Achievement Series: Fueling Social Programs with Winning Content

Post on 09-May-2015

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Smart social brands are revving their content engines to stay ahead of the competition. Get in the driver's seat with social practitioners from LinkedIn, Raidious, and Spredfast to discuss how winning content fuels social programs and drives traffic back to the business in meaningful ways.

Transcript of Achievement Series: Fueling Social Programs with Winning Content

Fueling Social Programs with Winning Content Spredfast Achievement Series


Courtney DomanSocial Media Specialist Spredfast@cjdoman@spredfast

Connie Chan WangSocial Media Strategist LinkedIn@cheesycons@LinkedIn

Taulbee JacksonCEORaidious@taulbee@raidious

Today’s Presenters



“There is a content surplus and an attention deficit in the minds of consumers today.”

- @britopian

“High-quality web content that's useful, usable, and enjoyable is one of the greatest competitive advantages you can create for yourself online.” - @halvorson

“Content is fire. Social media is gasoline.” - @jaybaer



Who Contributes Content?

Employees across the organization• Leadership• Business units• Locations

Industry partners and peers

Customers• Ratings and reviews• User Generated Content


Ratings and Reviews



User Generated Content

User Generated Content



What Makes Content Compelling?




Know your Audience

Inform Them

Motivate them to act

Make them laugh, make them cry

Building Blocks of Great Social Content


K.I.S.S.Share this Stat!

73% share content to

connect with others who share




The Social Business Textbook

A Framework for Great Content







Leverage real-time relevancy.


Take some chances.


There are no boring topics.


Know your audience.


Know your audience’s culture.



Know popular culture.


Show the story, don’t just tell it.


Think big.


Super Bowl XLVI Social Media Command Center

aka Raidious Control Real Time Brand News Room

Know why you’re doing this.


57,000+ new followers

35% increase in reach

1,211% increase in engagement

Responded to over 100 different real time situations.

Share of Voice parity with Target

Sentiment 81% Favorable

Best Black Friday in the history of the company.

Exceeded analyst expectations with earnings of $1.67 per share on profits of $1.27 Billion.


300k estimated impressions,

1800 confirmed mentions on twitter

47% positive sentiment (1% negative)

Local press

National press

Drove thought leadership reputation


Reach is up +36,000 in a year

50% increase in engagement

Email open rates up 12%

Email CTR up 13%.


25% increase in visits122% increase in page views45% decrease in bounce rate

Referrals from LinkedIn:Up 497%, #1 non-search referrer

Referrals from Facebook:Up 391%, #5 non-search referrer

Referrals from Twitter:Up 211%, #7 non-search referrer

Online leads, 2011: 15Online Leads, 2012: 6,625


Increased total audience from 100,000 to 1,500,000+.

Comp store sales up 5.5%.

Online sales increased 60.1%.

Engagement increased from 35 (Feb) to over 70,000 (Jul).

CEO credited social / content for sales increases.


Grew audience from 315 to over 49,000 in 12 months without any paid media or PR support.

2,000,000+ amplified impressions in 1st 6 months.

Total value: over $3.2 Million.

Delivered over 64 million impressions in two weeks.

Positive sentiment ratio of 3.6:1

Over $200 Million in media exposure, just for the “social media command center” coverage.

At kickoff, our Klout score exceeded the NFL’s regarding the Super Bowl.


#Winning Social Content

Connie Chan Wang Social Media Strategist at LinkedIn


Social media is not an island


LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network

1 As of June 27, 20132 As of March 31, 2013

225M+Members Worldwide

Growing at more than two members per second >3M



Company Pages

Fortune 100 companies use LinkedIn Talent Solutions to hire



LinkedIn’s Vision.Create economic opportunity for every professional in the world


LinkedIn’s Mission.Connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful


We’re a part of professional conversations wherever they’re happening


Our Social team is evolving into an internal agency


5 steps to creating winning content

1. What’s your story? Define audience and goals.

2. What content is most engaging for this audience?

3. Which distribution channels should we leverage to reach our audience?

4. How do we measure success based on goals?

5. Can we extend this content?


Case Study: Best LinkedIn Company Pages


Goal: Encourage administrators to engage more with their LinkedIn Company Pages


Crowdsourced content


Created “Top 12 LinkedIn Company Pages of 2012” Slideshare


Distributed content via all relevant channels


Winning results

10% increase in LinkedIn Company Page administrators posting status updates

535k Views on Slideshare, continues to be most viewed deck on our channel


Next Play


Case Study: Most InDemand Employers


Goal: Use LinkedIn data to help members & recruiters


Created Top 10 Most InDemand Tech Startups


Distributed content via all relevant channels


Winning early results


Next Play


Social media is not an island


Let’s keep talking!



Courtney Doman@cjdoman@spredfast

Connie Chan Wang@cheesycons@LinkedIn

Taulbee Jackson@taulbee@raidious


Slides from today’s presentation can be found at
