ACtfu :^i7 g a w -:i^A 8 S o ciA ™mmm mmmmm...

Post on 05-Mar-2018

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Transcript of ACtfu :^i7 g a w -:i^A 8 S o ciA ™mmm mmmmm...

zz^W E affliB nE Z

^ yOL. 17 NO. 805. . :

S ( K 1 [

DOST l i Dli_ _ _ K » n M « i - N e l ] r a s k a ^ O i t l a

. m a , T e x a s P u s h P ro ii

D e s ittn sd t o 'P re s e

R a in fa ll a n d S a v e C r

(By H m AnoeUUd Pre«j)KAN SAS CITY,

........., ^ F a r m e r 8 " o f t h e - n J d - Jlou thw est w ere r is in g toni w ith conflchmoo b o m o f i M nquM ta to bu ttle d o st i d routh .-'- ' '

U ndaiintad by c t ^ fallc and "du'sf atonnB," agricull

k ta t i of-Kanoaa, N ebraaka, <^ lahom a and T exas posl

pnsjtoti ther boP* bait__ ;r:im U ie r t .ln n » d i »ad,PI!»«»?

fltmuBCrt TslntsU.----------- Ougt*clondnoUed-i«ate-lm i

ptrts or Kansu todar. Sutera MUtttMitern Oklahoma nreletj

---------bBaTy -rolni..--------------------------Tbretigh we«t«m Kflnnii - 'a 1

wnmc trom Xodlana, buftalo tho tall, toush v ra a o t tbe plalj •oundi tbo 0 7 o t men cailltng th a t eouatiT*! greatert itni; acalnct soU drltttof.

Etosion Project Slodled Washlnston la studrlnff tbe i

poeal ot Ooviunor A U ^ _ Z ^ o t'K iiiriii tor a tedm l'abU era project ■

plaa briefly l i to U<t d turrowa acrou lields In the attei rtgions. The furrows, a t right on

__ - . to tbo-proTallbig-wtndfrareljiujupon to break the wind'a torce : M,UBe It to drop ItJ preclottiJM t

. Aided, by federal funds, farrt-------- meanwhUe-are—engagBd-lir—ot

projecu designed to protect tl lands from further drUUng and conserve water, lliousands o t po —eome for Irrigation, other for st water—are betng buUt .

In two years, completod soil c scrvatlon work on 31.999 acres, cording ta A. E. Anderson, state i

. federal agricultural lUtlsUd They havo completed 817 poods,

*"”"'™"^83nSe""806"Tciwnr™tBriscln8™i ~ have-planted 360.000'trp^~~~'

grasses by Domlnlo Qroas. Unli Slty o t Nebnska extenshm agr om lst ' - ' r -‘Xa Oklahoma; tbe FBRA j i pa

-iO>-tfe<.mUd>ngirrt7l>kaa*UlM« Comanche and Bristow and "ott:

* are* planned. while • ''ftrrr

• ........ed tc dig'out. small ponds.- —Tejtaa farmers, without funds

jjrcpare for possible future droul are looking toward the so*cal rinnell plan.

I G H T S a n c

_____________S H A D O W S

I n D a y ’s E v e n t i

(By The Associated Press)

Siamcso Twins—----- OSmOVA, Crechoslovakla-T

birth of ‘‘Siamese'* twins a t neat * Peterhofen has been disclosed.

The wife of a miner named B< abss gave birth Wednesdoy to boy Iind a girl, Joined together the region ot tho stomach I otherwise normal.

V ow s 10 S ilonco— W ARDKA,.Iadla-eo far behi

Osndht that he has vowed hlms to silence until April 19 to catch i

. In the long period of silence, 1 secretary said. Qandhl merely t

J Ing desirous ot getting h u persor correspondence up to date and i vising some manuscripts.

L o a d e d E g s s — .WILBUR, Wash. — Chicanery

' 'r t h e . c h i c k e n c o o p l ----------------Is It Aprtl_Fools‘ day or East

thinking of? T hafs what Mrs. Chrl tensen would Uka to know.

In thelr dally dosen. the hens s turning out "loaded" eggs, model eggs and eggs the slae marttks aod golf balls.

The -loaded eggs." .isplayed « store here, return lo .the oat

___«I»t^ when.momL allghUy.______

Yorker — Of New~Ne:r

LEWISTON, Idaho, Marcb 33 (, —Postmaster. Fted SUng was a< vised today* from New Tork-lh ; the Nex Perce Indian lrft>e bi gone on tb e warpath and bad bolI< several procnlnent- men- fm n Ne

-.York. - --------- ------- -----. Tlw Sheriff of N « Perce coont

k (lie Lewiston chief o t police an the Idaho aaUooal guard alto wei

r infarmed aboat tbe maasaoe—l letter* from a woaian of Fom niUs. N. T,—who wrote these ol

nsme.Whea be finished Uugblng. P « i

m r F r a n c e R

I A c t i o n , ]

JUTIl A s G e n

itiahoit - ^ B r l t a l r t i - E n v o j ^

rojeots 'serve Crops

m ) I 2 2

on lgh t >f past- i t and

allures cnltur=- ca,O k. pushed la lt the m t h ^ -


CAPTAIN ANTHONY EDEN. B ^ Ish lo rd DxlTr s e a t to w hom n

. ~ ip p e a J s ta e ffo rt to a ugn £ngb z ^ w ltb F nw oe a o d .I ta ly agai

n a m e d OeiTBany.


I t deep iffecled

.United_Eronl_Agalnst_I ««">a.....armament SeemsJMaj.1 . -----------HofTLIKelr------Farmers

7 ”t h e ^ 7 . (B y m e A ssoclaUd Press) a n d to A u n i t e d i r o n t a g a i n s t f ponds m a n y ’s r e a r m a m e n t s e e m )r stock l ik e l ie r , t h a n e v e r t o d a y w i , m y , , I h f l «ip>n'rfiil«>fT n f t r | .P OII con* c r ‘ conversations a t whi res. a c r France seemed certain to t ^ Md to g e t G reat B ritain to dr

tb e role of m ediator and j

— - W i t h - r w o r l d - o j t c n t i o n - - K'lUBCS 'fluu ilay 's .Tislt“ lO' D erlln b y . pa a n d J o h n Sim on. BrlU sh foreign sec D nlver- ta ry , a n d C ap ta in A nthony B l figrott- t o d privy aeal,. E den flew to P i

, to r . preUmln&ry explora tton t w I p u s b ' I ^ n n c b a n d ItaU an sta tesm en. M tfeM . . -Vtcpara <lo K e n T roer*- ■ "ottlcrB R vldendng Franco 's lock of fa tr r iic n In th e prospect o f th e B ritish g )g-urg> -ttog—Oerm Bny . In to any -.secu r

----------a g re e m e n t-w a s . POrelgn Minisinds to 'irouths. (Continued on Page a. Col. 3) >*calle< ---------------------------flOCTOB TESTIFIES^ irMTmi

Pathologist Claims Biooi ‘‘J f_ Cloth in Bonfire Which ■) Accused Tended.

i - i n e - b a n JO SE. C B m ..-M Q rclija .{^ tieartay shoved blood on c lo th fra^ m cnts found In a bonfire whl 1 B a r- l^ovld A. Lam son w as tend ing i

t a ■ th e m om lng h is w ife's t» d y « he r In discovered, D r. Frederick proesc , lju j e r, county pathologist, tc stltled

L am son's m urder tr ia l today.D efense A ttom ey Edw in McKe

sle Im m ediately ottacked D r. Proc . . , . Cher's s ta tem cnU a n d accused hi h tm a “ddlng to h is testim ony given ^ ^ t h a _ p r » . J ^ ^ i ^

c h up. _Meanwhlle t t becaiBe k o a v ti 1! lennee g^ate h a s possession of a Ban P ra *• cisco ho te l regU ter w hich I t hop

P™''® by Larrsonal ^ jq betw een Dcem m ber. 1933. a n d May, 1933-T defenso conteoils Lam son h a s pa lUve a llbts fo r m any of th o o caslons.

ery In D r. Proescher sold h e h sd test< — --- th r t e p le c c s 'o r c loth found in 'U E aster bonfire Lam son was w atch ing < g - i rt-|-a tg r - 3 0 .- l» 3 3 r w h c n - the- t t wly-^ C hris- M rs. Allene T horpe Lam son w;

dlacovertd tn h e r ba th tub , ns are T he defense wlU sum m on nun lalloon erous witnesses In e ffo rts to p rc llae o f L am son’s contention h is wife w;

kUled in an a c c ld en u l faU. Tl 'ed a t s ta ta suprem e court reversed U

sam e convlcUon a n d death sm teoce r --------- aulU ag Irom -.hls f irs t t r i a l . - ---------

r Tells Lewiston ^ e r c g O n t b r e ^

m aster. XUng n l d th e le tte r h e r ■ a d - ce lred sU ted In p a r t " It h a s con - t h a t “to « a th a t t a e R e a Pereas a a d oU

h .H « In d ian s have been guUty of m u t o in th e S nake v s lk y reg loa ne.

New “ *• springs • • • leveral pron in m t m en f ro o - j c tw - T o r r WB o o t tb e re to cam p • • • tre s p a w

WDty, OB-the IndJaa «se r»*U on • • •«rei a n d f tr tp p ed naketf. sh o t a n d th rrm

► were l a t a th e h o t sp rlng i. w hero tb« to perished ."

"orest M r. KUng sa id th e mOlUa wouJ e of* ttoc be called ou t. .b u t Jb a t l l H b e r - ^ a l l ea rr le n -a : a t i t " :3o t la to - Q

firs t la d la n trouble repo rted bct P o c - s lace igTL


R a i s e s C r y , ~

N o t W o r d s ,

m a n y R e a r m P y f t i q t i —r A T H t w i t t m p

I . Against Bei(* Im­mediate Goal

(Oopynght 1»».' by AsMKlstsd Tn- ’ PARIS,-M archr22-r-Fr»i tomorrow will endeavor p lan t England firm ly witl a ' united fro n t w ith ' F rai and Italy ag a in st a re a m Germany.

Captain .A nthony. E d B ritish lord privy- .sea l

...came ,hera-todfty^-fQr_,a_1 partite conference prepa

. tory to A aglo^erm an conversat! ^ Berlin, almost certainly wlU

^ asked to drop tbe role of medli W . far that of ally. f S Foreign Ulnlsien Plen* La " “ who w m "eon ter-w lth 'E den—I Brit- Italy'a under-secfetary for fort r s r l s ! affairs, Tulrlo Suvlch. himself t | imw.i tha'clnniber of detmtles today?— •.in rf *Trahce seeks to regroup the

lies." ,4 Can For.Aetloa ,

dsewher* InnueoUal quart alarmed a t the relch's swift rean ment and angered'at her cool rec Uon ot the French protest no te .«

f caUIng to r "acUon rather -tl

French officials said Laval wo warn Eden against Sir John Slmc •'doing or promising anything"

Q a . hla conversations with Adolf HIBundayrMondny-BndTuesdayr

e • mlndlng-the lord-prlvy-eeal-of- Fronco-Brltlsh agreement to c m t each olhcr and IS ly flrsU

A td-power conference a t Li —— MuiBftl» presiding and the British t G^r- French foreign ministers prest med proposed for next week, al

Simon returns trom Berlin.low- _________ Objects to Bidhich France will object strenuously t r y Inviting Germany to th a t meeti

officials said tonight expressing t “ Op willingness to negotiate with O as- many except wltbln the framew.

.ftM ca.atready-bas.appealed— - B l r l— WhBe-eimop -ls expected to try »ere« Penuade Hitler to rMum to Oene QjcB, the m n e h said they believed th Pails was u tue prospect of gctUng ai wltb thing but ‘'vagut.' formulas and :

I i ^ e q u ^ pledget*' out ot tho O

fa ith ' ^ence tbe Freiich'are counting get- ^ e n 's subsequent trip to Moscoi

------ that it will bring Russia Into () westem bloc.-

Foreseeing lltUe more than "p I tonic rtsu lts ' from the French i I peal to Oeneva, some Frcnch qui I ters have suggested stronger actlc

I I (Continued on Page 7, OoL 7) fll. ^odyI _____________________ __

A fe - ..- ______rog- ■—

k ------

I *


:i 7 g a w - :i ^ A 8 S o c i A ™mmmT w m rixx& 'T a/^o , sM hAi

5 , l i j f e i O i S - B I

n s m m mn e n t 7t»Id^»WliMlFandiiioi; m- ' Ina, Repmehtatlves Pa

■ Patman'Measure; Solo Hear' 'Six - Hour Sp?ei

” 5 r i 5 r ; ^ S s B 6 * t W A SHINGTON, M irc h I

w n iA A pp laud ingand .shouting,-1] house today passed the;adm l IstraU on.opposed . P * t m s bill to pay th e |8;000,000,01

r J l ”; soldiers bonus b y th e durreni [ inflaUon jnethod. .

The. m easliri Wfiat. to. tl Mtions senate w here enactm ent 6f- wiu be bonus paym ent p lan of sonedlator gort U vlrtuaUy assured. But a t t

other end ot-Pennsylvanla.avanua U val. SUK prealdenUal ^ Is walUac,

houic n i r ^ tbe'bm t^vm5f”tSdS ^ r r r ponenu of m e ^ o u * iS r^ M ti ““ “ thelr hope on the posslbUlty tb

the senate would sustain tbe pre W ent• ■

larters. i t ^ d long been c o o c ^ th » n n a - u,,, ^oum .^ould overwhelming recep> p u s a bonus blll, but It was by

e, were margin of only three votes—301 ■than 30i—tha t the Patman new cUnrn'

Hll «on over" iba Vinson-AnwSei would Legion bUl th a t would pay tba b

llmon's by the approprlaUon method.the bouse voted the-aena

.was having .iaflaUon.troublea.oLJ own. Senator Thomaa (D-Okli

o f-the taUeed for about six .hours on b > con- ,I1V|. InMaH/m t« ’tl

M.88I>,T)00/)00 relief blU. But wb< Uie Oklahoman Uireatened to ke<

I and „ o a t« leaders answered wlUi resent, threat to drasUcally limit debate.' Another development was a staU

ment by President Rooaevelt tbi he was going to press for passai ot the meo^ttr* tUiOA lAh HU

^ In g , more-yean. ngun- In this connecUon It appean

lew Sc (Continued on Page a. Ool. 7)

wiieat-4 yTop-v;oiHTol: “ uancellanon tienera

1 there i — —S any- An AssoeUted Prcas dlspalat ad In- troiB WasblogtoB,. .wblch. Hm I Oer- Newa. rMtMste^ l ^ fm tdag, a ^

th a t reeenUy.inilSimeedueemeTBl lag on «< A M rcatckiloaa - « n - ^trfni

r\clude aaa are "etfecUve 'la «U areai hope' “ ^ e r e sipHag. wheal acreage te-

io the dneUoa bas been coBtrveted.** Tbe qnesUea waa ene tba t bad

‘‘Dla- pnxsled bandreds of wbeat grow. ^ an . era throacboal ihls dlstriot whe ouar- applied to conniy aad stat«

actions a aa ofcnciet for InfonRaUon____ lha l has not yet been delivered7) thrcogh AAA ehaanels.

We Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Ye

i j 1{ B i \ ■

. . p o p j ^ j

j f i b A r i l b R m N G . i l A l l C H .2 3 , - 1 8 8• g = a ig a a c s = a » . ! . J . l r',':,.,=s sa a 8 s

^ S e c r e t a r y P e r k i n s —

■“ C a U e a P o U t i c l a n

D]:;r n n .BERXBunr, c u r . utnli'.aa'rHU

m b e d a s a ''m ere poUUdan” wlQ . 'baebartcrdayffpeakarUttMtTnl-

'P a s s alnmna of the u n lT C rs l ty .b a a ’, , _ fuaed to servo aa a bostcas a t tb*>OIOn8 Uitmnl dinner a t th* Palao* ho* . , ' u Franclsoo- tomorrowp ?epn n l ih t

U ln Uams today her

j T O -thfl first woman'so honored by tba unlvettlty. la a letter to Robert

r,-,thO .Sibley. execuUve aecKtaiy.-ot tb*; Jm ln - »>umal assocUUoa.. r a a ,n ^ ^ »»re fitting choloe. Kiss 0 flftO suggested Dr. Maiy. XUa

WooUey, for a i years president of re n c y Idoaat Holyoke coUeg« and inter-

nftUoosUy known as an Advocat*

’ • fderrtanding, and an autborlty.oa 0 1 -a college admlnUtratlon.

BOnie . -.r.v.- ■. .

tnnt'is "_- ___ ---------------- ____

i y - C B i s n mD estriio tio h o f L e v e e s ' in

^ • M ississipp i S to p s ; A r-

_ _ k a n s a s _ T h r e a t e n e d _ ___

1* bUl . — ^ 'OBKENWOOD, H iss. March tS

WV-I»»i* farmers apparenUy bad oLJU awjytwlaylevee-Mastlngdjra- rtM .) amlte which broaght mlllUa rale"

*«. tbis inm, aad Uie n a je r Hood .> tK . tb y t shifted to A A aygs.. ■ whyi ^ i7 )e rampaglngTwlahatchlanver

, keep <UU flowed through holea blown In jrrowr * th*4ews-north-of-her*-W*doa<day- tb a night by farmeia, inundating approx- Ate. - imately 33,000 acres, but Oovemor -t- fe . SennettConnorafter a tripher* yes-

t l j , t *«rday said the danger of further dynamlUng waa ended. -«»«asHnr-waM HribtttedH<H*T- met* who felt the levees' were pro-

certain arcas 'a t tbe expense - o t others.

7) To Wltbdraw Troopa. Ooyerpor_Connor said ttw 300 na-

O l ^ W edn^lvlKlg&t'probably would be' Wlthdiawu wlUiln the n tx t i t Iwuo.

f ■ Tb* a t FrancU rlTcr In Arkaasu temporarily 'brok* through lu bar-

^ i4*rnearLake City yesterday after- oodBkttireatenlag to Inundate Uiat

smmS m In npalrlng tho break, but ^ m aay clUsm i sought refuge h> near- jjjug by Jonesboro.*7 ^ ------Clyue-crosnoe.33. assisUntumtedl,> S tate fleet engineer In the Memphis hua district, drowned In the St. Frands

row- • when his speedboat struck a vho snag and threw Mm overboard. lUte Albert Evans, Red Cross relief dl- lUon rcctor, said the condition of the ered ' levees near Lake City made the Ar* •

Ikanias situation serious.

r e t ------------------- ----------------------------

* I


U V\ - «

U ^L < ~ *i^lrA w r W ' ’

w OdIb \V *

Em W J C 5 i) \ \ ® • tDDBT______ W I \ \ ^

E Z Z ^ Q L - . :\tIII ct ^

----- ----- ------------ e- - ' I , ' j tr 1

tS v w w s H jR t

■ - ' ’

. .. ^ t

U, U3S. by Tb* Mew Tor t Ttlboae, l&e. si

’ c ,. '

mmm ~ . • • I ■ .

1 State Ow! Speeded; A ppo in tf ------------------; . N a m e d O n I d a h o ’s

t '

ftOBBRT'COCLTBR (left) e t Cow (right) e t Idab* Falls, two nem b

[p - ileB appointed !* admbibter Idal

G o v e r n o r B

: D i e f e n d o r

L X l n n f u H i n n ’. C a u B e d J B y -

« C o n f l i c t i n g V i e w s

1- O f O f f i c i a l F ^rr ______ ‘

^ BO ISE, M arch 22 (/P) — T h e p u b lic w a s to ld to d a y by

- € o v « rim r RoBs Uiaf B e n-D igf^ It e n d o r f . c o m m iss io n e r o f ft«

n a n c e , is th e a d m in is t r a to r o f th c 2 p e r c e n t r e ta i l sa le s ta x

I- a c t, -and . u rg e d co o p e ra tio n J w i th - h lm - ln - c a r r y in g - o u t - ic s

t/irm ii . ________ 'tl T h e . 'g o v e rn o r m a d e -h is > lU tem ent, be said, to set a t .re s t ■- eobfusioti U>dt arose yesUrday wben Lt Attontjy Oeneral Bert U. MUler Is- j tu*A ,a'statem ent holding tbot :nol It tax<charre could 'b* mad* on aales . of loss th to .00 cent*.

Mr. Dlefendorf reasoned other- j wise, and held tha t tha t waa a prob- I. lem for the merchant to d e t^ ln e :. The law places administraUon of . the act on the commlssloner'a* shoulders.:- D«c*s Comaiksloocr® The governor urged Ml persons* tonccm ed by provision* of the tax

to abide by the "rules, recommend-. atlons and regulations" made by 1 the commissioner.

In a statem ent Issued last night n ftcr-confcrrlng-w lth- several.a tt. tomeys the governor said:

•*lt waa clearly the intention of the legtaiature In enacUng the sales lax tha t the tax be collected by the merchant In accordance with the pUn set up by the Boise reUU mcr- chanU.twreau.-and unuilvely ap-

~ p w e d 'b y Mr. Dlefendorf, conunis- slortef of finance.

"The merchants should continue to collect and the publlo pay on thla basU. The commissioner of fi­nance will Issue formal regulations

' as soon-oa -poeslble;'-The Boise merchants adopted tbe

(Oontlnued on Page 1. Ool. fi>


Denver Minister, Fined Al- ter Raid^Goes Before

' 'Methodist Board....

■ DENVm. M .rch 32 MV-Nu(ll«n. outlawed by Denver courts, wltl be­eome a ehurch Usue In Colorado.

The Rev. F. T. Kreuger who has occupied pulplU for 41 years, and who wsa fined In Juvenile court to ­day on a charge filed after he was

- Uken in a_poll« rald_on a gathering of 39 nudlsU. said his case win comc -

* before th e JuriT conference of Colo­rado Methodist clergymen.

- - H« u ua-n* m i i u u i "c<bdeam- • Ucol teu rt" and a t Methodist head­quarters It was disclosed thfl Colo-

Kreuger's cas* for discussion.—T h e -m ln ls tm n d 23 other adults were fined *1 on a charge of Inde­cent esposun la pollce-eoort-thla v e ^ 'Hiday a plea of guilty was en­tered by the clergyman to a charge of contnbutlag to Juvenile deUnquen- cy. filed la Juvenll* court

Judge Ataaley Johnson suspended the fine because be said im evldenee ba3 'be»~ preaented th a t tbe clergy- . man "had u evQ m o U v ^ ,

Ttw aUavter. now M-fSensoln. said

ch ild renp raB inP IthM ^nd lsts tn a | Denver bom* on^Ow night of the : raid. 71k tuv*enc7~^ tbe chUdreo.'' three of tbem unclothrd. was the ba- i sis o t tbe JUTcalle coun charges. [;


' ’: r : '

mmmd W ith G( tm ent of Gci’s Liquor Commission

Dawad*. e b a l n a ^ ' iia'd M . B. Y eareaa a b e r s o f th o tb ree-m afa sta te ' coiatlUs^ Idaho’a U q tw r-tra tO e .-------------- ----------- -

R o s s - B a e k s -

r f T a x R u l e s

" j i l l l FriiEiDTroio^ J a o o m i n i - G i v e s - N e w —T o ta l ­

l y f o r S t a t e ; G o v e r n m e n t .

K F o r w a r d s M o n e y yon ’ ■ ■■-----i S " B 0 I S t ) r M i > r c h - 2 2 • On-^A.

W . .Tucnm lnl. nMln'tlMit a d . l ia m i n i s t 'r a t o f o f t h e I d a h o

E m e r g e n c y - R e l i e f A d m in l s - 2,” t r a t i o n ’w h ic h r w u m e d o p e r a i n o I t i o u a . t t l s . m o r n l ^ g J fX « jc ; . a les t h r e e - d a y * s u s p e n s io n , - a n ­

n o u n c e d t o n i g h t t h a t t h e n u m - ibT b a r o f p e r s o n s o n I E R A r o l lb f ae: r o l l s n o w ia c lo s e t o 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 .- o f Figures given ou t here tofore have

r t been “r a lh e r rough cs^m at«s,” h* sa id . "Usually they hav* been ap* proxlm ateiy BO.OOO."

Jocom inl's s ta te m e n t waa m ade tns a f te r G overnor (toss, adm in istra to r a x of th e IERA , announced be ^ ia d been id- Inform ed by A ubrey WUUams, as­hy ftistai)t PER A adm in istra to r, th a t a

chcck hna been forw arded to Idalio h t r t r »333flO ns th e federa l govern- It*- jn tn t '8_con trlbu tlon__ io _tho relief

problem in Id ah o d u h n g l h e re s t of o f M srch . •^ MeeU Federa l D em andsiie O ovem or Ross yesterday sf te r-

noon borrow ed *100.000 from p ie ,n- s ta te senera l fund , under outhorlty Ij . o f a n em ergency m easure passed

by th e a U te legisla ture thU week, lUe a n d tu rned It over to th e IERA.OQ T hU w as done to comply w ith I I . th e Federal Relief AdminU traU on’s ,na dem and . th a t Idaho contribu te th a t

am oun t m onth ly or forego fu rther jje a ss lsu n c e from the naU onal gov- __ e rn m rn t. '

O f the »333.943 Id sh o U to receive probably M onday from W ashing-

p ro jec u ; S30400 fo r tran s ien t

H M^D3 for stu d e n t a id . Jacom lnl

All relief activities were resum ed t h u fflornliut, th e o u U ln n t admin* U trn tor snld.

f . U nder the supervLMon of W. W.. O odfrry. d trcc ior of Uie commodity

surp lus dlvMlon of th e 1 £ R a . pur­chasing o f COO carloads of Idaho num ber 3 'pQ t3t9cs-at-approxtm ataly

“ Dare Tells Wl “ Are ‘BeautilIg __________0- NEW YO RK . M a rc ^ 3 3 ~ w > ^ lf ^

j w i r i s v o r lu clw rus g irl U beau* |T - ttfg l bu t-dunit> s t t H anny D flrr.j a . why. and h e wUl te ll you.. Me wlU te ll you i t U because the |

f , abow j. .. ___ _______ ___ :H e wlU lelJ you. will D anny D s re .,

th e D ro s t^w a jjiro d u w r a n d Im pres-'- m Jo - o f-v a u d ev lltf 's ’•D iim y -D a re ;

girls." th a t U U alwa)-s th e big! t* s tro n g h a lfback o r th a bow-legged,

q uarterback w ho blossceu o u t a s a ■ baUet (U ncer In th e college r e - |

TUB. I* A nd th a t jn a k e s lh e co-e<l »o dU-

oours«ed U u t -she a e r r r does g r t .. oD B roadw ay. [

Id So. a n n o u n c D are today, tf th e ; i r j o ld gua rds w a n t n lg b t club com -|- a pan lons w ho con do calculus prob-.i te igm« on th e u h le c lo ih they wlUig . - h a ve'H ot'^ u t c f f- tf te -fa lse w tf - o o d -1- p tnk U g h u s tu ff whll* they are

_ _ _ _ _

lor Stores^ ^[overnpr’sCommission■ ^ ~ p R b b e r t C o u l t e r h e a d s . .

_ T h r e e - M a n B o a r d

I ' Iri G i d n t r o l ,,

I O p e n W i t h i n W e e k

I BOISE, Morch 22 W —M With Robert Coulter of’ Cas< .■ cade> M. B. Yeaman of Idaho I Falls and Homer Moore of■ -Craigmont os liquor commis*I • 'Slonersrrldaho^-etAte-owned-----^I package'goods stores probably :■ will be operating within a■ weeki, Govempr—Rosa- ah------I nouhced.-today.*—..........................■ Tb*. chief *xecuUv* mod* tb* ap-I - polntments-today;---------------- :----- :-------■ Yeanum. U A Republican. Tha■ other* a ^ Democrats. Eacl wlU rc-

Tb* commission met briefly ttaia aftcrnooo and named Coulter ctaalr. .

a .,^ mao.*“ ■ I r WlT B t f btglp-tuncUonlng for- ■

mallyVntU aU members bav* posted= • ia#,<»0 boads. .......................................-

Besigas Two Jobs CoulUr, wbo received the alx-year

as commissioner of tbe state Ifpit - _ department and 'th* board o t laad

b f i commissioners shortly afterward ac^ copied hU resigaaUoa.

_____ He aUo lubmlttod bU reslgnaUm •. . . . tothePemoeratl6~*t*t*centtarcon»-^^ ^ ^ ___ mUtc^^ c h a lm s n ^ o t j l^ ' '

Idaho hous* ot representauve*' frotn'

n n the house In the 33nd session.IIII Yeaman, an Idabo newspaperman UU for nearly'3ft years, Undered his

reslgnaUon as edlU>r of Uie Idabo . . FaUs Post-R*gi*t*r to accept tbe

l i a l - m r .:-----terms In tho sUt* *enate. and U a clvUIan aide to tbe United SUtes secreury of war. Oeois* Dem. He U the toveraoPg i£RA advisory'tor the so u ^ a s te m Idabo counUea. . ^

^ th* ln 5 jS n « o f - a 'S S t t i t^ ^ ^a d - aovemor fent to s** to .'" Mr. Tea, h o n u n said.' V' ' ^ .t_ n plan tdspend part o t my tlm* .

> » ' in BcSm a % 6 resTln Zdabo FaSs; ; ra i I c x p ^ to 'c i t lm i* m y wortewttb

J,n. 6We* 6im - ' Uooris, 'a prombMnt north 'Idabo KVf merchant, recently disposed of bU ‘i®- biuIness'lilleresU'at Craigmont H* . •

u a-member ot tb* executive com- Ave mlttee of. the Idabo department ot ap- ' (OonUnued on Page 3, Ool. 8) '

rlRjinolllE ' g IN ELECTRIC CHIillef ___ _________ __ __

' Albert Howard Fish, Self- Confessed Slayer of

Girl, Convictednty ____ _ised ' ■ " ■“Mk. WHI'l’g PLAINS, N. Y,- March 33

W>)-Albert Howard FUh. self<on- ... i lth fessed sUyer of lO-year-old Orac* in’s Budd, was convicted tonight of first hot degrc* murder, a verdict - which her makes mandatory a sentence of ov- death In the electric chair.

Five and a half hour* after Ui*•>v* Jury rccelvcd the evidence, the wU- J«* ened. «5-rear-|0ld defmdant

^ c o ^ room .10* he^'th*e .w rd lctr^” " I f" t SUrrs At Jw y

defendant apparently forgot to cover ^ hU face with hU hands, as he had

done during Uie entire Ulal. He Just stored a t the Jury,

w ' •‘Oullty as chaJTed.” replied each i,,J of the 13 Jurors as the clerk asked '

them the qacsUon IndlvlduaUy.. • •I q .Flih'a sU children, who had coma «ly to hU aid In spit* of hU three' big-

i ^ h y Chorines tiful But Dumb’- I f ^ ' ^ e r e “ shoUldnt-bc a -b a a -o n --------

1 stage dancing for glrU la coUegts"' . , 1.1 n . . . - ........ - l l . I Li i hih i r ______I D ue. wi U-.-. ,MvOaoiy

(Oe I have a great deal of talent bat lo they wUl never ha>-e an opportm*-

Jly 1 tiy ul exprrutng if iu n u u g as % •■college boys insUt on playing f*- ' '

ire.■ 'm ile'Im ^rsonslors '»nd "taxinffC3» [ thelr p l o ^ la tbe chona. ________KfII'” -esccpt f « a few colleges. gIrU

' are not encouraged lo take part in ‘ . 'm u s ica l revues. In eo.edncaUonal * * InsUtuUons fer no good reason, ex- " * i cept Uiat It's been Use cusaan for jy . I year*, boys Uke chorus girl rolea. - grt i rBow mocb better It would be tf

! Use gltU ot me acbool wtre aUow- .Lhe-‘ e d io art aa ahow f l r U o p p c a t t ^ - -m-: b c n Even m eaat* Uk* as Tale.36- Harvard aad Prlnewton. w han tber* rOijarw DO »t ‘« » J4 b* noe*

w fnm neaity giri shew* to Mk* tb* ^ ^ g lx ls - iw iu .- ^ _

— A .

kS vf e i h f l a t l W ^ A W o a f t ^

fev ! : wilh CisrterQla8«;antl,; I t V:"i..- witli Colleague":^-'' W A S H iN G T W , M a rb h .2

(jPi ^ T b e 8 t o r m * t o 8 8 6 i $4,380,000,000.; r e l i e f . Bll s t r u d e l i f l i h a t i o ^ r ^ ! n . th

ijill—iw n afe -ib d jy r aiiU iBdiriliilstrfl ^===aon-=pnots^eoncedfld>«io^o<« u d e la y .-p ro b a b ly w o u ld . p u : f in a l p a s s a g e o v e c e in to n e x

/■ -week.• A J t« a d y -e ig h t , w eek s a ta c

r ^ : th » : hbu»e=paaetl:-UMLjail, J?cino I cn tlo leaiden had hoped to dlspos

oC.tbB tn u U etone noM ure. berqr— i th>.~-wwfc-«nit . artJounua<afc.,b!j

S e u to r Tbomas <D>OkU), lo/la ; ■ Man adToeato, nw d moat o t Um dK

; to n ire hU xUrer c am aey u a sa d- -meat u a auana ot nn»nctni r, tin

■r— lmwTeUef co tt.---- -. ' nw euw u J d It U s amendmeo

■ .: ii^SalLu f ui r r. ' boQus blU ap p n red today tv tb

. hCRua as a rldar. I t tw p e n tit i b V tbU pU n,.thcM v b o WUb to KU

- tba xcUst eofl(«t( quleklr pU^ U“ W U U r la u a M deforr^-onta- tta

«v: • tlgMwa connmtto* a ^ l .en

d l ^ Tot« mny be bad.

' . voodeo blocks aad gUd«d cardboard to-U ln*tni« ' .bU appeal te r n o n

“ - and cbeapw montjr to p a r to r » • a n d 'o t tm

- I t o r t i e t tbo (orernm eat. tbe tall, '■ V ’d a t ^ Oklahoraair aM trted tbi

' treuurjr v n dotoff eretT th lo t il ' eeuld to *kaep meotf o a t o t elreu<

latloa" la admlnUtarlac Ia*t Ttu'i tOttr purcba« aot..

' . Be ^ tbe rcUet b ia propoeed to . ‘ apead “a u ra uoaejr tb aa tb e n li

tb a t the dollar waa t e t t l a c dearer :^-^infte«^ .ar.otiM per..aii< rtb«.wZw2e ' - I M u a o t t t a p(Jlo» t v p o u o j ot

«un .f lim" . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 'Senator .aktt.CD rV a).. In b a r te

•ct; the relief bin and a a opponent— t i WHWt y

p d ld e i, .eacaied In a ruanlng lire o t debate v lt l t nsotnaa, a t one

. .po to t up * |30 b in aadaiklns:

' ^: d i t o t th in k . I t ' .waa i» y:- , w w idnt.. b e ' cenytBS:U taroond," " fieaatec CoaaalQr' (D>Texaa> re>'

> p lM betoce T henaa could anfwer. eoam ik Uoft moagrr OUm

■ v w w ttwu'iTti '* a ulaui ii r w w 'WlU*v'-^ > ‘lle w r t t o ^ i t . ’* Jv^

. axfftblDc.rve.Veen latebr," m oinae O iaU jtfo t In. >.

,v O lau , wbe-'had eoateaded tbere - w at-no need to r i b e XftUtetf Statea

to leave tbe .sold atandardt.tb«a waa •• ib o w » .a* fU d e tf-a io d e l^ 'a --io Jd

doltar w lth.part ot tbe gold cut out. ‘‘Xltat U witat U eaittbw coxrfu*

:^^~:=:«loa-and a a ta ta-oC -tam e In tba TJBlted Statea,* tbie-Vlxilnlan aald.

O o n B at«n D bp«U . Seaator O ort omNeU}. Tbomea'

. <« em e e m d ra coUc«»iw. dtfputed the , la tter^ atatement tb a t tb e n waa

ao t paougb money In elreulatloo. 'H e aald oooipaz«d wltb HMO,-

OOOMW In . eb«ulatlon when the c n u b caat* in i m tbere -wa» «7MO,000.000 la U arcb U 3 3 .. .

• n ie amoonfe of money b ad In- creased »0 per oeat," Oora - aald. *bnt the Tolmno e t Imstnua anc

----- zprleee-had:.d«creaaed M -per-oent;~Thomaa z«pl]^ tb a t i n addl ttoa

to tba mooey In e lteolatloaJn 1839. there were 900MO/I00,000 la depotlta l a tbe banks and In good tlmca when there Is confhkBce, “you do n t

. .. rB to haTa-eoWhen Thomas n a d telegraau

troai Oklahoma baakan , aaytng tbey t re n leadlag anoey on cattle, aa CTldeace th a t b lsbw prices w en bew fldal, Olaaa asked aasrUy^.

^ “Is tt tbe duty o t coocresa 'to neUtlouAly raise the prlw lerelT X do n t sfTM with tb a t theory. 'Z%en a n IKfiOOJJOO Americans who want to eat bread aad m ea t No one b t n erer speaks tor the ceasamer."

-----------g The-senatof - ra ltr a the tnfffa.ene«.“ ' Thooiaa replied, - th a t be w y a the Wert to n tae beetst<^

th aa /c costs.’Olaaa said It m s Idiotic to n i n

prleea In tbU •^letnioaa vay~ by destr«7sc sows tbey c a n t n t e pivs and ao my ebaofteor ean t bav* port ebojis.’

lALnlSfflDS WAGElil

W a l te r M ader A v e rs H e W a s

a t t a c k e d In L o c a l H o te l;

___________ _ A s k s . S 2 b O Q ______

-----------a^BTtt tnr *^nm Tlflstarted ta th* dlatilct eoort b e n yettaiday, a n a tten sa tb -to an al-

--------1 eboahfin* aaeet-WMt d ia la t (be--------eariy m o ra tn g -^ laat J aauanTjt.—;____ FlalntUI m tb* actloo. WiUer

I tl Wl it..t. wbQ* walStnv ta the ban after

Tlsf tttr a a d OrbOtae t n r ta tbe ' liottf. b* waa a ttac ted by Roberi

I t ts alleccd. Jabbed Rader aboot tbe faea and bead with a b r ^ a n botSe wftfle

— - - to o M ^ l tb y l le i ie a c r F e a t f a a r t O a t b* jteeatw d cats ttao o fb tbe

- «eabdl aad « fw tb a le tt eye, and WM laid a p ta r tb rea tb s c a f . tB . B * a ^ « » « n to r ro e a and b o t td a a d maitlrtna d n ta c tb* pe-

• • r to d f lfh fc « M b a ttr> » a tf tc A e tc » feOI. «es fo r Job* «C wacea. toffctbv V lth «SOO actnal. aad «900 exaap-

—— a a r A m a g w . r y r .D a n a oLTwa. f l l h l i J l a t e ^ • t tf iO tf . '

lltljM ^ cU aa

d ' terdajr a i nportod tiy .tba f o n a m eat .w tatber oheerw_ were 4* an 5« degrees; there wss a w c s t j ^

— ltb»eiy^wa*-panly:doudyL»mltbet - ^ i w a a - a i ot a n inch preelpltaUos

b .2 2 |b arw w tr lo preatura a t 0 p. xn. wa 8 e d 2«.03 tflchee aad the humidity n o n

u ln 8B to aft.per cent of seturatlon,.

A e ^ g g b U ' S r . ' g S e a ^ ffSa ' e wl:;— , . Jput I Temperaitiires

““'M In/M idwest Siateii i i c e l . zbereeeetw eatana^Jow baadrlltcmo^ e d ,to J b a _ « Q O h « n - tf» * S j! te !ipoae and baa tilled up lo m e w S a S n n e tq n attended by warmer, weatber In tbi _ b i|t middle •Utea. but baa prodneed n n tla . p nc l^ t* t» irifa~ lha t“»rec 'A T ao4 I day erat* b lfti haa repUced tb*. kn end- o m tb* aortbem RockleB,-'wltt ; the light aaow resulting la Kootaaa — - tba -TeOowitoiia .parte reg to o /au

nen t eaatem Idaho.' Tbe edge o t aat' aoc otber disturbance is evident mm

tbe rains resulting along tbe tiorthweai tt tn coast. Pair weather preralla ete- end where ta Iba -oountry.

""S S O T^ S S R g?

S i:2 S r S S ,

S KSu.™ ^ !^ ! S 3 !-SSStt « “ WS^AiicS S fl Rg?nu>. wuIUaiMa __M t t J* c imiar« ------------ ■ .!• >


^ B iib c a t$ J « l iL £ v g c x .E ) f s g L iD

S Sub-District Contest: Aiblon Second

J , — —bits —eoBgCBWi-Mewih-W— Bctiler be blgb - aehool .d ram atliu eaptnred

od.- tlra t bonoa In erery eren i a a d Ai­re.' Uoa blgb acbool anaexed all .see- V . onds In tba lub-dlstrtot declamltory Um coatest wbteb coodsded bare to-Ittfa- ■"«< rntiw«yp-»p Iw

aa» tb e dlatrlet oorapeUUcB at'K ljnber- . «r. Mareb » aad M Otbar'.oeapM -

H n iBC team* wera t to n Oakley, Decio Itca B ^ b u m .m > Tbe Burley one>act play, ^TWl- ^ llg b t-« t< th ^M eo n .'i-< % £ i^ * n ly Mt. one entered and tba oast waa'«Kn-

pcaed ot Melba P arte r. L eah Ay. tba lor,..Olan OaTls, Cbarlea Petertoa U. tn d E ra Yeootan.’ O ther w tnnen

wensua- \ . B«rtey QIH W a t the HUmoroui — naeh«i Seboenter, n a Bnrley, “Mrs. Oogieabebner aad X tbe Pour o'Oloek Tratn.“ . tlret; 00, . Francea Ohatbum. A lbloa.‘TheBoy the Wbo Wanted to 'b e Spaaked.’* tec- n * ood.

O ratorlcai-Bnjce Painter, Bur­in- ky , ‘Interrentlon lo r Cuban lode- tld. p ^ e n c e ," tlrst; Sterling U aetar- uid lane, Albtoo, “Tlw Unpardonable nt;- Cilme.’?. second., ioa OramaUO-Welba Parker. Barley. t a . "An American Oltken." t t i r t ; MU- t iu dred ia r re t t , A lbion,,-Ito* Woman QM Wbo Was PorBoCten.** second, n t artemporanoou* — Victor Skllea. gr^r jautortL laoytj, AI-

ing M ia Aenon Otaham , Beybuin, Ua, waa manager o t tbe m eet and x n Judges w en Mre. Loren Lewla, Bur­

ley; Mlss Belea Millar, Aihian,(o Mrs. Butoht z . Kuhns, Bupert.

siyiiMOiiy' i^E ^n iiE

John Paul Chaso Plctur^ M Self as Novice In/

Firearms / _

I o m c A o o . lO ic n a vyL<im f Paul (%aae. n ta u n g trees a federal| - | enprt-»irT<,»t« tfnA W

aeU almoat a aoYlee In a<tntttlng ta* atood to

a s abookhsr with tb* 1st* -Baby'Pace** Kelson d u rln c /tb e g o a ttn Which klUed K elac^ Zaspeetor Bamael P. Cowley aad /apedat Agent Hennaa B. BolUf, t^ - a l la a , dour defendaat tam ed baek «aeatlaaa about weapcoa wUhltha rep ly :' /

u ■ “T wwiVim.,icCT ite -p tB titn j:! .

a l- n r e d Sts ^ibeta / '

^ eoPBS^ i p r e - a m S S ^ * ^ je l f de- tcxue" co&UaUoa. &iase iMtiOed

^ be -nred <tx ifeotJ d t i ^ ^ th* tray;^ tha t b B - a a B r tT a B [ p ^ t h i m a

fua began to smoW cftly a tte r KeJ- w eon cried <wt tb ttf /pcw uen <Cow- ? ley aad EoQU>/W n members ot ^ “the lyuU eatii' Cbaae said be ^ aaderwtood t i ^ to/aw an they w«n ^ c * a g i t e n - , t ^ - ^ - k a aog y a s sa ' ” and .hlm stit Ta a Cbaie v ia auD oo tba stand, la

tha midst ot/ enee m aa la a tta i . “ w ^ 'e o u r t ad^faomed.'

f • m ^ o r Weat coaat boot-

ip- late t^lUTcDemy Ko. l whom hr lOi ln e ic a a “JlmB:yiiursiesi.“ la .*es*at-

atoca u Saosaiu^ Caux, l a u n . ,


' ' I w m f A U A A A ]

S i p iW u r ta u a h ’s C onte n t io n s iP i

^ - n le d b y S u p w r n r j l S i H

04 ;■ • Ruilhg;- -e r* .|j_____ ■■ - ■ ,, , ,',V- • ^

M B O W B ; > U r e h a . i « t ^ : 3 W Ige highway district tnisteeit J.-*.W U . a M WIndle and V.'K. Morgai lly w en » eaae ln th*«upnm *jS O ^h« Ad tbday When • J u d g n a a to t the *Jei —rr TOth dUtrlct m urt in-thatr fai»er-wi

1 T fte*sn i$ r^3cb~ w 8s '^ ip6ded 'l tb* b lgb eourt, waa;lnstUaM In t t

e s court a t Twin PalU by tbe MUrtaui. hlgbway distrlet wbleb *aatl>» * t* . Meoaatlag.tortase^ooUsotedttnd*

2 jQdgo WlUlam A. BabMek pTMldea e aad judgment went to tb* dattad

£ * % a dlMriet t t a t «PIth aealed*' *'ta. The judgment o l'tb * lower eeor a a V i»attlrm ed w ltb ooita'ln tkvor c a - tbe 'rtapondeat. orlgtnally'fhia' de « r te a d a a tm tr o t tb e f t s io d f e a o o nh t <<apa<tJn tha.fliili«nn.sat ...The qoeatlon deeldad wa«: “Wba B- uMMtnt o t an outstanding bond lasQ

■ in a t.l» .p .Iill> ir« o l> ,o l W ) l ^

t ’ ig taaldU trte taad tbaV urtM ghd totrlDOi a sab-dlrlaten-et-lt.------------

r '^ rS T a p p e a a a t ecoteadad tb* per

t—5 In tto botmdarlea waf'tlxKI a t tbi > tune ot tbe veparatlen o t the dls-

ry - T l ie jf«»ndeaVasaerted.thia»-lb« . peroeatag* flactuatea aad-cbanga

in m y e a r to y e a ra s tb e nlaU Teas. i‘f sessed valuation o t tbe twe dlstrteti

^ ' ^ e Twla N i a highway dlatrld I ' trtiat«e*,.wbo bar* th* t l ib ia tm tc I levy on tbe original dUtrtct to r tbe r bonda eontracted b e to n 'tb * anbdl<

TrUlon, ebargod tbe M u rta a ^ dtatndtl3 .N l too mueb tbe appellaata oon*

They aought to oodspel the n* _ ssaactoat d l s t ^ to rvtratai trom

ibe ebarges-arit-haa-ln

i i l i iE i is - H w mt- ' • ■ ■ '

* ‘There's Nolhlnj to Be3 r:-A lra ld “ 'Ot,'— Slayer—

Quotes Widow t - . , . . ' • - . * ■“ CHIOAOO, Mareh » « ■ > - » took [. a lo t o t persuadUig trom Mta. Anna. t« xnekaea. James Senese related in ^ eourt (oday, beton be agned to r. plug her husband through the head Q wttb a nvolver bullet., - I t waa. th* .tSOo, b t sald.^ ^

Haally c a n r l o ^ bha. /“Bbe says 't&ere'a aothlng t o be

atrald ot.“ “ testltted tbe apatbeUe V young wltneas. who tumed 30 In “ hU couniy JaU ceU yeswrday.;; ■* 'Fife hundred doUan would be f a lot ot mooey to r you," “ tie ^ o te d '■ tbe widow Brlckaea. “Vou could* ^ get a car, swell clothes, and haw „ a good time." She meaat to pay !* him. Senese said; trom tb* geiM I insurance ebe'd collect when ber ^ huaband died., K C l^ a t CbririiBBB'IlBM'. George Brlcksen vas ambuahed „ and shot dead a t Christmas time.

Todays court drama w u the se- . queL 'i i ’7 In the detease chair sat th* U

year - At4 - U rs;' f i1 c l^ ,-u n tlh - to * day so stTll't ' anmoved. oonalttont-

!: ly protesting Innocance th s t . sbe . becjune known aa “Iron Anna.” But d Seneae'a story ot her husbaad'a

deatb brougbt te a n from tbe de- tendant. '

Ua got' Enmer Xreuger to Join him. he'aald. proaitsing th* youth

- » 3 » ot' hU .tee. Botb Benee* aad Kruger h a re oon/esMd' the ploC

One man who might have been “ an-lm portant— wltoen—la—dead.. o « m coUard. 90. wllh w hoa tba . .sU ia nn tcnds M n. m c t e a >B- /unOed to sta rt a Aew life aller her

/ husband's demUeJ; took poison In . Mllwiukee b e f ^ ; - Ui* trial- - was


1 (OoftOnUfd from P*i» One) P le n ^ L a ra l’s aaertion yesterday

tb a t Prance “must regroup th* al-:- Ues“ knd reported prepaiioiooa to

0 mor* Xjooo Preach Uoop* trooi tb* r' Italiaa to tb* Oerman border, e PARIS—L«Tal‘s statement tound r echo ta other P n acb quartera t which, demanding -acUoo rather r ib an words* satd they CTpyted Ut- t tl* beside* ‘‘rague tonnulas atid In- adequsla pledba” from Oennany.

.. .Slfi_tbam bff ot deoutles orer-whglmiafly thwaccord wtth Italy. .

* cn ..w lth or without O om aay. wffl : be «aU«d tato c o B ta re ^ «hen;y-to \ consider security m e i S t ^ I t wa** au th« ll* tlre ly^ ~ ~* m CE. Prance—Reports, aald ag,-* 000 of u>* 4JW00 fnueix troops sta- ; tlcced along the aoutbeastem bor- [ der woold be m garrlscoa ' closer to tbe O eraaii border ta Um

PBltTWinr* ^ - a wipreaeed lateotloo to h a r* '

c m g h Bwa im dy to man tb e *lab- . orat* Hhbw tortiaeatloBs.

CeroMUM BalM F B i*' BSRUN—O en sa l Wemer ' w i

Blocabeig. minister e r war. aaltf p d -

* HOM&.A blgb ztaltan om ctal t _ a t ra > d . that I taly_«oold.stick.n p .

; i e r lb* righ t e< AaitHa» B a a g a v l

i i S m S

- l S £

VUiaW in.rgaa,he<«





oon- Bewrttfal MrOra U n m - ^ ap p w a bl her t l a « t a e tta r and

y b g i f a ^ r e i e t n "fcTtttseag?iT g i w ^ to w leal.rwaaJiee ef a f a m a a *1«a>fa ilgh- le m and le w s , elarl lag a l .O nWI> Idsb*:lheatr» 8 iaday ..... - .r - r - ? -, o r. . A TeehBleeler eattaaa^ -^ ^ v a B t «Us. Goi a nat," a r 'a n d ty aad'K oTi*^

istmEscBiBrr DEAffl OP il.TEIIrtcts ■

w g S ta b b e d b y D r in k ln o C o m -

o » p a n lo n . Y o u n g M an D ie s — i

Met ‘L l k e a Q e n t l e m ^ : '

^ ^ iirr 'O R ia tA H # ,* :« irc ii* a :w > = ^ The Bohemian romaaea of two

— ^ t h - t e - t b * - t-wut club J - y a a c h quarter cate, by M arlaa Ktag. also 33. hU drlnktag oooipanUw,

Plsro*. th* BOO o t a welt*t0rd0 JaeksoD. MUa« widow, tumUhed th*

f knltc and ^ e d d r a m ^ T llg a

authorlUes.Sh* dMcrlbed th* .stabbing and

events leading up to t t tn th* tot- D . lovrlng sUtament to Aaalatant Dls-

trle t Attomey M. X. OuQlgan:

~ b ia 'b een 'h av ln g a a a rn m e itt tor----- som*-TliB6.~WttBUimg Uutfr^<-c»tf»

atxnit. ' Johnnie mada' 'tom e ra tber pointed remarks,

ook “EarUer tn th e evening Xtold.hlm u a tba t *ytni know tha t this U tbe in wrong time to go teo tar.LX.had a to nervota breakdown when 1 itleked

ead U>e junk habit three months ago.• • 1 said. *for heaven's sake,

bal Jobanle, let's q i t I t o ut t e r tonlgbi.*

e te “Re didn’t do aaythlag ^ t . Juat “ deUver another jibe. Wben be took . the knife out or h ls pocket, be said:

, 2 'O. K , baby. I ’ve told you that any- ^ time we had a dltferenoe ot opinion.

and th a t you should teel 11 would ‘ _ develop into a tight, all you had to

do was ask fo r yoor d lge m ce.* i ^ “And he banded me the knife. I

“I stabbed him. I didn’t wnnt to hurt him. I Just wanted to make him stop IC.

ted -A fter 1 stabbed him I said: T ■0. didn’t m ean It, Johnnie. Tm sorry.»»®- "Re took tb e knife from my hand . . and then handed me his billfold. W and said: •Dtcusc me, pJraw. will

you pay the waiter?’Tbe Way A Gentleman Dies

J . T t . tOM Iron. lh . UWt. «mlk«l ^ t about ten teet a ad fell over another P* Uble. and that, gentlemen. U the

vay a genUeman dlea.". Twice ahe was taken from her ceU

“ a t her own request to view John- “5 ale’s body. Each time she told: “I

didn’t ni#*n to do It. Johnnie." aad ^ th e a . coUapaed beside tho morgue

^ “ PolIcb” pIeced-lhe-.tory-U>celher ’ r * from M arlaa’s reclUl, together v lth

-notw ,, s nd l i t tsn fo>in4 -ln - th * • *“ *qu8i;d Ron! street apartmcnC they « aharea with Pierce's room-mate.“ Pierce’s room-aute. Oordon Btev-

enaon. a medical studeot at Tulaaa unlvenlty. said Pierce received about tSOO a month from hU lst« fstho-^ estate, tor which he w u «rtmiwu-

and Bulgaiia; whose arm* aUo w m ^ limited by th a peace treaty, u> n - t j v a , ^ ~ u ia pavM -tXi- conference in aonhem Itair. to . WASHINOTOK — SecKtaiT ot

ha SKt* Bull, Inferenually exptvsslng disapproval o t O eniuayk rtaimc<>'

Qd ment In dctlance of tnatiM . said u s tb* United SUtes and iti peopleler must alwaya use every poujble m or- :I t . a l innueaoe to encourage strict ad -

herence to aQ treaty providoos. ' 3j, OSiXVA—An cztraonUnary s » . '

slcn o t th* League et NaUcns coun- < OS’ Ul’ a a s a ju fok U fw ma im t wwr f :

In AprU to ooaslder the French i«>-1:

Itn no.-jnniova B ieasores.w ^. c o n s ld 11 to e n d 'n k n tr.._a wa* ,rw poweta parUdpatlng would le la I n ' <

WWl*wnTT>g_ta< tTlchy aedan ~ ' j

5 r Ptaaea Over Aaitrl*yw W Z nO R - KZOffTADT, Austria e a —Wla* sport aad coouseKlsl alr- M plMip*. esgagtag la mimic v a r ta n

^ maay oama roniUea. Bo*U{« i tn a s . w an ed th* popola«* lo seek ptacea j o t -aaltty .-

n T to c r o - A toralga ottle* ipokM. d . m aa aald Japaa U coovtm d o c r - a - a u s r w i a ^ *esk re te ra .o f har

tocaa r PaStlb T C a a a T w if iia a r* ' tal M manrtatwl to Japan. «tru^ she 1 trp _lt« l _ V(|U]d_“CdjL.XOBipll- I^ l e a t * Oaraaaa'-^a^uasa ralatlow.* M

■ H!T ^5 7 ? a!f tJm 5 ? Icm 3 5 u i TR o x y ^


m '- i ^ H B f f t W r H T T a r f f H r n M n <S 5 s e a to tb a b ra a d a e « C s tR n U a « a tf ‘■ gaagater comedy drama, * n a Whole 1 ■ TowbM Talklag,* eeodag t e n a q w■ to Ja** !^ Itoxy lhaatr* te r • n iL flf ”

.... J-»°4 _MHMaUlA m p O E M N TOM »

B A R D m riton t; a in B : a m = *Dr. Thoma* B. Marquis, » , w iitar • ot early M oatana Zadlaa bWory

~ J afliT recognised-aotbevlty cn Cus< < 'a a t battle a t th s l i t t le Btg H om , f ^ died su d d e a lra t th is Oust«r bat>

tle tle ld -m ttseum -hen iJa to -todar, a atter * heart a tta c k . ' •

ER BMIO PliEM!___ b

m - C o m m a n d « r Q u its a n d Cbm > d

1 pass.OperatedJhlp tS «Go B a c k t o O w n e r s ' S

_____ ■ bpy=r —O A SLA M O rO aU r7-M srdt-»-<n 2 two -Conclusion of praseat teeto with rtlh the govemawot’a experimental ra -

to dlo U

liao ~lflif n'e suddm ^ lidcommander in a purp^rtad ooatro-

^ versy with aecretary Roper o t th a Udspartmeat o t oooimeree. ei

^ Klnwy. oc th* department o t ttS w * talt. said no more tw t »

^ ^ e ^ w e a n ? S ^ S * w w 3 d * t e ai ^ turned back to TranaconttnenLal- ti

Westem Air. tr tsx wblch U h ad ui ” ** been leaaed, within a lew days. w

Kis annouacenltnt followed tho pi ^ -anninrea— l aaipiaU ui uf Major - • * Chester Snow, chlet e t th* flight

| AJIAWftry ^®® another cruls* today. ', leaves for Hooelela be

Klaney alee said Captalan Olay- „ ton BUsell, wbo participated In the e>

^ tests while oa leave Irom Wheeler »«* field, Hawsai. would safl'Tor Hon- _

idulo tomorrow,.'leaving only Ca>- j- S #2 tabi Albert p . Begeaberger aad " at. Ghazles Snyder, commerce depart-

m eat radio e x j ^ o t th* plane's enw bete. _

liit ‘~M alor-8now penned his resign*- Mk tlon 300 mfles out over th e Padf^o ff id* and telegnphed t t to Washington

after the plane landed lato today. ^ on , While ho assigned no n aso n tor ,M wlthdnwlng trom the staff, the to m ajor wss known to have beea "put •

out" over orden from tha socntaty B . of Imnmerce tha t operations of

the oompasa plane abould be con- |Z - lined to fllghU of BOO or 1000 mUes

at-sea-and-retum .-----------------T ------------------------- A]

j DHD LINE SET FOR s ^ CORNiGCONTIIIIGTSiS ■ -------- cthe Neat Monday. AprU 1, has been «

set definitely u the. dead Uns tor «U signing o t AAA eom-bog production

control contract*. Thomaa Parka of " - I ;Suhl. ehalrman of tha Twin Falla « -rt county com-hog productlcn control Jf “ 3 association, a n o o : ^ h e n ysstef- “ >

day. ,—p aym enu totallng bet#eea »M.OOO ^ aod tlOO.000 have been, o r a n to be 1°

u , Bttde to Twin Palls eounty produc- ,1 ~ V s who completed compUaneS-iuw ^

der « « coatracta last year, Mr. Parks said. Aj^iraxlmately on^balf o

^ the producen wbo signed oontra«s " last year, hav* already signed . m -

tracU for th is year. h« aald.Mr. Parks announeed also tbe r t -

celpt yesterday of M TJnlted BUtes , , treasury cheeks covering s«ond 'v

s payment cn u m com-hog contracu ™ signed by producen whose names 5?J

•* a n wltbln tbe alphabetical ranee 7 ^ t t o m W l o l . ^

o< Famons Ranch Home [ r “ Destroyed By Fire raid -------- saikla BOCD. O ra , Mareh a O n -D te tlx ir- Bay Creek n& cb haadquarten aad do d - ttaldeac*.. w * ;o t_ th * largest and by

best ImowB f a r a hom t* e t Inteilcr oa a - Oregoa wa* dsstreyad by tb i to . a - . ■tte tte* was brilavad to have CtP -]ncy . pattl>---TK« tm jaud . | eoo «wmtyasat'c<'M*draa. was boat Rt ■t--sema30 y c a i» a f» b y J> 0 . X d w ar^ cn la origtaal .owBer.et_th* n a c h k h k h ___ i« vnwiKw tK» nortbweat.

R m from Hay Cr«ek.xaBch4Wb. «ui c ^ th a t tb* Soviet g m r o m o t sev- mi

" ^ > e a n ago bought a large herd i ^ ot purebred aheep. dkn The bundtog waa tfe* b o o e ot Mr. b*2 aad-M r*.'W .-a-«m ^Sf8on.----------of

« Relief Home Scene “ .. Of Fatal Encounter u>CT SAXPBANGXSOO^MafCha^rV. B l ar^T vo ragod-Jam alaa-rt - tb * X^gua* W he noada ReUef hom* fUight a talid HI 11- .6uel_eatiy-today, w tth. n « a and a cb

' bockte beeaas* oa* eg tb* M

r HOlBft MnI - i ^ P a tm a n & h « T i'e ^

I . f t a i i o n p a y n w ^ /

I ~ i M 8 ^ b i b N ,I > 4*«bl* blew *f vei* etertM lagI m * f « e « s w a * s * a * * i ( M p c v1 . i t e t« * * v w k a i i l t e h * a M M MI ne t oaly to pay tb* «a,Ne,Me,Mt

1 " Apfitmoio i w l n d t ^ i ^ l g ^ .boy yells greeted preltmlnary d*d- slons whleh led to final', passag* of the Patm an bonus payment b in by a M l to «e vot*.. And-tlM aOT to SOI obotea.of tbe JM »ioretiti*neF'~ixp*aBtott'-pU a

r against t l» erthedfa VlaaeoxAnetl-q*aul4gloo:Mn_cpeatod^*n

I tbal,lofiked aad a o o a y a T te t

[ Tb* patm aa bin aew p m to tbe; seaate, w hen p o lU h a f* ab o w » * » ^• Jortty la favor of eaah pegaMnt. I v -

*n concede tbe beus* oouldm uker tbe neoessary two-thlrda to

r ovwrlde*-presU*ntla}.Teto..Th* sm - J . atels*&etber«tecy., 'uoB tb*aio,tb*presiasnt«xpK a»;

«d bla o i ^ t l o a to paying tta* bonag aew o n t& groaad th a t t t would t&. tfffer* -v llh his reoowry profram a n l a t tbe auBe.ttme glv* tbe soldlen •emethtag they wwe not doa to re- eetre imti! IM«. Be lafotmed party leaden, h* would veto It. attboagh tb « n nave b m Augvuaiuui u t u w ' - premise. .

on ly noently, iMnald Bld^ierg. ttw N a 1 Rooeevelt spokoman, said <=

m i a t b e W ^ ^ l o a * r t ^ b a a e tntlatton. ^

Despito' knew M i* e f tb* -Pnsl- > deal's po8ltkm.’ttae hoos* went Tight abead. Whea t t met. Its t i n t vote vas on a motion to aabttttote the Vlason blU.*-whteh-^weuld*aa*^tb»^ertbiod« f approprlatloQ method e r paying tbe boeus, tor theY atm aa MB. w ith Its requlreawati t f tb* issuance la W r ^ 0 0 0 ^ .0 0 0 la new enm ney. • «

speaker fitcak* Tto *T b en w aaaw raag lao T erih ep iaS '

llamsntary sltaatiOB th a t took halt i5TeBfi3n*iFtbr«il.-e*lfe*taited=: =

At tbe ocQClusta e t the ron can, * the voto was U ed-JO t to 904. Speak. « er Byms brok* the tie by voeiag for • tbe Vinson MU. And irtwn word ot tha t got around, thU was tbe result: ,

—R epieeeatollv*-Cos-m -pa>-a»ee * and asked “l eave to change n y voto • from ■preeeaf lo ‘no’.* A “no" voto *' under the parUamentaiy'< situation ^ was tantamouBt to a voto to r tbe ' pa to an b tU . t

Tex) get penalsslou to maka tbe “ same cBtflfe tlUl aeiUMeutoUTwOW iver CD-Ala) remarked; “I t a agalast both btUs, aod *a tb e n win be no ^ mlsunderatandlng or. aiy posltlaa X ^ change by voto trom *aye‘ to *no.'." f

T ha t gava the Patman bO^three ® m e n votes, aiaklng it .vlctarlSQi'.3(n to»4 .

•PJ m ato s u n « t the losult, the rcOl ft vas AL u»A ooaclusloa .ot tbe lecapltulatloti. Reptcsentatlve Vlnwrn n>icy), with a smile on his face aWpped acioaa the alsla and shook tunda with RepreseaUUve Patman CD-Tex) while cheen boiuc- ed off the waUs o t tbe huge. c h a a ^ . “

. ei

AH Hope Abandoned 5 For Howe’s Recovery “-WASHmOTON.-MMCh- a a 't f f r - »

All bop* for the n eo n rj ot txiuU uMcHenry Howe. Ilrst secreUry to nPrealdent Rooeevelt. vraa abandooed hitonight by atUndlng physicians. ni

Howe's condition became more g n re tate. today. vhen.compUea- tions set In. He sufferr^ a h 'a t ^ kof pleurisy In addition to tho bron- nchlal and cardlao a tucks whleh ^aent blm to bis .bed m on than a oweek ago, „

Members of hU tamlly w en vrilh mhim. Eyestdent and M n. Roose- nivelt maintained doae watch on the n. sickroom on the aeeond floor of th* W btu House.'

Becauae of Howe’s condition, thepresldent_beld_ln_eheck a l^ plans Pifor a tubing trip off Florida w hkh aibe had Intended to begin thU Week- ai

-end____ ___ _____________________ xt------------------------ Ul

Soviet Withdraws ” From Oriental Line h

-------- , CITOSYO. M a i^ a (Jty-Tbt Sov- Pr

let bowed lU way o tt the Man-churUn atage today a t cenmonles d<marking transfer « t - th o -hUtorie toChinese Bastem raOvay to the aew. ofJspaneee-eeated em pln of Man- otichoukuo.* pr

yen la ^cmrrrotl? a t ° a ^ t P<374 ceats), which Oeneral Tlog m Shm -rttan. Maacboukuaa ambas- ' sador to Tokyo, handed to K onitaa- tin Vurmaff. tha Soviet ambaaai- be der. ottlclally cllnebed the bargain oo by. wtileb Manchoukuo becasia.aola owner or tb* mHway. - . _ ni

<At Hanking early this month the st< Q i l : ^ tye lca office declitted

part ownership la the raUwmy. for- » Jl» iaL ^* S eiJo !n y x Jn L ?h li» _ airf pi RwaU. and said the aale la e a D a l d ^ «ri!d_rUlegaL-> ___. Ol

eussd^3b*-«ther e t “t a U ^ about me."

Oeorgo Beers, ittfawd sea captala. died ot a skon fractav , and policc bald MOton BSdehrant. an hoaato e f tb* home to r tba past alghtyeaia. zr m idebrant Is n o t «barg«l wtth a m rd ^ b * wIS ba aent to the deten> ttoQ ha a ^ tal as a mental cas*. au- thiiittles a t tb* bocae aanounc«d.

As poUee n en s trec ted the tragedy.

a n d e b n S T t ^ n S S l f ^ S w u Scrashed It dowa «6 B e a ts 'h e a d h e la tte r d M » few jH o a la i« . ' {

I \



i -

r -i -ot

“ y " . ? * .* . « y * ■•¥^ *M writon. Me vaa i r M U a l *f^ K etn D * M fee U Tm n, n th to g

f. The Day In ; W ^shihgton7 •___________________________:___ I

(By H w A aw datodPreH , . .' ' Th* bona* paaaed. u a te tbe t

Patman blU topay t tiab o aas taaew a currency. ' ’ . ‘ . «

d B tm U rr'E iai i a d t r a ^ 'n b t M > Oerauuiy te r rearming by atM sprea. .

I. slon ot disappnrval e t aattona who [A vloUto.trtatka. ]IS • ;Q lUIatlon troubles roae to ths path <= « of-tbejwrk^rellet bill, probsblr de- _ ^ laying a final voto tmtU next week. ^

" Recent aetlvltlM and statemenU ‘ ' o f former President B eever'ipav^M

to speculation iha t he i ^ I d take ah ; .. active part In tbo l»35 eampaign. ' ^

^ • *rt^ Am*yl/>«n ’BiiT'»<»r« ■nifw.U tnri ^

^ oppoetd broadening the tedsral rc- * , aerve board’s p o w . ,

* Pttriher modlflcatloa o t crop w - i. fecU of tb a drouth a ad d w t atorma , 2 la this yoar'a prttluetion. i

PnnUmt B ew evdt /ortber _ tax levies must await

l tha«m m m tapiirr^ffliit*dhyo^giw . I

5 Olateoui o t th . noor.r ery board took over hla new duties aa

President Rooaevelt emphasised Ms - J belief oa eventual oxtensloe o t HRA. i 1 r »


(Contlnned trom Page One) ^

’ likely tti^ t the adn^tnlstntlon mightendOTM the-Wagner labor dUputes '*bau toe Oonald S . Rlcbberg. aew *chlet ot HRA. said today he thought ^

■ some outside agency was needed to '' take eare ot Section 7-a. AU thlawas mixed up In speculation about ~

’ why"U»* Amertcan rW eratlon of 2' ZiBbor. which tias been lambasting 2' Rlchberg, appeared se pleased with ^'■ his being made chairman of the ^

new TfRA -admlnlstnUve board.‘ Prom Secretary Hull meanwhile J

cable an infcnnual nbuk* to Oer- ~many for her acrapplng ot the ^Oerman - American arais . limiting ,peaee treaty. Be did not n fe r to *!Oennany directly but spoka of the °saactiey of tm tie s . Authoritative ^ word eUowhen waa th a t the Xlnllods u te s would sUy out ot tbe Euro- "

Other developmenU Inchtded: _ Spurred by a special message from g

President Roosevelt urging revlsloa , an d 'tlren g th cn ln ro tth e -p u n fo o d — and drug act, a senaU committee A-oted mit a bill rrfa tlv Increasing J the gorerrunenfs control o n r food and drug dlstributton. -

Signs w en seen la the capilal H tha t former President. Herbert Hoover' intended to take an In . w crcaslngly active pa rt tn the 18M presldenUal campaign. i.

President Rooeevelt said that. ^ despite an ancofnglng Increase In In co as-tax receipts, - tbe question of levying new taxea win depend , , on hew much moaey congress ap­propriates ouUlde hla budget fig- p, uicc hs,uun tajL-i eeelpta wer^ ^ ported to bav« jumped u p w M „ m o n tbaa 30 per cent. at

A bocisefBbeommWe* approved a bis to establish a tr huge army a ir j . baaes In dltteraat socOoaa of toe ^ oountry. Souse leaden aald bOls ^ providing «SS,OOOM -to Increase

sUUons would be taken ' up aext week. - • - J .

PnsifftnttT T O s*en_tha t tbe AAA wt«y jxATe to revise tu c o p conuSl' ~ plans because ol drouth aad the

• S t t ui-Cusfitraiuis srtrtng lu ^ th r - OreavP lstns. ^ y * . .________ _ ^

r ^ 'W o ^W i n S o o n

^ B e B < e r e .

fL « .l J l

. s B i » y r i d « i » p u w «, : : t o W ^ iW n g f o a V . - - ; •

■ V- : '-'jm . •. -

'r^ ia a m d n o K ru K ia i . tsK b eo a .ew fen M e todar totween A « e l* n t ' a e o e v ^ a s d . Seaator a a a h i XdelM t e e v o lt BweM caa. stln«d'V tdefpt*ad«eouUtioa tn th a Q*pttal,-but i t tb e r* w en any posi... thw devakM eato they were d n a ^ - ' -

---- • - ■ • • ' •• •.'-aerab .- 'v b e reeak s^ k r-eo iW W T .— od intamattooal a tta in laueh ' u - Baaeter OUas (D.’Va) deee on back- tog matters, v o u k t ' aot* dleeloee v V bai took A tfM if 'faa aad • tb* chief ezeoutlw dlsouaaed th e .. Oeraaa-.slluaUeQ. or- HKA legUia- Uoo.Beeab a a ld :" " ~ ^ ^

d linsaed an eC those tbtaga. bu tX h a* a .n o -ld a* .v h y .h e .ln » lled -:_ me."- . • '

C«l*eKy>ArM8*4W Ubbigttn'a e « r lo g l ty . . .w u ..

arouied particularly because U wm. V.. . tha'tU it time alnoe President Boose-."" Tdt gatared tba Whtto A i m more . ■ than two years ago tba t he baa la -

- f lS iK H a B o - M H M c - lo r - K - p e r s ^. aoaal bonterenoe. -

I Borab, o a th * Wblto bouse etepa,-,,^^ I. deaertM thahottrtieaereraaU oB ae.:;_ > « y .latoreatlagr and la ta r . th a w I prealdent. In respons* to' ^ueatlonB U a t hls presa centereDC*,.t«rm*d the',.'.,

au e tln r TBI7 aatlataetocx. Mr; ' Jbx»eTe]» added th a t tbe v e t ^

nr Tb* get-together' whkh. an iar^ '. aaity, was on tb* trieadiiest o r

. .. terms, waa aald by both to bav* '.Id beea geniera} as to converaaion.. . Aaked If the Owman am iaques^. . w tlon bad been dtaeuased.speemcally

Mr. Booserett replied with a amlle'., the Btnopean sltoatton bad been

lh disenssed padflcaOy.^ PriaeiptM^ Not DeUU*- -Thnwesldeol-added-that-tbe-dU --------

cussloo was oo principles aad notJ, on detaUs.“ . .pew—seaa to ra-M ve-been mor*^ e rittcalo t-aom apbaaeaot tb a K e v . . .9 Deal Ib an .sena to r Borab, though'...

many of hUcolleagues la th * W e«U.. em ladcpeadant blpo o t tbe seaato '

5 : a uua-JUBPortodr-theT-Rooeevelt^^d..:^— mlnlatntlon.

^ Only yesteHay, Borah almost ;; wncked th* administration plana;.:: tor astendtog NRA by ottertag a a .

0- ameiulment to tba rellet bin to res- I" * m tM M q-trust lawa wtitch^WOT

>» wa* only defeated by 10 votea attar ' Demoeratlo leaden fraaUoaUy ral- •'.

. U*d every voto they eould aiuster.-rr ’ - ,

g 1ERA

I* <Oontlau*d from Peg* On*) ^

K. 4a oents a hundred pound* was rt-T ^■ f^ jss s ifa .

o r the MO carloads, am .u o M .’ ' be shipped out o( tba atato aad a n to bo used for relleT purpoees . .In the stata. .

n m * federal administraUon pn^^ vloosly bad ordered tbe purohan -'.: .

ot aeveral bundred carloads of PO- Utoes In Idaho.

T A recheck ot .n llef rolls’recenUy- ‘ was completed and U U estlm aU d'"'^ 31.000 heads ot famlllM aad «,00Q.-.,, s l ^ e pcreoos a n on the ro lls;-..„ Jacomlnl said. '.r-:S “in computing the number e t per- ....,, aons In families, we tlg u n on a i U sls of 4 4 penons to each ot-them.':.;-- T hat would make M400 plua the. ^£ *.000. It would be a toUJ ot 103.000.-. he said. i. >

Resumption .o t aoUvlUea todayi*-. put approxlmaUly IBOO persons In

“ admlnlstrstlva lERA eapscltle* baek; e .■ to work. »Z The en tln organUatlon suspendedI scUvltlM last Mooday night whan;';;- Oovemor Ross nportod tunds *x--<**" h susted .aad the)egU latunstU lha4 .^-;rf not enaoted measures whereby th*Kv.

s u u oould meet tbe .'. r emment^ demanda. j,''

n State Owned Uquor Stores 5 -Speedod-Wlth- Govemor’s - X « Appointment of Comml lonrj--^ (Conttou ^ From Page » )~ .

i the Amertcan I-egloo. f ? ? j l^ Offices or tha commission already*^ ■ : have beea opened on the third floor " , M

of the sUtfihouM.' A treuury note ,Usue of tSO.000 soon will be made<~.

^ to defray the coat of setting.up tbe tt jSm SsttaU ve organlsaUon which tt tnetndes an eelmated 30 elore* and-a—- ^ approodmately IOO dUlrlbutora.. ‘Xhe under la w ^* passed by tbe 33rd legtsUtun whlch.w ' 7uar*djeam ed.-la eharged-wtth -l*.tt MiiiHg and nroklng licenses, w tth... setting up worts. appotnUng d u -r .-* trlbutors tn plsoes too small to^^* TttalnUIn atona, purchase liquor::^* ta d generally admlnUter the pro-->-* vistons of the a c t . ' -

e ' t = s = = ^ ^ = 5 = ^ = 1 7 r " t ;__________'

V S P E C IA L S E R M O N A T 1V; B A P T I S T ---------- —' C H D H C H ----------- ^

= S a n d i ^ . M a r c h X t b I p I

R e v . H e n r y p I V a a E m c e l e n k ■

“ I 5 B N E W T E S T A M E N T U ■“ W O H D 'C H B H C H ’-------

" . ( • « t i e > i a ) — A N b s - #O B G A N IZ A T IO N — A N P 1

O R G A N IS M " . \ Z mKo eorkalsstfoal *V>rgaalaattoB^ • M

-ee^B d sa .-“the Body efCBrtst. u T H


Balanced Di ; Supplantc

•mere m»y be- plenty to tv . fa ra r of tbe good old d«]r*> but lo r on« am gUd I eicaped tb e rm

r r~ t f i ih ^ c n n o iE B e s ‘= = P « ^ ^ Iher w en Ukra u » m atter o< cout .or«nthcr. as a spring tonle. l ^ U th e . iprinc TeseUblea and (rul th a t ace taken a« fp ils s bodr tocu

- nowaday! make Xor much nJoer U . . liig.-Ycfl. a n d .rd imther. eat rh u to T -eau ce - or^ rt>ubarb-pte-tban - d |^

•auafraa tea. sucb aa grandmotb emplo7cd to sloeh aosie of tbe >

— 'oul of M iwh"aod'»l>rll-ln-h»r-a t « k o n th e «r»t doldruiM of “•prli Xewr." And I ’m not yet conTio© th a t i t waan’t the remedy th

. prompted.tbe-dDjdruua.ln.Uie fUplace*

■Kfirf\ Uie seaaon of Lent at l i n t montb of (prUv, brinta l u ov

------ partlcular'pfbble'm iref .menirpta]i nlng. The calendar Is checken

-▼with llah doys aad la s t days wli apeclal lood requlremenU for tho wbo a n obecrvlnff'.tbQ r e ^ p o t of Lent, rind lne meat substl(ut< th a t wUlJ'sUck to. thc flbe’.*.ta.6i

Rhubarb' For neallh____ Qag ftgmlltnern an tti

vegetable counters tbls month hi been rhubarb, truly ono of Nature own spring tonics and well ut)rth tl cost, a t l e u t as an . extra Uourls for a Sunday or company dinner.

A flaky*crusted rhubarb pie, n u ning orer with roee-colored Julces- there's an enticing springtime du

. scrtlLine a pie plato with pastry. 7

two large cups of rhubarb, cut i----- Inch-lengihsradd-l-eup-suBori-Jule

of luUl a lemon, and tho well-beate yolks of two eggs, w ith half a tea

—■poon of salt-T um -the mlxture ln . . to tho pastry lined plate, brush th

edges of the pastry with cold watei cover wllh layer of pastry and 1« bake until done.

=7-r-TC=*“ nP!»fcn»^H»rrlKMlY-ftb aen'ed. desplto the gala opponranc ot the fancy spring vegetables, ther • n always the staid ones still wear Ins sa6k*cloth, winter cabbage, po Utoes. parsnips and onions.

Next time you Introduce the eco nomlca! poUto and onion to you larnlly, allow these two vegetable a little luxury tmt in the way the

H P H O N E 3 4 2

4 F ree Deliveries Dolly




W E w n xN O T B E '

U N D E R S O L D !

COFFEEBRfTE STAR, « M —1-LB. P K O .___ *•’sureiuoa’' a

I l.LB . JA R _____ ^ 9 %0


^ y ; ^ ~ - Z Z I 5 9 c



t o cF L O U R

U .L B S .____ 9 l « 4 7GOLDEN BFECIAL,

BtaekberriesSOLID PACK. ^ ^NO. 10 CAN _ _ 4 5 c



~ 6 *OLL8 ------- - 2 3 c

~ S O U P l— -CASfPBBLL‘9 ----------

TOMATO.CA.V___ j * C


^ ________ 1 9 c


S h o p W i t h V s- — A n d S a v e

Metts Tonica r la ai<:^ptiwnted.-Ont potatoea 'lxi bdt I amall btnt itftb a cuiter. and pe , r«il> smttf’Onloba.about the aatiia a

nearly M oe. add Uta (n iiu M>d aalt. ^ eeok uatU both a

teodcr. Plaea the T fte tab iat'tn . a tiv> aballov paa whleh U wtQ- ttmm ubarb I*ottf 1 cop niedhiB thick v h i ■drint M W »-fi»U hem U tetaU e:* lU L L lotbet cup or grated cbeeM and bak* 1 le Joy hot oren.-MO degrees, fe r . U mil

! S n g C n m i^ F bb Oa WAmST” rmeed When freab fish Is obtalnaU

tb a t there's a minimum qf C,ea(en sact ) l in t flee, *to my.doUon. in a bake

- stuffed flah terred with lemon pa t acd >ley butUrl Smoked aad ta lt lli a own canned teafoods a n helpa : -p^fljpr -the-planner-of-Lenten-menuetrOaj ikered ''^<1 salmon' may I

with made Into appetizing scallopi those dishes, varied by tbe addiUon

m om *nu»hroom».'plmcntoe8 o r peas. 1 Kutes* >e made Into'forcem eat < 8 o ne! loaves. T ty serrtng creamsd.flsb c

j-w ttincs-lor-a chaage.'Leltover«'< fish may be used eeonomleaily 1

. go^tien-brown croquettc


K C h a i e d D o u g h I s

run-, S e c r e t o f S u c c e s s

“SS; W i t h P a s t r y K i n g !

ut known to skilled pastry che:-julco-t-'*».who_wci eaten forlunato enough to pick up tt t . . . Infonnatlon as it slowly passed froi

j - l n - onc-to-anoUier, tlie-fact-tbat-pasU - JJ.. making Is essentially an.operailo /ater *^leh requires cold Is o t last obUli ^ Ing deserved circulation.

Chefs whose reputotions ha^ been fo u n d ^ unon tlwlr ^ I

Their lard or shortening must t liiorouffhly cold when It It cut Inl

^ theJlour. Ice water Is used In mb•_____ Ing, and lhe dough Is chilled lc ____ hours, often overnight if time pei

of this cold treatment are lost I nM«> handling, they chili their. oth<

ond keep their rolling pli In as cold a place os possible unt

W lth ^ a^ ^ fo m u * U o n rM d yot I electric refrigerators to help ou

' I each aad every one of you shouJ

S l a.i>SKACCSS a t u r d a y

S a v i n g s


PackoRc Coffee Lb.


Seven P eaks Brandt o ^


An Ideal D esaert I 5 ^ Pkg. •

CLOROX P in t Size

5 i o <

« GOLD GEM— r n A r K E n .q _____

8-Pound Cady 3 S ^

' M J.B . COFFEE = - ___ 3Qtf -------------

8 -0 i. JE L L Y .In ScTcra] Flavors

r XO^

* Del Monte SPINACH

_ Q uart Size CansI ............. j2 f b r » < ’

CATSUP ( _ 1 4 - ( ^ j i t t l e

2 fo r 2 5

, KELLOGG'S' ALL-BRANr ........................ L a r p e P ftckaB B - .


or. CORN FLAKES* 2 fo r 2 3 <“ . BREAD_ -------L o Q j;^ .o z .-L o a T C 3 —Z W hite o r Brown


MUSTARD , , In S alt mod Pepper• Shaker

VTwin Falls’ Two S tores— 118 Main S ^ 1 5 7 M ala W.

; 'and Bohl

3RSKACCS. I _ ________ _

F l ^ | W W f e S i u c e M 5 d e I n A d v a n c e H i e l p a

~ r . L e n t e n P l a n n mG-. ■— ■

I Making up white sauce ereiy41i I y o u wlU need It during this mon l^^lm ay" prove'to b e a nuisance, sic

I white tauee is one of the most.ui l^ul-axid-oltencst-uacd-preparallo

S i oOh B ieook lng^'" ^ ( • I s especially heipfuM n -prepart

I aiaoy Lenten casserole dishes, i ^ creamed fish, cream soups ai

I oud lo f combining couquctes and soufflM.

i- u -Whlto sauce, can be^prepared I Id I quantity and stored three or fo ila . days a t the least to a good electi

.ielrlgerator_when.a_con8Mot.IO' compartmeni tem peratun of bele

ble, U deg rm Is malntolned. Tbls a cri> vance preparation not only is 1 ted. economy measure but also is a gre « r« oonvenlence and time saver. ‘

When made In advance lor r ‘ toj.lrigem tor storage, whlto.» -sau « T ^ o i i l d bd'falrly tfilck‘ M ‘£hal. as o e I is used. It may be thinned wllh L ped required amount of liquid for t:

“ consistency desired. Three labl spoonsful'of n o u r" to 'a “ cuprur milk Is lthe proportion lo r a foIi thick.6aucc.-Bton_the Fhlto snu

> in a covered container so tha t tl In aurfaco will' not develop a cruj

tc3. While tauee ahould be beau i r .thorouglily_._beIpru_ W ll*allnj_l

liquid should be added graduall carefully-stirring to prevent fo

3 m ation . of lumps In Ih ^ smoot creamy mixture.

IS ------------------y o be a queen of tart-baking wllh 9 ^ the week. When English ta rts fit

came Into being they regardi lefs ihemselvees as f«niall. open In 'cre. plfis.!LAJadlcal.dcparture.Jrom-ll the accepted Ideo of tarU, ond one th ■om wouldn’t be recotmlied by lUEnglli itry- ancestorsT lr the-lndlvldUJil“ eboci .lon lato meringue ta rt or pie,■la- A March dessert of hlgh-volt di

Uclousneu 1s the apple or new rhi barb tart. Rich, tender flaky paaL

bo Mid. Cold water should be°imdnto combining tho crust and tho dou(>tx- should be chilled before baking. « r- .ChocoUto Meriagge Pies

Fill baked meringue shells wi 1,.;. chocolate lee cream whleh has bei

made In the electrio' refrlgeraU □UI Cover complelely with a thli

meringue made of stiffly tieati — L egg-whlta-and-swsstened-wttb coi

feclioners*. sugar. P u t in hot ove

a poor conductor of heat and If tl Iee eteam is well covered with the meringue Is browned before t

^ iee cream t>egins to melt. Wh

® Way Discovered 1I ^

’Those household Edlsons, thc KlentlsU of the kitchen have be nt it again! Fresh from the tesU kitchens, and hot trom the noleboc of the l>cat coblu, comes the news how to keep bananas from dlscolc Ing. once they've been cut dr slic* I t’s easy—as easy as peeling a b nana llselfl ---------------

AU you have to do is uso fn juice—sprinkle It on, dip tbe banan In. or hold them in i t a jvhlle. 0 grapefruit Juloe. canned or Irei une canned pineapple Juice, oran Julee or lemon Juice. Tbe kind y will ose denends largely cn wh you have handy—or what fruit y plan to combtoe «1th the banani Lemon Juice has been UMd for t purpou for some time.* but lira 0U1 Juices a n tKws.

Always effective os a garnish decoration, always delicious tn m ods or fn ilt cups, the tendency

-tn e nWU6 w bohAha 16 i<i»e‘iu ,g613 Rlint onoe it has been sliced, h been a b it of a nuisance to hom in a k m Now th e n Isn't ihe slights d tto t t of t^^^ to n d e bansm lu r

of lhe above named fruit Jule sprltikUng them generously on L banana. Or dip tn the banatia slic first.

Coed Newt fee LeftoversNot content wtth preventing A

coloration the Inventors have gone step farther and discovered th a t th (and you. too) cau restore the col aiui firmness of cut bananas whli have already darkened somewhat < become a JltUe sUcky from being a

-towed to stam l Por-(hi»-iRat{e pr oess you may use either caitned 1 fresb grapefruit, o r canned plneai pie Juice. Immerse the fruit In U Juiees until they have recovercdl

This UtUe trick ts a most Impor an t.fsctor ta,using up kftoret*. f


. . . D t i H M s T w t a dM a x m i a e t u r ^ b y Im w h o m a k * a e t h i n g n n d « r . • u p a r r i a t o R

S a m e P r M T O d^ ^ _______________ a s . A u f l

T o n e

A f u U la ^ m * g t m 9 S ^

f e r j p i T O T f f i i t r A i i s n ) A i

j i |

)s Leiiten Seas(

nonth Aa tlM I> n t« i ‘p r o g r ^since are -iou exhausUnff your supply 1

t.uae- fu* nelpei. h aw you tried all ttTisnalTind-uhuinal-riraya-ol-aerylr

rchzK a to ja rto m jf ia jo wlocal maxkcto? Bring a b it o f Mtxic

8. for to your ta b le 'la Ihfl Jtorm of bake ^ oysters, Mexican sty lo .'

iquet' Begin ttie dlnner v l th a e n a a <asparagus soup. With th e b a k ^ oyi

ed in Unuaenre>-Pr#nch--ftiDd . poU tw• lour creamed cderyr'Jtadla «U sh; A rilllectrie able would be mixed fn lU 1.lood lcmon_gelatln— And-lot:^ th e . I l abelow courae why not caramel custard pieIs ad- And now. tbe recipe for . .is an Meilcan BO ed O ytien .great 4 cup tomato ketchup. '

1 teaspoon W oroestenhln sauce.,r re- '» teaspoon salt.eauce Pash pepper. , _- ■

!b*the ' • •» cup p a led American cheese.,r the 1 tablespoon butter, lable- pm pickles.:u f ot To the ketchup add .Woroestcrshii lairly sauce, salt and pepper. Plaoe th soucc o}-alers in a buttered easMroIe c It the baking d^sh. cover with the ketobucrust, mixture, sprinkle with cbeeso aneaten dot orer with butler. Bake in mod Z n w crate ownTaso d ^ g ^ i j t a u r e w Mually, Is melted aiwi oysters curled, an

for- serve very hot with generous slice100th. of.plckJe............. . -

Let’s lent rariflty to the flab oock— tail byservlnglt In green pepper oas------ --cs. Oreen peppers are a t their primrlthln In local grocery stores a t preseni

first Flake ono smali can of tuna fish. Cu arded cup stuffed Spanish olives andIm lt red radishes Into eighths, iengtbwlsi

n-lhe Mix ail-lngredienu-together, chllI tha t moisten with P n n ch or . Russlai

disHlng.andjeryeJnJial^'ca.ofjmalhoco- green peppera Irom which,the seed

,t de- ------------------------------------- ---------ready to 8ervc..pour chocbl8 te «auc o\-er la ru and scr%-e a t once. -

Peel,, qoarler and cook in woto ^ six U rt opples. When lender, mino

lough ond chlU. Beat the whiles 0 three eggs very stiff and add V cup of powdered sugar. Pold In fine

------- 4y-ehopped-applee and- add-a-daalwith of vanilla. Place in partly bake been pastry shells and continue bakini

rator. in a slow oven. 900 degrees, for 1 thick minutes. Chill In nfrtgerator a a eaten top witb whipped cream. Apple fill -coo^ ing- sufflc lan t-to - l lU-siK— oven, ta r ts . 'roe-tr A Cheese pastry"crusHor these 0 if the other apple tarU is suggested. 111] th It. may be made by adding grate -e the cheese to the flour before mixin When the paste.

I To Keep Blonde „)m Becoming Brunettethose It menns Utat no lett o w banani

: been tieed ever be Ihrown airayi 31mplestlng “restore" their complexions and uli:!books Ise them In ony. of the many waj:ws of bananas are so delicious, color- One more tip: Always use a shatsliced, knife for slicing or culling bananaa ba- Be sure to select the fully ripe bs— nonns, iheatl-yellow ones with brow

fruit flecks, for serving as a sweet frulnanas v lth cereal, In fruit cups, sala<!*. Use pies, cakes, puddings, and other desfresh; »erU. And now. try these: irange BANANA TEA CAKEa JTJU ' i bulUr U **!»- t . t ' '« «>P*b»t J MiUUnly »lte«d

It you 4 Uupa. bftklac bmauu* lanas. powdw cup susar. *u« * eup« nour a M4ip«. eia- )r the nunoB oUter Cream the buller and add lhe siu

^ a r and well bealcn egg. Sift the bUsh or ‘og powder with the flour and aai1 M l. Add to tiie fln t mixture, altemat\ey ot tog with, the mllk, then fold in ba foldcn i*uUk* bilxtuT%-lnto two greu. bas ed pie pans, sprinkle with mixed sug lome- *ind cinnamon, and bake 30 mln; h t ^ utes in moderstely hot own7 <00 de turn-

BAWAWA.CARA.MEL C PST A R p.Iuie»« iT c u p su S r ' i TsnUIa

slices 3 neur la ta ao sam b. 3 n » u msllon

Put sugar In fo lng pan. and sll consUnlly over a low fire until melt

( As- ed. Add 'th is {csrameD to acalde one a mllk. s tir unui rfLvwtved. then ad I they t>ilourmIxed.with beaten ess yolkJ color aad plaee tn double boUer. Ooo

irhlch about len minutes, stirring con lat e r sl4aUy until mixture thickens. Ad< ig a l- vaalUa and pour oi-er siloed banana 1 pro- itt-bakJng-dtoh. Cover-wlth-whlppK ed or cream, marsmsllors. o r meringw oeap. and brown In moderate oven, r B the degree*. For vanilla cusUrd. use th d l sugar plain Inxtead of caramellse<: Iport. aad add ooe teaspoon vanilla. Serve a. loc « ............. ...................

i i w < 4 ' M i l l i o n s

9N6^WDE1t=b « k i f i 9 p e w a « r S pM laO sts

n g - b u t a a ld x ta p o w d a r —OR e l , « z p « r t ' c h a m i a t a .

« » 4 4 T M raA co

e a a a b e b t t y ! I S een ee e * loe : SSM 0 w »a«nfarS M

r— A l w a y s


^onJlncGuVag^’ [Menu Planningrtaae , a n d : ^ p ha>-e been natoved. P in e lly of the peppers on. kaveso t lettuee loe 11 the serving. If Uw topa . of tbs, green jrrln* peppertcaaes-an-scallqped-thwr-aw >»CTW[jaM-CTuatUFCjndIrparty.ffed.?-i. texioo CHJeken, Seothem Styfe ' baked Poultry, reasonably priced/1* high­

ly acceptable on the Lenten menti. u n o f There is nothing lieller tban Chicken lo ^ > a la Maryland. Cul chicken into pteo^ a t M as,--dredge-wiib-flourrpopcer'aria aiiit* salt. Fry until brown tn aklUet wttb

lU Id several tablespoons fat. Place In cat-, .final scrole or-baklng pan. and pour o rw Ip le? itonom edlum canofcream ofm usb-

room soup, cover and bake In mod- erato oven. 376 degrees, until tender. This is a delicious, easy way to pra>

ice. pare chicken. 'Appropriate corapJeaKntary. loodi

include buttered r ice, string " beans7 iuiim u jrlty, col?zlaw v>k

se. 4nato halves In lettuce cups, and pe­can rcfrlcerator cookies.. - ’ •

Avacados, less expensive on the lo- rshirO than at-gny-time~thls ft the season. lend themseh'es well to Lent- le or _en_sala_ds^AJocal.buslnes« wom/uj, tobup who llnds an easily-made salad the

and solution to many a lunch, sayi tba t m ^ - ttT |^dos combined

'land s'he also experimented'furth^'w ith slices kippered salmon, and had aatlsfac- — tory-rcsults from a-comblnaUoa-of 00^ - stuffed olives, plmlentos. tweet pick- roas- tes, kippered salmon and onyon- }rlme naise.»ent. But her favorite vegeUble salad Is I. Cut lormed of sliced canned beets, sm md 8 equal amount of siloed s«-eet B|mui- iwlse. ish onions and shredded lettaee. chili, Marinate vegeUbles with a lew drops sslon of lemon Julee and a few drops of umaU pjlvf pll. Lft Rtan>t IQ ^.IB mlnUtCt. seeds Servo wllh Ftench dressing.


ntoM ^ Place sliver in.a shallow aluminum pan. cover eom-

? u Pletoly with sour milk and permit to sUnd over night. Washed next day, the sliver gleams.. This Is y>t recommended your '’Sunday

. fc i^ best" silver hoacver. That youH 0^ have to polish. wheUier you like tt

and "

d l2 » -------------- ------------

eompsnlment for fish, fruit or meat salads.n le d

lixlng I IH I .

tg I Saturday Sh(EwnasImply a p .

w ^ E v e r y t

0“ John went along

S * 0 ^ han6• des-

s h o p p i n g . ' O r r

o i d e i e d f i o m h e

m , . h i n u 6 l f w i t h t h eI bak-

B u t t h e r e c a mtl ba- _

t h e o a t r u b b e dmln* _ .............................. .................. ........

J o h n ' * l e g a n dw __________________________- ____ ___

J o h n w a a l i » t i at»S*

pound of butter, caided

___ _egg« ,^d I wantOook

Aid I d n d o £ c o f f e e . ”

S S " H S i a S M H e r er s

'iiM . s a i d . " M a r y , y o u

____ n e w c o f f e e e v e r j

a n d y o u ' r e t h e '


I CMfrtt*'nti aa> - m - i -

tA B C H 2 3 ,U !SI < < ; • ; _ ;.....^

I Suggested Sauces jI ' Sauces lend piquancy to ' many r dishes,' especUlly meat and fish. J American bomemaken a n m o n and » m o n adapting tbe wisdom of the

Ftencb chefs In the skillful use of n sauces and condiments. To dedde itt Pfeon^oillgKrtaUcBrlotterrezviili: L_ m a ts_p tJU hJsjio jncaa ,accom o= .

Ushment and tbe modem home- i. maker will be proud to -be some- 1. thing of an authority on sauces. Bhe Q >nows tha t for fUb. t o r t . aauees

such as ta r tu , hollandalse or pidde a s8uces-an*-the—proper-thlng—for h beefsUak, Worcestershin. beaf- 1. steak sauce or mushroom s a u e ^

and so on through the list of meats and fish. Sauces worthy of any good


I |-M-EA-T--M: "SpBjiJalFd I C h o i c e P o t

f — K 6 a s t s . „ . . . . . . ^ (R i b B o i l i n g

' B e e s 3

' - C h o i c e S i r l o i n ,^ R o n n d S t e a k ...

' R o l l e d R i b R o a s i

• L o i n P o v l c R o a s tif

F r e s h C a u g h t

T H E S E A R E <

^ W a t r h - H g f i f l j e w

n.I. *itct I i _ ______

It innpnpnflpin I I I U U I I U l l U I l lit r

P s iII m V r V f

It •


Saturday ' afternoon

ig w ith Mary Marvin

id with the weekly

raider, while Mary

ier list, John amused

le grocer’s cat.

me a Saturday when

sd' its head against

d got no attention,

i^dng to Mary T'. ’’a


’ i f 6 - ^ ’

re,**" JoKn

IU pick a

ry week, ^ 4, world's . ' ‘•'■••'W'.Hi

----- hea

— nuu



= 1 Osh-dltb.-Te<inIrtolf-UlU»-tlai;e-ln prepantloa< are th e foUowiag:

. J . OOCUCUBXK SAVCr ay (For Cold Flah)lb. 3 large eucumben ^ « teaspoon ta lt

3 tablespoolu p u n cider vinegar of Chop tbe cucumber* and drain otf de the l i i ^ . Add salt, a dash of pepper. Ith ahd=vlzStar.^=MU=^eir=Chtll=and 0^ serva-jeith-cold_Jlth>-tun>.. htllbut. le- or salmon.10- '

TOMATO SAUCE cle a U b l e ^ n t butterror " 3 tabiespoons’fiour--------------------if- H teaspoon ta ltH- Dash of peppertts H to 1 teaspoon onloa Juice'od 1 cup mllk

Prices All DaifS h o u l d e r

10 to 15c- —R e s i s t s

.................J2 c V e a l S t e a

i s t ........22c S h o o l d e t

s t ........ ..24c R o a s t .

i t S m e l t s - ; ^ : ; : .:::: : . : : . . . . ..........

B J U S T A F E W O F 0 1 ]

aaoiLSBIaibm JEoEBa Q u a l i t y M e a t s

W h e r e Y o u B u y

l e t t e r H W e f l r s - F o i r - t e s

—------ iw ii s ipK t.ii— Iiin n jr r j.-f t:tT ,riag :

I 11

- —

Co( rvbbed

I t f r worst p:

this Qo

' to Hilla

, don 't r

some t., HiW. B«,s. c o f f . . - ^

eart. Hilis~Bios. ipighVco


nd better cups.” Mary k


ros. tiiis week,** she saic

le meanf,” John winke<.- .V■ - • --------------

~ ln — -Ii—. ■ TMelt, butter in a tancepaa, add '

flour and stir until well blended.- Add salt, pepper, onion Juice and---------

mllk. Btlr unUl thlelc and. add - .V ketchap ilovly. atlrrtng consUntly.Heat aod serve-with meat or. lisb«.

ONION-OABUO 0HA8EB' !^ “Im Uie wall ilowcr of tbe pantry.7.IIM] i=.WaUed.tha-pnino in mortil fnnlr. , I ,t.-thut Countered garlic irom a comer.' __^“ “ "Oheef itp, 1STthTBEcHenllcafiK.*- ~ ^

To remove the odor, of onion or garlic from the hands after tllclag ' or cutUng. make a pasto of baktDg soda artd water and allow to remain

— - on 'tho 'hands'a 'lew 'teconds.— •— —-r Hot soda water, permitted to stand

In a u tensil'in which onions havsbeen cooked, will rid It of any o d o r .......or tasto of onion.

vSalurilav--: e r ' V e a l

I n V e a l R o a s t 2 0 c .

t e w . ..........3 l b s . 2 5 c

: e a l ( . ..........2 l b s . 2 9 c

e r P o r k ,

‘ - V --.........— - - . - I S c

n n n r n : J o i i n d - 5 c — — — ^

D U R SPECIALS E t o t e c j E L j B t i t e s s i t o —

mi Marlyoto ■ Imnirdnttitoe t t - M o n e y , . .— ^

ff Floitiiig” j

F P s i —>ed /lerie/f ofloJnsI John's Jegs

t picker. Let's rtop

floating and stick

ills Bros. C o H s^ rr- — -

t m ind ..changing

I th ings. B ut I 'm __

e-co ffee m an at

■cost a penny^r-so----= r

3und makes more

■ knew that look in

a p o u n d b t H i l l s ___ _________

laid." E v e r y w e e k ,

l^_a tJlie^g iocM . ___ :

•^ rr^ •-* S g ii= T^HA*- i«>hwr.<t •km n eaar--M U i;M ^H .'

i g jn S a S e T g ia ir w u t» t UMxth » ,im .~ --' .J:: -. ' ; S V B S C U m O IC B A m •

•' Jsr O u rle r , • "• . > t • ■'• to *«*♦•“ «•• ■

I t e p « ^ ’:t- • . W fM A lL '

I S ; i 3 r » f c z = r : r : ^ ^ ^ ^ 2V . ' ' ^ . “ • ‘t e 5 i i r s « s : " . „ ■

'' ' — riouBES or iraocuiiD r*m_^ '— ■ l^S^^!23£«"“ S r '"- - -sss^^ns.r^pSSL's.^-.

S y ^ I r t i e f »pab lK * U « of ^ e e U l dlv*tcb«» •.. -» herete <too re w m a . ^

. .._ (ff) m e ^ A«ocl>t»d p ren . : ♦

' As&lt B u m a 6t ClrcoltBopil.' r ; rN A T IO IU L B ni^K rffA ^

' Totk.oasagp.Baornaarnxk ; . ^ 7 * . ~<ne New* MRimetiio f i u s d i l napodipmity

— ' - • ^ f o r - « r r w ln * < * w t l« m « » t i - b r t , ln '^tte ptper. ll at <tott s eoBTMttai^r t t a t p u t -

J . ot I te «^MrtlMBint tB wtaleh t te «Ror oecot — ;> Pl-tt6 poMttb^-w Bteut Omt*. : . . \ ■ ; ' '

All aoUcM requlwd ty l»w or by ortler of .'_____ o f £ % ’S!!!5!?

~ ~ la n t( tf tU tp > ^ 'p iir iu u tto S e e tl i^a A. m u id d ^ thneto fay Otepter 154,19»

— • Beadoa U « i e t JdiAio. ’ : ' v — -------


T he P res id en ts nesaaffo o n holding com- ! j ^ e s h i^ '’ aroused fe a rs axaong officials \ . a r id 'f n v t t te H 'w W aI -----------^EvldehtIj^ifc:^iB-aot-the-U8e-bQt-the-abu8e-1 ~ '■ ^ h ic h Js M8aned;T«A M ip o ii te IrivenHo^^

I. iWWch CM g iv e .» few co rpora te Insiders unw arran ted an d Intolerable pow er over

r T - - v o U itf 'pw p!e*s--m oney" t o be Ifanlted-, •• • ■ in scope..,, ,.V '

i ^ v e 'y e u s .a re [allowed;, i in d ^ th e p ro - t posed I< ^8 la tio n ,/fo rrco rrec^o n o f abuses.I ‘'Those n t l l l ^ com panics w m ca can j u s u i / "

tbe lnsdves u necessary f o r th e function ing o f,.th e operating. JitUltjr companies” w u l d b« aUowed to continue. T o d lB ln terb st^ 'otit>

“ H old ing .co m p a n ie s 'th a t sew e” a ' useful ‘ - .'p'urpbse—an ^ .th eM a re manjr. sae h ^ r^^^u ld ' b e a b l e t o p ^ v e i t 'T h U W D v a d h o ld '.j^ ifw r " those ac tin g as legitimate* in y e s to e n t i{: to S afeg ili^JnT estaA .-A ]so ;fo}r]^O M ;[ .fa iin io ig o s^ til aervlc^ for opera'tlag com*

----- -panies.'-Such in stitu tions ' should 'bo t:'cIu tterup ib e ir own cases,by rush in g to th e defense

— o f-p ara s ltic -h o ld in g companies which, con* fu se m im agem en t' and investm ent,, w hich

i . im pose meddlesome financ ial c<intfol» which ! . evade rc sp o n sib lll^ , o r ^ h ic h exploit w ith -f . ------- o u t re n d erin g essential-service.— '----------r - -

[ A n Investing public w hich h as siiffered [ m uch fro m the m isuse o f th is corporate de- t........ 'v lc e 'b y th e “Im u II E m pire” :a n d o th e r ad­

ventures o f high finance .\rill doubtiess wel- j come a reasonable d e g m o t control In th is

(• /


I t is In teresting to read , In a-d isp a tch ■ i - - fro m Jerusalem , o f a general stoike o f morch*

i an ts, a r tisan s and la b o re rs 'a g a in s t h igh-------- ra r tB rT h e -atr l^ e r t ^ a nfe ttift imvpm m en t to.

; j regulate th e ren ts, stopping th e speculation--------of-londlordfl-and reducing p resent r a tc s ._{ All th is m eans i r a t i o n , w hich would only

ho In M. busineas boom. T he HolyLand^jseems to 'b e one o f th e few countriea

! I in th e /w o rld rea lly prospering today. A n ( 1 A m erii^n Z io n b t who spends h a lf h is tim e f th e re says I t Is th e only country he knowa

w here 'people, a re m oving In and nobody Is moving o u t

T h is fo rtuna te s itua tion he a ttrib u tes to th e Zionist movement, b rin g in g Industrious

_ Jew ish Im m lgranta and Jew lah capital and b r n l n g th a t a n c iw t iand~agaln mto

n e i r countrj^.

• i •- i ----------1 _____ IW O M O TO R FO EL n iL T S ____

T ne m ost im pressive and im portan t th in g W v e re ad about S lr-M alcolm Campbell’s ad v en tu res a t M iami B each h as noth ing to

. ■ . do w ith apeed records. A few miles ’a m inu te____ OTe T « a n i r an o th e r^ d9n t m a t t t r - nmcfiT

7] ~ p o f e * f f ‘*6JU«thlng'thatrTOattcr8.--------------- -—

eoarae th e o th e r day. Campbell's gaso­Une b m w aa fig u re d a t $58.

A f e ^ daya before, im Am erican nam ed ..........~ p a l « $ n t u , -driving a Blesel-powered ca r

- j-.V o y c r .tb* aam e eoarsew^did i t on one and '. '^ :tiM e -fo a rtb i cents* i r e r t ii o f fueL H e waa

; j t i a g .p r e t i y f a s t , to(>~12S miles a n h our, i r td d i m o st peopfe w in say: is f a s t enough

I — - lo T T a ^ T B ^ g p f a r t s L A .— > ---------^. . W eSre'.ro lng to h e a r m ore about D l e ^

• "T— ^ o t o n - h i ' i t e o o t fe w years, aad-.m ore j j r ^ ^ i a « ^ s a s o B * t t s f l , E S « i . -

, tr e a t p>ie!lW>ti.irI - '»■ r S r t T a a d ita T tp w fw B m ;-- ' toys, m 'U M N

ib ty < «n>«M -ttit1 -b lttei^op^tioD 79l-both-tte lu u d .> b o t a b

- u r . B lebb tft 14 t b , t e coiamHMU4,far h li itm tM lIfnaunt «m ips. *an . I t e anM ne&tnk . »iieadte#iubt,ee tte , otd part^ . d H d n e a tk

• K iUiiCr.'lUdBiW : tuin};*'now oompfiMidl an eonservtttTea.«cfArdleM^ot party k taU aU eu: a t te . dastroyni.. ittw . a nY ttie TMUltt»i>Oaeitinitilr PMclat). N u l l «b4 V hat liave you; T te Steep I

-- tte - r» a ts tih tia a o ttJ W » » « - th e .» to B ;e n k .^ ,. . V i ^ , U would t t e t v e are 2iead«d b a ^

t te t bllMMl fceo i deeerlb^ in Uacaulay't ‘O^ysAndBrt ----- -— ----------------------

ih e r a nona m i (o r a. p a r^ ;• T C te rean ire ie fo rtlfe fta te ; '

T te o t t e g raat a a a .te lp * d t t e poor, •Aaid t t e i p m t h a 'B ^ih e a landf m ro fairly portlteed;

. T h e Romih* w ire I t o bwtliCT. ”Id t t e brave d t ^ c f old.'

If wa wm' b n t b av t th e terdlbood to te I ' RomaBfltyii'eir'dreaa i n iteU n ^ ^

. .fln tA iuip w i a ien L id jw jg it« n c l^ a i» h tfc .n 6 .iala tbe p t t t i . ' , ' ' •■J.;

. . '■ 'r : , am icow B t a i ^ ^ ' :Ju t( why »drtbweftem .grau.m ea;;ara'JdM Uiadl

_ J tte t. t t e acdo&tural adjustment adailnlitnitlon aom elhiac;*!^ Mgant to the Northwesfri w ^ t n plus and irlth the tnfitix o t tbreIin>Br6«B'oerei comiasr over our tartfT wslif Is to t e cleaaed ftom t

Q. feden l berean 6 t-a s r le u lh n l eoonomica waeUy t . port. A tew .enerp ta w tn p ro v a tte p b in t: I

.m ddtew w tw n b artty n a t te U deoMaed aharply wl a dun h u u try for ail eash offerlnBa. F ^ 'q>rea

se - bet«Ban>Mlnnlp e t.a nrt MtnnfiepoUa.a a a ow edjnat Q-„- rlally a sd Oabadlaa e tferlsss-for shipmeQt are o(

abore » worldn* t e ^ . . ." Purth 'tt lm p o rta ttm of A m ntlna corn and pro e r pMts for. upward rerlslona la t t e Argentina foreea td* -wera a ddltBDaHraafaplnr faetori-r-.-.- l DytltyT 7v f

' A iftntlne com was fairly aeUve but aalea of new en wera reported ra ther moderate in voluma. An sdd Uonal SMO tons o t Argeallne com arrived ia Portlat faring the wate. with offetlnsa for prompt, a h ^ a

C T quoted i r s i ? n ^ ~ to s la o per iw .-f. 6. b. elua ak Por i g land, No. 3 yellow com . . . from Oolortdo\at)4 Ifl

bratka polnU was ()uoted a t Portland a t I lM K p 1 0 0 . . - -

___ a m t ie ly th w e r t oats marlteta yera e3rtr«—» r

til Ings a t .d u ll and AtlaoUo ports. LoMl bbIm a t Fo^ -laod were obnijned principalft^

' feed'oala.'.*";''.' v _ n t t • a c ts ''p te tu r^ -«om arid oals ccnlng In 'iro

.A n n tln a f to .u n d a n e a . Amwleaa oaU. aod ed ra 'i l i e l ^ e e u t t ttte lte ls and tb .^ r e s t j k n - 'a ^ ') f ^

n* PaeUto.ebaftersiodoUeivrroaiuUUzlag'naphts whtt e r .in t te . 9la«e of these feed grains. And a ' s o ^ plfltoi g0 « h » - t t e northwest's, wheat erop Uc* unsold-aad 11

' price' l>eaten down while Utire Is actual aeed 'for teet * [ng nippUes in tbe mlMIewest—tte reaion^why-forels

cereals are knocking iit America's ^ te s . zh _________________h - THE CASE o r JOHN STBACIIEY •, _ ------- -— :-------(Portlaod-O regonian)•— ----------^ Zi la to t e h ^ t t e t Madame Becrelary Ptrkli ^ of t t e department of latMt and t e r aubbraitetSs, belt e* re^)onslbie for the deportation proceeding!' again d* Communist John Slrachey of England vlU decide tl >]. CAM on lU merits ra ther th aa in ' aceordsnce wll

the desires of the red«baUera.T te ImmlgraUon law authorises the deportation •

any alien who adTocatea or bellem in " t t e oYerUuo by force or Tlolence of the goremment of the TTnlU Btatea,” and reeent court decUlons t e r s held thi memterahlp In a comfflunUt party Is sufficient pro< of belief in rlolent melhodk

^ But! as far as we know, yoiing Straehey bas n< h , proposad the Introduction of communism by' meaas i V buUets. Lika B iallsford-a fellow

^ paara to be a graduallat. T te t. In faat, a s e u to t e U

)n b u refrained Irom mtmberahlp In. any of t t e ooq m unlst crganlzaUou. On tha pomt of 'rlolence; ot

r " msy-judge trom the book wlth whlch he took o p 't t >y communUt cause, "ReTotiiUoo by ReksoQ." Be aeem IZ. Ja a o r t. HI t . Mir.l> Ui« tconomu phUt»,-h,^r. j t ea if t t e t U ths'caM . Jt i t mueh to be desired, from tt

standpoint ot the leir-retpeet of Amvlea. Uiat be 1 J . aUowed to rare. Surely Uils country doea not wish i

confess ItwU aa so frail and uneaay of temper as n ^ to ba able to bear dlseusalen of pbUoaophle questlooii s :---------------

s v re a iO B F z o n j t(Belena Independent)

t o x he miplnoa, In t t e opinion ot O ortm or Oeoer US P taak uu lphy . who is booa for a brief vu it aft< jd nearly two years la Use Jslaods. ara » euperlor xae g r aKuw>oft-cfrthl<-eoo«lMtoo-te-effaw wt e t aeeaM i

t e th e most eonrtoelag sect of erldence.- Oortng hla two years la t t e Pluilppioes, isr. U u

phy aayS, t t e gortm m enfs expenditures te r a bec le a than its Income and thera te r e beea so Inereaa

__ .la.ta3tts.,Tbelr_e*pwia«otUa.BOTtnuaent.Badec.Upiwirlstonal f e m ot rule glren them by this counb

i g show thelr astuteness la poUUcs an<t t e an tldpat I’g n ice se If they are gtren ezecuUre m well u ifgt«ii to

- Zf t t e TUlplnoa ara aetnaUy te to g - jt i th t^ tte lr h ^ .coma .and aroldlng t t e neccaatyr«f.lDereaiti«-tax « . U»elr-*t*tot-*r* seperloc peopte-teraiy eaa t e «p>e— ttonedrThey ahwild x»t o n lr be glren fuU aotbert

ta administer t te lf own geTem aeat t e t they mtel^ e m t e glren soma kind of a protectcrate erer oun 10- ■ -----------------

BREAKFAST FOODa r . __________a d BOU)a a Teacher: ”W te t tittle boy eaaiSQ m i t t e tesM <

t te awaUowt- Bobby (warlag a a eager hand): " I t e hcma e^ U

Bh swailow-ls in the stamacht?— . -----------------------------------------------

le l "Mother. Z feel » 'd t e e r_ *<E3cciicd. ChUd? 1 doubt If yoa know w te t czd t

^ me»a».“ • - --------------------------r tm y , b ^ IB a h uR z a n fior,*

VAN BOiRnjQ •“

Be old . s


' • " " t J luiCiZfuEBX •ttoas, / y - ' r W / ^ g a a i »,-lBdl.; - — ----- -r—


ik io r ■ ~ ~ays of . |

S - pAf ; ^• t= g jg g a g = g a g a t t tg ;isg B g g

l \ I I \ J 'm iSo •t a u r . (N E W S . B E Iereals :Oepyrigtit.‘ UcO)a the Iy WASmKOTON

By Oeorge Dorxw ' "> with HOODINL New Dealera are pe

- s u te n ^ - tfo a ito rc n e -o o ie ^ th B daya. Ih e y don't care to bebome li

““ “ =- .Yolyed-la-any-dIseussle&_6t_hc » now the *^hlU otilat"-u&employM a

. t o t e eared for u ader t t e HS80/)D 000 work-rellef bUL

T te reaioo is th a t th is ptobic Is a real poser. Jobloaa aalaami<

’ crop clerks, seamstresses, manicuzlsts ai u iM . t t e Uka do n t l i t Uito th e plctu “ “ w ry well w te a 'l t comes to-buiidu

dsms o r roads.«nent r O R concedes t t e t t t e txlck I P S f r t t t in g - esTB uf .‘.so-called -p rofe I N a. sloasl men and women would te '

” been a good oae to r BouUal to poi ^ d tr orer.

BUnJHNO. i n ’t t e nelghbgrho< uf ee |w r"cent~of all aaperienoi wor'kers 6A liroan- reuai .roua con from t t e m anufacturing o r machai

tS 'o r teal Industrlea. The building:tradi group and t t e tnasporU tlo ii grou

K un coupled wltti dcoissUe and peisoni service trades, fum lsh .Uia^bulk .

fQ.aS nHjtimiljitfTtimit uiMfi *W -to This means t t e t tho b lg ib t sll« rtese of t t e n e r approprslUoQ muaC t otnre * P » t In aa effort to get constnii ^ ,, Uon work going i a ' t t e towils as

cities.teed* So far, slum clearance hasn't moi reign ed fa s t enough to catch up wltb

snail.COMINa. Official figures gatl

ered by sereral departm enu rtfle mlxad-ooddlUoos la business, co


of food has been reached. Heai ***^s lap o rts of farm producu hare tel] lalnst ed to keep prices down. The buU< e t t e Ing Industry and other heavy U irlth duatrlea ahow no sign ol Iznpnvi

ment,, I t 's too early for the Feder

* Housing program to show lu e hrow lect on tieavy Industry—but it nlted coming. An enormous lot of woi th a t had to te done in recasting U

mortgage system o t the countr This apadework Is aimott conpleti and Ifs esUmated t t e t a t least gl

» not 000.000^00 wUl te spent tn ne aa of buUdlng this year, thanks to U B at>- llQUldating of mortgages throut e toe the-lnsurancs-syetem.-----------------

^ W j tf lo r a o . nflrcraor Marrlm oom* EcciM of t h o r e S w S n a i e r ; one Board haa reported to the Whl a '-tte H o u se-tte t-* rlv a : of buildU

acUrlty was being stymied' ftr highly unbAlaneed relaUonshlp b<

-ADO- l OTc a ran U and constiuctloa oosl a t t e l a a a effort to overcome this at be t e uation Beales has been remorlng r ^ to strlcUona on real esuU loans ar , broadening the rediscount prlrUeg 7 B« * amploymeot in the dtxrab 1 ^ ' goods ■ industries te s managed i

climb up a bit but i t stUl is 0^ < per cent of t t e 1S33-35 aretag Sueh industrlea as the automdUr steel a nd texUlea shoa-ed gtipd gah s l n r i t e n n t o f U M year-yU tb e

after 1, a here.xaca. . These industries teve been wori

feared strikes and vanied to sto* up reserve suppUes.

T O N . SeeretaiT of loterior Xeke eases Suhdateaee Hctaestead prd>ee C_the wereaX eren mavtng a dent l a U „ t i y ‘ re lie f 's itu iaan -w h iie -caf* T iarn

steam.2 ‘ ‘f NOW, Slnee President Rooaare

waa foreed *to grab oU fuads fi d l r n t reUsf- arei7«ter« t e 4ou;

lr la* liad a nickel. hQm>«i>^ing com e, dowa to an <**w irw tea th rw n iw 'H ou io -iB

" pounded $l0fi00j30o or Subslstett. & D esU ad fuads during ite 'S en a

wre. b S d ladeflallsly; This Inchtdt 1ft already approved. At thla t n t

____ tag lOSa homastaads axe under eoistnictlOQ or fls itted . A total o< SI famUlae' tetaniag MOO ptraoos t e ' Men' okayed to oceuiiy them. Tl

— J pietore iBdadea 14 projects aptau tae b te r aerea a la tie -* p te tty tK

M gl p a se n m a so fa r AS cutting 6om ”*** t t e uaampleyment bozdca u e a t f l t e _____

ANALYSIS. Ita y te Besatdr K a • Heitnaw tt.' Daye bef orw t e got -tl

Senate to pass a rcjoloUan Instne xcltcd t t e ftd e ra l Trade CemmBak-------- (o-(n««aUca(e propataaila m atho

belBc u s ^ tgr ut;ut{ leaders te be •

'^ 5 8 '® aSsh TaShl

- i l i i

_ ^ S J ’ ' ' ! • .


3EHIND THE N EW S)KcOlure Newpaper Byndlcsle)

t te admialstration’a anU - holdlag company bUl, the P T C was a t wotk

i per« on lu owa hook.

ne In* lost blast to Oongress denouncing :_hoir. opposltloa to t t e measure t e was >d are in rece lp to ta r^ jo rt fromThe'Trads W/XM- oommluton th a t an inquiry was

unds* way,Congr«8slonal leaders look for t t e

«miw. findings to tedum pedoo t h m w ten

W telding pompaales goU to an Important voto. I t abould make in* tereeUng readiag.

ick Of -------- •nrfei- —DTjfAM rr*;— to t-e e e a te -f ig h t> against tu r t te r extenskia ofNUA.I pon> u y reteraa letlslatora, IS only a

sample e t w hat may t e in store If. ___ Uie administration doesnt soon get

M eed2 n ^ o M . ^ t e “ i " a '^ ^ 'o r 's ^ v

^ 2 : phus.PoUtical reaction to t t e affairs of

2 2 ? f; AAA oorer a raatly wider area than ^ 1 4 Uiat represented by NRA opponents.

” T te weight o f disaffection wlU be ; sijca telt in .n je . i.'; ' •Bt bs *

ARMAMBNTO.’ A t . ^ aU to J>e- * partment and in com m ltt«s dealing

with foreign affairs t t e ta lk U *11 “I?’ " ol Oermany's rupture of t t e Ver-

• sallies tm ty .- Ocrmany vlolates'lte gath- ' ' ......... ■ . i • ' ■ ■■•

.1_____m SLENDEEeperts> cost aeavy te lp . t buUd* y In .>cDve*

Mieral ef-

I it's work

g the



White iiding by a p te*-costs, a ait>> ig re*

niege. u ab is ed to

OS etage. iduve.

th e n




a U ur z tu i

IS for

[ has

r s o 7itetteeleiiata

ittdttlM t -

at S&s . te v a . T te


Noe- V o ly n e a ttx » g id e * o f t su m i t r S ^ m o d e l 't j f - b e ig e lace-»

S g : g a m e S o lo r . I l l i a a t h e n e w d i rthodsi. w i th o u t azg r sh o u ld e r s t r a p s » beay^ t w ^ d ^ r o s e co lo re d f low i

yi G tudihf Yillir:= .C h U d ," ..

- - ------- » ' By '-'' ------- --t t e s • ywwrasihwn'

— — iiTigmiT*******

I ■ • ^ ± i i 'a : - . ' i& T 2 s s• and taasraUjr-wlUi glAa taasutted t(

his age. W ten te / was a baby U sm a,..they were iw e»kr. hringinj blm mechanical toTS. A n aumIs « en aunt, aaalag a naw. coe. whlel; took t t e aduli taacr, would ii s ad hurry right

.. see.wtetjB«9 t i r ^ . a s y . t t J U > ^ ^ t e aaw It.*. *• .

-- - -Of-cottfae-Bam-waa “ s t le n U 6 n rB e to i« -h s -w a s -^ -w

walk or talk, t e WBuU att - la bii Crib aad c i w with Joy a t t t e me< ohanlcal contritaaoea whleh ador­ing relaUves would wlfid up and set goUig for his delecatioo. ^ . . f a -

‘ ther bought him a se t o t electrie T trains-wheaJSani jr»* .3y tJrt?5 i.|nd

spent mayn te p p y ' e»effigs. .run- them for his soa, who waa, ol

- coune. f&r too s : ^ to m assge them himself. ....... ::---------------------------

By Uie Ume Bam was. eight or ten. and old enough to enjoy and play with elaborate toys, t e was

- blas^i He possessed ersry -lmSgln* . able kind of mechanical cootriv*

anee made, out JaessiriS in iU nrto ‘ run them himself and expected te

te amused by oUura oonStaaUy.OhUdren's to}'s always should te

simple and preferably Ibould te a- i l t t l9_behlnd 'th sn ahead o t thsir

nM d srte t-th W d S -lM 'x a tfc - 'aJ ia make the sdju<tffiefitf..23i<!oursgft

s s them to Inrent and construct the —, pwtlcular arOclB Uiey need next. P- ^-The-toy—Whlch-appeals to tM ‘ grown person u rarely Uie toy which I : is - f l t .fo r ChUdren. The man ap­

preciates the ticin~vlUi-which it funcUons. Bis ImoglMtlon rebuilds

machinery and understands t te a rt which contrived it. The child

—' sees only t t e flalshed product snd | og Is aoon wearied by its sameaesa. rk Tbe adult, fu rthem ore,'sees tte !

toy only oocaslbnaly. t t e ^ d Ures;lls with i t ------------------------- — ---------ng -------- - - - I'OS 'ds trm r^ tb -tte -V a lted -S ta teS r-io o .: as but nothing exploalre wUl ooeta of

Uiat,t e One oommeat on H itler^ acUon Is en t t e t Oermany baa pu t inemben of

Ul fenslre by abowing t t e t tbey-hste n* not reduced annamenU a s t te y ud<

dertook to do when t t e cdrcaant was formed. This p ert ofOermaayV

u, argument Is aympatbetlcally r fewed ^ tu n , but a t t t e some iUM iBe Oer-

mao more la regarded as preparaUon .f for aggression sooner .or la ter and M not m e ^ for defetee.

^ AnoUier effort to Induee all Xur- „ ope to reduce «nn>m«>nU to reaaid- ^ hrftutA Deasftmenteawefts totw

t t e logical outcome. ""'------ ----------

®* N6TB8.A?l,l«idei» hammer away ^ a t Donald Rlchberg, aooustag hlin i " of encouraging vlolatlens of SecUon

7a. Rlchbcrg’s style is cramped by oonstant labor attacks. Bbldttu eom* pony propaganda Is haring km e ef •

« . feet in Oongivas — ibere's talk of Q» toning down propoaed ] ril "let 'em l ly .” No m atter te w things ■r. stand FDR's ^ In g a-fUhlng aa per be schedule;---------- l l ------- --— -----


t> jrn-i

..i; /fi.iA

m m e r e v e n in g g o w n Is a s le n d e r r-* rom -over a fo u n d a tio n o f th e d n ^ s h o u ld e r deeoQ eta d e s tg o e d

10 a n d c a u g h t a t t b e f r o n t w ith! w e ^ I


4 to r Ul glng


.ther t obis





■ » - LITTLE S O IB L R TEMPLTS ex- , ft p n M o n abbwt w hat s te thlaki l l ir a te n t ptadhg t e r foot l a t t e ehQ- ifld —lycemsaU-lH t rea t o<--a JaaUywee^ jiM iheatra. H er loolprints ara aow Ie Uis BoUxwood'a ban ef fama aloai sxt. . '.w ith thoae o t o tber.aerM BBtats^ the (ff) P te to .- . .

- ........ ; v — -

s The Forummd _ « « .^ ArUeles oa t o ^ o f ~ e u m t v „ Interest not exceeding to rw hua-

dred words la leagth wU] te--------^ptibllsbed" under th is ' hesding.^s s PubUeaUoa o t auUior's name a t

■«' m n n l a t t o ___________ '

‘5 Edllor. T » ln m u m m .^ P*«* --------Kte Tbe Zrening Timsa of Maroh 30 ID. has ififerenuauy admitted Uiat Uie m t Penun arUcle ia iU tosus of a re- i r t cent date was uot written by a per- red son "H .O hrisU nan-as signed. I t a ^ e r. tempts to JusUfy I t by referring to It lon aa a "nom do plume." WhUa ta a md dlseusslOh o t a general nature, o r a

literary effort, * nom de plume Is ur- enUrely acoepUWe, th e endorsementr t - "“f f dU ^ r o t

~ ^ ^ ^ t m o t ^ 5 b e b r o a M c . ' i n a to valuable particularly beMuao of

^ Uie good standtog of the endorser ta ^ Uie oommunlty. The pubUo la enUtt- t,y ed to such conslderaUon. m- PTobabla>easena for this eadoreer ef- sl^Uhg ah assumed name oTe: Hto of name may teve no weight bccause to ol known tatlmacy with t t e person

i « whom he endorses. Or he may h61fl a KT poelUon under the peiw n whom he

endorses, or he may teve received— spedal favors.-In any of these cases— tbe algaer’s name carries n a value.

Unless the endoner.wtohea to mto-” lead the pubUe Into believing t te t

"H. Chrtotman’* ia t t e actxuil writer.m why not sign “A Parmer's wife."■ which clearly does n ot create a false I Impression?■ Anotber reaaon why an endorser I , may sign a flcUtloua name, is that I he may deeiro to mako numerous■ endonenents, eaeh time using a I different so>called "nom de plume."■ and thus bembooile the publle tate■ < thInUne there are many endorsers.■ When the writer to honestly en* ■ ' dorslng a commodity or candidate■ he wlU t e glad to sign his own name,■ because he bclleres be to doing a real ■ I pubUc servlee.■ ' Vour’s truly.I ; H. L. WALTER.■I Twnl Falto, Marcb 31.


I ; t i l e r , March 32 — The Woman's t Home MUatonary socletr of t t e « ? Methodist church m Tnursday af- t t temoon with Mrs. Kim Mccauley

with Mrs. Emest Peek as assistant hostess. Miss Bessie Vi*ygal led t t e derotkmals and Mis. D. B . Showers wsa to charge o f t t e study of HM- ptnos.

I T te a irlR ese rre sg a raace .« d p a r- ; ty Thursday erenlng for all students j of PUc t rural high achool. T teio I were ^ o u t lOO glrto aixl boys preS'

e a t with Miss noreaoa Oordon. OSI Reserre secretair, auperrlsing t t e

- gaiuta. puuub am i ceokiea ew c seiT* ed duiinff t t e erening.-M r ; and M rs.-P .-Ii-Prtersoc aad famUy mored Thursday from t te OlyOsMusgrara homa io t t e old Odd PeUows hafi. Mr. aad Mrs. Clyde Musgrave, wbo recently purchasedt t e home, mored Ui Priday.------------

T te p ast Matrons eldb wCl meet i Thursday, March as. with Mrs. P.■ a O ra m a t Twin PaDs.

I■ BUBU M arcb a a ~ M r . ~ ^ ] l M■ Roy Beyer, s r , te ld open bous* cn■ | Tuesday afternoon aad erenlag f «■ I their trieads la boaor of t t e t r got.■ daa wedding aan irersait. Tbey teS■ dianer ta t t e cvtning a t t t e tem a ei H Uwlr daughter, Mra. A . a Packer ta■ BobL■ T te Odd re k n rt aod Rebekah ■ j lodgea compumented Rer. and Mm

‘ O .L . Kendall « rw edaeaday«vcnbll Jer foUowiag lodge wlUi a sodaL A

program waa pnt act aad retrtaSi meata w«»e served. T te M g e g ^

M n«v. aad Mra. K rwtan • gtft a ? l i tn xutwcH rcm esbniaee.

T te P am iew etek jras satertalMd

m uraer-eiass-tere,-hsa k t te d 'S a r ^ H . U t t S B p e n ^ t t o t o a - ^ i ^

B l . .-x a fen ieustrtcksbaveb^ iiiV tQ t*B ed < o S ie e d a |tw o e p p « M C te m tte B aegMes. « ic r» a re m ot*-tbaa M B - -’'dieaea te e k T on t t e m a ite t oow, B ‘W a k e o a < 'isss lU n g a k a tn iB ta a .- B abd t t e •sssn ." suasm lotlstB ana H - pa)mtsts-are-detag • n i a ^ h g s i . -

B : =Attteiidiir,tQ te :aM e -to :tf f l- i tB s~ asft«» M u e -a tta b sr to pleee hie

B m oaer ea . za eae d re a a book for B ewBpte^ h e nada t t e te y la tB tete B ta b U iM a a s . i th e d r s a B e to a is U B about-ple)Bes.M k»U U i h is dieam B book u o a ir plskles. u t t e aumber B d t p iskks 11 m . t e « u i bM o a se t I H untu-he loses ra lth ta l t e r t e s 'e a - . B o tte r *9)Ubch.- • • n s ehureh rasM t be-

l ag worked to-asriem o a t t e nutm - -• faers* g ^ . “To an appearatess, the ehuR beerrlee is Just Ute a ay otber

H serrloe exeept -that there are mere H p m l e t a t tep eM C A w eo aa isn ta*

d b g th e rectot. f l t e ^ p t ^ tee t t e

l^ '^ ^ u c ^ e U " a ^ q u r t i e r ^ ^ '1 2iuut tbea e t t t e chwe of t t e sermon T

ex- s te ssya, “We will im r e ^ hymn links N a xsi". (or whater e r number en* ebn- tars t e r head). T t e aumber «t th ew a ^ h y taa to-tbe-mmtbcr;---------- -------------« ia ' The GergaerOaag o n e ef t t e oMet astentohed aad« s ^ sQoeessful forelga actresses te ap*

t t e audleaees s t Bust e t t t e ^ay e

A natuxany ahy youiif wemsb, i t e ' g r ^ 0 0 la tenfevs, and is afraid

to walk t t e New Tork streets alote. S te eoafesses s te would n e t tev e

t T oome to A u e r la h sd It M t beeo for J? - Slr-Jam es M.-lM iTle's-suggestion % t t e t a season oa ttte New Toile stage loj, would te a great experience (or her.

—J fften st e finishes her, ilmiled en» —. gagement te re , s te wlQ rs to m to

___ I London to appear in a fUm versionof O . B. S.'s a t . Joan. Tben ste.wlU appear ta London next season ta t h e _

i~30 wUl t e hla first play ta 14 years.. the fiba t e a ventured out o f t e r sulta n * a t t t e R lti to see aereral p la ^ . S te

per* saw S a thartaa CtoseU, BasU RaUi*- > a t - txma and Brian Aheme la Romeo to i t and Juliet, and t t e LunU U r. Potat ta a valatae. S te also saw Anything e r a ooea, t t e musical hit. ste toozpeet*

U tag to return to th e elty eoaa time aent next year with t t e new Barrie play.

Irm y oa Broadway . . .

it of h tw . ‘ ^rfftrgaH J ^ n wosby O a ig e ^ o d S 5 f f ( M ^■ of Fortune, t e algned nka'Chaae, Boy ? » h i Atwell aad O lew Andera for t t e UU* leading roles and added WlQ Rogers*

daughter for publicity value. , l h e irscr moVM^taleat scouts-tBmed eo t.fc r fito b e '^ n t a g night, and atgoed one of

ause t t e players to a eontraet tefore t t e rson show closed a few days later. ' lid a H er name was M artte Bodge. 8 te 1 he spoke only one Uaei - Dinner Is lived serred.*'ases Then.tbere was tte .case o t Sblr* ilue. ley Latham, wbo asked ber buateiid mto- to buy b ar a ploy for Christmas. He t t e t bought t e r Lady SetalM d. S te pro- iter. duoed tt and i t cost ber »10A)0 ta a Ife." month. ralM

CAMP FIRE QROUP OF n BUHL TAKES MEMBERStoio BOHL, MfWfh 32 — Tlw Akoy* sert. group o t t t e Camp p ire OlrU m et on en . Tuesday ettemooa a t the bome Of

date t t e guardian. Mrs. o . Oordon ooid* une. thwalte- Three new members were real taken into ihs group. Adult guesU

present for Uw special clUaenshlp eoundl fUe were: Mrs. Elinor Van Houten. Mrs. Myrtle Oault aod Mrs. MarUn Miller. Mrs. Van Houten fead an origiaal poem on Camp P ite. '

---------- i s t t i r a b f r o e l on Prlday~Wt*r-—noon a t t t e tem e of Mrs. Pred Kranl with Mrs. Minnie CUaton aa t t e a^-^-

IN ft <>»Mnf-hoet«as.-Roll ealH ra*-ensw as*^ ed wllh.IrlAhioi:es. Mrs. I . S. Stan*

. sell sang ‘’Mother Machreo."-M rs . H. s . H ogutt and Mra. Var-

' M d "w ^ o n ^ T W « ^ ay anemoon a^- •“ >«y UieHogsett home. Quests were m e n ^ '•?* bers ot t t e San Soud d ub and aaIo»

Mrs. Harley BuUer. Mrs, Stnll Bor* wers 4ewicfc sad Mrs- te rk in of Twta

ra ils. Prise awards were won by Mrs. Ray Banbury high, and Mrs. A. J.

P“ * Plnke. second high.*“ *• T te offleers and U>e leader. M ra beta O.W. Starkey, of Um Loyal PbUaUxa

elass met a t t t e home of Mrs. Carl O U Bdwerds, Friday fof • diseusston. t t e U n. Sam Touns was apBCtatfd

« " • ' ehalrman. committee; Mra. Ludle S te m s waa •

appointed chairman bf t t e jaogram ^ coaunlttee; and Mra. Roae Hongb.

chahm aa of t t e aodal committee. ' James v ^ h t h is been chesea ta

ased s in g b a ss in tte m e o 'S e p ia r te fa ttte — TTnlv«fsliror-Id*h6.-Meseow.'JMMS ««1* tt t t e soa of Mr. and H sny I- .*• Wright ef BuhL • •

T te 4-H leaders oouadi m ei a t t t e L E. SMtnaeU heme reecatly t * eiee*, Uoa d e tn e m . a a B art weeelse^

----- ed-owmcU-ehalreaan snd U rs^X ..* .—. „ StaaseS and Mrs.* BaUey Loeam IRY eoundleisam ittee.M rs.LerataU al* ___ s a j e B t t a t r a o d r e p ^ . ■

- f y .. oeiV*daesdayaftemeQDatUM te«tf eot. M Mis. P tsnk Barron. l > t o t y - ^ KS* members and one g m ^ 'U U s X p

^ Badsen. were p e ^ i for t t e m eetMsrtB aod respcooed IS n o e a with »

stTf* aboel a sp rta r wardwbs.’W f r • ^ tkah t t e boataees. m euiag.<M ra. m « H M a. K asU r p rem tad t te t«&lowtsa P ^ a ta l grmm .for sprin t aad .w iu rW i a

-Hats.- by Mra. £ s te & Jietoesh* 5 itMd n a t f r jEQe served, . I

" .9 . ' I

^sioNs^iiiiI ■ KMDIli

_ ■ , Deleoates to Chrisilii 'Ei - , ' iteaiinr Mnnt .EiniBe^

\ ' Expectatioia

Advanu .«gl«tiiaion of mtM V town detosites to tbe •ouUmri Id ■^ho OhritUan ZodMTor to d e tr co '^yeation a t tha Otariftlan'^ebor

bera th la -veek -^d . ladleatol tli . tbe attendaaee a t todays BBd t

_____L morrow'* im lona would be orea Ii--------- t t r tha i) *ntld;Sted.-M I«-X ucl--------- Long,-r^lttrarrftnnouaeed:}ast fll'T-TTZainfc-at .tba'cloM oT tb e rf lr it-n

' alon. Approxlzaateiy iM outaldo i teadanta had arrlTed,. a a* more a expected tbi* njomintr. Local del

. KAtoa are not reglaterinff untU t day.

Rot. o . L. Clark, partor of t- ; Preebyterlan-chureh. gaw tbo ope

ta* addreaa on ‘THaloa’' a t Ja it ev nlos'a conferenee assemblr.. T

__ theme. "Walking the Way Wl.........Ohrtot.''’ l*“ belni'developec»'uncl

. four tople*. “VWon." "Prtparatloi ••Endurance” and -ObaUenge." T pre-prayer aervlee wa* led by Rail

- Ohoate. Oreenleaf. M iu Lura L StiarD. Twin Pall*, gave the addn

---------- ot yere6me.'ana Olerttt W ^IU BuA .ley. vice prdUdent of the dUtrlct. X W Bponded.. l h e WendeU CbrUtli

Endeavor aodety fumUhcd a mi alcal selection* •

_____^. Three Charthe* Are ne*U"~ 'E d te rtab u ien t of-delegates 1*-

cbaivc 'o f tbreo local churches, t) .,<?brl3tlaa. with Dr. w . E. AnderK

a* pastor; the Presbyterian, wll___ rnnrlr pa«t«r, anrf

Church o t tbe Brethren, with Re H. O. Hlnegardner oa pastor. Vlsltoi wera entertained a t a social hoi and .get'ftcquolnted last evenln Mis* Kathryn Ooff and Mis* Bbai

. .directing the gaines. Relreabmen wero served. .

.. The otber entertainment featui . of tbe conference wUl be tbe bar

V quet thi* evening a t 6:1S o'clock I " the churcb d l ^ g ' room. Bu* Stee:

smith, Burley, will be toastmaste Rev. David Nutting, Rupert, wl

------ r*pe<ik-cn-en durance.-------:-----------Pre*prayer. praise service an

Bible study .will open this momlng session a t 8:4S o'clock. The.mlssioo dass will begin a t I0;35 o'clock. 111

will have a convenUonetU a t 1:3 o'clock this afum oon a t tha Pret byCerlao church. Featured on tb afternoon’s program of the Cbrli

— - tlan Endeavor aodety will be ft onefiet play by the Rupert sodety a t o’dock.

Making of awards and Installatlo: o f officers will follow the pre-prayei

'p raise servlee and Bible study Sun ____ day afternoon. A .musical p r o ^

W. E..Anderson ,ot 8:1# o'dock. A) — H-cxecutlve meetlna of newly«lnstallA

^ f f l ^ 1* called for 4“0'dodcr8en "Jora and Intermediates will meet a

8:30 d’dock. and a t 7:30 o'dock th young people will conduct an hou

• broadcast over. the local sUUor R er. W. E. Anderaon will deliver th

' closing address, and Mlss Caslldi Wrlgbt. Burley, will direet the con secratlon service.

.— ? • -

I C o t n i n g E v e n t s '

A no-host dinner In honor of Mrs PcftTl C. Cook, national president o the Ladles of the Omnd Army of tb< Republic, will be be ser\-ed Sundai evening a t 0:13 o'dock a t the Part hotel. Sherman and Lincoln circlet are Inrlted to attend. Members de­siring resen-allons are requested t( Phone lU l.

. The Maroa Women's'dub will meeiwith Mrs. Williamson April 4, u d not with M n. NlchoUon, as former­ly announced.


Five reels of motion pletures U>------lustraMng-iraumatlc-surgtry of the

extremlUes; and deplcUng treatment o( guiunot and otber wounds, were

----- exhibited and discussed a t a welli t e n r o r - ip e u i l meeting of the South Side Medlcalsoelety at dinner a t the Park h o td In Twin Falls last evening. ' • - • , .

------- Disettaslon was ' Beners I.-p tacttcaT?, J y aU of U>e physldana and surgeons

'^ . I n attendance Uklng part.

NOBnVAVS IMPORTS'RISK OSLO W>-Norway» Import*.ln-«

. aea sed In 1^4. as compared with 1933 and tber« was an unfavorable trade balanee In. forelm e o ^ e re e of 197,180.000 kronor, equivalent to

.• «7.73J/)00. • , . •

. b a n d _b o x

—^ — pLgANERB-

- - ' ■ **• c- n o w E u r

' Zip-Way

■ W ill Soon r . B e H e r i :

' * ? J ^


1 th a t ■■» d , t » . . ^ . } • V ^ ^o l a r - J T- — . .CuelUa .u j j V 'it flTB- •••■Ttt-saa- — / ~ 7 ^d« •*- / , \ r f . . *. *A Vv \re sir6 ' A ' if J , ' ; • \ ’W \deW- /. • « A ' V

Ul to- .. •• .1. ,N

X ti»e \ A ’ \ . - '> v r** 'V \opea- Vte v e i: Tbe \W ith \ \ '

under , . 1ttlon,” ' • \- ' ‘lh e V V - Ralph . \ , \ * a Lee \ \ d d ^ • ; __ ^ \ \ \ V—O

f m s H Ssuing. . .M

_ _ _nents i ;

H SOOEnJteel-

P h '


The Royal jfdghbora o t America, rei

f i j Twin Fall* Campa. attended a dli r ton coavenUon here TburBday afi Lw. emoon and cvenlng a t the Odd Fel

lows Hall, presided over by Mr Nancy Mlnnerly, district on d i

“* * Mr*. Irm a Klbler. Nampa. *Ute *u pervUor; Mr*. Kate Knight, Oood

1 - ? Ing, and Mr*. Effle WaUdn*. Twi dUtHet deputy supervlson

Sun- Introduced a t Uie aftemoo: aesslon by Mr*. Lillian Peter*ot

~ An 2£n. Belle Oreene gave the ad *“ ®d dreas-of'-welcome, to which Mn

Marlon-^noyd. HollUter. responded et a t Report* of the camps were r^e^lv c the ed. Plans were made for thie nex hour meeUng a t Haasea In May. 1930. lUon. ConvenUon offlccr* u-ere electe< r the M toUowsi Orade. Mrs. Fomwall allda Hansen: vice orade, M n. Uoyd con- Hollister: recorder. .Mr*. Esthe

.Zuck. Hansen: chancellor, Mn Oreene, Twto F a i t ; past orade

— Mr*. Mlnnerly. Twin FolU. Install* . Uon.wa* In-charge o t Mrs.-Klb1e:

I aad the nmiiaUng OepuUes.• I - Precedlng-the* evening session, i

banquet was served a t slx-thlrtj o’dock a t tho Methodist EpUcopa church. Mr*. Velma Treadwell open

‘ ed the regular aesslon of the lodge Six young women, dressed In pas tel colon, Introduced the conven

rclea tlon officer* and the su te supe^ de- visor. Community aJnglog we* lei

d to by Mr*. Efflo Watkins. Six ncw con. dldates were InlUateil a t the eve- ning session. Mr*. Klbler made tb<

neet ad tfrm of .the evening imc and aUo conducletf a HuesUon boi ner- Mrs. Lloyd and M n. Mary Stfo-

beck; each ot whom has been a Royal Neighbor for thlrty»s«Ter received g lftr from the Twin Falb dUtrlct by Past O rade Winifred

MS wwith««a. -Late In the evening refreshment!

U, wera aerved' by M n, Mlnnerly, as- U,e Me«lame*.8lrobeck. Slmt


Oaa M cC o^ Clrde,' l^uUea of the i«*t , Army of tbe ttepubllc met*“f ‘ yesterday afternoon a t the home of

J Irs>.K^ l B ntcken ,J r aatb-Avenue NorUi. Plan* were made to eijtef- tala.Afra. Pearl C. Cook, Chlcai^,

rith *•

tree If- W H Y T H E 3 ¥ H Oto ^



I S - ------------------------B I C T U B

u: I F R E E -HERE*

■ ' W r i t e y o i A r = , -------- T r u o n g A

s b e B S ^ S r• - T O W i r S T A I

1 . ■. *

j C E T Y O '

I '..GLEC ^ y i ^ O L t T

' FA U a DAttY .*

MODEL AT. HOM]D ^ t N e w s . F a t t e i T i

| | - ^ : ^ i ^ KAlM ,B-FBOCK-W n^ . j u T o m i r a r / i tm O f

7 7 ; ' t y

Tbe cape -way U the sm art v *' -tbla aeason, and th e tiny

1 well.aa ber btg *lst«r 1* m lng ca; '■* of vatkrua'alaei. This very preeV

cape.caps tb« (boulder* kad «wli ' free in tbe back. Tbe Uny m

. . . .wblob Join* a t the aide froat*..• coune U someUUng lor. Uttle f<

r r ^ to :b 6 - jm id :o f .—It-m arbft-flalsl: \ wtth rose-buds,.. with . roaettea I narrow ribbon or wllh tiny pe A buttons. . D a ln t^ printed la« \ ] dotted swU*. baUste In-soUd col \ V or one of the new eottoa* with i aoft, crinkly atrlpe art m a r t :

ItTTBttlfi^ '^nie panUea~TB»y- laoe trimmed. If desired. . ,

< ' Pattem 3109 la available in sl: 9, 4, 0. aod 8. Slse 4 takea 1T& yu

. '38 inch fabric. Illustrated atep-l . (tep aewlng instrucUona included.

- Send nPTEBN CENTS (I5e» coins or t tu a p a (ooln* p te f m

plainly name, addres* and atyle nu: ber. BB SURE TO STATE SIZE.-

U Send for your copy of the-ANl P ADAMS WINTEB FASHION DOC r Crowded with exduaiw pattern* i L i_ tho_chlia .Jh*-> oung:g trl_*nd„ t

matron. FBICE o r BOOK F in 'Z i . CENTS BVT fmSfT OHDEBJ

WITH AN ANNE ADAMS PATTBt■ I T IS ONL« TEN CENTS. TWE:■ TT .FIVB CENTS FOR BOTB. ■ ~ A d d res» o rd e n to T w In T B U fN S■ Pattern Department, Twla Fal g Idaho.

CLUBSi o n e 3 2

naUonal president, lien tomorrow M n. Wa Sweet won tbe whll

ep- elephanU Oueat* wete Mr*. Cral ert.--Bracken,'M ias R uth -Snodgrass a ^Tgga r a i e in . MAaMigriiga~A giUa-1 Mae Bracken. Twenty membei lft- were present. HefreshmenU wei ^1- eerved by the hoatesses, M n. Id In . Sweet, Airs. Phoebe Snodgrass, Mr de. Almira Corlson and M n. Lnui su- Whitney, ad- "Prtn MASONS ATTENV jra. DANCB AT BUHL wn A number o t -fwla Falls Masor on. »nd their wives attended the Mi

sonle dance la tt evening a t But Id- Legion Memorial Hall, arraaged b In . the Fner Maaonle I/>dgi». Uannr ed. from Oooding. Jerome, Wendel lv- Hagennan. HollUter. Twin FaUs en ext Bubl were Invited to attend.


M n. John Oourley wa* hoatess t the Calendar Olub of U u MeUtod Ut Episcopal Church of Klmberl

;*«• Wednesday afternoon. M n. Cbarle Fisher conducted the bustoess sea

><>' alon. A program on publlo healtl was given by Mr*. Carl Snerson.

A aoclal hour followed. Refresh fty menta w en served by thc tollowtoi >u assistant hoete«»CB*_ M esdnm n' / n- Cotoer, Stowe, Hardin. Spence an' se. Cocking. Thirty guesu were pres

ent.n- - ^ _____■^XNAPSACKS GIVEN" d r c ^ a / p FIRE GROUP- ..........." • Luclle Thorny was hostess to thi ^ Ne«Top-Pew Camp Fire Oroup yes “ “ •terdoy afternoon.. A report wa ^“ . made on the dougljnut sale.,Knap

sa c b w ere. distributed. The aex, meeUng-of the group will b e a t th

bome of Doris Ann Sherwood.


Its Mra. Walter Hansard entertalnec J . a t a theater party ThurKlay eve n , nlng to honor.of' her daugbUr

Pauline.. At five o’dock. a two- coune supper was served to elevei guesta. A tilrthday „cake<te pink gree& and white, itith pink anc

ne green U pen. ctntered the uble et Place cards featured a Ufge Ilgbt. of ed -cake. Favors of gxeen and ye^ j i u p w nraU flllntl with : p i«Uf-eggi

wer^ a f each c4ver., Oamea wen 1 , played, prtae golnc io Anelda Bart-

S t l i i l ' O W N ' S T A l k i l


M O T O R ' C O M P A N Y i l

E l E S C 0 - 0 ^ £ R A T E T

-n ^ w c h e ;I’S H O W YOU C A N G.■ i d e a t ' o f W ^ T l i e ¥

a b o W t h e M a s t

. C h e v r o l e t

E tO 6 . R O B U O N I N J L K I N G A T T H E R O :

. ^ . i M O N .- T U E S . ,

n n t E M T R T Q l j i N K I


r ; N E T O / T ^ > A t l i : r o

i f l E waa_a*sl*tod..MtTti«:by.-Mr*. W. K dly and M

. M argan t'X elly . Tlio boaore«'‘i ealredJnaay-attracUve gifts. •

ZiE i»SS^SS£a£!!fSrt2™ • Martori*.. D>»»ond. jPattyi Sal , : R utb F lt«er« ld . Margaret Warn

Vera'Goodman; JShirtey- oaskl —.y.— and- Aan AUea


X e^-A ^B and Olub re-el« I way ed M a " 0 . T . Hampton as pra illd as dent a t a meetlag yesterday afte capes aoon a t tbe home -of- M n. E i

reeknu OoUins. M n . D. H. 8t<dce(buiy w nring* assistant, - taocteaa. Other otflcc

dected-were: Mra. Walter Becklt Jt*. of pm ld ea t: Mr*. R. O. Tayl( a folk «ecretary-treMurer, and M n. F. nu>S!i D uU ag.j«9orterJ4n..B«ckley.,aj

or Mr*.' Ulggenbotbam w en choe< ddegate* to th6 FederaUon. ai M n. Walter Turner and.Mr*. E

“ tor CoUlas were aamed a* a lu raau M n. Hampton.4>realded a t tbe bui

session aad M n. W .,0 . Hu bert gave tbe F^detatlod report. ~ M r* .- trB . Beuther and M n . i

_ O. Jacka, guest^ ot the aftemoo JrfS . were received a* hew member*. Ml

M. T. Anlauf wa* alao a gue*fc R BP-by- freshmenu w ere 'sw M b rtb O rh o «d. tes*. The aejA ro eeU a* ^ the d i

WlU be a t Uie home ot Mra.. Poo Se» In twelfth,erredl

num. TO CAMP FIRE GIRLSWe.Tom.A-Chldc Oroup of Can

ANNE Flro oirU met i a the dub room ye WOK- terday afternoon. M n. R . A. Su ns for cliff discussed “Kogawa ot ‘Japan l ^ e .Tjje.giris sewed-on-the-club-rroo

curtains. ---------------------g p g n _____ALBION WOMAN TO- ' ADDRESS B. P. 11'. CLUBS

wS?T —M lss-H den-T axtrvablonrw im the prlndpal speaker a t a dUtrl< meeting of the Business and Prc fesslonal Women's Cluba a t tlj Park H otel;here Sunday a t or o’clock, Mr*. Neva Umlt. Rupert,'! dUtrlet chainnan. » ■

S OUier aum ben oa tbe prograi a n betog arranged by the Sho slione Club. The Rupert d u b 1 planning the table decoration*.

RepresenUUves from Ooodln« Buhl, Jerome. Shoshone. Burlej Rupert and Twin Fall* are etpect

i ^ L ■

S PRBBYTERIAN . 'S <^^ASS HAS SESSION *. t r w . l O. M.-Blmpioa entertalne<

Pnfsbyterlaa Sunday School l i u » day attemoon a t her home. M n

, idji J . M. Pierce gave two readings aa< M n. V<unes and stunU completed tbi

^ u n program. M n. W. A. Howard anc Mn. MerriU assisted the hoatess li serving. *■


«eten Kuscoe. wa* honored by ^ •a by E- L. Rogen a t a mUceUaneoui Uflni ^ow er y o t ^ y aftgmoon. Ar idell, .“ fw r motu was feauired ta Uii

refreshmenu and table appotot- menu, aod Easter lUles formed as effecUve centerpiece. Ptaoehle woi played a t two ubles.


Mr. and M n. C. E Cormany wen arles. compUmented ot dtoner Tuesday m s: eventog of UiU week by M n. Mat-

;alth *0° Mlss O nyee Matson a Ml. Ujelr home to Uio Reed ApartmenU , j h . Mr. and M n. t j . Oolbert.vere wtog bo»ta a t dtoner recenUy to horfor i • ^ of Mr. and Mt». Cormany. who are Bjjd leaving next week for Michigan.


Mr*. James O rltflth was hoslcst . . . . to the Shamrock. Clutb-Thunday 1 the twenty memben and six vu- yej. ito n present. During the business TO nieetlng they voted to buy ouung

aap- and make night gowns tor the trip- next ieU a t Kimberly. Mrs..Marlaa Plko , the a'^d Mr*. Floyd Bandv were admlt­

Ud to membership and-Mr*. Em­mett Bauer and'M r*. J. A. Rorex were oppotated on tbe flower com- mittee. M n; Prank Patrick won Use

. llower fuad prlxe. sbe wUl entertain Bve- meeUag. Refreshment*aS-. ^ biistess.

TRIO SINGS AT - :.n ° B A ^ IS T LUNCHEON and - A t r io ’composecT'of. Mr*. Henry Mt. Nuaemaker. i l n . Oeorge WUey and {tjt^ MU*_Edaa Onhom sang "Come yei- Where the LUtes Blootn'* a t a lunch- egga. eca, maettog of th* P sptUt Mto rere alooary Boctety Thursday a t the «rt-1 home of M n. S.- B, Ebod.



j y k o t E T —GET ONE W hole T ow n’s

s t ir D eL nxe


K S A T *



I .

[ 0 , S A T D B D A T V O K lltH G ; I C U tC I

" ■ ‘ “ 1 . . ■' G e W a n j i•d.--ln . ^ B $ n 8 ® 5 $ a a B S M i H l l H

b, Ra-

ram a.

-elwt-p rn l-<^ter>E w .


^ o e ^ '', and E W.

nates. t busl*. Hui-

t Re> ’»rbo«>9 dub Pom-

^ - | ifiiL jilkT rdoffl—


tUe l 5 S n S ^ S B B B ^ ^ B |une-

5rt,'ls " "

E X T E N S IV E m a n e u v e rs w e re ^ nounc6d (h e V e rsa lle s t r e a ty

u recen t a i r p ro te c tio n m aneuv ding, b e ing releajM d. L o w e r : a n ex« i r l ^ . ca rried o u t in th e p re se n c e o f

- P h . i i » ^ _____: ____ --------------

1 FOR lOL TIEaad • • — —

“ Wyoming Senator Sees Stim­ulus in Rciief, Army

. Measures . 'M n . --------- i T "teous WASHINOTON, M arch 33 (iF) -> - j S -X .uujului 'u . III. .»ool-lr«aa j t » .. :itnt- aven today by Senator OMahoney i an (D-Wyo) In ultimate passage ot the was wotks nllef bLU and the war depart-

m tntj^pproprlallon measure. . . .He dtplatoed the proposed expan­

sion of'the enlUted personnel of tbe onny And the planned IncreaM ta emergency conKrvatlon corps camps

“ “ y wUl rssu lt-ln a great demand-for i wool.

ents. "The. war department rtcenUy Vrere calledfor bids on 13,000,000 pounds of orfor wool for the mnnufacture of cloth- > are ing to replace «om out garments Ior 1. the existtag cnlUted personnel,” said ;

0 ’Mahoney..”Mimons of pounds ad­ditional will be needed for the to-

b" creased personnel to 14S.000 men and stcss ihU together with the contemplated sday opanslon-of euif iiiHity conservation — vu- corpa work.will further stlmulote the e ness wool market."1^* r "O'Mahoney. Senalor Carey (R- pikQ Wyo) and other aenaton from wool

su te^ bave conferred wllh offlclaU go,, of the farm credit admlnUtraUon, ^

the agriculture department and the - oai. war d ^ r tn i e n t with a view toward the aiding ta sUbUUatton of the wool

tain market, eat*


JOE-K SAT8:- _______ _ _ich-1 v«TT-f«»^p*ortrWi»»u»»i T.

the 0*7. CUTtli -rUTBU- sun otn uke It but h* couMB’i dUh It out. Ztrn- bodr »*atM Uislr mooer to -p»n.

—~ nltt.** All you eeuU t>««r '**»'• "A.— penor piMM tae -.Bi* “ an V w&atr i l don’t t«a»'m>nr peoniM . to S*t rour shor* ot tba Uood -Hma

-------- UNCLE JOC-K’ii --------

TODATl ONE DAY ONLY! .t i ie g r e a t


I r u ' s +■ C^^^>Cart»«n>News I

1“ 1 DAf5“surta 'T O M O »aoW ! I “

NOTE: It's An la Fan. a a i Wa ' Ny*«r Xaia* Owr Frteas!

KIDDISS » ADtXTS Ue i -------- 8ts(a-«ale»-Ya<-TMaHMr-

:v:; -.''i '■ ■

: m s 8 1986

0 . ' \ '

re held by-the Germ an a n o y .a f t ty and declared th e 'n a tlo n would uverlH beinff stashed in Nurcmbu Bxcltisive photo*of troops stohnlni o f Reichswehr M inisU r General

-------- C o u r t - M a r t i a l

_________ ■ ___________

RAMIRO JIMINEZ asd Mlgwet Stur In Uavaaa. Caba. by oeart nisrtla) el: strike. Tbe mUltary preaceater astef yean Imprlsesmmt.—<^' Fbeta.


B Ceittiaabiu'Shev* 1

Tom orrow!

- M f _ — - t h a n - I v i u I

p E M P lm U T T lE C O lW

4 ^ B A # M 0 R E

— ^ E x « x ! ~ ^ r / “ *9 MICKEY MOCSE


BB N e ^ « ^ w l« - . B 9 f

S Frfeea l a d ad thg Tax ■ . Mat l*e • l i e ' « H | B I8e - Ua - '41a


a f te r C h u ce llo r H itler had de- ] lid re -an n . In th e upper phbto .a ib u n r, Bavariai w ith poison s a s ilnsr a vUIaffe. T his exercise w as < r i TOT J l o m b w i r « M j----------------- - — T-T— '

■ _ (

al For Strikers. ' ■ _ ■ J

EBBB»'igg5!!ga B g 5 S 3 1 M B B B n <


■ I

loares. sag ar mlU worker*, were <de4 1 e h a r ^ w ith leaderahip la th e re e e n t sked for aeatence* ef from two to flv*

r u E C J


n F ram 1:30 T. M.I f l

r r v . ' .

I S u b D is t r ic t C o n t e s ^ ^ ^ ^

■at C a s t le lo m : W in n e rs ' ;

: Go to K iro b e riy : ^

aAaTLEFOBD^Kuii: as^aofal ■«Tw CasUeford )«ig*< »‘hivu« y n t honon ta tbe sub-district deciama- . tory coatatt coodueted her« this .; j attemoon and eveolng. SebboU irom \ . v

. Biibl. Oastlaford and Hagetmaii - eompeted. Paul Ludlow. Filer. Judgetf

- the competltloa.____ ______-------Opentarrtho—attamooar'iession.- suhr-iftg*tiva-an«"atnrmany*“ fk - :' b au teams, under the dlretlloa of . .

Mis* ivah Stout, emerged victorious ' , with Hagerman aeeond and Oa*Ue- tord tbird. Memben of Uie winning . . . i team* were: ’ AtflrmsUve, RusseU

, S ^ U i, Bartara_.PrtU jhard_.aad.------- L” W rlihl EartfnegaUve. Wayne Stoc,

WUliam Roberu and W Uls^ Hard*

' B o b i'd irtTbU evening the declamation ' !

eveau were conducted. In the dra- maUe dlvlsloa. Elaiae AUea. BuhL _ _ J

• took f ln t wiU» her (eleeUon. Charles . Dlckeci*’ -The Mad Maa'a atonr.”

S lto w , co*UefM*d!^wtth ~ "j Helen-Darrow. Castleford. won the

humoroua reading compeUtloa wiUi -China Blue Eyefc" Donovan Dun­can, Buhl, was'aeeond. • ...................... .. ..

^ :^Ruth»WaIpole,-Ca*Udord,-wartb8^-:------only entry to-Uie exUmporaaeou* ' ' spe^ar-< U vidon-and-C a* tlefon t wUl also enter aa-oratorical repre- seaUUve.ta Uie dUtrlct corapeUtloa . ;

- «»-Kteib«rl»rMapeb-»-aad-30f-Bubl--------- -deU te teams wUl eater Um dUtrict.

. . as-wm firat aad second place wto- ■ n e n to the dedamaUon. Mra. Bose

WUsoa l* the Buhl dramatlca coacb i and AlTln Kemptoa m en to n 'lb a - - Castletord entries. -

»- NAMPA SCHOOt KNDOBSBD , !a FOB F l KAFFA DELTA , :IS OA LD W BLli.M aho.M archaW ^18 Chariea T. B attin o f tha ooUege ofM Puget Bound, n o o m a . W uhtagton.

t^ rJ tt-e lc C tw lJ it tn ta f tiE e T ernftr - —“ of M Kappa! OelU, national debato , ' ^ fm tem ity a t the aorUiwpat regional

conveaUoii betag Deld here.- - Tacotaa.ivs seketed a* tbe i m coaveattoa-dtyTTlMtratemltyaieeia . • erery two years. - ■ • . ,

CoUege of Paelfle. fleatUe, Wasb-

Idaho, wete recommended for mem­bership ta P l Kappa D dta^ . . ; : s : ^ : ^ s s ^ s ^ s s J ' |


~rint fhrrnitm ...........>or other tatem al d ru p te deaden tbe ' * I

Not through cogtly. painful elec- . trlcal treatmcnts-<«rn>eclalbatb>— t

But wlUi good'old'reUable Moone'* . . . Emerald 01). the marvelous aooUi- iag maglo tba t sddom faU*.

From tha moment you rub Itaer-ald OU.oa.yout-aUtf,-creaky-iotaU----------aad lame muscles you o a teel i;t blessed. sooUitog comfort penetraU right through to tbe very heart,of yot» pato. '

SUff JotoU And musdes.Umber up —you feel the difference to Just 10 mtautes, your • druggUU promise you, or Emerald OU won't oost you a cent.—Adv. , ^ ,

M u 1 ^ / * 1 !


ENDS T O D A Y l-------------Thrills aod Saspensel ......

OUbMt Roland I ADDED John lU niJay | fUN «BosUen o t Red Dog Nc. V"

C o m e a T ^ - . ^ r t ^ News__________

_ ------- -— IgBilcalJ I l n ^ nff,; , , |— ------

WHU w t HtAtl I TMtW Ain C il io .c u l »o*!\ aaviw to v e iH t’ .^ O^NIIOr

ta iT i KoiiTwia.- * •A iic t o f in iA

f tsh a lw lw Caitaam . .■Haveat Ge< A Bat*

- ■

IX ><dl.II

;5;- > I ! £ p i i3 * iM f w « » » t» > « 1Vt«la tnOOT im« »»« Kfoli

;■•■■: .. ■ / ' C topU f.X T .-.^ ' "‘ ' n S TiVlMB............

Tb» t« in i ¥ « n built « a the li :' . . . o< • poddinf and ttu ir n n n d I • c- <MM « d t t r n i blM « m wll

,; .me. tbay *0“ ^ t t a t tlwy »

: ^ & T » - S - S S~ POTMljUa.- .u co t cU ldna . tii

--------•* t'- le« t-ln t to PTMeaCo.ol U. tldea, bia carried oa a n e w ^

ia t and elaborate tyitcca o l ec BualcatloQ by alm wt Imperotptl

__ Ttnka. Jorki at tb» head, twlrli' " the 'thUBib aod laao llu

-r--------- Tteey-wer»-#lme6t - o m » - J wcritlomng growoupf. y it' tbe lat

, i n n alwaya «««cloui wlwn i twlna «w a near o t being watol

' and pextuow n ad e tun of. Indi t to lr continued preaeaee. «sa

: r —r-T O e ru > y n w w «cUTely-«Hploi • in abeorblng feed, ae embanaai

' ; tbeir. Atfaer tba t tw iuul a« Uttta do wltb them aa poatlble and en

•-N tbetr mother waa often uneaay t)’■ JWP lli»lrivwwhhM*-4iayM«>*«-«iAl

Jaoe and tba twlaa unially n a i talned an ansed JuotnUty* Jan tvelve yeara aenloilty and t

' :" fttber’a open fa»orttl«n i»Te ber .. apparent adfantage o n t b er brot

f ’ ^l(b« vae able for latUaot to ba tbelr poekat money eoztaUed I t tb

‘ otfendedber.'AttUaea..wbentba< V i«ote waa aertoua aneogb. ibe coc

-se t tb e n punbbed 'lntba'ceod 'td — -- wbea h

bla aoni crystaUlaed loto wblppio tbey vere oocaaloDi te be itm ei bered ihuddertegjy.' B ut Jaoe bad learned tba t mai

_ . BO,unpleaatotoeia, usually tmpoai

• » b a n e m ^ e tn l^ S e d -w lt t i b brothen; sbe found i t wlaer te lea them lererely alone.-trnfortunata for Jane tbe twins bad raeent

’ in ten the' four tinder laysn o<*b> gorgaotta box t i Uttbday - easi!

leaTioff tha top layer m tooebad,« been aouodly wblpped for It..

For days tbey m tda no mora pay Jana back. N ev wben aba w: moii. unhappy.. fretting, aa el

. c n n e a 'f t t - t b a d rn ta e d .a a d d

gotten.. ^ a took her breakfasU fn bt

H ia twloa..paailag b e rd o o r ln tl momingi, would.eing la falset

. mkiea, "ooly a b ird wltb ft wound heart.'’ OTsr a sd orer, a sd tbi

’ Jaugh stridently. ."Stop th a t botxiUa solse." J t i

-xr— pommanded-dally, -b u t- th a -n o i iwent on. Once they Uogered ai debated loudly whether t t waa b(M with a wounded , heart or wounded wing.

"The evldenee polsU te a wouu ed bcsrt," .Norria snickered. *Tfea

. jrou bet It’s a wouodad heart, j right. aU rlghtey.” NaU added, at the two leaned up against tbe wi

• eonvulMd wtth their own wit._ Jan e_»ppcnled-to ber m other :

atop tbe outraga. *9ut 70s alnr yourseU," the twins aaswered J

■ choru*. ‘We learned t t t r o a you.' "It's a slUy soeg.**.tbelr xnotb

said firmly, “but If yos suise a tn f I alng n oucdoon and stag i t conve I t . I t gou like this, •Only a Urd J a gilded cage - fihe eaag U chorus through, and made tha twli

. repeat It after ber. -

*^Runk you," her u n s sa. gravely sod bowed. As ooa m i they turned and walked out of u front door; down tha portb ate]

- and eionod.tbe yard t a f they atO(below J u e 's window.

"Only » bird in ft gilded cage Nste oirQlled a t the top of hla luns

"Only a bird with a woundi

■ ' u ie Dean . . . . la ft g lW e d * ^ 'uatll lhe lr mother decendnj c them and Jerked tiyiTn laslde

"If you erer do tha t agabi. u I ; .T tr hesr you, U J u u hears yoTi

much as bum th a t tuna IH se« thi your faUier g lm you jueb « »hJj

_______ jalag as youTe aerer had yet.- u i•-lforthrm»-thiTatwim-ftirfn>i»3«_«.<

^ sens knew the t she meent 1 ‘Xney stu ed a t h er bleakly.

' '^ J J g t h l a g - e lse r '- lfeU

---------"Wothlng. Bu t-w a e ia b T - to----------^ f a tb e ^ bought a nsw a rrlsg * whi

aad U you don't waat him to ui t t . . . "

M tha t moment the n ic e of tt Irleb oook was heant In theopmted ta song. "Oaly ft b u S t a g ^ d w " eanmed h o w m e

fleor, shrtolrtng aad gup iac ax I ponniUng tbe Soor aad

Onar foo wen tbey k a e w ^ ^ w u.baagtaff orar the baalstir. ft

. d ^ t tm m smoqrwae sweet.<Ou alnglag o e a ^ but exceot 1

-J tb* praeene* o T t h S p a r t S S j J Z----------a a rc r^ a e o e a ta tw d ^ kro tbaa-bi

tb a t one o r be tb oc t b ^ t e u S.xaini m tla cheeps tha t exa»«rat< b s r abnoet to tba eo tsm tag pocyaaiOy meala became a n lzh to an

*7 eaw leeB* B am a w t t S T r ..._____ tb a streat wUb a bnach et m i*'

> O r Jf c n f c w c ld qneteJadgtB O . . «BBb aa .aayteg tb a t tbes* daa

. .JM M fS tts M e a d ttT k n o w w b ^ : U e head wag a e m d eo behtod «

I Jad tt mtaat I . n m f t i iw r n i i i hot the eae n j - ^ - ■ • • ^ l l a W P l ^ a a w e t t n e a c h

m i i i Pssoe) • ■' . "

£ S £ , S S . « r «

in la . bot b ear tbe twins' dlaboUe tawi* rtinnklWi __ , - ^

them-baekl-Tt»4ia______ fTii y t y , ^ S r f r h e y deeerrad........ .. J* beaten uatU the U o o d ^ 'te jln ea S ly ^ b T o o u M beat them b e n Id oink s tr ip tbem aaked and beat them I i r b ^ M tbem wltb a blaek ,anakel T w en If aba did tbay would be .o a^

of rrttr**"! ber . . • might cut urea.of •nA p u t tbem in her fo

SlM wouWnt put-erea murder 1 . sUent ^ E i them. Tbey w en M t tbe ir new to < do nothing of which 1

oould Mouilaln to b sr father.......• But sooosr o r later aba woold 1

evea. She wonld turn tbe tables a>tila of wM]M uiigh (ben oa the wro

would 1even, the would: But h ow f...........

K i S i i i s r i n . a n m u r . «

Ittt* to go»-ap plenifla, bay 1 evea clttb. Her

m ala. N w O o o Q o r tw S w janak griavlnf ber heart out for th I her gawky James etlmsoa. . b e ran And~aba WBsnt,-ibe-wasBt.-X broth- cept to maka the twlas look aU

SlM wouldn't hava James baek oa

i a S .^ fe e - t t i n i • and UsUe ba «f? Nothing would ao thoroughly spi could th » th n e o f them tb aa for Jamea

S tttrn tb W f6 tm e r allegianoe. I ^ i_ « r . iai«.poot.iraiB«_wa*.w«aLJi*Mf than alaaer";-.-.-. ....... --ppings . •That altemoon Jano broke a n « laiem- n n m e n t to play tennis aad wei

to call 0 0 Mias JuUa Pratt, many jm e . did not bring up tbe sui poatl- taet of Jame^ Iwt Mlss J>yft

tl b e r of c o u i w . ^ t s a n b BUrSwTft ' laava cald th a t sbe would rather aee hi aately nephew la his coffin thaa marrle eently to tha t designing eommon Barr jf 'b e r tiiL»sdy . lAsa JuUa added th a t .tbU wt I ,a s d uBjust. laalle waa neither detlgnli

soc commnn. B ut Barah, tlnco la ivs to lag .her mesey. b sd developed s• was oTOMsiiUva' pride i s family. P«

^ har p a rt M laiJull* waa fond of X«

!t the ^“ m S

» bed. ' ' ^ B i t S r S a T j u i t t s^bed aa ? tbe loiokadlbax^.at J a n e ..

Jaaa.lookedbard a t her and tt u n ^ eoopaet waa made and tfgn»

tben lU y kissed a t parting, althoug

j«Hte ^ S £ T ! S l a « T B r i ! o S ^ t o J uI a sd aa4flaw to the '.te lepbose.T hebat « • a tj* n i . o n . . - o r a xt iiaa l o s t bean agreed tba t aU

fair 3a lovo and war, aad la tb campaign tbiwa 'ire n elemeau ( both. Miss Sarah started the ba

rt, ^ rotUog by giving ft eotlUlon whle >t and jaoa « u invited tb lead wilh Jam< I wall - h m te d beforo Jamea had bee

, eoeiulted floooeniing bU jjbrtner. - tO ep y rig h trt» » .-b r-M a tee l'a .-

^ . f^ n ib aeuId In ___________ ___________________ros." (Continued in N ett Issue)


said --------.5}?^ JKROMS, March 3»-A rthur an

Fraaou S e ilon ., Edea. a n in W .Jerome eouaty Jail pending the a « session of the d l s t ^ t eourt. «fU

ane iled ■ T W in ^ erening I BOen by aherlff- Davis of Jeroo couaty on a a assault charge.

TOe men a re said by ofllcera 1 «*.“ • hare admitted they beal Jlm 6kel

tob.*lMen. m a uRd weUxds-aac -*-±^3 -M^umplng-OB-hlm and hitting hli

with a drawer wbea he had falle ‘ ^ betweea two benches in the £4e

, SeU.Belp bara. and waa unable t ' J i J Bkeltoa suffered two broke ®ireo rtbe, a compleU dUflguntlon of hi > faee aad a pair of badly bruise ■“ P* lefL S e is recuperating ac his fioni, S i n r d n . — - -----------


»hip " n a r a n T . 'w « o i ia - ^ M U io * h (o UM o m cu lT m ttoR npeitltebeU b lod i

Tlnusday, Ura. f ia m a Sm ith < >f tb* Blackfoot. aasenbiy president, we

hoaored a t a Dooa-day luncheon. gl» eaasaB O -hiO st* iaev«atattheI.< O .rb a a « u a tro o m b y tbeP astN o

_ . ble Grand'S chib. I t was oidCT direc tloo of Mrs. A. A. BJehL ehalrma; of the Noble Orand ehib.Oov«*wt: laid for M p v io o s.

Besides Mrs. Smith, one otbar out• ^ of.tewn guest. U n.W .J.B olleabee)• Tvrta PaOi, fonaer aneaber of Ru r t t o P«t»«bakaha aad now district dep 7 ^ uty pnatdeat, was a r» » t.,_wrt _31>e.R a»m lod*et_hohftng_reiu n j t j^ Ur eeadoa Ttanaday evealag. ex 5 222 cmpUned tbe chapter work with K n

Webb aaffel. ooble grand, aad MU UUdred WUtlftms, vlee graad.

w m Uader saparrlslee aad tra la lsg o lo tm E tta B. Ctaneats. tbe itebekal would <i<gree team of a i members, wiu

M n. O ka Waitoa. mnilcian. aa ) aol‘ M n. ZaOa Marla Bowmsa. th* aa days t«l.-fav* a a laipteeslTe.oeiemoQy.

Ntber Fnar eaadldatee, U n . N. K. Jea Dd e r aca. -Mlss K arlaaaa MePlka. Mn li.U)t V m Oeriin an i y e b bBaffel wer

■ lo jtiated ttto rofm £5*hlp"5niw « « 'r» - der.a d f l BoUtb. gave aa add ios aa


Janoa ^

:vI b n

wuS :Wta- W SCQKif -

( ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M HB.~lf ■;—naif. ' . I ' l

a iT J S T K ip s -r ;

VBT n ^ S S i S S i S ^ B S e ^ S B S S

D I X I E D U G ^f e - ■ ----------------------------:—t:*?;—^ r T H * KIDSAR8 M t \“* * IN T t t ' t t o c r laooM*) I- . 1 “ ■ LET'S -STAar j y ' ^

^ R U S lT .R A W tto Slaid — . . .

the . t e led. . 1 TOO.“ T K t / TBX I^ h ■'

l^ j ; . Governor P:


'ter : la■me





iiTherdge®f GOV. MARTIN L. DAVEY o

CoInmboB af te r H arry L. H o. m inistration in the aU tc .D

<0- Ohio 8cnat« TOled to Invest

>aaere was presented wtlh a Rebekah gift

Mlae ClemaiU naklag the preeeaU u t ' tlon epneh. A epecisl ck. feature-of the fvealag Included pre- la - senUtion e t a bouquet of beastlfu rp< flowera' te Mr*, nom ic* 'tc

ber four tln en . i d s Mildred WU [U; IUaw, Mlts O m ^^Uams. M n ex. ou<lnwmisan(iM r>.uiM aBaIlard era. an five danshten e t Mr. aad M n t e Luke WUUams aad memben of thi

Rebekah degree teaoL of , _ —-__________ _

^ BtHLDS TINT DYNAMO^ atlDAPETr M)—Iitraa ?.i»r.ftMT. in- aiaa. worklag rader a aUcroeoopi ’• whlehaagalfleeSOO-roUl, basaaam ' m- bled a t B sekai«bem r what he be- tra. Ikrea b tb* world's aaaUest dnaa- « no .-O nlf sgrea pf ytr-^ th in , or- a e r thaa humaa hair eomprtsas th«

eoa aad tbe whole U about the al» ^ of a booM ay.

’Tyjcax MKwa;OTiM r i j ^ m

/ BANw s L n P B B H ■ •wmfiraeu S S S ^ B B S K M :-TmK.sveR/ vir»B>-THHow i ____

l ! E S s £ = = 2 i 2 ± ! S l J 2 a 5 s a I L j


\ Ei.£cr A E g g S 2 a { ry ( o f t .c ta


KNOW fTV0)5>s. NMM MlHD.ttAD.. w r r a o M AS I X u sa o ty iN 'o v M s I(t0 AT THC BmAK HILK— PLL *TIND '. T o M T l W O ^ t ’ 0 N ^ * -V ^ 2 m?TW

Pleads Case Before Ohio


IT of Ohio addreulns a spedal ioin . Hopidns. f«deral relief adralaic(n . Davsf later filed li criminal Itbcl a eailffate the state relief ititmtioii.^

Z -1-, . . '-JSSLT ■ "g

g ^ 'i S E W I C E S - H E L D f O R —

z d ^ E m L E E P E R R IG ff pre- ■ .;_____ttfolI SOUL. March S » ru M ra l aerrlc- m i . <i war* beld a t tbe fetant and Jobfr* l#n . aon 3’SaenJ ^ p e l oa Tuesday »f-u - i -tatnooB-forLoreil^Lee Penleorll* ^ BMOths.«ld daughter Of Mr. k a d U »

Carl A. Pm lgo of BuhL ner. Itoy Tltoa of tbe ChrUtlan cboreh •CD- dated. M n. m n k M en&isa and Mia. Uoyd B ancy , accoopaalad by M r^ K Mj.Ttaillnioa. sa a r two dnsta. *«a]<e IB tb e Arms of Jeaufc” ' a ad

^ -X W Sweet Story ofCMd.*• m . - . U t t k X ^ t f t L e« ..fs i1go .w as be- bera ta Buhl aad leaves t e r pereats,

s ta - aad cne sister. Betty Jeaa Pemgoih la ; four yean of age. . ____the m tcrrneat was la th* Buhl ceay- aisc tery uader the directtoa of svaas sad

Johatoo f io e iii botaa.

ifrA(/U»OK'«M» M M S Mnv .

' ■- : ORDER

)LONEV/ WE OON^ ' V I M 11 V

T H O S E O L D ^C

lio L e g i s l a t u r e | D



nm ^ ^ ^ B H P ^ l S l l i f l B ^ B ^ H ti



- Ll

B ^ 9 B B B S B B B I ^ B I 9 I e<fo in t M ssfo o o f th * l e g ^ t a r e in h g t r a lo r h a d ta k e n o m r e l ie f ad i t< el a e tlo o a r a lo s t H o p l ^ a n d th*

{/S^ P h o to ."■ ■ • . . - ------------ -- - Ik

_ CHAMBER OPPOSES Z U S GO ~ .^^T H E B = 3 A X JfflO tt i

au H U M to h H —'Seto itteeiof _ ^ the Bahl caiamberoc Obeaaerea Wlr- ^ ed Oorciaar Beea and loeal legu- S4 u latpn at Bcaie tl*« the ehambcr sc

waa owwsed'iowTWttKrOwnaise m ? ? la taxation o n riM I aad tha* sute I z expeadltmes should b* ftpportteed as ^ la fceeplag wUh tb* tnaeoa bMoae. m ^ TWs had no affect iA U vlag Off the la L ? selas tax which weat late effect ee in ^ Vedaeaday-aeeb. Tbe e b a a ^ also az

WT«te the Boiee Chamber of Com- aarve • letter of affaeclaUco lor se

y wtafc-dooe d ^ t c tbfcawCBH fo Sts. trpeo moUoa. tbe Mltrgroip^ also » lg^ anthorlaed thc seoetaty te aend a D

telcgraa enrtocrtng K. V. Sbarp of me- miirlKirpoatiaa ea the board'of ot sad stx te handle the watar eoosmatloa ct

fortbestate^ • '



% ~


OOODINO, March 3».>lClng Sol- ^ omon chspter. Roysl A n h Masons,conductcd a class of fire caadldates ^through aU the degrees of tbe Boyal trArch, a t a meeting to the Masoaie . .hall h e n this week. Gaadldatas „w en fron BsUey, Bliss and Wen- hi deU. Alonio Cone of Blackfoot, fiand lecturer 01 the Msaons forthe state of Idaho, attended. p

There was a record crowd.- The pmufilng ,hegan_a t.a -j.-m ._and-a t _6 : » p. m. a banquet was. served »lo the «<ininf nom of the Cbrls- ^tlian chutch by the womea of the ^ church.

I ' — ' - •------- --------------cI UCKNBED AT GOODXN.O '

qgODma. March sa~-A o a r -rlifs Uwnse w»3“ u tu ed ~ » t~ th e — county cleit's otnce March IB toBoward-N. Bloom aad rraaee t .. LalbJe, botb-ef QUaM >>*nT. •

Q o o p ix G n oQ g M A R ionaai— SOOODINO. M arch' » -O fled lag ?

eounty hog pool marketed 3S» head of hog* reeeatly which weighed 58.- 803 pounds. T hiy brought -a net tetal te tb* 40 owaen of MMSM. ”

UCENBBO AT JKKOMB » , JSROMR M aith « - Marrlag* ^

Ifeensea-wen itsaed today te r r a a - ^ ets Ouaalng, JendM . aad trae* S. he Schaefer. Twtn y u is : aad to Albert a t J.1C abB aadJ^tU ech.botbfl<-Jer* tn 5e>e.

' ------------ ------------ W_ BTK&N JV sn C E O O T ttN B

STOOKUOLM m — Justloa ta SsaadaaavU, as cvldanoed by tb n e a scaUered verdlets la oa* day.' osa uhrveicst-detm m nes-m ftate--------- wi

l a stockhoka a ooua tw a . was asntaaeed te tw e'aaiths*. tmpetseo- U n e a t .00 a ctiaig* of drlrtag wtaOa wli i t in in T |^ i r « l i i I iii liitlii..... . ilm Mbad p a t t S t t o t eely "a 'nttle>«tae p« ftad ft.'oo«jfl* OC e o«ltanftr..'J .^

m M sloo. Swwlea. ft a ta a was al eenteneed te ft y ears lm pntoB»en| at fe r tmpenoeatbig a oaptafai t a tbe awodKi aavy aad awtadUag four • Danish ladiea odt of aiSOO.

IB Oepenhagca. D enaurk ..l« Uq- ei o o m s g g le n ««3^fttaedgaO'.M>aad w gtrea prlsoa aea (eaoaa U C r b two O u foor mootbi.-. |a i

i 5 5 3 & : I BI M^’OWtOWNvT

K S w ^ H p P v x y *

Bf j . P, McEvoy ar


aewlag club met Wednesday after* aooa with Mrs. B la Batmon. Pol-

' lowing the buslnesi meeting th* r ‘ aftemooo was devoted-to quUtlag. v ‘ The bo iteu terved nfrethm ents. V

. -l% a Oan Kalnlla* f a < ^ of Bubl t I mored laat week into tb e Diehl Ihoute, formerly occupied by Mr, and t

M n. J . T. Creed. ' bM lldnd Smith, employed to'Twin e

Palls, spent tbe week end with ber 0 parents, Mr. and M n. O. B. Bmlth. c

— vf x tnrili 0a trip to Salt Lak* a t y la tt week • and returned w ith a new oar, pur- \ chased by H eraun Kaster. j


B O R L rr. M t t^ lo - T b r b o d y of * John B. WiUlsias. who dl*d 0 0 ft *'tr* tn In iHNtwlwy-enrout* to Malad. was takea to ^ M alad-Tltanday wfaue faosral eer» * vlee* were held T tlday tft two o'clock a t the L. D. & cbureh ta Malad.- .

Mr. WUUama b ad beea a reiidcat f of Burley for flfteea yaare. Itor SOOM tlma past be has suffered with a heart alloieat and was a patleat a t tti* Cottage hoepital. Aelatlvas l a M alad caaM hera tbls k week to ftocoaipaay b ia - to Malad. o< bot the trtp p r m d toe strenuous w aad bs saffered a a attack eo th s tl tram and aacannbw t tl

w o a ic s tV B If tO M EnM ZS ai -iAND SO DID A RABBIT "1

N iL S S m iJ ; Teaa. U*)—The lag'- eadary rabbit th a t spit to tba a tteaad% ffto* was tloOd a s oompazvd ti wttb-MM. H. S . ney uoMs^re^^buany. s

ttsterod to a bench sbow ot pets, U U saaed la te It* aaarM t aelghbor. m which ehaaoad to b* aa airdale. aod bU ttia dog^ legs uatll t t bowled ta pato... 'n ie fasr-poBnd labbit kept up tbe a ttad to B tbaM -pcaadpvpm nilby - e staadsra to tem aed . ti

A C A B L S ra a U N B ____ _ dJUiqAIXAtesfca Tttopbaae b

e e o p a ^ e ffld a la -a r* woodertag j what kiBd-e< • big flth brrfca tha 1 Oattineen ebaaaal takpbooe eahle. L afU r d racfti« t t 109 fe*L- c

‘‘M O X J R N I N G ’? M A I L ■ '

s s s B a a ^ ^ s e a s 8 s = a B = a e s = 3 s a 9

’S u L o u J c w S s r ir ^ ! * ^A.-U'U-MORE«}lWn; P lE A S E - l -----------

By Glenn C haffin

, T ~ —

/^ w u a IT TO 7


U RUPERT. March 23—Meeting In le regular seeiloo Thuraday aftemoon r with M n. R. B. Turner. Rupert

Wooien's ^ was attended by about 111 M memben.ll . Mrs. Josephine Kuhns read a one- d aot play, " n ia Maker of Dreami,-

by OUphant Downs; Mrs. Theron a Sargent pretcated a group of three »r of her piano pupUs la a short n - .{ tl. clUI. Ueiter McMurry, glrlng ooe 1I t of h rr original c o n p o r i i lg p ^ * ^ __ i!k te le numben w en PT*senMd"by I r- Vida NUtUng and Macy M ott M ^ 1

James Wslser, aoeompaaled lw IMary Loulee Slnolalr. oootributed r ,

. two vloUn solos and. M la O e o q ^^ MUler. head of the hom *-*eeB ^8 *Y dMartBuat gave a U lk on "Ood*.

^ subject trom the UxtUe and food itaadpoints.

m- - la - th s builaeaa'acscioa the club deoidad to spootor a moving plctun

> fBtafUlnment leme tlm* ta April '■X - ■ '■ '


* OOODXNO. March » - D r . O. K.Is Mahoney, pastor of Uia Piiat M sih- 1 odist chureh. Yakima. Washlngtoo.IS wbo U eoodocting ft preaching ses- is tloa for Aer. w uU sa ' Bowmaa of.

the ooodlng MeUwdlst cfauieh. U in se a tla g a series of flra chapeU a t Gooding eoOaga e a Uia then* of

T "Measuring life .'' ' ' t- Tht speaker warned Uiat " tt U M ao t-ttie builness of educatlea to •d tu re OBt n eesl JdMa, bu t rMher r, B sa-aad w * iea_w h«_ha^ a s, InlU sense of raloe*, tpi^XaaX ss r . w«iI~aS'iataUeetual."d --------------• ----------“ _. co rN T B T c w m m e b t s -M BtTHU > »rcb 32 —.Qa Monday r- evaaliv. March 39. ttie mmeeben oC

tba Bubl oooatty ctab wlO meet j a t ttie Bojal cafe te alaet three

r dlractcn, aad win .traasaet otber'le Tnrwni----- * tha t tisM. TSa* M m s e fig J . B. Barker. Jeea O. Kastmaa aad M A n Bordewk k win expire APrfl «. 1. Membera who eaaM t f t i l H d ^

urged to aead proxlaa.«•--------------------------------- — ,-----------------------

■ ' - I

I d a h o .Janies%ortsitreiiAboiisfct

PfesejyUewiston ahd .Grang

Petiti( Necessary, Gi

B O m M w c h 2 2 lu Id a h o ’s h lB to ry . t h e s ^ t e ’i

----------^play - to d a y - b y th e - Q « i r w ile a g u e I n a n a t t e m p t t o 6 mU

, S te p a t o w f a th e ^ b je c t iw . H e p r« M n ta tIv e L . B . T h o rr

• la te l7 .ad Jo u rn ed 2 8 rd ]e ff lB la i ;-----------ca llin g * n re rea if« h o ff lU c Ib a-i' £ c n t i i a h a n d g am o d e j)a rtm en I " — a n , o b je c tlv # • o f man;

B ^ r t s p ie n 'a organ iz rJifon d u i— io ff th fl p a a t a e v e ra l y e a r a . .;

A prtU m liuazpe tltioaa iga^ LawUtoa «ad onoserU le idabo Td c r i WM nibmlttAd bf J . N. Uftvea < l 4 wl*ton. pm ldent of tbe OkRnmta

. lU rar V uler OoiuorvaUoaLewue. t ----------decreUiy oi s tito 'iiw ik U a O Irir

today to Uunch tlw lnlUaUx«* .Tlw peUUon opened: "We, tbe ua

denUgwd ciUaen* and lefal votoi_____ or.Idaho,.reipectrullj <Jemaad;thi

Uw foUowlog law, to wit: (tbea led lowed Uw }aw propoaed) MbaU b ■ubmJtted to tba k ra i vot«n oi ib atate lo r tbelr approval or rejeetio:'tbeVaginarrpataral'eleeUoQ to bbflid Horanb e r 3. IMfl,".

Tbe a w 5 iw re T iS « rn M a « r in inltlaiire ^ o f la lo u - of Ufe atat conaUtuUon as amended In 1B31 t perniU coaotisent oX an IhltlaUve lai and under the statute wbleb wa

^ _ _ E )W fa J jy _ tb c _ » n d J « l8 U tu re .-3 y ean later.

I • . ■ WUH>mw-«ihPeOUwier—^ *■11 tbe petJUoa a ^ r s to U In

Icfal form aftcf I bare cm nlned .It," Seeretary of SUte Girard laia, “wa will draw tip (ho proper peU- Uena for elrraUtlon. If 10 per cent of tbe Totera wbo east their hallo for ro renior a t Uie Uai ren en l eieetlon alfn Ute peUUon Uie Uw win beyoted npon by the people a l th e next reaerml election.**

' U r. Olrard said approximately 17,____L-0W-in aeH .tT 6 .new i» irr;w gw :m

znatter can be taken up la tbe ceaera » eleeUon.

----- TlM.niffarwatfr Tt.lTrr V«»fy CKinaervatlon league was described h: Mr. Baven, tn bis tetter trananUttlDi tbe prelinUnary peUtlon to Mr. Olr ard. aa a n orcaalzaUon of reatdent of Clearwater, Nes Peroe, Latab, !da bo and Lewla couaUes whose puipofr es are "the conserrstton of our sa tlonal resouroes—to protect, ImproD and oonserve all wild game and ilsl —to Improve foreat, lake and moun tain resoorcee, all hdturnl range anc grazing areas, and to foater a spirt of good" aportsmansblp In our aevera counUea."

Game Director FrepoMd Tljs propoaed blli caUs.Xor a sUt<

-------- gamft_comml«lon_compo»ed of llwmemben who would rcpre8enm v< separate dUtrlcU Into whlcb th< s u te would be divided u d a "di­rector of game," who would be ap­pointed by the commluion a t a sal­ary of not more than 14^00 annually

Tbe parposo of the measare, Tety ■Imllar (o tb a t introdnoed Into ttw Icctftatiire by BepreMnUUve Thombiirr. wonld be to remove the •dm lnlitnUon of the fUh and came retonrcee' of the state from

- •. - poiltlcfc- t u sponMn explained.At the prcseal time tbe bead et

the departmMt e f fUb ana game .!• appointed by the governor.

Baltusrol Ciub

— — GetsOrSTOpen^ . 1936 Golf Championship lo

Be Played Over Course ~~T Ih^NevTJersey

------------------ B y BO B CAVAGNABO■ CAssoclated P re « SporU Writer)

------ NBW YORK; Marcb a m — Thein « open golf championship w u awarded today by the united au te s Colt assoeUtlon to tbe Baltusrol OoU '^nb o t Short HUls. New Jereey, the dates to be aanormccd Uter.

Assl^m ent of the ‘n>hole medal pUy t<iuman>ent to Baltosrol vtr- tually aksurea tbe e u l of u » tbrtc major cbamplonshlpa rw rt year. Tlte

H M amateur a ^ women's toom a-- m enu win be played la cJenlaad and- Minneapolis, respecUvely. i f om ' usual coune U followed Uxee cham.

pionsbJps wUl n v e rt to the cast la 1938. This year's open ehamploasblp w llUie played ori June 6. 7 aad 8 at Oakmont near Pittsburgh.

BmJlusrol. tbe scetys of sU O. 8 . O. A- champlonsblps la tbe p4K = open la 1903 and 1915, amai«iir In 19M ead 1934 and the woaien's la J991 aad 1911—U one of tbe longest* i'oad lag member cbtba of tbe parent orgiclastloa.

^ : 81 Jobnsoo of UM p ^ .r~ i»aned 19 batsmen b a game be

pitched for.Rock laUad tn IBM.

ClndaaaU bad 17M0 seaU sold . ror opening day.-tefere J ^ b w y - 1:' . Cpenlag <Uy ettecdance I t sort o t a

n tual a t C mJez Dcld.

a n s S e e l

^ M : o v € T o 7

Gem State’s ffieptrtme^n g e v i l l e V o t e r s S i g n P r e

i t i o n ; 17,0010 S i ^ e t p , . G i r u d ’A n n O a n c e s , ; . r .

^ in t h e f i r s t . m a n e u v e r o f i ta klfii kte’a in itia tfy e la w w oa b ro u g h t i n t rw a tw -R iv e rr /Y ffH e y - G o n a t t n ^ d lecUro a s t a t e g a m e o m im ia a i i^ '. itive w ere u n au ceeaafiilly a o v g h t b; io m b u rg ..(D -S h o sh o M ) d u r in g ^ th [Blatur^ w h ie h de<:Iined to p aiia a b i ^ • c omqiiggiQn a n d -a boKgh tl^e p ^

d u r- i P r i e l b e C p m m e h t s

-:& is^nsew atioa League’s Actioi

w ter ■ .......... — ‘lie. to W. R. Frlebe. Twin Talla, preal- ilrira' -aen t ot im UMIM Pish' a ^ OihCT

AasoeUtloa o t (bnlgbt ex- a u a - pressed surprUe wboa Infonned 'o ton of tba action taken by tbe Clear- 'tb a t v« ter River Vdley OonserraUoa I 'Z«iwue to' aedun in'lnltiaiiire' foie il be of tbe pe<9 lo aa a m eant of g tln r t tbe,etlon laUslon.t a t e ~Pneberw bo^iraU o prealdent et

Uis.6 ouU\we(t Idabo.Sportsmen'a ,r>rm- •■ assbo u tlonrss^-tbat-be-had-beea

'warktng on- a buUetlB ’to be aent to the various sporismen'a organ- to tlo m ol U » IU U -w im '.th i taltUUve-la view, but tbak‘ tha acUon o t tbe Clearwater body w u

-entlpaymHotpeeted.------------- -"So fa r aa I am i^ersoaaUreto;

------ r -ceraed.-“- 'P rieb e -a sld r‘*T-bdl«vee In.. . tha t (be peopU o t the sUte a n Ined resdy for such acQoa. They* a n Mid, tired of bavlng tbls proposal >eU- kicked around In pollUc* durlttg eent sessions of the leglslstun. How- laUot ever. It Ukes moaey and an organ- « tsl IsaUon to put an laltUUve aetlon law across aad tha Clearwater aasoel- :e a l aUon may have been a lltUe basty

m lU action. r i 7,. "Personally I . am behind the ^ _lnltoUve proposition te tb a limit,

but X eannot'lapeale otficlally' a t tbe preaent time, aa no Initiative

OMU ^({ by d tb e r tiy tbe ncently formed sU te ttlnv orgaalzaUon or by the aoutbwest a i r ! assocUOon."lenU Baven, LewUton. bead ofIda.: -Uie delegaUon sU rting Uis InlUa-

Uve action, la vlee-presldent ot the ^ sutewlde organuauon. . , .

1 BOWLINGpplrtt • ■*'” ?* -Bublec's OrlU Cafo bowlen Uwt

two out ol three gamee from thi Hlgbway servioe aUUon outfit la«

lUto. ewnUjg,. A. Soona of tbe wlnneri five led the acorlag with a slagle ganu

-five oraiF -abd 'a-w rfdT lhT sw Ies; ‘ the mgbway

«d|. N lsb y -------------- ISl 1S7 153 44(*p- Alnsworm --------- 139 147 13t 41Cu l - McDonald — 178 ISl S3:

tASy Beam .................. 163 198 lU 47:rety Brueggemann 168 IH 4«

Uve 798 77S 798 330( U,e Babler'a OrUlu ,i McDougal —-------178 181. IM 4«

Taylor ----- ;J03 175 188 63:A. B oone_____ ;-ieD 319 188 841

I B u h le r________ 143 158 181 481B i t te r_________ ISO 185 148 441H an d icap --------- 7 7 7 31

818 677 793 3I8J

Brouillard Beats ___CalifomiaJBoxei

HOLLYWOOD. Calif.. March 33 (JT) — Lou BrouUlard. cbunk; French-CanadUn, hammered out a

to 10 round decision over rugged MU< lord (Swede) Berglund. o( San Ber> nordlno, Calif, here tonight befort

___ K oackedJiouM.of 4.500 peiMns>.T}uWorcbester. Masa,, boxer weighed 157U. two and one-ball pounds less tbaa .hU opponent.-


WASHINOTON. Mareh 33 0P5-VV bin providing lor oortstruellon of a 'sulUble nionum enf on the Tort Hall Indian agency reserve, Idaba

' to be known as the Port HaU natloa- al monument waa tntrodueed today

^ by Senator Borah (R-Idaho).Tbe bUl catTlea an approprUUon

2 ! o tm o o o .and =■:■’ --------?

I .T A S H V M O .TH A H W . 8 . TH E M e w \ — IM A 'a = - v e s T M !iA A


l i i K i i n c

Mudders Favore

, h Bay Mradow

: t$ 2 5 M H aifliq

e- Head PlayrSark WInte . Tims Supply, Lai^inut

r 3 . -Gusto,-^ThomasvUla, Blui i l — beard'Saar RlohrStaVt to : --------\tm: i ' -By ftOS8 BU. J . MKWIJUID- ‘ ' (Aasoclated Pxett Sport*' Wtttcr;

; . 8 AN.MATBO. Caltf, H w eli SI b y ■ Oa a .in fd t whipped aaa i k :h« -.<«oat n ln a , eaw o( the n aO ae iUI' ‘-fUlOs ever te l e M n e r . 'f t 'i te b ^ gtaka la Ih li Mrthtt.wfll faw Jh i ^ barrier tecaem w te the |U ,00(

.' eae^nU e^w d eo* elghlh «aU^ ' fe r tbree^ytar>*Ms'a»« ap.

« .. ...SeTcn-tbbrauctahnda. . t e t f ..U) 4-“ ^ g i w » - "I

lo r Uw irlno««- abuy of « elaaa Pll egpeoted to. be worth •ppcoataatei

■■ 138/MO, T b r winner ,wlU take aboiJ . »31.000. . ■_________ •[ T MaMara^ stock Goea Up

IntennlUent ra la tbonigbout Ui> week', and n a n lo recu t lo t tomoi

row.boottea tte J to ek .o t tuob know^ muddaniaa lS ^ F U y .O i r k WUM> l aild31ucn*aTUle.siaaawtalleMuala 3* Uie wlUtdtmwal of Top Row. sU

... 0 1 .tb* Barool atable: Ron Blunder w d m a k Ormoat.

\ L .U U iw ,.w ln aer.o U b ijeeeaU lfiewo add^*B an t» AnlU baadlca]

..c waa declared out m * Uat* ago b( Sv: cause of a boot injury. UU ataU ^ a v te .'P a tk tVlnter. wUl run unde „ Uie Fred M. Alger colors.- • • n eaa 'F tay,~wlnner~ B t^m eea< s . . -910,000 Jn aa Caplstnms

re ' wUl go to.tbe post a* (averlU, with re - • X lm a-Jlapplyf-Z luauavllle.^arlal WlnUr aad Gttsle as m ala oen-tg 'tenders. ’; ; DiT Tr««» U on .

" Ladytman, second te Azucar 1 tbe big touUKni'OaUlomU race, I known as a dry t m k horae. a u aln Pompey, however.*waa u outstand

}0 ang tiumI rtinn«r. T-ulYff^otn wUl b ^ w upled .aa'.» -W ;-*r& o.en lry iHt

Bluebeard. Kentucky Derby aomlae ^ and the only tbree-year-old In tb UL. HihlBBt TfBtfbr a^ 07 pounda, Bluebeard U reguiled a

a poeslbte surprUe horae, provide . he -shows a lililng lo r heavy golnj

p He U 'a good front runner and wU : have ah experienced •rider, Olyd

Turk, up.L a d y ^ n , iHUi Harry lUoharda

op, aad Head PUy. ridden by •e ' Charley; K vtslager, will earry top ' welgbU. of US poends. Time Sep-

A ply. winner ot tbe first Bay BOea- dewB baadleap last faO, will peek

^ 118 poando, .b s Despite Inclement weather, i u t crowd ot 30,000 or m on fans U ex o-a p e e t^ .for the mMltog’s Uggts no race.' .._________________

I School Girl Wins

08 OverOlppicStai« , . _ —^ __________ -S Unheralded Missourian Da-t l "feats Stella Walsh-^ In Track Event85

By W. N. PAXTON (AssocUted -Preu S taff Writer) ST. LOUIS, March 33 — HeJei

Stephens, a rangy high school lasi ^ from*^ionf-M o.,-won-tho 60*met«i

ftrud ot tbe naUooal A. A. U 33 women's tn c k and Held meet bsn Icy tonlgbt In 8.8 seconds, thus tylai a tbe record.

'n te uaheralded Missourian wot r- tbo f ln t beat of Uw quaUfylai n trUU In the samo Ume. StsUi a* W alsh ,-the-O lym ptc—s ta r—tWB Ml CleveUad. finUbed second la Uu *s final. Tbelma Norton of Tarooto --- was third, and OUve Hinder, ateaa:

mate, fourth.- J m U m .•A AU records win stand as nei a clay marks, as pnvlous naUona

r t meeU have been nm on the boards o . -Wbo U MUs WaUb" naively la- )- quired the Pttltoo « lrl. wben otfle- ty laU told her sbe bad beaten tbt

intematloaaUy Icaown raoer. m Xvelyn Hall o l Chicago, Doee<

out a teammate. Leonk Jobaaoo, t< ^ Uke the 50-yard high hsrdlee It- a i seconds. M n. Hall set th s pree<

' ent Indoor record ot 74 seoccds U- 1933.

Roxy-AUias. of Tnrooto, Uie de< fending champioo, broke twlee ant was

Cecil Payne Wins Over Buzz Brown

SPOKAin. W a s h .- M i^ SS (JP. —Lestdbig th m ig b an 10 reoada CacU Payne. IMH. LouisvOls. Ky.

~ 1B9X~S~wiae~322oQ over B i« Brows, U 8 H. PorUaad. O re. l a Umm ala event e f the bo ilag eard ber«tonight. .

Qtiwv UJ, Bpokaac' kBOCksd oot BlQy Sottoa. US. B«te!

M eet, with a right to U> > w tnu>e n m 01 lour joosda.

nCTN»WB ywcf,i!Ar

i l f e i i ores Cleaws FOR

Jls;; Future Of Hue’. Official 2take I - ' ,- —-

SKNVKB. u u t h a ' (ff) -

■ by' Uireatenlng. the lu ture « l baaket- j j t baU .as> .cpw dappeaU ng.sp<tt

s u a d In oe Dear Ui* tree throw % Z Isne wlUi his baek to the- basket ^ snd attempt* to wheel and lose

.. the ball with one hand through Ute boop, ■

--■-Q o!g!er= ioId^ '^a-|D «ii^ r^bI ooeobee. aad eCfloUU bsi* /c r tbe NaUonal A. A. V.. tour w Cttn t U itt the play reduces} acorU* to

alowlag up tb e game., . . . " II aooaUtlng U ao t doa* to L S cut out tha t damnable poat play,"

Qol|ley said, "gone *U1 be your inter g = a a = = ' ' /

3ldaUn lays § toSrasDn Openamder ' V -

.Waihinoton_&tatft_C!(illiii! ^ Entertains Vandalt

“ April 20

OOBVALLza, O n., Maccb 3 4 . ( i^ ThU eeas6n*s fuU schedule of bM* ball gaates-between northern dlvl.

. slon Padfle's coaat oonfereooe eoi* i leges opens a t Pullman. Wasblngtoa

April SO wben Washlngtott a u t e cd- JS?.* entertain* Unlveralty of Idaho U be lj*ciiiet_th*_ll*e.eoUe*ea.fll*>i_a

tour-game-bome-and-booM -eerlei vlUi Uw outer sehooia, uader tbi

‘ *clMdule aanouaoed to n l t^ by Cari

dent o t tbe northem dlvlalon grad- uate maaager'* assocUUoa.

win U alvenUyot Washlngtoo..t7nlver- Jlyde slty of Ongon and Oregoo fitaU col­

l e t all swing InU) aetlon within a irda week after Ute_ Idaho-Washlneton by s u t e gaaie.

top■P- ------------------------

^ Basketeers Feted At Rupert School

RUPERT, March 23'r>&.imokel»u------am oker._be!4_W ednss^y.;^ghl-la

. Rupert hlgb school gyianaslum. ntsriced the cloee of the grade sehool basketball sesson. Uis affair betog

S stsged by Ted Hicks o l Pershing sehool who bas coached the grade school boys.

Room toumamenu and contetU S f between Uams o t other sobooU, both ^ in a a out ot tbe- eounty, bas kept

keen intereit In tbe acUvlty through ^ tho^basketbsll Seaaon aad-Bow 'lbit

the end of tha t sport U over, tn ck eveaU and a marble tournament U la tbe ottlng.

W lnnen of ro o n toumamenU. Coach Sd Lacy ef Rupert high acbool' and other'm en teaehen ot Rupert schools w en tpeclal guesU Wedaetday alght.'T ed Creaion was master of cere-

1, „ monlea and Ooode l^y lor Jr. was^ to -char ge of eata .-----------------------

U. . _________________b e n ;)1ag Only elevea playen wilb tbe Reds

throughout the 1954 season are on won thU year's ClndaaaU rotter, r l a t ----------------------------------------------tal)« ~ ~

“ ------------- C l i a i n p P l e a ( i B F (o to . . ■■■ . — . - —earn



aeed I. to I la n e - s ta





sae, MAX BAKX (right), keavywelghl ehi itte, Canferala a t e iH y a t B acraw eU r tn • U - m s i ferndBg Uw ta Callfenla

(f a d c c a ^ « U wtth M

I W ? , j n T r o P A T M Q I t | ^

n i s s i o p lan-Ciit TlCAGERS Bi A. A. U. HC

y~Threatensr~ •f Basketball, TeUs CoachefL

P)— crowds and all you; tntereet In'l o n baskeUMlL _:a a r ' — " n » n 'U no r o ^ In 't t i*)uy, game for tbU play U you w ant to" u brbig in tbe erowde and. eat up aket-' spectacle tha t will be attraottv*.*.( t . Quigley... whoee duUae a* an

-Sltogamea to'umplrlaa In Uie Katloool;

^ league, added, howerert Uiat eredlt ^ should be given to Henry. P. Ib« ^ tor deviling th a t play WhUa ooaeh-'

lag a t UaryriUe. TeatiteM ,.

--of-- . • “You‘ve-never - WBn-xeal-po*y-M f play imU! you*re seen tbe U ar7f

■ ville 1'eschen," be oald. t ” ^Qulgl^^ ta c k e d ^ t^ a w to

baskettall w ith ebaraoterlatlo I to terror. "The crowds Uke to aee ay," the ceater Jump," he iwld. "It" li rour a play tha t catchea the eye." ■

1- Navajo Wrestler

(o r^ T o m K M e n k o

i i M i M ! ! t _ U t t l e T j V o l L J ) a ! i a f 8

; Russian Mat Artistin 20 Minutes ^

m - . BALT LAKE OITY. Mareh 33 (4>) ! ^ —I t took Chief u tu e Wolt, 113- dlvl. pound Indian wreatUr Irom the eoi. Navalo reaervaUon, juat 90 atlzlirtea

^ and two nylng tackUa to wla a ] ml.* a u t encounter from Matro* K lr- '

Uwto, 3l8rpound Ruaslan trappier, tonight. , I’tmsTAllBeilOO.L a u , . M1IUUUKI1B7 1 d e fe s fM .P a tirsh o ek e r. 33S. Salt i

^ Lake. Olty. w l n n t a i S h e l l n t t o d t - I - •MlrdWalla with -taeed and—Book t ^ teu ton . 1rad- I

By Sbatman. 158, Salt Lake City. ■. a nd ,Duke RuppenUial. 180, MU>

iver- vaukse, dnw . BoUi wenl -ou t' of ; ool- tba ring tor th e third taU. and <

^ * Ihey’wen counted out. .gton • *

' " ' Danny Ssvlch, 189, BiUl Lake City, • defeated Ralph Morcly, 154, Ogden, Utah, with body press In a ont- taU match. . ; - '

I ira Dem, 310, Salt Lake City, ] deleaUd Tony CarteUo, 303, lUly, ‘

K>1 In a one faU exhlblUoa bout. j

iui Cue Ace Exhibits— - S Art of Billiards-'tilng ■rade Janu* C aru , runner-up in the

natloiul ehamplonablp pocket bU- . . . . liards eempeUUoa in -1933, went t ^ (7 tbrough bU paces a t Uie Hemen- 1

way and Moser cigar s to n last eva- li ^ nlng whea hs n m demonstnted a t ,w\. aerlearol sbo U -an d -th en pUyed t ^ a 135-Qolnt game of 14-1 rsck pock- t

e t bUikrds wlUi P n d Schaat. Twin o PalU. Caras scored 99 potnu ia

' hU fliat laalag and went out oo e hUseoood. t

Caras, la a d ^ o n to being rua- eats lo r tbg^natlonal crown. U a

a lormer DeUware and eastern suus* ehamplOQ. I

_ Kext oa the series of bUilard ex- J _ p e ju jo _ * p 5* a r_ ln_ I* in EaUa_oa i

the National BlUlard AstodaUon ot Amerlea "better bUlUrds" program wUl be Rutti McOlnnU. woman

Uds .world's ehampioD a l pockst bU.' on uards. Sb* wUI appear a t tbe U.

and M.. Maroh 30. ^



St. el

tc es

0 |oi



a r- Ut

I ehaaiplea e f the wecM. adirisefng the .to « U la which he B ged the eaaetaesBt ef hs

The >i eea a l Uw penaRs 10 reaads Itza

PKrwgiliI '• • 1

ATTLE 30P TITLE1 G l o b e R e f i n e n t o

T i j e e t S t a g e l i n e s

Q u i n t e t i n F i n a l e

. Champion Tulia Ollen andt Universal Plotures Team, -D fo p Baikelball TiltsI In Denver Toumament

-By 0UABLB8 GBUHICU ; (AssocUted P reu SporU WHter)[r “ D B N V E R r * m r f c T n 2 =( S o u th e rn K a n s a s .s ta g e L in e s ' o f K a n s a s C ity ki]ocJ(ed tKe ; 1 9 8 3 -8 4 c h a m p i o n T u lsa u. !D iam ond O ile rs o u t 'o f- tfa iB i=- -N ationaJ—rA-A-U— b ask e tb a ll ’ to u r i f a m e n t w fth * 8 8 to 2 7 , t r iu m p h h e r e to n ig h t t h a t k- m a tc h c d - t h a - L ln e r a - ^ th - 4 h e - » M c P h e rso n (K a s .) G l o ^ R e - ' linen la an . aU-MUaourl VaUay I imale Saturday nlgbt._ ._r»lIlacJa.tbe.aU *B pt.t» .U s-U t*I reoord th re e -y w uUe. relga ot th*

old .Wicblt* H e n i^ wbo won In 19M, 19)1 ahd 1913, t tu OUen eheeked out ot tbe toum am sht a tler a rem arka^e ' ooaeback ' light through tha *arUtt round*.

J ^ e - M U ^ t - V a U e y - e b a a jp lo a t

” way lato the llnaU with a 40-SS victory over t^e Unlveraal P tetu ru Uam of CaUfomU, leaturtag aU-

B Amertca Chuck Hyall. aaarknlut ot " TMisa's tw o~ SuE iam teanu.

----- H u f lu e n JW Iy-tn- t t -H itf—OENVER. tO rob 33 V<V-WlUi a

bladng last ball raUy, tbo Olobe , Retlnen of MoPbereon. Kan..' smath ed tholr way to the llnaU of . Uie National AJV.U. baskeUiall tour- ' nament h e n tonight, by deleaUng Universal P letuns of HoUywood, 40-

Tb* marvelous comeback of ttie ’ MUsourt VaUay league-obamptpna

against Ute highly rated OaUtom- 7 t»w :irw -ta im u w l.U i-a .u m -liau il t Wheeung ahot by "Joe OoUsre" PBr- l Unberry, S loot 4 Inch MoPbaraoa e center,-w h ich ' iJtuki » - IS*IS daagg'

loek. and a aet iip uader the baiket by PrancU Johnaon a minuU and

• a halt b e lo n tb* e a d . .‘ . ,V A nru i, laa^urlag aU-Aai*tlca& i Cbuck Hyatt, who paced the Tulsa ‘ OUen to th* 19» and 19M national

titles, waa overUken twice but spent meet o e game on top.


—Jobaay Romero, Baa Diego; Mex­ican mlddlewelgbt. won a technical knockout over IndU aJlm m y Rivers, Loe Angeles, la the seventh round of a seheduUd 10-round bout h a n to­night.

A s t o r i a , J e f f e r s o n B a t t l e F o r T i t l e

SALEM. O n , U u c b a UV-WIU1 mighty seortng rushes and a driv­ing defense, th s Astorte high bas- ! ketboll team, defending champion, tonight dsfeaUd Oakrldge high 13 ' to 30, te go into Uie sU te toum a- ! ment flnaU against Jeffereoa hlgb of Portland. ,

The darkhorse Jeflerson team crushed Salem, 45 lo 30, In th e oUier half of tonight's scral-tlnal b n e k e t

Jefferson and A storU 'm eet to- morrow night for the Oregon cnm n. |

P i ( a r d I n c r e a s e s ;

T o ^ a m e n t L e a d ;• • t

-------- tGolf Star Boosts Margin, — to_Three-Stroke»-on— ;

Charleston Course' <. . t

(« = K ea ry Picard of Benbey. Pa.. I today ptodticed a par-equaUtng 71 ‘ aad tDersased b u lead to .three strokse a t the tbroe-quarten na rk eC tbe MOOO CharUstoo open golf toum amsp t. Harry Oooper e t Chi­cago. hU le^U ac rival a lter 38 boles, required a 73.

A* Cooper slipped. Hartdd Me- ■ Bpadea. Kansas City youagsler. took over .seeeod plaee wtUi a 71 for a • UMI ef 111 agaiast Plearil'a SOI.

G o v e rn o r R o u 'B a c k s 3

O ie fe n d o r f T a x R u le s ‘- -------- - - J.

(Oontlaaed from Page Ooe) - t

O altfem u atseebanu a per cent p aaUe ta s oebedule. I t eaUed lor a t 1 eent ta s on aaUe ef f re n U to a M eenu: S eeaU eo salsa ( re n H m eenU to tL l I ; 3 e sa u ea 91J8 to 8 lJ» ;-« eenu e n I1J8 te «3JS aad 75 cenu ea <2;38 lo «34S. ' al

____KMT Bf ttu - BTOTUlflM Mtrirb Aa n not elear a n gradually b e l^ C

ReperU of a moraiaent to la - S veke ttte atat*-wlde-nfareadsm Uw to halt oparmUona e< tha ae t stlS h d net mat<na1ti»d today. Ko p n - Ite lnsiy petltlODS hav^ baea iflsd A6 th i a c t i u j f « i<2

- ' i l ' - '

B i j i i i

~ Coach Ted Bank \ Sdiedii]e9. Early

^ Anival- In Idaho— —T * O B d o w r» u i» ,* M w r» T » ^

-Tbaodot* p a ta 8«iik..tb* TTni- m g lty 01 Idaho** a n r lootbaU

:— -coaoh->Bd *a-aarta>aBl' Win >r»- I ' Ttw h*M Ittaaday. **m al day*' ahead o f schodiU*. Presideiit M.

O. N e ^ ^ t h e tmlveratty wa* ad-

Sapk ia ld hU declsloa to oon*' ft wvdc early waa caused by a da-

'lit«:te'oM>ipM« arraageoieat*fcr ,m aprlng footbaU praeUoe to be

aUrted A pm l.T ))* practlea wlU' Its laat alx-week*. •- ^' . BAnk la bringing Bob Tualer. n t ajsu tan t line coach a t TuUoe. u

hU ehUf aaeUtaaU Baak U a backfWd poach.____________

•> ^ ^ s = s s s '

^ Rupi^andBurley

I Enter Bali League

^ S n a tte R iv e r V a lley C ir-

J J c u i t S c h e d u l e r P la n s ,' ,

j j , _____ f o r S e a s o n O pen ing _____tx* --------In BURLEY, M areh-33-Rupert-and n Burley diamond a tt l iu wUl go In c r for laater' oompeUtlon thU year aa b i they enter the sU-team Bnake

River VaUey league, offleUla bare* n t innDuoee.- Qth e r- ta ^ n a - ln - th r ttf J Hr 'w l t - are- f toui^-PoeataU orsheU ^ »S Blackfoot and SterUng.M ‘ CompleUdn of plana'iHIT-Im t ^ e

a t a maeUng, Mareh t l , but -tbe g l season.wUI tentaUvnly npm May t.

Tbe orgatUtaUoa m M tl^ w u n - centlyrxheld. in PocateUo.' .-

-------a ^ 'new league wUl- bebeadM by• Cbarlea Oibeon of PocaUUo. former

t>* president o l Uie PocaUUo AUiUUoolub and recenUy elected president

of of tbe Bannock County Sportsmen's r- astocUUon.' AssUtlag him wlU be I t J. R. Leerlgbt, Rupert, aad A. J. D- Davla, Blackfoot, vtce-prealdaQt*.

Alter HUt. PoeaUUo, *ecratary la treasurer: WUUam- BobUek. Buriey; aa p tm fltradUn.-Rupeftr»rank-,BUtti 1- nar, PocateUo: MorriU Boyle, Blaek- itf iO oi^ iuy .K tiiiv -'p a M y . auttn c : ^

at tbaae gamea on m ek daya only,' Id reserving. Sundaya and hoUdsya lor

leaipia taaaib

le '

Campbell Denies

n Motorboat Plansal • J ___ .

II S p e e d K ing S t i l l D re a m s of

1 _ A tf a in in g ^ 3 0 0 _ M i le 5 _ a i i_

H o u r in B lu eb ird

^ . By EOWAXD J. NKIL ^ (AseoclsUd P nss SporU WHUr) : ^ DAYTONA BEACH, Mareh S3 (41 ' ' - S i r Moloolm Campbell dented to- : '* day th a t be had made any plans fe r : ^ an assault on the world's speed boat " itnlghU w ayrw ord,now heldbyO ar

Wood.” "I know th e n U a boat being built ^ In the eoutli ot England," be ad- : ^ m itud guardedly as he played goU I V UlU afternoon alter seelog Bluebird, . ~ hU seten ton n e lng car in which l

he set a land speed n w rd of 378ai8 “• mUea per hour b e n March 7. safely

cn tcd anil stowed aboard a flat ear for shipment to New York.

*Tbey want me to drive it, but 1 •

I ."It's ridiculous to thlnit th i t 111'I take the motor oul of Bltnblrd and ‘ J put it In a speed boat. I'm xtot

through wllh BlueWn} yet. I'm sUU Iblnga to do on land.*

p, lU hasn’t niuwiuuhed a l all hU : " dnam ot 300 miles an bour on land,_ a n d - tte n J s every.likeUhooa-tbat Jte J

wOl n tu ra to America, pooilbly .as . early as UiU July, to try for tha't mark oo the ta ll beds ot Utah.

7 F R A W R A I S E S ' ^ 1 e ‘ACTION, NOT W O R D S / ' ] -A S G ERM ANY R EA R M S i

I. (Cotitinucd trom Page One)

. against Oermany. such as negotUt- | I Ing-eoUeetlve and bllkteral mutual ‘• assistance pscU.

TreebU ia Africa An increus tn Praaea's mUltair f

conscription term from ooe U two ‘ yean by Uw instead of by deeree. as the government aow intends de- ,

t ing. was sought ta aa amendment ' Jutt mtroduced te Ute bm lewerlag • the eeneertpt age from 31 te 3a

MeaawhUa. chargea tb a t O enaaa t propoganda in borthem A lrtea seeks , k to 's t l r np aa Arab Insurrectaan ! ) agatnst Prance wwe made td tbe I seaau by Senator O eothacot.' - •> Reporu' made to the .seaato*B I t yytaeb Afrieaa canualttee. he aald,

abowed Uiat numerooa UagtM e p « - k ifTng TTisre were ^icr*— ib i I Oerman fonlgn aad I I-^ttm iH en and bad bM dooarten & " ■ BerUn and Bambfarg. I

I ■ " - ;■ jStart year baby c h l ^ ea QUhs 1

I A-l etartor. CU to S«c« aad Tm*

Veteran tro im ces^^

^ -G ian tJG lle tL in L l

^ Savage Struggle ^

“ Gallant Mlwejolan Takes 'r: Severe .Baatlnu at Hands

j t J of.Jersey-Battler—a n d r^ i» ■ Loses Chance at TitleIU’ • ■

t r By SDDlb B B lE nu (Associated Press SporU WriUr) a N E W y O B K , M a rc h 22— J

W h a te v e r c h a n c e - A i t L a s k y r — ^ r - i M in n e a p o lis 'g la h t k il le r , m a y = . J i a v e - h a d - o f - m e e t i n g - M a j t —

B a e r f o r t h e h e a v y w e i g h t ^ e -. U th is su m m e r w e re laidcK ed * ' h ig h e r t h a n a k i te b y J a m e a ' :

J . - B r a d d o c k ; n y e t e n « u J e r 8 ^ - '= ^ {111 MwVor, in HitnHlBftn • Sgiiarft

G a rd e n to n ig h t— ----------—--------^n t* old timer chalked up the

,1. third atralght vletorr la hU come- >iPa -baek-«ampalfn-wltfa-*~-deaB-eut-^—

triumph over the Westerner la '«. aavag* lUteen round atruggU. -tti*-

deolsloa o l tbe two judgae and R«l-___*rn-Arthur_l}aQOTan-jrB*_uaaai>_____

moua.• . Bepatoaaly O at-P nehed;Lasky, one.of Uio better Ukad.of >

u tba younger beavywalgbta, fougbt a ... i 5 g»U *ot.-courw eoiu :ligh t-rrte th* '--.= : ^ n n t gong <0 Ut* laat, but !M wa*

^ p o u n ^ tor« - la . WlUl h i* 'a le d g t- . bamm*r rig h tiv * .th e Mlan*« . - - aolan Uta worat Ucklng 01 bUoareer. ‘

^ laaky weighed U7 pounds to . <^ B tM aocki-U JIf:----------- :**' Tba AasoeUted Presa *cere card^ gav* Brarirtnck ten of tbe IB,heata------1.:

Laaky won lour,- one e t them a BV tha reault of a low blew. OiM

was eaUed even.I t waa a popular victory for the

aging Jerseyite aad ba raoeived a 7 tremendous ovaUon Irom the 10J4S •

J ’ e tuU m en who paid |33,43flJH. to ^ eee tb* nrtwotks.H" . .......... ........

l U B x m K H o i O — J BASEBALL^ OUNTS f,’BKBI S

At T a m ^ H a; (« > - .

Kew M U l ^ • 1 ]Otaetenatl IM lU - S I I -

nuafaam ea^ Chagnea. 8te*V. . . L a n e _ a n d —Maaenaet—B aRnaB.____ :

' Legaa. -B. DavU and tenfeard^. CampbeQ, • ’

IC BB0WN8 9; DAVIDI 1• At WMt Paha Beaeb, I la . VF)—

B .& E .‘‘ Rooae e f Davld-100 OOt OM-^ « S

o f St. LottU (A )_311180 U x ~ l IS 1 Jaaeske aad'K earaey, Raagaew;

_ BLM ggjm d-P n b a .- _________

D0DQBB8 8, 0B I0 IB 8 S At Oilaado, FU. («> -

B .H .E.Ball*m*ra (INTJOOO 000 OOS-S 8 1

I BrMUyn (N)~aiO 330 OOs-4 • 1 Vf) Darrow, Afeen aad Speaeer.(0- Hacktoi Leonard.' Legaa aad rer rbeipB,.oaU.tat --------tar RED BOX *. BRAVES S^-^---------

At St. Petenbarg, r ta , VP)— lilt B .H Beetea (A)___ OOI OOI S3»-g 11 1oU Boetoa (N)___ 010 300 OOl-S XI •rd, . Walberg and R. Perrctl; Brandt, ch rrankboue, CantweU and Uegao.

11? PHILUES 8, TORONTO t ^ Al Wlnler lUven. Fla. (JP)--

R.R.E.L T TeeoBle (INT).OOO 001 tOO-3 8 4--- PhlUr—<N)-_-=:r.*U *00 >0»-8,, 8~ i --------rni' O rtsem . HUeher and Peacock;Qd Blvln and Holden.

^ INDIANS 3. ilENATOIlS •Al Bllosl. MIm. UPi—

^ . B .H .E .^ OleveUad (A)-.. eO« *19 OtO-^ 8 ],

Washington (A)OOO 000 000-« 3 1“ ~Bn>wiiri:eeaDd~GMrr«.~BrenBe};--------^ JThlUhUI. Bariw and Bettea. Red- -

Boad. - — -

PIRATES 7, WHfTE BOX 4'" ‘ A trL or-A enB T -C T F C -----------------------

n ttsbargb (N).#18-100 *eo-7 n t — Chleage (A).>.ae0 300 011—4 U t

Besh. WMver and Paddent Tletie.IS Wyatt. Kennedy aad Bewail. Shea, -------

Tbe ClnelnnaU Reds a n the pu>- 7. a e e n of professional baeebaU, hsv- ^ ing been organised In 1889.

Oordon Slade of the cuicwaaU „ Reds U aald te be the only Mormon „ ta orgaaUed baseUll.

We eleaa aad treat grata. GUbe ^ Beed A Peed C e ^ -^ v .>t ■ '

lam ■ - ■

J I Zip- Ig | WayB " M W I H T o o r ■

I ^ B c H e r e ■


' i f n i p o s a l s i - ^ 'M

W i j i i 8 t . S f t ^ h W n . '


JOW TORK:.. ,• s to d a i t^ d jr ; rU li 1o *»ot#

4 f t4 a i« 4 r* d la ^ _ ;;___ _.■Sonds Irre g u n ffW c ir^ U n u

7 ^ ’’^Curb W 5 wtnillM H o ia 'r a i i r

"V * y w tlg a exeliin«ef njl*ed; 8«lea <tecUnw tbarplr.

- - 'Cotton-firm:m is twmu bin houw of m>- rewnUUTct.

— -------SuB»r higher; tr»di boyttf.Coffee quiet; cotnmlaloo bou«e


■■TO«khI«H6r:'wfcrt»UcbiilU*. Com f im ; Arjenltae «port«

CAttie steady to etrai«.Ho«« IS to SOe htgber; top I0:

•U iupply.

— — n r-raA K K . MaeM n M W ;------•• • PrtM Ftatnctal Wrtler)

P NKW TORS. BiireJi 2J « 9 — A ' mild attack «f Inflatloa ferer. was

communicated to tbe tlnw clsl mar------- EcOTiriOT-tieaUnir-teday.---------

. W bm .tiw lw ttW tb* tmeipect- e<Ur lars® Tote to tbe bouse to

. nt tha • patm aa _boaus _blUwUb . lU-|3^,0(KhOOO s r e r o b ^paymeat feature, aa earlier dawd-

.Jto* market wltb reacUonary ten- deadet was quickly rorersed.

— ----- TBe'cbjaage tn •enttoent was toolate to lift tbe wbolo Utt tubstan-

AUled Cbemlca]. American Tobacco "S-, TJnlon Padflo and American

' fimelttog KOt abead 1 to 2 potoU or - y ^ M d otbg ieyiera were gen-

Isb, >.— :— n ie better tone sprw d fo lomit

« r tbe aeeondair bonds, m e leaa ' Ust aa »;wbo|e. bowarer.-was best

described as «eady. wUb gorem- m ent obligations « tittle uaeTen. '

C em aodltte Imprere414 tbetr bit to.

tba moc* booyaat tone ftloeg. Cot-------too mored abead stroagly to ftolsb

, «UB te .tL n . l .b a le .b lg b e r . and r -wbeat ImpWTOd lU Vt lM centa *

,r UP' % u> %' of. • e e n f i T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

below tbe pierloua lesiloa. •Tbe As«

blgbest figure slsee Uareb 8.Allied Obemleal' reported 1W4

; p raa ts a t ta jo «• common abate,' compared wltb tSM la 18)3. u d

m temfttlonal .Telepbcoe sbowed la s t yea^e a« t 33 .ceata m opared wltb 11 centa to the pm tous an> iuial period. '

I O tber tban ibe leadera, most ac> tire Issuu cotiflned their improre- mebts to leaa th a a a potat, includ* lag Amerleaa Oaa a t IISU. Mont- soraery Ward a t 94K. ZatemaUonal H a r o te r a t 37n. Westtogboute at M and Oeneral Motoci a t asH.

TWIN FALLS MARKETS~ tb* Twis'Viiu eitoiet m aiitt r« -l e n u M rouons ■. U m t»tkLKbl In itchm .........__ L»tJOt«»i.oeHb*t7 buwbtn, SO-JU poundi__M.19

O nauvtlibt tnitebtra las-IM lC«-r>JO . Oo«> , , ______ _ .jLtlJOtoW-M

_____..- s i a s• • PoalUr

IIMTy >«»"«-_ UKXJsbv cot ond — iifu m iHbettu________________ :lleColored n»M---------, ..„n«betbora »«<•^ a o n > ^— •*“OolorM »««■»»"g t * e ^ . „ • ____ I H Snucti _ - — —

T sfk tn. iDmMd PrtM)' Touns tomi. Xo. '•Youoi heo*. Ho »«Old imu. Mo. -««»

--------OSQ-iotuk. Ho. U__ —Toims totoA. midluaa____________Uellt iu . »«<■

Ma. •»■TOOU. Wo. ■«»

S«XIXC^. eath p r ln _______ ___ He to IteButtcrttt. CMh pile« ___ i ic

TI. B. OrMI Kort&cro*. !«o. ij____ u 04O. S. OrMt HotUvRM. Ro. anuu ftoi*. No ll— oM toM eo onau M * i«o. a * - - ,— u w w tx a e rtato*. o. a. Ho. i _ - _ _ t s a s t o i t o o

.rBoik^*h«un& ii•qMM*. Vo. U -------------- U<’>< U> UcB tw e . 1*0. a i -------- ------------- 3i\t:

nim mnn — ■ w eo£ ?

•Malt r r tw . . . .K«w e y » by a y *—

_____f r

K £ .

■ I ISjfek Market m n ifS 2

M ) n “ n J i i . u’af .. - I k h otiaii** r.r t.l t'» M

MX a j

' " S' v a a e J _ 4 U

— . J S, g IMT IO* — 5i.e» MJ e i j e i4

^ G o k M ^ D I ' E Y ^ ” PRICE LEVELiS - N E W Y O EK , M arab » - I a d « : o t

U i t i ^ com m odity prteefc (De-

rf. 2 M a r .......................... ’ ..........P r e r l o a day ------------------ — 148.7

» . . W eek a « - ............... .................... i yf ; - ^ --------------------^ u u U g h ------------------------— ~ 1«M

1M« l o w ----------------- J------ :-------148.4U U U g h ---------------------- -------1IHl«

“ 1M 410W ______________ :----------- 1*Mi m b lg b _____ ______ :------------ -48Ji r a low ------------------------------ -- 78.7

(Copyrlgbt. i m , by M oody^)^ (D eoenber 81. m i . is u k e n aa IM u la oompBtlag tb * abo re p rk e le rd

. . I tb e a p ^ x l m a t e pe reesU g* ra lo e o t tb e bole to d e a aM lgaed to eaeh. a ro MOdi W b ea t U . co tton U .. beg*

— I I. s tee l aerap 10. eogar 10. w ool' 7.— w » f t J . ,b ld * « J f c _ e o t s A i» y > « r _ ^ ler) f f * , < ^ e» «. lead 3 . a f i * ^ eocoa


«t* T im e lo a aa s te ad y ; 60 days-eto m ootha ' K -1 p e r c en t. ‘ -

blU Prim e eonunerela l paper K. id c ^ B ankers ' a m p ta n b e s unchanged:rd - R ed lsconatt ra te , N . Y. Rescrreen- bank . IH p e r c e n t

loo ______ L . . .M B T A M .. .____:_____^ -N E W YO RK , M a rth 33 W V-Oop- u . p e r; Q uie t; elec tro ly tic sp o t a n a fu - 5 " •tufe,- B lue_E ag lc ^ o o . — x o T to : S ^ a ff id - . e ^ f ’e n d nearby a n 48J7 ; fu tu re 4S4S. o r lK >°: Q uie t; unchanged ,

m - L ead: 8 tead y ^ sp o t New Y ork 3.00;to - g a jt-8 t.-L o u U .3 .4 5 _________ __ ____

Z too : Q uie t. B w t S t . Louis, tp o t a n d fu tu re 9 M .

^ “ "Alum inum 1U.UU-U.0U. .- .----------M t A ntim ony sp o t UiO.

” ■ 'GOVERNMENT BONDSNEW Y O RK , M arch 33 (/P) —

Bond q u o u u o n s :, U b erty

y 8 « S 33-47 ------------- ;------------- 10L7°*r ly t 4K a » - 4 T -----------------------I0 U 8^ 1st 4U a 33-41 r e t . __________ U U I^ 4 th - 4 U » '83-38 .,.,,10333 y± 4 tb 4US i« 8 a » - S S -----------------103J1g ? lO T W O j ^ m t w ------------lo o a t

< tb

4Us 4 7-83_______ :__________ 118Jt^ 3K s 43-48 _____________ 1M31^ ----------- - im m™ 3 K s 48-M __________________100.8

3 K s .40:43 J u n e ..........................107.4« « 3H s 43-47-«__________________ 108.18« - 3H* 41-43 M arch ___________107-8

SUa 41 __________ ___________10740SK s 44-48 ____________ :._____ lOfl.

^ aUm 4AUA- • — m n -SS 48-48 ____________________103.3s 8 1 -8 8 _____________________103.

u :- Federa) n u n M ortgagere - 3s 4 0 -------_____ ____________ lo ta 4«1* 3 14a. 84 _______;_____________103.3a t- . U em e O w n en L oaa

3s A 8 3 --------------------------------- m . l3» t 3K s 3 9 - 4 9 --------------------------- ICOJ

^ B A S SIL V E R ------NEW YO RK . M aiia i 33 M > -B ar

S su re r firm er U h ig h e r a t 80c.

F O R n O N E X C nA N G E NEW YO RK , M areh 32 M V -Por-

elgn exchange Irregu lar; P rance de- ,go m and 8.B9);; cables 8-SBK; M ont- L7S rea l to New Y ork W 38; New Y ork L g to M ontreal 100.75,

i o COTTON\M - NEW YO RK , M arch 33 W V -ltic

co tton fu tu rea ta a rk e t p u s h ^ up u o 8 1 i0 a ba le a n d closed re ry steady

a t n e t ga in s o f 33 to 34 po toU to -

u e “ *y'Wl SAN FR A NC ISCO PRO DCCE 13* SAN FRANCISCO, M arch 23 t « IJC - n u t t e r f a l 30c.

PoUCoet; ^ k e d pe r cw t. N etted i « XHU15 u . a . KB.- 1- o r w a im m K n--Se d is tric t 81.40 to 81-80; few -81.75; 19* D eaehutea dU trlc t 81-40' to H J 3; J c California D e iu d b tr lc t B urbanks M few best *3-13 to 83.40; W aahlngton

U . 8 . No. I N etted G em s 81 to 81.40: .combtnaUon 81J 9 ; H aw aii 30 pound c a r io n s Q a m c U ll .0 S to 8 1 J0 ;C h le o

lae G a rn e u tuga 81.18 to 81.30; Colma ►“ Oan>eU 9 'i - t o 4c -pe r puuHdr PTor-

Ida BlUs T riu m p h s 00 pound c a r- isc tons mosU7 (3.35 to 83.50.IM DroUeri I8 to 31c; fryera 30 to

33c!i roa tU ra 34cm » ;e s< R -B u lle r 'T r5 ro ? r3 5 5 - # i:

tie C h c « e a n d eggs unchangw l. '

----- LOS -AN G ELES. PRODUCE'i a t o s ANOELESv .M a r th 23

R eceipu : B u tU r 117.100 Ib * e « e i « no U M ;.rcsi no cajea.^ B u « « : M scorc 37c. u o E ggi: C a n d W clean m rdlum LOO ex tras a m c .

P ou ltiy unehanged .

s»e C inC A G O PRODUCE -• IC inC A O O . M arch 33 w v^> o ttttfv

- recelp ti. .U re. 1 c trT ' 31 trucks- *teady to ru m : hena 8 lbs. ar>d under a o s e . m o n th a n 8 iba. l a s e ; Leg-

144 h o m hen* l7 H c ; R ock fryer* Me. _*Te C0l0f « l_ 3 ^ : R ock sp rtn ss 30c.

e e io m l 50c, L ^ h b r n 'U S c : —Rock > « tnrvn Jfc. oolored 3Je ; flock ap ring i w a o c . eoJortd 25c, L eghorn U S c ; • » Hock b fo u en 58c. cc lo rrd 35c, b a r t-

back i I I 10 31c: L ech o m 33c:'roca- g e t « a l« H e ; tu rkeya l« lo a te ; ducka 5 J 4% lb*, u p 30 to 31c. a ta a n j*e ; i f t capona_j to 7 U». a4e.‘'C B u tier r ec e ip u 10A34 Iba: firm :

(90^1) 90 to 30U c: fL-sta <«8-g9) •** 39W to 3#^4c: seconds fS8-*7) 38H c:

. s ta a d a rd i (90 e en tra lu ed carloU ) g f 30HC.£ C n re c c lp u 37^88 c aK s; un-

ak j .TO.’ po--rA W86N ■ ■B . s r , ' c o M iM ' A d M e r

- f i 1 • • . V .., .yty .. r.7 ■ p tr5 ___1-8 • p 7 « f ^ Y ' ■ ■ ’•“• O ’ --

)C i

J R m . * -' :

i ~ : ■ -..NE.W

i M t m \h ' \ ' ( B r . n i AamlBtod. P r ii i) :

: ■ ?rsiZ A m tllm a O u t _ Z M i f JI4 t( ' JlS fi ^ A m .O tr *< P 0 i7 ~ U . i m ' - 'U

Am t « { w » o u « ' “ 10 • ■ io l^

-A m *«aw -w orka J Z - j i l r lOtt lltfc

' A saooM a' Ooppar » U ' s%- s u 11a OandU A r U ^ _ laU n iil laili ° B r ttu tb m fltoai as<! - aa lt »

o iu w t .* - n » c l a 9t{ o u M iu t Paetnii _ n h otfc Blk

“ § S ? o ^ ^ - 5 5 U : s S ISonw asM k* « onto— 40 a a » 40o n i u s P A P p t — a u 3 -3

: g g 2 “ ^ i S ^ . : - 3 ? j ^ t - i S i i - i s nOolnn O u A Beo _ e SH S

■ Oom..BolTanti — ___

' C en t OU D tl 18 19}k ISoom Products _ _ _ 6414 O U

. g a r o ^ ' ^ ^ ^ i i d' Du Font d a H m «l n f i M S

I • * L f t ~ " a i ” aBrl* n s _________ s i S l. .aji

SSS} J a - i r S l? ss .S :' a iid d m O o _______u i 3Sti a s u

oold Dust ------ 15 £ u u , .18H- OeodiMT R ubbtr . . ISU n U . U U

Goodjrtkr • nub b tr pT 7a 73 .73 Orkham . tU i n i bG reat Korth B r p(— u t i lo u t l i

,; S l° r 5 :”.S“_ = . S ! a , S!,i! g r | t

£ r S ’- =K si Oatb lU c A _ M n 14 k.

’ SUKSt riirz'K i'‘ “S> k A Tork Ctntnu _ . 14tk 13 14<{• N T II U A Htftt 4?k 4U -4U _ worta A aer. Co 11% lOU J

selUed; e x tra flraU 30H to 31c; tresh .g raded f irs ts 30% to 30U e;

I curren t- re c e lp u lOHc; storage packed f lr su .3 3 c : cx traa 31«c.

I SU G A RNEW Y O RK . M arch 33 Raw

augar w as u n changed tpiday b u t trad ing w as m ore a c ilre . T bere

r were confirm ed salea of a t least 35,- 000 b o p of C ubas and 330,500 baga of Puerto R ican . aU to AprU posi­tions to refine rs a t 3.09.

Except fo r a decUne c t e poinU In . the M arch poaUlon to th e No. 1• c on trac t before trad to g to th a t d e - ; Uvery ceased, fu tu rea he ld gener­

a lly steady on fu rth e r trad e covcr-' to g ag a to s t salea o f ac tu a ls end buy.>

tog by com m ission houses. T h e m a r -• ke t closed unchanged - to ' 3 potoU I higher In th e No. 3 a n d 1 to 3 h lgh -> e r to th e No. 1 sales, 34,450 tons to . tb e N ft 3 a n d 11,550 to n s to th e No.

1. The close: M ay 3M bid, Ju ly 3.18 bid. S ep tem ber 3.13 bid, Deccm bef 3.30 bid. Ja n u ary 3.18 bid, M arch

) 3.17 bid. ’Refined waa uochanged a l 4 J0 to

I 430 for ftoe g ranu laU d .


S -O 'A )—Po<a(ocarV .-fl.-N B.-l-Ida* ho R ou«U 8 1 .» i bakers 8145; O re ­gon RttMels, new poU toM , Ban

) D ir to c o s n tr B ritish Q w ^ns 3 ta 3U e pound; G am eU 4 U <Kt.


PoU to rec e ip u 12 c m ; on . track 252; te U I U .8.-m hlpmcnU 7t7; eld

• ttock . d o n aoppUes tib e n t trad to g slow; W lseooslti Rooad W hltea U.S.

No. 1. sse . f tae qw O ltr <7H to 71c. U.S. com m ercial g r»de 80e( Idaho

I R n u e U V.S. No. 1, 8I.47S (o 8LM. r o ia m m ls l g n d o T l i J H J » • » (toek. Floridk b«. crate* BllM T rt-

. K];aphs V S. No. 1 w u h c d SLM t* 83.


' D A)—ShlppiRg p o in t laform aU oa• r o rT b R v d sy :• Cppce raU er: CarlMida tob cash ; track , aacked p c r ew t.: R n a a U C . S .• No. 1 too lew r e p e c M t« ««ot«. C . S.! No. 2 Boouy 45c, occaalM ul m r 43c.; Gr««cfm sa k e , ba lk pe r cwl.. d tO rcrcd . t a w a re b o n a : T e ry tig h t tn d tn g , of- . ferlB ci UgbL R«M eU V. S. No. 1 8S . to U c . few law aa 88c. U. S. No. 2 ’ 22S to 27SC.

Twin P sBh Bb iUj . Ca i lu a ib f a »; cJUtLtrack. aackad p a r c w t i Raaacta r * 1 ^ Vo 1 7714 t a TV f r « .78a J . AI N a.2 4 2 * it« 4 t e .M a tly 4 m e .G (« w ^; cr* caleB. b a lk p c r c w t, d e U rm d to> w m b o tta c : T cry Hght tn d la g ,

wtB U . S. N a. X 8« to Me. D. S . N a. 2 ' 28 m a c ,m o * H y « « t to 2 5 t . i

A + i i i y r r A ^ iN " : S C H 0 O L : , : A K J D H E - I ■'-- ;W O M 'T B E $ B A d

. ,. . ' .■ , :

V' "V

H ! K : 'S ^ r d “ M0tWM

n iL T antn ' l^iOllx SH'. ~ a ^ ‘ a<Viail p « nn*n“ --------- 'S ji -wii■3 s ra .’"-! — ".il %iniL HKllo Oorp of A la n . 4» 4\i ' 4)4

“1 « - s S S K ; ; i 2 ’A:r:S7.-I!* Sr'*.'».?p£=-SS=:S’i iS 5 '1!5 r ; o S “g . ~ 5’*. - J® ? “,o ti s a m r ou ------------ Mi . 75I ^7%fliL ooconr Vacuum — xa 13%.. ta l i

B southern PaeUlo — «4 14^4 '44^4[Jil su o d Brsodt ____ 4H t4H MU•gt! Stand O u f t a * e - _ : j ( 4 . 3 -aU

8 S S d - o t r H ^ j = ^ a n i - - S % " 3 7 ^u)H SMwart Warner TH 7 74k^ stud tM ktr Oorp — 314 ^ - a ug '^ T t m ooip ----------- isU it5 M fi3 -nmlun ItolI Bear ... aot; M(4 WK

'AW f f i - f f i u — 4 2 L ; i S t : ' i SV * Onion OU c a l ------- w i 4 r . « . I# !!ISU Onion paeine W SOtt w u

a” O 8 lnd AlcobOl — 31U 37 37tkUK IT B Rubber l i u - 1 ^ 4 t i n

U 8 Steel ________ » 3slS Mn - Vanadium IS 14U. »

T SIJ.? i f ■TPRta»wtB--cit»-aL-.:..= raa?>--;*»»t— ijt ;oil! ' CUBS MABKR

- w n ^ - T o w e r MiTBh-aa. m ------ c u ma (2 quoutlona:5iL Ameriean 8up«r Power _ _ _ _ 1is4l ounkar liUI and 8uUI*an ............5^J Central Seatot Beetrto -, „ . . 7/HBIL Oltlea 8errlee ..—i .n,,.—H /H3 aiMUie Bond and Sbara _ _ _ e

i li.S a^ « K *i\\S e National ^ r and U sh t a* pT — W

1 C i? u S ^ » ^ W n to l n.~, ■'______ -Tlk aw lft a sd Company — l «n s jk United Poundera ■ ■ - - 8/11 ,

^ • «ggci*t» y i » g ____ 1

a?t ^ •Dtl Ameriean PWetcn Powtr wmrraata : m A ^ e a n Oaa aad B ictrie ^

St Autmm Auto ..... --------- ——~1711 .11 nome Loan corporation to n t t _tOO-J4 ‘

n i PKleral P a m Uortgae* bon d ^ » l< 4 114) AprU p o U to e a ------------------SIJ^II.47 (----------- — I I— . - i


sw CH ICA G O. M arch 33 (/P) S D>ut a ) » H o« : R eeelpU 8000; closed < « 'm o d e r a W ir a c U ? e r g e n e r * n r- ia - to ^ l

300 h ig h e r th a n T huradny's a re r- 1« • age; heavlea alow; packtog sows 10c . »l- h ig h e r; t e t t e r grade 300 lo 380

pounds 88JX> to 80; top 89 for range iIn In w eights from JP« poundj Jo 350 11 pounds; 300 to 330 pounds 18.80 to (

le- $8J)0; 180 to 190 pounds tS.50 to <>r- 88.M: ^ h t U ghU 88 to 88.50: few 1■■I- B ^ P l g * *7 to 87.75; common UghU iy - dow n- to 8 5 .8 0 ;_ r» d packing sows 1X- 88.18 to 88.39; long string 8855; 1>U ahlppera took 1000; estim ated ho ld- 1h - o re r 1000. . 1to C atU e: R e ^ p U 3000; fed a te e n 1 10. Wnd yearU nga closed steady to.18 s tro n g . In stances shsde h igher; Ic f qua lity very p la in ; holdtog bestlong 1 ch yearUnga a ro u n d 813; odd loU and

few loads low er grado yearling light to s teera 810.80 downward; medium

1100 pound C anadians 8045; o th e r j----- kllllog c1aaaea.abQUl.«teady; strrwig 1_ w eight c u tte r cows tCH; few ae- ’<

lected rea le ra 80 to 88.35; odd head I 8940; w eighty sausa«e buiU 85.75; 1 two loads choice long yeartlnga he ld < h ighe r, a ro u n d 813; taken off m a r- 1

— k e t. * S heep : R eeelpU 13.000; (a t lambs

[U w ere u n e re n . steady w 15c h ighe r. , a* c leeed-duH -w U h-m oti-adiA aea-Joei; « « . to p 88.33 p a id b y . a U ' intarei'U : > IB aheep a tro o g ; feeding lam b t scarce, ! U Uttle cb aa g ea ; eariy bulk good to 1 __ j ” ^ t o w n ^ J

' m edium 80 pound w eighis 8705;A( m o s t na U re ewca to kU Ien |4 to 85.

2 PO RTLA N D UV ESTO CK | Bg PO RTLA N D , M arch 23 a D J .S . A )~ K o g a : ReeelpU 150: nom inally 1 •e. s te ad y ; good to choice Ught w elgbU < be quotab le 88 to 88.10; hcav>- welghU

a n d good lig h t U ghu saleable a round ew (gJO ; p a rk in g s o n rli^lblo a rouodrl- 87.38 to 8 7 J0 ; feeder p i « i ' ^ t a b t e >IS- >8 dow n. ‘

C atU e: R eeelpU U ; c a ln a 39; moatly a c leanup m arke t; scattered

' ° s a w a ro u n d steady , good fed s te e n “ q m U b la 8 9 J0 down; week's top

he ife rs CT40; good b te f o o n 86 to '8 840 ' a i ^ y : low c u tters and e u t- ■

^ t s r s - 3 to 8 3 4 0 ; bu U su U ab ^ ea ro u a d ‘^ 8 )4 0 to 8440 ; odd bead com m on ;^ r e a le n 85 to 88; choice quotable to }

^ : __ _______ ;8S O G DEN LITKSTOCK i. 2 O O D E N . M arch 33 IP) t o a O A>— i

■ B o y i J tece lpU 738, laeluded 334 d l- 1

eta enough good hogs bere to m aka i» - i3. Uable te e t; ta lk ing a round 88.78 e n tw i t o p 'k lp d s ~ ^ it« m y l U f l t e n d a y ^ 4to cloee; m ixed wclghU a n d gr»de« a ^

to 8840; pack ing sow* S840 to tJ . t. 2 C a ttle : R ccclpU 34}; Los A n g e la c

I m a rk e t 38, O m aha SMrfcct 39; la te (


, ^ ' . VOU'RE- LGNIE; ^ ' A ia e N T vcSUy y ? g | l V : Hovy WOULC

Smtg£. UT-rUE babv/ ^

•* y y ’ u

T i r i m ^ r i 'iw e m iH W

I ji Shari! Prices Turn Upward Jj Sit in Late Dealings al U ;i| New York |

a i IL? o m cA o o , ' s t t K h 33-H enroua- H

ness legard lng increased notiee t a k - II-Cirtrf-Q hinffl T?f Tfflr In-gnrnp* hurt IIconsiderable to d o - to d a y w ltb a I

a » m a K ria l u p tu rn o f g ra to .ralues. IJ » C on trlbu tlng -to .m arke t, s t t tn g th . 174k w as a revival o f In flation taUc, to - M

gether w ith la ta ad rtces o f n e w m!.V d u s t s to n n s to domestio w heat t e r - ■

r lto iy southw est. A t tb e day 's to p . j lciS prices, M sy .w as u p about 8 cenU a W

bushel h lghec.tbaa-M onday 's tosldQ , ■

~ i f f i e a P c n B ^ r ? K J r 4 P i ? r T t » w ’ ii n yesterday's fin ish , M a y 0 S H -H .c o m I 0 unchanged to ^ b ighe r. May 7 8 H - I 5,, %, o a u n - H advanced, aod p ro - i l a visions show tog a rise- of 38 to 37 f l»7i cen u .— r----------------- -------------------------- 9

Unexpectedly h ig h e r p r lc ^ fo r p (

, I ulus to w heat B u y « he re a s sdon !as trad tog began , and so too d id

/ t t reporU ot need o f r ; i a southw est an d west. ‘

ilS ArgenUnc U « « D enial

jaL Tem porarily , tb e Chicago g ra in tt i. mt53} — - ^ = = = = ^ = an

T hursday a n d today m ost c la u e s ^s te a d y a t week's ad ra h ce w tth som e " p

= ^ H f l w m -w w -m a ilia l . - k>adTr>o^ ^ H i 1049 pound Id ab o steera 88; tead 845 ^

Id ah o helfera 88.38; few o u t 87; odd ^ » t , loU d r lre tn s ^ n i an d h eifers 88 to

i<L S heep : ReeelpU 355; la to T h u rs - . •51 day few lo u Cruckedia lam bs steady J . a t week's decline 88 to 8840; sm all ***

"1 Above quota tions on ra il ^ ip m e n ts r e f le c t variable f re ig h t benefits on ^ c a ttle bought fo r resh lpm cnt. ju i

_ „ OttBAN FRANCISCO LIVESTOCK 8A N PR A N C iacO , M areh 33.VD ju i

D (U 8 p A)—Hogs, no n e ; good- s«s ed choice I 8O to 338 pound C a llfo m la to^butcften-noffllna21y-quote(L .arQ und r - 88.40 to 8940; good packing sow s Bn Oc eUglble 87.35 to 8740.80 C a ttle : R ece lpu 300; c a r h igh* ju* se m ed ium 983 pound C aliforn ia s te e n s*i 50 88.75 s tra ig h t: load very m edium . / to P33 pound holdover N eradas 8805; J" , to so rted one head 87; two loads O re - Sfj :w gons a n d Idahoa on sa le ; top-good t U le d s te e n nam inafly quoted to n a ro u n d )840; good young cows a b - 5; aea treU glb lo 88 to 87: calw w -none! - 1- good-choice ligh tw eigh t v e a le n c

quoted 88 to posalbly 810; com par- n able q u ^ t y e a lre s eligible up to 87. qq, 0 S beep : N one; good-choice u n d e r no r ; M T »u n d fed wooled lamb* n o m - oat ig toaU y quoted 88.75 to possible 8740. ba id — - l i eBt DENVER aU E E P $13m DENVER, M arch 33 (;n (U 8 D j e r A )—S heep : ReeelpU 3000; a teady . q,., ig ask in g 15c o r m o rt h ig h e r on f a t

-c s l l0tg ;-h e R -h e ia -8« ;» -a n d -a b o T e r — td taUctog s teady: m edium grade Col- , 5; o radoe 18,75; mem o.; 'naU ves com - id m on «8 to Itf; to p TTiursday 87.85 r* m em o. -

bs ? ' OMAHA BKIKP, , OMAHA. March a l « O 8 D A>— <

8h*tp; tucvlpta MOOi a lausnu r lamb* Nc t : ( n d a - e to a d .r a ld r actir*. tu ll r >0 to jg , i ; u e W «btr thaa T tiu»da»:“ lnnk-fB j J m o led lamba 77 t s 103 pouoda S7.7S < *• to sa.10; load 10« pouada ITJO: tot) Wh t® s a js Baid-br paekfr fo r two loMU n 18 pouad artrafo : lo«d SI potmd ahaarlnc> » liaa 6 e .;_i9ag _ u > J S i 5 g - f * y , ^ . - V LO S ANGELES SH E E P’ □

L O S A N G E L O , M arcb 33 (U a D A ) •> Sheep. R eee ip u 750: ' s te ad y ; good to choice 88 pound

D sp r lB f lam ba 88L80;' p U to wooled ly lam ba |9 J 9 ; w ooled ewe* 8105 so rt- , tc U ed.u ■ —,d ST . JO S E P H SH E E P .

S T . J O e m L M a tch 32 OP) t o S ( ^ I , D A>—S beep: R eodpU 3500; pracU - « «

caUy n o th in g dooa. O adertone firm.5. A sking h ig h e r ,^

ed— W OOL 7pi " B O e rO N , M areb 33 ( 0 S D A> ^ 2 - n o cw atic wooU « r e recelrtog a ^ r good dem and to tb e B oston m arke t. ; ^ T l» e 'n a e r qua lity w aatera g row n , _ w o O U a odm ed luaO eeceaw erep rom - j to to e n t to th * d e a a n d . S tilk a verage ^ " to g o o d P te n c h o o m b to g » 4 * a n d f U -

e r terrltoTT woola to o rig inal b a o m o re* read ily a tW -« * se * w red ‘basis.

— A te rage twelve m e o tb i T exas wools i I - w cra fa ir ly acUve alsM ct a t «0-«3. w a CA a a . gna. a n ^ f o t ir th c t ; H blood O h io , a a d stoiUW lieeces p rt a b n m g h t 3SH to 34 to th * g n a w o r m«

r t ifBorarf i^Mia. A fa irly la rge clT f t voluske e f a reT age~«m W ng "iem rr- Tro

b rtg b l a n d o th e r » Id w e « te m fleeoea ln( a o f s to O a r grade b ro u g h t 41-43 aco c r- hHte e d b u i s . det

)NES6ME u u c o r k S '. ;. p ^ c k a . - i ‘

rS I9TC R ! 7 ■ 1 ^ ■ ■

'^ d M U k W l^ m ' r I B

- S c o r e ^ l i n l u r e i

P O L I C E f l e h t l n ; t h e r a s h o f c r - - iB - N e w - ¥ < ) f t ^ ^ a r l« m > ^ P h O T * .

d i s p e r s e t h e c r o w d . . T h e r i o t sU a s i o r e ,— P h o t o ,

p iu were th row n to to contusion, by ya re p o r t th a t th e A rgentine govern- *a e a t h a d sh a rp ly redueetl JU g u a r- ' a n tee d price fo r .new . c rop cora .L a to to th e day . Ijow erer, tb e re w as .a s au tho riU tlve den ial o f any such |

to tb e genera i u pw ora l tg tr e n d of gTBiln values w m w ord of [j

w hich about 8.000,000 bushels of A r- g w n tto e w heat w ould be .token by [&I ta ly . . . . .................... ! _ .l l

Provisions took th e ir cue m ainly 9fro m h o g .m a rk e t u p tu m s . I

0P«B lljsh Low Oete IM v ” e s n M>4 u s t-r , IJu ir ” ?«• . I

Meh"*” so\4 - - 80^4 ! EMay 7tU-(4 79 771,7 7 m - n IJuly 74U 74»i Tan 7«54-U Ia«p 7eu -!i n u a u 7o |4-u I

Oata— I IM ar ' 44(4 o n 44U EJuly W k 40 39>k asn I ISep a in 3s 37^ n n i

i 're — 1 IMay M s s u u t t 56*M>4' Iis?—ua— . IM ??'‘*^“ L _ . . . s j l j I July -.. _ _ M I S fp -e ian k . IMar 13.73. I3.S0 I2.S2 ll-SO IJuly 13.U.M IS.SO 12-e} t u o ISrp I349-S3 13-SS 13.U 13-SS |

UtUJi*— IMay tS-10 _ ISJQ IJuly » _ ISJO I

CHICAGO CASH GRAIN iCH ICA O O. M arch 33 < ;p>-W heat:l B

No. lh a rd 8 1 .0 3 W ; No. 3 h a rd 8 l .0 3 ; I com : O ld : No. 3 yeUow 83e; new ,! I No. 3 m ixed 78c; No. 3 yeUow 8 3 c ;! g oaU : No. 3 w htto 40m c ; no ry e .; IB Barley 88c to 8100. T im othy seed l 81840 to 81745 cw t: d over seed j a $1905 to 81005 cwt. I t

Lard, tie rces 813; loose lard 8 t3 .‘ j BeUles 816.37. ,

WIN N IPEG -Q g A lN ----------------{W N N IPE O , M ftich \ 22 — 1

W heat; *H igh Low • Close <

M ay 84*i 84’., 84S Ju ly 84H -H S3%-84 84S | =

C ash w hea t: No. 1 no rth em 83c; xn No. 3 n o rth em 8 0c :'N o .'3 n o rth cm j

O atsT N o T 2~whlW '40?J CT‘ N o.-3 ^ white 34SC. -

. ______ woFLAX , Chi

D OLUTH'.'M ijcfi'33Tff’5 = H £ r b a 4 t ftrac k 8 l.73 ii; M ay 81.73‘i ; J u ly l ‘ “ ' 81 .734: Septem ber 81.73W. L J

--------- iPVtPOBTLAND DAY i f

■PORTLASD. M arch 23 i/P )-H ay Steady, unchanged . , ^

-------- - 1 ®PORTLA.VD GRAIN An

PORTLAND, M a rrh 23 (.T) — W hea t doee: M ay 79c; Ju ly 75H e; rOOt Bcptcmbcr T s se . - •

-Cash Big Bend B lu e a tm 88H c; ' v r d a rk b a rd w to te r 13 pe r cen t 98 S c ; aame 11 pe r cen t 83c; so f t w hito « 7B 4c; w estern whUe TSe; n o rth e rn ^TTtog 8 l c ; . h a rd w to te r w sste iu red 78HC. '

O aU NO. 3 w blto 839. t ~C om No. 3 E yellow 83905. ^M U lnin su n d a rd 834. . „ ^C ar rw jc tp u : W b ea t h : flour 18.


w orkm an, charged w tth ob ta to tag a rt o oem plorm ent relief under f a te ! m o p re tew es. w 'M u U iW Ui I w if r m o n th s '^ p r l s a ia je n t , B e waa spa- c ineally charged w ith ob ta to tag «88 * Uum' m s l ellef f im d by e aafgCTwt- J tog hU econom ic dlffleultlea. T lte scl h lgbest court to Sw eden upheld th e U dcctsloa. - - sr t



crowds who asaaudled p«destrlai

s ta r te d 'a f te r a' N egro boy w as 'sa

Youth Says He Tried E To Buy Appointraent



111I «

- sd! V

s t

! do



w a e w M ^ M i b)<{ uii bl< , b r, jg,

, JA M ES .W .. IVES (above) w bo told I th e w ar departm en t h e c a re a _ ' 81H 0 noto to exchange fo r a p - ff,

polB ttaent to W eet P o in t a r r a n r ^ th ro o fh Rep. JoHn lL U o ep p e ro t '

“ C a n fo m la .'-T f iF -B a J t lb io re -a lh - le tc 's story reanltcd to th e ladTct-

’‘ ^ B t o f Hoeppel by a W aahla<- ton , D . C. g rand io ry .—W Photo . ^


I IN D A N C rS NATIVE LA.ND ;_ B U E N 0 a jM R E 3 (-T feT he A nren- ^ l in e tonso . w hich h M to ra d e d a ll th e 54 w orld's cap ita ls, h a s h a d ai- new charge — e o m p tlo n of t h e S pan ish

, tIonaUstle new spaper L a P ro n d a . b I T ho verses o f th s tango , - aald La ; Prdnda. “do more fo r th e d iffusion ba , of bad S pan ish th a n a ll tb e b a rb a r- 50 i im s th a tx r c a n l n m i to r 'a e q u l r e b y 30, cttrelfssnesa o r InteoU on." ' , :

, Som e u i tg o rerses; abounding to jo j Argentine aU ng. a re un to to lU gtbb to ^0 [persons from o t^ S p a n is h - s p e a k in g f n 1 countries; th e newapaper saya.

■ ~ ——— - ■— fu:' NEW HIGMWAYS .•UNMOUNT* >*


stor<*d R ayai C snatffsn M B untodPo- u c e 'h a v e loa t tb e tr horses, saya J .E . CMneey. he ad aud ito r of tb e fam ed -m o u n iie s .- ' , ■

H e repo rts th a t a lth o u g h th e po - n , U a e rare lftt 1 .340103 mUcs dtzrtBg »{, th e fiscal y e a r 1833-34. tb e m ileage ^ covered by aaddle h o rw w aa *o w- amAR'aa to b e o r n ttk ra o e o u a t. lm - proved ioada, notab ly 'to 'Q o eb e e . ^ u . Jadd l u n i r nsp<i...lM..S>r t t e £ m o re o f th e m ountles fro m tb e sad -

CLASS IN n N G E B T K I N n N b ^ BU RBA NK , c a l i f . t» ) — A n lg b t V

acbool a d a l t c lasa to .'fli4 e rp r to tto g . U b e t o g - c e a d a c tc 4 a r B a r b a a k b lg b or srtjool. « '

'~Z- ~ ^

t a t a e s T P o l i c e - — — * I

rlans and looted slorits liTa rio t“ ; m e le a a a 2 5 0 p o t ie e m e n t r i e d t o 'I 'said to have been ejected from

E n t i r e W o o l T e x t i l e

t I n d u s t r y I n F a v o r

I O f G o v e m m e n t M o v e

^ B O B T O N .M M C h M M V -T h eO o m -- . . nw cU l HulHUn wUl g y UOOTK'n :----- —

■The en tire wool textU e to d u s t ry , -wr loAJU » 1 th -f« n n — upon— U ie^atesc— 3 — move o f th e governm ent to llberwUi- • to g th e basts of wool sales by housea approved und e r-th e f a rm .c re d lt‘ad-_ .. .. m to lstra tlon p lan , a lthough for -the m om en t I f a p p e a n to have m ade H ttlo change tn th e rolum e o f bu sl- . n ew o r prices.

•'Sales a re abou t h a lf th e rolum e o f th e reoen t tran sac tions. Prices a re steady . ____

"TVn^lgn m arkeU a re generally steady to llrm .

" In th e w est n o t m ach h a s been done tn th e new clip.

M ohair Is steady.T h e B ulletto wUi pubUc th e foU

low tog quoU ttons:O hio and Pennsyli-anla fleeoea* D e-

T U to6-unw aahettO blood oomblng 37-28; th ree-etgh tH T blood com bing 38-37; o ne -fou rtlt blood com bing 33 H .

M ichigan nnd New Y ork flooees.'D elatoe unw aahed 34-38; one -ha lf blood com btog33H -37: tb ree -c lgh th s blood combing 38-37; one -fourth blood com bing 33-33H.

-W lsoonsto. M issouri, a n d averaee In d ia n a a n d Ncw E ng land : O ne-half blood oomblng 33-33; th ree-eigh ths blood combing 33-34; one-fourth blood combing 31-33; common and b ra id 22-23; black, b a rrj’, sewJy « m 18-17.

I Scoured basis:Texas; P toe 13 m onths (selected*

63-63; fine sh o r t 13 m on ths 56-80;, « n c 8 m oB thJ 53-33; fa ll 45-48.

C allfom la : N orthern 55-56: middle ; county-.54-50;..6ouH??m_53;^4: f ine . _

aeoured 53-55; cartw nlred Ism bs M -

' b reg o ri; W ne and PM sU ple. 60- ^I 83; ftoe a n d PM F rench combing 7

55-58.T errito ry : Scoured basis;

, M o n u n a a n d sim ilar; f ine s tap le choice 85-87; one^balf blood combing

• 63-C5- th ree-eigh ths blood com bing■ 44-58- one-fO urth blood eom btob 48-'5 0 .> P u l t ^ : D elatoe 88-88; AA 63-85:: tin* A aiifx-n 58-61; A super* 88-87;

B s u p e n 53-M ; C supers .48-91:I M ohair: D omestic, good original ‘ bag, TV»as spring 35-38; T exas kid ’ 50-83; Arlsona. and New M exican 38- ' 30; Orcgcxn 30-33.

, DomeaUc graded : P i n t , combing ‘ 50-53; second combing 43-45; th ird ' combing 35-37; good cartllng 30-J3;; f i r s t kid £3-85; seoond k id 58-«8.

Cape w in te r firsts, tw m lnal l 6 - n : sum m er f ln U 18-19; T urkey good 17- 18: Ttirfeey fa ir 18-18; rtom toaL

, (F\>relgn pricea to bond.)


ST O T rO A R T . O e rm a n j W7 —• R o ld e n o f ttUea-wbo ito s ts t. t o tb * _ - r o ld-faahioned G en c an w ar. 00 b e to r’ >»«««»* by th c ir ra n k in stead o t• by th e ir p ro p er n a a ^ a te to r lle d to‘ in form th e F a U aeeUooal office a t• W agea-Leu*JtlPch o f tb e ir pm tO ee- tlo o . _ _

1 T rim ri sn d m i r b e e n u re d j j m a reaU K Ii I ISU a s t ix “roats r “ W o f ttt le -lO T cn 'w h ich ; to doe courae. .1

I w m b e m a d * pobUc. at I t ta expected tb a t tb e tlm e-b aa - Si ored custom th u s wUl b* km ed by 15

Tldlctil*.- \ i


R A n » * f i » L o m m d a s •> six dam, Der Hat pw <«y—.... - *

-------i v C p ^ : i M > r t e = = ^o««.d»r. pCT Hm».-^ ., ■ 11>

83)<r« Discount • '. For.C iah . .

p S S S ^ h c »d' AdUtat

— hll^DEX TO WABT-ADS ^s a s a s " “ ' . ' - =iA

• g a ; s ^ s ? t e = ^ ^atM lM T ^T 'T •■•„Oou. WMd. tM ^ r, ■ •Don OUwt FiCa I _ • - ■*FOf


I ■ ' P^onals ' "4i I^Z K S* O T U 'a n d - BBAXJB

d U M t DOW o r s u U n c . U«d»0) SitvU Sjrttem uwd. 91 ifp u tU

______ c lu a ts ^ ..c o it -low ... L n L .O a a u D dD tnw Studio, Mra. M. D. Pilert.

' ^LA l>i»iB *bistK R N O W rC >R ‘|I [ a mooth d o b e f AUUaUe Art, 4

ittsQtu p«r noBkb. Uqit1»90 Oes* ; a « h d S tu ^ _ O e m Bldg. Wrlto ; cy a t ooca. / ' - '

> CaU a t No«« otfloe.AU. RENTED KREKOEL CROWN,

era theuld ba r«tun»d aa prompttr aa posslUa. ReUim to Krencal’a 8 b ^ Id T vIb fa lk .

Lost and Found 5

~ FO UNO-B06TON'BUI£'SC REW _ UU. ov&ar xnay haT« b r paHnf

— y adif. l ^ n a U eo a t-P oUeeStattottBBTWBBN PATTI. yAOTORV AND -E den -bag .«t Beed.-rinder

pleaM notify tba AsuUcamatad 8m ar.C o .P b . 4.__________ ■, .

b r o 'Wm An d w k x tb s p iu N b mSpaniel aDSwtrs to the name of Blm. Reward. CaU 099.

Beauty Shops ' 6QUARAN71SD~ P^Iu2m«BNTO U

aod ’u( . Sbampoo and flngtr wave SOc, by expert operatora. Beauty Box. Pb. 34S.

OIL WAVES «I.SO; NATURAL t3; L uxury O il »X 230 Oth Ava. B. Pb.

--------- 1560.—M ra.-Bean»M ,----------------------

NEWS OPPICE HAS PREE TW- ket to Orpheum theatre for Earl Olveni. Twlo PftlU.

7!!0SE WHO RAVE IXPERXENO^ Ui our work know tb a t our metb- oCi nnd Iho akin of eur cparaton ara superior. Yoa may now bare ose or our oU w arn for a i low ai IliO . Cravtord'a Baauty Salon. lU U&ln ATO. aoatb. ptiona4n«.

Aulos for Sale 7IMO ix>R©0li " ra A K ." « K )r£

plek'up. 361 Snd Ara. So. .Mutual Cream Station.

— s t u d e b a k e r ”Otftincd UMd Cara

Studebaker Comm sedan— i m^ Pttrd Model A Coupa ------- lUO^ Pord V>3 iport eoupe______IftS3

Graham w d ia - — ,.:830 Sudebaker O tcutor aedan-ia3tO M.C. t ru c k .a to a ______1U4UM

etudobakar XH ton IM ' CW.B.> tr^ck IBM

----------S a l a s - a n x f ^ e R i c e ^Xtt »nd ATa. W aet Pbone 119

• ^ 8 CALL roR K xsn.Tr--w .oae »

I WEAR BIM ^ 3 / • d ^ v r r A A A M A \ / r ^

b R s m o « » . ] / A N E W I > 0 «r

V POR A PRettNT. J S kV A M K -

• LOOK EVE S ’ A u fo » .J o r S r t e ■ 7I I - m a m M M . M n a lr *

- tw j t t w td tb t . -•- J N O i » j - i » E p E E E ) •

« 5 ■■ C O M P A N Y . .I** Worth’ • •

CHRYSLER 5;--------•-•-PLYMOUTH^ 1M4 r « 4 v -a coup* . _ 4 u a

9!ord V-4 aedan. tn in k . SM = ! • Tfliff * hnT ' ifirlin ~ ftZm KbMle and trunk______ _ 4I»

X933 Ply&outb M d aa_____ SSO■*S U31 Cbflv. se d a n _______ _S 1030 Hudson sedan________37S'-55 1030 P r t coopa 3S0HS Several 490 GamP • {PDTda, O b w l. aeex>

^"Barnard Auto Co^ ,7 Dw d C t n P tu m . 1 «

i f H O N E S T V A L U E S : j i : FAIRERICSa

*34 Pord V^a DeLuxe eoacb_$N5 ^ . -si- l ^ r t - V ^ -e c m e rta h le -------

“ If* ~% ^1 ^ -V.8' b e L w *1»~ ..4 - "n PlymouUi P 3 . coar^rt*=fl aUe^coupa_____ I- ' « 5^ . ■sapim outb P f l . aadWL— . 435 - a -33 p W « t h ,PJD. OaLojpe-- « sadao-.^ ;.,;,.;.;— ______StO

r^ 'C W > iV ~ »art^ c 6 aah :r--.4 > id t - . -----M 6 D E im K 5 R C S ---------- ^- S ' ;':0«qws;r-Oc«obeft 'aeElant a s d . Isi ' ' , . Roadsters

s s > w » 3 c ro o o R ,;T O icy iK y A H y s

’ 4 ' w a n t TO BUY ~ 10 CABS FOB CASHCCT '33 TirrasUDa eoaah. extra***« ............ - - • - t* *''AM 13 Qber. Da Loxa aedaa. b o l <

- w aterbaatar.-ddam oim te--------?»*».• better than extra good—. 308

5 * i ^ m o t e ' m l a c M ' n c « i « r .

g ; ; • » ( 2 k £ d w « a t l n « i » w T O - - •S O Ite d e o M h .-n w rp .la t - ls s

_ Austin coupe, so miles to theB A S___ sal____________________ L ,Itre. ■» -Cher. tcdan_;_j-------— IBS

Bulck sadan. real good--------180— H Cher, eoupa__________ 135

'ST Chev. sedan, new paint.;- B5aa '3« Cbandlar aed an _______ >5

I to •tt Naah ooaeh. new paint.I. n u u good —.79_ *37 Chev. coupe, new {Mint... eo^ "37 Whippet »»p* N

c Loc aod •took trailers, uaed ." ' ttras and parts

^ ^ J O J H t L O ’C O N N O B -

^ U SED ^C iU i^or^ gU-lB Sboaboa. Vt.[ider- ------- ----- -Phone 1140----- --------- --ated

Auto .Sorvice, £ a rts~ &i of AUTO DOOR GLASS. WIND-

ablaldt ' and window glaat. No s . setting ghuL Bring In

c ProtK t your aeallbu Sara on your ^ fuel bUla. Wiona B. Moon'a.

1 n ------------------------Mate Help Wanted 9

_ c ^ "uisi;" A PEW M O R E ^ ^ V ii n - pruners In orchard U mile So.

Klmberly. John Bolscb.

TO- Help, Mala or Female 11>.]■> ________________ _____ ________ _____

OOOD OPPORTUNTTV TO AM- _ _ blUoua young man or lady selling (TO. Btewatt-Wamar radios and re. Btb> frlgerators. Sao Bob Mlloer a t ton Moos's Paint and Pumlture store, lire - I . I.. .1 I . ... = •

^3 Situations Wanted 14BOQKiCEEPER AND STENOO-

— r a ^ e r dealrea fan e r part Uma 7 work. Pb. tllOUI.

MARRIED MAN WANTS WORK. >RD w m furnish bousa. WMte Box 30. tual eare Newa.

— PAINTINa. PAPER R A N a m akalsomlning, Will go any place.


2 J. Z. CASEr, TWIN PALLS, HAS 2 fr*a ticket to Orpheun theatre, n caU a t Newa ofOoa.

u Money to Loan 16tn . - --------------------- - -----------U NEED M O ^ r WS LOAN MONEY

on dlamooda, watcbas, Jtwalnr. M gona, moalca] tnstrament^ radloa — , a nd-everytb lng of ra lm ^Bee Bob

U tbe Idaho Loan OfTlee. 130 19 Sboshone Ne. Pbone 1543. iT» -ITO CAU, roR ^C T.Ta"^ps«*» a

ib ^ ’T M o u \ B h lEAf t VgHAT . H B L

n a u o B t r - ^

. W l t t F A t t g p A l M

W i g7 i Fop ^ [ b :^ed& 16-Ai raioxcs e ^ v E a i n S T ? ^ ga:aoaaw .— ., .

' SEEP poqrA Tocai T iR s r Y a------W t' -mibur-CIaar. IH ML So. ol

eaa^ end Mato St.

B S S B ir r s S p o x A S ^ goJJi w b t y . w n . a 1 . O f

- am d ..O c0(ltnc ..

\ DfCEliDW SEED WRBAT, OER- ' ttfled laat year, Cba«. UbUg^Bbs.\ .w ily. . . .

' ' WHEAT ERWXr^-OXCSI^QW OSR- >. . Uflad. 850 bu. a i blD. ali» BM

Ctover aeed. 30c: blgbaat qualify > ' a Ml. So.. 14 s u t of eaat «od 01

, t T >wgw»»" .

- t i c s e t -t o oRPSB{rM JaiBA zaifree for O. W. RetMg. m . X W et

_ .Call a t . Newa office.__________

~ SEED BABLgY>. OAZA « U a i « aveatega.’ ' ^ -" T W T O . 5 I0 H B W Q U A L m

■ • flaU, garden uad flower seadb T D t ^ l 4i'8rttllb seed 0 & - '

^ K b R 'r r a t i p ^ K n w ’ a ^ K O T aead. A.laa ODloa ated. bulk e< p a e k ^ B u n a .'Sad Stare


T------o r ‘CBTttftrt~lrtille".>wett"8paalal.. ootoa ' t t ' t t* ooupty agent'i

- ?S^^Sr S ^ « S " ^[ QNXOM S E E a o m o m j^ B R «

BaUab. w f t t b ATft.Bo.Pb,wa..

• ?A*ffleK Miisier e ^ e d wblta * •■ • 0 4 yallOF m e t BpanW ♦

« iBol «lae sealed aacks. M. A. • ^ .P om eroy . Hansen. Xdaho. Pb. *V. n o t 44J3; • ____ ____

» » y » » » » » » » ♦

HIOH PURTTY STATE TESTED Meds. All Unds aKslfa. ehm r. garden., pasture, lawn grasaeL Al- so seed grain. Twin PaUs Peed * Ic* C o, T w ii PWla. Idaho, PH. IM

TRY THE OLOSB 6EE0 ANO P ^ Co. before buying your fl«^ seodi. alfalfa, cloaar and grawea.

For Sale. Miscellaneous 17 " H A Y T B rT o T rT O J w T lT S r io .

9160 DIESE^COURSE, WILL SELL for-w a W rtU Box A.-eara‘ News.

\ FARMERSIB i r r WILL PAY YOU TO CALL AT •. tbe Self Mfg. Co. and aee the new '* Improved 4-row Bean Cutter, Cor- a rugator. poinU to fit VaUey Mound. ° Oolorado, or any Spud Cultivator

mode like new.. SELF MFG. CO.9 WHY PAY WAR PRICES?

A car load of Murewo In bulk.E Buy wbat you need, bring beck 0. what you have left. We loan you

a brush to put It on with free.= McMurtry House Paint, 4-- Hour“ EnameJ,“ P loor~and-tin-— I oleum VamUh dries In two^ bour»-A large stock of Wall t- Paper.* M O O N ’ Si» TWIN PALLS PHONE 8

S: HARNESS BUILT BY A HARNESS maker plus quality Itatber ti what

1 Ktax^ Harness Sbop has to offer. ^ &(ax BuokenUn. Oppostta sale»>

ground.* GOOD PO\VER SPRAYER COM- . plete, less than one fifth or orlg- C. Inal coet John Batoch. Klmberly.


I * HARRY SAYS JV You know what I have lo ¥

: « sell, and today U Saturday. #^ « ao como In and make us an «3 * offer. If I don't get you, Floyd ♦

* or Pred wtq.r ♦ . *

zb » ;i0 Bpeend Av*ati> Hmilh <S t * «

* - ru * ’c * u r ro R iiesciT r';;T b«*-> i


w r - r r w a » d r b a d f o i . -r t fT T H E C tm S ^ T U T T U 5 W JJl £ POOOUE A N ^ V4«<»-0<K»N6 r POR. A VJAJLX- V4V«N AWL K tU lD O K N » A C A i< 6 0 T O U T

K M O C X Sb O W R R A l A M P P O W -

0 ^ Y A N t> R A N

i--------- \ 1a ^ " * » T r.Y 7

v t n a m , r m » T J t u a b m u p

^ J •* J r

. o (

L A S T T I H B S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . : TODAYI


^ ---------“ W W O S r ' I M — ^

^ H E D A j E U r *>“ • w tlh

i j i , OiRV.GRAffr - " > l!*'^ SUNDAY— Slilrlty TBMPJS i r ■ — ■. DC PARTIES WHO BATE PRES TICE tore. POR ntB M AND A U A 8XID TO

® r^FoivSalerMfsoellftftMUtllint'i (coaUoatd (ran necadlMg CeUan>

AT. colUvaton. . t JOHN Z»SBRE ]«-tnch tV>-

’~T , way plow, like new.I JOHN DEERE poUtO CUltt*

— rator. •• - ' -•.tf, Sereral used mowers and rakwr M MYERS deep well pump bead,

: i John D ee re -lH —H .P .~ g»*- M engine.

4 — ( 3 ^ W v - & - M r C Q , - ^ - -

* JOHN CRONIN. RT. a,- PUiBR. « has free Ucket to a.*ph«mi' the»

- atre.-Call a t News oUlca------------a»7w ^ a * w r r * . *'wn-

■ED nurble monununta Pb. SttQW, ^ , rer. Main E.. . . • : . ' - . . .

KRENGEti TWO- AND .'IVREB- row Colorado eorrugaton. aoar-" anteed . to corrugate any alfalfa

NO or sod. Lew priees. Krengel'a.

HAY AND HORSES. 3H S . ON5 Klmberly Rd.. U N. Let Sn tth . -

1 7 9U PETER SOHUTILEa-WAOON.==4:ter'se grala-drUlp4-boga^fq>:-aal*

S g or trade., Pb. OlOTJt. between • and 0 a. m. After «:30 'p. ixL'

— WANT^PASSENGER- TO’^ M Nmnclseo.-fum lsh refenneei abare

AT exptotse'; write'Bok av, c ^ N m

S J! WANTED-HOBSE o n TWO TOR ,Sd. thetr kgep. Ph. 04glJ4.

^ t * ^ r w r ^ . M W . -*K tm b^! evenings.

— C u s t o m H a t c h i n gS ? Each Wed. and Sat. Traya hold ~ 133 eggs. Thre« cenu per egg,* 3 «c by three or more trays.I H A Y E S H A T C H E R Y!• 400 Main South

o ~ WANTED CA TItE TOR SUMMER'II hording In hills.- L D. MaUory aad

Clark. Ph. 1C31.___________ ■WANTED, WHEAT. BARLEY AND

« oats to clcAn and treat. Dlngel & _ Smith 6ctd Co. ._____________

NEWS OFT7CE HAS PfUCE 'Iio '- J r ket to Orpbeum thaatra for O. C.

Westerlmmp. Rt. 1, Buhl. •

WANTED PURNITUIIB R 0A IR * ^ ing. uphoUlcrlng, window shade . r ' work. Creu Brttley P iin itu re

Co. Pb. W .________'

« Washing Machines 19

^ HORTON WASHED~ -W ben-yoo-buy a-w aablnr-m a-—

z chine be sure and buy one that i you will not regret In tbe future. z We caa glre you tbe utmoet InT Washers, serrtce and convenientZ terms.I C L A U D E B R O W N

M U S I C C O .

I For Sale or Trade 21- J t a t h i a v c a . 30 . c L o w L n t r i w .

♦ clear d ty property. Owner, 130 Otb East

- r a e m ~ ro E~m u t T r ’ ^»eM -»r

S —S Y M P A T H Y

[ t u t i u K t t J

It ) i

t r o » T M t B A T

w m m

M PL E In ^X IT T I.gC T M U W B L ’* : I

1CKST8 DATE TWO WEEKS TO CALL TO CAU. R O U TBE K OIBS O r t A. TO 8 r« U .. -I..;— . 1 ■ , ..... ZS S = ^ E u r n l t i t f « - f o i v 8 a i e ^ ^ * ~n> ----------- -------------------------------- . *^ NEW AND U8ED-PUHN11UAI OP jl

■ B n c w n r* d v ia a e * y v ie B rw o r w

■ ; ^ i a s s i s s t s s s f s s ; ;i _ ! g Z ! a s i a £ ! i a a a g £f*-*^ • j

. R ad io s a n d S e rv ic e 2 M t___________ ___________ «fiPBOIAL BARQAIN PRICES' OH «

•«' . ustdBadiM. Moon'a PttBtAikPuxB- « ^ iture State. _ > » • ' «

--------- — W anted-tO -BuV — - 2 5 . _

» . i T O N n T O B l f H T E 5 5 i l S 5 ® he» used fumlture, ooal rancaA ateiea— '-andleeboxafc-Wapap.oasb^Ctw#* .J— _B^jtooa'i, , _ .....■:- cJ

Houses for Rent 27 *® ‘ M y 'l O I i ^ T 8-ROOM m d d e ^ u

. home. Mrs. Mae Rerron. SiS etb „ ^ Are. E. or Ph. OftlM.___________ g

A p a r tm e n U 2 8 a

5 ; PURNMrorofAPT. 810 «TH^AV& . ^ - I • S-ROOM P O R N i e a E D APT. ^ reasonable. aOfl_4tb Are, a-A ROOMS POR LIOHT RODSE- tl ^ -^aepi&g. Afabi HoteTPb; TOei.'

— POLLaT ’ PURNtSHED APTS, ATJustamere Inn and Oasis Home.

— Ph- W and 071. respeeUvely.

SyT R o o m s fo r R e n i 2 9 ' “

— P U R ih f l i ^ ROOM FOR RENT. ?j*Ph. 1730._____________________ „


Y SLEEPINO ROOM, CLOSS IN. 444 M- 3rd Are. s . co

^ aaoggp.TO-ORPHEUM TH EA Taa M ER free fo r J . H. Pterson, Rt. S, ^ «<1 Twin Palls. Newa QffV». m

— ROOM AND BOARD MRS DAVID f f ^ Clark. T17 Shoahooe S t Nok "

8LES7INO ROOMS CLOSE u T m :— and E aa t Ph. eoa.

^ F o r R e n t , M isce llan eo u s 9 0 ]

5 : P O l T T S J r t r S r A O R S T S i J R ;uj« Pller. good house, out buildings, | ^ haU pasture. «3M cash. Write

Box *riT.______________________ j

[ I Wanted to Rent 31 ; 7; vJoXSrTSiromTAiiSTSS IS gardea^ t a k l r U et town. MI 4th j

60 TO IOO ACRES ST)ITABLE POtl «= poutoea. cash re n t Ph. 171, Twin P-

I ptlia.. _________________________ HO

ABOUT 80 ACRES GOOD LAND. Sti with enough waler. Pay cash n n t d« In adranea. B. Kurose. PUer, Det- tlfi weUer Plaea.__________________ to*

^ 4- OR 0-]tOOM MODERN UN- ^ ; l fnmlataed bouse. .Ph. OltPU.Sr H. HDDELaON. RT. a. TWIN J iSO IflnBTha* f tee 'tirn n iro rp h ew m . ^

tbeatra. OaH a t Newa offioe."rt -*TBs c a t t - r o s - s n c iT f ^ ^ n e a e n —

— : D O b V /A * /

.V •

i i s 9. R e a l K t a t e f o r ,S a le 3 2 )

1 ^OTE P

So. n t t t ^ t eeam kH .Idaho. ~ a TO 9 AOBES KOB SALE 1%. o il* from tavQ<'fKirbQBdiB«a Pla.

JS:._____ _______ cRESmBNOE* IVtOPERXV

v o a f tM iB ' :

S-reeen baosek atodmk te a««T-■ M M . wltb eM tuad alM»tna 7 -poreb. QM of I te baailoeattMA^

' Bast. *Ba» ikMibR iM av L .'AVtlMdId . 1 ^ ....................t w . -

«-nom h o u a e . ' i ^ b a t t^ - f a i a '-b u e « tts r t i-o o m r-R t--W S -4 « i~ -

'AW.. Eaat PwecL.;___ , t l WO _

•-roteabousik wtth bath. h w *M I■ a t Sto 4(b Are. Eaat. Ba» O A ll «

twe w e n boiiaa.-w ltb-batb.oft- - yeareftet.B«thboieee*tor«aQIQ |

Aiireom heiieek eetaei to i . M .-'-Jaokaon _ _ _ - . # U 0 * _ _

4-room bosee. e en e r lot. 898 a -B !5 T rM rw » w :r= = r= = = = tr a o - -

- PBAVBT.TABER OO. INO.' Phona aw ■ . ■ .

LABOR IR PO M -gPPfK MODBRN _ -«wepk lM tt.-«b ATe.-B; C8oeAla. u

~ P teu»rW bH »*U oi» :!C P^= Z ^ « « « « « « « « « « « ■ » « > « • *

»-roit-BALc-oiiw « ' « 5» a lw ID «U h « - w « p to . « ;

S «^-1400 >nf ^ n H v . - f l jl« J, E. ROBEKtS. RBAI/IOR « 7 «. Twin PaU% Idabo ■ * t< » Pbone 8«S * C» , * 5» » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » » ,

40 ACRES. PAIR IM PaO**:a4BrrS. - sauUl paymeat & iy tctini. Bwr> C

-raS L lo ^ S S s_____________________

BVBL BXWANIANS. M EB t ...BUHU U an ilL ^ -< T t ^ X t n s Uclub_met on Wednw day aosa-taaTT

Swigec and M la GbarlattA fln ltb ioa played aereral vlolta. duets. Aoeoci- oaaied by Miss Batty Jaaa Luntey at. the ptaao. Oaptaia W aller Seaftea spoke about tba natteaal Sooat fuor boree in Washlagtoa. D. 0 „ a ad w e­ed the club W aead a bo^ W. U HavUna « « i iotroduMd. u a aew member of the club.r

Legal AdvertlKinenu:In ^h ^S ^ rCtairt r t ^ B t a w n t b’ 'Judiolal District of the . Mate of

Idaho, in and for the Oouaty of Tw ioPalU .

Otcar walker, : PlalatUf,“ »S.~

I tu n a a 'J . Plytkn, Jaaue J. Brophy, aad tba unknown helra aod on - kaowa dartseea of Ptoranee

—Brcphyrdefi'eateiil. DefiodanU.Under and by virtue .of a n Order

t i Sale, issued w k-of tba abov« en­UUed Court, h (be above antUled aotioB. dated tbe 33nd day of Marob. 1039, wherein tha pUlnttU obtalaad a decree agatasi tba above aamed

i delendaata on tbe »*M day o( iMarcb. 1036. aald deeree beiai re- icorded tn Judgokeat Book 47. ot a&id ,Distrtot Oourt, on page 183, I am •eemmanded-to-aeU-eU-tbat-eertala lot. pleoe or pareel of Und situated in the County oTTwla PaUa. S tate of Idaho, aad bounded aad dea- cribed aa foUovs, to-wlt:

l l ie N ortbeut Quartor of Um Nortbweet QuarUr (NEWNWH) - of SecUon Twenty*slx 09 ) in Township Ten (10) South, . R aa te SUteen (ll>. Eaat of tba Boise Meridian, containlnc forty acrea, wore or lesa, to ­gether with forty (40) shares ef the CspiCal Stock of the Twia Palla Canal Company, appor- tenant to tbla land. Togetbar i with tbe Unamenta, beredlU- ments and appurtenanees-there- to belonging or in any wise ap* ' pertalnli«. iPublle notice U hereby tlre a :

T tia t -o o - t l» - i8 th -d a y ~ o r April. • 1039. a t the bour of 3:00 o'clock P. M. (Mountain Time) « f said day, a t the Bast front door of tbe Oourt i Houae ef the County of Twin Falls. : s u te of Idaho, I will saU tbe above deacrlbed property to satisfy pUlo- ■ tlff^ deeree with Interest thereon, together with all oosU th a t hare accrxiad e r may aecrue, to tba high- | est bidder for casb, lawful money, of the United SUtea.

Dated a t Twtn Falls, Idaho, oo . thU 33nd day ef March. 1038. !

. S . P. PRATEU. /— -------r—Sheriff ef TirlB Palls,

------------- County, Jdabe:--------------------■■aaas— a — a— B p

' ' ' • ',■'1

! ' F o r S a i e U n s t o o k 3 « '

( nooa • • • . I 'i 3 B E Q IS ltlU P i O IJ iR W S E T


7»6 w H rn » ,« iO B B «B u i ^ .- ^ o n e a w r .^ l o - a f t M h - R a i ^ -

SmlUi, t tm w ig o o d ia f t .B la b o . .

f 1 BAX* UMNL w n i %- —fealoWtr440CMbir^mu;et, S-othav> -

b tn m «o«H eoMkier eattla.' to .. mimnwk. a t t > a 04, of aasS ea«

ofM ain.B w fe.

PouHtry a n d S u p j i l l fe '.a T *


R. L RED SB rriN O HENS t t ^ .a u b . 4 MW B. LOf Cablft SenrklA | Station, a i taimA A- Bm4>

, . R t , . i ...................9

‘ B U R lE V H l-Y BOYS

, A T T E K D C Q IIF E R E llC S *

* - W B U J P h -W lb .i l Mw i iir , !

I P T idu in o cn ia» « )tP eea ttf» ti» a l^te a H b f t <M n .tec% 'o m t« iw » (0

s ^ m ' l r h f ****I 8>tnday.T^4eVt|«tto«UMlt«My;flr | I torSkUaft,9M .BOiM iNUvOi*QI> „

n ton Fremstad, DeLoy TayJor, GeorRO I (frawRrd. Dqn Walters, QttimA :1 p a m a a ( t M a r « ^ t b .

. ■■■ ______ e

L' C A SSIA O R A N G ES HEAR a ’- -C R E A M E R Y -E X E C U T IV E S g

BURLESr.M arcteaa-^daapajco- .2 Ing to promote an erea higher qvaV

f J e r w o S « t i. and Merl Read, field man, hare been r I speaking tbe past week a t Granae , neetlnga bi tb* terrltorr s a m d bg . tbe eompanr. Tbey bare r is ite d W ^ I . taa , Claremont and RopeweU * . Graaiea. . 3, Jn b ll (alha. Manager Boia telle o t *

tb f btgb quaUty ef ehalleate batter . aad ebeeaa. whleb haa breugbt an- i doraameal 01, tbe Amertoaa ew dhal j

in-weiura s ta K r eirlUhitloni, a r< » » . ■ t I .the nse.of. butter subsUtutea-.CcOd Y ( iS S i f boldiaga. ba atated. a n not t \ nearly aa great aa during'tb* pai( .

year, but tm p o ^ ehlefly from N t« t aeal&idrbare reeentfar foreed prtoai 2

: dowa to as eenta. 5Xn • p ka for cleaner and b)gb« £

quality butter. Roea ettea tbfr pto-- r *m-of.tbaJ edaraLP oad aad-ttftis & . admlnlstratloo a ta ln a t- tn p v t. raQ- a . cld and mouldy craam and tbe faat . , that thU department durtng f f o r ^ a

be^ deetroied 3,000 gallont <4 bad I cream and U,gl« pouadi of unfit . I butter, and bi Deoember 0.000 taUeoa b# ot cream aad a ,« » pouivla o t but- . .. u r : fi I — ________ ,

: Daily Cross-’

Aeneaa Selutlea ef YeeUiI. Kind e(

i g iwltltnf iRtelTlAlLMHlOlS

IT. Th* KmmM 17 I I i IbO m |7 l s . t Li t l ^ i i i i j i g l g M ^

- n , P ,:',;*""*:x. un<i*T^pcd W y y . ^ a i M l | B

. - . u i v M . j 5 u ■rt. rr<ii'i>*ti *11 B 'iM y) ll II II:i. Orltnui ' i ~ « i M I I» . TO,* lh . « . I.

!!• i t e ' i ' . i u c p s r ' s ’ " t

tl. »o*4t , ” •41. I ^ a a u OOWN41 W(i coDe«rs*4 3. a*#. con- II.4«. I ^ n laln«n41. In « ila* t 0»«m)e ions t t

E ------------------------

S -----------------~ x -------------- ----

« r s 5 -« «a — f j r g 3S

« t e R « w 8 « a B B » i 6 ' i a n ' ^

^ a l bifanaalia« 'MDCOTlsE .'*bUad ’{ M f ; tb a t:. t t i ..■dTvttMMDto' : m

: 1

- ' BUSINESS'; “ j f l

- . BSPBIQBBATOR B IR W JB* P A C T ^ x ^ j i ^ W P t m o N

* ,B«*Tteq Oompaajs'Ptj, SNWi - > . 1-; -

J S IO O A C B E tO E B E E t i i ' i i

W " C A S 5 lA rW IN tB !8 K A .^ - j^

? B O W C T , 'k w h » .« lW ' ii r w * .o a . lw w kw l-« » . . . - « ■ « — ^ n i w U t u m t m M a M t w i t a S » . ‘. ;ii !A In Casala and V f " ^ — ' '>1 tbla year, u xotd inc to local a t« ar r . v ■ oftlclala. ■ • ■' .'•

. • -nie- e^gB J^-« -60W r^W -b^w •ta^^^ Mid t» be almoBt a t an < i^ • ' •..-i'-'.

NoplaatlB«taag b oe«rdoae.u> et, , but sugar beet.ralsa* ar* welee«i-' - , 1

C t n t tb* molstia* o l tb* past le v ^ day* and enp* be planted aa

earftr aa-ta deemeA adrtaaMa t a do ■

- - - ' ~ i


t caofll'R '«f<qrtb^offloeqf o i t j f t T ^

“ ■ K AM B* W A dJW M O C T m S ■ i

B T b n o T m h l ^ £ ' -i

r ' • r ^ ' S S S ‘*

5 ^ " * * * * ' ' * • ' '


? S 5 5 a s 'Z ^ ^ , . - | _ ^ ^ ■ - j

4 * ^ ^ * V o iw r t t a ^ « i • tT A W * ” * '

!i 2isr = = = a s £ 5 ; *• f i g s r — , z s a s s :

•W ordPuzzIe

leU rdsy 'sP in ie *♦>I I I______ ss. Om m Ttom

*n«rI g i t i J ^ r l o l i t l e l » t 52! * ? ^

*** 'Corr*1«tlT* ef 'E ~ ? t '

r e r r H r r W r j ^ m **• ®f alB { N lA lsH ^ e iy i JT., 0»rtn wltb

. „ I t Willful »r i. n i^ i* n*h4. Vip«r «). N»t>lein«ti&. lfc.«ml*4 • 41. KUH^orrn«. AfrrtI) i l . CH* In . T. Daml.iMf erw lowa

I t i f c . ...........:... ,.VH !!: !«;;:;•*, i " • ‘ t s s r

r~ ~ 7 ^ |S ~ f l —

2S 3 f “ . >0 J /


• t.v

■ n n i i p ' ' | i | j n

t e r J ^ k s p ! i : , ; U ) c f : , ’W a t ^ i

l ; v ; ^ v ^ / : - > ; ' ; u v e i :

R;V' ■ ' i w o i U n c i A t o w p ^ t r f l i ' t|:t “ , : «ioir oow on .U» w .l»nh«I i j o) ' ’ j«ctooa'l»ke « t 13.per.eent Me\'i'^ ao n n tl for IhU time of j w , altboui^ i7 « rc e n t.h lfb e rU ta a A 7 e a ra 4

• ^ j:wmdfcU.

I.y' - f t t i m ; ' - ■ •• .

with 1« Inch . of n U t content. This Is eopjpui

WlUl n inehu o( «now with 30 J Ind es of water eont«nt 'ro r ft nons

' je tr , aad 40 Inches of snow M i ' '■ inohes of water content » year k i*-r—-L-Tbe htahest J la rch -w ate t-con te i

occurred In 193? with S3 inches, bi -• la proTlousdry jpetrs U» m arkhi

• talhm i»p.below tho present jr i tu a ^ l a 1919 thOTO w u IIB Incites: lc 193 153 laches: la 1930,10.0 Inches; an

. In lW l, M Inches. .B etarN onasl

— . • — . .nwmiTfyiiptha Iltuatlon, Orai

; by, U » mow, now on the wat««b« ' aboTS Jaeksea lako Is IS-per cent b(

loir normal for thU Umo Of year, a]thooih 17 -pn oent higher than

i_ _ ._ te t« h e d . art* . « r t« p d ln * _ f r o ^ ^I_____^ « a n * i» ~ a o w ir to ^ tii7CT. t ho-incri

' aeoordlnc to iuch InformsUoo as i xrallahle, appeara to be ooosiderab2

> better , la relation to last year tha:---------nreW httJnamttoni-abOTe-JackiO:

lake. Oa tba Heniy» toxSt dralnag a h » tbo snow appean to be about tb

, sMao'proportlon of normal aa on th...---------m a » bo» Jaekaon Uk*. .

' * la 1930 'whea the mow on th...........Jackson lake.watcnbed was allsbU

le a th aa a t tbe present tine , bu whleS fbUonei] a rear, 1»5, 0 / coo

L -___

[ ■ ta d a t Americaa JWIs untu A pril*I ' I f storage continues to the same dat«r - ^ ------ f f i in « irU irK ) l tJ S S ^ tr a t- J iS k

soa lake Wiu be about 70 per cen flUed and.Ahwrlcaa PaUs about i

• per oent filled plui holdortr eredlti ■ etc. I f atorago ean bo continued thl

b ^ o m r lg h t ta t J a S ^ iM to a u f h bo fmed la fuU aad tbe Amerlcu VaUs H»hU M per oent filled.

Depeade ea ftw ipIU tloa ■"It la Impossible to mako * n /T e r

stUaUs predictions on reeerrolr fU a t tho pnsent time, howerer, as tb Mtoal, tesulU. obtained wQl. depeni very lanely o» prodpltatloa durlni

, th a^ jrla rsw n tb aasd o a .b o w ao o i '■ aad .tow batbc ten ttbe lrrifs tloado . ' B ind dswtops. Miwt of the pwwn

d e t l d ^ ia p ^ p U a tlo a io a tbe wa . . -ttrahBd occurrcd trom tba middle o

- r -J i auary -Uj Uw w n i l - W B m n ,:g>aoa M arcb 1 tba.pnclpltaUoa.i«n I orally-OTV the wateobed baa bee:

. a ta a o n a a lra to ., . .' ' .‘VaroraUe fac ton a t tbo prcsea

I ' tlSM la comparlsoa wltb a year ag ' a n appreciably better aTcras

■aow supply on the . watershed a a " an Inereased akolsturo content la tb

^ a o o soil beaeath the enow due t laM m t . i t f i r n a l e n n in B

Irrl^ tod areas ooataln mor water than tbey did a w v ag a £

. t h e upper, r a l l ^ abore America] A lls the winter precipitation ba soaked' down to aa arera«e depth o to- inches. Due (o better anow suppl on the watershed below Jockwrn lak

i tbo eariy nm>off during tbe sprlnimonths ought to be better this yea

:_______ th«Ti lart. «nr< .w n thn itgh Hir»[ may not get blgh enough to pennt I aecumulatloa of any oonsiderab)

amount of storage a t Aatericaa FaU ' a t such time I t should fum lsb a bet

ter sustained supply for the natura ' ttetw righU esxlr m tbs aeasoa thaj ■ existed laat year.

Besenrelri Lcrw*___ *mfaTorable.lactoraaow oompar

•d to last year ar« 000,000 acre fee Uss water In Jackaoa lake aad Amer

I leaa ra ils reserrolrs and a depkte<[ condition of tbe underlying ground

water lereU orer the watershed am 1 along the river channel resultlnI from lastyearti drouth sad erldeoe

^ X w

I m N € ^:--------- ^ ______tt n a t i o n a l l x l ^


- 5 9 c ^t f 2 F o r » 1 . 0 0 -

k Today only tbo t d I stow ^ o tbU ■dntOstlag eoDi

S% Uon e f beauUfal rta**. Bin stflof* a re a thoughtful and i

pejnembrwjcel •

*--------- W » im S S ^ ria a b o w are , p « 1« t -------- c n t- a o d - ooJo r.-« t« lln« •

% rbodlom monatte f f tb a t wm l*u ie icr.

i I Id ^h all* ' » $ e e 5 « 5 i p « m

L__________ _________________________K' ^


a .

' . . tnchea <T thought r d get licked for bostii ipsred th a t rase. b«t It tsmod oot It wi Inch- oaly a bridge prtie."-. ormal4 .M J . •

S - S l o t - M a c h i n e B ^ — - khu Disappear From ^ :— WAited -Places

and • ——“ . . ; • • •Slot machines In' opentlon

without-latemiptton fdr, nearly jr tf l . rtiro y e a » past In a Dumber of ented clubs aod business^ Piaiw. bavo W U wmovfld th » ,tb o - week.r,a l> laqulry has dUclosed lltUe more lan a than tbe fact that tha slot ma>> wa- chinos b a rs disappeared. Only Jack- ~otieT^Iana^lw'hai"becn"eocoun~

M Is 'th s sttoreer. o e ra l has th rea t' rabJy 'ea«d to crack dowa oa the de- thaa Tloes. No word of such a more :kson •oBtbc^ttoreey-geDeral’spart-has' tnago oomo from Bolso slnco hU an­it tbe nouncement to tha t effect several n tb e months ago. '

> the£btly .

i ^ a E C M i o i icent _ _ _ _

Sdtu. Local Sohool Takes: fhre( LSt l lrsts. Murtaugh One. K ■ . in Sub-District

Twla FaUs high school won firs plaoe la tho one-act play group anc

^ A three firsts la tbe extemporaaeous> ^ oratorical and dramatio dlvlslona. a

tbe su b ^ lstrtc t declamatoix contes irlng ),ere yesterday aftemoon and Us

SToalaff. W er, Murtaugh, and S a a sea l ^ b schooU also oompeted. -Am brcw Eyans, Twin FUls, plaoU ftn t, and HOIea Mlanlck.-Bansen

been Bob etephaa, Twla PaUs, first, aac Seth Hall.‘MurUugh. second, wn

caeat m tbe oratorical division, o tber en r ago trtes'Waro Louis HaU, Hansen, am erage uaurice Klaas, Filer.

Ruth Darilng. Twin PaUl, first aad M arlaa Dwight, FUer. seeond

SS«• Io ........ - - • ' —riCAB1 has «d by tbe very low rtrer flow a t al

Qi polnu during the past winter. Ccn ild m b le quantities of water wU

uiM. doubtless be absorbed this year li prfog raising these depleted ground-wate year

2lre r _Caadall'«_zeport showed-tbe^ol' snntt lowing snow depths and water con' nb le UnU by laches: Moran. 39,9.5: U or FaUs an canyon, 48, IS; Arlsona sUUofi ,bet- 43, 14; BuckJcbcTTT divide. 40, is tural Snake rtver staUon, 48, 18J; l<wl thaa JskedJrlde.W, 33; Astercwek,04.33,

Coulter CTMk. &7,17.5; Qlade cttek M. IB.

ipar- In hU weekly report received a I feet the office of Twtn FaUs Canal com' mer- pany yesterday. Crandall reportec leted Amerleaa FaUs reservoir storage ai und- 003,390 aero feet for March 10. Hi 1 aod reported storage a t Jackson lake a JUng I464S0 acre feet and a t Lake Wal lene- coU a t 70.9M acre fee t

T O D A Y f ! O N L Y • J



I BRING THIS I ^ Birth- COUPON ^Dd To advertise these Is- w

mous gems we hare ^been authorised to give k

lo n e t a beauUfHl ring to any- ^-feet tn one «ho brlnsi this »d ht and and S0c to the I. D. ^® last Store. o I


leptStore |

|.iSIIlEliOiEBaijquet.fpr Bev.'O, L Kei

;R«v.' O. Ii. K e a d ^ :Bubl, reti Ing deaa of the XnsUMi.who U leaving SOOD for. Alaska, w bonored. b r lOO .delegates of ti

. aUb-dUtriet, extending tn m -P o c ' taU CasUeford, a t . a bonqu . Ust evenlnc . a t tbe MeUwdUt Xpl

Jpp*l-chttrch._0p«ang orent_of_' tbreo>day meeting of tba-Epwor ■ Xeaguo Mld>year lasUtuto. R<

TZr, •oeorge •Or-Jtosebeiiy,. aupei't,- i f . BcUng dean of the J j^ tu te . Durli

th s baw »et, Rev. KendaU was pr seated wim a gUt.

—; .Tbe institute tb a n e ,rw o tk li— wllb Ood fo r a KoW' VotUT- is b

lng:presented la.a.serlea.of. class— oa-tbo-foU ow lnr'iabJ««ir 9 od

problems,' led;by-R«v. LeRoy Wa ker, Burley; ecoaemie ’ problen

a . -Rsr. Aadraw-Wanief,-PocateUo;r " llgloos problems, B sr. B. L.. .Wbll

Murtaugh, and recrraUon, R< m Rosebeny. Classes wUljbe-held-tt ly moralng. tbU afteraoon. and- tH of erenlng,- and 'tom orrow ' aftemoo ss WelooBiod, by Fastofj r . O t. .'Wllluntt—flasll7Tyoung“ we

comed the XnsUtute delegates, ai „ Rev. .WaUcor responded. Miss Aln , Davison presided, aa toastmasu L Miss CUrice Saundan dlrwted U ^ oomnuuiUylslnglnff..aun)dr6p 7pU

treo'favdrs marked each corer. Pll - i s a - T a & T t n a t t s a ^ ^ ^ c o ^ ^the lasUtuto - programa la ' past

' ' ' I hues. Sweet- peas and saapdri«ot * and ydlow upera completed tt:

-bonimet^decorattons:--------- --------->7 DevoUonal serrlces wUl be bel >1 u B o 'd o tt m il m om lo,. a m

wlU continue untU noon, and cot tlnue after luncheon untU-4-o'oloc

= wbea of (leen will-be elected. Mil Margaret Erans, Twiir FaUs; prei Ident ot Um sub-dlstrlet, wUl p n

. s id e 'a t tbe business session.________ ; Bosebeny to Speak

. The .insUtute sermon will b lit UfewbedT)7TWv.-Ro»«benriomoi jIU row momlng a t tbe 11 o’clock set ! • Tics.—Stmday—school'TrtU'lJO'nBt

tended a t 10 o'clock. Class wor wUl resume a t 3 o'clock and a shot

e e -business session wlU be caUed pre ceding sdjouroment tomorrow aft

« = = o ff ic n » = w = w = w jo = a a w e ^ addition to Miss Brans, are: vie prealdenu. Miss Eaien Lelchlltei

. Twin PaUs; Miss Venlta Helde: ^ CasUeford; BiU Watt, Bubl, MU

Maxlae KodSon. castfeford, am secretary-treasurer, MUs Vlviai Peamster, Twin Palls.

u t = = = = = =Fisher, Murtaugh, and June OroretW»wi»n,

Sff virgmta l<ee,-tfUHiUlB. VdB'HH m, plaee In the humorous dlrUUa aa<

Maurtae Uiko, M d',teaaih ' ^ Muse. Hansen, also presenteS'read -gn tags.^ . Winning PUy Cast

Frances ErbUnd. Bdlth CUrk,Nor ms PuUer. Alios LesUe and £oU An derson. rloUnUt. were atemben o

St. the east, "WUI o’ Um WUd." award id, ed first pUco In tbe ana.acft plav di dt*" ■VUlOnmSTioanJe May Slmpaoi oU .was.dlitctor.____— Other pUy w t s compettag were

Haasen, 'T h e AptoUiecary," Lol;aU Rawtes. director; cast. Ross TYunkej m> June Oroves, H m a Oalley. rtH FUer, T h o Msker ot Dretma, in Winifred Fryer, director; cast. M«r. ter garet Case, Howard ParUh. CUli

Dexter and Marian Dwight, planUt nl- _Wl.nn«rs.of_|lr?tj)l»<e_ln.lh6j>l*yi ,n- and first and second in other diri- >r. slons will enter the dUtrlct contesi it . a t Klmberly March 39 and 30.IS; No sub-district debate contesU wen iris held since only Kimberly debate a ; team, host a t ths dUtrJct m « t, ant ek. T»rtn Pslls debate teams were en­

tered.a t ________________ ______________n - —----------- ■ -------------------«dalHe

f For May<


!1 These men h^ who will contrt^ present mayor^ poMees, and 5<S fecttvetywUha^ on relief matte

| i - r . : T ;■— _

n r n Con«ta«es v f i T ^ l^ ^ H e n r y . I JL II W aU lih 'om sfro i^aa^arttndsdrURLU ^ f l e a ^ . M d , M M A ' ___ 'Uan dert Kester r e tu r a M -J ^ ereata *'®‘‘ from^a trip ta Lot A JX j^ ^

h re o is ^ Daagbter ^ Mr. sia Richard B eeM a;u» ;tbe ;par

I e n u of a, daughter b om -^ ja reh -l ^ ^ j ' a t U » ^ b o m e l a B u ^ j - ^ v ^

itWU,. Ob Visit Hsrs-WUUMa WalUa c 1* Pocatello, former pulUUHar of th f the PocateUo Tribune, arrtred last.ore ?®“ " nlng tot a a orsrolgbt visit m Twli

morrow. Tbe quarter* ate belag le doco^fedrM Iss"7eadel^tser, Ubrar lan announces. • ’-v, .

I H e« rrom Parma—K W . Ba««el< entomologUt with beadQoMrten. a Parma, and a form er-Twla.PaU

“ 2 ^ resident, arrlred last eVehlng-.for i brief rU tt here. . .-v.

’‘*^'_^Beeelre«.Ilonor.---Bdiwtfd Benoll w o of Mr. and Ml*, a a r ry BeaoU placed Uilrd In tbe sUto pidsio essa;

i.thiil contest sponsored by tb e Amerlcai tw« l*«lon Auxiliary of Idaho, Accord

tag to word-reoelTed~bere.' '

^ ^ “ r i S ^ ^ U s * " j S S w ^ ‘meslated U st erpalng tb a t be expect to return to hU .office and’ resumi

j offlclal funcUons today, foUowlw “ ^_seyere_Ulness_wtth,W M cJlJlft_w^ -^iQ^'stricken'two weeks ago.

A ltM 'd T C « i/« n 5 i‘':= M nrAm j ViJU, bomo economUt fo r Uw Jdahi

the Power company, left yesterday, foi*n th «

held era .Idaho bome eoonoulcs confer- u se s « n » Saturday. She waa anOmpan- con- I 'd by h er daughter, Irene VUla.

clock - I ' • —M l,. Engaged as Model — Mlss"Alln( prea- Dunn, formerly of Twin PaUs, U no« pre . a professional model for tbe Marl

Hopkins, Palace and S t. •PraacU ho-_____ teU In San_Fnuic^o._Ji^:;lU)uUt

be Morehouse and Mtss Oeae Ctereland mor-~are «lso-employed-ta-8 aa-ftaneiseo

rBt=rrLoa*«r:Parw»-Oeorgo-W.::Wlleox, work one-time Twin PaUse'otuily a s s ^ r< ihort has leased to Harold C a m l a 40- pre- acre farm southwest of-Klmberly, a ft- and 'to C. R. Bevercomb 13 lots ta

the Shoshone PaUs orchard property 5=tB=northw*st=:of=^lmbetlyp=*oeordlng vice to lease agreemenU plaSed on record

liter, yeaterday. Each lease U on a crop ildel, shoring basU and U to extend to Miss Pebruary 1 nex tand ________________viaa


AUefftaB cnielty. Mrs. Velma n n r W estcolt,'mothtt ol two children, a and boy. 3. and giri. 3, bas started suit

oad. ta the district court h e n for divorce n ine ' irom Ned WMteeil.- W wnwft~»ng ead- w«s married a t Logan. Utah. Auguat

34, 1931. She aUeged cruelty, nnd asks for crutody of the ebUdren and

Nor- »30 a month for their support Chfl^ An- maa aad Chapman are hor attor- s of aeys. ard-

S t market sag lowersPRICE for HOG POOL

Loll -------->key. On a saggtag market that carried

hog prioes dovp-n nearly a dollar per ms," 100 pounds io two weeks. Twin PaUs Itfr- Oounty CooperaUve Llveilock mar- :U lr keting association sold a three-deck n u t shipment of 318 hogs welBhlng 48,000 'lays pounda 'to a t»cker buyer In Twta Uvl- FaUs last Thursday for *^604 grouj ttest tops brtagtag *830 per loO pounds,

Thomas Parks of Buhl, association sere director, reported bere yeilerday.- bate Under tbe condlUons. hs said, he and considered i t a good sale, en- The shipment comprised ISl bogs

a t Buhl and 77 loaded a t Twta PalU.

ror and Cor r ? * • - - • • -• -T


l E i iB e rt Sweet

.f ; ■ FO R MAYOR

have had no q n o rre ro l the re lief money I tr has had, over perst ' so ihey cm cooperaii ttM countyistttte tmd ■ (ers, ta the present mi

m A S : P , a j a v m A % ^

i?iin . ■ . • a > a ? a g j s a a a t -Pharmacy to Occupy Neff :■ , Quartera Iri Hceor— ^ ■

W - V VnIck Blook-'.j ,» - l I . ..; . ' , • -

'■ 'TroU aiar pbarinacy. a Twta PilU to of buslaeos toiUtuUon for 11 years pMt, r the 'wUf be mored about May 1 from IU .ere- loeaUoa tbe past.eight months to Twla Oje Weaver block, Mata arenue east, '

ita to new quarten ta Uje MeOomlck | • -'Ibldck, oeoupled for-many, year* by

PWU jb«_8ooU i MereanUle company, oa ,i a t5^^ratoTSn-«80uU >.-J. •;

I Uie Rogerson hoUl bUildtag prior to . liurem ovslto iupresentlocatloalast ]

Bf ele,'-August • . • In - a t The new home for .the TroUnger < PalU pharmacy U to bc remodeled for lU 1 ror a occupancy wllh InsUUatioa'of a p ar- i

ItlUon, new tile fronts, aad re-ar- i . rangement of Uie main tloor and •

m olt,-jjasement;mder terms of a flre-year a o lt , that has been negotUted wtth j **“ y,theM cComleklnvesUnentcompany. ,

owner of Uie bulldtag, the pharmacy ( M Td-j*ui occupy the west, aldo of ^ |

bulldtag. the other side being leased |

«“ ®' wlUiln a few days. t **” • Announcing the removal, Mr. Trol*. < “ f*® Inger sold: “We appreciate the sup- i

port our patrons bare girea us la our i -**pfivWU5locatlonf,-a9d-we-hope-tbey - ____ [ will continue to faror us.*________

Future Farmers 1 SSf—Address-Gran^ if*“ No dcclilon WM given In th . r u - i

ture Farmer public speaktag contest »Mine lasfevenlng 'ftfan open meeUng of •now the Twta PnlU Orange, bccauso two '

idark of the four contestanU were Ul aadiho - unablo to compete. Leonard Arring- .juUe ton spoke on “The New Day ta ,land Amcrlcah. Agrtculturc"': and "BIU ,iUeo.'-Wtlks-oa.iaZorse.Bnd.Mule.Eowc:^ -

Thcir Economic Relation." Howard 'ieoic,~Annls-nnd-JamcB_Walte wlU be per- -faox> mitted to give their specchcs bcfote \. 40- Wednesdoy. ,e rly .' The wtaner wlU Uke part la tbe ja ta dUtrlct public speaktag contest next j>erty Thursday a t Klmberly. which hos .

cord P. A. day a t the Kiiftberly Art w eel^ c crop Frirolty Relgtu d to The latter part of the program

, was presented by the Orange, aad 'I was frivolous in tone. O rant Saw- ■1 ycr gave a humorous reading.. An f

IrUh Jig wna presented by Jean JFeldhusen. A humorous debate. ■'Re- ‘

?CE solved: That the male U more hand- Jsome than tho female" was argued *

j ln ia b y J ^ P ^ C ^ e s and Tom^Bpeedy, af- "

E. McClata, ncgaUvel W. O. 'I Jsckcy' gave a humorous talk on

^nn^^Toplo^Oi-the Dayi —• Appearing, to the "Kitchen Cabl- "

* net Orchestra” were M n. J . 8. Feld- . “ 2 .husen. Mrs. R. C.'Wark. M n. W. E. ?

Woods. Mra. W. R;' Bell M n. W. L i ^ Saekett Mrs.- Tom SpoOdy. M n. S

Alphio DeAUey, M n. O. T. Koster. ,MUS Blrdella MeCUIn and Miss !

___ Merla Nelwn._ An r.M.f«»hlnn,.rt ^spelling bee followed. Concluding .the ftstlvltles. .basket lunches were t

in i aucUoned by W. E. Wood and Har-vey Hale. .......................

1 - tJ"*” * B R m S II SPOKESMAN HINTS t

AT POLICY OF ISOLATION >LONDON. March 23 (/Pf-A atart- ^

Ung hint Orcat Britain may adopt ^^ a policy of Isolalion was droppwl to- «^ night by s ir John Simon, foreign ^

when be said In a speech '■®“ . near Leeds “we cannoftodu tge 'ta ~“ ‘la. erery sort of foreign adventure over ,U«o sll the world or pledge our activity *

to everybody's quarrel." ’

I Vlfors FertlUser ter Uwns and logs ihrabbery. aUo garden fcrtOUer. alU. Pb. 191. Twin FaUs Feed A lee C«.


H . H . H e d s t r o m


r e l s w U h t h e m e n

y i n I d t i h o , t u t h e <

- s o n o l p t O U i c t d a p -

o t f e f n l l y d n d e f - |

d n o t i o n a l o f f i c e r s

m a y o r c t m n t O .

M A S C H » U M - t ^ _

L ; ; r a SI? Hewrai Boara,. Aiy.roves T ' ■ Local- liu t l ^ o i i ’r —

: A p p llca U o n l,^ „

s One hundred pn- e w t apjioral i, b y - th e federal bome loaa baak s board of Uie.MuUial BuUdlng sad a Loaa assocUUoa'k appUcaUoa for (. coavenloa as. aa .In su red federal lc sartags aad loaa assodstfoa under f th s UUa of tba First Federal Sar- j togs and Loan assocUUoa ef Twto f -yaUB.-was-annoua ced-ly-tba-tocal . assocUUon Uirougb lU maasiger, E .J P «7’—" t f f writny ' ' _B . Savings tarasted to sbsres of tbs t iboal- assocUUoa are. now tostired

by ths Federal Savings aad Loaa r corponUon, .the statement s&ld.I Each tavestor la s b a a s to the as- '• soelaUon U now. fuUy.' protected. against loss up to $0000, Mr. Orant . } explataed.

. " '* ^ 0 financial breakdown,of 19 i months sgo disclosed a a ImperaUve ,

' n e ^ for the protecUoa of Ibng- f term savings tavested for Ineome la. : B tbe th rift aad bome-flnaactag to- i sUtuUons of the country, which ag- t gregata the vast total o f $7,000,000,- i <>oo-to-g8inoo,nnojon hflid^

ten miUion people of aU classes asd ^ occupaUons, ,Urgely wage earnen■ and salaried workeis,**'Mr. O raat r said. N ~ Safety O t Long' T m a " "

----- "Safety—for“ long—term—sartags -■ prcseaU a different proW em-tbaa j

safety of checking and Ume depos­its, where funds must be avaUabU

special federal agency, tba Federal ' Savtags and Loan Insuraace cor- ;

. poraUon. was therefore cstabtUhed ; to 'bandU thU .type of lasuraacs.

I t has a capital, of $100,000m - s u b ­scribed by the govemment In ad-

‘ dlUon, the corporaUon U buUding ' up A substantial reserve fund from I aaaual .premlum8 _pald..la_by_aU _ ‘ tasured InsUtuUons. Moreover, the . : privllege-of-tasuraace..Uir6ugh_UiB _ ' corponUcn U extended; only to ' well-managed. ftaaaclaUy. sound to-• stituUons whlcK~mB8tT tb r-s tricV -

eligibility requlremenU of the Ped-' eral Savtags and Loaa Insurance . ’ corponUon. The fact tha t our as-.

^ O ran t. ‘T he purpose o t congrcss In pro- I vldtag for federally chartered to-

sUtutlons was lo make credit avaU- able at low cost for home construc­tion. reflnanaclng and modemlsa- Uon ta parts of the country where such funds were InadequaU,". said

I Mr. Orant. “At the same Ume to- stltuUons so organlxed and manag- cd encourage the oracttce ot thrift

; .by people M Urge as wdi U W U I ~ means.

“A substimtUl Increase to the ’ amountof homeftaanclng resources• In ihU locaUly wiU satUfy Uie ' growing demands for home loans■ fo r aU purposes, strengthea the real ' esUte price structure, lessen fore- ' closures and add to employment ta• -the-bnlldlng-trades-Bnd-TnnW iT ~ ' number o l industries dependent' upon construcUon activity.'’

Mr. Orant pointed out -that, - lii addition lo the advantage of safe­ty, shares ta Uie First Federal Sor- ,

; tags and Loan assocUtlon of Twin PnlU can be expected U> yield a reasonable dividend retum, and are exempt from normal federal Income

, tax. are non-assessable and have no , conUngent Uabllity.

! Radio Serrlc^-repalra, P l i r * « : j ; ' . B «b t GmUU, with Asto Elee. Scr-

rlce. 118 Snd No^-Adr.


WalUng for you here—lhe sort of car youH like to own—a t j . p rtc^ youlpTOjoyTpaylajS'Only a llttie or It needs to be paid’ a t once.

•29 Olds Coupe___________ »233•31 Chevroltt Sedan _____ «33S■33 Chevrolet Sedan _tS33

•^F o rd -P o rd o r -..zu..— —r»lS0 --3a.fard.CQUpe ..... -_____ _»340■30 Ford F o rdo r_______ ;__»as3'

-'30-Cbewolet C o u p e ._ _ _ 4 2 4 a . .'33 Ford Coupe___________$440•34 Ford Coupe

5.000 m iles____•34 Pord De Fordor —_ _ _ »«J0-31 Bulck Sedan __________ U33•2* Chevrolet X o u p e _ _ _ J l 00 ■28 Chevrolet a m,r27 C ^ -m le t Coach_______» 63

I T7 Chevrolet Touring.— 45•31 Ford Truck ___________$385

• -•34 FordTruck, stake body _»S73 •29 Ford Truck ti&a•31 Ford Pickup__________ 8215■32 Chevrolet pickup _ _ _ » 2 9 0

I •34 Ford P ickup___ _ _ _ $ * 5 0I -29 Chevrolel T ruck______ 8100I -SO Ford Truck '___________t233

I Ford Serrlce aa Oood as ths t Car Itself


I Tewr FORD b cak rTwta Fans. Idab* .


I L ^ e a Of G. X R- ' { '. Mti. Peari’a.<tjook,‘CtiJd«o,‘iur-

Twto PalU tomoftow, •~ X H tm erw rn 'beaem dtobacboaor

lit 6 :U '-o'deck 'a t 'tbe p ^ '. tw te L ^ Member* of Daa-McOook. Shermaa ^ u d ttoooto dreles are torlted to at-' ^ Uad. Mrs.-,B. E.rLelghtoa bas Uie „ reeerraUaas to.eharge.*1 Mrs. -H arold:ghm lg,.rH.^w r v l er partment 'secretary,-. U entertaining

« t . I o'Oock lunchMn tor Oook «nailoputtnenl ,onitOT sun -

O A J t ■ ‘ .A • ■ / ' _ -

t SWIMMING POOL PUNS ft ADVANCED AT MEETING. . RspresenUUres 6f • -various ■Twta

PaUs oirlo o rg a n U a tl^ gathered a t the Rogefsoa hotel yesterday

la. s = ^ = = = = * r : s s s s

Id T . . . R ta l iW o A t ro U tn T " ra Medicated w ith fa«radU

M t i o i y i c k s V a ^ c ^

P» —.-----■» '- • •, , :: - Ln ...............■ - r -

&. ' Vll J iTWJ I

d *

1- '

u W

a _______ ■ _____ ■ ' ■o . ■

i l /w H E R E l \ s t \ l : CAN YOU GET . REAL CERTIFIED

QUALITY FOR ; SO LITTLE ( : , MONEY? C:t _ .. ’ . . , . M

!s • O n ly G o o d r id i c an g iv e yII a n d ae tb e sam e tifn e b a c k i c i

o f Atneuea’s oldest tire mn m an d ers a re b u i l t t o p ro te c t i J “gyp" t ir e s — to k e e p y o u r

T b e m ile a g e o f 'U fik n p w ii ” ' v a rie s a rn iu c h ''a s ’ l 6 to 50 ]

chances? Y o u d o n ’t p a y a p a xich C om m andecs th a n fo r * se t o f C o m m an d e is o n youi 0 w ay to sav e m o n ey a n d gc

• Pnr*i suiltd /e r&M|r iritbeta f‘ ------auml^ erJtirr. i ilu_

' -------- 4.40JL21J___4.5Q.XJ

, 4.50 « 20 4.75 x :

G ood' C om tfia BarnardChryslCT

i r J a a U f ^

t i l it-wuiYoM 'to oobttBrt’t e ^ i e m JJ tlon of t^-p(K>|.;at;«efc. • ! "» CUude OetiMUr, "Metalttes jT cbalRnaa.-presl^ .aad • , P..Dim4l..j.S.,Bayee’*Bdl>ineaa aa- McD. Johastoaaagtber dlroBtSra t to tbgT lW ^^’ ^ ^ ~ j ; 7»'PlgBllBi~ftM‘ ‘

^ SUMMpNED' ^AT' BUlftEYUL ' - r'T—taa BURZJCr, ' March '.3 a .» l^ m a a at-'W Usoa. 60, f a r o Uborer wboae home ' Lhe U to CaUforaU, died a t a BurUy

bo^ lta l thU «Tealng 'from poeu- Vil monla. The body'resU a t tbs Jobb>^ soa 'a io iiuai7 'pending funeral ar- ,^ ran j^ 'en U . .ta - ^ s s s = s s s t s s = s i ^ s = s s : s s •

d e J e i W a b ixFU E L '...

; . -T hat Oood 6oat:4*,« reaUy the most depend- Ilu able fuel yon'caa b u n .

Long 'UsUag, low ash In content, less smoks, anded . DusUess: Pram .the .

ft H O M E jJt — -------- -L U M B E R 4 ^ X 0 A U ^

COMPANY ^ t h b b m a n ih n z b

' T ba tO M dC oal 'J ' ■ • . --'" 'PhoneM I'-' ^

pe you a t t l ^ p r i « ~ ■ ^;icu p w ith tb c tep 'J ta tio n H

m akci: G odflridi’ Cdto* •. vect voti against un reliable • m-___lur tire costs down. WIWO, n a m e ly tires often ' W50 pec cent. S<rwhy take; Ma penny more fo r Good- Wo r unknown tires. Put a A^otir car now. T hat’s th e 0I g e t high mileage, too l ^<>eta saliu, stU t i ssy gernw B

s e j s o * ]

4:40x21 I ,

w r^ 0 5 $ 0 8 5 I1 x 2 1 5 .0 0 x 1 9 r | Q

^ 4 0 $ ^ 6 0 -X l9 5 .2 5 x 1 8 I P

I r ic l i iIa n d e r s f

Auto Co. P l y m o o t t i I