Adding Assignments and Assessing in Chalk&Wire

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Adding Assignments and Assessing in Chalk&Wire



You can set up a Chalk&Wire assignment by using this link under the Assessments tab.

Enter a name for the assignment.

If you use the Blackboard Grade Center, you can

Enable Grading.

Set to 100.

Allow students to view their grade in


This feature allows you to give students a percentage grade along with their regular

rubric scores and comments.

Using this feature is optional.

Then click “Submit” at the bottom of the page.

In Blackboard, click on the new C&W link.

This will take you to a dropdown menu from which you can select your department and then

the Table of Contents your course requires.



The assessor, Paul Allen, logs into the Blackboard and selects the Chalk&Wire assignment.

This list on the left is all the submitted work this assessor

has yet to assess.

To open an assessment, click on it and then select “Assess” from

the pop-up menu.

When you first open Chalk&Wire, you will be brought to this main dashboard screen.

This list on the left is all the submitted work this assessor

has yet to assess.

To open an assessment, click on it and then select “Assess” from

the pop-up menu.

To access your assessments, click on the grey Menu bar, then select “Assessments” from the Main Menu, and “Assess” from

the following menu.

This list on the left is all the submitted work this assessor

has yet to assess.

To open an assessment, click on it and then select “Assess” from

the pop-up menu.

To access your assessments, click on the grey Menu bar, then select “Assessments” from the Main Menu, and “Assess” from

the following menu.

If you would like to be automatically brought to the Assessment page whenever you login to

Chalk&Wire, click the button indicated below to make this screen your C&W homepage.

This is the assessment interface.

The grading rubric appears below or to the left of assignment pages. Documents can be

downloaded or viewed directly in the page using Crocodoc™.

Hovering over a performance level displays its description

text. Clicking the box selects it.

The rubric panel can either display one criterion at a time or

expand to show all at once.


After saving the assessment, you are presented a box to enter the grade, as a percentage, to

appear in the Blackboard grade center. Adding a percentage grade is optional.