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Transcript of AccidenttInvestigationNo.2

  • 8/10/2019 AccidenttInvestigationNo.2




  • 8/10/2019 AccidenttInvestigationNo.2


    The Five Stages of anAccident Investigation


    Gathering information

    Analyzing information

    Identifying risk control

    measures Action planning andimplementing

  • 8/10/2019 AccidenttInvestigationNo.2


  • 8/10/2019 AccidenttInvestigationNo.2


    What should I know whenmaking the analysis and

    conclusions? At this stage of the inestigation most ofthe facts a"out what happened and howit happened should "e known# $his has

    taken considera"le e%ort to accomplish"ut it represents only the &rst half of theo"jectie# 'ow comes the key uestionwhy did it happen* $o preentrecurrences of similar accidents+ theinestigators must &nd all possi"leanswers to this uestion#

  • 8/10/2019 AccidenttInvestigationNo.2


    What should I know whenmaking the analysis and

    conclusions? ,ou hae kept an open mind to all

    possi"ilities and looked for all pertinent

    facts# $here may still "e gaps in yourunderstanding of the seuence of eentsthat resulted in the accident# ,ou mayneed to reinteriew some witnesses to

    &ll these gaps in your knowledge#

  • 8/10/2019 AccidenttInvestigationNo.2


    What should I know whenmaking the analysis and

    conclusions? -hen your analysis is complete+ write downa step"ystep account of what happened(your conclusions) working "ack from themoment of the accident+ listing all possi"le

    causes at each step# $his is not e.tra work/it is a draft for part of the &nal report# Eachconclusion should "e checked to see if/

    it is supported "y eidence

    the eidence is direct (physical ordocumentary) or "ased on eyewitnessaccounts+ or

    $he eidence is "ased on assumption#

  • 8/10/2019 AccidenttInvestigationNo.2


    Why shouldrecommendations be

    made? $he most important &nal step is tocome up with a set of wellconsideredrecommendations designed to preent

    recurrences of similar accidents# 0nceyou are knowledgea"le a"out thework processes inoled and the

    oerall situation in your organization+it should not "e too di1cult to comeup with realistic recommendations#

  • 8/10/2019 AccidenttInvestigationNo.2



    should"e speci&c

    "e constructieget at root causes

    identify contri"uting factors

  • 8/10/2019 AccidenttInvestigationNo.2


    'eer make recommendations a"outdisciplining a person or persons who may

    hae "een at fault# $his would not only "ecounter to the real purpose of theinestigation+ "ut it would jeopardize thechances for a free 2ow of information in

    future accident inestigations# In the unlikely eent that you hae not

    "een a"le to determine the causes of anaccident with any certainty+ you pro"a"ly

    still hae uncoered safety weaknesses inthe operation# It is appropriate thatrecommendations "e made to correctthese de&ciencies#

  • 8/10/2019 AccidenttInvestigationNo.2


    How should follow!u"

    be handled?

    3anagement is responsi"le for

    acting on the recommendations inthe accident inestigation report#

    $he health and safety committee+ if

    you hae one+ can monitor theprogress of these actions#