Accounting For A Better Body Answers

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Accounting For A Better Body Answers

Nutritional and Fitness Challenge


1. ANSWER is ( C ): 60-100/minute

The average person, aged 10 years and

older, should have a resting pulse rate between 60-100 beats/minute.

2. ANSWER IS ( B ): Body Mass Index

BMI, body mass index, provides a reliable indicator of body fat level for most people and is used to screen for weight-related health problems.

3. ANSWER IS ( B ): 60 minutes You should do 60 minutes of exercise a

day to prevent weight gain, and more if you are trying to lose weight.

4. ANSWER IS ( C ): 500 1 pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories,

so a daily reduction of 500 calories should result in 1 pound per week fat loss.

5. ANSWER IS ( A ): Breakfast The brain needs glucose to function. By

not eating breakfast, the body has to work harder to break down and store carbohydrates or turn fat or protein into a usable form for the brain to function.

6. ANSWER IS ( C ): Cholesterol Vegetables are an important source of

many nutrients, including potassium, dietary fiber, folate (folic acid), vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C. Interestingly, no foods from plant sources contain cholesterol.

7. ANSWER IS ( A ): Strolling the grocery aisle

Aerobic activities speed up the heart rate. Breathing improves heart and lung fitness, which is the reason we walked this morning.

8. ANSWER IS ( C ): Fat Carbohydrates and proteins contain 4

kilocalories per gram while fats contain 9 kilocalories and alcohol contains 7 kilocalories per gram.

9. ANSWER IS ( C ): 10 minutes The stomach needs 10 minutes to signal

the brain that it’s full. The suggestion is to wait 10 minutes before going for a second helping.

10. ANSWER IS ( B ): Indigestible part of a plant

Fiber is the indigestible component of plants. There are two types of fiber: insoluble, which helps food pass through your digestive system and soluble, which helps eliminate fat and lower cholesterol.

11. ANSWER IS ( A ): Yes The talk test is a good method of

measuring intensity level. At a light intensity level, you should be able to sing while doing the activity. At a moderate intensity level, you should be able to carry on a conversation comfortably. If you are too out of breath to carry on a conversation, the activity is vigorous.

12. ANSWER IS ( D ): Bicycling more than 10 mph

Bicycling more than 10 mph is a vigorous-intensity activity. The intensity of physical activity is typically categorized as light, moderate, or vigorous based on the amount of energy a person uses during the activity.

13. Answer is ( D): All of the above Weight-bearing physical activity is any

activity in which the body works against gravity, so the feet, legs, or arms are supporting or carrying the body’s weight. Jogging, walking, stair climbing, dancing, and soccer are examples of weight-bearing physical activities.

14. Answer is ( B ): No For peak flavor, fresh produce in season

may be best; but frozen or canned (without salt or heavy syrup) vegetables can be as healthy and tasty as locally grown produce.

15. Answer is ( B ): Dairy Dairy foods are the best food source of

dietary calcium. They also have plenty of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

16. Answer is ( D ): All of the above Dark, leafy greens are one of the best

disease-fighting foods and include spinach, kale, and bok choy and dark lettuces. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, beta-carotene, vitamin C, folate, iron, magnesium, carotenoids, photochemical, and antioxidants.

17. Answer is ( C ): Meats Meat contains more saturated fat, which

consists of saturated fatty acids and maintains a solid consistency at room temperature. Common sources of saturated fats are meats and dairy products such as egg, milk, butter, and cheese.

18. Answer is ( A ): Unrefined grains Grains that have not been refined are

called whole grains. Whole grains are usually better sources of fiber and other important nutrients than refined grains.

19. Answer is ( A ): Jelly beans Dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids

include fish oil and certain plants and nut oils. Omega-3 fatty acids help lower triglycerides, reduces the risk of heart attack and strokes, slow the buildup of atherosclerotic plaques and can help lower blood pressure.

20. Answer is ( A ): Slowly To avoid soreness and injury, people

who have not been regularly active should start out slowly, incorporating even a few minutes of increased activity into their day, and gradually build.