ACCELERATED SUCCESS MEANINGFUL COLLABORATION … · 2018-06-29 · Develop an employer guarantee on...

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Transcript of ACCELERATED SUCCESS MEANINGFUL COLLABORATION … · 2018-06-29 · Develop an employer guarantee on...



Georgian College | 2018-19 Business Plan 1


Georgian’s 2018-19 Business Plan continues to build on the four priorities of our 2016-21

Strategic Planaccelerated success, meaningful collaboration, inspired innovation and strong

foundationswhich serve as our guide to institutional planning, decision-making and actions. The plan articulates specific actions the college will undertake over the course of the year, such as expanded pathways for every diploma program, our new employer guarantee, an alumni engagement strategy, the completion of the Advanced Technology, Innovation and Research Centre at the Barrie Campus and the growth of Georgian as an Ashoka U designated changemaker college. The Business Plan uses the following categories to address the information requirements specified in the ministry’s operating procedure:

Strategies: The objectives to be achieved.

2018-19 actions: The major actions we will take during the year to achieve those strategies.

Success measures: The outcomes we expect to achieve.

Significant factors outside the control of the college that could potentially affect the achievement of its outcomes include:

Enrolment challenges, the decline of the traditional direct entry college cohort and increased competition: The number of traditional college-age domestic students is declining throughout most of Ontario, resulting in enrolment challenges and a potential loss of tuition for all postsecondary institutions. This forces increased competition amongst the Ontario postsecondary system to attract students, both within the shrinking traditional market and the increasing international and university graduate market, which in turn creates revenue uncertainty from changing marketing strategies and student services, among other practices. This risk is being mitigated through aggressive growth in the number of international students, which in itself is an area of risk due to any changes in the political landscape, visa approval rates and/or work permits.

Increasing financial pressures: Bill 148 legislation imposes a significant financial impact on the college. In addition to compensation expenditures, there are increased costs associated with information technology systems enhancements as well as increased administrative workload in Human Resources. Further, the unionization of part-time employees will lead to increased costs due to collective agreement obligations. Additionally, the loss of funding previously acquired through the Small, Northern and

Georgian College | 2018-19 Business Plan 2

Rural Grant will continue to impact the college financially, as these funds had assisted Georgian in maintaining a number of campus operations across our large, predominantly rural catchment area. Finally, securing and protecting the college against the constant and growing threat of increasingly sophisticated cyber crime as well as other types of campus crime will continue to require funding to keep up with the complexity of technology.

Deferred maintenance: Deferred maintenance has climbed across the college sector. Georgian estimates its deferred maintenance to be more than $40 million. Over time, the effects of deferred maintenance can potentially disrupt learning, discourage prospective students, expose the college to liability issues and cause health issues that result in absenteeism among employees and students. Further, students’ and employees’ dissatisfaction with the deteriorating facilities and resources they use while at the college can also impact negatively on the college’s Key Performance Indicator Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey scores as well as the Employee Engagement Survey results, respectively.

Ontario General Election: The Ontario general election will be held on June 7, 2018. A change from the current majority Liberal government could potentially result in different government priorities and policies, thereby altering the college’s focus as well.

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Our mission.

Inspire innovation, transform lives and connect communities through the power of education.

Our vision.

Accelerate success through exceptional learning, innovation and partnerships.

Our values.

Excellence. Community engagement. Integrity. Inclusion. Sustainability.

Georgian College | 2018-19 Business Plan 4

OUR 2018-19 PLAN



Quality market-driven programs.


Create degree pathways in every diploma program.

Offer relevant curriculum for in-demand jobs.

Use program assessment process to drive program sustainability.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures A1. Map all remaining diploma to degree pathways and validate in academic area. A2. Train stakeholders on the use and functionality of Courseleaf’s CiM (curriculum) and CAT (catalogue) software. Prepare for the pending Ontario College Quality Assurance Service (OCQAS) audit. A3. Develop a checklist for program modification/suspension/closure decision making. Analyze program clusters in combination with corridor enrolment funding.

All programs mapped and validated. CiM and CAT fully implemented; supporting audit documentation complete. Checklist developed. Programs with quality, financial or sustainability issues identified and action plans developed to modify or suspend future program intakes.

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Experiential learning and employer guarantee.


Expand experiential learning opportunities in every program and offer a wide range of co-curricular activities to ensure students have the skills and capabilities to succeed.

Develop an employer guarantee on student job readiness.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures A4. Refine experiential learning definitions. Automate tracking of experiential learning across the college through the Orbis system. Expand international and Indigenous student experiential learning opportunities.

Common institutional experiential learning definitions in place. Technological solution in place to track and report experiential learning. Increased international and Indigenous student experiential opportunities completed.


Effective student supports and services.


Streamline delivery of student services through a unified online portal.

Provide integrated student support through holistic advising.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures A5. Assess full holistic advising annual cycle to interpret how results inform practice and to identify necessary changes to the model. Implement Holistic Advising Research Plan. A6. Use predictive analytics to demonstrate strategies for increased student success, retention and graduation rate. Identify roles regarding student intervention strategy. A7. Establish a Well-Being Committee and develop a coordinated holistic approach to support the mental and physical well-being of students and employees.

Assessment report completed; key action items identified to improve program success. Survey results and student academic success analysis used to evaluate effectiveness of holistic advising model. Strategies and accountabilities in place; roles regarding student interventions established. Committee established. Existing resources, services, initiatives and programs reviewed and gaps identified.

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Internationalized Georgian community.


Enhance cultural awareness and support greater international exchange and study abroad opportunities.

Expand and better integrate supports for international students.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures A8. Promote awareness of international opportunities through the Go Abroad Squad. Implement social innovation summer abroad experience in collaboration with the Georgian College Students’ Association (GCSA). Establish two new exchange opportunities for students with current and new strategic partners. A9. Establish student projects/events/volunteer skill development opportunities with VIA, including a summer exchange program. A10. Use Cambridge Michigan Language Assessments (CaMLA) for English language placement testing in-house and abroad. Define additional English language testing opportunities (Test Of English for International Communication

TOEIC® test dates) for entrance into postsecondary vocational programs. Move English for Academic Purposes (EAP) lab activity into classroom-based curriculum. Develop lab-based activities as a pilot to support college-wide development of writing and communication skills primarily for international students. Pilot offering EAP expertise for faculty across college to support success of international students in all courses. A11. Increase/explore off-shore international partnerships and revenue generating opportunities.

New students/alumni added to Go Abroad Squad. Students interested in studying abroad identified. Eight promotional activities launched to encourage students to apply for exchange opportunities. At least two new partnerships developed for the purpose of creating exchange and study abroad opportunities. Opportunities in place with VIA. CaMLA testing used for English language placement testing. Testing opportunities defined. EAP lab activity moved into classroom curriculum. Outcomes of pilot for EAP lab activities and EAP faculty support reviewed; next steps determined. Opportunities identified and explored; business case analysis completed and operationalized where feasible. Revenue realized in alignment with approved business cases.

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Enhanced Indigenization


Enhance curriculum to reflect Indigenous culture and traditions.

Enrich the college community by engaging in Indigenous knowledge sharing.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures A12. Incorporate Indigenization learning objectives in all Liberal Arts General Education courses. Offer professional development for faculty on incorporating Indigenous culture in their courses. A13. Offer a minimum of 30 Indigenous knowledge-sharing sessions across the college. Keep the Indigenous Education Protocol at the centre of our activities. Create new community partnerships with a college department outside Indigenous Services.

Indigenous learning objectives incorporated in all Liberal Arts General Education courses. Professional development sessions for faculty delivered. At least 30 Indigenous knowledge-sharing sessions held. At least one new community partnership created with a college department outside Indigenous Services.

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Strong community and industry connections.


Proactively engage partners through well-established connections using our Community Engagement and Partner Relationship Management Committees.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures M1. Expand research activities with at least 50 existing or new research partners. Engage at least one new corporate client in a comprehensive partnership; engage at least five partners in training. M2. Develop an alumni engagement plan with defined and measureable outcomes.

At least 50 partners engaged in applied research projects. One or more additional partner engaged in a comprehensive partnership with Georgian, with a focus on gift giving, research and corporate training. Training commitments/engagements successfully completed with five partners. Alumni engagement plan developed; measureable results reported.


Progressive degree delivery.


Develop a comprehensive degree strategy for central Ontario including Georgian degrees, integrated degree-diplomas and partner degrees.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures M3. Prepare at least two new Lakehead-Georgian degrees for launch in 2019-20. M4. Develop one Georgian degree for launch in 2020-21. M5. Obtain Ministry consent to continue use of the term “university” in conjunction with the University Partnership Centre. Pursue ITAL status for the University Partnership Centre pending outcome of the Ministry review of polytechnic institutions.

Two or more new Lakehead-Georgian degrees ready for launch in 2019-20. Degree on schedule for launch in 2020-21. Consent for the University Partnership Centre and/or ITAL status obtained.

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Learning for life.


Expand and evolve program offerings in response to shifting demands and demographics.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures M6. Secure 15 additional corporate training clients and increase the number of returning clients by five. M7. Develop marketing strategies that target non-direct students and promote programs and courses that offer flexible delivery options. M8. Launch four new part-time non-credit courses and an additional three new courses for seniors with a focus on meeting market and community needs.

New corporate training clients secured; existing clients engaged in additional training. Enrolment data and marketing strategies assessed for programs and courses that offer flexible delivery options. At least four new part-time non-credit courses and three new courses for seniors launched. 80% of part-time non-credit courses operating at a 40% margin as a measure of alignment with community demands.

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Entrepreneurship and social innovation.


Graduate students with the skills and mindset to be innovative thinkers and change makers.

Foster growth and development of businesses and social enterprises to build the regional economy and address community-based issues.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures I1. In alignment with the Ashoka designation, scale social enterprise activity throughout the region by establishing new partnership networks within the campus communities. Build awareness and reputation by leveraging that Georgian is Canada’s first and only Changemaker college by implementing the communications plan through storytelling, key messages and promotional materials. I2. Build awareness and participation in eCo-op across the college with 10 students participating in eCo-op in each of the 3 terms. Identify and implement funding mechanism to support eCo-op Scholarships. I3. Promote the Henry Bernick Entrepreneurship Centre (HBEC) on the Orillia campus. Deliver entrepreneurship events for students at our various campuses and Lakehead. Expand Prince’s Operation Entrepreneur (POE) connections to agencies outside Georgian. Develop new options for entrepreneurial training for Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden.

Seven social enterprise networks established. Changemaker messaging embedded in Georgian communication materials. Thirty students enrolled in eCo-op over the year. Funding program to entice the best students to participate in greater numbers identified and implemented. Minimum four awareness events and four programs/events held at the Orillia campus. Twelve Maker Night events delivered. One significant event/program delivered impacting 30 students. POE promoted to outside agencies. New entrepreneurial training options developed for CFB Borden.

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Enriched learning through meaningful research and scholarship.


Foster a culture of research, scholarship and collegiality that connects students, employees and the community.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures I4. Implement optimal mechanism to capture research, scholarship and innovation activities. I5. Engage faculty in formalized professional development activities to further develop applied research capabilities/capacity. I6. Deliver 10 applied research lunch-and-learn sessions and knowledge-sharing opportunities. I7. Deliver the third annual Research, Innovation and Scholarship Day; plan the fourth.

Optimal tool for capturing research, innovation activities for key research areas and degree programs implemented. One significant applied research professional development activity conducted with faculty. At least 10 lunch-and-learn and/or knowledge-sharing events held. Research, Innovation and Scholarship Day successfully delivered.


Flexible and technology-enabled learning.


Expand technology-enabled learning options including online learning, compressed and hybrid courses, and better integration of full-time and part-time studies to maximize learning choices.

Empower faculty to select and use a variety of pedagogically appropriate technologies in the classroom to promote student engagement, communication and assessment.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures I8. Increase the number of online and hybrid offerings by 5%. I9. Complete technology-enabled mobile (iPad) strategy pilot in Hospitality and Tourism. Analyze data regarding proficiency of faculty in technology use to determine whether to broaden the roll out of this technology in other academic areas.

Technology-enabled learning options increased by 5%. Pilot program completed; metrics gathered and assessed.

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Exceptional people.


Value and invest in our faculty, support staff and administrators to support teaching excellence, deliver quality services and provide extraordinary experiences for our students.

Enhance opportunities for professional development in building excellence in teaching practice.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures S1. Implement succession planning model to meet the future needs of the organization. S2. Develop a college-wide employee engagement strategy supported by an employee engagement committee. S3. Enhance promotion of professional development opportunities for faculty. Increase opportunities for completing the teaching practice credential online.

Successors identified for critical positions and career action plans developed. College-wide employee engagement strategy shared with the college community; commitments initiated. Revised faculty professional development communication plan implemented. Increased number of participants in teaching practice credential.


Financial sustainability.


Streamline our business processes to ensure long-term financial and operational health.

Renew campus facilities to ensure they are modernized and updated.

Enhance the Power of Education campaign for funding projects aligned with strategic priorities.

Continue focused recruitment and marketing activities.

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2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures S4. Review each campus to determine the right balance of international and domestic students as well as the program mix in alignment with community/industry needs, the corridor funding model and ministry grants. S5. Introduce business intelligence tools to provide greater transparency and enhanced reporting for budget holders to make more informed decisions. S6. Prepare to host a multi-college symposium in April 2019 on the sustainability of higher education institutions in small town communities for expanded economic development. S7. Establish multi-year plan to address sustainability issues and infrastructure investments. S8. Implement projects to support the Greenhouse Gas Retrofit Program, enable the energy storage system partnership with Alectra/Amp, enhance the Georgian College Student Association space in Barrie and Orillia, and increase the number of Bring Your Own Device classrooms. S9. Advanced Technology, Innovation and Research Centre (ATIRC) available to faculty and students by August 31, 2018. S10. Complete fundraising for Advanced Technology, Innovation and Research Centre (ATIRC). Complete Phase 2 of Power of Education Campaign. Identify new strategic funding priorities. S11. Complete implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) system; phase in utilization.

Reviews completed with specific recommendations regarding student and program mix. Business intelligence tools in use. All plans in place to host the conference. A written report will be submitted to MAESD following the symposium which will inform ongoing financial sustainability and SMA3 discussions. Multi-year plan established. Projects implemented. ATIRC available to faculty and students by August 31, 2018. Sufficient funds raised to complete ATIRC. New strategic funding priorities identified. CRM system implemented and new campaigns developed.

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Environmental responsibility.


Build on Georgian's strong record of sustainability by raising awareness on environmental issues and promoting energy efficiency in our operations.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures S12. Develop a comprehensive college-wide sustainability plan promoting environmental, social, economic and educational synergies.

Comprehensive sustainability plan in place.


Operational excellence.


Continually improve our programs, services and operations to ensure maximum value is delivered.

2018-19 Actions 2018-19 Success measures S13. Complete eight service area process reviews. S14. Implement new gateless parking system at the Barrie campus by Fall 2018. S15. Automate issuance of all employee contracts. Identify and streamline two additional paper-based processes through system enhancements. S16. Develop comprehensive plan with strategies to ensure compliance with the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act and to mitigate risk.

Process reviews completed with resulting savings in process steps and hours documented. New parking system fully operational with reduced investments and complaints from students and employees. Paper-based contracts eliminated for all employment contracts. Two additional administrative processes streamlined. Review and assessment of Georgian’s approach for the Equal Pay for Equal Work requirements completed, staffing models assessed and changes implemented as required. HRIS system enhancements implemented to automate changes prescribed under the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act.

Georgian College | 2018-19 Business Plan 15

2018-19 BUDGET

Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development - CFU * Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Formation professionnelle -CFU


C12 - Georgian (0112)

Version: College Final

Scenario/Scénario: Budget

Fiscal Year/Année Fiscale: 2018-19

GRE Balance ($) Third Party ($) Total Balance ($)

41110 - Grant revenue Operating (85,831,200.00) (85,831,200.00)

41120 - Grant revenue Capital (1,300,000.00) (1,300,000.00)

41130 - Recognition of Deferred Revenue and Restricted Funds

(2,228,700.00) (2,228,700.00)

411 - Grant Revenue (89,359,900.00) (89,359,900.00)

41210 - Grant Revenue received for Other Institutions

41220 - Grant Revenue paid to Other Institutions (Contra Revenue)

41250 - DCC/DR/E and RC - Non-Revenue Adjustments

41260 - DCC/DR/E and RC - Non-Revenue Adjustments - Offset

412 - Flow Through Grants

41310 - Provincial Operating Grants - Repayment of Prior Year

41320 - Provincial Capital Grants - Repayment of Prior Year

413 - Provincial Grants Repayment of Prior Year

41410 - Amortization of Deferred Capital Contributions (8,848,100.00) (8,848,100.00)

414 - Amortization of Deferred Capital Contributions (8,848,100.00) (8,848,100.00)

41 - Grant Revenue (98,208,000.00) (98,208,000.00)

43110 - Tuition - Regulated - Full Time (20,501,200.00) (20,501,200.00)

43120 - Tuition - Regulated - Tuition Short

43130 - Tuition - Regulated - Part Time (2,978,600.00) (2,978,600.00)

43140 - Tuition - High Demand - Full Time (15,535,800.00) (15,535,800.00)

43150 - Tuition - High Demand - Part Time (562,200.00) (562,200.00)

431 - Tuition Fee - Regulated (39,577,800.00) (39,577,800.00)

43210 - Tuition - Unfunded Domestic Students - Full Time (240,000.00) (240,000.00)

43220 - Tuition - Unfunded Domestic Students - Part Time (3,799,400.00) (3,799,400.00)

43230 - Tuition - International Students - Full Time (42,340,100.00) (42,340,100.00)

43240 - Tuition - International Students - Part Time (1,383,200.00) (1,383,200.00)

432 - Tuition Fee - Unfunded (47,762,700.00) (47,762,700.00)

43990 - Tuition Fee - Other (1,158,100.00) (1,158,100.00)

439 - Tuition Fee - Other (1,158,100.00) (1,158,100.00)

43 - Tuition Fees (88,498,600.00) (88,498,600.00)

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44910 - Apprenticeship Classroom Fee (340,400.00) (340,400.00)

44990 - Other Non-Tuition Fees (15,204,200.00) (15,204,200.00)

449 - Other Student Fees (15,544,600.00) (15,544,600.00)

44 - Other Student Fees (15,544,600.00) (15,544,600.00)

45110 - Contracted Educational Services - Ontario (2,072,000.00) (2,072,000.00)

45120 - Contracted Educational Services - Other Provinces in Canada

45130 - Contracted Educational Services - International

451 - Contractual Services (2,072,000.00) (2,072,000.00)

45210 - Other Fee-for-service Income - Ontario

45220 - Other Fee-for-service Income - Other Provinces in Canada

45230 - Other Fee-for-service Income - International

452 - Other fee-for-services

45 - Contractual and Other Fee-for-Service (2,072,000.00) (2,072,000.00)

46110 - Ancillary Revenue - Bookstore (6,148,600.00) (6,148,600.00)

46120 - Ancillary Revenue - Residence (4,547,200.00) (4,547,200.00)

46130 - Ancillary Revenue - Parking (3,212,000.00) (3,212,000.00)

46140 - Ancillary Revenue - Food Services (2,361,800.00) (2,361,800.00)

46150 - Ancillary Revenue - Athletic Centre (2,018,100.00) (2,018,100.00)

46160 - Ancillary Revenue - Conference Centre

46170 - Ancillary Revenue - Day Care Operation

46190 - Ancillary Revenue - Other (295,000.00) (295,000.00)

461 - Ancillary Revenue (18,582,700.00) (18,582,700.00)

46 - Ancillary Revenue (18,582,700.00) (18,582,700.00)

49180 - Reimbursement of Current Year Expenses

49190 - Recovery of Prior Year Expenses

491 - Reimbursement of Expenses

49210 - Cash Donations (158,200.00) (158,200.00)

49220 - Donations in Kind

492 - Donations (158,200.00) (158,200.00)

49310 - Proceeds from Sale of TCA

49320 - Cost of TCA Sold 5,615,100.00 5,615,100.00

49330 - Accumulated Amortization of TCA Sold (5,615,100.00) (5,615,100.00)

493 - Gain/Loss on Sale of Assets 0.00 0.00

49410 - Gain/Loss on Sale of Inventory

494 - Gain/Loss on Sale of Inventory and Other Assets

49910 - Rental of College Facilities (556,100.00) (556,100.00)

49920 - Investment Income (483,000.00) (483,000.00)

49930 - Royalties

49940 - Interest Income

49950 - Fines and Penalties

49960 - Sales of Course Products/Services (528,800.00) (528,800.00)

49990 - Miscellaneous Income (4,663,700.00) (4,663,700.00)

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499 - Other Revenue (6,231,600.00) (6,231,600.00)

49 - Other Revenue (6,389,800.00) (6,389,800.00)

4 - REVENUE (229,295,700.00) (229,295,700.00)

51110 - Salaries - Full Time Academic - Professors 28,833,100.00 28,833,100.00

51120 - Salaries - Full Time Academic - Instructors

51130 - Salaries - Full Time Academic - Librarians 221,500.00 221,500.00

51140 - Salaries - Full Time Academic - Counsellors 938,300.00 938,300.00

51150 - Salaries - Partial Load Academic - Professors 16,963,500.00 16,963,500.00

51160 - Salaries - Partial Load Academic - Instructors

511 - Salaries - Full Time and Partial Load Academic 46,956,400.00 46,956,400.00

51210 - Salaries - Sessional Academic - Professors 25,000.00 25,000.00

51220 - Salaries - Sessional Academic - Instructors

51230 - Salaries - Sessional Academic - Librarians 76,100.00 76,100.00

51240 - Salaries - Sessional Academic - Counsellors 22,000.00 22,000.00

51250 - Salaries - Part Time Academic 9,543,600.00 9,543,600.00

512 - Salaries - Part Time and Sessional Academic 9,666,700.00 9,666,700.00

51310 - Salaries - Support - Full Time 26,757,800.00 26,757,800.00

51320 - Salaries - Support - Temp/Replacement Workers 321,100.00 321,100.00

51330 - Salaries - Support - Summer Student Workers 340,600.00 340,600.00

51340 - Salaries - Support - Part Time 9,719,200.00 9,719,200.00

51350 - Salaries - Support - Part Time Students 2,555,100.00 2,555,100.00

513 - Salaries - Support Staff 39,693,800.00 39,693,800.00

51410 - Salaries - Full Time Administrative 14,855,300.00 14,855,300.00

51420 - Salaries - Part Time Administrative 2,061,900.00 2,061,900.00

514 - Salaries - Administrative Staff 16,917,200.00 16,917,200.00

51510 - Other Salary Costs - Full Time Academic - Professors

53,800.00 53,800.00

51520 - Other Salary Costs - Full Time Academic - Instructors

51530 - Other Salary Costs - Full Time Academic - Librarians

51540 - Other Salary Costs - Full Time Academic - Counsellors

51550 - Other Salary Costs - Partial Load Academic - Professors

51560 - Other Salary Costs - Partial Load Academic - Instructors

515 - Other Salary Costs - Full Time and Partial Load Academic

53,800.00 53,800.00

51610 - Other Salary Costs - Sessional Academic - Professors

51620 - Other Salary Costs - Sessional Academic - Instructors

51630 - Other Salary Costs - Sessional Academic - Librarians

51640 - Other Salary Costs - Sessional Academic - Counsellors

51650 - Other Salary Costs - Part Time Academic

516 - Other Salary Costs - Part Time and Sessional Academic

51710 - Other Salary Costs - Support - Full Time 204,900.00 204,900.00

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51720 - Other Salary Costs - Support - Temp/Replacement Workers

51730 - Other Salary Costs - Support - Summer Student Workers

51740 - Other Salary Costs - Support - Part Time

51750 - Other Salary Costs - Support - Part Time Students

517 - Other Salary Costs - Support Staff 204,900.00 204,900.00

51810 - Other Salary Costs - Full Time Administrative

51820 - Other Salary Costs - Part Time Administrative

518 - Other Salary Costs - Administrative Staff

51 - Salaries and Wages 113,492,800.00 113,492,800.00

52110 - Benefits - Full Time Academic - Professors 3,130,900.00 3,130,900.00

52120 - Benefits - Full Time Academic - Instructors

52130 - Benefits - Full Time Academic - Librarians 23,900.00 23,900.00

52140 - Benefits - Full Time Academic - Counsellors 101,200.00 101,200.00

52150 - Benefits - Partial Load Academic - Professors 1,885,200.00 1,885,200.00

52160 - Benefits - Partial Load Academic - Instructors

521 - Benefits - Full Time and Partial Load Academic 5,141,200.00 5,141,200.00

52210 - Benefits - Sessional Academic - Professors 4,500.00 4,500.00

52220 - Benefits - Sessional Academic - Instructors

52230 - Benefits - Sessional Academic - Librarians

52240 - Benefits - Sessional Academic - Counsellors 2,800.00 2,800.00

52250 - Benefits - Part Time Academic 845,000.00 845,000.00

522 - Benefits - Part Time and Sessional Academic 852,300.00 852,300.00

52310 - Benefits - Support - Full Time 4,502,400.00 4,502,400.00

52320 - Benefits - Support - Temp/Replacement Workers 28,000.00 28,000.00

52330 - Benefits - Support - Summer Student Workers 31,800.00 31,800.00

52340 - Benefits - Support - Part Time 895,400.00 895,400.00

52350 - Benefits - Support - Part Time Students 253,500.00 253,500.00

523 - Benefits - Support Staff 5,711,100.00 5,711,100.00

52410 - Benefits - Full Time Administrative 1,522,000.00 1,522,000.00

52420 - Benefits - Part Time Administrative 134,800.00 134,800.00

524 - Benefits - Administrative Staff 1,656,800.00 1,656,800.00

52510 - CAAT Pension - Academic 4,984,600.00 4,984,600.00

52520 - CAAT Pension - Support Staff 3,431,200.00 3,431,200.00

52530 - CAAT Pension - Administrative 2,199,800.00 2,199,800.00

52540 - RCA Pension - Academic

52550 - RCA Pension - Support Staff

52560 - RCA Pension - Administrative

52570 - Other Pension Plan - Academic

52580 - Other Pension Plan - Support Staff

52590 - Other Pension Plan - Administrative

525 - Pension Plans 10,615,600.00 10,615,600.00

52610 - Postemployment and Other Benefits

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52620 - Long Term Disability Benefits

52630 - Compensated Absences - Vested Sick Leave

52640 - Compensated Absences - Non-Vested Sick Leave

52650 - Regular Severance or Termination Benefit Expenses

52660 - Workers` Compensation Benefit Expenses 30,000.00 30,000.00

526 - Postemployment Benefits and Compensated Absences

30,000.00 30,000.00

52 - Employee Benefits 24,007,000.00 24,007,000.00

53110 - Telecommunications and Postage 947,200.00 947,200.00

53120 - Travel 2,095,200.00 2,095,200.00

53130 - Field Work 520,300.00 520,300.00

531 - Transportation and Communication 3,562,700.00 3,562,700.00

53 - Transportation and Communication 3,562,700.00 3,562,700.00

54110 - Advertising and Promotions 3,564,300.00 3,564,300.00

54120 - Legal Fees

54130 - Audit Fees 106,500.00 106,500.00

54140 - Contract Services - Teaching 515,600.00 515,600.00

54150 - Staff Training and Professional Development 1,304,000.00 1,304,000.00

54160 - Professional Fees 1,310,800.00 1,310,800.00

54170 - Contract Services - Security 1,251,200.00 1,251,200.00

54180 - Contract Services - Other 0.00 10,709,500.00 10,709,500.00

541 - Services 0.00 18,761,900.00 18,761,900.00

54210 - Utilities - Electricity 2,644,900.00 2,644,900.00

54220 - Utilities - Other 651,800.00 651,800.00

54230 - Building Maintenance 4,789,400.00 4,789,400.00

54240 - Cleaning Services 2,224,600.00 2,224,600.00

54250 - Equipment Maintenance 84,300.00 84,300.00

54260 - Information Technology Maintenance 3,166,400.00 3,166,400.00

54290 - Other Maintenance 752,600.00 752,600.00

542 - Utilities and Maintenance 14,314,000.00 14,314,000.00

54310 - Rental of Premises/Facilities 882,100.00 882,100.00

54320 - Information Technology Rentals 889,900.00 889,900.00

54390 - Other Furniture/Equipment Rentals 1,374,100.00 1,374,100.00

543 - Rental Expenditures 3,146,100.00 3,146,100.00

54 - Services 0.00 36,222,000.00 36,222,000.00

55110 - Instructional Supplies, Furniture and Equipment 6,041,500.00 6,041,500.00

55120 - Office Supplies 556,000.00 556,000.00

55130 - Information Technology Purchases 820,600.00 820,600.00

55190 - Other Supply and Furniture/Equipment Purchases 1,732,800.00 1,732,800.00

551 - Supplies and Minor Equipment 9,150,900.00 9,150,900.00

55 - Supplies and Minor Equipment 9,150,900.00 9,150,900.00

56110 - Ancillary Expenditures - Bookstore 4,744,200.00 4,744,200.00

56120 - Ancillary Expenditures - Residence 2,418,200.00 2,418,200.00

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56130 - Ancillary Expenditures - Parking 36,100.00 36,100.00

56140 - Ancillary Expenditures - Food Services 707,100.00 707,100.00

56150 - Ancillary Expenditures - Athletic Centre 1,004,800.00 1,004,800.00

56160 - Ancillary Expenditures - Conference Centre

56170 - Ancillary Expenditures - Day Care Operation

56190 - Ancillary Expenditures - Other 214,500.00 214,500.00

561 - Ancillary Expenditures 9,124,900.00 9,124,900.00

56 - Ancillary Services - Expenditures 9,124,900.00 9,124,900.00

57110 - Amortization of Tangible Capital Assets 13,743,279.73 13,743,279.73

571 - Amortization Expense 13,743,279.73 13,743,279.73

57 - Amortization Expense 13,743,279.73 13,743,279.73

59110 - Interest on Capital Leases 0.00 0.00

59120 - Interest Expense - Other 958,800.00 958,800.00

59130 - Interest Expense on Line of Credit 0.00 0.00

59140 - Bank and Other Charges 392,300.00 392,300.00

59150 - Insurance 4,396,000.00 4,396,000.00

59160 - Interest Expense Related to Fee-Supported Debt 139,300.00 139,300.00

591 - Interest and Insurance Expenses 5,886,400.00 5,886,400.00

59410 - Contaminated Sites Expenses

594 - Contaminated Sites Expenses

59910 - Scholarships 1,341,000.00 1,341,000.00

59920 - Student Assistance from Tuition Fee Revenue 3,905,900.00 3,905,900.00

59940 - Bad Debts Written Off 315,000.00 315,000.00

59950 - Municipal Tax 710,000.00 710,000.00

59990 - Other Miscellaneous Expenses 7,413,820.27 7,413,820.27

599 - Other Expenses 13,685,720.27 13,685,720.27

59 - Other Expenditures 19,572,120.27 19,572,120.27

5 - EXPENSES 0.00 228,875,700.00 228,875,700.00

(Surplus)/Deficit (420,000.00)

Georgian College | 2018-19 Business Plan 21

Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development - CFU * Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Formation professionnelle -CFU


C12 - Georgian (0112)

Version: College Final

Scenario/Scénario: Budget

Fiscal Year/Année Fiscale: 2018-19

GRE Balance ($) Third Party ($) Total Balance ($) 11110 - Cash 37,448,700.00 37,448,700.00

11120 - Investments less than 90 Days

11210 - Cash in Trust - Endowments 380,000.00 380,000.00

12110 - Grants Receivable 1,427,800.00 1,427,800.00

12130 - Interest Receivable

12180 - Other Accounts Receivable 3,880,000.00 3,880,000.00

12190 - ADA Other Receivable (350,000.00) (350,000.00)

14101 - Inventory for Sale - OB 2,092,761.97 2,092,761.97

14102 - Inventory for Sale - Additions 6,275,000.00 6,275,000.00

14103 - Inventory for Sale - Sales at Cost (6,275,000.00) (6,275,000.00)

14104 - Inventory for Sale - Valuation Adjustments

14201 - Inventory for Consumption - OB 17,312.31 17,312.31

14202 - Inventory for Consumption - Additions

14203 - Inventory for Consumption - Consumed or Sold

14204 - Inventory for Consumption - Valuation Adjustments

14910 - Current Portion of Loans and Advances Receivable

75,000.00 75,000.00

14920 - Current Portion of Other Long Term Receivables 233,000.00 233,000.00

14930 - Prepaid Expenses 3,186,700.00 3,186,700.00

14940 - Investments Greater than 90 Days and Less than 1 Year

10,140,000.00 10,140,000.00

14947 - Investments Greater than 90 Days and Less than 1 Year - MTM OB (212,793.86) (212,793.86)

14948 - Investments Greater than 90 Days and Less than 1 Year - MTM CY 0.00 0.00

14950 - Current Portion of Student Fee Receivables to Support Debt 680,000.00 680,000.00

14990 - Other Current Assets

15101 - CIP - OB 18,187,846.15 18,187,846.15

15102 - CIP - Additions

15103 - CIP - Disposals

15104 - CIP - Valuation and Other Adjustments

15105 - CIP - Transfer to Tangible Capital Assets (18,187,800.00) (18,187,800.00)

15106 - CIP - Capitalized Interest

16101 - Land - OB 3,986,722.00 3,986,722.00

16102 - Land - Additions

16103 - Land - Disposals

16104 - Land - Valuation and Other Adjustments

16105 - Land - Transfers from CIP

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16201 - Site Improvements - OB 22,265,689.69 22,265,689.69

16202 - Site Improvements - Additions 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

16203 - Site Improvements - Disposals (1,900.00) (1,900.00)

16204 - Site Improvements - Valuation and Other Adjustments

16205 - Site Improvements - Transfers from CIP

16301 - Buildings - OB 195,199,920.47 195,199,920.47

16302 - Buildings - Additions 6,598,000.00 6,598,000.00

16303 - Buildings - Disposals

16304 - Buildings - Valuation and Other Adjustments

16305 - Buildings - Transfers from CIP 17,452,000.00 17,452,000.00

16401 - Furniture and Equipment - OB 36,616,707.07 36,616,707.07

16402 - Furniture and Equipment - Additions 12,132,300.00 12,132,300.00

16403 - Furniture and Equipment - Disposals (3,356,400.00) (3,356,400.00)

16404 - Furniture and Equipment - Valuation and Other Adjustments

16405 - Furniture and Equipment - Transfers from CIP 735,800.00 735,800.00

16501 - IT - OB 7,644,437.22 7,644,437.22

16502 - IT - Additions 1,025,000.00 1,025,000.00

16503 - IT - Disposals (120,300.00) (120,300.00)

16504 - IT - Valuation and Other Adjustments

16505 - IT - Transfers from CIP

16601 - Aircraft - OB

16602 - Aircraft - Additions

16603 - Aircraft - Disposals

16604 - Aircraft - Valuation and Other Adjustments

16605 - Aircraft - Transfers from CIP

16901 - Other TCA - OB 2,184,270.52 2,184,270.52

16902 - Other TCA - Additions

16903 - Other TCA - Disposals (2,136,500.00) (2,136,500.00)

16904 - Other TCA - Valuation and Other Adjustments

16905 - Other TCA - Transfers from CIP

17201 - AA Site Improvements - OB (12,872,405.14) (12,872,405.14)

17202 - AA Site Improvements - Current Year Amortization (2,064,300.00) (2,064,300.00)

17203 - AA Site Improvements - Disposals 1,900.00 1,900.00

17204 - AA Site Improvements - Valuation and Other Adjustments

17301 - AA Buildings - OB (81,338,392.42) (81,338,392.42)

17302 - AA Buildings - Current Year Amortization (6,138,500.00) (6,138,500.00)

17303 - AA Buildings - Disposals

17304 - AA Buildings - Valuation and Other Adjustments

17401 - AA Furniture and Equipment - OB (23,815,280.97) (23,815,280.97)

17402 - AA Furniture and Equipment - Current Year Amortization

(3,893,300.00) (3,893,300.00)

17403 - AA Furniture and Equipment - Disposals 3,356,400.00 3,356,400.00

17404 - AA Furniture and Equipment - Valuation and Other Adjustments

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17501 - AA IT - OB (3,532,201.37) (3,532,201.37)

17502 - AA IT - Current Year Amortization (1,640,800.00) (1,640,800.00)

17503 - AA IT - Disposals 120,300.00 120,300.00

17504 - AA IT - Valuation and Other Adjustments

17601 - AA Aircraft - OB

17602 - AA Aircraft - Current Year Amortization

17603 - AA Aircraft - Disposals

17604 - AA Aircraft - Valuation and Other Adjustments

17901 - AA Other TCA - OB (2,177,890.79) (2,177,890.79)

17902 - AA Other TCA - Current Year Amortization (6,379.73) (6,379.73)

17903 - AA Other TCA - Disposals 2,136,500.00 2,136,500.00

17904 - AA Other TCA - Valuation and Other Adjustments

18110 - Loans and Advances Receivable

18120 - ADA Loans and Advances Receivable

18130 - Long Term Student Fee Receivables to Support Debt

2,044,000.00 2,044,000.00

18140 - Long Term Grant Receivable

18180 - Other Long Term Receivables 1,021,200.00 1,021,200.00

18190 - ADA Other Long Term Receivables

19110 - Investments Greater than 1 Year

19117 - Investments Greater than 1 Year - MTM OB (0.07) (0.07)

19118 - Investments Greater than 1 Year - MTM CY 0.00 0.00

19990 - Other Long Term Assets 17,190,000.00 17,190,000.00

19997 - Other Financial Assets - MTM OB

19998 - Other Financial Assets - MTM CY 0.00 0.00

21110 - Bank Indebtedness 0.00 0.00

22110 - Grants Payable and Repayable (259,400.00) (259,400.00)

22140 - Accrued Payroll (7,757,000.00) (7,757,000.00)

22150 - Accrued Vacation Pay (5,000,000.00) (5,000,000.00)

22160 - Provision for Loan Guarantees

22190 - Other Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities (34,035,093.18) (34,035,093.18)

22210 - Accrued Interest on Long Term Debt and Demand Loans

22220 - Accrued Interest on Capital Leases

22290 - Accrued Interest on Other

22310 - Current Portion of Other Debt (1,433,600.00) (1,433,600.00)

22320 - Current Portion of Capital Leases

22330 - Current Portion of Fee-Supported Debt (252,000.00) (252,000.00)

22340 - Current Portion of Contaminated Sites Liability

22401 - Demand Loans - OB

22402 - Demand Loans - Newly Acquired

22403 - Demand Loans - Repayments 0.00 0.00 0.00

22510 - Short Term Obligations under AFP in Construction

22520 - Short Term Obligations under AFP Completed

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23101 - Deferred Revenue - OB (947,202.96) (19,120,468.41) (20,067,671.37)

23102 - Deferred Revenue - Additions (2,708,800.00) (2,708,800.00)

23103 - Deferred Revenue - Recognized to Revenue 3,387,600.00 3,387,600.00

23104 - Deferred Revenue - Transfers

23106 - Deferred Revenue - Interest

23201 - Deferred Tuition Revenue - OB (11,672,260.05) (11,672,260.05)

23202 - Deferred Tuition Revenue - Additions (8,750,000.00) (8,750,000.00)

23203 - Deferred Tuition Revenue - Recognized to Revenue

11,672,300.00 11,672,300.00

24101 - Restricted Contributions - OB 0.00 (10,313,438.22) (10,313,438.22)

24102 - Restricted Contributions - Additions (16,357,600.00) (16,357,600.00)

24103 - Restricted Contributions - Recognized to Revenue 430,000.00 430,000.00

24104 - Restricted Contributions - Transfers 15,577,600.00 15,577,600.00

24106 - Restricted Contributions - Interest

24107 - Restricted Contributions - MTM OB 0.00 0.00

24108 - Restricted Contributions - MTM CY 0.00 0.00

25101 - DCC - OB (51,084,484.21) (68,452,644.87) (119,537,129.08)

25102 - DCC - Additions (9,000,000.00) (9,000,000.00)

25103 - DCC - Amortized to Revenue 8,848,100.00 8,848,100.00

25104 - DCC - Transfers

25106 - DCC Interest

25107 - DCC - MTM OB

25108 - DCC - MTM CY 0.00 0.00

26101 - Capital Leases - OB (2,019.41) (2,019.41)

26102 - Capital Leases - Acquired

26103 - Capital Leases - Payments 0.00 0.00

26105 - Capital Leases - Transferred to Current Portion

27101 - Other Debt - OB (1,032,099.98) (13,732,000.00) (14,764,099.98)

27102 - Other Debt - Acquired

27103 - Other Debt - Retired/Paid in the Year 1,832,400.00 1,832,400.00

27105 - Other Debt - Transferred to Current Portion 1,433,600.00 1,433,600.00

27201 - Fee-Supported Debt - OB (3,036,000.00) (3,036,000.00)

27202 - Fee-Supported Debt - Acquired

27203 - Fee-Supported Debt - Retired/Paid in the Year 252,000.00 252,000.00

27205 - Fee-Supported Debt - Transferred to Current Portion

252,000.00 252,000.00

29210 - Postemployment and Other Benefits (1,413,300.00) (1,413,300.00)

29220 - Obligation for Long Term Disability Benefits

29230 - Compensated Absences - Vested Sick Leave (150,000.00) (150,000.00)

29240 - Compensated Absences - Non-Vested Sick Leave (4,330,000.00) (4,330,000.00)

29250 - Obligation for Termination Benefits

29260 - Workers` Compensation

29310 - Obligations under AFP in Construction

29320 - Obligations under AFP Completed

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29410 - Contaminated Sites Liabilities

29917 - Derivatives and Other Liabilities MTM - OB (3,054,065.00) (3,054,065.00)

29918 - Derivatives and Other Liabilities MTM - CY 0.00 0.00

29990 - Other Long Term Liabilities

31101 - Unrestricted Net Assets - OB 8,372,652.07 8,372,652.07

31102 - Unrestricted Net Assets - Net Income Contribution 0.00 0.00

31103 - Prior Period Adjustments

31104 - Unrestricted Net Assets - Other Adjustments

31105 - Unrestricted Net Assets - Transfer to/from Other Net Assets 16,723,900.00 16,723,900.00

31106 - Net Assets - Adjustments due to Accounting Changes

31107 - Unrealized MTM reported in I/S prior to 2012-13 OB

31108 - Unrealized MTM reported in I/S prior to 2012-13 CY

0.00 0.00

32101 - Internally Restricted Net Assets - OB (444,991.00) (444,991.00)

32102 - Internally Restricted Net Assets - Net Income Contribution

(420,000.00) (420,000.00)

32104 - Internally Restricted Net Assets - Other Adjustments

32105 - Internally Restricted Net Assets - Transfer to/from Other Net Assets

33101 - ICA - OB (20,604,099.73) (20,604,099.73)

33102 - ICA - Net Income Contribution

33105 - ICA - Transfer to/from Other Net Assets (16,303,900.00) (16,303,900.00)

36101 - Restricted Contributions - OB

36102 - Restricted Contributions - Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00

36103 - Restricted Contributions Disbursements Recognized to Revenue

0.00 0.00 0.00

36104 - Restricted Contributions - Transfers

36105 - Restricted Contributions - Transfer to/from Other Net Assets

36106 - Restricted Contributions - Interest

37101 - Endowments - OB (2,609,441.00) (6,388,229.20) (8,997,670.20)

37102 - Endowments - Receipts 0.00 0.00 0.00

37103 - Endowments - Disbursements Recognized to Revenue

0.00 0.00 0.00

37104 - Endowments - Other Adjustments

37105 - Endowments - Transfer to/from Other Net Assets

37106 - Endowments - Interest

37107 - Endowments - MTM OB 212,797.10 212,797.10

37108 - Endowments - MTM CY 0.00 0.00

38107 - Accumulated Remeasurement Gain and Losses - OB

3,054,065.00 3,054,065.00

38108 - Unrealised Remeasurement - CY Gains/Losses 0.00 0.00

38109 - Remeasurement Reclassified to Statement of Operations

0.00 0.00

41110 - Grant revenue Operating (85,831,200.00) (85,831,200.00)

41120 - Grant revenue Capital (1,300,000.00) (1,300,000.00)

41130 - Recognition of Deferred Revenue and Restricted Funds

(2,228,700.00) (2,228,700.00)

41210 - Grant Revenue received for Other Institutions

Georgian College | 2018-19 Business Plan 26

41220 - Grant Revenue paid to Other Institutions (Contra Revenue)

41250 - DCC/DR/E and RC - Non-Revenue Adjustments

41260 - DCC/DR/E and RC - Non-Revenue Adjustments - Offset

41310 - Provincial Operating Grants - Repayment of Prior Year

41320 - Provincial Capital Grants - Repayment of Prior Year

41410 - Amortization of Deferred Capital Contributions (8,848,100.00) (8,848,100.00)

43110 - Tuition - Regulated - Full Time (20,501,200.00) (20,501,200.00)

43120 - Tuition - Regulated - Tuition Short

43130 - Tuition - Regulated - Part Time (2,978,600.00) (2,978,600.00)

43140 - Tuition - High Demand - Full Time (15,535,800.00) (15,535,800.00)

43150 - Tuition - High Demand - Part Time (562,200.00) (562,200.00)

43210 - Tuition - Unfunded Domestic Students - Full Time (240,000.00) (240,000.00)

43220 - Tuition - Unfunded Domestic Students - Part Time (3,799,400.00) (3,799,400.00)

43230 - Tuition - International Students - Full Time (42,340,100.00) (42,340,100.00)

43240 - Tuition - International Students - Part Time (1,383,200.00) (1,383,200.00)

43990 - Tuition Fee - Other (1,158,100.00) (1,158,100.00)

44910 - Apprenticeship Classroom Fee (340,400.00) (340,400.00)

44990 - Other Non-Tuition Fees (15,204,200.00) (15,204,200.00)

45110 - Contracted Educational Services - Ontario (2,072,000.00) (2,072,000.00)

45120 - Contracted Educational Services - Other Provinces in Canada

45130 - Contracted Educational Services - International

45210 - Other Fee-for-service Income - Ontario

45220 - Other Fee-for-service Income - Other Provinces in Canada

45230 - Other Fee-for-service Income - International

46110 - Ancillary Revenue - Bookstore (6,148,600.00) (6,148,600.00)

46120 - Ancillary Revenue - Residence (4,547,200.00) (4,547,200.00)

46130 - Ancillary Revenue - Parking (3,212,000.00) (3,212,000.00)

46140 - Ancillary Revenue - Food Services (2,361,800.00) (2,361,800.00)

46150 - Ancillary Revenue - Athletic Centre (2,018,100.00) (2,018,100.00)

46160 - Ancillary Revenue - Conference Centre

46170 - Ancillary Revenue - Day Care Operation

46190 - Ancillary Revenue - Other (295,000.00) (295,000.00)

49180 - Reimbursement of Current Year Expenses

49190 - Recovery of Prior Year Expenses

49210 - Cash Donations (158,200.00) (158,200.00)

49220 - Donations in Kind

49310 - Proceeds from Sale of TCA

49320 - Cost of TCA Sold 5,615,100.00 5,615,100.00

49330 - Accumulated Amortization of TCA Sold (5,615,100.00) (5,615,100.00)

49410 - Gain/Loss on Sale of Inventory

49910 - Rental of College Facilities (556,100.00) (556,100.00)

49920 - Investment Income (483,000.00) (483,000.00)

Georgian College | 2018-19 Business Plan 27

49930 - Royalties

49940 - Interest Income

49950 - Fines and Penalties

49960 - Sales of Course Products/Services (528,800.00) (528,800.00)

49990 - Miscellaneous Income (4,663,700.00) (4,663,700.00)

51110 - Salaries - Full Time Academic - Professors 28,833,100.00 28,833,100.00

51120 - Salaries - Full Time Academic - Instructors

51130 - Salaries - Full Time Academic - Librarians 221,500.00 221,500.00

51140 - Salaries - Full Time Academic - Counsellors 938,300.00 938,300.00

51150 - Salaries - Partial Load Academic - Professors 16,963,500.00 16,963,500.00

51160 - Salaries - Partial Load Academic - Instructors

51210 - Salaries - Sessional Academic - Professors 25,000.00 25,000.00

51220 - Salaries - Sessional Academic - Instructors

51230 - Salaries - Sessional Academic - Librarians 76,100.00 76,100.00

51240 - Salaries - Sessional Academic - Counsellors 22,000.00 22,000.00

51250 - Salaries - Part Time Academic 9,543,600.00 9,543,600.00

51310 - Salaries - Support - Full Time 26,757,800.00 26,757,800.00

51320 - Salaries - Support - Temp/Replacement Workers 321,100.00 321,100.00

51330 - Salaries - Support - Summer Student Workers 340,600.00 340,600.00

51340 - Salaries - Support - Part Time 9,719,200.00 9,719,200.00

51350 - Salaries - Support - Part Time Students 2,555,100.00 2,555,100.00

51410 - Salaries - Full Time Administrative 14,855,300.00 14,855,300.00

51420 - Salaries - Part Time Administrative 2,061,900.00 2,061,900.00

51510 - Other Salary Costs - Full Time Academic - Professors

53,800.00 53,800.00

51520 - Other Salary Costs - Full Time Academic - Instructors

51530 - Other Salary Costs - Full Time Academic - Librarians

51540 - Other Salary Costs - Full Time Academic - Counsellors

51550 - Other Salary Costs - Partial Load Academic - Professors

51560 - Other Salary Costs - Partial Load Academic - Instructors

51610 - Other Salary Costs - Sessional Academic - Professors

51620 - Other Salary Costs - Sessional Academic - Instructors

51630 - Other Salary Costs - Sessional Academic - Librarians

51640 - Other Salary Costs - Sessional Academic - Counsellors

51650 - Other Salary Costs - Part Time Academic

51710 - Other Salary Costs - Support - Full Time 204,900.00 204,900.00

51720 - Other Salary Costs - Support - Temp/Replacement Workers

51730 - Other Salary Costs - Support - Summer Student Workers

51740 - Other Salary Costs - Support - Part Time

51750 - Other Salary Costs - Support - Part Time Students

51810 - Other Salary Costs - Full Time Administrative

Georgian College | 2018-19 Business Plan 28

51820 - Other Salary Costs - Part Time Administrative

52110 - Benefits - Full Time Academic - Professors 3,130,900.00 3,130,900.00

52120 - Benefits - Full Time Academic - Instructors

52130 - Benefits - Full Time Academic - Librarians 23,900.00 23,900.00

52140 - Benefits - Full Time Academic - Counsellors 101,200.00 101,200.00

52150 - Benefits - Partial Load Academic - Professors 1,885,200.00 1,885,200.00

52160 - Benefits - Partial Load Academic - Instructors

52210 - Benefits - Sessional Academic - Professors 4,500.00 4,500.00

52220 - Benefits - Sessional Academic - Instructors

52230 - Benefits - Sessional Academic - Librarians

52240 - Benefits - Sessional Academic - Counsellors 2,800.00 2,800.00

52250 - Benefits - Part Time Academic 845,000.00 845,000.00

52310 - Benefits - Support - Full Time 4,502,400.00 4,502,400.00

52320 - Benefits - Support - Temp/Replacement Workers 28,000.00 28,000.00

52330 - Benefits - Support - Summer Student Workers 31,800.00 31,800.00

52340 - Benefits - Support - Part Time 895,400.00 895,400.00

52350 - Benefits - Support - Part Time Students 253,500.00 253,500.00

52410 - Benefits - Full Time Administrative 1,522,000.00 1,522,000.00

52420 - Benefits - Part Time Administrative 134,800.00 134,800.00

52510 - CAAT Pension - Academic 4,984,600.00 4,984,600.00

52520 - CAAT Pension - Support Staff 3,431,200.00 3,431,200.00

52530 - CAAT Pension - Administrative 2,199,800.00 2,199,800.00

52540 - RCA Pension - Academic

52550 - RCA Pension - Support Staff

52560 - RCA Pension - Administrative

52570 - Other Pension Plan - Academic

52580 - Other Pension Plan - Support Staff

52590 - Other Pension Plan - Administrative

52610 - Postemployment and Other Benefits

52620 - Long Term Disability Benefits

52630 - Compensated Absences - Vested Sick Leave

52640 - Compensated Absences - Non-Vested Sick Leave

52650 - Regular Severance or Termination Benefit Expenses

52660 - Workers` Compensation Benefit Expenses 30,000.00 30,000.00

53110 - Telecommunications and Postage 947,200.00 947,200.00

53120 - Travel 2,095,200.00 2,095,200.00

53130 - Field Work 520,300.00 520,300.00

54110 - Advertising and Promotions 3,564,300.00 3,564,300.00

54120 - Legal Fees

54130 - Audit Fees 106,500.00 106,500.00

54140 - Contract Services - Teaching 515,600.00 515,600.00

54150 - Staff Training and Professional Development 1,304,000.00 1,304,000.00

Georgian College | 2018-19 Business Plan 29

54160 - Professional Fees 1,310,800.00 1,310,800.00

54170 - Contract Services - Security 1,251,200.00 1,251,200.00

54180 - Contract Services - Other 0.00 10,709,500.00 10,709,500.00

54210 - Utilities - Electricity 2,644,900.00 2,644,900.00

54220 - Utilities - Other 651,800.00 651,800.00

54230 - Building Maintenance 4,789,400.00 4,789,400.00

54240 - Cleaning Services 2,224,600.00 2,224,600.00

54250 - Equipment Maintenance 84,300.00 84,300.00

54260 - Information Technology Maintenance 3,166,400.00 3,166,400.00

54290 - Other Maintenance 752,600.00 752,600.00

54310 - Rental of Premises/Facilities 882,100.00 882,100.00

54320 - Information Technology Rentals 889,900.00 889,900.00

54390 - Other Furniture/Equipment Rentals 1,374,100.00 1,374,100.00

55110 - Instructional Supplies, Furniture and Equipment 6,041,500.00 6,041,500.00

55120 - Office Supplies 556,000.00 556,000.00

55130 - Information Technology Purchases 820,600.00 820,600.00

55190 - Other Supply and Furniture/Equipment Purchases 1,732,800.00 1,732,800.00

56110 - Ancillary Expenditures - Bookstore 4,744,200.00 4,744,200.00

56120 - Ancillary Expenditures - Residence 2,418,200.00 2,418,200.00

56130 - Ancillary Expenditures - Parking 36,100.00 36,100.00

56140 - Ancillary Expenditures - Food Services 707,100.00 707,100.00

56150 - Ancillary Expenditures - Athletic Centre 1,004,800.00 1,004,800.00

56160 - Ancillary Expenditures - Conference Centre

56170 - Ancillary Expenditures - Day Care Operation

56190 - Ancillary Expenditures - Other 214,500.00 214,500.00

57110 - Amortization of Tangible Capital Assets 13,743,279.73 13,743,279.73

59110 - Interest on Capital Leases 0.00 0.00

59120 - Interest Expense - Other 958,800.00 958,800.00

59130 - Interest Expense on Line of Credit 0.00 0.00

59140 - Bank and Other Charges 392,300.00 392,300.00

59150 - Insurance 4,396,000.00 4,396,000.00

59160 - Interest Expense Related to Fee-Supported Debt 139,300.00 139,300.00

59410 - Contaminated Sites Expenses

59910 - Scholarships 1,341,000.00 1,341,000.00

59920 - Student Assistance from Tuition Fee Revenue 3,905,900.00 3,905,900.00

59940 - Bad Debts Written Off 315,000.00 315,000.00

59950 - Municipal Tax 710,000.00 710,000.00

59990 - Other Miscellaneous Expenses 7,413,820.27 7,413,820.27

Total CFIS Account