
Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Adjectives


A. Circle the animal that is best described by the adjective in each box.

1.Big swan elephant squirrel

5.Fierce rabbit tiger carnet

2.Long snake frog parrot

4.Small hamster panda panther0

7.Colourful parrot crow sparrow

6.Striped bear zebra lion

8.Beautiful owl peacock ostrich

3.Tall giraffe snake rabbit


B. Underline the adjectives in the sentences.

1. Rosline is a pretty girl.

2. A knife is a useful thing.

3. Pak Ngah is a poor man.

4. Puan Mazlini is a kind woman.

5. A giraffe has a long neck.

6. Yesterday was a hot day.

7. A dictionary is a thick book.

8. Tarmizi lives in a small house.

9. My baby brother is a clever boy.

10.My cat has a short tail.

11.A crow is black.

12.Shamal is a clever boy.


C. Fill in the blanks with suitable adjectives of your own.

1. She brought a ____________ dress.

2. A clown has a ____________ face.

3. This water is ______________.

4. A cow is _________________ animal.

5. That boy is ____________ because he eats a lot.

6. Pardy is a _______________ boy.

7. This is a ________________ watch.

8. Mary has a ____________ lamb.

9. King Midas has a ___________ daughter.

10.That old knife has a ___________ blade.

11.He has ___________ feet.

12.Cats have ___________ whiskers.

13.This is a ______________ room.

14.That is a _____________ man.

15.Danny is a ____________ goalkeeper.


D. Circle the most suitable adjective.

1. The sun is shining. It is a _________ day.

A cold B hot C long

2. I like this book. It has an _______ story.

A expensive B old C interesting

3. The railway station is a ________ place.

A busy B old C dull

4. The elephant has a ______________ trunk.

A short B sharp C long

5. Mariam has a ________ house.

It has eight rooms.

A small B big C old

ADJECTIVESE. Fill in the blank with the correct adjective.

English, rainy, angry, heavier, Chinese,

tallest, lazy, farthest , highest, most hardworking

1. The _________ man kicked the door.

2. The _________ cat slept all day.

3. Jeremy did not go out because it was a ______ day.

4. The Himalayas is the _______ mountain range

in the world.

5. The ________ boy in class received the _____ marks.

6. The ________ man likes to eat ______ food.

7. Tommy hit the ball the ____ in his softball team.

8. This table is _____ than five people put together.

ADJECTIVESF. Circle the correct answer.

1. Alvin is __________ than his brother.

A strong B stronger C strongest

2. The Pahang river is ______ than the Klang river.

A long B longer C longest

3. Which of these animals is the ________ ?

A fast B faster C fastest

4. This dress is as ______ as the red one.

A comfortable B so comfortable C more comfortable

5. The weather today is ____than yesterday but last Sunday was the ______.

A cool, coolerB cooler , coolestC coolest, most cool

6. The _____ team won the netball competition.

A good B better C best

7. Kiara Apartment is _____ than Damai Flats.

A higher B higher C more high

8. The host was ____ than the hostess.

A friend B friendly C more friendly

9. We eaten as ______ fruits as them.

A much B more C many

10. She does her work ______ than the class monitor

A long B longer C longest

11. Diving is as _____ as skiing

A dangerous B more dangerous C most dangerous

12. They sold the ______ fruits at the night market.

A much B more C most

badly, neatly, soundly, quietly, bravely, patiently

ADJECTIVESG . Fill in the blank with the words given.

1. The tired man slept _________ throughout the night.

2. The thief crept ________ around the house.

3. The soldiers fought _______ against the enemies.

4. She wrote down her name ________ in the form.

5. We waited ______ for Rick at the cinema yesterday.

6. The lorry driver was _______ injured in the accident.

ADJECTIVESH . Fill in the blank with the adjectives given .

1. The coconut tree is ____ than the mango tree.( tall)

2. This chair is _______ than the sofa. (comfortable)

3. Azizul is the _____ boy in the class. (clever)

4. This knife is as _______ as that one. (sharp)

5. This river is ________ than that lake. ( deep)

6. Crown Hotel is the ______ hotel in Sepang. (big)

7. This restaurant is the ______ place I have

ever been.

8. That small box is _______ than this big box.


9. Husaini can run as ______ as his brother. (fast)

10. The dictionary is the ____ book in the library.



I . Fill in the blank with the comparative degree of the

adjectives given in the brackets .

1. A mother is _____ than a daughter. ( old)

2. The day is _____ than the night . (hot)

3. A road is ______ than a lane. ( wide)

4. A dog is ______ than a cat. (clever)

5. A lorry is ____ than a car. (heavy)

6. Johnny is ______ than Steven. (fat)

7. My grandfather is ____ than my father.

8. My baby brother is _______ than I am. (young)

9. Boys are ______ than girls. (naughty)

10.An elephant is ______ than an ox. (strong)

11.A clock is ______ than a watch. ( big)

12.A cherry is _____ than an apple. ( small)


J. Complete table below .

Positive Comparative Superlative

1. Slow Slowest

2. good better

3. Longer Longest

4.Fat Fatter

5. Braver Bravest

6. Soft Softer

7. Pretty Prettiest

8. Happy Happier

9. Cheap Cheapest

10.Many most

11. Little Less

12. Bad Worse


Grammar : ADJECTIVES.  

1. A coconut tree is ( tall , short)   2.Grandpa Chin is very old and ( weak, poor ). He cannot walk much. 3.The ( pretty, hardworking ) girl always does her homework.  4. The ( story, poor) man has no money to pay for the food.   5. We must not come ( late,early) to school.  6. A market is a ( noisy, clean) place.  7. A rose is a ( beautiful, green) flower . The plant has ( sharp, big) thorns on its stem.  8 .Everybody likes Encik Asmadi because he is very ( proud ,kind )   9. I cannot finish reading this (thick ,thin ) book in a day. 10. Maimunah swept the floor because it was ( dirty , clean )   11. Junaidah’s bullock cart was (pushed, pulled) by two strong bulls.