Acmepacket Configuration Basics Net-Net 3000 4000 022013 En

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Transcript of Acmepacket Configuration Basics Net-Net 3000 4000 022013 En

  • 8/13/2019 Acmepacket Configuration Basics Net-Net 3000 4000 022013 En


    Acme Packet: Net-Net 3000/4000 Configuration Basics


    FEE: USD 2500,00(Training material, Refreshments and Lunch all incl. in fee)

    DURATION: 5 Days (from 9:30am to 17:00pm)

    Course Description:

    This course provides technical network professionals with the skills needed tosuccessfully configure the Net-Net Session Director (SD) in both peering and accessenvironments.

    This course covers the fundamentals of SIP and H.323 as well as system andprotocol-specific configuration of the Net-Net SD. The contents addressed in thecourse apply equally to both service provider and enterprise deployments.

    Further, this course includes administration of the Net-Net SD, in the form ofconfiguration management (backups, restores, and revision control). This courseconsists of lecture, discussion and significant hands-on labs.

    Intended Audience:

    This course is intended for individuals who will be responsible for hands-on tasks withAcme Packet Net-Net SD series running Net-Net OS version 6.x, includingimplementing best current practice base configurations.


    Experience with and knowledge of IP and VoIP concepts and operations.

  • 8/13/2019 Acmepacket Configuration Basics Net-Net 3000 4000 022013 En


    Course Agenda:

    Module 0 [intr]- Course Overviewo This module introduces students to the course contents and


    Module 1 [isbc] Introduction to the Session Border Controller(SBC)

    o Student leaning objectives include: Describe the basic functions of a SBC Identify the components of the Net-Net OS Locate the hardware interfaces on the Net-Net SD

    Module 2 [initc] Initial Configurationo Student leaning objectives include being able to explain:

    The access modes and ACLI

    The boot parameters and the effect of changing them. Configuration concepts, configuration tree,

    and the best practice configuration methods Configuration versions

    o Student performance objectives include: Connect to the Net-Net Session Director (Net-Net SD) Navigate the Net-Net SD ACLI View, save, and activate configurations Configure boot parameters Reboot the Net-Net SD Reset the Net-Net SD to factory defaults View configuration elements Configure Net-Net SD elements and sub-elements

    Module 3 [pint] Provisioning Interfaceso Student learning objectives include being able to explain:

    The types of interfaces The default interface behaviors

    o Student performance objectives include: Provision physical and network interfaces Distinguish between the types of interfaces

    Edit a configuration element Delete a configuration element

    Module 4 [cfga]: Configuration Administrationo Student learning objectives include being able to explain:

    The use of configuration and backup files The types of configuration and backup files

    o Student performance objectives include: Backup various versions of configurations Restore various versions of configurations

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    Module 5 [isip]: Introduction to SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)

    o Student learning objectives include being able to explain: The basics of a SIP session The Parts of SIP message SIP Call Flow SIP Servers The Role of Net-Net SD in SIP signaling

    o Student performance objectives include: Place PC to PC SIP calls Register a SIP Phone

    Module 6 [sdcs]: Net-Net Session Director overview and conceptso Student learning objectives include being able to explain:

    Realms SIP architectures within the Net-Net SD

    H323 architectures within the Net-Net SD Realm bridging BCP access and peering Media services

    o Student performance objectives include: Configure a Realm Configure a SIP Interface Configure a Steering Pool Configure the Global SIP Parameters Enable the Media Manager

    Module 7 [peer1]: SIP configuration in a peering environmento Student learning objectives include being able to explain:

    Best current practice peering models Pre-configuration tasks Shared configuration tasks HMR-specific configuration Policy-based realm bridging-specific configuration

    o Student performance objectives include: Configure a working peering environment Configure a Local Policy

    Configure an HMRConfigure Access Constraints

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    Module 8 [abbn1]: SIP configuration in an Access-backboneenvironment

    o Student learning objectives include being able to explain: Determine which SIP access configuration model to use

    based on site requirements Explain the policy-based realm bridging (PBRB) model Determine how to extend upon the PBRB model using

    header manipulation rules (HMR) Explain the single SIP-NAT homed in a access network

    (SSNHAN) model Explain hosted NAT traversal (HNT) Explain media latching Explain registration caching

    o Student performance objectives include: Configure the PBRB model Using IP addressing on your end stations

    Module 9 [abbn2]: SIP configuration in an Access-backboneenvironment

    o Student learning objectives include being able to: Determine which SIP access configuration model to use

    based on site requirements Explain the single SIP-NAT homed in an access network

    (SSNHAN) model Explain the single SIP-NAT homed in a trusted network

    (SSNHTN) model Explain the SIP-NAT bridge (SNB) model

    o Student performance objectives include: Configure the SSNHTN model

    Module 10 [cfha]: Configuring High Availability on the Net-Net SDo Student learning objectives include being able to explain:

    The Alarming Subsystem High Availability Operation The Net-Net SD Node States

    o Student performance objectives include**: Configure HA

    Initiate a Manual Switchover Recognize and Respond to a System Switchover

    **This module is available at Acme Packet's Bedford, USA andMadrid Spain corporate training centers only

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    Appendix A [peer2]: SIP configuration in a peering environmento Student learning objectives include being able to explain:

    The SIP-NAT bridging modelo Student performance objectives include:

    Configure Peering using the SIP-NAT Bridging Model Verify SIP Peering configuration

    Appendix B [ittt]: Introduction to H.323o Student learning objectives include being able to explain:

    H.323 components Basic call flow for a H.323 session Differences between fast a slow start Net-Net SD in H.323 signaling An H323 B2BGW An H323 Gateway

    o Student performance objectives include:

    Configure the Net-Net SD for Operation in a B2BGWEnvironment

    Configure the Net-Net SD for Operation in a B2BGK/GWEnvironment

    Training will be delivered by Acme Packet Trainings Center.

    Training Offerings

    You can obtain information on the latest training offerings, course dates, and classlocations from the World Wide Web by pointing your Web browser

    Certification Program

    You can obtain information on the Acme Packet Technical Certification Program fromthe World Wide Web by pointing your Web browser

    More details of trainings and workshops you will findon ScanSource University Website contact us