Abstract © Sue Dawson

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Transcript of Abstract © Sue Dawson

8/16/2019 Abstract © Sue Dawson

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Assisting Healing by Reduction of Stress,Using Three In One Concepts. An E aluationof Clients! "erceptions

Abstract © Sue Dawson

Stress is a mechanism that assists the body to deal with emergencysituations and a response to a set of external or internal stimuli (Selye,1956). n our society stress is a ma!or contributing factor in illness,absenteeism, reduced producti"ity, increased health care costs and otherad"erse health conse#uences for the indi"idual ($aston, 199%, &ixon '

ing, 199%).

n ustralia, there is increasing use of complementary therapies to reduce

stress and stress related symptoms. *ne such complementary therapy is +hree n *ne. +his approach combines concepts from body mindmedicine, brain function and $astern philosophy to identify and addressthe client-s negati"e emotional stress. +hree n *ne is practisedworldwide.

+here has been extensi"e anecdotal e"idence that the +hree n *neapproach is successful in reducing clients- perception of stress andimpro"ing their ability to cope with life stressors. owe"er there is a lac/of substantiated data into +hree n *ne e0ecti"eness, ma/ing this an arearipe for research and e"aluation. n this study a #uasi experimental designwas used with the one group pre test, post test design to e"aluate thee0ecti"eness of +hree n *ne in the reduction of stress.

sing a triangulated approach, clients- perception of their stress wasmeasured pre and post consultation series and clients- commentsassessed to add meaning and understanding. 2onsultant comments werecollected to add a secondary source of data and allow the researcher tochec/ for accuracy and reliability.

*"er thirteen months, 3fteen +hree n *ne consultants collected data froma total of eighty one new clients. 2lients had an a"erage of four +hree n*ne consultations on their presenting issue. +his study showed asigni3cant reduction of clients- stress (4% , p 7.7775) measured by8ercei"ed Stress Scale 1 , bringing their stress down on a"erage to thepopulation mean. 2lients also reported a signi3cant reduction of theirstress on their presenting issue (65 , p 7.7775).

2lients attributed the +hree n *ne approach as %7 of the cause of thisreduction in stress and impro"ement in coping s/ills, almost double thecontribution of all other factors. n relation to speci3c symptoms, o"er theperiod of these consultations clients reported a signi3cant reduction intheir pain (%: , p 7.7775).

+here was also a signi3cant reduction in physical symptoms, interpersonal

8/16/2019 Abstract © Sue Dawson

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di;culties, interpersonal con<ict and a signi3cant impro"ement in energyle"els for those clients who reported these symptoms. +his was furthersupported #ualitati"ely by clients- comments. +hey reported that the

+hree n *ne approach resulted in a greater understanding of themsel"esand their issues feelings of wellbeing, happiness and a greater sense ofempowerment.

+his study suggests that a series of +hree n *ne consultations by#uali3ed consultants is an approach that reduces stress and assistshealing. +he positi"e results of this study indicate that replicated studiesto "erify the results would be worthwhile.

Sue =awson >aster of ealth Science. ?ictoria ni"ersity. 1999