Acting Principal’s Principal’s...

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Transcript of Acting Principal’s Principal’s...

Acting Principal’s Report

March 21st 2013 Issue 08

Private Bag 1, Mine Road, Korumburra. 3950 Telephone: 5655 1309 Email: Fax:: 5655 2861 School Hours: 9.00 a.m.—3.30 p.m. Web address::

(Continued on page 2)


Acting Principal’s Report

Heritage Building Centenary

While the weather may have been a little unkind to us last Saturday, it didn’t stop many, many people coming to help us celebrate the centenary of our Heritage Building. The day saw us start with our Music Teacher Ms Gabi Smith entertaining the crowd with a vocal and keyboard presentation of songs. Next were some speeches introduced by our School Council President Mrs Anita Roberts. The speakers included the Minster for Education, the Hon Martin Dixon MP, the author of our school history Mrs Wilma Walls, Mr David Joyce - the grandson of one of our oldest students in attendance on the day Mr Bill Joyce and Victorian Police Commissioner Mr Ken Lay another KPS ‘old boy’. To add to the speeches, our School Choir then performed a song especially written for the centenary by Year 2 teacher Mrs Ellyn Zizic as well as singing the ‘Song of Australia’ a patriotic song popular 100 years ago. We also had a re-enactment by some of our historically dressed students who re-opened the

building just as it was some 100 years ago!

After these activities, visitors took the opportunity to mingle and reminisce about their time at KPS, viewing the various historical displays in the Library and Art Room, watching an audio-visual presentation of historic photos, undertaking tours of the various buildings with some of our current student leaders, admiring the newly completed honour boards that recognise all of our Head Teacher / Principals as well as our School Captains and just exploring the school site which has changed so much since the

Heritage Building was first built.

Later in the afternoon, the school age students took part in a range of ‘olden style’ games and activities, including egg & spoon races, sack races, peg doll making and much more, co-ordinated by staff

from Coal Creek and some of our KPS staff.

From 6:00 pm, we were all entertained by the beautiful voice of ex-student Britt Lewis, accompanied by Jenny Gray on guitar. After this, we all joined in the family bush dance and danced the evening away to the band Beggs2Differ, despite the weather! This brought our huge day to an end, one which has been in the planning for

some 18 months!

It was wonderful to be able to meet up with former staff and students from the distant past, the more recent past as well as the present. To see the smiles on so many faces was just a fantastic way to say that the day had been a success! Hopefully, the many photos taken will act as a suitable memory of what was a great day. We hope you all

enjoy the photos presented here.

During the day, a number of competitions were run to help us identify many of our visitors on the day. The person who travelled the furthest to be with us was Mrs Barbara Campion (Maffra), the youngest KPS student who attended on the day was Prep student Caleb Turton who is just 5 years & 4 months, the oldest KPS students who returned for the day were Mrs Maisie Brooks and Mrs Mary Hogan Garton who both attended KPS in 1932, the family with the greatest number of students & ex-students who attended was the Holmes family with 11 people present on the day, the family with the greatest number of generations present on Saturday was also the Holmes families – with 4 generations present. The best dressed

family was the Beachley family.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Organising Committee, led by our School Council President Mrs Anita Roberts, for their tireless efforts to make it a wonderful day in the history of Korumburra Primary School. Other Committee members are Michelle Axford, Jodie Olden, Pee Wee Lewis, Wilma and Ray Walls, Laurie Bier, Haley Anderson, Kam Whyte, Andrew Newton, Nigel

Kilpatrick, Bill Jeffs and myself.

Special mention also goes to all of the wonderful cooks and helpers from Parents & Friends who prepared delicious afternoon treats for

us all to enjoy.

Many other groups contributed to the success of the day and I would also like to acknowledge the support of the Shire of South Gippsland, Korumburra Historical Society, Coal Creek Community Park and Museum, Korumburra Rotary Club, the Sentinel Times, Alex Scott and Staff, Britt Lewis & Jenny Gray, Coffee Pete, current and former KPS staff, our 2013 Year 6 Student Leaders, the many people who helped out at our recent Working Bee and finally but by no means

least the wonderful students of KPS.

School History Books

Don’t forget that copies of our recently revised school history ‘Where Have the Years Gone? and Twenty More Years’ are available for purchase from our School Office as well as the Korumburra Newsagency and Coal Creek Community Park & Museum at a cost of just $25. This is a wonderful record of our school’s history and something that hopefully families will take the opportunity to buy and

read. It’s a great read!

Centenary Brick Wall

We are also offering all school families and community members the opportunity to purchase a brick in the names of either each of their children or as a family to commemorate their time as members of the KPS family. Bricks cost only $40 each and will be engraved with the names of particular family members. Application forms for

purchasing a brick are available at the School Office.

Anita Roberts and Wilma Walls at the Centenary

Students enjoying the Bush Dance

Page 3 K.P.S. PRESS

Acting Principal’s Report

School Council Annual General Meeting

Next Wednesday at 7:00 pm, we will be presenting our 2012 Annual School Report to any interested members of the school community. This meeting will take place in the Staffroom. After the Annual General Meeting, our new 2013 School Council will meet for the first

time following the election of Office Bearers.

We would like to welcome a new parent representative Mrs. Michelle Villinger to our 2013 School Council. Michelle is the mother of Prep student Grace. I would also like to acknowledge retiring member Mrs Lisa Mann whose children have now all left K.P.S. and thank her for time and efforts as a member of the School Council, particularly in

leading the Uniform Sub-Committee.

Parents’ & Friends’ A.G.M.

At Monday’s Parents’ & Friends Annual General Meeting the

following office bearers were elected for the year ahead:

President: Pee-Wee Lewis

Vice President: Chris Furness

Secretary: Melissa Whelan

Treasurer: Eva Zubcic

Assistant Treasurer: Bev Bell

School Council Rep: Deb Lopez-Freeman

Our P & F group do a wonderful job in supporting so many aspects of our school life. Catering for various school events (don’t forget Friday’s Athletic Sports sausage sizzle), Mothers’ & Fathers’ Day stalls, Christmas Tree Sale, catering at our recent centenary celebrations and our fantastic Easter Egg Competition are just some of the ways that they raise funds which are then re-distributed back to our students through donations for various programs and activities. Thank you for the great job you all do and the best of luck

with your endeavours during 2013.

Year 6 Wilson’s Prom. Camp

Welcome back to our Year 6 students who had a great time during their camp at the Prom. The students had a marvellous time and judging by how tired they were on their return, they were all very active! With great support from parent helpers attending, staff members Craig Friebe, Mel Hughes, Theresa Drewer and Kathy McRae-Suckling, the students were very well behaved and gave their all to complete all the challenges placed in front of them. I’m sure they will all have great memories of their Year 6 camp to the


Restorative Justice Parent Forum

On Monday, 25th March, we are hosting a parent forum, to be held in the BER Building at 7:00 pm where Guest Speaker (and former KPS staff member) Ms. Marg Armstrong will speak about the Restorative Approach to dealing with student issues. This is the approach our staff use in dealing with student behavioural issues. The parent forum will give all parents who attend, a far greater insight into the way our school staff deal with such issues. It is suitable for parents of children at all year levels. We encourage all parents to attend this informative and interesting discussion. Please see the attached flyer

for further details.

K.P.S. House Athletics Carnival & Year Level Relays

This afternoon, each of our Year levels took part in the various relays on the courts behind the Gym. The different year levels have been enthusiastically practising their various events and it was great to see how all the students joined in to do the best for their House. Today’s results count towards the overall result for our House

Athletics Carnival.

Tomorrow, (Friday 22nd March) we will gather for our annual House Athletics Carnival on the Pony Paddock. We ask all students to dress in their House colours which will add to the atmosphere of the day! P.E. Co-ordinator Shelley Snooks would still like to hear from any parents who may be able to assist staff to run an event during tomorrow morning’s activities. I would like to thank, in advance, all those parents who will support their children by assisting on the day. We look forward to another colourful and exciting day of athletics on


Parent Teacher Discussions

Each year, parents have the opportunity to meet with their child’s teachers at 2 formal sessions – following the Semester 1 reports as well at the end of the year during Student Portfolio Presentations. It has been pleasing to see the number of parents who have taken the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher during Term 1 to share information they believe will help the teacher meet their child’s special needs or even just to introduce themselves. We encourage parents to make an appointment to discuss any issue or concern you have regarding your child’s education, with your child’s

teacher. These can also be arranged through the School Office.


School Photos

Don’t forget that next Monday 25th March, we will be having the staff from Foon’s Photographics with us again to take our various class, family and whole school photos. Photo forms are still available at the

School Office for any family requiring another form.

P & F Easter Egg Raffle

Our Parents’ & Friends group will hold our Easter Egg Raffle Draw at our Assembly next Monday, 25th March. This is always a great Assembly and hopefully there will be lots of terrific prizes for our students to have the chance to win. Thank you to all our school

families who have donated eggs to make this raffle possible.

Last Day of Term

Our last day of Term 1 will be next THURSDAY, 28th March. Children will be dismissed at 2:30 pm. We ask all parents to note the earlier dismissal time for our last day of term. School will resume after the

holidays on Monday 15th April.

David Gray

Acting Principal

Wilson Prom Camp 2013

Page 4 K.P.S. PRESS

With an air of trepidation and excitement, Year 6 students, parents and teachers headed off to Wilsons Promontory last Tuesday for the

annual Year 6 camp.

Upon arrival our host Rex took us through the finer points of how to set up our tent correctly and the importance of the ‘NO FOOD’ rule!!!!

Over the next 4 days students were involved in many activities including bushwalking, surfing, swimming, flora and fauna identification,

beachcombing, boat racing on Tidal River and many others.

Thursday night concluded with a ‘Red Faces’ night in front of an enthusiastic audience. Those students that performed in front of their peers,

parents and teachers should be congratulated for having a go….. gutsy stuff guys!!!!!!

A huge thank you must go out to all parents that took time out from their busy schedules to assist on camp, particularly Mrs Heather Veltri, Mr

Davin Field and Mr Neil Walker who survived the entire camp.

We are extremely proud of how all Year 6 students conducted themselves, had a go at activities and made this year’s Wilsons Promontory

Camp one to remember.

Well done Year 6!!!

Craig Friebe and Melanie Hughes

Classroom Teachers

Senior Department News

Page 5 K.P.S. PRESS

Middle Department News

Middle Department News

We can’t believe it is so close to the end of term already and what a busy last few days we have to go, with Athletic Sports and reflection on

our learning so far. However we have plans for next term underway already……..

Year 3 Excursion Early Term 2

Please look out for a note that will be going home next week for an excursion to see Alison Lester—a renowned children’s author and illustrator

at Fish Creek on 29th April. Students will be visiting her exhibition and participating in a writing clinic with Alison Lester. This will be a valuable

experience for the students in both literacy appreciation and writing skills and support an author study and follow up activities at school. The

expected cost will be $9.00 per student for bus and entrance fee.

Parent Helpers Term 2

Another note going home next week will be asking for any interested parents who can volunteer some class help time in Term 2. This will

involve supporting students with reading, writing and numeracy activities under the guidance of the teacher. If you are available for even a

short time that would be great. If we have a large number of interested parents we will need to roster! NB: A ‘working with children’s

check” (WWCC) is required for parent helpers in school. Please contact your class teacher or ring the office for more information on

obtaining a WWCC.

Catching up with Teachers .

On a similar note, if you at any time need to speak with a classroom teacher about any issues important to your student’s needs at school

please make a time with either of us. It can be rushed to try to do this on the spot at the busy times at the start or end of the day. Making an

appointment time is much better.

Tissue Donation.

Year 3’s have no tissues currently and therefore we need to order some very soon. We were wondering whether families would be happy to

donate a box of tissues each rather than have us spend classroom money on a crate of boxes. If you agree, please send a cheap box along

with your Year 3 student. Any boxes donated will mean a saving that can go towards other class resources that are needed. Thank-you for

your support.

Jacquie Rotthier

Middle Department Manager

This week the Year 5’s have been busy trying to sell different 4 Cube House designs. They had to draw 2D and 3D perspectives, cost their

house and write an advertisement. Check out their final products on display in the BER when you get a chance! Year 5 Melbourne Camp notes

will be coming out in the next few days so keep your eyes peeled!

With the recent wet weather, thank you to all of those students who have been removing shoes EVERY time they enter the BER building. ALL

students are expected to remove their shoes each time they enter the building with the only exception being where students have been

prescribed orthotics by a medical professional. In the event of this parents should let the classroom teacher know.

As we wind down to the end of Term 1, please remember that students should come dressed in house colours for the House Athletic Sports,

tomorrow, 22nd March and that full, clean school uniform is required for School Photos on Monday 25th March.

Haley Anderson

BER Manager


Brodie Hall

Chloe Gaffney

Thomas Veltri

Alara Martin

Mackenzie Purcell

Shu Misawa

Tameah Beddeegenoodts

Noah Belvedere

Chloe Brown

Callum Olden

Maddi Edwards


We have 3 (Adult 14) Year 6 windcheaters for sale. $30.00 each





Run by Laura Muranty.

Please call 5655 1187 for

more details.

Junior Department News

Page 6 K.P.S. PRESS

Every morning the children in Preps begin their learning for the day with Investigations. A wide range of learning

situations are provided catering for different learning styles, and the learning is generated through play. To

encourage independent enquiry there are numerous activities from which the children can choose to work.

Personal and social developments of the children are an integral part of the learning. These children are working

together sharing equipment, creating and building with the Duplo. Lots of imagination and problem solving is going

on in the box construction area. Practise of reading and writing is encouraged when the children work in the ‘play

school’ area. Work in with the water sensory tray led to finding the sea creatures that began with the ‘s’ sound,

then to counting and writing. After creating a small world farm, this child recorded the type and number of animals

on the farm.

These are some of the fun learning situations that have occurred

during Investigation with Mrs. Clark’s children. We look forward to

many more.

We are all excited about the Athletics Sports Day which is happening

tomorrow, so don’t forget to come in your house colours and wear

appropriate footwear for lots of running and jumping. We hope that

many parents will come along to watch, cheer and if possible give a

helping hand.

Jan Clark.

Classroom Teacher


Monday 25th March, 2013

Family photo envelopes are available at the Office on request. Please make sure that if you want

to order photos have your order in by Friday March 22nd. Thank you.

Last Monday we had a great turnout for our AGM, and the new office bearers were appointed. Congratulations to all involved, and we look

forward to another successful year ahead.

Following the AGM we held our usual monthly meeting, and much of the talk centred on our gigantic Easter Egg raffle. Don’t forget that this

will be drawn at assembly this Monday. If you still haven’t dropped off an egg, we can probably wrap an extra basket or two while the sports

are going on, but please be sure to leave your egg at the office before school tomorrow so that we can get them all wrapped up into raffle

prizes for Monday’s assembly.

You will also have seen a separate reminder in this newsletter about the barbeque at the Athletic Sports tomorrow. We’ll have lots of yummy

hamburgers/ sausages/ drinks/ and cakey things to sell, as well as a coffee cart, so why not come along and buy lunch from us, so you can

sit back, relax and watch the sports !

Early next term will be the Mothers Day stall. I’ll fill you in on the details of that early next term.

One other thing: we receive frequent offers of help from people who can’t come to our meetings, but would like to help us out now and then.

Once again, if you feel this is you, just email: or and we will add you to our database of

‘occasional helpers’.

Have a terrific Easter break everyone – I know I will !

Pee-Wee Lewis

President, P and F.

Profile for Theresa Drewer

I am grateful for the opportunity to teach at Korumburra Primary School. This has been quite an adventure and I’m looking

forward to meeting wonderful people, trying new things, and improving myself as an educator. I come from Palisade,

Colorado, in the United States. I have been a primary teacher for the past 7 years and this February I was awarded as an

outstanding educator for 2012 from the school district I came from. I recently completed my master’s degree in Education.

When I’m not working, I enjoy snowboarding, mountain biking, hiking, traveling, and reading. I decided to do this exchange

to Korumburra because I wanted the opportunity to see how a different education system works and I also wanted to enjoy

the beauty of Australia.

Parents & Friends News

Page 7 K.P.S. PRESS


Congratulation to Nick Blogg, Harry Horton, Max Slinger, Tate Moodie, Patrick Bier, Ethan Hart, Riley Olden and Patrick Boys for completing their Leadership course, along with Cubs and Scout from all over South Gippsland. Great achievement which also saw boys complete their

Citizenship, First Aid & Bushcraft Badges.

Calendar of Events


22nd March House Athletic Sports

P & F Sausage Sizzle

Last day for Centenary Brick orders

Easter Egg Raffle Tickets due back

Canteen Closed Today

25th March School Photos

Easter Egg Raffle Drawn

Finance Committee Meeting

26th March Building and Grounds Meeting

Centenary of Heritage Building

27th March State Swimming

27th March Year 1 Inverloch Excursion

School Council AGM

28th March Term 1 ends 2.30 p.m. finish

15th April Term 2 begins

22nd April KPS Anzac Day Service

30th April District Athletic Sports

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Telephone 5655 1133

Dean Goad 0419 399 856

Scott McKenzie 0427 552 898

Living Lunchbox Tip No 15

Wraps are easy for small fingers and look interesting too! Use mountain bread or pita, fill with lots of colour like lettuce, cheese, beetroot, tomato etc, roll up and slice

in half. Or try peanut butter, banana, sultanas and honey.

courtesy of :



Fish and Chips $4.50.

No other hot food will be available on this

day, but snacks and drinks will be.

Sausage Sizzle Parents & Friends will be holding a sausage sizzle at the House Athletic Sports on Friday 22nd March.

Hamburgers, drinks, cakes and coffee will also be available .