Acceptly LSM

Post on 27-Jan-2015

117 views 4 download




Transcript of Acceptly LSM

Problem: Users sign up, claim to love it....

...but don’t return. Why?..

Pre LSM- riskiest assumptions1) Sticky lead gen w/ US students is better than paid model for international students.

2) US high school students are looking for assistance getting into college.

3) US high school students view college prep as a process.

4) Students will proactively engage in that process.

Pre LSM- riskiest assumptions1) Sticky lead gen w/ US students is better than paid model for international students. (tested with landing page paid offer)

2) US high school students are looking for assistance getting into college. (tested with user interviews)

3) US high school students view college prep as a process. (tested with user interviews)

4) Students will proactively engage in that process. (tested with user interviews)

Customer InterviewsImpact

1) Huge variation in intention w/ International students (US students have more shared experience/intention)

2) (However) US students do not view college prep as a “process” but rather as a flood of stuff that needs to get done

3) Big interests: (a) picking the “right” school; (b) gaining an advantage in admissions; (c) not forgetting important things; (d) figuring out financial piece

4) Students procrastinate and are busy/lazy

5) Strong demand for email alerts

Learnings re: riskiest assumptions1) Sticky lead gen w/ US students is better than paid model for international students. (validated)

2) US high school students are looking for assistance getting into college. (validated)

3) US high school students view college prep as a process. (invalidated)

4) Students will proactively engage in that process. (invalidated)

Application of learnings:

1) Repositioning of product value proposition to:“Acceptly makes sure you don’t miss anything needed to get accepted at your dream school.”

2) Engagement strategy: frequent emails combining: a) alerts of upcoming deadlines / critical tasks b) engaging content around tips for gaining an edge in admissions