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Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, Salaam un Alaikum,

Over 360 sisters and children from many parts of Kenya joined ABSN in

celebrating the Birth Anniversary of Lady Fatema Zahra (as).

The program started with a dua from Ustadha Fahima from Madrasa tul

Ahlul Bayt (as) Riruta Muslim. Sister Yasmin welcomed all the guests and

thanked them for coming from afar. Our MC was Sister Halima.

Sister Fahima spoke about Lady Fatema(as).

Her birth “Fatema (as) was born in Makkah on 20


Jamadul Akhar.She is one of the most

honoured women during and after her time.

She was born at a time when the girl child

was considered a curse and girls were buried

alive or they were deprived of their rights.

When Fatema (as) was born Prophet

Muhammad (saw) changed all that.

MC Halima

Her Youth.

After her mother’s death she cared and loved her father such that she was

given the name Ummu-Abeeha meaning the mother of her father. Prophet

Muhammad (saw) used to teach her about religion and also worldly affairs,

hence she became the best scholar of Quran and Fiqh.

Her Generosity

Lady Fatema (as) lived together with her maid helping her in all the chores

and work in the house. Sometimes she used to do more work than her maid

such that you would not differentiate her from her maid.She used to give

Sadaqa until one day she gave out a necklace which she was given to her on

her wedding day.

Her Motherhood.

She brought up her children according to the Quran and Islamic sheria,

encouraging them to always speak the truth, to give sadaqa and to maintain

their brotherhood and her two sons became the leaders of the youth of

paradise. She was given the name Ummul Aimma meaning mother of the


As a wife

She was married to Imam Ali(a).She lived with her husband a very simple

life full of worshiping Allah(swt).giving sadaqa and educating people

between right from wrong.

As a politician.

She used to tell the maswahaba

that she had a right to posses the

land which her father had given

her (the land of fadak).She used

to stand for her right whenever

injustice was done to her. She

also used to stand for her

husband’s right. She used to

speak in the open to remind

people of her right which was

taken from her.

As a good leader.

She was destined to be a leader

from a young age and brought all

women out of slavery to become

independent.She represented all

the women in hard times when

non- Muslims striked in the land of Hazrat Abu Talib (as).

She also represented women to the swearing debate of Najran and Muslims

known as Mubahila.She also invited women to the event of people who are

pure known as Hadithul-Kisaa.

Ustadh Fahima concluded by urging all the women to seek knowledge so

that we can follow the example of Lady Fatma (as). KASWIDA BY MADRASA TUL AHLUL BAYT(as )RIRUTA MUSLIM.

“Yaa Fatema yaa Zahra.”

A poem about Fatema(as)

“Have you ever had a daughter who was called her father’s mother?

No but she was!

She was an exalted wife and understanding one.

She treated her maid like her sister and did more work than her.

She is a light we can all pray for and follow in her footsteps.”

SISTER ZAHIDA -ABSN. She recited a

verse from the Holy Quran 51:56 and

said that God created humans and Jinn

for only one purpose and that is to

worship Him.

She welcomed all to the celebration of

the birth of Lady Fatema (as).

“Islam is a way of life and Allah (swt)

has sent us here as an exam, We are

here for a temporary life of 60 or 80

years, later we spend the rest of our

time in the Hereafter. We should

thank Allah (swt) because we are

Muslims .As human beings we make mistakes but it is up to us to rectify


She talked about the sacred holy spiritual months,

“Rajab is a month of Allah (swt) and that there are 3 things we are

emphasized to do in this month.

1 People should try seek forgiveness (Tauba ): Astagfirulah.

2. Fasting: A person who fasts for one day will be far away from hell fire.

3. We should give sadaqa and sadaqa does not mean giving money only,

even looking at your sister with a pure heart and a smile is also sadaka.So

people should try as much as possible to do good to others.

Shaaban is the month of the Prophet Muhammad(saw).

People should decorate their souls and also do cleanliness in order to

be ready for the following month, She gave an example of when you know a

visitor is coming you clean and tidy up every where to be ready for the

visitor. In Shaaban people prepare themselves for Ramadhan.

Ramadhan is the month of Ummat Muhammad(saw).

When you recite one verse of from the Quran you get reward of reciting the

whole Quran. In this month we get spiritual

benefits food to our hearts and to make dua and be

kind to everyone. As women we are the center

point. We can guide our children and husbands too.

Women can make their houses unpolluted because

only a woman can keep a house how she wants it to

be.”She also urged the mother’s to guide their

children and pray to God to help them fight against


He welcomed all to the fuction and

praised them for the good work. He

also reminded us to always remember

to praise Prophet Muhammad (saw)

and follow his teachings. He then

translated Sister Zahida’s speech. POEM BY MADRASA TUL-DARUL


“Quran kitabu changu. Quran mwongozo wangu, Quran mwombezi wangu, Quran fundo langu.”

SAADA ABDI -ABSN. Medical account at Al Gadhir.

“As mothers we are really busy, but we have sacrificed our work and time

and energy to be here today. ABSN has

decided to help the members by opening an

account at Al-Gadhir. Members will be

required to give out their details like identity

card, address and phone number.”

“If you need to go for treatment you will be

treated and given medicine if it is less than

3,000 ksh, but if it is more than that your

case will be discussed by the committee to

see how they can help. The treatment is for

members only for now but other family

members will be discussed later.” She also

urged the members not to misuse this opportunity and instead to utilize it

well in order to help each other.


She thanked ABSN for the opening of a

medical account and said that many

members were suffering because of lack of

money to go to the hospital.She also talked

about registration and that people should

register in their respective places in order to

avoid inconvenience. She also insisted on

other groups to follow the footsteps of

Majengo because they are doing very well.


“I thank ABSN for the help they

have been giving me and my

siblings after the death of my

parents. We are orphans and we live

with our grandmother who is a

widow and jobless. She could not

afford to take care of us. I thank

ABSN for assisting in opening a day

care for my grandmother which now

helps us to get little income.”


“One who does not thank others does not know

how to thank Allah (swt).”She thanked ABSN

for helping needy children who could not afford

to go to high school after primary school due to

lack of school fees.She promised to work hard

so that in the future she will be able to help

others in her community.


When she finished primary school, her

mother did not have money to take her to

high school and she thanks ABSN because

they helped her and took her to school and

she is now in form two. She promised to

work hard and never to let them down.She

appealed to them to continue paying her

fees until she finishes school, Inshallah.




Their group

started a year

ago, it is

registered and

they do

handwork. Every

time they meet

they give 20 ksh

each which they

keep in their account.Their work has helped people from low income to cater

for their need.This type of work was copied from India to Kenya and was

introduced to the slums. It was introduced by an N.G.O (St John’s

Ambulance).It was introduced in Majengo in 2006. They joined the group in

2009 and one year ago they joined ABSN.


She started by thanking ABSN

for the invitation. They started

with 15 members, now they are

30.They started with rearing of

chicken and now have 30. They

intend to sell them and buy

each member a cow.They also

do farming.They have a store

for beans which they use in

case of emergencies when they

do not have money.They meet

on Sundays to study religion

and also discuss their problems.


They do not have hijab to cover themselves.

They do not have enough funds to run their project.

Their children drop out of school due to lack of school fees,so they are

requesting for a Muslim school to be build in order to help them.

In the month of Ramadhan Iftar is also hard to get so they need help in that.


She started by thanking ABSN for their

generosity. She said in their mosque they

are 60 women but some come from as far

as 8 km. ABSN has bought for them

utensils and they use them to cook in

events and they themselves do that work

to get some money. They are registered

but not opened an account yet .She

promised at the end of May they will

already have an account. Each time they

meet they give out 30 ksh to one person

and keep 10 ksh for their account and at

now they have 1,000 ksh .They also do

farming. They intend to hire a land to do farming and later sell their produce

to start a business and cater for their needs.




She thanked

ABSN for the

invitation; this

was her first time

to come to

Nairobi. They

have a mosque

(Imam Jafar(as)),

a teacher


They have 70 members but they have a very big problem of water. They

have to walk for 8km in order to get water so they are asking for assistance

to dig them a bore hole.They also need carpets for prayers because they use

gunias (sacks), and also hijabs to cover themselves. They have a merry go

round; they are 30 members and give out 50 ksh every Friday. After a period

of 9 months they started making soap, Aloe Vera soap but they stopped

because of lack of water.


“Leo ni furaha siku ya mazazi,siku ya raha na mapenzi, Ondosha karaha, ondosha udhia Nifuraha kwetu dada kutujia majlisi yetu kutupambia Rabi Mola tuweke pamoja, siku hii ya mazazi.”


She started by reciting a

Dua.She is thankful to ABSN

for their good hospitality and

prayed for Allah (swt) to

bless them. She said that they

need ABSN to visit them.

They thank Allah (swt )

because when it comes to

religious matters they are

okay. They have sewing

machines but they are not

enough so they need help.

They also had a teacher but

they could not afford to pay her so she left. She said as women they should

stop depending totally on their husbands and that they should also work to

cater for their needs. She asked ABSN to help them with a teacher, classes

and sewing machines.

HALIMA OTHMAN -KISUMU. They are very few but they need a madrassa so that

their kids can learn. They keep poultry, meet once a

month and give 1,000 ksh each which is given to one

member and the person gets 20,000 ksh and 50 ksh

is for food. She thanked ABSN for their support.


She thanked ABSN and Sis Nazneen for their

support.They have registered their group and

they are 20 members but some do not

attend.They intend to keep poultry but they

have money problem.They have a merry go

round,they contribute money and give it to

one member.They need assistance to sewing

machines because they have a big place to

keep them.


She started by thanking BCT and ABSN for

the porridge programme because it has helped

to boost the children moral.She said that the

children come to madrasa early and they are

also working very hard. “Prophet Muhammad

(saw) has said, if a person does any good to

you then re pay them and if you cannot afford

to pay them back, then pray for them.”


She started by thanking ABSN and BCT

for their support. In their group they are

28 members.They meet every Sunday

and they each contribute 50 ksh .

20 ksh is for their account and 30 ksh is

for the owner of the house where the

meet who is also a member. They have

1,000 ksh in their account.


We are taught Quran and Fiqh and I am

proud to say that we can now read the

Quran and also those who have

converted to Islam benefited a lot. We

were also taught to sew clothes and they

can now make school uniforms and also simple dresses on their own. We

also do embroidery. ”

She gave an example of Syeda Fatema (as) and how she used to work more

than her maid and that they should follow that example.She also said that

education is for all and that age is not a hindrance for learning and that

everyone should seek for knowledge until the time of leaving this world.

Sister Nazneen –ABSN

She welcomed all for the celebrations of Lady Fatema Zahra (as) .

We also remember a great personality, Imam Khomeini (ra) ,the reviver of

our Islamic values.

“Our monthly gatherings have now

completed about 9 years. Yes time

flies! Most of you are regular and

really have made great efforts to

attend, we pray to Almighty God to be

able to continue. For those who are

far, please try and organize your selves

to hold gatherings in your own areas

and send us the reports as soon as

possible to help us to plan better. For

those who have come from afar , we

will sit and discuss the way forward as

we don’t have enough staff and

resources to reach out to so many .Even if you are only 10 /20 sisters it is

still a start, we started our monthly gatherings with 4 sisters in the very

beginning. Our membership has increased quite a lot since then.

As women we have great responsibilities and roles to contribute in the

society, and we must all work together to see the fruits of your efforts.

Educate yourselves in all fields, and then share your knowledge and

experiences to uplift those around you. We need to give back a positive

image of Muslims as most of the time Muslims are portrayed as terrorists

and women are mostly identified because we wear hijab. We are tired of

being portrayed negatively in the media. Many Islamic countries have

women working in mostly all fields yet we never see all this. Medical,

education, water and sanitation are also the priorities now. We will see

where we can join hands with other organizations where necessary. Inshallah

We are facing more and more challenges as we try to fight for equality in all

areas of our lives and fail to understand our rights as Muslim Women. The

first basic thing to understand is that we are all created equal in Islam. We

have a right to education and work and earn in the Islamic society. This

means helping our families and societies to live in dignity and not to beg all

the time. The Quran also makes it clear that Women and Men are equal in

front of Almighty God, so we should remove this barrier of ignorance and

take lessons from great Islamic Nations whose women are very active in

almost all areas. There are several verses in the Holy Quran about this topic ,

but I end with one:

Bismilla Hir Rah Man Nir Rahim..

“As for those who lead a righteous life, male or female, while believing,

they enter Paradise; without the slightest injustice.”4:124

We must strive for education in all fields so that we may raise and nurture

better future generations who can carry a more positive image of Islam. We

have to take responsibilities for our own actions and not blame others if

something goes wrong. Encourage your children to stay in school. I know

school fees are hindering many just now, but we will do our best to help

through the Al Mahdi Sponsorship scheme. Inshallah. Let them be whatever

they want so as to build a stronger community.

Women can also strive in education if it does not hinder their Islamic

principles. Work and unite together and remove discord and disunity, if a

problem arises, solve it before it gets too far.

Please try and help each other raise your confidence and be proud to be a

Muslim Woman. Thanks to all who have come from far, to our guests and

ABSN staff for their hard work,

Our appreciation goes to the staff from Rasul al Akram academy in helping

with the catering and the management of this school for allowing us to use

the facilities and Mr. Bonnie for video coverage .Annual Quran competition

details will be sent out soon by Sheikh Saleem ,Inshallah.”

We then had a presentation

of prizes to the winners of

Lady Zainab (as)

questionnaire done at the

Ghadir Medical Camp.10

correct entries picked got

the prizes.

Later on ladies from

Kisumu, Samburu and

others were presented with

clothes which were

collected in SAAJ by Br.

Ahmed Khimji and others

dropped off at Aristocrats and ABSN offices.

ABSN sincerely thanks all our well-wishers for this program.

Our future generation……………..

Dua Wahda

Children’s corner

Children were taken care of by Mwanasiti.

There was a meeting to discuss how solar lamps were benefitting them,

which families still don’t have and many other issues after lunch .We had

re-newel of registrations and preparations for the coming home exhibition at

the Sarit Center(14th May – 18

th may 2014), Inshallah.

With salaams and duas Nazneen Karim and Zahida Mohammdali.

Safinaz@aristocratskenya.com Admin@absn.co.ke