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Transcript of Adler

By Charles LokIB Psychology HLSeptember 19, 2008

Born in Vienna in 1870 Almost died of

pneumonia at age 5 Events of his

childhood influenced his later theories

Adler received his medical degree from the University of Vienna

He was favored by Freud at first

Freud and Adler’s idea’s conflicted

Adler created the Association for individual Psychology

Moved to United States where his ideas spread

Died in 1937

Adler focused on Individual Psychology

Unique Style of Life Behavior is

motivated by goals rather than unconscious drives

Inferiority was also a major driving force

Individual Psychology

What Adler is most famous for Everyone is unique A holistic way of looking at personality

and behavior 3 conflicts that a person has to

confront determines their personality




This a process that Adler thought motivated behavior.

Gaining power Desire of mastery

over oneself Lifelong process Guided by goals

Inferiority and Compensation

Neglect or sickness- Inferiority Complex

Overly pampered- Superiority Complex


The belief that you are lacking in some way

Children experience a sense of helplessness

The feeling that people try to overcome with compensation


The process of engaging in activities that make you feel good about yourself

Makes you feel superior to others Helps you overcome inferiority

Inferiority Complex

Excessive negativity on the part of the parents = Messed up child

This will manifest as withdrawal from social contact or the excessive seeking of approval from others

Superiority Complex

Results from over pampering = Excessively arrogant child

If a person has a superiority complex, he/she will view everyone as beneath him/her and will think that they are superior

First Child- Dethroned.

Second Child- Not over pampered or dethroned

Third Child- Over-pampered.

The Getting or Leaning The Avoiding The Ruling or Dominant The Socially Useful

Personality Types

Specially refined method based on his theories

Found out the individuals “Personality Type”

Degree of Activity Social Interest Qualitative and

detailed observations Childhood played a

role as well

Adler’s work is considered by some a revision of psychoanalytic theory rather than an alternative

Adler’s work lacks adequate evidence

His basic concepts lack evidence

Alfred Adler. Retrieved November 25, 2008, from NNDB Web site:

(2008 November 24). Alfred Adler. Retrieved November 25, 2008, from Wikipedia Web site:

Glassman, W (2006). Approaches to Psychology. New York: Open Press University.

Whetham, P (2006). Psychology. Australia: IBID Press.