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San Antonio, Texas 2009 Spring Convention Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Attendees (attached) Voting Members: Mike Garlich – Chair, Domenic D’Argenzio – Secretary, George Hoff, Paul Tourney, John Tanner, Tom Spencer, Karl Reinick Associate Members: Phil Zivich, Mike Brannan Visitors: Keisuke Matsukawa, John Wojakowski, Stephen Price Regrets for not attending the meeting were sent by Tom Weil, who is now with the Massachusetts DOT Meeting started at 8:30 a.m.

1. Introduction of meeting attendees.

2. Approved minutes of November 2008 meeting.

3. Mike and Domenic attended the TAC Workshop; ACI is now requiring that all committees address sustainability in new and existing documents. Domenic suggested the committee compile a list of topics that can address sustainability as it pertains to the committee’s documents. Mike also noted that ACI 318 is being revised extensively for the 2014 code issue. The format will be reorganized into a structural member based document.

4. Mike reports that the document on Floating Concrete Structures has been revised to incorporate

TAC comments and should be ready to be resubmitted to TAC within the next few weeks.

5. Mike reported that the document on Arctic Structures has been dropped. George Hoff believes there will be a need for this document in the near future. The general consensus among attendees was that this document should be re-augmented and that once the Waterfront Structures document is completed, committee efforts should be directed toward this goal.

6. State-of-the-Art Report on Waterfront/Coastal Marine Concrete Structures:

• Kare and Karl are working on Chapter 6 • Karl conducted a powerpoint presentation summarizing his comments and intended

addition on strut and tie modeling, including an example of D-region moment design. John Tanner noted that exterior piles typically do not require a moment connection and that provision should be included for non-moment connections. Moment connections are typically confined to the relatively more stiff rear piles.

• Karl will distribute Chapter 6 to the committee members for review in its current status. Comments are requested by end of May. The ultimate goal is to complete Chapter 6 by next meeting. John Tanner will assist Kare in this effort.

• All other chapters have been approved. Attendees agreed that the entire document will require review and put to ballot again since some chapters were approved several years ago.

7. Mike reports that progress on State-of-the-Art report on “Fixed Offshore Concrete

Structures” is not good. Mike will resend task list along with names of members assigned to each task. John Tanner noted that the section on cement in Chapter 2 needs to be reviewed for consistency with regard to C3A content limits described in other ACI documents. Paul Tourney and Tom Spencer have agreed to work on this chapter.

8. Mike distributed an article on concrete for offshore structures to attendees for general

information. The article is a translation from a Brazilian magazine given to Mike by George Hoff.

9. Domenic requested that all committee members update their contact information with ACI.

10. Next committee meeting will be in New Orleans during fall 2009.

11. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 am.

Attachments (2)