Adding bells and whistles to your blog

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Adding bells and whistles to your blog

Add ‘bells and

whistles’ to

your blogby Fiona Beal

1.Add pages to

your blog

Blogs can look like websites

with their different pages

You can have 24 pages on a Blogger blog

This shows the pages

on an Edublogs blog

2. Join your own blog

and get the ball rolling

Join our blog

3. Get your ‘About me’ page

up to date

Even if you decide

to keep your

location private try

and say something

interesting about


4. Add an attractive header

to your blog

This just gives your blog a nice feel!

Add ‘widgets’ to your blog’

The next group are known as

‘widgets’. Widgets are the little

side items one puts on a blog

to make it more interesting

5. Add a welcoming Voki

to your blog

This is a speaking

avatar and it really

adds spice to a blog

6. Get a ‘clustr map’

It is very exciting to see the world map

fill up as other teachers come across

your blog

7. Get a live traffic feed

on your blog

This will show you

which town is

visiting your blog at

this moment. Very


8. Adopt a pet for

your blog

If you have a

classroom blog your

class will love to

have a pet!

9.Add a ‘Google translate’


This means that foreigners visiting

your blog can translate it into their


10.Add a Twitter feed to

your blog

You can keep track

of your tweets on

your blog!

11.Add your curriculum

down the side of your


It is always

interesting for the

parents to see what

the class is doing in

a term

12.Add a bookshelf to your blog

Find the books you and your class

have read and add them to a Shelfari

bookshelf widget

13.Add a blog roll of your

favourite blogs

Visit other blogs you like to look at

regularly easily

14.Add a blogroll of the

students in your class

If you decide that

your class should

each have their own

blog as many

teachers do, add the

link at the side of

your blog

Turn your blog into a book at the

end of the year

Keep those memories forever!

Price list for the various types of books