o Program goals and objectives (15)

o Instructional plan and objectives (15)

o Evaluation strategy (including instruments or measures (20)

o Program funding, budget, and program review strategy (5)

o Poster presentation (10)

Engagement in Reflective Practice (10 points) 5

Class forms four groups

Each group receives a set of cards displaying various tasks in planning a program

Your job is to organize these in a model of effective program planning

Use wall space on either side of the room to display your program plan

Be prepared to give your rationale for the steps you will take and the order of them

Interactive Model of Program


Building a SolidBase of support Identifying

Program Ideas

Sorting and PrioritizingProgram Ideas

Developing Program Objectives

DesigningInstructional Plans

DevisingTransfer of LearningPlans

FormulatingEvaluating Plans

Making Recommendationsand CommunicatingResults

Preparing Budgetsand Marketing Plans

CoordinatingFacilities and On-site Events

Discerning the Context

Selecting Formats, Schedules, and Staff Needs