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Association of Computer Repair Business Owners November Magazine

Transcript of ACRBO Nov Mag

The Owen Lea Foundation….

Let’s Make A Difference!

Can Press Releases

Help Your Business?

Tech Tips…Mr.Komputer


WHAT’S INSIDE Computers, Networking, Websites, Advertising, Marketing & Sales

ISSUE 011 | Nov 2012

Role of Search

Engine Optimization

in Marketing

Marketing Your Business Through Online Business


The Strategy of Using Long Tail Keywords for SEO

Can Press Releases Help Your Business?

Can Press Releases Help Your Business?

Role of Search Engine Optimization in Marketing

How Can Article Submissions Help My Website








Association of Computer Repair Business Owners



Mr. Komputer - Tech Tips

Honesty and Integrity

Getting More Traffic is Essential For Online






Are you a writer? Do you enjoy writing down your


If so feel free to contribute to the magazine. Credit

is given to all writers in the form of links to your

website or any other way you would like.

Share your experiences!

Editor’s Note Welcome to the latest edition of the

Association Magazine. I'd like to welcome

our new contributors this month.

Welcome to this month’s issue of our magazine. This month we bring you some great new articles that will help you fast track your goals and success.

A publication like this would not be possible

without the support of our valued Preferred

Vendors who are advertisers. Please visit

our Preferred Vendors as they know what

you need to help you with all your


I hope you enjoy this month's issue of the

magazine, and as always please email me

if you have any comments, contributions or


Dan ACRBO Keep your valuable feedback coming. I try to reply to every email, I appreciate your input as it helps to make the ACRBO magazine possible. Write to me at:

ACRBO Magazine Fredericksburg Virginia

Advertising enquires: Send an email to

Contribute articles: If you would like to be a contributing author for the magazine then send an email to and let us know what you would like to write about. Copyright 2012 ACRBO. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated or converted into machine-readable form or language without the written consent of the publisher. Articles express the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the publisher

ACRBO Magazine

Director: ACRBO

Contributors Various experts in their fields

The instructions and advice in the

Magazine is for entertainment purposes only. The creators, producers,

contributors and distributors of the ACRBO Mag disclaim any liability for

loss or lack of results from following the advice expressed herein

Should I ask for referrals?

There is nothing wrong with

doing this. Plus, you might

want to actually send them

something either in a letter or

through email asking about

referrals and also offering

them a discount for their next

service call if they refer

someone. There are many

ways you can go about this

but make sure when you do it

that you don't give off the

impression of "I want". Make

sure the customer knows that

you appreciate their business

and would just like to help




Business is slow, now what?

I am sure you are not the only

one that business is slow for.

You will find overtime that

this is bound to happen either

due to the holidays, kids back

to school or whatever reason.

It’s important to keep in mind

that you need to continue

doing what hopefully you

have always done and that is

advertise. It seems some

people think when business is

good they can lay off

advertising for awhile. That is

not the case if anything it’s

imperative that you advertise

the same during those

periods so in slow times you

are not trying to play catch












ACRBO inbox

Have a question? If so email it do and we will be glad to

answer it.

It can be business related pertaiing to

marketing, setting up your business, growth of

your business or anything you can think of.


Research Firm Predicts

Up To 15 Percent Of

Likes/Reviews By 2014

Will Be Fake

Research firm Gartner has released a report predicting the

importance of online reviews and social media “Likes” will result

in Fortune 500 brands and large enterprises increasingly

“astroturfing” and paying for positive mentions. Specifically the

percentage of paid-for mentions, Likes and reviews will reach 10

to 15 percent of the total by 2014.

Gartner goes on to assert that there will be at least two high-

profile FTC actions against Fortune 500 companies during the

same time frame. The FTC published and updated guidelines in

2009 about the use of testimonials and endorsements in

advertising. Those rules extend to bloggers and others offering

online product reviews. The guidelines require disclosure of a

paid relationship.

Presumably these FTC rules would extend to any corporate

campaign to generate positive social media buzz and related

product endorsements, where the paid nature of those reviews,

Likes, etc was not disclosed to the public.

Companies tempted to manipulate social media mentions or

ratings with false Likes/reviews do so at their own peril. Putting

aside potential FTC investigations and fines, the public humiliation

and negative impact on brand image would be potentially

significant, although perhaps hard to quantify.

A number of authors on Amazon over the years have been caught

faking positive reviews for their own books and writing negative

reviews for rivals under pseudonyms. If caught there’s a lot of

public humiliation (and schadenfreude) that follows.

Similarly, about a year ago, Samsung faked testimonials when it

introduced its new Galaxy tablets at a trade show. The company

was caught and endured significant grief at the hands of bloggers

and tech journalists. Yet that public shaming didn’t appear to hurt

device sales (of mobile phones; the tablets were weak).

More recently Nokia faked video images from its new Lumia 920.

It was quickly caught and had to apologize after being outed,

distracting from the launch announcement and further damaging

Nokia’s public image. Thus, it’s a safe bet that social media

astroturfing will be uncovered with corresponding PR damage

(and fines) to the brands behind it.




UPLOADS Twitter debuted a shiny new user profile page today

and simultaneously launched new versions of its

official iOS and Android apps. Much was made of the

changes, but lost in the PR blitz is this:

Any Twitter user that posts photos to the service from

now on will be doing it via Twitter’s own photo

service, not via one of the many third-party providers

such as yFrog, Mobypicture or Twitpic.

The option to choose a photo service is now missing in

the settings on Twitter’s mobile apps. Users can still

choose a video hosting service (for how long, one has

to wonder) and a read later service, but the photo

service chooser is gone.

This isn’t unexpected, of course. Reports surfaced over

the weekend that Twitter was about to ditch third-

party image services. Twitter launched its own photo

service in August 2011 via a partnership with

Photobucket, which does the image hosting.

This is Twitter’s latest step toward controlling the user

experience, particularly around the display of tweets.

In this case, dropping support for third-party photo

services means users will stay on Twitter itself when

viewing photos in the future — those added page

views are no doubt also added opportunities for


This month’s winner will receive the

eBook “Computer Repair Business

Lessons Learned”.

We will randomly choose a winner and e-

mail the winner.

Just send an email to

and in the Subject line put: WinBook

Last Month’s winner is: Shawn Lattanzio

from Web Designs Rock It!






Are you trying to increase sales, get more

customers, or make more money? If so, you

might be interested in one advertising

opportunity that many people do not think

about. It is very easy to use, incredibly

affordable, and you can potentially reach your

target audience with very little effort. An online

business directory could be the perfect vehicle

that you can use to drive traffic to your site,

reach more customers, and avoid having to go

through expensive and lengthy marketing

campaigns that may or may not work at all.

There are a number of benefits for companies

who decide to use an online business directory,

and here are some examples:

1. Customers generally go to these types of

websites because they are looking for a local

product or service. Instead of doing a general

internet search, directories allow customers to

be able to quickly and easily find what they are

looking for.

2. They allow the customer to feel safe and be

certain they are buying from a reputable and

well reviewed source. This is especially true if

your product or service can be purchased


3. The SEO (search engine optimization)

benefits of being listed in an online directory

can be massive. It can drastically help your

website get higher rankings across search

engines, resulting in more traffic and ultimately

lead to more sales.

While there are many business directories

online, many of them categorize and organize

online products and services. With a local

business directory, businesses are able to

connect with customers just as easily, but

without the expense that many internet

marketing strategies entail.

A good online


directory can be

a useful tool for

anyone who is

interested in

finding a


strategy that is

effective as well

as affordable.

So, if you're looking for a way to reach a target audience without having to

spend a small fortune, consider using an effective online business directory that

has a lot of traffic and a lot of notoriety. Many customers visit these sites each

and every day looking for a wide range of products and services, and you

should consider listing yours as well.

Many businesses choose to use billboards, radio, television, phone book

advertisements, or even classified ads in newspaper publications. Sometimes

these campaigns work, and there are times when businesses will receive no

leads whatsoever. Unfortunately, advertising with these methods can be very

costly as well as time-consuming. An online business directory provides

businesses with the opportunity to reach a target audience that is specifically

looking for the products or services that you are offering. And, since they are

published on a continual basis, businesses receive continual exposure.

A good online business directory can be a useful tool for anyone who is

interested in finding a marketing strategy that is effective as well as affordable.

And, a well placed advertisement can reach potential targeted customers now

and well into the future as well.

I personally run four of these local online directories for the towns that we

service and it works out great. Not only can we do “free” advertising on them but

they drive traffic to your website. If done properly you can also generate income

by charging for “Premium” listing ads.




Many businesses understand the

importance of good SEO, especially

when they realize that this can help

increase search traffic and bring in

additional visitors to their site. Of

course, the real idea is to bring in

quality search traffic that converts to

sales. One very effective method of

finding targeted traffic is to use long

tail keywords as part of your SEO

methods. These longtail keywords

are simply niche specific words or

phrases that consumers use when

trying to find the products or

services you are selling.

Why They Are Useful

There are many keywords that are

so extremely competitive, that

without a multimillion dollar

marketing budget, most businesses

would never be able to rank high

enough to bring in any search

traffic. Additionally, when you use

longtail keywords for SEO, you have

the advantage of narrowing down

your keywords to very specific

phrases that actual searchers are

looking for. Obviously, if someone

types in a generic word such as

books, they are going to get millions

of results, probably nothing near

what you are targeting; however, if

a searcher types in rare books from

the 1880s, they are looking for

something very specific and the

results will be much more refined.

Concentrating on

longtails can help

a business owner

target consumers

who are looking

for the products or

services they are


Concentrating on longtails can help

a business owner target consumers

who are looking for the products or

services they are offering. This can

result in a better conversion rate

once customers actually reach your

site. You know that the long tail

keywords they are searching for are

specifically tailored to a very narrow

request; this means that you have a

product or service that closely

meets their specific needs.

An additional benefit for the

business owner who uses keywords

in their SEO practices is that

consumers who are searching on

these keywords are looking for

something much more specific. This

generally translates into a customer

that is ready to take action. In the

example above, with the keyword

book, the searcher could be looking

for almost anything, even a

definition of the word. However,

with the long tail "rare books from

the 1880s", they are searching for

something very specific and are

much more likely to be a consumer

ready to make a purchase.

Most SEO experts will be able to

help you identify niche specific

keyword phrases that you can use

to improve search results.

Specifically targeting long tail

keywords that have low competition

can be a great strategy to improve

the number of visitors to your site,

as well as increase conversions.


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Thinking about

working on

laptops? Then The

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exactly what you


This month we added a new

Preferred Vendor offering

her products:

Call That Girl Plublications;

Lisa from Call That Girl's


Call that girl's guide to social


Call that girl's operations


Call that girl's guide to

remote support.

Not only do you get a

discount on the entire


but $10 of each sale will go

directly to the Owen Lea

Foundation the charity of

the ACRBO!

You will receive the


Call That Girl's Guide to

Social Media

Call That Girl's Operations


Call That Girl's Guide to

Remote Support

URL: Click Here


In business time is one commodity that you do not ever have enough of. There will always be enough projects, meetings, loose ends, appointments and more, but never enough time. How to make time for things that you never found time for before.

How to not stress out at the end of each day because you did not finish what you started.

Start Today “Time Is Precious”…


Inside this article we are going to examine what

needs to be implemented to be successful

online. This system is really easy and one that

people don't bother about too much. By telling

you what to search for online, this is going to

be a smart way for you to master how to set up

a small online business.


Can Press Releases

Help Your Business?

A press release is a powerful publicity tool that is used by

large and small businesses to bring awareness to their

company or products. A well written release makes an

announcement about your business in a newsworthy

fashion; television networks, radio stations, magazines,

newspapers, and online resources all publish press

releases that contain interesting stories. Business owners

therefore can use this type of marketing to share relevant

stories while bringing attention to their company or brand.

All businesses can tap the true value of a well written PR,

which is essentially a thinly veiled advertisement. Release

can announce a new product or service; they can be used

to announce you've won or been nominated for an award;

this type of announce can advertise or promote an event;

and they can even highlight market research or company

changes. A fresh and exciting release can even go viral,

and when they're done right, can attract traffic to your

website, enhance company visibility, give your company

credibility, and even help to build your brand. Indeed, as

online marketing is becoming more and more important,

the release is especially useful for improving SEO and

online visibility.

By sharing news about your company,

its products and/or services, and the

progress your company is making,

you can establish yourself as a leader

Regardless of your industry or the size of your company,

press release distribution is an important method for getting

coverage in trade journals, magazines, blogs, and other

publications directed at your industry. Moreover, this type

of marketing is inexpensive compared to other forms. Once

key media members have received your announcement,

your story will basically be self-propagated. Compared to

paid advertising campaigns, PR can be equally as effective

but much more affordable, especially for small business


As already mentioned press releases not only boost your

company's visibility, but they also give you credibility. It will let

your customers know who you are and what you're about, but

they can also provide an unparalleled opportunity for you to

show your expertise. A well formulated press release can help

you gain the trust of your customers while representing yourself

as a source of valuable information to the media. More

importantly, the best press releases can spread like wildfire. In a

short period of time, your story can be shared by other

websites, blogs, and media publications that will ultimately all

attract customers to your business.

Finally, good PR help show that you are at the forefront of your

industry. By sharing news about your company, its products

and/or services, and the progress your company is making, you

can establish yourself as a leader in your industry. You can

highlight your successes and set yourself apart from your


So, if you're asking yourself if press releases can help your

business, the answer is yes. Any company will appreciate the

benefits of a well written press release, which ultimately will

make your brand more visible in the marketplace.

ACRBO marketplace

PC Dice Contact: A great gift for that tech you know. Or even better take them on site with you and amaze your customers.

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Your Ad here Contact Let Us Know

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Keyword Research - Why It

Is So Important

Keyword research is the foundation of a good

Internet marketing campaign. Keyword research

gives the company an idea of where they should

focus their energy. However, it is important to

note that people really do not know what the

keyword will do until they have the keyword in

their possession. However, making educated

guesses at what keywords will bring results is

this very smart thing to do for any person in

Internet marketing.

Actually, this is one of the foundational problems

with most bloggers. They do not know what

keywords they are aiming their articles or blog

posts for in general. Therefore, they fail to get

traffic because they are not generating a

keyword inventory that has any value. These

types of bloggers have blogs that remain empty

of traffic and conversion. The blog does not

generate income for them therefore; it stays a

hobby for that particular blogger.

A blogger with good keyword research and

target those keywords in their posts and start to

pick up traffic on keyword terms that they have

selected. Sometimes, the keywords will not

deliver the results that blogger or website owner

wants. Yet, the fact is that getting keywords on to

a page will allow the search engines to take all

the words on the page in make combinations of

keywords to provide to the results on their

keyword search results.

Keyword research is what gives an Internet

campaign a foundation. This foundation allows a

business to make money and find new clients and

customers through the Internet.

Once those blog posts or pages start getting traffic and

those keywords are tracked within the server logs or the

analytics profile then the blogger or website owner can

make a determination that allows them to figure out what

keywords are of value to that business in general. Once

they have a good idea, what keywords generate traffic

conversions they can optimize their site to get more of

those people in those keywords funnels.

Therefore, the best thing to do when trying to do keyword

research is to pick out the best possible keywords ahead

of getting the traffic itself. Once the traffic is in place then

it is best to look in the server logs or analytics profile to

find out what traffic is actually converting into sales. Once

that is figured out the business can then focus itself on

getting more of those people and focusing on that

particular topic to get more of those people as well. This is

a scientific way for doing keyword research that is sure to

deliver results as long as the business owner is willing to

do a little legwork.

In closing, keyword research is what gives an Internet

campaign a foundation. This foundation allows a business

to make money and find new clients and customers

through the Internet. Therefore, it makes a lot of sense to

spend a lot of time doing keyword research and then

digging through the results of that keyword research once

those words get traffic to the website. If a business owner

or individual focuses on this type of keyword research,

they are almost guaranteeing themselves success when

marketing on the Internet.


Using search engines to find information is the most popular activity

on the Internet. According to PEW Internet study, while 92% of the

entire Internet users use search engines, 59% do it on a regular

basis. As per the comScore reports, Google alone accounted for

13.4 billion searches in 2011.

It is evident that Internet is the right place to reach your target

customers/audience, as people are searching more on Internet than

at any other place, for any kind of product/service. However, this can

happen only when you are listed in the top search results. Securing

top place in the search results by overtaking hundreds and

thousands of already existing websites not only drives huge traffic to

your website, but also imparts trust in users.

SEO is one such digital marketing strategy that will help your website

get listed in the top search engine results.

SEO - a powerful digital marketing strategy

Most of the well-known search engines on the Internet, rank

websites using complex algorithms, designed to determine websites

which are most relevant for particular search terms. So, the main

function of SEO is to optimize a website for relevant search terms in

order to bring high search engine rankings. It uses different

strategies like keyword research, web design, quality content, meta

tags, quality link building, etc., to make the website search engine-


Benefits of Search Engine Optimization: To better understand how

SEO works for your website, let us look at the other benefits offered

by SEO techniques.

• Increases the visibility: The better you optimize your website by

customizing its content or structure for relevant search terms, the

better are the chances of getting high search engine ranks. Good

rankings will let your website appear on the first page of the search

results, thus, enhancing your website's visibility and brand

awareness. Since, it is common for the Internet users to review only

the first few results, traffic to your website also increases.

• Drives more traffic: Once your website starts ranking in the top

10 search results, it will be able to receive traffic continuously as

long as it stays there. Further, if you are able to find the keywords

used by your prospective customers and optimize your SEO

strategy accordingly, you can get targeted traffic to your website.

Apparently, more traffic means more sales.

• High ROI: When compared to other forms of paid advertising,

SEO helps you to get higher returns on investment. Initially, it may

take some time to get ranked for specific terms, but once you are

positioned at the top of the search results, you can generate huge

targeted traffic, who are potential enough to get converted in to


• Increases credibility: Many studies reveal that, people trust the

organic search results more, compared to sponsored or paid

results. SEO techniques are mainly intended to improve the

organic rankings of a website in search engine result pages,

hence, they play an important role in improving the credibility of

your business.

Affordable by SMBs: Another advantage of SEO is, it is highly

cost-effective. Compared to all other online marketing strategies,

SEO services are economical. Therefore, even small and medium

sized businesses can also easily afford SEO services.

A strategic SEO plan is must to get quick and better results. No

matter how much time, cost and effort you put in to developing

your website, unless you design an effective SEO strategy, your

efforts will not yield satisfactory results.

SEO techniques are mainly intended to

improve the organic rankings of a website in

search engine result pages, hence, they play

an important role in improving the credibility

of your business.

Role of Search Engine

Optimization in


The Industry


Who Is Technibble For?

Technibble is a free resource for Computer

Technicians and Computer Business Owners.

Technibble helps computer technicians with

information and how-to-articles published a few

times a week and has a strong community of

Computer Technicians to help one another.

Technibble helps you by covering topics such as:

- How to start a Computer Business

- Advertising, how to get clients and keep them

- Business and legal issues

- Streamline your computer repair work

- Technician related product reviews and discounts

- New opportunities to look out for

- Stories from “the trenches” from your fellow

Computer Techs

Technibble also has a large database of Computer

Repair tools and adds a new on to its database

every week.

Be sure to check out the Archives, Computer

Repair Tools section and the Computer

Technician forum. .


What is The Force Field?

The Force Field is the name of a podcast for IT Service Professionals, IT consultants, VARs, computer shops and anyone else in the technology field, particularly those who offer products and services to end users.

The half hour show is produced by Savoia Media and hosted by Rick Savoia, an IT Service Professional who is also a veteran in the broadcast industry.

Have a favorite

show or site that

you would like to

see here? If so drop

us a line and we will

check it out and see

what we can do.


Newbie Questions: How Can Article

Submissions Help My Website Ranking?

When you launch a website or a new business online, one of the first marketing methods you're bound to hear about is Article Marketing.

You may be confused as to what article marketing is and how it helps your website get more visitors, and if you are you're not alone! There are tons of people who decide to investigate or take part in article marketing every day, and they're basically starting with zero knowledge.

I wanted to share a question that came to me recently, because it is very accurate at representing some of the misunderstandings that are common with beginners. Here it is:

"I design websites for a living, and I am not sure how article marketing can help my client's website get a better search engine ranking. Can you please explain how? Does it work by us publishing free reprint articles on our website?"

That's a fabulous question. First let me clarify that there are two roles in article marketing--the writer and the publisher. The writer creates the content, and then the publisher chooses the content he would like and he publishes it on his site.

Which role are you supposed to take when you use article marketing to market your website so that you can get more website visitors?

You are the writer--you will be writing and submitting articles.

The publisher is someone else--the publisher is not marketing with articles. Rather, he is just looking for quality content to put on his site that he did not have to write.

As the writer, you will be creating articles on the general topic of your website.

You then submit the article to online publishers. In the submission process, you will be asked to create what is called a 'resource box' or 'author bio'. In the resource box you will tell your name, a little about your business, give a link to your website, and also give an incentive for the reader to click that link.

Publishers get to publish your article for free (they do not pay you), but for marketing purposes, the resource box with the information about your business and a link to your website is what you get in return for submitting your article.

The resource box may not seem like a big deal, but it is. In fact, it's the key to getting a better search engine ranking for your website. Each time that your article is republished on a website, the resource box is too. Each time your resource box is published, a link to your website is built.

An increase in links can lead to a better website ranking over time, and that is one of the main reasons why article marketing is so effective. When we talk about "website rankings" what we're referring to is where your website ranks when people do searches for words having to do with your niche (the general topic of your website).

These people who are searching do not need to know about your business or your website. They will simply go to Google because they have a need, and they search for what they are looking for.

An increase in links can

lead to a better website

ranking over time, and

that is one of the main

reasons why article

marketing is so

effective. Let's say you have a website that sells fashionable accessories for dogs and cats. There are certain words that people in your target market are typing into Google to reach websites that sell dog collars and cat beds and the like. From the website owner's perspective, these phrases are called "keywords". From the search customer's perspective, they are called "search terms".

There are likely lots of different phrases (keywords) that your target readers are using to find websites like yours, and your job is to find out what those phrases are (by doing keyword research) and then use those words in your article submissions.

When you do article marketing correctly, you can effectively boost your website's ranking for those keywords in Google and the other search engines. This is important, because the web pages that appear towards the top of the rankings are clicked the most and therefore receive the most website visitors.

That is how article marketing can help your website get a better search engine ranking, and it's just one of the ways that article marketing can help drive traffic to you website. What is another way? Well, when your article is published on a website, the visitors to that website can read your article and then click the link in your resource box. They will then be taken to your site.

I hope this helps explain things--if you are doing article marketing, then you will be writing and submitting articles. That is how you can impact your website's search engine ranking and get more website visitors.

Cleaning up a slow performing pc

So you want to clean up your computer ehh?

Its performance is super slow, you’re frustrated and you want nothing more then to email out

a document for your associate to review. What do you do?

How do you stop this lag of a system? Applications are not responding and

Crashing every so often and it takes for ever to open a browser window.

Well don’t be frustrated, you’re not alone and resolving slow speeds and making a system run

at its peak performance is only a few step away.

1. Make sure you are running one piece of AV software and it is up to date. Sometimes if you

have more than one AV software to protect your system it causes a conflict. The reason being

is, most consumer AV products use the same ports to scan for vulnerabilities.

2. Remove any software that is not being used by uninstalling it from the control panel.

3. Install a 3rd party tool like Malwarebytes to run and check for any malicious objects such


Malware, Spyware, Trojan Horses, Rootkits and Browser Hijacks (Redirects).

4.Use the built in feature of windows MSCONFIG to disable any known resources that are not

of importance to the system and are not used on a frequent level.

5. The Advanced System Settings comes in handy when optimizing a PC. Under performance


settings and disable any Visual Effects that are not needed. This can help boost a PC’s

performance quite a bit.

Enjoy and happy cleaning…!!!!!


Mr. Komputer

A Bible verse that is misquoted so many times

comes to mind:

Matthew 7:12 - Therefore, whatever you want

men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the

Law and the Prophets.




The fact of the matter is that if you don't have a strong

ethical foundation you will only reap negative rewards with all

of the money that you rake in. It is clearly visible in, for

instance, the American divorce culture that is so strongly

coupled with their never-ceasing desire to succeed at any

and all costs.

I have seen the contrary of this negative impact of unethical

business behavior so many times as well. People who are in

business with honesty and integrity who succeed on a

smaller scale and reap the rewards of happy and healthy

families as a direct consequence of their business

groundwork. That is what I am aiming for.

I aim to build an empire in which I help others first and

foremost. I aim to do this by means of honesty and integrity.

Say what you mean, and mean what you say, and do what

you promise to do.

If you don't have a strong

ethical foundation you will only

reap negative rewards with all

of the money that you rake in.

Way too many people interpret this as meaning that

you have to attack pre-emptively or screw someone

over before they have the chance to do it to you.

This is wholly incorrect. What it actually means is

that if you want people to treat you with respect and

love, you first have to treat them with respect and

love. What you reap, you will sow. What you give,

you will receive...

I long to live in a world where honesty and integrity

and honor is at order of the day. A world where to do

wrong gets you suspended, cast out, segregated

from society. A world where corruption and

selfishness is abhorred, not celebrated. A world

where business and government is built on solid

values and not the highest bid…

You can be part of that world! You can start now!





If you've got the best offer in the world, but nobody knows about it, you

won't make anything. Even if you are selling an invention that will cure

cancer, help you lose weight while you sleep, and even get the girl of

your dreams to fall in love with you, you won't make any money if

nobody comes to your site.

The guy who said to build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a

path to your door never had to sell anything online. The good news is

that with just a little bit of traffic, if your offer is any good, eventually a

lot of other people will know about it.

That's one reason why so many people struggle with online marketing

these days. It's not that it's incredibly hard, it's just that most people are

selling junk products, or don’t know how to do it properly. When you

think about how much innovation, blood sweat and tears goes into

creating a worthwhile business, you wonder how some of these gurus

get all their ideas from.

But assuming you've got a decent business, you still need to get some

traffic. Once you've got some traffic, then you can see how much of it

converts, and get a better idea of how much you can afford to buy more

traffic. The secret of success is knowing how much you can spend on

advertising, and how much to expect for your advertising dollar.

Online business is like any

other business. It takes a

while to establish yourself,

and figure out who your

customers are.

Most people go broke because they buy

traffic before knowing how much of it will

convert. This is like buying a car before

knowing what the gas mileage is, or even

what the price of gas is.

For that reason, the first few hundred visitors,

or few thousand, depending on how hard

you're willing to work, should be free. From

this you can determine what keywords got

them there, which keywords convert more,

and which ones to target later for your paid

traffic campaigns.

Sure, this is a slow process. If you still buy

into the idea that you can double more

money every month for the next couple

years, think again. It takes a while to

establish yourself, and figure out who your

customers are. Often time’s people start out

in one niche, only to find there really isn't a

lot of money to be made there.

That's why it's essential to be flexible. If your

first few hundred visitors don't buy a single

thing, try offering something else. If you're

trying to present your business, then perhaps

you'll need to present it a different way. After

all, many people buy many products for

many different reasons. It may be a case of

just finding the right way to present your

business to the buying public.

Once you've got your niche, presentation and

estimated conversions rates all figured out,

you're ready to start buying traffic and really

expanding your business. This is where the

big money is made.