Accelerated spiral Fou rier velocity encoded MRI using SPIRiT … · yra-Leite rece from the Brazi...

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Transcript of Accelerated spiral Fou rier velocity encoded MRI using SPIRiT … · yra-Leite rece from the Brazi...

Introdcause carotidsubstaacceleWe in

Spiraand retransfo


Data EXCIcoil. SFOV, resolu

Metho4-foldspiral techniSPIRisquare

Resulresultsvelociaccelespatiasince The rcomplimporhence FVE [resultsobtainvelocierror r

Conclusing reduceenabletempo

Acknoinitiatlogicathe UnS. Nay

ReferNayakFraynMRM2007. Sutton[10] h

duction: Fourierloss of diagnos

d arteries [4,5]. antially faster. Terated spiral FVEvestigate the use

l FVE: The pulsefocusing gradienform along kx-ky,

iT: The iterativRiT) approach [7struction method

acquisition: SpTE HD system Scan parameters5 cm/s velocity

ution. Scan time

ods: Parallel imd spatially-under

FVE dataset. Tiques: sum-of-siT [7,10]. Resules result.

lts: A qualitativs for 2-fold acceity domain (Fieration (see Figl undersamplingthe majority of tesults in Fig. 2letely remove rtant result, as w

improve the te[6]. A quantitatis are consistentned with sum-ofity domain. Witratios higher tha

lusions: We havSPIRiT parallel

e spatial aliasinge the use of a loral resolution fo

owledgment: Lion fellowship

al and Scientificniversity of Souyak. The authors

rences: [1] Mork KS. MRM 57:6e R and Rutt B

M 63:1537, 2010.[7] Lustig M an

n BP. IEEE TShttp://eecs.berkel


r velocity encodstic information Although the sc

The scan time inE can be improve of the iterative

se sequence connts [2]. The acqu followed by a C

ve self-consiste7] is an autocalid, based on self-

piral FVE scans (40 mT/m, 150

s: 1.4×1.4×5 mmy resolution overwas 146 second

maging acceleratrsampled dataset

The undersamplesquares using Nlts were compar

ve evaluation oeleration, in botig. 2). Poor re. 1). In the vel

g typically resultthe aliasing sign show that 2-foaliasing artifacte intend to use Semporal resolutiive evaluation istly better (highf-squares reconsth 2-fold accelen 10 dB for all e

ve demonstratedl imaging. In fug in temporally-aless-selective Uor high velocities

Lyra-Leite recefrom the Brazi

c Development (uthern Californias thank Kyunghy

ran PR. MRI 1639, 2007. [3] TBK. MRM 34:3. [6] Carvalho JLnd Pauly JM. MRSP 51:560,

ated spiral FouD

artment of Electric

ding (FVE) [1] isin phase-contra

can-time of 2DFn FVE can be sved if spatial aliself-consistent p

sists of slice-seleuired data consisCartesian inverse

nt parallel imabrated coil-by-cconsistency.

were performed0 T/m/s), using m3 spatial resolr a 240 cm/s FOs (256 heartbeat

ion was evaluatts, obtained from

ed data was recoNUFFT [8,9], red with the ful

of the SPIRiT rth spatial domainesults were oblocity distributiots in increased s

nal is associated old accelerated ts (see error imSPIRiT to reduceion of temporalls presented in Ter signal-to-errostruction, in boteration, SPIRiT evaluated voxels

d 2-fold acceleruture works, weaccelerated spira

UNFOLD filter, s.

ived a ProIC/Dilian National C(CNPq). Imagina in collaborationyun Sung for use

:197, 1982. [2]Tang C et al. JMR378, 1995. [5] CLA and Nayak KRM 64:457, 20103. [9] http://eecsg/Software.html

urier velocity Davi Marco Lyra-Lal Engineering, U

s useful in the asst imaging [3].

FT FVE is prohibsignificantly redasing due to temparallel imaging

ective excitationst of a temporalle Fourier transfo

aging reconstruccoil parallel ima

d on a GE Signaa 4-channel carution over a 16OV, 12 ms tempts at 105 bpm).

ted using 2-foldm the fully-samonstructed using

and image-domlly-sampled sum

results shows gn (Fig. 1) and t

btained with 4-ons, aliasing dusignal at v = 0 cwith static mateSPIRiT was ablmages). This ise spatial aliasingly-accelerated s

Table 1. The SPIor ratio) than tth spatial and tachieved signa


ration of spiral F will use SPIRi

al FVE [6]. Thiswhich will imp

DPP/UnB scienCounsel of Tecng was performen with Prof. Krieful discussions.

Carvalho JLA RI 3:377, 1993. Carvalho JLA eKS. ISMRM 15:0. [8] Fessler

encoded MRILeite1, and Joao L.

University of Brasíl

ssessment of valvFVE has also bbitively long for

duced using temmporal undersamg reconstruction (

n, a velocity-encly-resolved stackorm along kv, pro

ction aging

a 3T rotid

6 cm poral

d and mpled

two main


good time--fold ue to cm/s, erial. le to s an

g and piral IRiT those time-al-to-

FVE iT to will


ntific hno-ed at shna

and [4]

et al. :588,

A and ssler

Fig. 1:squaresfactors. T

Fig.2: Tusing 2-fully-samright inte

Table 1:results, i



I using SPIRiT A. Carvalho1 lia, Brasília, Distr

vular disease [2]been proposed asr clinical use, th

mporal acceleratimpling is reduced(SPIRiT) metho

oding bipolar grk-of-spirals in kxoduces the spatio

Magnitude axia(top row) and SThese were reco

Time-velocity d-fold acceleratedmpled referenceernal carotid arte

: Signal-to-errorin comparison w


f-squares 2× IRiT 2× 1f-squares 4× IRiT 4× 1

T parallel ima

rito Federal, Brazi

], as it eliminates a method for

he spiral FVE mion [6]. The temd. This may be d [7] to accelera

radient along z, ax-ky-kv space [2].o-temporal-veloc

al images of thSPIRiT (bottom onstructed from M

distributions frod SPIRiT (centee (top row): (a) ery; and (c) left

r ratio (in dB) fwith the fully-sam

patial mages

right ecarotiarter

7.9 9.7 14.4 10.34.7 4.9 10.1 6.6



es partial volumemeasuring wall ethod [2] shows

mporal resolutioachieved using

ate the acquisitio

a 4 ms spiral rea. A non-Cartesiacity distribution,

he neck obtainerow), with diffeM(kx,ky,kv,t) for

om select voxeer row), in comright external ccarotid bifurcati

for 2-fold and 4mpled reference.ext. id


right intcarotid artery

8.1 3 13.1

4.2 7.7

e effects that mashear rate in th

s promise, as it ion of temporallyparallel imaging

on of spiral FVE

adout, and spoilean inverse Fourie, m(x,y,v,t).

ed using sum-oferent acceleratiokv = 0 and t = 0.

ls, reconstructe

mparison with tharotid artery; (bion.

4-fold accelerate . left carotid


9.7 12.5 5.3 7.5

y he is y-g. .

er er


d he b)


1189Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 20 (2012)