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Transcript of ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING IN · Za zdravljenje...




Anita Fekonja1, Nejc Ro{er2, Igor Drstven{ek3

1University of Maribor, Faculty of Medicine, Taborska ulica 8, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia2Interesansa – Institute for Production Technologies and Development, Teslova ulica 27, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

3University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Smetanova ulica 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

Prejem rokopisa – received: 2018-07-15; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2018-10-18


In recent years, digitalization and Additive Manufacturing (AM) have opened new perspectives in the field of personalizedcomplex medical and dental prostheses production and could be very useful also in orthodontics. Additively manufactured clearaligners for treating orthodontic malocclusions have been tested and evaluated. The treatment began with a three-dimensionalscan of the patient’s study cast and occlusion, followed by a treatment simulation using the software for the orthodonticplanning and design of teeth models in a normal occlusion. The aligners were made from a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU)foil by thermoforming it over the model made by laser sintering. The process has been tested and evaluated. Apart from therelatively well-known clear aligner treatment, a new appliance for the treatment of Class II malocclusions in growing patientshas been developed. The fixed sagittal guidance (FSG) appliance is individually designed to fit on the upper molars. It consistsof a crown and occlusal inclined plane. The crown has been designed using 3D dental design software and produced by selectivelaser melting (SLM) technology. After finishing the FSG is bonded on both upper molars. During closing of the jaw, theappliance provides guidance anteriorly and inferiorly to correct the sagittal and vertical deficiency in growing patients andproduces favorable and measurable dentofacial and skeletal changes. These two different types of appliances represent the firstuse of additive manufacturing for orthodontic praxis in Slovenia. The results show the great potential and future perspectives ofadditive manufacturing in orthodontic treatment.Keywords: additive manufacturing (AM), three-dimensional (3D), orthodontic appliance, malocclusion

V zadnjih letih sta digitalizacija in dodajalna tehnologija odprli nove mo`nosti na podro~ju izdelave individualnih kompleksnihmedicinskih in dentalnih pripomo~kov. Dodajalna tehnologija je lahko zelo koristna tudi v ortodontiji zaradi kompleksne oblikezob in prilagojene proizvodnje aparatov. Za zdravljenje ortodontske malokluzije smo testirali prozorni zobni aparat, izdelan spostopkom dodajalnih tehnologij. Zdravljenje se je za~elo s tridimenzionalnim skenom odlitka zob v okluziji. Sledila je simu-lacija zdravljenja z uporabo programske opreme za ortodontsko na~rtovanje in izvoz STL modelov zob v normalni okluziji.Prozorni ortodontski aparati so bili izdelani iz termoplasti~ne poliuretanske folije (TPU) s termoformiranjem preko modelov,izdelanih z laserskim sintranjem. Poleg relativno dobro znanega zdravljenja s prozornimi ortodontskimi aparati smo razvili novovodilo za zdravljenje malokluzije razreda II pri odra{~ajo~ih pacientih. Fiksni aparat za sagitalno vodenje je individualno zasno-van tako, da se popolnoma prilega zgornjima zadnjima ko~nikoma. Sestavljen je iz krone (kobalt-kromove zlitine) in okluzalnonagnjene ravnine, izdelane iz materiala SR Chromasit. Krona je bila zasnovana s 3D programsko opremo za zobne aplikacije inizdelana s tehnologijo selektivnega laserskega taljenja. Fiksni aparat za sagitalno vodenje ve`emo na oba zgornja ko~nika inmed zapiranjem ~eljusti vodi aparat spodnjo ~eljust v pravilni sagitalni in vertikalni polo`aj pri odra{~ajo~ih pacientih. Ti dverazli~ni vrsti aparatov predstavljata prvo prakti~no uporabo dodajalnih tehnologij v ortodontiji v Sloveniji. Rezultati ka`ejovelik potencial in perspektivo dodajalne tehnologije pri ortodontskem zdravljenju.Klju~ne besede: dodajalne tehnologije, 3-dimenzionalno, ortodontski aparati, ortodontske nepravilnosti


Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a common name fortechnologies that build 3D objects by adding material ina layer-by-layer form. The principle of layered pro-duction makes them very suitable for the low-volumeproduction of parts with very complex shapes. The use ofAM technologies requires a digital model of the part, anAM machine and a layering material. Once a CADmodel is produced, the AM machine reads the data fromthe CAD file and lays down or adds successive layers ofliquid, powder, sheet or other material, in a layer-upon-layer fashion to fabricate the 3D object. Because of itssuitability for the low-volume production of complexparts, AM technology very soon found its way into

medical and especially dental applications.1–9 Untilrecently, orthodontic applications have been laggingbehind, but with the newest research and applicablesolutions 10 it is becoming clear that AM technologieswill also have to be considered in this field.

The clear aligner treatment is already well known inorthodontics, but it is limited to a small number ofcompanies that offer this kind of service. AM machinesmake it possible to transfer the whole value chain of theclear aligner market into a single orthodontic laboratoryif the work of a dental technician can be avoided. This isonly possible if the whole workflow starts and finishesinside the computer program, which outputs the 3D datafor the additive manufacturing of the final aligners. AMalso opens new possibilities for curing malocclusions ofdifferent types. The fixed sagittal guidance (FSG)appliance promotes the growth of the lower jaw in

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UDK 616.314-089.23:616-76 ISSN 1580-2949Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 53(2)165(2019)

*Corresponding author

patients with class II malocclusions. Using AM tech-nologies and modern dental scanning and planningsoftware the FSG appliance can be designed and pro-duced between two sessions, thereby reducing the costsand the time required by the orthodontist. This reviewprovides a brief discussion about the use of AM inorthodontics.


In recent times, digitalization has played an import-ant role in the manufacture of dental parts. In bothappliances, the process began with a high-quality algi-nate impression of the upper and lower jaw for theworking model. In next stage, the working model wasscanned by an optical 3D scanner to obtain the data forthe further digital workflow. Using an intraoral scanner,this part can be streamlined by avoiding the casting andscanning of the working model (Figure 1). But, eventhough, the whole process of optical scanning of theworking models turned out to be at least as fast as theprocess of intraoral scanning. Regardless of the processfor obtaining the digital data, the data need to beexported in the form of an exact virtual replica of theworking model (Figure 2). The output file format isusually STL (Surface Tessellation Language).

From this stage the manipulation of the virtual mo-dels and the production of these two appliances differs.

2.1. Fixed sagittal guidance (FSG)

The virtual model is processed by the dental softwareused for designing the fixed dental prosthetic elements.The crown of the FSG is modeled and then manufacturedinto the 3D part (crown of FSG) by selective lasermelting (SLM) out of Co-Cr alloy (Figure 3). SLM isone of the AM technologies that uses a laser beam tomelt powdered metal in a layer-by-layer manner.11 Theresulting product metal crown of the FSG is veryaccurate, which ensured a perfect fit to the structure ofthe tooth. The crown is ready to be covered by theocclusal inclined plane made from SR Chromasitmaterial (Ivoclar Vivadent, Figure 4).

The inclination of the inclined plane to the occlusalplane is individually designed according to the anatomi-cal situation of the patient, thereby actively guiding themandible anteriorly during jaw closure. It is individuallymade in the laboratory using an articulator. The con-struction of a wax bite is necessary for the production ofthe inclined plane. To register the bite for FSG manu-facturing, the patient was asked to close his/her mouth in


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Figure 2: 3D virtual model

Figure 1: The working model is scanned with an intraoral scanner

Figure 4: Crown covered by occlusal inclined plane made from SRChromasit material (Ivoclar Vivadent) guides the mandible anteriorlyduring jaw closure

Figure 3: Crown of FMBG manufactured by selective laser melting(SLM) using Co-Cr alloy

the proper sagittal and vertical dimension. Theinclination of the inclined plane can be adjusted in thelaboratory depending on the specific case (severity ofClass II relationship, deep bite).

2.2. Clear aligner

The virtual working model is imported into asoftware package for the orthodontic treatment planningand the design of the teeth models in a normal occlusion.Four different software packages were tested. All ofthem enable the manual movement of the teeth in thevirtual jaw. In this way, the teeth are virtually moved intothe ideal positions that should be achieved with the clearaligners treatment. The intermediate treatment stages(the positions of the teeth) are automatically computedand the virtual models of these stages are prepared forexporting. The number of stages varies depending uponthe degree of irregularity.12 At this stage no significantdifferences have been found among the differentorthodontic software packages. However, among the fourpackages only one enables the export of the STL modelof the clear aligner; the other three only enable exportingof the model, which can be a serious shortcoming as theAM materials evolve.13 To export the aligners the soft-ware must provide an interface where the thickness andgum offset of the exported aligners can be adjusted.Conventionally, aligners are made from a thermoplasticpolyurethane (TPU) foil (Figure 5) by thermoforming itover the model made by laser sintering (SLS).

The orthodontic forces and the moments generatedby the thermoplastic aligners depend on the amount ofactivation14 and the material thickness.15 The resultssuggest that the activation of the lingual bodily move-ment of the maxillary central incisor should not exceed0.5 mm and the initial 4 d or 5 d is important with res-pect to the orthodontic treatment incorporating analigner. The technology has continued to improve clear

aligner treatments since their inception. Replacing theimpressions with increasingly more accurate intraoralscanners, 3D printing instead of plaster models, indivi-dual tooth movement and staging in virtual setups, andimprovements in aligner materials and attachments areall examples of recent advances.16 During the researchdirectly printed aligners (Figure 6) produced bystereolitography (SLA) were tested. Several photocuringresins that correspond to the medical devices directive93/42/ECC for the production of Class IIa medicaldevices entered the market in recent years. By adjustingthe thickness and post-curing process, these materialscan be used to directly produce aligners. Directly printedaligners are cheaper to produce, but not as flexible asthermoplastic polyurethane foil and not so transparent.Once they are in the mouth mixed with saliva the visualdifference is minimal.


3.1. Fixed sagittal guidance (FSG)

Patients with different severity of Class II mal-occlusion due to retrognathic mandible and deep bitewere successfully treated using a FSG appliance madeby SLM. The results were assessed through an analysisof the study cast and lateral cephalographs before andafter treatment.

The study casts of all the patients after the treatmentshowed a Class I relationship, and a proper overbite andoverjet. The analysis of the lateral cephalographs of allthe patients after the treatment showed a skeletal Class Ijaw relationship with the proper mandibular position,reduced facial convexity and increased lower anteriorfacial height (Table 1). The total improvement in the


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Figure 6: Directly printed alignerFigure 5: Thermoformed aligner

occlusal and soft-tissue relationships was the result ofdental, skeletal and soft-tissue changes.Table 1: Comparison of cephalometric variables between pre-treat-ment (T0) and post-treatment (T1) in patients treated with FSG

Cephalometric variable T0 T1SNB (°) 76 77.5SNPg (°) 78.5 79.5ANB (°) 3 2.5Wits (mm) 4 2SN/PL (°) 7 6.5SN/ML (°) 26.5 31LAFH(mm) 61 63.5UAFH/LAFH (per cent) 76.2 74.8FH index (per cent) 66.7 65.9U1/PL (°) 113 108L1/ML(°) 93 93.5Overbite (mm) 6.5 2.5Overjet (mm) 7 3

3.2. Clear aligner

Clear aligner treatment (CAT) is an effective proce-dure that can align and level the arches in non-growingsubjects. The anterior intrusion movement achievablewith CAT is comparable to that reported for the straight-wire technique, but it is not effective in controlling theanterior extrusion movement. Contrasting results havebeen reported in relation to the posterior vertical control,and a definite conclusion cannot be drawn. CAT is noteffective in controlling rotations, especially those ofrounded teeth. In this case, attachments are necessary. Itis effective in controlling the posterior but not theanterior buccolingual inclination. CAT is effective incontrolling the upper molar bodily movement when adistalization of 1.5 mm has been prescribed. CAT is notbased on aligners alone; it requires the use of auxiliaries(attachments, interarch elastics, IPR, altered alignergeometries) to improve the predictability of the ortho-dontic movement.17 Simple cases have been successfullytreated, typical for treating with clear aligners. Treatingmore complicated cases, such as open bite, is harder toachieve and includes the use of auxiliaries.


Freedom of design, mass customization, waste mini-mization and the ability to manufacture complex struc-tures, as well as fast prototyping, are the main benefits ofAdditive Manufacturing (AM). In recent years, digitali-zation and Additive Manufacturing (AM) have openednew perspectives in the field of personalized complexmedical and dental prostheses production.18 AM couldalso be very useful in orthodontics because of the com-plex shape of teeth and the customized production ofappliances.2–10

The FSG appliance is completely individually de-signed for patients with a Class II relationship due to aretrognathic mandible. The FSG appliance, in closing the

jaw, guides the mandible anteriorly and inferiorly tocorrect the sagittal and vertical deficiency, whichachieved an increase in the mandibular length and theforward and downward movement of the mandible.

The function of the FSG appliance is similar toelastic and flexible fixed units (Jasper jumper, Herbstappliance) but without an influence on the lowerincisors’ proclination, reported by Pancherz,19 Stucki andIngervall,20 Weiland et al.,21 Gohilot et al.,22 Neves etal.23 So, the FSG is ideal in the case of proclined inci-sors, because there is a great need to control the incisorinclination.

Using the FSG appliance, the upper and lower jaware not connected, which allows the patient to open themouth fully and all the functional movements are almostfrictionless. Other fixed units (Jusper jumper, Herbstappliance) connect the upper and lower jaws togetherand therefore somewhat restrict the jaw’s movement.

A deep bite due to an excessive curve of the Speeoften accompanies a Class II malocclusion. With theFSG appliance it is possible to level an excessive curveof the Spee in the lower arch. The presented researchidentified a decrease in the overbite due to leveling of theSpee curve and a mandibular downward rotation.

FSG enables the concomitant use of a palatal arch inthe case of a narrow upper jaw, which is an additionaladvantage of this method of treatment.

CAs are designed for each person individually. Oneof the advantages of using the CA is the ability toselectively orchestrate the dental movements. Thevelocities of every tooth can be dictated and monitoredas the treatment is planned and executed. Periodontallycompromised teeth can also be almost left stationaryduring the treatment with minimum and/or no mecha-nical pressure.

Teeth are not 100 % predictable, so overcorrectionsare necessary. During the research, an approximately70 % predictability can be certified.

This method of treatment for simple cases is equallyeffective as conventional fixed appliances. Conventionalfixed appliances have been more effective in malocclu-sion treating, but treating with clear aligners is 30 %faster24 and they are barely visible.

CAs are easy to remove, and hence do not interferewith maintaining hygiene. They are transparent and donot interfere with speech.


In a treatment with a digital and fast procedure inpatients with Class II malocclusion due to a retrognathicmandible, the results for the patients are promising,although long-term results are not yet available.

Over the past 16 years, CA treatment has developedfrom a technique for only treating mild crowding or thespacing of anterior teeth to a technique that can be usedto treat almost any type of orthodontic problem. How-


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ever, to do so, it is important to understand the limi-tations of the appliance and to be able to think "out ofthe box" in treatment planning. Aligner materials andattachments will continue to improve, which will allowaligners to fit better and for longer periods of time andresult in better outcomes.


The authors would like to thank the HealthcareCentre Maribor, Slovenia, for technical manufacturing ofthe FSG and CA.

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