Accent and dialect in TEFL

Post on 05-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Accent and dialect in TEFL

Accent and Dialect in TEFL

Use of Standard English in the TEFL Classroom

Standard English is what is considered as the most widely used dialect. Standard English is frequently used on television and radio and

shares a number of agreed rules that are recognised worldwide.

The widespread use of Standard English avoids confusion, making it an effective and universal mode of communication. It is this

form of English that should be encouraged by teachers in the language classroom.

Standard English, can of course, be spoken with any number of regional accents.

An accent describes the way people from different areas, social grouping or different

English speaking countries pronounce words.

Dialects can be described as the differences in words and grammar that are used in a

particular region of a country that a person comes from.

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