Ad Critiques

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Ad Critiques





!!!Client: 02!!Agency: VCCP!!Source: Posted in the underground !!Strategy: Time efficient !!Target Audience: People who use cell phones. !!Discussion: I have seen several ads from the same company posted many places around the city. They use the words “be more dog” as their slogan, which was confusing to me at first, but it made me think. Dogs are very active, while cats are very lazy. I think they are saying that they are more active with their service, so that we can be more active with our cell phone usage. I like this ad because it made me think about what the company is presenting me, and I understood the product more because of it. !





!!!!!Client: Sunglass Hut!!Agency: Gotham !!Source: Oxford Street tube stop!!Strategy: Summer feels !!Target Audience: People going to Oxford Street to shop. !!Discussion: This ad fills up almost an entire hallway in the Oxford Street tube stop. It covers the walls and ceiling with what looks like water. It makes you feel as if you are surrounded by water, which creates a calming affect. I think this ad is very effective in creating the feel of summer, which makes it an effective ad because that appears to be the strategy. !



!!!!Client: Natwest !!Agency: M&C Saatchi !!Source: Camden town tube stop!!Strategy: Convenient banking  !!Target Audience: Tube travelers !!Discussion: This is a very simple ad. It tells you of a simple, three-step, way to check your bank balance. I think it is targeted at tube travellers because it says, “That’s checking your balance while waiting on the tube.” I know that if I were a member of this bank, this ad would persuade me to download the app. It would not convince me to change from my current bank to this one; I don’t think that is the point of the ad though. I like the ad because it is simple, effective, and you don’t have to think about it very much. When traveling on the tube, there is no time to stop and examine!an ad. This one takes no time to comprehend.!!!!!!!!!

!!!!Client: London School of Business and Finance!!Agency: LSBF In-house agency  !!Source: Tube stop!!Strategy: More income !!Target Audience: People in the business industry/Business students !!Discussion: This ad does many things right, but many things wrong as well. I like that they have created a hashtag just for!this campaign. I also like that they even made a twitter for this fictional character, and take the time to post on it regularly. The twitter and the hashtag make this campaign more interactive between the consumer and the brand!itself. It also creates an easy way to see how many people are paying attention to their ads just by checking the twitter followers or hashtag usages. I do not like that they are implying that there is any sort of correlation between income and the worth of a human being. This can be seen as a very negative aspect of this ad. I also do not like that they are implying that thinking outside of the box is a negative characteristic of a human being.I do not like this ad. If they had correlated the worth of Phil by his working habits, and not his style or mindset, it might have been a good ad. !!



!!!!!Client: Oxford Landing Estates!!Agency: kwp!!!Source: Tube stop!!Strategy: Culture through wine  !!Target Audience: 18+ Women in the tube!!Discussion: This ad’s copy reads, “Get to know a!real south Australian.” This is a clever tagline because it draws in a number of different audiences. It draws in aspiring travelers because it implies that they can get a taste of South Australia with this wine. I believe they show the man in the ad so that it will attract women. Wine is primarily a drink consumed by women, so the picture of the man is certainly not hurting their sales. I like this ad because it so clearly points out the differences between this wine!and other wines. This wine is Australian; it’s got a special quality about it because of that.  !!!!!!!



!!!Client: PowPowNow!!Agency: Gyro!!Source: Jubilee Train!!Strategy: Hassle-free conference calling!!Target Audience: Businessmen!!Discussion:This is an ad directed at people whose!jobs require frequent conference calls. This could be something like an ad agency that is inside of a network calling another agency 500 miles away. I don’t really understand the top part of the copy, but I think that it is a perfect!example of an international ad that is so foreign to us Americans, it could never run in America. The bottom part of the copy says, “People type tougher than they talk. Don’t let them hide behind email. Get them on an instant,hassle-free conference call now.” I think that this means that if the call is!hassle free, and people will not be hiding behind emails and delaying their response, things will get done faster. People respond faster to a phone call than an email, so this ad is promoting speed. I think it’s a good ad if you are British and understand what the copy means, but for an American it is a little bit odd. !!!!

!!!!Client: Marsh & Parsons Estates Agency!!Agency: AMV!!Source: Westminster tube stop!!Strategy: Award winning !!Target Audience: Those looking into buying real estate!!Discussion:!This ad is very boastful and does not offer any evidence for their company’s ability to help customers other than the!awards that they have won. I do not like this ad, because it only shows an award they have received from one awards ceremony. I know it says that they have won 4 years in a row now, which offers a bit of comfort for the consumer. It does not, however, show what sort of valor the award holds within it. Who were their competitors? What did they do to deserve this award? Why was their service better than it’s competitors? These are the questions that they should have been answering to show how prestigious the award actually is. This ad does not make me want to buy real estate from Marsh & Parsons; it makes me want to research their competitors. !!!!

!!!Client: No7!!Agency: OMD, Drum!!Source: Boots on Oxford Street!!Strategy: Effective products!!Target Audience: Aging women!!Discussion:This ad is for a brand that is sold exclusively at Boots, so the ad placement is perfect. It is displayed in the window for all of Oxford Street to see, which might entice some of the crowd to venture inside of boots. They don’t!have to pay for ad space inside of their own store, so they are making more profit on the items. I like that they include the survey numbers on the ad. This makes women feel better about buying the item, because they are assured that it will work for them. The ad is colorful in all areas except for where!the main copy is located, so you are easily able to read the copy. The color of the ad drags your eyes towards it, but does not hinder the consumer’s ability to read the copy. It is a very effective ad in my opinion. !!!!!!!


!!!Client: NetBet!!Agency: FCB!!Source: Double Decker Bus on Oxford Street!!Strategy: More exciting sports!!Target Audience: Sports fans!!Discussion: This ad has one advantage over every other ad I have critiqued so far, coverage. While the other ads sit in one place, and the only way to see it is by going to its specific location, this one is mobile and above ground for all!to see. Placing ads on the side of buses and taxis is an excellent location, because there is no avoiding seeing them. Buses and taxis are on every street in London, you cannot go anywhere without seeing a few. The ad itself is very clever as well. If you bet money on a game, it is going to be much more!exciting when either team scores. The tagline is very true. The picture shows a man swimming away from a shark, which of course would make swimming more exciting and terrifying. It is probably a similar feeling to betting on a close game, I imagine. I like this ad for many reasons. !!!!!!

!!!Client: Travelodge !!Agency: CHI&Partners/Initiative!!Source: Time Out London Magazine !!Strategy: Exciting !!Target Audience: Travelers!!Discussion: This ad does not make me want to stay in Travelodge hotel. This ad makes it seem like you aren’t going to get any sleep in a Travelodge hotel because the person above you is going to be bouncing on the bed and making noise all night. By printing this ad, they are almost saying that it is okay to be loud inside of your hotel room and disturb others. This ad seems more directed at children than anything else, but children cannot be the target audience. You have to be above a certain age to rent a hotel room, and anyone young enough to want to jump on the bed will almost certainly not be old enough to rent one of their rooms. The copy at the bottom says that they are putting new, king-sized beds!in their hotel rooms. I feel like this should have been the main focus of the ad and not reduced to a small font size at the bottom of the page.  This would have increased my interest in their company. !!!!

!!!Client: Bell & Ross !!Agency: Bell & Ross!!Source: Intelligent Life magazine by The Economist!!Strategy: Trustworthy!!Target Audience: Adult men!!Discussion: This ad reassures me that we can trust these watches. One of images shows a jet and the other shows a pilot wearing the watch. Just knowing that these watches!are worn by the military even when flying makes me feel comfortable assuming that the watches are trustworthy. Associating products with airplanes make them seem like they can be trusted, even if the product is not essential to the!function of the airplane. I really like the layout of the ad. They used a black background even though the product shown is a black watch. The colors differ just enough to where you can make out where the edges of the watch lay, and are!able to tell what is watch and what is background. The black on black layout makes the ad seem smooth and appealing to the eye. By referring to the product as time instruments instead of watches, it gives the consumer the idea that!this product is much more than just a watch. !!!!


!!Client: Slazenger !!Agency: Antidote !!Source: Lillywhites store on Regents Street!!Strategy: Trustworthy!!Target Audience: Tennis Players !!Discussion: I feel the strategy of this ad is making the consumer feel like the balls can be trusted, and have been trusted for many years in the worlds most competitive!tennis tournament. This ad is a display inside of a store window on Regent’s Street. The fact that the ad is 3D adds a lot to it, because it attracts the eye of a potential consumer of the product. The tagline is very clever because it takes a part of the game and incorporates it into a clever phrase that everyone can easily remember. The picture in the background shows a tennis ball in action, which is nice because!it creates movement in an otherwise still advertisement. The ad even contains a 3D, enlarged model of the packaging of the product. This is helpful because now the consumer knows exactly what to look for when purchasing tennis balls they know they can trust. !!!!!!



!!!!!!Client: Vodafone !!Agency: WPP!!Source: Taxi on Regents Street!!Strategy: Fast Internet Streaming !!Target Audience: Cell phone users !!Discussion: Again, an ad that has vast coverage all over London. I think advertising on taxis and busses is an ingenious idea. This ad shows the Vodafone logo and designs all over the cab. There is very little copy, but the copy that is there gets the point across. They took a relatively common phrase, full steam ahead, and changed it just by one letter to fit their brand perfectly. Full steam ahead,of course means that one is moving forward with vast amounts of energy anddetermination. By adding one R to the phrase, it creates the same meaning, but defines a more specific way of travelling. The travelling this ad is referring to is streaming the Internet. One can easily decipher the meaning of the ad with one look, which might be all the time they would have to look at the ad since it moves frequently. !!!!!!!!


!!Client: Yorkshire Bank!!Agency: Gorgeous !!Source: Clydesdale Bank !!Strategy: Comfort!!Target Audience: Younger account holders!!Discussion: This ad is very appealing to children, because it shows a child playing with an animal. It also offers support and comfort, which is something that is more!appealing to younger people than older experienced people. Of course, everyone needs comfort and support sometimes, but not as often when you are older!because you have already been through bad experiences and know how to get past them. The ad is very pleasant to look at. There are no harsh colors or crazy designs that might be hard to comprehend. They are really giving off the vibe that they care about the customers, and that is something many people look for in a company. I like this ad because it is calming and creates positive feelings for the consumer. !



!!Client: Karrimor!!Agency: Harry Mckinnon!!Source: Lillywhites on Regents Street!!Strategy: Durable!!Target Audience: Hikers and Campers!!Discussion: Another 3D ad in the window of Lillywhites. This time they include the actual products so the consumer can see what they are advertising without needing to look in the store to see an actual item. The tagline “Built for Adventure” is really simple and effective.  When I think of adventure, I think of rugged terrain. In rugged terrain, shoes and other objects could easily be worn down and break midway through the adventure.!This brand claims that its items are “Built for Adventure” so they will not wear out. This advertisement gives off the impression that the products are durable against rugged terrain and vigorous use. It isn’t the most creative ad,!but it gets the job done. Something more intricate for this type of product might not have gotten the point across as effectively. !!!

!!!Client:!!Agency: Creature London!!Source: Baker Street Bus stop!!Strategy: Money saving!!Target Audience: International travellers !!Discussion: This ad is very simple and very effective. They state a problem, and then state their solution to that problem.  It’s a very simple method of advertising, but it works really well. I like that it is a blue background with white lettering. It is easy to read, easy to comprehend,!and hard to ignore. Sometimes simplicity is key in advertising, and this ad agency obviously knew that. I feel like they only included the word ‘scandal’ so they could use the dollar sign as the s and the euro sign as the c. This isn’t a negative thing by any means, it is actually quite positive because it adds substance to the ad. !!!!!!

Client:! !Agency: The Good Agency!!Source: Piccadilly Circus tube stop!!Strategy: Life Saving !!Target Audience: Those who have been affected by cancer!!Discussion: Advertisements that promote cancer prevention, in my opinion, are always going to be effective. There is no way to make cancer worse, so no matter how much attention the ad gets, the organization is always going to come out with some sort of victory. Even one person seeing this ad and then signing up for a race is helpful. You cannot make cancer worse, you can only try and get help to make it better. Of course the ad uses a color that has been used over the years to warn people of cancer, pink. Pink is vibrant, loud, and gets the message across. All three ladies in this ad are wearing pink. One of them is wearing a gorilla suit, which I have to admit I don’t quite understand but I assume there is an underlying message I am not getting. When most people think of a race, they think of hard, competitive work. I like that this ad includes other possibilities as to how you can accomplish getting though this race. The ad says you can “Run,Walk, Dance, and get Pretty Muddy” through the race which creates a feeling of excitement because you know this is not a competition sort of race. This is a race for change, and they make that very clear. They call for numbers, because it takes large numbers to change anything this big. This is truly an inspiring ad. !!!



!Client: Adidas!!Agency: Exterion Media!!Source: Piccadilly Circus area!!Strategy: Persistence!!Target Audience: Soccer fans!!Discussion: This is an ad on the side of a bus that runs through the Piccadilly Circus area. As you can tell, this is much bigger than most of the other bus ads. Instead of taking up a small section on the bus, this ad fills up the entirety of the bus. I believe that this ad is in place right now because the world cup is happening. Of course, a sport shoe worn primarily in soccer is going to make!a creative ad around the time of the world cup. I read online that this ad is only running for around four months, so I feel very lucky to have seen it in person. The tagline “All in or nothing” is very sport like in itself. I’ve heard many coaches say that you have to give the sport your all to succeed. It fits well with the brand too because it is saying that the brand will give you their best products, or no products. Just like sports, the brand is going to give you its all in creating the perfect product. I like the ad because I very much like the bus ads. I also like the message it is trying to give the consumers. This is an all around effective ad. !


!Client: Samsung!!Agency: Unknown!!Source: Piccadilly Circus billboards!!Strategy: Lightweight/lots of color options!!Target Audience: People who use cellphones!!Discussion: I know, I know I should have used a still ad for all of these critiques but I couldn’t resist the temptation to put a picture of an ad from the huge screens in Piccadilly Circus. This ad very much emphasizes the fact that there are many variations in color with this product. They go into detail on each color. They also emphasize that there are more advantages to the product than just fancy colors. Here, they are showing off how slim and lightweight the phone is. While phones are getting larger these days in size, it is important that they also get thinner so that you do not have a large bulky item in your pocket that is!more trouble to carry around than it is useful. I really like these ads on the screens in Piccadilly. They are fun to watch, so they must be a driving hazard. I think that is why the large screens are not all around London. This is an!excellent ad. !!!

!Client: Apple!!Agency: Chiat/Day!!Source: Euston tube stop!!Strategy: Color variety!!Target Audience: Cellphone users!!Discussion: Another very simple advertisement seen in the underground. This ad is so simple it does not include anything other than the phones and the product name. Of course, the apple logo is on the phone itself though the ad never says the word apple. This is a good example of a brand that is so internationally recognizable that it does not even need to add the brand name into the ad. The apple logo is so instantly recognizable that it requires no effort determining what brand it is trying to represent. The main point of this ad is to display the color options for this one style of the iPhone. I’ve noticed that not many people in the UK use the iPhone 5C. When looking for phone cases, I can never find one that is for my iPhone 5C. I think this is why apple is advertising this one style of phone so heavily. I think if I were Apple, I would have advertised the price and not the color. In England, the people do not have very colorful wardrobes. I can’t imagine someone would want a colorful phone if they aren’t even going to wear colorful clothes. These phones are relatively inexpensive compared to Apples other phones, so that would have been a better point for the ad I think. !!

