Acceptance testing plone sites and add ons with robot framework and selenium

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Acceptance tests are high-level tests to verify the completeness of user stories (end user features) for a developed product. It is said that while lower level unit and integration tests confirm that the product has been made right, only the acceptance tests confirm that the product actually does the right thing. Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development. The key feature of Robot Framework is its extensible test syntax, which allows to write tests in a business-readable domain-specific language, including BDD (behavior driven development) style for executable acceptance criteria. Selenium is a browser automation framework. It allows to use real browsers in acceptance testing so that all effects of CSS and JavaScript taken into account, including possible differences between different browsers. This talk walks through alternative ways for using Robot Framework and Selenium to perform acceptance testing, including * testing live sites (readonly) * testing sandboxed Plone sites with live data (beforestorage + demostorage) * testing sandboxed Plone add-ons ( + * testing Sphinx documentation (while generating screenshots)

Transcript of Acceptance testing plone sites and add ons with robot framework and selenium

Acceptance testing!Plone sites and add-ons with Robot Framework!

and Selenium

Asko Soukka, University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Hello!+ Asko SoukkaTwitter: @datakurre IRC: datakurreEmail: Web:

+ Software developer at University of Jyväskylä Finland

+ Plone Foundation Member

MenuTerminology!+ Acceptance testing + Robot framework + Selenium !Acceptance testing Plone!+ Just do it with a live instance + Do it safely with a dedicated instance + Do it correctly in a p.a.testing sandbox + Do it with while writing your

documentation with screenshots !

Acceptance testing

Functional testing of user stories!!!

Scenario: As an editor I can translate a document Given a site owner and a document in English When I translate the document into Catalan Then I can view the document in Catalan


Unit tests !!


Integration tests !

Acceptance tests

Robot Framework!Keyword driven testing in your own domain specific language!!Extend with Python, Java or XML-RPC

$ pip install robotframework $ pybot —-help $ pybot my_test_suite.robot

Robot Framework*** Settings *** !Library string WITH NAME string !*** Test Cases *** !Convert string to uppercase ${value} = string.upper twist and shout! Should be equal ${value} TWIST AND SHOUT!

!*** Settings *** !Library ... Resource ... !*** Variables *** ${NAME} value!*** Test Cases *** Scenario title Some keyword argument ${NAME} !*** Keywords *** !Some keyword [Arguments] ${arg1} ${arg2} Another keyword ${arg1} ${arg2} !!



Browser automation framework!!

All browser and service logos and trademarks on this slide are property of their respective owners.


$ pip install robotframework-selenium2library $ pybot —-help $ pybot my_selenium_test_suite.robot

Selenium2 (WebDriver) keywords!for Robot Framework!

Selenium2Library*** Settings *** !Library Selenium2Library !*** Test Cases *** !Front-page should contain search box Open browser Element should be visible ... css=form[name='searchform'] input [Teardown] Close all browsers


Testing Plone with live data[buildout] parts += testinstance![testinstance] recipe = plone.recipe.zope2instance ...eggs = ... zc.beforestorage Products.PrintingMailHost ... before-storage = now demo-storage = true shared-blob = false

Testing Plone add-ons*** Settings *** !Resource plone/app/robotframework/selenium.robot Library Remote ${PLONE_URL}/RobotRemote !*** Test Cases *** !Scenario: Powered by Plone remains visible Open test browser Go to ${PLONE_URL} Page should contain Powered by Plone [Teardown] Close all browsers

Testing Plone add-onsimport unittest !import robotsuite from myproduct.testing import MYPRODUCT_ROBOT_TESTING from plone.testing import layered !!def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTests([layered( robotsuite.RobotTestSuite(’test_hello.robot'), layer=MYPRODUCT_ROBOT_TESTING)]) return suite

Testing Plone add-onsfrom plone.testing import z2 from import FunctionalTesting from import \ REMOTE_LIBRARY_BUNDLE_FIXTURE !MYPRODUCT_ROBOT_TESTING = FunctionalTesting( bases=(MYPRODUCT_FIXTURE, REMOTE_LIBRARY_BUNDLE_FIXTURE, z2.ZSERVER_FIXTURE), name="MyProduct:Robot")

Testing Plone add-onsfrom plone.testing import z2 from import FunctionalTesting from import \ REMOTE_LIBRARY_BUNDLE_FIXTURE !MYPRODUCT_ROBOT_TESTING = FunctionalTesting( bases=(MYPRODUCT_FIXTURE, REMOTE_LIBRARY_BUNDLE_FIXTURE, z2.ZSERVER_FIXTURE), name="MyProduct:Robot")

Testing Plone add-ons

extras_require={ 'test': [ ... '', ], },

To BDD or not to…...Scenario: As an editor I can translate a document Given a site owner and a document in English When I translate the document into Catalan Then I can view the document in Catalan !*** Keywords ***

! A site owner Enable autologin as Site Administrator ...

Testing Plone with live data!eggs = ... collective.monkeypatcher ... zcml-additional = <configure xmlns="" xmlns:monkey=""> <include package="collective.monkeypatcher" /> <monkey:patch description="Enable Robot Framework remote library" class="Products.CMFPlone.Portal.PloneSite" original="RobotRemote" replacement="" ignoreOriginal="true" /> </configure>


Sphinx integrationextensions = ['sphinxcontrib_robotframework']

.. code:: robotframework ! *** Settings *** ! Library string WITH NAME string ! *** Test Cases *** ! Convert string to uppercase ...

$ pip install Sphinx $ pip install sphinxcontrib-robotframework $ pip install robotframework-selenium2library

.. figure:: ploneconf.png .. code:: robotframework ! *** Settings *** ! Library Selenium2Library ! *** Test Cases *** ! Show Plone Conference 2014 website Open browser Capture page screenshot ploneconf.png [Teardown] Close all browsers

!.. figure:: portal-footer.png.. code:: robotframework ! *** Settings *** ! Resource plone/app/robotframework/server.robot Resource Selenium2Screenshots/keywords.robot ! *** Test Cases *** ! Scenario: Powered by Plone remains visible Setup Plone site ... Go to ${PLONE_URL} Page should contain Powered by Plone Capture and crop page screenshot ... portal-footer.png id=portal-footer [Teardown] Run keywords ... Tear down Plone site ... Close all browsers !

More+ Robot Framework

+ Selenium2Library (for Robot Framework)

+ Overview of Plone-related Robot ecosystem