Action Tracker · Status Report | Bill MossOct 7, 2015 Assistant Secretary, Aging and Long-Term...

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Transcript of Action Tracker · Status Report | Bill MossOct 7, 2015 Assistant Secretary, Aging and Long-Term...


Action Tracker · Status Report | Bill Moss Oct 7, 2015Assistant Secretary, Aging and Long-Term Support Administration

Background Group Topic / Strategic Plan Goal / Commitment 2: Promote access to a variety of home and community-based service optionsSub Topic / Strategic Objective: Ensure seniors and individuals with a disability who are in need of long-term services and supports are supported in their community.Measure # / Strategic Objective # : AAH.1/ 2.1Measure Title : Percentage of long-term services and support clients served in home and community –based settings

ID# Problem to be solved Strategy/Approach Task(s) to support strategy Lead Status Due Expected Outcome Partners2.1.1 Access to Qualified Providers Identify improvements that will

streamline the application, training and certification process for Individual Providers.

Conduct Lean Value Stream Mapping (VSM) to map current process, identify areas for improvement, and develop and implement improved process

Andrea Meewes-Sanchez

Complete 10/31/15 Increase the number of qualified providers to which people have access

Dept. of Health, DSHS Background Check Central Unit, Training Partnership, Home Care Referral Registry

Implement improved process with rollout of IPI

Andrea Meewes-Sanchez

In progress 1/1/2016

2.1.2 Client and Family Engagement Educate families of clients in facilities about HCBS to alleviate fears so they will understand how needs of clients can be met in less restrictive settings.

Use existing Roads to Community Living (RCL) funding to do research and focus groups. Project currently underway: “Understanding Attitudes about Nursing Facility Transition.” A contractor and RCL Quality Improvement specialists are currently conducting focus groups and surveys of Home and Community Services (HCS) Division staff and nursing facility staff and residents.

Liz Prince Complete 07/30/15 Increase our understanding of barriers to discharge and develop resources or strategies to mitigate these

2.1.3 Documentation Tools Ease paperwork burden Purchase signature pads for use in field

Rachelle Ames Complete 06/30/2014 Increase accuracy of info received, decreasing rework and improving processing time

2.1.4 Community Resources Develop and increase community resources

Increase community beds/contracts Traci Adair In progress 12/31/2015 Additional community resources to meet the needs of individuals relocating from nursing home settings

Proposed Action

Type of Status ReportA3/Strategic Plan

SO-2.1 ALTSA Clients in HCBS Last modified 10/07/2015


Action Tracker · Status Report | Bill Moss Oct 7, 2015Assistant Secretary, Aging and Long-Term Support Administration

Background Group Topic / Strategic Plan Goal / Commitment 2: Promote access to a variety of home and community-based service optionsSub Topic / Strategic Objective: Ensure seniors and individuals with a disability who are in need of long-term services and supports are supported in their community.Measure # / Strategic Objective # : AAH.1/ 2.1Measure Title : Percentage of long-term services and support clients served in home and community –based settings

ID# Problem to be solved Strategy/Approach Task(s) to support strategy Lead Status Due Expected Outcome Partners2.1.5 Hospital Partnerships Work with hospitals to discharge

individuals to community placements

Educate about home and community-based services (HCBS)

Work closely with Western State Hospital and Eastern State Hospital on community discharges to HCS settings

Regional Administrators

Complete 07/01/2015 Increase number of hospital patients with access to home and community-based services


Contract with community hospitals for office space and funding for additional staff

Regional Administrators

In progress 6/30/2015

2.1.6 Staff turnover Investigate why staff leave, leadership training and staff engagement

• Review exit interview information and survey staff

Kristin Byrne Compete 8/01/2015 Decrease staff turnover by assessing and using information gleaned from exit surveys and staff survey to guide future actions

Experienced a 3% increase in filled positions, from 96% in FY13 to 99% in FY15.

• Provide Excellence in Leadership training and workgroups for managers in leadership positions

In progress 12/31/ 2015 Managers obtain tools and additional skills needed to support, empower and motivate employees


• Provide Transforming Performance training for managers and supervisors

• Staff engagement in statewide and regional strategic planning and improvement activities Complete October 2014 Staff gaining a collective understanding

of the “why” of our work and how we should move forward to provide better services to clients.

Note: This performance measure is directly impacted by several other ALTSA measures such as relocation of clients from nursing homes to the community, as well as timely determination and approval of client services among others. Subsequently, improvement activities such as ; the A3 report conducted late 2014 for nursing facility relocation, the May 2015 VSM on initial assessments and the VSM scheduled in the fall for financial applications positively impact ALTSA’s ability to meet the June 2017 target of serving 85% of clients in home and community-based settings.

Proposed Action

Type of Status ReportA3/Strategic Plan

SO-2.1 ALTSA Clients in HCBS Last modified 10/7/2015